She is such a good person.........she could just abort the kid & continue with her celebrity life but she did not........i don't care what ppl say she is awesome & i know that when her daughter will grow up she will be proud of Jamie Lynn
I still Love her to death! And I hate that Zoey 101 is off! That was my only show I watched. I don't watch anything on tv to this day unless it is Zoey 101. :(
i am jamie lynn spears number one fan and thanks so much for adding this pictures
Watching this brings so many memories from my past.. I loved her show! I love her even more! God bless her :')
Me and her baby have the same b-day June 19!!!!
Nice vid!!!!
what a nice mother and baby!
How old was she when she had her baby?
What a classy family
She is such a good person.........she could just abort the kid & continue with her celebrity life but she did not........i don't care what ppl say she is awesome & i know that when her daughter will grow up she will be proud of Jamie Lynn
yes you look good. i support you Jamie!
she gorgeous
@justinbeiber123451 Maddie was born on June 19th 2008, soo, she just turned 2 =)
@678superstar her baby's name is Maddie
u are totally right at least she wasent 14 or something! and her family has there problems but people should not be mean causs every one has problems!
omg i never knew she had a baby how preciousd is she lol
i love her i am so having a baby at 16!
@Gothish408 It's FOLLOW ME - By Jamie Lynn Spears
i love jamie on zoey 101 an maddie is soooo cute xxx
wt was her age wen she was pregnent?
abdul kal her age when she first got pregnant was 16
She became pregnant with 16 and gave birth to her daughter in the age of 17
so does that mean that Jamie is done with Zoey 101? :S
@justinbeiber123451 You're a Justin Bieber Fan??But why you write his Name wrong??
I see in the USA, for somebody to be a celeb, all you have to do is be related to somebody already well known with the right connections.
it her baby?\
@prettygirlluv2dance yes she is she's Britney's little sister.
i miss watching zoey 101 that was my fav show
this her with her baby how much kids does she have
The sound track made me sad. I miss zoey 101 :'(
O-M-G !!!
Oh ok just making sure
@bulabula80 teens moms are normal, plus zoey was cnacelled /done filming before the baby.
so cute! thumbs up if u think maddie is cute!!!!
@shozalicous people always point out flaws.. it's sad
yeah its been that way for 2 yrs.
ps i was not saying it in a mean way
You can tell they Photo copied it!
Wait, i thought she was a teen O_O I WAS SOO WRONG!!
yeah and plus she wasent that young! and her sister has her problems but just because someone needs help doesent give the right to judge!
@MultiSusmitha 16 i think
Please....PLEASE come back to Zoey101
@smileygirl948 She got pregnant and kicked off of Zoey 101. You know that, right?
aw she's so chubby!
@quailhollow451 Thanks.
zoey 101 love it
i loved her in zoey 101 but zoey 101 is gone
yeah cute
@shozalicous I hope to god that you were agreeing with me.. and not trying to be sarcastic
@brittany77213 that's a pretty big "mistake."
:(( I miss Zoey101 hopefully then countinue it
@herangel5308 no because deep down inside they are probably saying "you have just ruined your fucking life you silly silly girls"
i miss zoey 101 they should do a brand new season, except theyv'e all grown up now - unless they did a college boarding school? lol
@BurntToastjkl true tht
Burnt, wtf are you TALKING about? Thats called illegal
she seems like a good mom. i hope it stays that way. at least she didnt abored it.;)
almenos ella cuida mejor a su bb que su propia hermana
didnt sound mean :P
jesus time flies - wa only 2mins since i fan out she wa preggaz - n i dunno how i ended up on ere lol
we are in America stop talking in Spanish!
I still Love her to death! And I hate that Zoey 101 is off! That was my only show I watched. I don't watch anything on tv to this day unless it is Zoey 101. :(
ojala haga una super produccion como zoey 101
is she getting married to her bf or not?!?!?
@caleybrecht11 ROFL and ruin your life?? Jamie probably made a mistake, doesnt mean you have to make her your role model and start makin babies..
@MissBieberBabe96 i swear they show use to be crackin doe....raw azz hell..i stayed watchin it
she has her eyes nose and mouth
i lyk pie
her baby has chinese eyes
the fuck? She's like 18?
@MrAbdulAfg good for you knowing when to stop feeding someone elses ego and wasting very valuable time that you will never get back!
@hottiebabe121314 you shouldn't really care if treats it bad, or good.. people act like they are friend with celebs... it's pathetic
@quierodinero1 Learn to spell and make a proper sentence.
@quierodinero1 I really don't need to waste my time on you.
Good Day Sir.
LOL sucks for her. She wont be finding anymore work
@hottiebabe121314 I am chilled.. 0_o...
i also want you and omg i broke a nail
@81animallover are u fkn normal...?
her doughter looks like her father... & imao he is not beautiful at all...
isn't she a pretty baby!