It is not in the best interest of the monkey to keep it as a pet and try to humanize it. No matter how hard you try, it will always be a wild animal. As they get older their personality will change from a dossle little cute pet to an aggressive animal as it was born to be in the wild. That's when they become very dangerous and out of your control.
And you're an expert? I've seen several different people with their monkeys who are past the age you say they will get mean. In the wild where they have to fight for food, a mate and position within their colony yes they can get aggressive. But just as a human baby it's about how they are brought up. Some of these monkeys were not ripped from their Mama's but we're orphaned or abandoned, which happens often in the monkey world. I happen to know someone who has several monkeys and not because they bought them or took them from their mama. Rather each were abused by a person who obtained them illegally. The woman and her husband already had 1 monkey and knew a great deal about raising them. All 8 are funny, the appt, loving and mischievous. All are very healthy and loved beyond measure. And not one of them is aggressive. So please don't criticize with blanket statements because each monkey and their human are different.
Czy jak wyrzucisz ją do lasu to dasz jej widelec na drogę?
It is not in the best interest of the monkey to keep it as a pet and try to humanize it. No matter how hard you try, it will always be a wild animal. As they get older
their personality will change from a dossle little cute pet to an aggressive animal as it was born to be in the wild. That's when they become very dangerous and out of your control.
And you're an expert? I've seen several different people with their monkeys who are past the age you say they will get mean. In the wild where they have to fight for food, a mate and position within their colony yes they can get aggressive. But just as a human baby it's about how they are brought up. Some of these monkeys were not ripped from their Mama's but we're orphaned or abandoned, which happens often in the monkey world. I happen to know someone who has several monkeys and not because they bought them or took them from their mama. Rather each were abused by a person who obtained them illegally. The woman and her husband already had 1 monkey and knew a great deal about raising them. All 8 are funny, the appt, loving and mischievous. All are very healthy and loved beyond measure. And not one of them is aggressive. So please don't criticize with blanket statements because each monkey and their human are different.
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