150G American Cichlid Tank Update - Fish In Since Day 1

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @KaveManAquatics
    @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +14

    Consider joining with a membership and access cool perks like Emojis 😊 , Behind the Scenes Videos and Member-Only Live Streams!
    More info here - ua-cam.com/users/kavemanaquaticsjoin

  • @stevenmellor1815
    @stevenmellor1815 3 роки тому +48

    Sorry for your loss buddy! Appreciate how open and honest you are. Keep the great content coming

  • @darthblunt3833
    @darthblunt3833 3 роки тому +18

    Man Kev, I appreciate you sharing your story even through your loss you still bring information to all of us on so many levels, and the best part about you is you don't just give information that's out there you always physically prove it to show that once again your knowledge is beyond on point. Even through a hard loss to yourself this content taught way more than originally intended. I absolutely feel from the bottom of my heart you are the most caring and informative fish tuber around. We all are blessed to have you in our lives. Thanks doesn't even begin to repay your time and effort. Long live Flacco Dos my friend.... Sincerely, Phil

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +3

      Thank you brother Darth! Your feedback always hits home. Im glad you saw how real I was trying to be. Doesn't matter how experienced you can be we all go through fish death and mistakes. I vow to learn from my mistakes and keep Flaco Dos as safe as I can! Glad you enjoyed the video bro! 😊

  • @alyssiawilson3396
    @alyssiawilson3396 2 роки тому +2

    I got back into African cichlids after 5 years of having none. I'm so happy I found your channel and love how open and honest you are about the losses we all take. I enjoy all of your videos!

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  2 роки тому

      Welcome back! Glad you're enjoying the channel! 😊

  • @jonathanbeci5897
    @jonathanbeci5897 3 роки тому +4

    Finally the update on the Americans!!!
    Big thanks for the update and specially on the honesty of loosing fish, I always kept an eye for flaco and didn’t see him so I was wondering if something happened or he was hiding.
    Not all the channels I follow talk about fish dying and its terrible that it happens, but it shows you are human!! people following the channel also can accept that these things happen even to the pro’s!!! Easy way would have been no update new arowana and just keep calling him flaco...
    Thanks for sharing and letting us enjoy your journey!

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +3

      I really appreciate that! It was hard showing how I really felt on video but I did my best. Wanted to be honest with you guys but didnt want to tear up on camera, lol The day it happened I didnt take a pic or anything because making content was the last thing on my mind.
      But you're right I could have just replaced him and called it a day but I feel a good channel should show the ups and downs of the hobby because in reality we all go through them.
      Thanks for the feedback bro and I'm glad you enjoyed the video 😊

  • @tamershawky2506
    @tamershawky2506 2 роки тому +2

    I am so sorry for your loss and thank you for your honest , advice and sharing your story.
    You have a wonderful tank and fishes 🙂

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  2 роки тому

      Thank you! Glad you're finding the channel helpful! 😁💪

  • @jamieperez3102
    @jamieperez3102 3 роки тому +11

    I truly love watching your videos. You give such good information and you get straight to it without any gimmicks. I have been a fish keeper for over 20 years but yet I still learn something in every video you post. Appreciate you fam!

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +1

      Thank you Jamie, Love to hear veterans in the hobby enjoying the channel!

  • @plushpossum
    @plushpossum 3 роки тому

    I have a common Pleco named Percy. I bought him for my 30 gallon tank. He was 2". He grew a LOT. So I got a 55 gallon. A year later I got a 125....just for him! I don't know WHY I love this fish so much! He's a complete pain in the but, rearranges all my decor, but there's something about him!

  • @cheesehead4670
    @cheesehead4670 3 роки тому +6

    Kev, my 17 year old son and I are big in the hobby now because of you. He has an amazing cichlid tank that we have been successful at because of you! So, long story short, a couple weeks ago we added a brand new snowflake eel to our big saltwater tank, and we both decided together that we would name him Flaco in honor of you and Flaco. Even tho you would probably never know we did that it felt good to do, because you have no idea how much you’ve influenced and saved us headaches and heartaches by posting these videos! So here’s to you and your new Flaco Dos and our Flaco as well. ✌🏼🥰
    We name all our fish and even our invertebrates. If it’s alive it gets a name in our house. 😂😇

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +2

      Thats awesome!! 😁😁 Congrats on your Flaco!

    • @cheesehead4670
      @cheesehead4670 3 роки тому

      @@KaveManAquatics thank you! Our Flaco is doing well and we hope yours is as well!

  • @bloodfrost77
    @bloodfrost77 3 роки тому +9

    Sorry for your losses. It always sucks, but it's also just part of fish keeping. You have a great attitude about it. Also, I name all of my fish, but sometimes forget the names and then rename them, haha! FYI, I have a blue zebra Mbuna that is always guarding the biggest cave in the tank, so I named him KaveMan!

  • @meyou805
    @meyou805 3 роки тому +3

    Loved the raw emotion you showed about Flaco. I could see it, and feel it. All the best for Flaco Dos...

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +2

      Thank you. I tried to be as real as possible but without bursting into tears about it lol Even though thats how it felt the day of....Glad you enjoyed the video!

  • @joehare1151
    @joehare1151 3 роки тому +6

    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss my friend! I guess sometimes shit happens, keep positive and keep doing what you do best!! Keep up the awesome videos! Your work is greatly appreciated, THANK YOU 🙏

  • @marypaigeflynn4512
    @marypaigeflynn4512 3 роки тому +2

    So sorry about Flaco!! It is an unfortunate part of fish keeping, thanks for sharing and encouraging others to not give up!! Flaco Dos will turn that frown upside down 🤗(PS I Love the name 😁 perfect!!!)
    I love Eddie 😍 he's a little stunner!! Well he's a big boy now 😂❤️
    Don't feel awkward🤣🤣I named my fish after UA-camrs who I watch and learn from.😂 I haven't started my new cichlid journey yet.... but, there's a possibility of a Kev in the future 🤷🤣
    Photobombing Oscars!! How can you not love them and the clown loaches 🤗
    I love the red shoulder severums too!!
    Hello Flaco Dos!! Welcome to your new home little buddy!!
    I enjoyed your update and I hope you and your family are having a blessed weekend🙏🌿🐟🌿💚

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +1

      Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed the video. Good to know I'm not alone in naming my fish HAHA

  • @deedeewass3047
    @deedeewass3047 3 роки тому +2

    Sorry for your loss, heart breaking 💔. Thank you for your honesty. This is a real hobby and it is nice to hear real life from other hobbyists.
    I also name all my fish 😆

  • @pokerfacemonks
    @pokerfacemonks 3 роки тому

    Ha! I saw Flacko II flash at 4:38! (Still watching). Condolences on the loss (All teared up now).

  • @kevinhood7854
    @kevinhood7854 3 роки тому +6

    255 likes and no dislikes as it should be! Great video!

  • @francheskahunter4996
    @francheskahunter4996 Рік тому

    I have learned so much from all of your videos! I Am new to the hobbie and go figure the African chiclids drew me in and I love them. So thank you for your guidance.

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  Рік тому

      My pleasure! Glad you're finding the channel helpful 😁

  • @dirtbikchik
    @dirtbikchik 3 роки тому +5

    It's hard losing fish and sucks when it happens 😕 but I'm happy you got Flacco #2. We name our first too so you aren't alone lol

  • @sheilabruin-blake9507
    @sheilabruin-blake9507 Рік тому

    I’m so sorry for all your loss 😢

  • @demarcoharris7680
    @demarcoharris7680 3 роки тому +5

    Awesome Video Kev, those Oscars were definitely making sure you showed them off😂😂😂😂😂

  • @lewishenderson6044
    @lewishenderson6044 3 роки тому

    Love the tank especially the electric blue jack and the green terror

  • @carlobricco8907
    @carlobricco8907 3 роки тому +2

    Brother man, I just got into the hobby recently and I found ur videos/channel. Love ur content it helps tremendously. It's totally not weird to name ur fish. I have three Bettas named as per daughter, Goldie, Pinky and Blueberry. Sorry for the loss ur fish are awesome looking.

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +1

      Thank you bro, and welcome to the channel! Glad you're enjoying it 😊

  • @kcmaree9497
    @kcmaree9497 3 роки тому +1

    You are amazing! My hubby and I have watched just about all your videos! We were in process of cycling a 75gallon tank for peacocks. 5 weeks in with seeded filter and it hadn't cycled! Followed what you did to add fish day one, waited a week and we now have 4 peacocks doing great! Tank still hasn't cycled BUT the fish are happy and healthy! Thank you for having such informative videos! Keep it up!

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +2

      Awesome! Glad I could help! You are going to want to add more fish soon because those 4 will start to fight each other for dominance in the tank. Also if your tank still hasnt cycled make sure you've got plenty of surface agitation. Your beneficial bacteria need oxygen to grow as well to get your tank cycled.
      Check out my new webinar training with some great info for your peacocks! Its free! - event.webinarjam.com/channel/KaveMan-Aquatics

  • @quinnhawkinson894
    @quinnhawkinson894 3 роки тому +1

    Really sorry about Flaco. Love your tank ans all your videos rock! I think your channel is one of the best out there! Thanks man!

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому

      I appreciate that! Glad you're enjoying the channel!

  • @kelseymullenix6509
    @kelseymullenix6509 3 роки тому

    Aw man. The devastation in your voice about Flaco. RIP buddy. I can tell you loved him. So sad :(

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +2

      I did! That was a tough loss...probably the toughest I've had in this hobby.

  • @sheilabruin-blake9507
    @sheilabruin-blake9507 Рік тому

    They all looks great and healthy

  • @mimimelendez6594
    @mimimelendez6594 3 роки тому +2

    My albino socofoli got swim bladder and I separated him, increased the water temperature and put some aquarium salt into his tank(more than normally required). Through days of not feeding him and then only feeding him algae based food, he recovered. Took him about a month and a half but now he looks great. I’m so happy cuz he was one of our faves.

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +3

      Thats awesome that you were able to save him! 😊💪 Usually swim bladder ends with bad results.

    • @marypaigeflynn4512
      @marypaigeflynn4512 3 роки тому +1

      All right🙌❤️

  • @oasisreno1920
    @oasisreno1920 3 роки тому

    Sorry for loss bro. Love how u got one again..Thats awesome..no quitting 😊

  • @pokerfacemonks
    @pokerfacemonks 3 роки тому

    I bought 2 E. Blue Jack Dempseys and one real pretty blue/black cichlid that I forgot what it’s kind was but, it began with demon! (*update - Demasoni) Ha ha! As you know I will be setting my tank up the Memorial Day weekend (5-29-2021) and I have decided (just a few minutes ago) to video tape it all and will be mentioning you (Kev) a lot! And your UA-cam Channel. Thanks for ALL the tips so far!

  • @bryanlarocque7627
    @bryanlarocque7627 2 роки тому

    Orwana is a killer. Me wife have (couple... ) tanks with frontosa. And a big red devil called Miss fish. We love watch your video on tv! 🐟👍 From Canada!

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  2 роки тому

      Thank you! Glad you're enjoying the channel! 😁💪

  • @PULAG
    @PULAG 2 роки тому

    Electric Blue Jacks are so beautiful man wow. Not many freshwater fish that have that color.

  • @Ramraj07Manutd
    @Ramraj07Manutd 3 роки тому

    Fav Aquatics channel on UA-cam. Lost all my fish and I’m starting again with a new setup and a sump filtration. Done with Fluval FX6

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +1

      Glad you didnt give up!! 😊💪

    • @Ramraj07Manutd
      @Ramraj07Manutd 3 роки тому

      @@KaveManAquatics watched a lot of your videos to see if I can go again with no mistakes. Love your informative and entertaining videos. Keep up the good work

  • @sssteveosmith25
    @sssteveosmith25 3 роки тому

    Good stuff bro. Have watched so many different cichlid content videos. But you sir, I do have to say has the most interesting knowledgeable content I've come across yet. I've been keeping cichlids now for the last 8 years along with my saltwater tanks for a while but that's another story. And I continue to learn so much from watching your content keep it up thank you it's guys like you thay help guys like me continue to thrive and continue this hobby. I'm so sorry about your loss, I just recently lost "that 1" ( 10yr old Tiger Oscar), I found alot have canine like personalities and become our friends as well, it's hard. Oh by the way, no need to feel funny about naming your fish, I got seven cichlids and 14 saltwater fish and everyone named even my snails and crabs 😊 thanks bro

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +1

      Thank you Steven, I appreciate the positive feedback! And I know how you feel to lose that fish, that 1 guy! Sorry bro. Glad you're enjoying the channel though! 💪

  • @mded691
    @mded691 3 роки тому +1

    Awesome video!! Your channel is blowing up!! Been watching since day one. Great content like always informative and entertaining!

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому

      Thank you bro! And thanks fir being an OG! 😁💪

  • @patrickscerra8149
    @patrickscerra8149 3 роки тому +1

    As always Kev straight 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @destinomataliga
    @destinomataliga 2 роки тому

    Great info kev… I’m trying to some day be a whole veteran like you 💯

  • @joeestes4958
    @joeestes4958 3 роки тому +1

    Fish look great Kev.

  • @TEX-9568
    @TEX-9568 3 роки тому

    Awesome Kev! Yes we name our fish as well. My EBJD is named Rocky, I have a Green Terror named Apollo.

  • @anthonyhall5839
    @anthonyhall5839 3 роки тому +1

    I am a fairly new sub. I have gone through and watched many of your videos, love the content.

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +1

      Awesome! Glad you're enjoying the channel! 😊

  • @snoopdogg734
    @snoopdogg734 3 роки тому +1

    Great video as always buddy, appreciate your openness and honesty, this is what makes your channel so great. Keep your head up, unfortunately we all have lost some fish in this hobby.

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому

      Thank you , I appreciate that! Everyone loses fish, Im no exception. 👍

  • @jonathancasy607
    @jonathancasy607 3 роки тому

    I got my male dovii from imperial tropics great fish, great service waiting for my female dovii, pair of jaguar, midas, n kamfa

  • @chrisfinnie5198
    @chrisfinnie5198 3 роки тому

    Eddie the electric blue jack dempsey is beautiful mate.

  • @gerrickg7
    @gerrickg7 3 роки тому

    Just wanna say I appreciate all your videos. Always very helpful.

  • @johnmaude5065
    @johnmaude5065 3 роки тому

    The tank is looking fantastic 👍

  • @FakeNewsCNN
    @FakeNewsCNN 3 роки тому

    My condolences on Flaco! Great video Kev with beautiful fish! I will say, you are a bad influence in that I want a American Cichlid tank now! I mentioned it to my wife and she asked if I like sleeping on the couch😂🤣😅

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +1

      🤣🤣🤣 Yea I hear I have that effect on people lol Tell your wife sorry, not sorry 🤣

    • @FakeNewsCNN
      @FakeNewsCNN 3 роки тому

      @@KaveManAquatics lmao! Love it 😂

  • @WiL_M87
    @WiL_M87 3 роки тому

    Beautiful tank, love your oscars and Arrowana🐟🐠🐟🐠

  • @migueleespinosa2632
    @migueleespinosa2632 3 роки тому

    Eddie is awesome!!!

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому

      Yea, he's flossing in the tank...and hes starting a growth spurt!

  • @rodneydixon4851
    @rodneydixon4851 Рік тому

    I know the feelings of loosing fish you put it well

  • @ItsOnlyAdi
    @ItsOnlyAdi 3 роки тому

    Sorry for the loss nice to see all remaining fish doing good 👍

  • @tylergrimes2693
    @tylergrimes2693 Рік тому

    Part of the fam they get a name, maybe not right away but eventually

  • @Tenner2340
    @Tenner2340 3 роки тому

    Thank you sir Kev, adding the clown loaches was a hidden tip, that proves that loaches are compatible in cichlids company.....I have convicts and skunk loaches they are aggressors in there own right looking for more fun loving cichlids like the blue fish you got, stunning and awesome wish my next tank had one (dibs on the fry )?priceless..lol:-)))

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому

      Thanks Walter, Glad I could help 😊 If the fry survive I'll let you know 🤣

  • @juniorlovell2833
    @juniorlovell2833 3 роки тому

    Straight up facts papo everything that will happen in the hobby will good bad or indifferent some are worse than others but all you can do is perfect the technique and do your best cause even when you're prepared and experienced ish will hit the fan 😉 stay up and blessed Bori💙❤

  • @Whaleydavey
    @Whaleydavey 7 місяців тому

    Big respect to you keeping that many fish in a 150g without fights. And without sky high nitrate.
    I definitely wouldn’t be able to do it.
    But I think it may possibly need rehoming at some stage. Even the 6 clown loaches can grow to 12 inches.

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  7 місяців тому

      Thats true, but it will take many years to get there. High Nitrates aren't anything to be scared of as long as you stay on top of your maintenance and water changes 😁

    • @Whaleydavey
      @Whaleydavey 7 місяців тому

      @@KaveManAquatics I try. Thanks for replying Kev. 👍

  • @brentoncrittenden4542
    @brentoncrittenden4542 3 роки тому

    You make great videos can’t wait to see update on eddy EBJD are some of my favorite fish

  • @paulmchugh1049
    @paulmchugh1049 3 роки тому

    Always name my fish too. I just lost a snow white cichlid named Doc due to swim bladder, that one hurt I had found what looked like a female for him.. smh but I love my fish man. Watching your videos make me wanna setup my 75 gallon tank and gather some more fish to maintain and grow with. Love the videos man keep up the good work.

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +1

      Do it bro!! SOrry for your loss, losing fish we love sucks!

  • @lunes-1
    @lunes-1 3 роки тому +1

    Great video,keep it up!🐠🐬🦈

  • @danielaguilar7526
    @danielaguilar7526 3 роки тому

    I just did the same fish setup last week looks great

  • @mikebobo42
    @mikebobo42 3 роки тому

    Sorry for your loss. This info is spot on I just did this with my peacock tank. Fish in day one and all are good. Thanks for the great info always bro really appreciate it and keep it up.

  • @dhammaboy1203
    @dhammaboy1203 3 роки тому

    Of course I name all my fish Kev.! I also call them my fin-babies 😂 (their haps, peas & my Frontosa Pacey).
    I love all these guys buy your Ed, electric blue Jack Dempsey nearly made my eyes pop out of my head! Stunning!
    And glad to see you have an Arowana again! 😁👌🏻

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому

      Thanks bro, yea Eddie is going to be a stunner! 😁

  • @w.charles9029
    @w.charles9029 3 роки тому

    I just subscribed to your channel. I love your videos because they provide awesome and easy to follow tips for us fish hobbyists. Great work! 😁👏

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +1

      Awesome! Glad you’re enjoying the channel! 😊💪

  • @GaZaGaMer1876
    @GaZaGaMer1876 3 роки тому

    Kaveman everyone lost fish even me when I just started but once again thanks too u I learn a lot by watching you great teacher

  • @papajeffe1521
    @papajeffe1521 3 роки тому

    Thanks for your video Kev, we'll done, enjoyable, and informative .

  • @jasonscott4525
    @jasonscott4525 3 роки тому

    Awesome setup. Seeing your Oscar brings back good memories of my tiger Oscar. Oscars are so energetic and are always happy to see you.I kept him alone in my 90 gallon since he didn’t play well with others. Oscars are so energetic and are always happy to see you. It was a sad day when my Oscar died.

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому

      Thank you! Sorry to hear about your loss! I now what you mean though, they are awesome fish!

  • @papasmerf6453
    @papasmerf6453 3 роки тому

    Love this tank. Just subscribed.

  • @kieslerpereira1951
    @kieslerpereira1951 3 роки тому

    Hey bro.. like you we also name our fish...
    Airy air and Elena our 2 big blue 3 spot Gauramis
    Big spotty and small spotty our pretty well grown Rose barbs
    Tinny pink and grenny green our 2 year old 3 inch zebras
    And our Strype Kebabs our shoal of Tiger barbs..
    And Stik our humangus CAE
    All living happily together ☺️
    And I'm 6 years old
    And I'm a big fan of yours..
    And I like your videos..
    Keep it coming and keep your fan club growing 🙂

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +1

      Those are awesome names! Glad you’re enjoying the channel 😊💪

  • @pauloemmi6216
    @pauloemmi6216 2 роки тому

    Great video. I have a true parrot, Uaru, Emerald Chocolate cichlid, and 5 severums in my aquarium. Would a green terror/saum co-exist? Online sources are a little contradictory. Thxs

  • @brauliorodriguez6634
    @brauliorodriguez6634 3 роки тому

    Always great content 👍🏼keep it up

  • @TheDavis547
    @TheDavis547 3 роки тому

    Best part of the morning! Thank you for your awesome videos 🔥

  • @richardmusgove3487
    @richardmusgove3487 3 роки тому

    Green Terror looks great

  • @scottmoran1721
    @scottmoran1721 3 роки тому

    That's a beautiful tank buddy

  • @seansquill8773
    @seansquill8773 3 роки тому

    Great Video Kev
    Sorry about the loss brother, really sucks losing a fish. Lost my original Green Terror a few weeks ago and still bummed. Got killed by my Vieja Argentea and I’m still pissed and upset on how i lost him. But like you said we must move on🙏🏻

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому

      Yes sir, thats the only way...toughest part of the hobby is losing fish we love! But we gotta keep movin

  • @rahimkhakee7750
    @rahimkhakee7750 3 роки тому

    Glaxo Dos! Looking forward to seeing him grow! The journey is ON💪

    • @rahimkhakee7750
      @rahimkhakee7750 3 роки тому +1

      Darn auto correct, FLACO Dos! 💪

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому

      You and me both brother!! I’m staying vigilant with my tank tops now! 😁💪

  • @orlandomartinez9699
    @orlandomartinez9699 2 роки тому

    Saludos desde Isabela Puerto Rico aquí disfrutando de tus videos hermano

  • @cichlid_kings
    @cichlid_kings 3 роки тому

    Very nice 😁 Congrats on Flaco dos I know from some of the member videos that fish ment alot Enjoy

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +1

      Yes sir he did! But Flaco Dos will fill def fill that loss, he’s doing great in quarantine so far! 😁

  • @rondecaro
    @rondecaro 3 роки тому

    Hey Kev, you're not alone in naming your fish. I generally name my none schooling fish. I got an 8 inch farrowella catfish named Mic the Stick and a whiptail catfish called Skinny Pete. I also have a one eyed blood parrot named Lefty as well as many others.

    • @rondecaro
      @rondecaro 3 роки тому

      Congratulations on Flaco Dos...Keep your lid shut brother. Knowing myself I would still be beating myself up over that. I love your no nonsense approach to your videos.

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому

      Thank you bro! Awesome to hear Im not alone naming my guys lol Yea Im definitely way more attentive to my lids! Trying to keep Flaco II for the long haul 😁

  • @dannyhernandez434
    @dannyhernandez434 3 роки тому

    Definetely one of the best tanks on UA-cam. Quick question, how aggressive is the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey? I really want one and I have peaceful South American cichlids. What ethnicity are you? Keep it up bro. Amazing tank!!!

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому

      Non at all. But he is still the smallest guy in the tank so I dont know how aggressive he'll eventually get. Im Dominican 😊

    • @dannyhernandez434
      @dannyhernandez434 3 роки тому

      @@KaveManAquatics man I’m getting one. I knew you were Dominican. Same here. God bless bro!.

  • @michaeleber4752
    @michaeleber4752 Рік тому

    jejejeje you named your arowana "skinny". Prefect name.

  • @losangeles_cichilds
    @losangeles_cichilds 3 роки тому

    Awesome video as always ! - Flaco Dos in da house !

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому

      Yes sir! Gonna keep a good eye on this guy lol

  • @dp-r.est.8995
    @dp-r.est.8995 3 роки тому

    Yes I’ve named all my fish too

  • @markdoring4302
    @markdoring4302 3 роки тому

    Love the American cichlid videos, really admire how clean your tanks are. I have two red spotted severum and they are as social as oscars

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому

      Yea I’m loving it, trying to find some of those severums as we speak! 😁

  • @MickyTubbs1985
    @MickyTubbs1985 3 роки тому

    Kev,the only thingt I can say about your experience in setting up that " 150" WITHOUT the usual process and PROCEDURES is akin to the ADVICE/ WARNING one sees posted at swimming pools that have " diving board depths (over 8ft deep) - " FOR EXPERIENCED SWIMMERS ONLY"-like-wise; the warning( especially for those who believe and take for granted what your do is easy and effectively simple)for your big tank -" For EXPERIENCED AQUARIUM KEEPERS ONLY !" KUDOS to your experience and expertise. 🙂

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +1

      lol Yea I can see what you mean. That would be a good warning to include. "dive in at your own risk" lol

    • @MickyTubbs1985
      @MickyTubbs1985 3 роки тому

      @@KaveManAquatics To quote the late, great "Macho Man "Randy Savage; "OOOOOH YEAH !!!!!

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому

      @@MickyTubbs1985 🤣🤣🤣

  • @markneedham2287
    @markneedham2287 3 роки тому

    Great tank , great fish and a great honest video. 2 questions though, whats the plant in the back corner and what are you feeding them please ?

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому

      Its a fake plant, dont even remember the name of it, Just something I picked up at LFS. I feed them northfin with my mix of supplements. Search fish food and you'll find my video 😊

  • @rchill01
    @rchill01 3 роки тому

    Kev, thanks for all the great videos, man!

  • @kevinhood7854
    @kevinhood7854 3 роки тому +1

    Hey kev are you going to get a bigger tank for all of those fish? I was just wondering because i want to replicate your stocking in your tank and i was wondering if i should get like a 200gallon rather than a 150gallon. Thanks!

  • @nickh3064
    @nickh3064 3 роки тому

    Every tank you have I'm always like how can I recreate this! Great vid like always keep it up. 💪

  • @camwasastealat20
    @camwasastealat20 3 роки тому +1

    please keep making more updates and faster if you could 🙏🏼

  • @rahimkhakee7750
    @rahimkhakee7750 3 роки тому

    Hey chief! Tanks looking great! Of course I name my boys! I’ll share a couple: my 3 Frontosas are The 3 Bandits, my beautiful bright orange Blood Parrot is MANGO! Mango is a real character! 💪

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +1

      Haha, love Mango!! 🤣🤣

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому +1

      Mango and Gordo could be best buds! 🤣🤣

    • @rahimkhakee7750
      @rahimkhakee7750 3 роки тому

      Haha yeah bro, we’ll set up a Face-Time sesh for them, haha

  • @AdamUS123-j7q
    @AdamUS123-j7q 3 роки тому +1

    Your a good editor

  • @cubana6698
    @cubana6698 3 роки тому +1

    Hi Kave, can you make a video in what to do if you go short vacation (let say a week) and nobody stay in the house to take care of the fish tanks..thanks

  • @yvetdejesus4937
    @yvetdejesus4937 3 роки тому

    Hello, I’m new to the hobby and been watching your videos and learning from you thanks for sharing your knowledge. Siempre-Fi

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому

      Awesome! Glad you’ve been enjoying the channel! 😁

  • @anthonyWiHDM8
    @anthonyWiHDM8 3 роки тому

    Bro, gotta name the fish! Lol. Great job!

  • @dennisruedel
    @dennisruedel 3 роки тому

    Great job Kev, thanks for sharing 👍

  • @deonteathens1043
    @deonteathens1043 3 роки тому

    Flacco #2 for the Avenge

  • @MikeVieira
    @MikeVieira 3 роки тому

    Nice!! I name mine! I just uploaded a little video of my three Parrot fish facing off! Haha! Bulger my platinum, Fred the red, and Clarisse the female convict parrot!! I loved when I first saw you convict that I had to have one! I really like these guys! Full of personality!

  • @tylersammons8788
    @tylersammons8788 3 роки тому

    "What had happened was" haha hey man keep your head up we all go through it. I personally dont name my fish cause I cant tell them all apart but they are more then fish to me and at least if I lose one it's replaceable. You live and you learn. Keep up the good content my friend 👍

  • @masterjeem
    @masterjeem 3 роки тому

    Oh man, that surprise arowana at the. Love it

  • @plushpossum
    @plushpossum 3 роки тому

    I'm so sorry about Flocco (sp?). I think it's great that you loved him so much.

  • @Shanscott76
    @Shanscott76 3 роки тому

    I alwayz name my fish. Funny thing is my daughter started naming our fish and she wanted to have her own fish in the125, it's like a family gathering now. And that was probably 8 years ago and the fish naming continues

    • @KaveManAquatics
      @KaveManAquatics  3 роки тому

      Thats awesome! Tank bringing family together, I love it!

  • @AnointedMinds_CoachMalachi
    @AnointedMinds_CoachMalachi Рік тому

    I have a 150 with American cichlids in it also. My setup is similar except I have a Firemouth cichlid, a Nicaraguan cichlid, a chocolate cichlid, and a blood parrot with no Oscars...YET. I want to put a few electric blue acara in there, an Oscar or two, and maybe a couple of angel fish, and/or an arrowanna. Americans are not like African cichlids. Do you believe I can/should put all of those fish in there? Should/can they be overstacked like African cichlids? And if so, do you believe that that is a good combination of fish to put together?

  • @dmphins8349
    @dmphins8349 3 роки тому

    Man fam the tank looks great sorry for the loss I lossed mean when I was sleeping working grave yard I Fed them and when I woke up he was not in the tank be safe fam