Leejtwg kom nej Cov txivneej siabphem limhiam ua-ntej as. Luag twb tsis hlub nej, tsis nyiam nej, es nej nros nej muab luag cab lwj cab liam los yuam kom luag hlub nej as.
Nej cov txivneej tseg txojkev siab phem zij quab yuam pojniam yuav nej es luag tsis yeem. Luag ntshai thiab ntxub Nej tshaj dab. Coob tus ntxhais xum tuag tsis xum yuav nej. Tim neejtsa ntshaw2 nyiaj dhau, cov ntxhais los txhob tseg niam&txiv neejtsa dim dawb thiab vim tau nyiaj ntau ces yuam ntxhais yuav.
Lwm hnub kuv yuav tuag nco ntsoov...kuv mam los qhia kwv cai rau cov poj niam es pheej kom peb them them child support no ob ceg qhia kev cai rau nawb...hahaha
May aw cov neeg muab dab neeg tuaj es pheej complain kom koj muab kho mus kho los li ko ces koj cia li kom nws hais kiag es koj mam pab muab tso rau UA-cam li koos loos ua xwb mas los
Wow, cov hmoob og no cov kev txhaum kev npam os
One of the best stories so far!!!
Hais tau zoo heev thiab dab neeg zoo heev ua kev kawg os. 👏
Zaj dab neeg no Hai tau tu siab tshaj plwg
I love this music may! Will u share this music instrumental with us? It’s so kho siab. Every time I hear this music, kho2 kuv siab and tu2 kuv siab.
This is a sad story but i feel so sad for the dead wife. My heart pour out to her!!!
Sorry to say…but it is alot of work when people dont provide their story well. U did a great job on this one. I actually understood the story Lol ❤
I appreciate that
I like the new into
I miss the old intro
Leejtwg kom nej Cov txivneej siabphem limhiam ua-ntej as. Luag twb tsis hlub nej, tsis nyiam nej, es nej nros nej muab luag cab lwj cab liam los yuam kom luag hlub nej as.
oh my.. cas hmoob thaum ub txawj siab phem ua luaj li. Tus siab rau peb cov ntxhais hmoob lub neej thaum ub.
wow interesting. as real as it gets.
And tell your children and children not to kidnap a girl that don't like you to be the wife your family should teach your children that too
This story sounds too good to be true.
Please use this sound again
Txiv neej Mas Siab phem tiag tiag ...
Yuam tus ntxhais ua luag twb tsis nyiam nws kiag li ...Los nws tseem siab phem qees thiab ...tseem Tua luag tuag kiag lawm thiab ..lub ntuj aw..puas muaj kev ncaj ncees thiab na ?
That’s the most intense, heart wrenching advertisements I’ve ever heard in my life.
Nej cov txivneej tseg txojkev siab phem zij quab yuam pojniam yuav nej es luag tsis yeem. Luag ntshai thiab ntxub Nej tshaj dab. Coob tus ntxhais xum tuag tsis xum yuav nej. Tim neejtsa ntshaw2 nyiaj dhau, cov ntxhais los txhob tseg niam&txiv neejtsa dim dawb thiab vim tau nyiaj ntau ces yuam ntxhais yuav.
Lwm hnub kuv yuav tuag nco ntsoov...kuv mam los qhia kwv cai rau cov poj niam es pheej kom peb them them child support no ob ceg qhia kev cai rau nawb...hahaha
Ua cas niam pog txiv yawg tsis mag kiag tsim txom thiab mas. Niag tub xuaj ua luaj poj niam thiaj liam. Kuv mas, kuv rov los tsim txom tagnrho tsev neeg kom tu noob kiag
niam ntsuab teev aw teb kuv xav muab kuv zaj koj tham og
This is better.
May aw cov neeg muab dab neeg tuaj es pheej complain kom koj muab kho mus kho los li ko ces koj cia li kom nws hais kiag es koj mam pab muab tso rau UA-cam li koos loos ua xwb mas los
I like hearing just your voice 😢 the music is a bit too loud and distracting…
Ok never mind, it was only at the beginning lol 😅
Tus dov lub kauj vab yog tus tub " NQA KAUJ" tsis yog tus txiv taw kev.
es tham hluas nraug muab tua pov tseg es nim txhaum thiab los lawv aw
Txhaum hos. Nws yog koj pojniam tsis tau txhais tau tias nws txoj sia nyob hauv koj xib teg. Txiv neej tham hluas nkauj, peb twb tsis muab tua pov tseg ne.
Es yog li txiv neej tham hluag nkauj tua puas txhaum ma
Hmoob aw luag tsi nyiam yus ces cia tso lawv mus zoo can es tsi txhob npav txoj kev sib tua hmoob tseg kiag nawv ua tiag yuav tuag tiag os
Moral of the story: people cannot force love to take place, it's a mutual understanding between 2 people to avoid alot of future possible problems .
Koj hais tsis yog lawm os. Tsis yog Txiv taw Kev. Yog Tub nqa kauj no nawb.
Please give the characters names so you dont confuse yourself and every1 else.
Txiv ntxawm no phem heev. Luag tsis nyiam yus es quab yuam ces zoo li nov
Neeg phem los siab tseem phem tshaj phem tshaj dab tshaj tsov