Q: If you had a chance to choose between ning & skun's spacer bikes and kross's trident or aikka's bug gdar or the whizzing arrow 3?(I would choose kross's trident)
4:03 He goes on about becoming more like creatures of flesh and blood but always seems ready to bag them out when he is their opponent. If their so inferior why does he want to be like them. Guy obviously has a screw loose. Literally.
I'm smarter i'm faster and I'm still under warrnty!! i love that phrase!
After eight years I am liking this comment
XDDD Canaletto's glee face looolz aww he looks so happeh : P
I really do like his quote about warranty
this should be made into a video game!
I wish there'd be more details in these series.... I mean seriously, why do you not get to see what the nourasian and krog planets look like? :(
I think If I had to choose, it's a tie between the Whizzing Arrow 3 (I love the new hyperdrive feature) or Aikka's bug (it looks cool) (:
Q: If you had a chance to choose between ning & skun's spacer bikes and kross's trident or aikka's bug gdar or the whizzing arrow 3?(I would choose kross's trident)
The bug i guess
Canaletto looks like a chozo from metroid
4:03 He goes on about becoming more like creatures of flesh and blood but always seems ready to bag them out when he is their opponent. If their so inferior why does he want to be like them. Guy obviously has a screw loose. Literally.
good job hes still under warenty then
I guess his warranty expired