It's been~~ 맞아요. 헷갈려요. 상황에 따라 It's been ~ 더 어울리기도하고 아니기도 한거 같아요..^^ I played soccer. It was almost 3 years since I hadn't played soccer. I had really so much fun. "거의 3년만에 축구한 거엿어. 너무 재밌엇어. " -> 넘 길죠? 간단히 그리고 더 적절한 의미전달에는 아래표현이 더 나을거 같아요. I hadn't played soccer in almost 3 years. I had really so much fun.
모처럼 들렸는데, 역시나 세세한 내용들 잘 챙겨주시네요~ 캐나다에서 오래 살다보면, 왠만한 의사소통에는 점점 익숙하고 자연스러워 지는데... 이렇게 한국말로 하고 싶은 말을 그대로 영어로 표현이 되지 않을 때가 많습니다. 기본적인 단어와 문장들은 많이 사용해서 숙달되지만, 평상시에 많은 영어를 구사할 필요가 없는 경우에는.... 이런 디테일은 연습량이 부족할 때가 많은 것이 사용이네요. 쉽게 쉽게 소통하는 것도 중요하지만, 전달하고 싶은 생각대로 표현할 수 있을때, 기분이 좋을 수 밖에 없습니다. 항상 가려운 곳을 챙겨주는 영상 감사합니다.
I hadn't met him in almost 2 years but I was really surprised by how little he had changed. And I hadn't seen his son in only a couple of years, but I was surprised by how much he had grown
I hadn't seen my friends in a coulple of months. And I was surprised by how much time had passed. It was surprising how little they had be changed. They were still so kind and nice to us and looked so young for their age.
I was able to go see my parents in November, 2019. I hadn't seen them in a few months, but I was quite surprised by how much they had aged. 늘 좋은 강의 감사드립니다.
이상할것 같습니다 at all 이라면 전혀인데 how much라고 쓰기에는 좀 어렵지않을까요 왜냐하면 how much 가 at all로 이미 0(zero)라고 말을하고 있으니까요 그런 경우는 그냥 I was surprised it hadn't changed at all 정도가 좋을것 같습니다만
선생님~ 항상 감사합니다. 궁금한 점이 있어 댓글 남깁니다. (실력자님의 도움을 받을 수 있기를 기대하며..) 오랜만에 만났는데 하나도 늙지 않은 어른께 아래와 같은 두가지 표현을 쓸 수 있을까요? I hadnt seen you in almost 13 years, but I was surprised (How little you had aged ) / (How much you hadnt aged )
I hadn't kept in touch with him almost 2 years but I was really astonished at how little it had been awkward. 그 친구와 거의 2년 만에 연락하는 거였는데 어색하지 않아 놀랐어. 다음과 같이 문장을 사용해도 될까요?
두가지 예문을 만들어 보았습니다. I hadn't kept in touch with him for almost 2 years, but I was astonished at how it didn't feel awkward at all. I hadn't kept in touch with him for almost 2 years, but I was astonished at how there was no awkwardness at all between us.
I haven’t seen you only in a couple of years! But i am really surprised by how same you are as before! 혹시 이렇게도 쓸수 있나요? 바로 만나서 말하는 경우에요! 저 예문은 만나고나서 다른 사람한테 이야기 할때 쓰는것 같아서요
그런 경우 how same you are as before가 어색할 수 있는데 I haven’t seen you only in a couple of years! But I am really surprised you haven't changed at all! 우리나라말로 하나도 안 변했구나! You look exactly the same as before! 뭐 이런것도 같이
네 그리고 시간을 말하면서 only는 짧은기간이라는것을 말하는거죠 그래서 영상 예문 1번과 2번은 단지 2년에 비해서 변화가 많았다는 의미로 only가 들어가고 영상 3번째는 5년이나 지났는데라는 의미로 only가 없죠 오히려 almost로 5년 가까이 안갔는데도 변한것이 없네 그래서 우리나라말로 자연스럽게 하려면 영상 3번째 예문처럼 only없이가 좋죠 Truth lies in details. 느낌적인 느낌은 사람이면 다 비슷하고 한국어나 영어 표현도 다 비슷하죠 자꾸 이리저리 말 만들기 스스로하면 빨리 많이 늡니다 잘 할 가능성 높습니다 그럼 열심히
It hadn’t been South Korea in a few years but I was surprised by how little it had changed. It hadn’t seen my parents in only a couple of years but I was really surprised by how little they had aged.
I hadn't seen her in almost 5 years, I was really surprised by how little she had aged. She looked even younger than the last time I had seen her. Can you believe it? I hadn't been here in almost 5 years, I was quite surprised by how much it had changed. It looked like a total different place. If I went back then, I would've bought an apartment. (=I should've got an apartment.)
저는 개인적으로 1번 2번 둘다 어색하게 들리고, 보통 3번 식으로 표현합니다. 1. I hadn't seen her in only a couple of years 2. I hadn’t seen her only for 2 years 3. It had only been 2 years since I had last seen her but I was really surprised by how much she had grown.
I hadn't seen him in only a couple of years but I was quite surprised by how much taller he had gotten. I hadn't gone to see my doctor in only a couple of months but I was quite surprised by how much better I had gotten. I hadn't been there in almost 3 years but I was surprised by how much less it had changed.
걔를 몇년만에 처음 보는데 예뻐져서 놀랐어 I had not seen her in several years but i was surprised by how much she had prettied. 몇년만에 가본 곳인데 많이 바뀌지 않아서 놀랐어 I hadn't been there in several years but i was surprised by how little it hadn't changed.
I hadn’t put this on in the last couple of years and I was really surprised at how much fat I had gotten. I hadn’t used this in nearly 3 years but I was quite surprised by how well it still worked.
I haven't played golf in only a few days but I realise how much I like it golf. I can't wait . I hadn't seen them in only 1 year but I was surprised at how much mature they had gotten Follow up 끝난거죠? 제 문장도 받길 바랬는데...
선생님 . 질문이요. 만일 부정형으로 안하고 쓰면 내용이 달라지나요? 해석만 하면 내용이 같아 문의 드립니다 .I had seen her in only a couple of years but I was really surprised by how much she had grown.
연습 A couple of days ago I ran into one of my neighbors and I had a small talk in the elevator. I hadn’t seen him in only a couple of years but I was pretty surprised at how much he had aged. Since we came back to Korea we have met often with my father-in-law. I hadn’t seen them in only a couple of years but I was really surprised by how much he had weakened emotionally. ?? 마음이 약해지다 표현을 weaken을 써도 되는지 잘 모르겠어요.그래도 그냥 연습해 봅니다.^^;; ??
I have a question about the last sentence. I hadn't been there in almost 5 years but I was really surprised by nothing had changed. Is this not correct?
a. I just got back from a long business trip. I hadn't seen my nephew in only 3 years but I was really surprised by how much he had grown. b. The other day, I was on my way to the city for dinner. I ran into my ex-girlfriend. We hadn't seen each other in well over a year but I was quite surprised by how much she had changed. c. I haven't been here in well over 5 years but I'm really surprised by how little it has changed.
1. 일단 가게를 patronize 하면 그곳 손님으로 자주 간다는 뜻. 2. 어떤 TV program 이나 단체에 patron 으로 속하면 돈을 give 해서 도와주는 사람이란 뜻. 3. 그런데 사람과 사람사이에 patronize 하면 안좋은 의도로, 도와 주는척 하되 상대를 만만히 보거나 앝보면서 자기 자신이 더 많이 알고 중요한 사람이라고 과시하는 것을 말합니다. 영수: So when you order steaks make sure you tell the waiter how you want your meat cooked. 병철: Oh yes, of course. 영수: I would go for rare or medium rare if you want it nice and juicy. 병철: Come on, you are patronizing me. You know I've been to this restaurant many times before. And for your information, I like my steak medium well.
거기에 오랜만에 가는 거였는데, 너무 많이 변해서 깜짝 놀랐어. I hand’t been there in almost some years but I was quite surprised by how kich it had changed. 오랜만에를 some years로 해봤는데.. 어색한거 같아요
Me: Oh my goodness, long time no see. How long has it been? 친구: I think the last time we saw each other was at your daughter's wedding. Me: Let's see...that means this is the first time in about 5 years but you haven't changed a bit! 친구: Oh thanks. Except my hair's gotten a lot more gray...haha. Me: So are you still working? Are you dealing with Covid okay? 친구: Yes, for the past two years I've been working from home. And I got my two doses of the Pfizer vaccine so I am good.
@@tulituli6691 좋은 질문입니다. 하면 어떤 시점에서 시작해서 5년 후라는 뜻입니다. 하면 특정한 reference point 가 없고 그냥 5년 동안 이란 뜻입니다. This is the first time I am seeing you since I last saw you at my daughter's wedding. 내딸 결혼식에서 본후 처음으로 나와 너가 만나는 것이다. You will go to jail if you rob a bank. 은행 강도질하면 감옥에 가야돼. in a while 과 for a while 도 비슷한 식으로 사용됩니다. I am going to give up drinking coffee . 나 커피를 안 마시려고 해. This is the first time I am drinking coffee . 나 정말 커피 마셔본다. I am going to go for a walk . 산책하고 올께. I am going to go for a walk . 산책하고 올께. bonus explanation ^^ I am running late but I am almost there. I should be there . 늦는 중인데 이제 거의 다왔어. 도착 할꺼야. 여기서 하면 15분 안에가 아니고, 입니다. 만일 도착 이라 말하려면 또는 라고 해야합니다.
@@danyoo22 바쁘실텐데 자세한 답변 정말 감사드립니다.^^ 그러면 본문에 나왔던 "I hadn't seen her in only a couple of years" "I hadn't been there in almost 5years"를 "i hadn't seen her for only a couple of years" "i hadn't been there for almost 5years"라고 쓰면 틀린건가요? 아니면 다른 의미가 되나요? 아직도 잘 이해를 못했나봐요 T.T
@@tulituli6691 아닙니다, 이해 아주 perfect하게 잘 이해 하셨어요. ^^ 한국어도 그렇듯이 만에/동안 (in/for) 을 무었을 강조하고, 무슨 뉘앙스를 살리냐 따라, 둘다 사용할수 있습니다. Case A: 마지막 본 시점 부터 시작해서 방금본 그때까지 그 아이를 2년 처음 봤던건데 엄청 많이 자랐더라. I hadn't seen her 2 years but she had grown a lot. 나 거기 가본게 한 5년 처음 이었어. I hadn't been back there almost 5 years. Case B: Not sure when the last time was and/or just emphasizing the 2 year duration . 그 아이를 (한) 2년 못봤다 처음 봤던건데 엄청 많이 자랐더라. I hadn't seen her (about) 2 years but she had grown a lot. 나 거기 한 5년 못가다 처음 같어. I hadn't been back there almost 5 years.
1. 연습 - we didn't meet in almost 1 year. - I think she has aged too much because of her son. - I hadn't seen him only a couple of years, but I was very surprised at how much he had grown. - I haven't been there in almost 2 years. I'm very curious how great it has changed. 2. 개인정리 - only a couple of years : 단지 2년 - she had grown : 많이 자라있었다 - she had aged : 많이 늙어있었다 - I hadn't been there in 5 years : 오년동안 거기에 가지 않았다
나 고등학교 졸업하고 개 되게 오랜만에 봤는데,~ 이렇게 말하려면, 이렇게 말하믄 될까요? I hadn't seen him for a while after graduating from high school, I was really surprised by how much he had changed
여러 방법이 있겠지만 한가지 써봅니다. It was the first time in a long time I had seen him since graduating from high school and I was really surprised by how much he had changed.
CHAEYOUNG KIM님 께서 쓴 예문을 사용하면 아래와 같이 쓸수있습니다. I hadn't seen him in a long while since graduating from high school, and I was really surprised by how much he had changed.
I hadn't seen them in only one year but I was really surprised by how much they had aged. I hadn't been to LA in almost 5 years but I was really surprised by how little it had been changed.
i haven't seen her for almost 2 years, i'm wondering how much she changes. or how much older she is 2년동안 그녀를 못 봤고 , 얼마나 변했을지(겉모습) 궁금해. 뭐가 맞고 정확하게는 어떻게 표현할까요 흠. i hadn't seen him in a couple of years ,so we did 'facetime' yesterday but i was quite surprised at how little he had changed.
묘양을 맞춰보시면 좋을듯 한데 영상에서는 과거완료+과거+과거완료의 모양이죠 그러니까 원하시는 예문의 모양은 현재완료+현재+현재완료로 맞추보면 어떨까요 I haven't seen her for almost 2 years, I'm wondering how much she *has* changes. or how much older she *has gotten*
이런 영어식 사고방식을 볼 때마다, 정말 공부가 끝도 없겠다고 생각하게 되네요 ㅠ,ㅠ
It's been 2years since the last time 어쩌규저쩌구 이런식으로 썼었는데 가려운 곳을 긁어주셨네여 thanks a lot!
저도이거만 썻었는데 ㅋㅋ 이츠빈언이얼 씬스어쩌구
공감해요!!저도 그것부터 튀어나왔는데 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
저도 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
It's been~~ 맞아요. 헷갈려요.
상황에 따라 It's been ~ 더 어울리기도하고 아니기도 한거 같아요..^^
I played soccer. It was almost 3 years since I hadn't played soccer. I had really so much fun.
"거의 3년만에 축구한 거엿어. 너무 재밌엇어. "
-> 넘 길죠? 간단히 그리고 더 적절한 의미전달에는 아래표현이 더 나을거 같아요.
I hadn't played soccer in almost 3 years. I had really so much fun.
자연스러운 사고방식 알려주시는게 너무 좋아요
모처럼 들렸는데, 역시나 세세한 내용들 잘 챙겨주시네요~
캐나다에서 오래 살다보면, 왠만한 의사소통에는 점점 익숙하고 자연스러워 지는데...
이렇게 한국말로 하고 싶은 말을 그대로 영어로 표현이 되지 않을 때가 많습니다.
기본적인 단어와 문장들은 많이 사용해서 숙달되지만,
평상시에 많은 영어를 구사할 필요가 없는 경우에는....
이런 디테일은 연습량이 부족할 때가 많은 것이 사용이네요.
쉽게 쉽게 소통하는 것도 중요하지만,
전달하고 싶은 생각대로 표현할 수 있을때, 기분이 좋을 수 밖에 없습니다.
항상 가려운 곳을 챙겨주는 영상 감사합니다.
상쾌한 아침 즐거운 강의 감사드립니다.
좋은 강의 감사합니다! 🎉😊
언제나처럼 오늘도 넘 친절한 내용.. 감사해영~
완료시제..언제나 쥐약이었는데 선생님설명들으니 써먹을수있을듯요!
쌤, 유용한 표현 감사해요! 0:49 3:30 5:09
이런상황은 언제든 올수있는데, 좋은표현 감사합니다.
정말 선생님 덕분에 매번 빛을 보는 느낌이예요
오 이번 강의 너무 좋네요!! 감사히 보겠습니다^^
선생님 ~ 오늘도 너무나 좋은 강의 감사합니다 ~~많이 활용해서 열심히 사용하도록 할께요~~^^
빨간 모자 선생님 영상으로 공부하면서 오픽 처음으로 셤봤는데 IH 받았습니다. 감사합니다! 계속 선생님 영상으로 공부하면서 AL, 토스 LV 8 취득해보겠습니다. 다시 한번 감사드립니다!
진짜 최고 ㅠㅠㅠ
I hadn't met him in almost 2 years but I was really surprised by how little he had changed. And I hadn't seen his son in only a couple of years, but I was surprised by how much he had grown
늘 항상 꾸준하게 좋은 영상 올려주셔서 감사합니다 :)
좋은 표현 배웠습니다. 고마워요
매일매일 영상보면서 공부하고 있어요! 너무 유익해요😋
I hadn't watched your videos only a couple of months, but I was really surprised by how this channel grown.
역시 나이들어보이는 예문은 그로 바꿔서 만들어 주시는 배려 끝판왕..빨간모자쌤 감사합니다!!!
명절 후 대화하기 좋은 내용이예요. 월요일같은 목요일 출근길에 샘과 함께 합니다. 감사합니다 샘~~
형 진짜.. 너무 좋다...
시제표현이 결국 관건이네요. 오늘도 좋은 표현 알아갑니다.
진짜 해브 슈드브 우드브 해든트 이런거 너무 헷갈려요!! 다뤄주서서 감사해뇨!!
Thank you. ^^
오늘도 좋은표현 잘 배우고 갑니다
Good morning,선생님!!! 추석연휴 잘 보내셨어요? 시제에 관한 표현은 선생님 설명이 역시 최고예요. 이른아침 좋은 영상 감사히 잘 보고 열심히 하겠습니다.
in은 ~후에 for은 ~동안으로 알고있었는데 in도 ~동안이 되는군요 이렇게 같은 뜻일때(~동안으로) in과 for의 차이가 궁금합니다!
I handnt seen her for/in only a couple of years
오늘도 많이 배워갑니다 👍 선생님 늘 감사합니당!
역시 최고예요😍 선생님 옆에 밀착해서 하루종일 붙어있고 싶어요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
오랜만에 채널 방문했어요 영상보고 즐겁게 영어 배우겠습니당~~!
좋은 영상 감사합니다. 시제 다시 짚어주셔서 많은 도움이 되었습니다. 좋은 하루되세요 :)
와. .이건 진짜 영어식 사고방식이다. .우리말은 앞문장이 긍정인데 영어는 부정문으로 되니. .이런게 어려운거 같아요. .훈련이 안되있어서요. .
I will see you in the next video 라니 감사합니다!
I hadn't seen her in a several years but i was quite suprised by how mcuh she beutiful
I hadn't seen my friends in a coulple of months. And I was surprised by how much time had passed.
It was surprising how little they had be changed. They were still so kind and nice to us and looked so young for their age.
Did you have a good Chuseok holiday? I came back home after 5days, and the neighborhood is unfamiliar. Let's start studying English again. Let's go!
I was able to go see my parents in November, 2019. I hadn't seen them in a few months, but I was quite surprised by how much they had aged.
늘 좋은 강의 감사드립니다.
I hadn't been to this neighborhood in only a year but I was quite surprised at how much it had changed.
3번째 문장에서 how little it had changed를 how much it hadn't changed at all이라고 하면 안되나요?
늘 좋은 영상 감사드립니다!ㅎㅎ
이상할것 같습니다
at all 이라면 전혀인데 how much라고 쓰기에는 좀 어렵지않을까요 왜냐하면 how much 가 at all로 이미 0(zero)라고 말을하고 있으니까요
그런 경우는 그냥 I was surprised it hadn't changed at all 정도가 좋을것 같습니다만
I hadn't been to Korea in only a couple of years but I was surprised by how much it had changed.
선생님~ 항상 감사합니다. 궁금한 점이 있어 댓글 남깁니다.
(실력자님의 도움을 받을 수 있기를 기대하며..)
오랜만에 만났는데 하나도 늙지 않은 어른께 아래와 같은 두가지 표현을 쓸 수 있을까요?
I hadnt seen you in almost 13 years, but I was surprised (How little you had aged )
/ (How much you hadnt aged )
연휴에도 쉬지않고 열공을
It’s so good to get some stuyding done enjoying my coffee this morning. Thanks!
선생님 had grown 대신 has grown은 틀리나요? 자란 건 과거에 끝난게 아니고 이전부터 지금까지 계속 진행중인 상황이니 왠지 현재 완료로 써야 맞을 것 같은 느낌이 들어서요... correct me if I’m wrong. Thank you
주절이 과거시제니깐(I was really surprised) 과거 완료를 쓰는 게 맞지 않을까용?
다시 보니 I hadn't seen이라 (I haven't seen이 아니고) had grown으로 맞춘 듯 하네요
I hadn't been there in only a couple of years but I was really surprised by how much it had been developed.
I hadn't cooked in almost three years but I was pleased with the food i just made today because my hands remembered how to cook.
I hadn't kept in touch with him almost 2 years but I was really astonished at how little it had been awkward.
그 친구와 거의 2년 만에 연락하는 거였는데 어색하지 않아 놀랐어.
다음과 같이 문장을 사용해도 될까요?
두가지 예문을 만들어 보았습니다.
I hadn't kept in touch with him for almost 2 years, but I was astonished at how it didn't feel awkward at all.
I hadn't kept in touch with him for almost 2 years, but I was astonished at how there was no awkwardness at all between us.
@@danyoo22 좋군요 원어민이신가 엌
I haven’t seen you only in a couple of years! But i am really surprised by how same you are as before!
혹시 이렇게도 쓸수 있나요? 바로 만나서 말하는 경우에요! 저 예문은 만나고나서 다른 사람한테 이야기 할때 쓰는것 같아서요
그런 경우 how same you are as before가 어색할 수 있는데
I haven’t seen you only in a couple of years! But I am really surprised you haven't changed at all!
우리나라말로 하나도 안 변했구나! You look exactly the same as before! 뭐 이런것도 같이
@@theussoul 시제만 맞춰주면 상관이 없겠군요! 안변했구나라고 하는게 예시처럼 더 자연스러울 것 같긴하네요.. ㅎㅎ 감사합니당
네 그리고 시간을 말하면서 only는 짧은기간이라는것을 말하는거죠 그래서 영상 예문 1번과 2번은 단지 2년에 비해서 변화가 많았다는 의미로 only가 들어가고
영상 3번째는 5년이나 지났는데라는 의미로 only가 없죠 오히려 almost로 5년 가까이 안갔는데도 변한것이 없네
그래서 우리나라말로 자연스럽게 하려면 영상 3번째 예문처럼 only없이가 좋죠
Truth lies in details. 느낌적인 느낌은 사람이면 다 비슷하고 한국어나 영어 표현도 다 비슷하죠
자꾸 이리저리 말 만들기 스스로하면 빨리 많이 늡니다 잘 할 가능성 높습니다 그럼 열심히
반대로 사고하여 작문하는 거네요.... 감사합니다.
It hadn’t been South Korea in a few years but I was surprised by how little it had changed.
It hadn’t seen my parents in only a couple of years but I was really surprised by how little they had aged.
I hadn't seen him in only a couple of years but I was really surprised by how much he had gained weight.
I hadn't seen her in almost 5 years, I was really surprised by how little she had aged. She looked even younger than the last time I had seen her. Can you believe it?
I hadn't been here in almost 5 years, I was quite surprised by how much it had changed. It looked like a total different place. If I went back then, I would've bought an apartment. (=I should've got an apartment.)
오픽에서 써먹어야 겠네요 ㅎㅎ
질문드려도 되나요? I hadn’t seen her only for 2 years 는 안되나요? 왠지 in 2years 보다 for 2years 가 더 자연스러운 느낌이라서요..
저는 개인적으로 1번 2번 둘다 어색하게 들리고, 보통 3번 식으로 표현합니다.
1. I hadn't seen her in only a couple of years
2. I hadn’t seen her only for 2 years
3. It had only been 2 years since I had last seen her
but I was really surprised by how much she had grown.
I hadn't seen him in only a couple of years but I was quite surprised by how much taller he had gotten.
I hadn't gone to see my doctor in only a couple of months but I was quite surprised by how much better I had gotten.
I hadn't been there in almost 3 years but I was surprised by how much less it had changed.
I han't been there in 5 years 여기서 혹시 in 대신 for 이나 over 를 쓰면 이상한가용??
걔를 몇년만에 처음 보는데 예뻐져서 놀랐어
I had not seen her in several years but i was surprised by how much she had prettied.
몇년만에 가본 곳인데 많이 바뀌지 않아서 놀랐어
I hadn't been there in several years but i was surprised by how little it hadn't changed.
I hadn’t put this on in the last couple of years and I was really surprised at how much fat I had gotten.
I hadn’t used this in nearly 3 years but I was quite surprised by how well it still worked.
오늘부터 공부 시작111
I haven't played golf in only a few days but I realise how much I like it golf. I can't wait .
I hadn't seen them in only 1 year but I was surprised at how much mature they had gotten
Follow up 끝난거죠?
제 문장도 받길 바랬는데...
선생님 . 질문이요. 만일 부정형으로 안하고 쓰면 내용이 달라지나요? 해석만 하면 내용이 같아 문의 드립니다 .I had seen her in only a couple of years but I was really surprised by how much she had grown.
I hadn’t seen her for a couple years라고 생각했는데….
연습 A couple of days ago I ran into one of my neighbors and I had a small talk in the elevator. I hadn’t seen him in only a couple of years but I was pretty surprised at how much he had aged.
Since we came back to Korea we have met often with my father-in-law. I hadn’t seen them in only a couple of years but I was really surprised by how much he had weakened emotionally. ?? 마음이 약해지다 표현을 weaken을 써도 되는지 잘 모르겠어요.그래도 그냥 연습해 봅니다.^^;; ??
@나익명 감사합니다. 자신 없어도 연습해야 겠어요.^^
I have a question about the last sentence. I hadn't been there in almost 5 years but I was really surprised by nothing had changed. Is this not correct?
a. I just got back from a long business trip. I hadn't seen my nephew in only 3 years but I was really surprised by how much he had grown.
b. The other day, I was on my way to the city for dinner. I ran into my ex-girlfriend. We hadn't seen each other in well over a year but I was quite surprised by how much she had changed.
c. I haven't been here in well over 5 years but I'm really surprised by how little it has changed.
역시 영어식 사고방식은 어렵네요
I was surprised 후에 that으로 표현하는건 별로인가여? ㅎㅎ
@나익명 오 감사합니다:)
나의 영어 능력에 대한 예길인줄.. “북미에서 다년간 살고 있는데 영어가 늘지 않아 깜짝 놀랬어”
Don’t you patronize me! 를 한국말로 한다면 어떻게 번역이 될까요?
1. 일단 가게를 patronize 하면 그곳 손님으로 자주 간다는 뜻.
2. 어떤 TV program 이나 단체에 patron 으로 속하면 돈을 give 해서 도와주는 사람이란 뜻.
3. 그런데 사람과 사람사이에 patronize 하면 안좋은 의도로, 도와 주는척 하되 상대를 만만히 보거나 앝보면서 자기 자신이 더 많이 알고 중요한 사람이라고 과시하는 것을 말합니다.
영수: So when you order steaks make sure you tell the waiter how you want your meat cooked.
병철: Oh yes, of course.
영수: I would go for rare or medium rare if you want it nice and juicy.
병철: Come on, you are patronizing me. You know I've been to this restaurant many times before. And for your information, I like my steak medium well.
그런데 사실 일상대화에서는 don't patronize me 라는 식으로 말을 잘 안씁니다. 보통은 please you don't need to help me...I already know 정도로 말합니다.
영어식사고=서양식사고.. 동양인한테는 감잡기 힘든 문장구조..
It's been 2 years since 와는 어감 차이가 큰가요?
이 영상에서는 과거와 과거완료를 다루기때문에 It's been 은 It has been의 현재완료와 since기 때문에 뜻이 달라지겠죠
@@theussoul 아 의도는 it had been 2 years since와의 어감 차이가 있냐는 거였는데 선생님이 팔로우업 해 주셨어요!
시제시제..... 시제에서 자유롭게 말하고싶다
거기에 오랜만에 가는 거였는데, 너무 많이 변해서 깜짝 놀랐어.
I hand’t been there in almost some years but I was quite surprised by how kich it had changed.
오랜만에를 some years로 해봤는데.. 어색한거 같아요
Me: Oh my goodness, long time no see. How long has it been?
친구: I think the last time we saw each other was at your daughter's wedding.
Me: Let's see...that means this is the first time in about 5 years but you haven't changed a bit!
친구: Oh thanks. Except my hair's gotten a lot more gray...haha.
Me: So are you still working? Are you dealing with Covid okay?
친구: Yes, for the past two years I've been working from home. And I got my two doses of the Pfizer vaccine so I am good.
In 5years 와 for 5years 차이가 뭘까요? in a while 과 for a while 차이도...혹시 알려주실수 있나요? 영어를 잘 하시는것 같아 부탁드립니다 ^^
빨간 모자 선생님은 너무 바쁘신것 같아서요..^^
@@tulituli6691 좋은 질문입니다.
하면 어떤 시점에서 시작해서 5년 후라는 뜻입니다.
하면 특정한 reference point 가 없고 그냥 5년 동안 이란 뜻입니다.
This is the first time I am seeing you since I last saw you at my daughter's wedding.
내딸 결혼식에서 본후 처음으로 나와 너가 만나는 것이다.
You will go to jail if you rob a bank.
은행 강도질하면 감옥에 가야돼.
in a while 과 for a while 도 비슷한 식으로 사용됩니다.
I am going to give up drinking coffee .
나 커피를 안 마시려고 해.
This is the first time I am drinking coffee .
나 정말 커피 마셔본다.
I am going to go for a walk .
산책하고 올께.
I am going to go for a walk .
산책하고 올께.
bonus explanation ^^
I am running late but I am almost there. I should be there .
늦는 중인데 이제 거의 다왔어. 도착 할꺼야.
여기서 하면 15분 안에가 아니고, 입니다.
만일 도착 이라 말하려면 또는 라고 해야합니다.
@@danyoo22 바쁘실텐데 자세한 답변 정말 감사드립니다.^^
그러면 본문에 나왔던
"I hadn't seen her in only a couple of years" "I hadn't been there in almost 5years"를 "i hadn't seen her for only a couple of years" "i hadn't been there for almost 5years"라고 쓰면 틀린건가요? 아니면 다른 의미가 되나요? 아직도 잘 이해를 못했나봐요 T.T
@@tulituli6691 아닙니다, 이해 아주 perfect하게 잘 이해 하셨어요. ^^ 한국어도 그렇듯이 만에/동안 (in/for) 을 무었을 강조하고, 무슨 뉘앙스를 살리냐 따라, 둘다 사용할수 있습니다.
Case A: 마지막 본 시점 부터 시작해서 방금본 그때까지
그 아이를 2년 처음 봤던건데 엄청 많이 자랐더라.
I hadn't seen her 2 years but she had grown a lot.
나 거기 가본게 한 5년 처음 이었어.
I hadn't been back there almost 5 years.
Case B: Not sure when the last time was and/or just emphasizing the 2 year duration .
그 아이를 (한) 2년 못봤다 처음 봤던건데 엄청 많이 자랐더라.
I hadn't seen her (about) 2 years but she had grown a lot.
나 거기 한 5년 못가다 처음 같어.
I hadn't been back there almost 5 years.
@@danyoo22 귀한 시간 내서 재능기부해 주셔서 감사합니다. 👍담에 모르는 거 궁금한거 있음 다시 질문드려도 될까요?^^
좋은 밤 되세요~(계신곳도 밤일지 모르겠지만요 ㅎㅎ)
1. 연습
- we didn't meet in almost 1 year.
- I think she has aged too much because of her son.
- I hadn't seen him only a couple of years, but I was very surprised at how much he had grown.
- I haven't been there in almost 2 years. I'm very curious how great it has changed.
2. 개인정리
- only a couple of years : 단지 2년
- she had grown : 많이 자라있었다
- she had aged : 많이 늙어있었다
- I hadn't been there in 5 years : 오년동안 거기에 가지 않았다
나 고등학교 졸업하고 개 되게 오랜만에 봤는데,~ 이렇게 말하려면, 이렇게 말하믄 될까요? I hadn't seen him for a while after graduating from high school, I was really surprised by how much he had changed
여러 방법이 있겠지만 한가지 써봅니다.
It was the first time in a long time I had seen him since graduating from high school and I was really surprised by how much he had changed.
CHAEYOUNG KIM님 께서 쓴 예문을 사용하면 아래와 같이 쓸수있습니다.
I hadn't seen him in a long while since graduating from high school, and I was really surprised by how much he had changed.
@@danyoo22 for a while 보다는 in a while 이 더 적절하군요! 졸업이후로~ 시간의 흐름이 보이니까 after 보다는 since를 사용하는게 더 알 맞구요!? 감사합니다:)
I hadn't seen them in only one year but I was really surprised by how much they had aged.
I hadn't been to LA in almost 5 years but I was really surprised by how little it had been changed.
I hadn't worked out in a couple of month, i've just got musle pain since worked out went to a park. It really hurt i mean it..
I saw her for the first time in only a couple of years는 어떻습니까?
i haven't seen her for almost 2 years, i'm wondering how much she changes. or how much older she is
2년동안 그녀를 못 봤고 , 얼마나 변했을지(겉모습) 궁금해.
뭐가 맞고 정확하게는 어떻게 표현할까요 흠.
i hadn't seen him in a couple of years ,so we did 'facetime' yesterday but i was quite surprised at how little he had changed.
묘양을 맞춰보시면 좋을듯 한데
영상에서는 과거완료+과거+과거완료의 모양이죠
그러니까 원하시는 예문의 모양은 현재완료+현재+현재완료로 맞추보면 어떨까요
I haven't seen her for almost 2 years, I'm wondering how much she *has* changes. or how much older she *has gotten*
@@theussoul 다시 생각해보니까 그렇네용, 감사합니다~
오 아싸 2등이당!!!! 오늘도 열심히 공부할게요 !!