The Art of Foam Carving and Sculpting - Stadium Theatre & Conservatory Virtual Course

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @hillarie_hillviewpaint
    @hillarie_hillviewpaint 2 роки тому +6

    I'm surprised you don't have any comments or more likes on this video. I think you did an excellent job explaining everything necessary. I have been working with foam for a couple years and I certainly enjoy it. I have yet to get a good hot wire cutter. I usually use the knives and hand saws for my at home projects. When I'm working with the large architectural pieces at work, they are cut by CNC machine. I am about to do a much larger project at home. Im going to build all the stage props for my kids school play Little Mermaid. I'm really excited about it but it will involve a lot of cutting. I really appreciate this video as I'm shaking my head at myself for not ever using my Sawzall or any of my power woodworking tools. I've always used Titebond wood glue to hardcoat my foam. I use very little hot glue just to tack things in place. I have not used the spray adhesive. I'm looking forward to trying that also as long as I apply it carefully. So thank you for this video.

  • @LostWoodsman76
    @LostWoodsman76 Рік тому

    You might have the coolest gig ever! You did a good job of explaining various tools and techniques. Thanks for sharing.

  • @YanniCooper
    @YanniCooper 4 місяці тому

    It's wild how much similarity there is between this and how one would make terrain for DND or Warhammer (scale aside). Very interesting to watch!

  • @SteveBueche1027
    @SteveBueche1027 11 місяців тому

    Gotta say, I love the last name.👍

  • @Paula-133
    @Paula-133 7 місяців тому

    Excellent! I loved building set and props when I was younger. Including a caslte interioe for the play The Lion in Winter.I still make fun stuff with styro foam it can be very real looking. Thanks for sharing this I hope it inspires.

  • @dbmusicproductions9181
    @dbmusicproductions9181 2 роки тому

    Thank you! I like that you showed a variety of tools.

  • @paulaneary7877
    @paulaneary7877 2 роки тому

    Excellent video, I am just beginning to work with foam and this has been very helpful Thank you.

  • @thedeadalgorithmmusicchann1994

    Can't imagine being around those paint fumes without a mask.

  • @arnoldlockaby1964
    @arnoldlockaby1964 3 місяці тому

    Spray foam insulation in a can actually works well as a glue on foam.

  • @guynouri
    @guynouri Рік тому

    Careful that spray aggressive is fast but it’s a killer. I alwaz spray outside.

  • @DianneLiebenthal
    @DianneLiebenthal 3 місяці тому

    Hi. Interesting, but close ups would help a lot. Thanks.

  • @jamesflowers1215
    @jamesflowers1215 Рік тому +1

    is it safe to cut this stuff without a respirator?

    • @YanniCooper
      @YanniCooper 4 місяці тому

      If you're just cutting it with a knife probably fine. I'd definitely wear at least a dust mask if I was sawing or drilling, and maybe something better treated if I was using power tools or sanding (or a hot wire).

  • @SuePyperArtist
    @SuePyperArtist Рік тому

    This is a great video. I’m surprised none of you use masks or respirators though

    • @justaguy328
      @justaguy328 Рік тому

      I'm sure he does, but he's just not using it while explaining