However, in a single transformative night, Allah shall bestow upon him enlightenment, knowledge, and unparalleled abilities, forever altering the course of his destiny. Muhammad Qasim is Mahdi
Pakistan will prosper with tranquillity & prevail. Allah will open the treasures of the Earth. But first we must abolish Shirk, all sects of Islam, and practice the true Islam of Prophet Muhammad SAW
However, in a single transformative night, Allah shall bestow upon him enlightenment, knowledge, and unparalleled abilities, forever altering the course of his destiny. Muhammad Qasim is Mahdi
Pakistan will prosper with tranquillity & prevail. Allah will open the treasures of the Earth. But first we must abolish Shirk, all sects of Islam, and practice the true Islam of Prophet Muhammad SAW
shashori beshi bok bok kore
এই নাটক টা ত দেখেছি বুজলাম না
পালতু নাটক