Ola! Te saludo desde Bucharest, Romania!! Unfortunately that's the best i can do in spanish :D! I'm glad you like it! It's a wonderfull external canister for nano tanks. Take out the activated carbon, fill it up with lava rock and you got yourself the best bio filter out there! I strongly recommend it! Best regards!
I love it! It's great as a biofilter but i don't recommend it for aquariums bigger than 60 liters. On a 150 liter tank it will only do some bio filtering but it'll be an undersized filtration.
Thank So Much!! You Filtro Is Very awesome!! and thanks for the tips in Mexico is a bit hard to get those filters but the truth Great Very Good Greetings from Acapulco Guerrero, Mexico I am glad that people around the world conpartan this passion for aquariums. Greetings that the best. Me Nami Is Brian Campos!! Bay!!
Motorul impreuna cu rotorul sunt in capac. Buretele si restul materialelor filtrante pot fi puse in orice ordine desi este recomandata urmatoarea ordine: tur - burete - inele ceramice / piatra vulcanica / reductoare de nitrati, fosfati, silicati / carbune activ - tur. Depinde mult ce rol trebui sa indeplineasca acest filtru in setupul dvs..
Ola! Te saludo desde Bucharest, Romania!! Unfortunately that's the best i can do in spanish :D! I'm glad you like it! It's a wonderfull external canister for nano tanks. Take out the activated carbon, fill it up with lava rock and you got yourself the best bio filter out there! I strongly recommend it! Best regards!
I love it! It's great as a biofilter but i don't recommend it for aquariums bigger than 60 liters.
On a 150 liter tank it will only do some bio filtering but it'll be an undersized filtration.
Oye Amigo que tal te saludo desde Acapulco Guerrero, Mexico!! me gusto mucho tu filtro!! haste un video donde ya este instalado. saludos
Thank So Much!! You Filtro Is Very awesome!! and thanks for the tips in Mexico is a bit hard to get those filters but the truth Great Very Good Greetings from Acapulco Guerrero, Mexico I am glad that people around the world conpartan this passion for aquariums. Greetings that the best. Me Nami Is Brian Campos!! Bay!!
Motorul impreuna cu rotorul sunt in capac. Buretele si restul materialelor filtrante pot fi puse in orice ordine desi este recomandata urmatoarea ordine: tur - burete - inele ceramice / piatra vulcanica / reductoare de nitrati, fosfati, silicati / carbune activ - tur.
Depinde mult ce rol trebui sa indeplineasca acest filtru in setupul dvs..
Hi what diameter are the pipes? want to connect up to glass intake outlet Lily pipes
It can be used for turtle tank?
no mA, es muy poquito el gasto, podrá ser suficiente para un acuario de 100L?
how about the noise?
motorashul filtrului se pune deasupra buretelui ?
ce pret are si va rog sa imi spuneti daca mai primiti ca nu este pe site!
Va salut, zgomotul cum e?
İşe yaramaz çok ses yapıyor zamanla daha çok yapıyor