Hi there! We hope you enjoy this video and wish you success in passing your exam! We have invested a lot of money, time, and energy into making these videos because we've been in your shoes as exam candidates. We hope our video can help you prepare for the exam more effectively and with greater ease! We ask for nothing in return but for your 3 seconds to subscribe, like, and comment below on whether you liked this video. Simply a word like "thanks" means a lot to us! Cheers!
Love this video! Very helpful. I am trying to pass my VA real estate salesperson license exam. The exam is taken through PSI and I am from the nova area. Are there any other practice exams I should study from?
Question 6. Appreciate your explanation but it’s not the only correct answer and I’m uncertain as to how discrimination based on ethnicity is not a violation of fair housing law
Hi there! We hope you enjoy this video and wish you success in passing your exam! We have invested a lot of money, time, and energy into making these videos because we've been in your shoes as exam candidates. We hope our video can help you prepare for the exam more effectively and with greater ease! We ask for nothing in return but for your 3 seconds to subscribe, like, and comment below on whether you liked this video. Simply a word like "thanks" means a lot to us! Cheers!
Is there more on Virginia?
Love this video! Very helpful. I am trying to pass my VA real estate salesperson license exam. The exam is taken through PSI and I am from the nova area. Are there any other practice exams I should study from?
Question 6. Appreciate your explanation but it’s not the only correct answer and I’m uncertain as to how discrimination based on ethnicity is not a violation of fair housing law