Q&A ANSWERS: Summer 2022



  • @MaryEllenAfter60
    @MaryEllenAfter60 Рік тому

    Good morning Sheri, you look fabulous!! Very impressed you were able to bring in your beautiful three panel screen! I enjoyed hearing your answers, thank you for answering mine. I love an empty beach too!! Mrs. Loretta is a wonderful woman. Blessings, and love, my friend..Mary Ellen

    • @homehelpheart7440
      @homehelpheart7440  Рік тому

      Thank you my friend! Between last year's knee surgery/rehab, the pandemic and thus summer's damnable heat, I feel like too much of a homebody. BUT my volunteer work takes me into the homes of lovely people every week so that is a blessing. They may not realize that it's as good for me as it is for them, but it absolutely is! Love ya! ❤️

  • @maryreed2619
    @maryreed2619 Рік тому

    Hiya Sheri! Thrilled to see you. I'm a little late to your party, because I was in Cape May and Wildwood Crest for a few days with my kids.
    You look beautiful! That color top looks beautiful on you. And your backdrop is beautiful too! Bless you, carrying that all by yourself. I enjoyed listening to you answer the questions. And you are so right. We only live once. Why deprive ourselves? Keep things in moderation. I love my chocolate too. Geez! Lol.
    I knew it was rough for you with the loss of Missy. But I get it. Fur babies, as adorable as they are, are alot of work. You've got your memories and beautiful pictures of Missy that you shared with us.
    Almost 70? You've got beautiful, flawless hands. I just noticed. Beautiful!
    Love stopping in to see you. You're a doll. Big hugs! 💕🤗🤗💕

    • @homehelpheart7440
      @homehelpheart7440  Рік тому +1

      Just across the bay from me! Hope you enjoyed your time in Cape May. I've only been there once and enjoyed it. Had great food and enjoyed the architecture. Thank you for the sweet compliments! For me, the difference now with chocolate is that I eat very clean organic chocolate that is 70% cacao. Because it is on the bitter side, it does not give me the cravings to keep eating, though they just came out with milk chocolate that is ridiculously delicious! Love ya! ❤️

  • @juliamarie7012
    @juliamarie7012 Рік тому

    Love your on and on and on and on 😄very pretty background, I noticed it right away…kind of zen.
    I think your period of retreat last year was very reasonable…life and all it’s seasons can be bittersweet for sure. See you next time Sheri 🌺

    • @homehelpheart7440
      @homehelpheart7440  Рік тому

      Aw, thank you so much, Julia. It can be hard to live up to everyone's expectations that I'm always a strong, positive person, but I have no shame in admitting that I'm human, just like everyone else. Any ONE of those late 2020 losses would have been difficult, but it was all of them within 5 months that tipped the scale. Thanks for understanding. ❤️

  • @cherb1971
    @cherb1971 Рік тому

    Hi Sheri, love that screen, I noticed it right away, I love anything botanical or birds, it's beautiful! you've done great with your weight loss program, before the pandemic I was more a salty savoury girl but I've ate more chocolate and ice-cream and sweet stuff the last two years than I ever have🙃! I'm more spiritual than religious also and I say the same prayer as you of gratefulness every night and every morning when I'm grateful I've woke up to another day. Robin Williams was a comic genius 🥲. I really think as jasmine gets a little older she'll reconnect with you, the best big sister and friend she could ever wish for. Those were good questions and I really enjoyed hanging out with you and hearing your answers, see you in the next one my friend, much love xo🌻🍂😘

    • @homehelpheart7440
      @homehelpheart7440  Рік тому +1

      Hello my friend! I happened upon the screen on Buy Nothing literally minutes after she posted. Otherwise, it would have been gone before I even knew it was there--lucky me!! So great to hear we have the same bedtime gratitude ritual! I could not begin to count the number of people (who were in a shame spiral or in a pity pool) to whom I have tried to exolain how WE ALL have something to be grateful for, no matter how shitty our day was. I am so glad to have you hang out with me! Love u! ❤️

    • @cherb1971
      @cherb1971 Рік тому


  • @MrsLoretta
    @MrsLoretta Рік тому

    Sheri, I love your pretty background...sounds like your body paid for it..lol Happy your massage took care of the muscles..I am a Christian and more spiritual too..I think your pray at night is beautiful..Sheri, thanks for your kind words...That is not necessary...I worry about you...I can see why you feel free...4 times a day in the winter for Missy..We all loved Missy...So sorry Jasmine doesn't communicate with you...You were a big influence in her life and when she gets a little older she will realize that..You look so pretty today...I am a chocolate nut too!! Congrats on your weight loss...Hugs and Love Loretta

    • @homehelpheart7440
      @homehelpheart7440  Рік тому

      Thank you my friend! Yes the pull between "being free" and getting another pet is strong; but, for now, remaining free of that substantial responsibility & time commitment is what is winning right now. I hope you're right about Jasmine. We shall see. Love u! ❤️

  • @renewalof48
    @renewalof48 Рік тому

    Hello, you look very pretty.