I love the meme vehicles like m22 and Kv2, but the charm of your channel is I have no idea of what your next video is, I just know it will ALWAYS be hilarious to watch! Keep it up!
Bo: *sees a pixel out of place* "There's a tank right there!" Me, watching: ...that's a building, Bo. Bo: *shoots* *Target Destroyed* Me: *surprised Pikachu face*
Did anyone else see @ 13:20 he ricocheted the shot into the t-34. It bounced off the dead tank and still hit. Slow it down and you can see both impacts
Hey bo! Binged your content for about two weeks now, love it! Would really love some more snow driving/ truck driving content, had me in stitches! Keep up the good work.
It is perhaps impolite to choose favorites, so I will say only that I always love when DGaff is along for the adventure. He definitely seems like a legitimately good dude
the tiger is easily one of the more misused tanks in the game, it's nigh unkillable when used by experienced players it's a reason why I like it :D e: holy crap that photoshoot segment 🤣🤣
@@marcoheintges7338 hehe fool, the enemy will have other tactics. Other than just trying to penetrate, the armour they can also disable you from firing. And then they’ll flank, you.
Another fine video of bo showing how teamwork makes the dream work... and a few times it didn't. That French AA certainly wished it had been in the latter category.
I'm sure I've said it before but stickboy must be one of the must frustrating people to play with, especially when he's accidentally omitting crucial intel with his "OH NOs" and "HELPs"
I could never quite like the Tiger 1 in WT, but this is also coming from a person that used to play the M26 all the time. I know the Tiger 1 is decent, but it seems just so vulnerable
What vehicle would you like to see a video on next?
Mig 21 bis
Personally, I’d love to see another Char 25t video. It’s become a monster with the M82 APCBC
CA Lorraine and F4U-7? I always have a lot of fun running them
French boy the Lorraine 40t please
I love the meme vehicles like m22 and Kv2, but the charm of your channel is I have no idea of what your next video is, I just know it will ALWAYS be hilarious to watch! Keep it up!
Bo: *sees a pixel out of place* "There's a tank right there!"
Me, watching: ...that's a building, Bo.
Bo: *shoots* *Target Destroyed*
Me: *surprised Pikachu face*
pretty sure he saw the bush
UA-cam has some of the most aggressive video compression on the planet. Bo can literally see things that don't exist in the video.
That asu deserves to have some recognition for the best ambush spot ever, despite being caught the first time bo looked at that direction tho...
@FRACTURE71 yes they have battleships
So Pe-8's, can they be at this BR? 6:59
They can be.......
Had me choking with laughter
Perfect moment.
Water Heater WATER HEATER.
Yes i just love the “….RUN”
Also how they dont even question it. They just dip
4:03... We just gonna ignore the fact you shot through a friendly tank's handlebars?
I think it's some sort of Tank Destroyer based on the Stridsvagn m/42 chassis.
Don't worry friend, this will only hurt if you move
While a lot of squirrels are homeless after this video, the Squirrel Chop Shop is making a killing selling parts
Bo's tank killing capability be like he's mastered Ultra Instinct.
11k hours will do that
Agree 100
Did anyone else see @ 13:20 he ricocheted the shot into the t-34. It bounced off the dead tank and still hit. Slow it down and you can see both impacts
i think it overpenned
@@happyblt624 the enemy was behind the dead tank tho, it hits his top rear panel and goes into the t34. Use the future and watch at .25 speed
I think it only hit the part that was sticking out from the back of the dead body
A moment of Silence for the Panther that died to a BT-7 at 17:18
11:36 Nice reference; they actually exactly did it like the Velociraptors xD
Do a vid on the Sturer Emile, but uptier it to 5.3-6.3. its still a beast at those BRs
The gun is beast, the chassis sucks
it should be 5.7 anyways downtiering sturer emil just makes the monster gun useless since your targets get smaller/faster
@@derrickstorm6976 It would be better if it wasn't powered by a lawnmower engine
This is a great vid idea, I hope this gets picked
its actually better the higher it goes becasue at higher BRs stuff is slower both in movement and in RoF.
4:05 - Can we appreciate Bo putting a round through a hole in a friendly tank to kill his target here?
Good display of gamesmanship by the crew. I agree the random confused noises are not good callouts
Stick:"Can the PE-8 be at this BR..?"
Bo:"It can be."
This camo looks pretty neat ! Style is everything
Hey bo! Binged your content for about two weeks now, love it! Would really love some more snow driving/ truck driving content, had me in stitches! Keep up the good work.
That’s an amazing thumbnail
In this episode: the neighborhood watch gets a massive budget increase
Loved it. It had me lol from start to finish especially when Gaff comes in and smites and the AA
It is perhaps impolite to choose favorites, so I will say only that I always love when DGaff is along for the adventure. He definitely seems like a legitimately good dude
That was a great video! Good to see the murder kitty out and about again!
Great video as always Bo. Was fun watching you take out the danger kitty for a walk.
Stick: *Monkey sounds*
Bo: Understandable, have a great day. Bombs away-
I can't believe how you stay your head cool and that you don't like "scream" and that is why I love your videos, keep up the good work 👍
Great Video as always. Pe-8s are scary to watch on a bombing run from the ground.
Pretty sure around 4 min he shoots through the other tank's hand hold thing.
the tiger is easily one of the more misused tanks in the game, it's nigh unkillable when used by experienced players
it's a reason why I like it :D
e: holy crap that photoshoot segment 🤣🤣
You're very correct.
Wait are you unfamiliar, with the 100mm armour, that it has on the front that can be easily penetrated by most tanks, at the BR?
@@JosephStalin-yk2hd if you angle the armor it truly becomes unkillable
@@marcoheintges7338 hehe fool, the enemy will have other tactics. Other than just trying to penetrate, the armour they can also disable you from firing. And then they’ll flank, you.
Another fine video of bo showing how teamwork makes the dream work... and a few times it didn't. That French AA certainly wished it had been in the latter category.
I really love the skin u have for the tiger. Also im happy to see another Tiger video
I’m just impressed by Bo shooting through that Swedish TD’s hand bar or whatever it was and getting a kill
Finally got time to watch this. Love the video Bo, keep up the good work.
Peter: We have a Tiger.
*Loads 88mm cannon with patriotic intents*
3 Bomber kills followed by an incredible close call that sir is skill and incredible luck
Great shot though the Swedish tanks sticky outy bits (that's the official technical term) 07
You always have the nicest skins for your vehicles Bo
2:50 oh baby a triple
A Tiger when played right lives up to it's rep.
Really beautiful camo
Please do a "clever girl" montage. Literally the best line I've ever heard in this game.
This gotta be the best version of the panzerkamfwagen 6 tiger ausf E
Imagine you are having some fun playing a tank game and from nowhere 4 guys appear in front of you
The higher the incoherent screams, the more urgent the danger. Pretty clear callouts there
school just ended this is my fav way to relax
One of the Swedish low teir TD's has 15 degrees of gun depression, it's really really fun to abuse it
Jumbo : tiger E "the R.I.P barel"
3:42 hella cinematic, honestly why I play wt
The shot at 4:05 would definitely have made a mess of the crew in the friendly open top you shot _through_.
I think the biggest impact war has on anything are the squirrels.
14:33 nice drift, Retro
Bo overkills an ASU-57
Somewhere Sturmling cries out "No!!!! It was just a child."
Ahhh, Bomb Thunder! Because CAS is so much fun. Really enjoyed the video guys, keep up the good work.
YES! Return of the murder kitty with Bo.
You’re the only reason I play war thunder I’m happy I play war thunder
Aaaaa Tiger madness taking tank madness to places you didn't know you could :)
at 4:05, that was an awesome shot cause it was through another tank
Hey that's me at the beginning
"I did the best I could..." (after killing three tanks) LOL.😆
Alternate title, "Tiger E, 'The Seductive Sqaure'"
2:43 Physics does not support this.
Oh I love BO’s channel
I'm sure I've said it before but stickboy must be one of the must frustrating people to play with, especially when he's accidentally omitting crucial intel with his "OH NOs" and "HELPs"
Yay some entertainment to watch :D
4:05 that's a cool trickshot
8:08 Nazi logic is real. “Be my friend or die.” I love it
4:06 did he just shoot trouth his arm holder??? xd
4:04 did bo just shoot through the rail??
I could never quite like the Tiger 1 in WT, but this is also coming from a person that used to play the M26 all the time. I know the Tiger 1 is decent, but it seems just so vulnerable
You would definitely not like Japan tanks then..
watching these videos helps with the road rage when people keep bumping into me at the start of battles. "That, sir, is inappropriate touching.
I think you are the first one making a war thunder battle Video about Tiger E.
Yes needed this
Eating Turkey sandwich when I see in my suggested videos “Murder kitty”
Love your vids, keep it up
GAF we love ya.
Me: *hears Discord message noise after opening UA-cam* Timing!
Tiger E. Good when angled, trash when played by me.
Bro imagine what the other steam sees after seeing a squad of Tigers roll up on them😂
Remember subnautica? It's been fully released for a year or two now. Subnautica below zero is also out and i would recommend getting back into it!
I think he's played through both on Twitch streams already.
@@khannaraha8817 okay! Thanks
I would like to see the brummbar
12:10 and 17:20… 2 different matches and LZapper is in both in a bt7
@Bo Do a Ho-Ro Team in arcade and snipe people acrosse space and time since you can range them by eye
No don’t please, Even Bo doesn’t like arcade.
Nice camo man
German heavy steel and bombs, a natural combination
L3-33c or the Chrysler or gm variant of the xm-1
What a cool camo
very GOOD kitty
The pretty kitty was great
Video on ADATS when
The poor squirrels In todays video
That was good fun ty!
Centurion action x
U ricochet off stickboy and killed t 34 it looked like. That was awsome
You should just put a squirrel symbol on all of your planes XD
Great Video!
Can you do one on the M26 super pershing
Can you do a video on your keybinds? And the Stuart lol
How's the poem go?
*Tyger, Tyger, burning bright,
Looking for Shermans to smite....*
Or something?
Unless it the jumbo 76 the tiger players complain alot about not being able to pen it
Imma be honest but they weren’t wrong when they mention that the tiger 131 is OP
how did you ping??? trying to find that keybind in game, I know its not scout
Bo should take rank one reserve vehicles at 6.0 Br matches
The murder kitty is back. i wonder, do you also own the tiger tiger?