I mentioned at your first video democracy is shirk just as saying, thinking jesus is god's son due to maide 44 kahf 26 tewbeh 31 josef40. We can get communicate english or turkish i am from Turkey
@@Nuhjapanesemuslim nuh Please, make some search on democracy is shirk Due to maide 44 kahf 26 josef 40 tewbeh 31 Take your time for explanation ( tafther)of tewbeh31
Mashllah brother, you taking huge steps not just by converting to become a muslim but also you have the dedication and the desire to learn about the religion , besides that you learning english and making UA-cam videos!! People dont realize how hard it is to do all that at once. You are an inspiration and doing excellent work. Bless you
Thank you my brother I’m happy to see your comment And even I didn’t realize I’m in the hardships 😅 But it’s true In sha Allah I will pass all test 😁 May Allah bless you too🤲🥰
Asalam alikeem brother, may Allah give u the strength to be better inshallah ! Also we would love to know how u become Muslim and what was the biggest challenges for u when u convert to Islam what is your family and friends reaction, all that if it’s possible! Thank u☺️
I’m glad I found you very early! 😄 Keep going, brother! Also, regarding the question you asked your friend, I’d like to add something. As far as I know, there are two types of sins: those against Allah and those against people. Allah can forgive you if you make tawba (repentance), but when it comes to sins against others, you must also seek their forgiveness. It’s not easy, it could take years to mend it after doing something wrong. Ideally, it’s best to avoid such actions altogether. After all, we’re only human :)
Our brother very good Muslim we love masr ❤️am aldonia And I want to add something that even if you and him inter the jana There are a hundred levels in Paradise Jana between every two levels, just as there is between heaven and earth So as much as you do you get in the Jana and even in the Jana there will be people in a better place in Jana according to your hasanat and the best level or place in Jana is فردوس ferdos ان شاء الله ان نكون انا وانت من اهلها
Strengthen your relationship with ALLAH by reading the Quran and following the Sunnah of Muhammad, may ALLAH bless him and grant him peace, and do not build an idea about Islam from people because people often make mistakes with ALLAH... Islam is the religion of ALLAH on His earth... May ALLAH make you steadfast, my brother Noah, and illuminate your path. I had an experience as assistant researcher in Tsuruoka city, Yamagata prefecture in 2015...the Japanese people are so nice people you've good manners in dealing and you are skilled at work, and Islam will make you much better than some Muslims in Muslim countries. Your brother Abdallah from Algeria
السلام عليكم نوح ❤ Look you can search about any questions in your mind to muslim people on the internet and we all brothers don't worry we still with you and go jana together in shaa allah
هناك جزئين للإجابة على سؤالك الأول: دخول الجنة يكون بسبب رحمة الله وليس بسبب كثرة الأعمال الصالحة ولذلك لا يمكن أن نعرف من يدخل الجنة أم لا إذا حسبنا عدد أعماله الصالحة وعدد أعماله السيئة الثاني: العمل الصالح يكون وزنه حسب النية فإذا كانت نية المسلم صادقة يكون عمله كبيرا ولو كان شيئا بسيط جدا وإذا كانت نيته سيئة فلا وزن لعمله الصالح الذي عمله ، والنيات لا يعلم بها إلا الله عزوجل ملاحظة: الأعمال الصالحة يجب أن يعملها المسلم استجابة لأمر الله وطمعا في رحمته
هناك درجات في المكافأة من الله كلما اصبحت ذنوبك قليلة كلما زاد الله المكافأة لك ثم يعطيك الله منزلة في الجنة افضل من غيرك من المذنبين الذين يحملون ذنوباً كثيرة
Marsha'Allah, keep it up bro good and evil are not equal Islam is to worship Allah(god) and follow all his prophets, without the Quran we are lost let keep on praying forgiveness and follow the straight path because everyday, hour and second we're getting near to death.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته جزاك الله خيراً اخي في الاسلام لا تنسى ان المسلم الصالح يرفعه الله درجات اعلى في الجنه بأعماله كلما زاد من الطاعات والسنن زاده الله درجات في الأخره وكلاً بعمله وهذا هو عدل الله بين المسلم المجتهد والمقصر اسأل الله ان يجعلنا مع محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم واصحابه في الفردوس الاعلا
ربنا يزيد إيمانك و تدبرك من أسماء الله الحسنى العدل ففى يقين و ثقة فى حكمته كلنا ندخل الجنة بفضل الله ورحمته قبل ان يكون ميزان حسنات الله لا يُسأل عما يفعل هو عليم بذات الصدور كُلنا فى الدنيا أصحاب ابتلاءات فلا تنظر لأحد وتقول ابتلاءه اخف من ابتلائى او ياليت لى مثل ما أوتى من نعم كل فرد ينظر الى ورقة اختباره التى اُعدت إليه ونوع السؤال يختلف باختلاف النفس فما يبدو لك سؤال سهل من الممكن ان يكون صعب لدى و العكس صحيح الرضى مهم رضا مبنى على يقين بعدل الله وبقسمته كيف يحكم الله بيننا "إلا من أتى الله بقلب سليم" " تقوى القلوب" هذه اشياء لا نراها هو فقط من يعلمها حتى فى منازل المؤمنين فى الجنة Allah says in the Quran, regarding the people of Paradise, "And We removed from their hearts all rancor and ill-will - they are (now) like brothers, facing each other on couches" [Hijr: 47]. الكل سيرضى لا حقد و لا بغضاء
All Jannah is not same bro, so as people work hard in this dunia to have better life Jannah also have different degrees and best place in Jannah is could Ferdous. May Allah make us from those who enter Ferdous in Jannah with prophets and companions.
مَن شَهِد أن لا إله إلا اللهُ دخل الجنةَ لكن الجنة درجات ; قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : في الجنة مائة درجة ما بين كل درجتين كما بين السماء والأرض، والفردوس أعلاها درجة، ، فإذا سألتم الله فاسألوه الفردوس. صححه الألباني
كل مسلم سيدخل ان شاء الله الجنه كما قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم واله كل بني ادم خطاء وخير الخطائين التوابون فاذا اخطأ العبد فعليه بالتوبه المسلمين سيدخلون الجنة الجنه على اقسام : يدخلون الجنه مباشرة بدون حساب او سابقه عذاب يدخلون الجنه بعد الحساب اما من كان مسلما وكان يؤذي الناس وظالم لكنه موحد لم يتعدى على حق الله في التوحيد فانه يعذب قليلا في النار ثم يدخل الجنه
Regarding people who commit a lot of sins and then are granted Jannah, of course Allah knows best and knows the person’s true intentions, but it can be more of a struggle for the person to live a life of sins without happiness and struggle a lot to stop them than someone who has lived a good righteous life their whole life
Mr.Nuh, regarding your question to your friend...I want to add something, there is Hadith which The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "When Allah had finished His creation, He wrote over his Throne: 'My Mercy preceded My Anger.', and also I want to ask you which is the worst sin? It will be of course Kufr and Shirk ( disbelief and polytheism), so if you, alhumdullah, muslim, this is a big step. Of course we should try not to make sins to worship Allah well but God knows better, maybe someone makes sins but acually, they love Allah and tries not to sin and remember the Hadith which is (A bedouin came to Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and said to him, "When will be the Hour (i.e., the Day of Resurrection)?" He (the Prophet (ﷺ)) said, "What preparation have you made for it?" He said, "Only the love of Allah and His Messenger." Then Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "You will be with those whom you love."), Of course, when we say that it doesn't mean that we should all make sins and not worship Allah well but what I mean that Allah (SWT) is very merciful and all wise if someone made sins and came regretting and repentted, Of course, Allah who is the great one will forgive him and at the same time, Allah (SWT) is very justice made the Junnah degrees and Allah knows better. I am sorry if my comment is long.
Don't feel like you don't belong in Japan. For Muslim it's a challenge to live in a nonMuslim country. However, Japan needs you more because you can be guidance for so many ppl insha Allah.
basically, in islam we believe that human is weak and we are sinful creatures...I believe that God is the creator and the most knowledgeable so the one who wants to play smart with God he won't go any further .. furthermore in paradise there are levels .... The person who was obedient to God his whole life is not in the same level as another one who didn't etc.. but it is not to us to judge... we do what are able to do and the Allah s the judge.. but the principle of repentence is always present in islam
5:40 i understand what u mean, it would be unfair if we're not meant to sin but no we're humans we make mistakes all the time but the most important thing is repentance and having that intention to never come back to that sin it's the intention of the person that decide but we don't can't judge ppl bcs we don't know what they have in their hearts so it's allah who judges them he's the all knowing and as Allah says in the quran "never lose hope in Allah's mercy,"so anyone can be forgotten if they return to Allah and do their best
لقد رايت سوالك الى صديقك عن ماذا الفايده اذا كان الشخص يذنب و الله يغفر له ذنوبه وممكن ان يدخل الجنه ومن ناحية اخرى يوجد شخص لا يذنب ويتبع الدين ويدخل الجنة كالذي اذنب لا يوجد عدل هكذا صح؟ سأحاول ان اشرح شرح بسيط كمثال اذا الشخص اللذي يذنب مدرك ان مايفعله حرام ويغضب الله واراد فعله فانت تعلم ان الإنسان ضعيف يوجد الكثير من المغريات حوله وهو حرام ف يضعف الانسان وخصوصا اذا كان لا يصلي بشكل دائم ويقرأ القرأن هذه مشكلة فسوف تقع بالكثير من المغريات حتى تصبح هكذا والان نرجع اللي سوالك مره أخرى اذا فعل الذنب هذا الشخص ونقول ربما مات حينها ف يموت ع ذنب كبير وكان هو مدرك عن غلطته ولكن انه أستمر عليها وهذه نهاية سيئة لا أتمناها الى اي احد ونقول بحالة اخرى اذا اذنب ولم يتب بعدها وضل يذنب ولم يكن يصلي فبهذا الوقت سوف يمر في شعور صعب واكتأب وهذا شي موكد وليس فقط افتراض مني لا يوجد مسلم حقيقي مهما كان شكله او من اين ماكان وماهي دولته بلاخير هو مسلم لا يبعد عن الاسلام ويفعل المحرمات هكذا الا وهو في امر صعب او حزين ف يستسلم ونعلم نحن كمسلمين انها اختبارات من الله والله غفور رحيم ف اذا الشخص ضل يذنب يذنب ولم يتوب فاعلم أنه حقا يمر في وقت عصيب واذا بعد كل مافعله رجع حتى يتوب وتاب وهو بنية صادقه فهكذا الله يغفر له +وعليك ان تعلم ان الإعمال بالنيات ف الله كبير ويعلم مابداخل الشخص وهل نيته صالحه ويريد حين يفعل الذنب ان يتوب او لا حتى تكتب له الحسنات ف الله عادل ويحب العدل والله لا يظلم احد ولكن الناس انفسهم يظلمون انفسهم بما يفعلون ف كل شي في الإسلام له جواب فقط انت ابحث بنفسك وتاكد من صحة الكلام ولك كل التوفيق يا اخي!❤
فقد ثبت في المسند وغيره أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يقول: سووا صفوفكم، وحاذوا بين مناكبكم، ولينوا في أيدي إخوانكم، وسدوا الخلل، فإن الشيطان يدخل بينكم بمنزلة الحذف. يعني أولاد الضأن الصغار. وهذا الحديث صريح الدلالة على أن الشيطان يدخل المسجد.
O master of beauty and O leader of human beings, the moon shines from behind your face. It is not possible to do justice to your praise. The short story is that after God, you are the greatest. oh prophet Muhammad
It was narrated from Anas that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Every son of Adam commits sin, and the best of those who commit sin are those who repent.’” Grade: Hasan (Darussalam) Reference : Sunan Ibn Majah 4251 In-book reference : Book 37, Hadith 152 English translation : Vol. 5, Book 37, Hadith 4251 Yes those who repent are the best and not those who continue to sin and say ''Ah its okay, because i pray or do good deeds.''
الجنه درجات ربما يكافأ المسلم الذي لا يرتكب المعاصي كثيرا بمنزلة في الجنه أعلى ممن يرتكب السيئات ويتوب ثم يرتكب ويتوب وهكذا ثم يغفر الله له ويدخله الجنه لكنه لا يحظى بمنزلة الآخر وعلى العموم فإن الله لا يظلم أحدا شيئا وهو الحكيم العليم بعباده
(So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it (7) and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it (8))sora zalzala___This means that God will hold us accountable for our deeds on the scale, that is, one scale on which the bad deeds are placed and the other on which the good deeds are placed, and the most reliable is the one that determines heaven or hell. But there is God’s mercy in the first and the last.
But there are some sins that are unforgivable, such as harming people, stealing from them, mocking them, backbiting them, or depriving them of their rights. Such transgressions cannot be forgiven unless there is permission and permission from the oppressed people But by being forgiven, the Donab will be enriched and will come efficiently from God in a way that is unimaginable Then God forgives you in life after death . Good work comes with blessing, divine reward, and bad work comes with divine punishment.
4:56 jannah have degrees for that kind of reason after the mercy of good and your following of his commend and your good deeds you will enter to jannah. the one who is doing sins even if the repent i think the will be less then you in janna.
New subscriber from the moroccan kingdom, wish you the best, can you show us my favorite motorcycle Yamaha sygnus x 125, and it's price there. Jazaka Allah brother.
The prophet told us that Whatever is below the ankles of the garment is in Hell This is Hadith from the prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم Search and learn And love you ❤️ hope we meet in jana
فقد روى البخاري في صحيحه رحمه الله عن النبي ﷺ أنه قال: “ما أسفل من الكعبين من الإزار فهو في النار”. هذا وعيد شديد يدل على تحريم الإسبال وأنه لا يجوز للمسلم أن يرخي ملابسه تحت الكعبين كالإزار والسراويل والقمص والبشت
Aisha r.a. reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Follow the right course, be devoted, and give glad tidings. Verily, none of you will enter Paradise by his deeds alone.” They said, “Not even you, O Messenger of Allah?” The Prophet said, “Not even myself, unless Allah grants me His mercy. Know that the most beloved deed to Allah is done regularly, even if it is small.” Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari 6464, Sahih Muslim 2818
My brother, regarding the question that you asked the Egyptian brother, you must know that heaven and hell have levels. In addition, there are many bad Muslims who do not pray and commit sins. These also enter hell, but they will not remain there forever, and after that, Allah may forgive them and admit them to heaven, so why should we risk it? Why We commit unnecessary sins, so we must stay away from sins as much as possible and be good believers.
Assalamu alaikom brother, Could u please " Blur " the 'women' that are in ur Vlog when u go to the market or shop because they wear short and inappropriate clothes. So my Brother Please when u Edit ur Vlog next time Please Blur the Women in ur video. Barakallahu Feek❤
Guys, I recommend you watch this absolute treasure !!!!! A video called: "The Power of The Kaaba | How Does The Kaaba Transform You into A Whole Other Person? | Amin Sabry"
@@wildrose7291 You are totally wrong and misleading him. Amin Sabry has 220 hours on UA-cam and 350 hours of courses, apart from books. When you will have watched those 570 hours and read over 2400 pages, then you can judge. He is one of the most truthful and pure persons on UA-cam and has changed the lives of thousands of people getting them closer to Allah.
If there wasnt a thing called forgiveness then its over for us you lie your not forgiven you don't pray your not forgiven you drink alcohol your not forgiven One of allah's name is al adl the embodiment of justice no one gets more nor less allah distributes everything evenly So if there isnt forgiveness theres no hope allah gives us hope you make sins theres hope you can ask for forgiveness and not repeat the sin again “The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘The one who repents from sin is like one who did not sin.’” And of course there are huge sins The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Keep away from the seven fatalities." It was asked: "What are they, O Messenger of Allah?" He (ﷺ) replied, "Associating anything with Allah in worship (i.e., committing an act of Shirk), sorcery, killing of one whom Allah has declared inviolable without a just cause, devouring the property of an orphan, the eating of usury (Riba), fleeing from the battlefield and accusing chaste believing women, who never even think of anything touching their chastity." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Yes yes I think this topic is very interesting Cuz even there is forgiveness (I mean there is) We shouldn’t think we have forgiveness for we can do whatever But as human being sometimes we would think so But at the same moment we try to be like that So I think we pray a lot we read Quran a lot And we remind there is Allah always In sh Allah I will take a video about these kind of opinions May Allah bless you🤲
@@Nuhjapanesemuslim thats true some muslims think that they do whatever they want then repent then their forgiven That's a very wrong way of thinking it doesn't work that way repenting is much more than asking forgiveness from Allah its also not repeating the bad deed again and feeling regretful May allah bless you too and may allah affirm us on our faith
Thank you for everyone
Everyone helps each other 😊
Let’s try to be better muslim together 😁
I mentioned at your first video democracy is shirk just as saying, thinking jesus is god's son due to maide 44 kahf 26 tewbeh 31 josef40. We can get communicate english or turkish i am from Turkey
That is what islam is ❤❤❤❤
@@baraaaamer7778 yes exactly 🥰
@@Nuhjapanesemuslim nuh
Please, make some search on democracy is shirk
Due to maide 44 kahf 26 josef 40 tewbeh 31
Take your time for explanation ( tafther)of tewbeh31
Assalamu Aluikum
Would you like to learn arabic language?
I am lam learning Japanese
I woul like to practise
Japanese language .
اخي وصديقي نوح ❤
نفع الله بكم واعزك بلاسلام
شكرًا اخي وصديقي انس🥰
ما شاء الله 🤍🤍🤍
ما شاء الله وجهك كله نور وايمان وواضح عليك انك فعلا مسلم ملتزم وذو قلب طيب
اهلا بك اخا لنا
شكرًا جزيلا على كلماتك الطيبة🤍
I ask God to strengthen you
You are with God .. Don't worry
Allah says
And those who strive for Us - We will surely guide them to Our ways
Alhamdulillah 😁
ما شاء الله
Welcome to Islam brother Nuh 🤍
May Allah reward you and keep you steadfast on your Deen
Assalam alaikum
In sha Allah 😁
هنيئا لك الاسلام نوح وثبتنا الله وإياك علي الإسلام وهدي الله أحبابك إلي الإسلام فرحين لأجل هدايتك
شكرا جزيلا على لطفك
The first salat it’s sunah to make voice like it called gahr جهر love you ❤️
In sha Allah 🥰
ما شاء الله اللهم بارك 🌸
اللَهم يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي وقلب عبدك نُوح على دينك.☝
اللهم امين 🤲🏽
شكرًا جزيلا لك😄
@@Nuhjapanesemuslim اللهم آمين. اخي نوح أنت والاخوة المسلمين في اليابان تمرون في إِمتحان عظيم. اللهم يسر لكم أمركم ويحسن إليكم ويرفع عنكم وِزركم. 💚
АльхамдулиЛлахи ❤
Mashllah brother, you taking huge steps not just by converting to become a muslim but also you have the dedication and the desire to learn about the religion , besides that you learning english and making UA-cam videos!! People dont realize how hard it is to do all that at once. You are an inspiration and doing excellent work. Bless you
Thank you my brother
I’m happy to see your comment
And even I didn’t realize I’m in the hardships 😅
But it’s true
In sha Allah I will pass all test 😁
May Allah bless you too🤲🥰
أنرتنا في مصر يا نوح
حياك الله وبارك فيك
أهلا بك في عائلتك الكبيرة
الحمد لله الذي أنقذك من النار، رضي الله عنك ❤
شكرًا لك يا اخي🥰
باذن الله سآتي مره اخرى😄
ربنا يكرمك ويوفقك ويثبتك على هذا الدين الحنيف
May Allah almighty guide us to the straight path.
In sha Allah ❤️
Asalam alikeem brother, may Allah give u the strength to be better inshallah ! Also we would love to know how u become Muslim and what was the biggest challenges for u when u convert to Islam what is your family and friends reaction, all that if it’s possible! Thank u☺️
Wa alaikum Salam
In sha Allah
I will make videos about it😁
Allahumah barik.
Thank you😊
Allah Bless You
Thank you brother.I am from India
Thank you too🤲
الحمد لله والشكر لله ❤
ماشاءالله 😍
May Allah protect you my precious brother
Thank you so much😄
ماشاء الله تبارك الله اخي ثبتك الله على الطاعة❤
السلـامہ عليڰمہ وݛحمۃ اللـّٰہ وبݛڰاتہ.
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
It'd be great if you make a separate video about your conversion to Islam journey
Thank you
In sha Allah 😁
I’m glad I found you very early! 😄
Keep going, brother!
Also, regarding the question you asked your friend, I’d like to add something. As far as I know, there are two types of sins: those against Allah and those against people. Allah can forgive you if you make tawba (repentance), but when it comes to sins against others, you must also seek their forgiveness. It’s not easy, it could take years to mend it after doing something wrong. Ideally, it’s best to avoid such actions altogether. After all, we’re only human :)
Thank you so much for your explanation 😊
ماشاء الله يانوح انت في مصر تعالى محافظه الاسكندريه اهلابك
المره القادمه باذن الله🤍
Our brother very good Muslim we love masr ❤️am aldonia
And I want to add something that even if you and him inter the jana
There are a hundred levels in Paradise Jana between every two levels, just as there is between heaven and earth
So as much as you do you get in the Jana and even in the Jana there will be people in a better place in Jana according to your hasanat and the best level or place in Jana is فردوس ferdos ان شاء الله ان نكون انا وانت من اهلها
In sha Allah
All of us go to high Jannah 🥰
ثبتك الله و رزقك الرشد و البصيرة
Allah protect you from all evil Bro
Thank you
May Allah bless you 🥰🥰🥰
Strengthen your relationship with ALLAH by reading the Quran and following the Sunnah of Muhammad, may ALLAH bless him and grant him peace, and do not build an idea about Islam from people because people often make mistakes with ALLAH... Islam is the religion of ALLAH on His earth... May ALLAH make you steadfast, my brother Noah, and illuminate your path.
I had an experience as assistant researcher in Tsuruoka city, Yamagata prefecture in 2015...the Japanese people are so nice people you've good manners in dealing and you are skilled at work, and Islam will make you much better than some Muslims in Muslim countries.
Your brother Abdallah from Algeria
allah bless u brother
May Allah bless you too🤲🤲🤲
السلام عليكم نوح ❤
Look you can search about any questions in your mind to muslim people on the internet and we all brothers don't worry we still with you and go jana together in shaa allah
Thank you so much brother 😄 I appreciate that.
هناك جزئين للإجابة على سؤالك
الأول: دخول الجنة يكون بسبب رحمة الله وليس بسبب كثرة الأعمال الصالحة ولذلك لا يمكن أن نعرف من يدخل الجنة أم لا إذا حسبنا عدد أعماله الصالحة وعدد أعماله السيئة
الثاني: العمل الصالح يكون وزنه حسب النية فإذا كانت نية المسلم صادقة يكون عمله كبيرا ولو كان شيئا بسيط جدا وإذا كانت نيته سيئة فلا وزن لعمله الصالح الذي عمله ، والنيات لا يعلم بها إلا الله عزوجل
ملاحظة: الأعمال الصالحة يجب أن يعملها المسلم استجابة لأمر الله وطمعا في رحمته
أخي إذا كنتم تصلون صلاة جماعة فعليك بإلصاق رجلك برجل الذي يصلي أمامك ولا تترك بينك وبينه مسافة
شكرًا لك على النصيحه☺️
الذي يصلي بجانبه ليس أمامه 😅
Alhamdulillah ❤❤❤
Alhamdulillah 😁😁😁
Love brother nuh
الحمد لله على نعمة الهداية أسأل الله لك الثبات وضعت لك إشتراك واصل
شكرًا جزيلا لك😄
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
اخوك مسلم عربي من الاردن
الحمد لله على نعمه الاسلام❤
I hope to Allah that Brother Noah can preach in Japan and make Japan the largest Muslim country in the world amen🤲
Thank you so much
In sha Allah 🥰🥰🥰
@@Nuhjapanesemuslim amin uncle noah 😍😍😍
هناك درجات في المكافأة من الله
كلما اصبحت ذنوبك قليلة كلما زاد الله المكافأة لك ثم يعطيك الله منزلة في الجنة افضل من غيرك من المذنبين الذين يحملون ذنوباً كثيرة
شكرًا لك على التوضيح 😊
الله يرزقنا جميعًا اعلى درجات الجنة يارب
@@Nuhjapanesemuslim امين 🤲
great !!
Thank you!!😄
👍🏻الحمدلله دائماً وأبداً👍🏻
Marsha'Allah, keep it up bro good and evil are not equal Islam is to worship Allah(god) and follow all his prophets, without the Quran we are lost let keep on praying forgiveness and follow the straight path because everyday, hour and second we're getting near to death.
may Allah reward you, and keep you steadfast in Islam. my question: do you have japanese friends who have become Muslims?
Assalam alaikum
The answer is no but ofc I know Japanese muslims
I will talk about it too in sha Allah
فيديو حلو واسمك من جزائري. تحيا
احب المسلمين❤
تبارك الله 😄😃
Keep going 💪
In sha Allah 🥰
Books on Doctrine and Monotheism by Muhammad Abd al-Wahhab ❤👍
Alhamdulillah ❤️
@@Nuhjapanesemuslim Please brother dont listen to these saudi wahabis and salafi extremists, Islam is beatiful and simple without them.
Lanatullah on Abdul Wahab, Lanatullah on Wahabis
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
جزاك الله خيراً اخي في الاسلام
لا تنسى ان المسلم الصالح يرفعه الله درجات اعلى في الجنه بأعماله كلما زاد من الطاعات والسنن زاده الله درجات في الأخره وكلاً بعمله وهذا هو عدل الله بين المسلم المجتهد والمقصر اسأل الله ان يجعلنا مع محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم واصحابه في الفردوس الاعلا
التوبة ثم التوبة للمُذنبين قبل الزيادة في الأعمال الصالحة، فالتوبة هي الأصل، وهي من العبادات الأساسية و(الواجبة) على كل مسلم في الإسلام
الله يتقبل توبتنا يارب
ربنا يزيد إيمانك و تدبرك
من أسماء الله الحسنى العدل ففى يقين و ثقة فى حكمته
كلنا ندخل الجنة بفضل الله ورحمته قبل ان يكون ميزان حسنات
الله لا يُسأل عما يفعل هو عليم بذات الصدور
كُلنا فى الدنيا أصحاب ابتلاءات فلا تنظر لأحد وتقول ابتلاءه اخف من ابتلائى او ياليت لى مثل ما أوتى من نعم
كل فرد ينظر الى ورقة اختباره التى اُعدت إليه ونوع السؤال يختلف باختلاف النفس فما يبدو لك سؤال سهل من الممكن ان يكون صعب لدى و العكس صحيح
الرضى مهم رضا مبنى على يقين بعدل الله وبقسمته
كيف يحكم الله بيننا
"إلا من أتى الله بقلب سليم" " تقوى القلوب"
هذه اشياء لا نراها هو فقط من يعلمها
حتى فى منازل المؤمنين فى الجنة
Allah says in the Quran, regarding the people of Paradise, "And We removed from their hearts all rancor and ill-will - they are (now) like brothers, facing each other on couches" [Hijr: 47].
الكل سيرضى لا حقد و لا بغضاء
شكرًا لكلماتك وشرحك البسيط اقدر ذلك☺️
@@Nuhjapanesemuslim أكرمك الله و ثبتك على طاعته وأنزل عليك من لطفه و أثابك كل الخير على جهادك وجعلك نوراً لمن حولك
ما شاء الله 👋
Thank you❤️
All Jannah is not same bro, so as people work hard in this dunia to have better life Jannah also have different degrees and best place in Jannah is could Ferdous.
May Allah make us from those who enter Ferdous in Jannah with prophets and companions.
Thank you for comment
Yes exactly,I didn’t know
It’s also interesting
I will study more in sha Allah
ادنى درجة في الجنة افضل من الدنيا بحذافيرها .. اللهم ارزقنا الجنة
مَن شَهِد أن لا إله إلا اللهُ دخل الجنةَ لكن الجنة درجات ; قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : في الجنة مائة درجة ما بين كل درجتين كما بين السماء والأرض، والفردوس أعلاها درجة، ، فإذا سألتم الله فاسألوه الفردوس. صححه الألباني
كل مسلم سيدخل ان شاء الله الجنه
كما قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم واله كل بني ادم خطاء وخير الخطائين التوابون
فاذا اخطأ العبد فعليه بالتوبه
المسلمين سيدخلون الجنة الجنه على اقسام :
يدخلون الجنه مباشرة بدون حساب او سابقه عذاب
يدخلون الجنه بعد الحساب
اما من كان مسلما وكان يؤذي الناس وظالم لكنه موحد لم يتعدى على حق الله في التوحيد فانه يعذب قليلا في النار ثم يدخل الجنه
شكرًا جزيلًا لك على الشرح😄
الله يجعلنا من اعلى المراتب بالجنه ان شاء الله☺️🤲🏽
I like your shirt
Yes it’s very cool😎
Regarding people who commit a lot of sins and then are granted Jannah, of course Allah knows best and knows the person’s true intentions, but it can be more of a struggle for the person to live a life of sins without happiness and struggle a lot to stop them than someone who has lived a good righteous life their whole life
It’s interesting
Allah is the best 🤲
Salaamualaikum brother I am learning Japanese and would love to make muslim friends in Japan!
Wa alaikum Salam
In sha Allah
You can have a lot of Japanese friends🥰
انا مشترك جديد ✋😁
تشرفت بوجودك!
ارجو ان تتفقد الفيديوهات الاخرى ،شكرًا!
@@Nuhjapanesemuslim لقد تفقدتها كلها و نالت اعجابي .. استمر نريد رؤية المزيد
How old are you, how did you convert to Islam, and how did your family react when you converted to Islam?🤍🤍🤍
I’m 25
Stay tuned for the q&a video😄
Halo saudaraku
Mr.Nuh, regarding your question to your friend...I want to add something, there is Hadith which The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "When Allah had finished His creation, He wrote over his Throne: 'My Mercy preceded My Anger.', and also I want to ask you which is the worst sin? It will be of course Kufr and Shirk ( disbelief and polytheism), so if you, alhumdullah, muslim, this is a big step. Of course we should try not to make sins to worship Allah well but God knows better, maybe someone makes sins but acually, they love Allah and tries not to sin and remember the Hadith which is (A bedouin came to Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and said to him, "When will be the Hour (i.e., the Day of Resurrection)?" He (the Prophet (ﷺ)) said, "What preparation have you made for it?" He said, "Only the love of Allah and His Messenger." Then Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "You will be with those whom you love."), Of course, when we say that it doesn't mean that we should all make sins and not worship Allah well but what I mean that Allah (SWT) is very merciful and all wise if someone made sins and came regretting and repentted, Of course, Allah who is the great one will forgive him and at the same time, Allah (SWT) is very justice made the Junnah degrees and Allah knows better.
I am sorry if my comment is long.
Thank you so much for adding
I understand
May Allah bless you🤲
انصحك بالداعية محمد علي اذا احتجت الى إي اسئلة
شكرًا لك
Share to Bosnians too🥰
May Allah bless you🤲
How did you know about Islam.
Wa alaikum Salam
I will make a video about it in sha Allah 😁
Don't feel like you don't belong in Japan. For Muslim it's a challenge to live in a nonMuslim country. However, Japan needs you more because you can be guidance for so many ppl insha Allah.
Assalam alaikum brother
Thank you so much
In sha Allah 🥹🥹🥹
basically, in islam we believe that human is weak and we are sinful creatures...I believe that God is the creator and the most knowledgeable so the one who wants to play smart with God he won't go any further .. furthermore in paradise there are levels .... The person who was obedient to God his whole life is not in the same level as another one who didn't etc.. but it is not to us to judge... we do what are able to do and the Allah s the judge.. but the principle of repentence is always present in islam
5:40 i understand what u mean, it would be unfair if we're not meant to sin but no we're humans we make mistakes all the time but the most important thing is repentance and having that intention to never come back to that sin it's the intention of the person that decide but we don't can't judge ppl bcs we don't know what they have in their hearts so it's allah who judges them he's the all knowing and as Allah says in the quran "never lose hope in Allah's mercy,"so anyone can be forgotten if they return to Allah and do their best
Yes yes
I totally agree
Only Allah judges us
Only Allah knows us
In sha Allah all of us will go to jannah
May Allah bless you🤲🤲🤲
@@Nuhjapanesemuslimامين، جزاك الله خيرا
🧕🙏 Assalamualaikum , 🙏⭐⭐⭐
Wa alaikum assalam ☺️
لقد رايت سوالك الى صديقك عن ماذا الفايده اذا كان الشخص يذنب و الله يغفر له ذنوبه وممكن ان يدخل الجنه ومن ناحية اخرى يوجد شخص لا يذنب ويتبع الدين ويدخل الجنة كالذي اذنب لا يوجد عدل هكذا صح؟ سأحاول ان اشرح شرح بسيط كمثال اذا الشخص اللذي يذنب مدرك ان مايفعله حرام ويغضب الله واراد فعله فانت تعلم ان الإنسان ضعيف يوجد الكثير من المغريات حوله وهو حرام ف يضعف الانسان وخصوصا اذا كان لا يصلي بشكل دائم ويقرأ القرأن هذه مشكلة فسوف تقع بالكثير من المغريات حتى تصبح هكذا والان نرجع اللي سوالك مره أخرى اذا فعل الذنب هذا الشخص ونقول ربما مات حينها ف يموت ع ذنب كبير وكان هو مدرك عن غلطته ولكن انه أستمر عليها وهذه نهاية سيئة لا أتمناها الى اي احد ونقول بحالة اخرى اذا اذنب ولم يتب بعدها وضل يذنب ولم يكن يصلي فبهذا الوقت سوف يمر في شعور صعب واكتأب وهذا شي موكد وليس فقط افتراض مني لا يوجد مسلم حقيقي مهما كان شكله او من اين ماكان وماهي دولته بلاخير هو مسلم لا يبعد عن الاسلام ويفعل المحرمات هكذا الا وهو في امر صعب او حزين ف يستسلم ونعلم نحن كمسلمين انها اختبارات من الله والله غفور رحيم ف اذا الشخص ضل يذنب يذنب ولم يتوب فاعلم أنه حقا يمر في وقت عصيب واذا بعد كل مافعله رجع حتى يتوب وتاب وهو بنية صادقه فهكذا الله يغفر له +وعليك ان تعلم ان الإعمال بالنيات ف الله كبير ويعلم مابداخل الشخص وهل نيته صالحه ويريد حين يفعل الذنب ان يتوب او لا حتى تكتب له الحسنات ف الله عادل ويحب العدل والله لا يظلم احد ولكن الناس انفسهم يظلمون انفسهم بما يفعلون ف كل شي في الإسلام له جواب فقط انت ابحث بنفسك وتاكد من صحة الكلام ولك كل التوفيق يا اخي!❤
بارك الله فيك احسن رد
فقد ثبت في المسند وغيره أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يقول: سووا صفوفكم، وحاذوا بين مناكبكم، ولينوا في أيدي إخوانكم، وسدوا الخلل، فإن الشيطان يدخل بينكم بمنزلة الحذف. يعني أولاد الضأن الصغار. وهذا الحديث صريح الدلالة على أن الشيطان يدخل المسجد.
Where did you learn Arabic?
O master of beauty and O leader of human beings, the moon shines from behind your face. It is not possible to do justice to your praise. The short story is that after God, you are the greatest. oh prophet Muhammad
It was narrated from Anas that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“Every son of Adam commits sin, and the best of those who commit sin are those who repent.’”
Grade: Hasan (Darussalam)
Reference : Sunan Ibn Majah 4251
In-book reference : Book 37, Hadith 152
English translation : Vol. 5, Book 37, Hadith 4251
Yes those who repent are the best and not those who continue to sin and say ''Ah its okay, because i pray or do good deeds.''
Thank you 😎
Yes yes exactly
We will be good Muslim in sha Allah
May Allah bless you🥰
الجنه درجات ربما يكافأ المسلم الذي لا يرتكب المعاصي كثيرا بمنزلة في الجنه أعلى ممن يرتكب السيئات ويتوب ثم يرتكب ويتوب وهكذا ثم يغفر الله له ويدخله الجنه لكنه لا يحظى بمنزلة الآخر وعلى العموم فإن الله لا يظلم أحدا شيئا وهو الحكيم العليم بعباده
الله يجعلنا في اعلى المراتب يارب
(So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it (7) and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it (8))sora zalzala___This means that God will hold us accountable for our deeds on the scale, that is, one scale on which the bad deeds are placed and the other on which the good deeds are placed, and the most reliable is the one that determines heaven or hell. But there is God’s mercy in the first and the last.
What about islam u like most🙂😊
Japanski brat
But there are some sins that are unforgivable, such as harming people, stealing from them, mocking them, backbiting them, or depriving them of their rights.
Such transgressions cannot be forgiven unless there is permission and permission from the oppressed people
But by being forgiven, the Donab will be enriched and will come efficiently from God in a way that is unimaginable Then God forgives you in life after death .
Good work comes with blessing, divine reward, and bad work comes with divine punishment.
Oh I understand
Thank you so much for the information
Jazakum allah khakiran
if get down to egypt make sure keeping us posted
cairo is full of greedy people.
tell us to come welcoming you
Ofc inshallah!🥰
4:56 jannah have degrees for that kind of reason after the mercy of good and your following of his commend and your good deeds you will enter to jannah.
the one who is doing sins even if the repent i think the will be less then you in janna.
Thank you for comment 😁
Will u my friend 🙂?😊
لفت نظري سؤالك عن اولئك الذين يذنبون ثم يتوبون ... تذكرت الاية
( إِنَّمَا التَّوْبَةُ عَلَى اللَّهِ لِلَّذِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ السُّوءَ بِجَهَالَةٍ ثُمَّ يَتُوبُونَ مِنْ قَرِيبٍ )
الله يجعلنا من التوابين يارب🤲🏽
New subscriber from the moroccan kingdom, wish you the best, can you show us my favorite motorcycle Yamaha sygnus x 125, and it's price there. Jazaka Allah brother.
Welcome here🇲🇦❤️🇯🇵
Inshallah i will try🤍
@@Nuhjapanesemuslim I appreciate it brother. All the best
And it’s haram When you wear long pants below
the knee
And it’s a big sin
No for men it’s haram to wear pants under the knee (the bone like circle in your feet )
The prophet told us that
Whatever is below the ankles of the garment is in Hell
This is Hadith from the prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم
Search and learn
And love you ❤️ hope we meet in jana
My first language is actually Arabic so this is the original Hadith from the prophet and the next to it the explanation
فقد روى البخاري في صحيحه رحمه الله عن النبي ﷺ أنه قال: “ما أسفل من الكعبين من الإزار فهو في النار”.
هذا وعيد شديد يدل على تحريم الإسبال وأنه لا يجوز للمسلم أن يرخي ملابسه تحت الكعبين كالإزار والسراويل والقمص والبشت
Aisha r.a. reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Follow the right course, be devoted, and give glad tidings. Verily, none of you will enter Paradise by his deeds alone.” They said, “Not even you, O Messenger of Allah?” The Prophet said, “Not even myself, unless Allah grants me His mercy. Know that the most beloved deed to Allah is done regularly, even if it is small.”
Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari 6464, Sahih Muslim 2818
My brother, regarding the question that you asked the Egyptian brother, you must know that heaven and hell have levels. In addition, there are many bad Muslims who do not pray and commit sins. These also enter hell, but they will not remain there forever, and after that, Allah may forgive them and admit them to heaven, so why should we risk it? Why We commit unnecessary sins, so we must stay away from sins as much as possible and be good believers.
Yes I totally agree
We just keep avoiding sins and try to be better Muslim in sha Allah
Assalamu alaikom brother, Could u please " Blur " the 'women' that are in ur Vlog when u go to the market or shop because they wear short and inappropriate clothes. So my Brother Please when u Edit ur Vlog next time Please Blur the Women in ur video. Barakallahu Feek❤
Yes ofc in sha Allah
but where is women?
I can’t find women
@@Nuhjapanesemuslim 1:25 is that a women or what😅
@@Learn-More. it’s not a woman….bro
@@Nuhjapanesemuslim Hahah My bad brother sorry. Should i delete my comment then
No no
No worries
Guys, I recommend you watch this absolute treasure !!!!! A video called: "The Power of The Kaaba | How Does The Kaaba Transform You into A Whole Other Person? | Amin Sabry"
Thank you
In sha Allah 🥰
Amin sabry Not on the right track please Listen to trustworthy person
@@wildrose7291 in sha Allah 🤲
@@wildrose7291 You are totally wrong and misleading him. Amin Sabry has 220 hours on UA-cam and 350 hours of courses, apart from books. When you will have watched those 570 hours and read over 2400 pages, then you can judge. He is one of the most truthful and pure persons on UA-cam and has changed the lives of thousands of people getting them closer to Allah.
If there wasnt a thing called forgiveness then its over for us you lie your not forgiven you don't pray your not forgiven you drink alcohol your not forgiven
One of allah's name is al adl the embodiment of justice no one gets more nor less allah distributes everything evenly
So if there isnt forgiveness theres no hope allah gives us hope you make sins theres hope you can ask for forgiveness and not repeat the sin again
“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘The one who repents from sin is like one who did not sin.’”
And of course there are huge sins
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Keep away from the seven fatalities." It was asked: "What are they, O Messenger of Allah?" He (ﷺ) replied, "Associating anything with Allah in worship (i.e., committing an act of Shirk), sorcery, killing of one whom Allah has declared inviolable without a just cause, devouring the property of an orphan, the eating of usury (Riba), fleeing from the battlefield and accusing chaste believing women, who never even think of anything touching their chastity."
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Yes yes
I think this topic is very interesting
Cuz even there is forgiveness (I mean there is)
We shouldn’t think we have forgiveness for we can do whatever
But as human being sometimes we would think so
But at the same moment we try to be like that
So I think we pray a lot we read Quran a lot
And we remind there is Allah always
In sh Allah I will take a video about these kind of opinions
May Allah bless you🤲
@@Nuhjapanesemuslim thats true some muslims think that they do whatever they want then repent then their forgiven
That's a very wrong way of thinking it doesn't work that way repenting is much more than asking forgiveness from Allah its also not repeating the bad deed again and feeling regretful
May allah bless you too and may allah affirm us on our faith
@@فلسطينحره-ح6ب in sha Allah
We will be good Muslims
And all of us go to jannah in sha Allah