The Everly Brothers - Abandoned Love ( Bob Dylan )

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @dexymydog
    @dexymydog Рік тому +8

    Lord almighty, could Dylan write them !
    One of his all time greats

  • @Laine369
    @Laine369 Рік тому +2

    Great, love it. I had an incredible teenage crush on these guys ~ rest of my life it's been Dylan❤

  • @martinmaher8816
    @martinmaher8816 Рік тому +6

    What a mix of joy and heartbreak rendered even more so by the Irish pipes.

  • @Stanley5551234
    @Stanley5551234 2 роки тому +9

    Great rendition of my favorite Dylan song. Love it!

  • @janetperry5094
    @janetperry5094 4 роки тому +9

    Such a lovely redition of the Bpb Dylan song sung as usual by the superb talent of Don and Phil
    l just loved listening to this version

  • @johncampbell8456
    @johncampbell8456 6 років тому +17

    One of our best Uilleann pipers Liam O Flynn died March 13 2018 RIP
    Pipes sound great with this version of Abandoned Love.

  • @ecollins
    @ecollins 3 місяці тому +1

    I love this by Everly’s. Awesome

  • @johnhoran5814
    @johnhoran5814 3 роки тому +6

    The pipes, The pipes are calling. This is a clever beautiful cover. 😎

  • @sooz9433
    @sooz9433 3 роки тому +18

    I can see the turning of the key
    I've been deceived by the clown inside of me
    I thought that he was right but he's afraid
    But something's telling me I wear the ball and chain
    My patron saint is fighting with the ghost
    He's always off somewhere when I need him most
    The Spanish moon is rising on the hill
    But my heart is telling me I love you still
    Everybody's wearin' a disguise
    To hide what they've got left behind their eyes
    But me I can't cover what I am
    Wherever the children go I'll follow them
    I march in the parade of liberty
    But as long as I love you I'm not free
    How long must I suffer such abuse?
    Won't you let me see your smile before I turn you loose?
    We sat in an empty theatre and we kissed
    I asked you please to cross me off your list
    My head tells me it's time to make a change
    But my heart is telling me "I love you, but you're strange"
    So one more time at midnight near the wall
    Take off your heavy makeup and your shawl
    Won't you come down from the throne from where you sit?
    Let me feel your love one more time, before I abandon it.
    I come back to the town from the flamin' moon
    I see you in the street, I begin to swoon
    I love to see you dress before the mirror
    Won't you let me in your room one time before I finally disappear?

  • @robinandthe7hoods
    @robinandthe7hoods 11 років тому +35

    Many times you can't see how great another one of Dylan's songs are until you hear someone else do them in a different arrangement.

  • @hummelne7041
    @hummelne7041 2 роки тому +4

    Das Herz schmerzt, wenn man ihre Harmonie, ihre Stimmen hört. So tief bewegend. Danke Phil und Don. Und danke fürs teilen.

  • @peteranthony51
    @peteranthony51 7 років тому +11

    Love the Everlys. Brings a feeling of my Celtic roots. Bob, Phil, and Don. Touches so deeply.

  • @CandiceToth
    @CandiceToth 2 місяці тому

    The Everly voices and the pipes are perfect for this song. I won’t be able to get this out of my head for a long time!

  • @GuyFawkes15
    @GuyFawkes15 13 років тому +14

    I saw Phil and Don at Newcastle City Hall around the time this album came out (1986). It was a great show and I never thought I'd get to see them again. Moving on 18 years, they showed up at Hyde Park with Simon and Garfunkel. Yes!!

    • @v-g-z3689
      @v-g-z3689 4 роки тому +3

      Lucky you! I wish I could have seen them live, but I am too young ;) It struck me hard though when I heard of Phil Everly´s death in January 2014. Only really got into their music in 2017. Since then, they are in my top 4 favourite artists, side to side with Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison and Green Day.

  • @jorgeespinosa3179
    @jorgeespinosa3179 6 місяців тому +2

    On one hand, you have the supreme songwriting abilities of the best songwriter of all time. On the other hand, you have the most talented harmonies of the Everly brothers. Wow.

  • @hampsk42
    @hampsk42 2 роки тому +7


  • @dillydame
    @dillydame 9 років тому +17

    Superb as is anything the brothers did.

  • @rosanneatkinson532
    @rosanneatkinson532 3 роки тому +4

    Classic Dylan yet perfect for the Everly's album. Thanks for this post

  • @haraldskogen9222
    @haraldskogen9222 Рік тому +3

    The best harmony - The Everly Brothers - ever!

  • @peerman2006
    @peerman2006 14 років тому +34

    Why is Dylan covered so much? Because his songs come from deep inside his heart. His voice is not pretty, but so real.

  • @luxmifrei9759
    @luxmifrei9759 8 років тому +12

    Simply BEAUTIFUL🌹🌹🌹

  • @37BopCity
    @37BopCity 7 років тому +51

    Excellent version, there's very few who can match the Everly harmonies.

    • @JM-jr4pr
      @JM-jr4pr 3 роки тому

      Look up first aid kit. 2 sisters who are superb.

    • @shanetaylor8843
      @shanetaylor8843 3 роки тому

      Because they are brothers. Bee Gees etc all great harmonies. Listening to lots of Larkin Poe. Two sisters who sing and play great together.

    • @HC2512
      @HC2512 2 роки тому

      @@shanetaylor8843 listen to O'gene 3 dutch sisters with excelent harmonies.

    • @HC2512
      @HC2512 2 роки тому

      Specialy the covid home isolation version from bohemian rapsody . Ogene 3 dutch sisters

  • @gasmeter1947
    @gasmeter1947 13 років тому +28

    The uileann pipes are beautiful in this, being very slightly out of pitch contrasts perfectly with the Everlys sweet (as usual) harmonies. love this song.

    • @johnphelan4013
      @johnphelan4013 3 роки тому

      Liam O,Flynn the piper

    • @libbydenorchia3154
      @libbydenorchia3154 2 роки тому +2

      The pipes add the perfect touch to the arrangement. Love this version👌

  • @friedasinay6118
    @friedasinay6118 6 років тому +8

    i had never hear this song from, the everly brothers , but i enjoy now listening to this song

    • @HC2512
      @HC2512 2 роки тому +1

      I heard it today for the first time on the dutch radio. ... now I listen it over and over again!

  • @gasmeter1947
    @gasmeter1947 11 років тому +9

    Always loved this

  • @64blobby
    @64blobby 12 років тому +14

    Yet another song that has me asking - "have i heard this before?". Don't think so. What another brilliant Everly rendition. Keep sending 'em in, thanks,.

  • @byebyelove1944
    @byebyelove1944 13 років тому +5

    Thanks ..... great song by great brothers ... LOVE IT ! (keepiteverly)

  • @Mike-ke8bp
    @Mike-ke8bp 6 років тому +15

    No way they did this. amazing

  • @katherinehollada3272
    @katherinehollada3272 5 років тому +4


  • @Aritul
    @Aritul 6 років тому +7

    This is really beautiful.

  • @ElDanoLectro
    @ElDanoLectro 13 років тому +13

    Dylan's rendition of their song 'Let It Be Me' is also fantastic.

  • @b.geestlescryst9193
    @b.geestlescryst9193 12 років тому +7

    Liked very this, beautiful.

  • @alanmurr6562
    @alanmurr6562 9 років тому +2

    And the two gorgeous twin sisters on her left and right. It was by far the best looking rock group I ever saw back in 1965. One of those twins died of natural causes while she was still young and beautiful in 1970, and the other from cancer in 1994. Only age 44. Mary is still alive and in her 60's. You can see PICs of them in LONG LIVE OUR LOVE and YOU CHEATED YOU LIED on You Tube.

  • @lynells3060
    @lynells3060 7 років тому +9

    Awesome !

  • @oaplearning.musicwalsh5843
    @oaplearning.musicwalsh5843 3 роки тому +5

    Fantastic version by the wonderful everly brothers

  • @gasmeter1947
    @gasmeter1947 13 років тому +8

    The uileann pipes sound beautiful here ,being very slightly out of pitch helps to contrast the pureness of the Everlys sweet harmonies, love this song.

  • @JohnARosemeyer
    @JohnARosemeyer 6 років тому +8

    Holy balls this is good.

  • @alanmurr6562
    @alanmurr6562 9 років тому +2

    The Everly Brothers were Mary Weiss first concert she went to. It was many other peoples first band that they saw in a concert. Mary was the great lead singer of the Shangra'La's. When I saw those girls on TV when I was 15 I was overwhelmed by their beauty, Mary in the middle

  • @nhienphan2808
    @nhienphan2808 15 років тому +6

    They sure can make anyone's song their own XD Love this AND them !

  • @unclebobunclebob
    @unclebobunclebob 12 років тому +9

    This was an awesome album.

  • @kaydibben4481
    @kaydibben4481 6 місяців тому

    Fantastic song!!❤Kay,nz

  • @seattleape
    @seattleape 12 років тому +3

    You got me at "I can see the turning of the key." Thx for posting this. "We sat in an empty theater and we kissed.'

  • @triplucid3563
    @triplucid3563 7 років тому +9

    Nice version!! Smooth

  • @Annet777777
    @Annet777777 3 роки тому +3

    My heart is telling me I love you still

  • @H1234567890
    @H1234567890 14 років тому +5

    What a great cover

  • @trfesok
    @trfesok 11 років тому +8

    Great version! Thanks for the upload!

  • @belovia50
    @belovia50 15 років тому +5

    Isn't this pretty? Thanks for sending, Angel. This is one of those "catchy" songs that will be in your mind for hours. Thanks for posting. *****.

  • @staffgalli
    @staffgalli 2 роки тому +2

    I like this, but I love Dylan’s

  • @floepiejane
    @floepiejane Рік тому +1

    Very nice

  • @surfcottage
    @surfcottage 14 років тому +5


  • @Shabannie
    @Shabannie 14 років тому +2

    @justmusicandme Thank you for sharing this old Dylan tune with me. I enjoyed it too.

  • @goldengordnuggets4805
    @goldengordnuggets4805 2 роки тому

    Wholey cow!

  • @glendanewton8632
    @glendanewton8632 4 місяці тому

    I listen to this a lot…it’s a brilliant piece of writing by Kris K. The Everly’s version is terrific. The harmony is amazing…hauntingly beautiful! I also like John Denver’s version. 🌼

    • @ecollins
      @ecollins 3 місяці тому

      Bob Dylan wrote it 😀

  • @donieleverly6897
    @donieleverly6897 3 роки тому +2

    R.I.P don everly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Nonebound1
    @Nonebound1 15 років тому +5

    so good - so irish
    god bless

  • @byebyelove1944
    @byebyelove1944 13 років тому +3


  • @HelynnHeels
    @HelynnHeels 11 років тому +7

    Awesome is just awesome.

  • @alfredoferrini
    @alfredoferrini 3 роки тому +2

    Bravi 👏👏👏

  • @SteveonLI
    @SteveonLI 4 роки тому +4

    wow. so great that they had done this. i have posted a piano/vocal cover on youtube. alice banks of the UK does a great version.

  • @CarolYost
    @CarolYost 4 роки тому +4

    The uillean pipes really nail it!

  • @BC25citizen
    @BC25citizen 15 років тому +5

    Oh, I love this song! Never knew Dylan wrote it - figures. It's too good to have been written by some ordinary hack. So the album is called "Born Yesterday"? Right-o, Amazon, here I go again...
    ps I cracked up at your comment about WB "throwing their toys out of the pram"! LOL

  • @natesmith6924
    @natesmith6924 10 років тому +12

    They add an Irish tint. ;)

    • @BorkTI
      @BorkTI 10 років тому +2

      Wow, these guys are still singing. Good for them.

  • @gasmeter1947
    @gasmeter1947 13 років тому +12

    This version is without a doubt THE BEST

    • @dontaylor7315
      @dontaylor7315 3 роки тому

      It only seems that way...I sometimes think with Dylan songs there is no "best," like this may well be the very best possible intersection of Dylan with the Everly Bros but then there are so many ways it could be done by so many artists, each one potentially The Best in yet another style. I don't know if Baez ever sang it but if she did I want to hear it. And I wonder if Willie's done it...

  • @utatriebel2211
    @utatriebel2211 10 місяців тому +1

    Ich finde die Dudelsackmusik toll.😊

  • @sunnskyy
    @sunnskyy 16 років тому +4

    Uilleann pipes, what a brilliant arrangement choice to evoke Dylan's harmonica part. Some Dylan songs are so personal, that other artists can't perform them with honesty, but the brothers pulled it off here. They must have felt the pain. Awesome harmonies, as always. Other genetic linked singers: Wilsons, Gibbs, Carters and the Andrews Sisters.

  • @julierobinson6940
    @julierobinson6940 8 років тому +5

    Nice cover by Philip Donnelly out there as well 😊🎸

  • @johnolavmyking4040
    @johnolavmyking4040 8 місяців тому +1

    Sad this song is not at Spotify.

  • @newellbate
    @newellbate 11 років тому +12

    theres a certain sadness to the melody

  • @norbertoguadagni9331
    @norbertoguadagni9331 4 роки тому +2


  • @TheOmegaSolution
    @TheOmegaSolution 15 років тому +5

    I really love this song. I want to download it for my MP3 player any help please?
    I have Dylans most excellent original but this is it's only equal and I neeeed it!!!

  • @flemishaardvark
    @flemishaardvark 15 років тому +3

    Lots of good covers of this song but the one I really like is by Pat Guadagno and Tired Horses from the "That's a Bob Dylan Song" album...awesome!

  • @JamesGale1
    @JamesGale1 4 роки тому +2

    Lovely sound. Incidentally, "I havent posted an early Everly Brothers song as they were on Warners Brothers who have thrown their toys out of the youtube pram" - that was only from 'Cathy's Clown' (WB-1, if I remember aright) onward; what about all their earlier stuff on Cadence, released on Decca's London American label in UK?

  • @patriciathewisher2315
    @patriciathewisher2315 Рік тому +1

    I’ve always loved this song. Cover not bad but I prefer Bob’s. Nobody does it better. ❤

  • @paleyoungman
    @paleyoungman 13 років тому +1

    You're right. They probably heard it wrong and didn't have a published copy in front of them. Happens sometimes.

  • @jessemunson1352
    @jessemunson1352 4 роки тому +3

    a little tame compared to the Freedom-Feeling of Dylan's. but very much appreciate the respect they're showing to such a great song

  • @FloydiesCZ1
    @FloydiesCZ1 11 років тому +3


  • @ddchapin3119
    @ddchapin3119 10 років тому +10

    Also covered by George Harrison.

  • @emiliopedace3915
    @emiliopedace3915 2 роки тому

    La dolce musica di anni favolosi e irripetibili.

  • @34maddogiffy
    @34maddogiffy 5 років тому +3


  • @peerman2006
    @peerman2006 12 років тому +12

    This is good, but Dylan's Bitter End/Other End version is my favorite.

    • @mamoon7049
      @mamoon7049 4 роки тому

      kudos to the everlys,but who can cross dylan?mccartney and lennon couldn't do it,let alone the everlys

    • @torvilasulvstle362
      @torvilasulvstle362 4 роки тому +1

      Agreed, but it is a good version, though!

  • @gringo557
    @gringo557 Рік тому

    It sounds like they're singing it like Bob Dylan. Very interesting . . .

  • @64blobby
    @64blobby 12 років тому +2

    Good judge.

  • @davidtruscott4702
    @davidtruscott4702 9 років тому +9

    George Harrison's is by far the best cover of this great song.xx

    • @njf669x
      @njf669x 6 років тому

      Yes...your right

    • @givey972
      @givey972 6 років тому +1

      The original on biograph is by far the best

    • @silversun3133
      @silversun3133 6 років тому

      Couldn't argue if I wanted to.

    • @danborden3594
      @danborden3594 6 років тому +1

      The original Dylan one is way better with the violin for me.

    • @marinaschamehorn8882
      @marinaschamehorn8882 5 років тому


  • @Teddyb1939
    @Teddyb1939 2 роки тому

    Good sing a long Bob Dylan.

  • @worldofcults2063
    @worldofcults2063 2 роки тому


  • @jezebeljones659
    @jezebeljones659 2 роки тому +1

    They were the masters of cool. Dylan looked up to them. They own this song -- he didn't need to give it to them, they owned it by divine right!

  • @user-tq1tf6hh9w
    @user-tq1tf6hh9w 6 років тому +2

    Imagine playing this with your significant other in the room. Great way to wind up on the shit list.

  • @giovanekock
    @giovanekock 10 років тому +1

    Bela versão!

  • @richardknight-x1r
    @richardknight-x1r 3 місяці тому

    The piper is supreme

  • @marinaschamehorn8882
    @marinaschamehorn8882 6 років тому +11

    Love this version by the everly brothers. Way better then Dylan's version...

    • @SirFrankieCrisp94
      @SirFrankieCrisp94 6 років тому +1

      I wouldn't go that far but I enjoy this version. I prefer George Harrison's version most though.

    • @brucehauge1391
      @brucehauge1391 6 років тому +2

      2 voices always sound better than one.

    • @danborden3594
      @danborden3594 6 років тому +2

      Sir Frankie Crisp George Harrisons is ok but not as good as Dylan’s or this one.

    • @viviandarkbloom100
      @viviandarkbloom100 6 років тому +1


  • @braisbello7378
    @braisbello7378 7 років тому +11

    Tbh I can't believe this has 15 dislikes.

  • @mysticmaverick1
    @mysticmaverick1 16 років тому +1

    That's Liam O'Flynn on the Irish pipes and tin whistle.

    • @margaretjones9246
      @margaretjones9246 7 років тому +2

      Abandoned love the. Everlys fabulous just found it on y tube. Margaret jones

  • @34maddogiffy
    @34maddogiffy 5 років тому +1

    Liam O Flynn RIP

  • @Rascarrr
    @Rascarrr Рік тому

    I wonder why they decided to change the lyric in the first verse from ''I thought that he was righteous but he's vain'' to ''I thought that he was right but he's afraid''.
    Now the next line doesn't even rhyme anymore.

  • @wilhelmuskool4967
    @wilhelmuskool4967 3 роки тому +1

    They left out the verse about the church!

  • @joeymullan9845
    @joeymullan9845 3 роки тому +1

    Alexa won't play this version of Abandoned Love, she'll play a Bob Dylan version but it's a poor comparison

  • @geofdrex3705
    @geofdrex3705 9 років тому +1

    Paul Rogers ana Nils Logfren. End of,,,,,.Dylan true genius

  • @paulomachado6566
    @paulomachado6566 9 років тому +1

    São os pais dos Beatles Olha o vocal

  • @BogoSzachrajOfficial
    @BogoSzachrajOfficial 9 років тому +2

    hey, I know people hate it when someone does that, but nothing ventured - nothing gained, so if you like songs by Mr.D, check out my version of this larger than life song. Thanks and take care!

  • @星住史朗
    @星住史朗 6 місяців тому
