To everyone struggling with the left right detection: this alternative get_label function might work for you: def get_label(index, hand, results): output = None if index == 0: label = results.multi_handedness[0].classification[0].label coords = tuple(np.multiply( np.array((hand.landmark[mp_hands.HandLandmark.WRIST].x, hand.landmark[mp_hands.HandLandmark.WRIST].y)), [cam_width,cam_height]).astype(int)) output = label, coords return output if index == 1: label = results.multi_handedness[1].classification[0].label coords = tuple(np.multiply( np.array((hand.landmark[mp_hands.HandLandmark.WRIST].x, hand.landmark[mp_hands.HandLandmark.WRIST].y)), [cam_width,cam_height]).astype(int)) output = label, coords return output
The index of the "results.multi_handedness[x].classification[0].index" for right will always be 1 and for left will always be 0, what changes is the position of then inside the results.multi_handedness array, and your solution showed me that :) Thanks for that!
Here's mine: def get_handedness(index, results, video_width, video_height): """ Params: index = the positional index of the hand identified in the results.multi_hand_landmarks list. If two hands were detected for example, the hand in the second position of the array will have index 1, and the first index 0 results = the output of video_width = the width of the video output. Usually gotten from cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) video_height = the height of the video output. Usually gotten from cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)
Outputs: (coordinates, handedness) - coordinates = coorditates of the wrist landmark - handedness = if the hand is 'left' or 'right'
Observation: the results.multi_hand_landmarks is an array in which each element represents one hand, and each hand will have an array with 21 coordinates of the hand landmarks. The results.multi_handedness is similar, is an array in which each element represents one hand and each hand will have a label with the handedness and the score of the classification. The relationship between both is based on the position of the hand in the array, for example the results.multi_hand_landmarks[0] will have the landmarks of the same hand in the results.multi_handedness[0] """ output = None
Thank you so much for this amazing tutorial! Sir, I have a suggestion for a better angle calculation. As we have 3D positions of all landmarks, I guess we can use vector products like this: a = np.array([hand.landmark[joint[0]].x, hand.landmark[joint[0]].y, hand.landmark[joint[0]].z]) # First coords b = np.array([hand.landmark[joint[1]].x, hand.landmark[joint[1]].y, hand.landmark[joint[1]].z]) # Second coords c = np.array([hand.landmark[joint[2]].x, hand.landmark[joint[2]].y, hand.landmark[joint[2]].z]) # Third coords radians = np.arctan2(np.linalg.norm(np.cross(a-b, c-b)),, c-b)) angle = np.abs(radians*180.0/np.pi) if angle > 180.0: angle = 360 - angle cv2.putText(image, str(round(angle,2)), tuple(np.multiply([b[0],b[1]], resolution).astype(int)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) Thank you very much in advance.
Hello Nicholas, Thank you for you effort . I did the first part of the video . Did you notice that the detection is not doing so well. If you trying to detect only the right hand the function does not working, If you raise both hand , it works but the detection is random . sometimes it detect the right as right and left as left and sometimes the opposite way . The good part it detects always both hand , but the detection not always correct. Did you notice ? Do you know how to fix it ? Eran
I did notice that @Eran, I've got to dig into it. Either the model is not as stable as I'd like it to be or I'm doing something wrong, got it on my to do list to dig into it!
#question Don't we need to multiply the coordinates with width and height, before calculating the angle, because we want the angle between the line segments as shown in the rendered image and not the normalized one.
Just finished it - good one. I do it with a video so the functions had to take width and height arguments to account for the different videos dimensions. Took them in the main loop with "width = cap.get(3)" "height = cap.get(4)" Then passed them in the "getLabel" function like "coords = tuple(np.multiply( np.array((hand.landmark[mpHands.HandLandmark.WRIST].x, hand.landmark[mpHands.HandLandmark.WRIST].y)), [w, h]).astype(int))"
thanks for the awesome video! Wanted to ask you, is there a way to get the orientation (angle) data of the hand/palm? The finger angles are great, but I can't find a way to get the hand angles (palms up or down, rotation of the wrist movement). Would appreciate any tips!
I think If you take the label of the hand and the direction of thumb, you can build something for that. For example, if the camera sees a left hand where the position of the thumb is further to the right than the position of the pinky, then you can get the result, that you are looking at the inside of the left hand!
Hi Nicholas, first thank you for all this amazing videos you are doing. We are doing a prototype based on your videos, so we can recognize Portuguese Sign Language in real time. At this point we have a couple labels trained, but we are having some issues on recognition of sequences of word/labels, so we can detect multiple poses that will represent a specific sentence. At this point we are inserting array results from detected positions into a similarity Natural Language model that comes up with the most similar phrase and then produce it through voice. We currently have a specific label that allow system to know when to send it to "voice". Any tips on how we can achieve multiple pose detections that represent a phrase? We thought about some kind of LSTM, but we still haven't find the time to test it. Along with that we have a parallel neural network that is trying to achieve same we have in computer vision, but only with hands map positions. Please let us have your feedback on this. Thank you very much in advance and kind regards.
@@mutaherkhan2161 sweet, have you faced same issue? How are you trying to solve it? Like, how you manage to get the model to recognize lets say 2 hand positions that represent a "sentence"? We are not yet able to recognize this sequences, but we have some ideas to deal with it. Any tips are also much appreciated. Thank you
@@BrunoJantarada currently I am trying to interprete all the urdu alphabet by using fingerpose on the top of handpose. I have trained multiple CNN model on PSL datset but the model performance was not good on I have decided to work on mediapipe handpose that make my job easy but still I am unable to interprete the sign that have almost same jesture.
Hmmm, let me double check my understanding of the problem statement, so you're having trouble parsing multiple sets of poses and sending to voice? Could you try sending all results to your voice api in real time? Or possibly wait for a pose in pose detection (when accuracy threshold drops low) then send the call to the TTS api.
@@NicholasRenotte thank you for your input. Currently we can detect hand pose associated lets say with "Hello" word. We defined a EOS (End of Sentence) pose that allow us to send that to voice in real time. That works good, now lets say you want to do a "Good day". That's a combination of multiple poses, for instance one pose will correspond to "Good", another one to "day". At this point model can only recognize the two poses separately. Basically issue is detecting sentences, since we can detect single poses without problem. In parallel we are also trying to achieve this result using only mediapipe hand coordinates instead of labeled images. In this case we are trying with a simple LSTM neural network. I'll try to post some videos during this week on my linkedIn and I can send you the entire project if you want. Let me have your feedback. Thank you once again :)
Good Tutorial Thank you. I am wondering if this angle is right despite we didn't use any z coordinates, I beleive the rotation matrix in 3D is more complex than this. Maybe here we did calculate the angle of projected hand only...
#question Thank you very much for your video tutorial. Code cannot detect right-hand pose without showing left hand. For example If I do not show my left hand but show right hand, it cannot detect the coords of my right hand. But when I show my left hand and then right hand pose is being detected. Why this is happening?
@@NicholasRenotte I think for that we will need to write some extra code. if the frame detects only one hand, it should check which hand it is using multi_handedness. And if the frame detects 2 hands, we will run the usual code. Great tutorial btw!!
Very nice, I have seen some snapshots where people can interact with web objects based on hand movements , I wonder how it is done though . There must be some kind of library .
Yo, when printing the coordinate of wirst i am etting this error. print(results.multi_hand_landmarks[0].landmark[mpHands.HandLandmark.WRIST]) TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable Please help.
hey, I want to ask a question about the confidence score for each joint. Mediapipe doesn't provide these scores but is there a way to get these confidence scores for each joint of a hand??
Great video! #question I have managed to get the code working but what would I need to include in the code to actually be able to print the angles instead of them only appearing on the handpose. For example, I need to be able to actually see all the values in a list
Hi sir, I doubt how can we achieve recognition of moving hands from left to right. Like sliding( if we are showing our hand and moving or sliding our hand to left it should recognize the hand is moving left or if a hand is moving towards the right, it should recognize right)
@@NicholasRenotte Yes sir, Just the model should recognize the direction of hand moving. If your hand is moving towards the left then the sliding is left, if it's moving towards the right then the sliding is right.
Yes, this is amazing with a small little issue I would like you to help me: as an example im going to cite 8, 7, 6 angle. It shows 179 degs almost 180 which it makes sense, scientifically, but not anatomically (physiologically), as in anatomy, that angle should be measured to be 0 degrees. When you flex (bend) your finger it grows from 0, 5, 10, etc degrees. So if that is the case, what do I need to change in the equation? if angle> 180.0: angle = 360-angle (this is what you have). What are the changes I would have to do??? Thank you, very good teacher!!!
Hey Nick, great video! I want to use this detection and overlay 3d models of rings,bracelets for virtual try on. Can you please point me to some resources that can be useful for 3d objects overlaying in python. I am currently able to detect hand as desired but not sure how to proceed from here. Can pyopengl or some other library be useful for this. Please let me know. Thanks
Hello Nicholas, I hope you are doing well. I have a quick question regarding GPU, how do I verify that my computer has a GPU? Because I did all the steps you do (install CUDA, CuDNN ...) but still treated with CPU! And thank you so much
Heya @Youssef, open up your task manager, then select the Performance tab. Towards the bottom you should have a monitor for your GPU if there is one installed.
@@NicholasRenotte at the end wanna find angles in 3d(using x,y,z) but i don't i have correct results cause working with z is challenging, is there any code to help me?
Heya @Adi, could probably create a blank numpy array, then use the visualisation library to draw the landmarks and convert to grayscale! Lmk if you need a deeper dive!
hey , in get_label function and in this line "for idx, classification in enumerate(results.multi_handedness):" where did you use "idx" in code actually i wrote the same code but it cannot classified both hand at same time. any help regarding this will be appreciated. thanks :)
@@rrplaygames2883 Sure friend I'm going to show you what I did, KEEP IN MIND THAT IT'S NOT VERY EXACT but for what I needed (I just wanted to move a servomotor to the side that moves my wrist) def wrist_angle(image): # I fixed the point where the camera is located, the upper middle point of the screen a = np.array([1000,0]) # I take nodes 5 (INDEX_FINGER_MCP) and 9 (MIDDLE_FINGER_MCP) b = np.array([hand.landmark[9].x, hand.landmark[9].z]) # seugunda coordenada c = np.array([hand.landmark[5].x, hand.landmark[5].z]) # tercera coordenada # radian calculation y1 = c[1]-b[1] y2 = a[1]-b[1] x1 = c[0]-b[0] x2 = a[0]-b[0] radians = round((np.arctan2(y1,x1) - np.arctan2(y2,x2))*2,1) if radians < 0: radias = 0 wrist_ang = 0 else: # convert to degrees wrist_ang = np.abs(radians * 180.0 / np.pi) # Since the angle should not be greater than 180 then we condition if wrist_ang > 180.0: wrist_ang = 360.0 - wrist_ang coords = tuple( np.array((hand.landmark[mp_hands.HandLandmark.WRIST].x*640 + 20, hand.landmark[mp_hands.HandLandmark.WRIST].y*480 + 20)).astype(int)) cv2.putText(image, str(round(wrist_ang,0)), coords, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) return image
Ah, yeah, I would output based on relative time. So save the video and just calculate elapsed time then output to a CSV. Probs too long to explain in a comment, want a video on it?
RENOTTE Please kill my doubt!!!! How can we do to instead of showing 180 degrees when fingers are straight, show 0 degrees and then grow towards 180 when they bend ?????
Thank you for an amazing tutorial! If I were to calculate both the pitch and the yaw angles from the coordinates, do you maybe know how I could do that? Thank you in advance for helping! :)
Hi nicholas I tried to build a custom model using hand mediapipe when I try the export the landmarks csv file looks blank pose = results.multi_hand_landmarks[0].landmark -This is what I tried to give as an input as well as pose = results.multi_hand_landmarks - This also I tried When I remove the try and except the error that appears is 'NormalizedLandmark' object is not subscriptable How do I get coordinates exported help me with this trying for hours not able to
Heya @Rupdenra, this is likely because there are no hands detected in the frame. Unfortunately mediapipe doesn't handle this gracefully so you need to check if hands are in the frame before attempting to subscript them.
its hard to understand what you did and why you did so when you use jupiter notebook please either don't copy your code multiple times or use proper ide like pycharm or spyder. it'll be really helpful for us, to understand more easily.
I think you are the best tutorial videos on UA-cam. Keep going, sir.
Thanks so much @Bank Crawpack Channel, super appreciated!
To everyone struggling with the left right detection: this alternative get_label function might work for you:
def get_label(index, hand, results):
output = None
if index == 0:
label = results.multi_handedness[0].classification[0].label
coords = tuple(np.multiply(
np.array((hand.landmark[mp_hands.HandLandmark.WRIST].x, hand.landmark[mp_hands.HandLandmark.WRIST].y)),
output = label, coords
return output
if index == 1:
label = results.multi_handedness[1].classification[0].label
coords = tuple(np.multiply(
np.array((hand.landmark[mp_hands.HandLandmark.WRIST].x, hand.landmark[mp_hands.HandLandmark.WRIST].y)),
output = label, coords
return output
The index of the "results.multi_handedness[x].classification[0].index" for right will always be 1 and for left will always be 0, what changes is the position of then inside the results.multi_handedness array, and your solution showed me that :)
Thanks for that!
Here's mine:
def get_handedness(index, results, video_width, video_height):
index = the positional index of the hand identified in the
results.multi_hand_landmarks list. If two hands were detected
for example, the hand in the second position of the array will
have index 1, and the first index 0
results = the output of
video_width = the width of the video output. Usually gotten from
video_height = the height of the video output. Usually gotten from
(coordinates, handedness)
- coordinates = coorditates of the wrist landmark
- handedness = if the hand is 'left' or 'right'
Observation: the results.multi_hand_landmarks is an array in which each
element represents one hand, and each hand will have an array with 21
coordinates of the hand landmarks. The results.multi_handedness is similar,
is an array in which each element represents one hand and each hand will have
a label with the handedness and the score of the classification.
The relationship between both is based on the position of the hand in the array,
for example the results.multi_hand_landmarks[0] will have the landmarks of the
same hand in the results.multi_handedness[0]
output = None
# Getting the wrist landmark coordinates
wrist_landmark_normalized_coordinates = results.multi_hand_landmarks[index].landmark[mp_hands.HandLandmark.WRIST]
wrist_landmark_coordinates = tuple(
[wrist_landmark_normalized_coordinates.x, wrist_landmark_normalized_coordinates.y],
# Getting handedness label
label = results.multi_handedness[index].classification[0].label
score = round(results.multi_handedness[index].classification[0].score,2)
output = (
f'{label} {score}',
return output
Thanks legend
Thank you so much, you're a real life saver when it comes to learning the basics of pose detection.
Glad you enjoyed it @Zubin!
Thank you so much for this amazing tutorial!
Sir, I have a suggestion for a better angle calculation.
As we have 3D positions of all landmarks, I guess we can use vector products like this:
a = np.array([hand.landmark[joint[0]].x, hand.landmark[joint[0]].y, hand.landmark[joint[0]].z]) # First coords
b = np.array([hand.landmark[joint[1]].x, hand.landmark[joint[1]].y, hand.landmark[joint[1]].z]) # Second coords
c = np.array([hand.landmark[joint[2]].x, hand.landmark[joint[2]].y, hand.landmark[joint[2]].z]) # Third coords
radians = np.arctan2(np.linalg.norm(np.cross(a-b, c-b)),, c-b))
angle = np.abs(radians*180.0/np.pi)
if angle > 180.0:
angle = 360 - angle
cv2.putText(image, str(round(angle,2)), tuple(np.multiply([b[0],b[1]], resolution).astype(int)),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
Thank you very much in advance.
Ha! Awesome suggestion!
You are probably the best person ever in UA-cam
Thank you! You helped me add hand gestures to play Tetris and other stuff on my wood tile pixel display. Cheers!
wheres the liink ? you said its in the description at 2:11 ??
This is amazing will watch while having food lol,
Would love an in depth sign language interpreter using mediapipe.
Yes, definitely! Will probably be a mega tutorial on it once I get the RNN sorted @Girish!
@@NicholasRenotte Awesome as always!
Big ups to the content on youtube.
@@girishkemba3865 thanks so much!
@@NicholasRenotte Wow. That was in the realm of fantasy for me. If it can be made real, it would be simply amazing!!
@@gilachess oohhhh we're definitely going to do it!!
Awesome tutorial Nick! 💪💪💪
Thanks so much @Gustavo!
Hello Nicholas, Thank you for you effort . I did the first part of the video . Did you notice that the detection is not doing so well. If you trying to detect only the right hand the function does not working, If you raise both hand , it works but the detection is random . sometimes it detect the right as right and left as left and sometimes the opposite way . The good part it detects always both hand , but the detection not always correct. Did you notice ? Do you know how to fix it ?
I did notice that @Eran, I've got to dig into it. Either the model is not as stable as I'd like it to be or I'm doing something wrong, got it on my to do list to dig into it!
Thank you once again. I checked it myself and I believe it is not relevant to your code. This is the model behavior.
in Classification the index for left is 0 and for right ist 1 but we always are looking for 0 so we get only the lable when left-hand is in the camera
Thank you soo much! Hope you reach 1M subs soon
Thanks so much @Saketh, me too 😉!
Your videos are just so GREAT!!!!! Thank you so much for your amazing tutorials!
#question Don't we need to multiply the coordinates with width and height, before calculating the angle, because we want the angle between the line segments as shown in the rendered image and not the normalized one.
Just finished it - good one.
I do it with a video so the functions had to take width and height arguments to account for the different videos dimensions.
Took them in the main loop with
"width = cap.get(3)"
"height = cap.get(4)"
Then passed them in the "getLabel" function like
"coords = tuple(np.multiply(
[w, h]).astype(int))"
Awesome work!!
@@NicholasRenotte Thanks, your tutorials rock!
thanks for the awesome video! Wanted to ask you, is there a way to get the orientation (angle) data of the hand/palm? The finger angles are great, but I can't find a way to get the hand angles (palms up or down, rotation of the wrist movement). Would appreciate any tips!
Hey, did you manage to get orientation of wrist. I am currently working on this and any tips/resources are much appreciated
How do you get only the left or the right hand coords?
You can extract them based on grabbing the coords from results.multi_hand_landmarks[INSERT_YOUR_HAND_NUM_HERE]
@@NicholasRenotte Thank you very much!
Awesome video! You going for some realtime hand Mo-cap? 😋
You know it! Phase 2!
first, thank you for your amazing videos.
i have a question.
How can i distinguish between palm and back of hand?
Ooooh, won't work for this model. Could probably create something custom for it (would suggest instance segmentation).
I think If you take the label of the hand and the direction of thumb, you can build something for that. For example, if the camera sees a left hand where the position of the thumb is further to the right than the position of the pinky, then you can get the result, that you are looking at the inside of the left hand!
Why you so genius sir??
Hi Nicholas, first thank you for all this amazing videos you are doing. We are doing a prototype based on your videos, so we can recognize Portuguese Sign Language in real time. At this point we have a couple labels trained, but we are having some issues on recognition of sequences of word/labels, so we can detect multiple poses that will represent a specific sentence. At this point we are inserting array results from detected positions into a similarity Natural Language model that comes up with the most similar phrase and then produce it through voice. We currently have a specific label that allow system to know when to send it to "voice". Any tips on how we can achieve multiple pose detections that represent a phrase? We thought about some kind of LSTM, but we still haven't find the time to test it. Along with that we have a parallel neural network that is trying to achieve same we have in computer vision, but only with hands map positions. Please let us have your feedback on this. Thank you very much in advance and kind regards.
I am working on pakistan sign language.
@@mutaherkhan2161 sweet, have you faced same issue? How are you trying to solve it? Like, how you manage to get the model to recognize lets say 2 hand positions that represent a "sentence"? We are not yet able to recognize this sequences, but we have some ideas to deal with it. Any tips are also much appreciated. Thank you
@@BrunoJantarada currently I am trying to interprete all the urdu alphabet by using fingerpose on the top of handpose. I have trained multiple CNN model on PSL datset but the model performance was not good on I have decided to work on mediapipe handpose that make my job easy but still I am unable to interprete the sign that have almost same jesture.
Hmmm, let me double check my understanding of the problem statement, so you're having trouble parsing multiple sets of poses and sending to voice? Could you try sending all results to your voice api in real time? Or possibly wait for a pose in pose detection (when accuracy threshold drops low) then send the call to the TTS api.
@@NicholasRenotte thank you for your input. Currently we can detect hand pose associated lets say with "Hello" word. We defined a EOS (End of Sentence) pose that allow us to send that to voice in real time. That works good, now lets say you want to do a "Good day". That's a combination of multiple poses, for instance one pose will correspond to "Good", another one to "day". At this point model can only recognize the two poses separately. Basically issue is detecting sentences, since we can detect single poses without problem. In parallel we are also trying to achieve this result using only mediapipe hand coordinates instead of labeled images. In this case we are trying with a simple LSTM neural network. I'll try to post some videos during this week on my linkedIn and I can send you the entire project if you want. Let me have your feedback. Thank you once again :)
Would you use the pose model if you want to do the same analysis but for the legs or the arms?
Sure could @Yuri!
Great videos Nicholas, Can you do actions when you close the hand? For example turn on light
I think we can if we'll add a controller
Please make a video on yolov5 using tensorboard
Good Tutorial Thank you.
I am wondering if this angle is right despite we didn't use any z coordinates, I beleive the rotation matrix in 3D is more complex than this. Maybe here we did calculate the angle of projected hand only...
#question Thank you very much for your video tutorial. Code cannot detect right-hand pose without showing left hand. For example If I do not show my left hand but show right hand, it cannot detect the coords of my right hand. But when I show my left hand and then right hand pose is being detected. Why this is happening?
Hmm weird, let me test out on my machine and see if I'm getting the same.
@@NicholasRenotte ok 👌
@@shakhzodbekyuldoshov6610 hmmm, weird I'm getting it too. Might be because of the indexing. Will dig into it a little more.
@@NicholasRenotte I think for that we will need to write some extra code. if the frame detects only one hand, it should check which hand it is using multi_handedness. And if the frame detects 2 hands, we will run the usual code. Great tutorial btw!!
@@ishandeshpande1455 can you please enlighten us on this?
Very nice, I have seen some snapshots where people can interact with web objects based on hand movements , I wonder how it is done though . There must be some kind of library .
Ya, check this out:
where should I add the round off code display whole numbers only when angles of joints are display on live feed?
with this can we have hand less keyboard by applying logic to one move indicates one key in the keyboard
Yup, I believe you could, there's actually a demo of that on the MediaPipe documentation @Samara!
Yo, when printing the coordinate of wirst i am etting this error.
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
Please help.
What is Z here? Do you use depth camera?
hey, I want to ask a question about the confidence score for each joint. Mediapipe doesn't provide these scores but is there a way to get these confidence scores for each joint of a hand??
How to extract all keypoints in once as done in Action Recognition with Mediapipe holistic Model?
Same process except just do it for the left_hand and right_hand keypoints!
Great video! #question I have managed to get the code working but what would I need to include in the code to actually be able to print the angles instead of them only appearing on the handpose. For example, I need to be able to actually see all the values in a list
Hi sir, I doubt how can we achieve recognition of moving hands from left to right. Like sliding( if we are showing our hand and moving or sliding our hand to left it should recognize the hand is moving left or if a hand is moving towards the right, it should recognize right)
Like directional tracking?
@@NicholasRenotte Yes sir, Just the model should recognize the direction of hand moving. If your hand is moving towards the left then the sliding is left, if it's moving towards the right then the sliding is right.
@@ramyadevinataraj315 ah got it, you could implement tracking and calculate coordinate change for the detected object!
@@NicholasRenotte Thank you
@@ramyadevinataraj315 anytime!
Yes, this is amazing with a small little issue I would like you to help me: as an example im going to cite 8, 7, 6 angle. It shows 179 degs almost 180 which it makes sense, scientifically, but not anatomically (physiologically), as in anatomy, that angle should be measured to be 0 degrees. When you flex (bend) your finger it grows from 0, 5, 10, etc degrees. So if that is the case, what do I need to change in the equation? if angle> 180.0: angle = 360-angle (this is what you have). What are the changes I would have to do??? Thank you, very good teacher!!!
Hey Nick, great video! I want to use this detection and overlay 3d models of rings,bracelets for virtual try on. Can you please point me to some resources that can be useful for 3d objects overlaying in python. I am currently able to detect hand as desired but not sure how to proceed from here. Can pyopengl or some other library be useful for this. Please let me know. Thanks
Hello Nicholas, I hope you are doing well. I have a quick question regarding GPU, how do I verify that my computer has a GPU? Because I did all the steps you do (install CUDA, CuDNN ...) but still treated with CPU! And thank you so much
Heya @Youssef, open up your task manager, then select the Performance tab. Towards the bottom you should have a monitor for your GPU if there is one installed.
@@NicholasRenotte thank you very much 🙏🏼 its so helpful
@@yousseffarhan8901 anytime! Glad you enjoyed it!
Hi sir, do you have tutorial about real time object detection related on train set and test data with average the accuracy?
Heya @Bellemar Ravelo, I think we do evaluation in the 5hr tutorial. Did you check that out?
Thank you for great tutorial ,
Sir how can we use MediaPipe in recognising sign language .
Stay tuned, coming soon!
Is there any way you can create an action detector with tfjs?
Ya, would likely need to implement an RNN layer or have windowed data!
Fantastic!!!! Gestualy power
is it possible to find z coordinates and calculate angles using x,y,z?
Sure can!
@@NicholasRenotte thanks, I am trying to finding Z but it keeps giving me 0, can you please give me a example code?
@@NicholasRenotte at the end wanna find angles in 3d(using x,y,z) but i don't i have correct results cause working with z is challenging, is there any code to help me?
@@haditamimi2891 Remember that mediapipe's Z axis is centered at the wrist. The wrist has always a 0 coordinate in Z!
you are awesome, dude. Thank you so much.
Bro please can you tell me that if I want these landmarks to display on a np.zeros matrix then how can I display it
Heya @Adi, could probably create a blank numpy array, then use the visualisation library to draw the landmarks and convert to grayscale! Lmk if you need a deeper dive!
Hey Nick, great video. Would we be able to extract palmprint using mediapipe? If possible would you be kind enough to make a video on the same ?
hey , in get_label function and in this line "for idx, classification in enumerate(results.multi_handedness):" where did you use "idx" in code actually i wrote the same code but it cannot classified both hand at same time. any help regarding this will be appreciated. thanks :)
Are multiple hands detected?
@@NicholasRenotte yes detected but they don’t label at a same time.
@@meethansaliya4885 hmmm not too sure unfortunately without looking into it in more detail.
Thank you very much friend, your video is great.
I have a question, how can I see the position angle of the wrist?
Hi, did you managed to get orientation for wrist? I am currently working on it and any tips/resources are much appreciated.
Sure friend I'm going to show you what I did, KEEP IN MIND THAT IT'S NOT VERY EXACT but for what I needed (I just wanted to move a servomotor to the side that moves my wrist)
def wrist_angle(image):
# I fixed the point where the camera is located, the upper middle point of the screen
a = np.array([1000,0])
# I take nodes 5 (INDEX_FINGER_MCP) and 9 (MIDDLE_FINGER_MCP)
b = np.array([hand.landmark[9].x, hand.landmark[9].z]) # seugunda coordenada
c = np.array([hand.landmark[5].x, hand.landmark[5].z]) # tercera coordenada
# radian calculation
y1 = c[1]-b[1]
y2 = a[1]-b[1]
x1 = c[0]-b[0]
x2 = a[0]-b[0]
radians = round((np.arctan2(y1,x1) - np.arctan2(y2,x2))*2,1)
if radians < 0:
radias = 0
wrist_ang = 0
# convert to degrees
wrist_ang = np.abs(radians * 180.0 / np.pi)
# Since the angle should not be greater than 180 then we condition
if wrist_ang > 180.0:
wrist_ang = 360.0 - wrist_ang
coords = tuple(
np.array((hand.landmark[mp_hands.HandLandmark.WRIST].x*640 + 20,
hand.landmark[mp_hands.HandLandmark.WRIST].y*480 + 20)).astype(int))
cv2.putText(image, str(round(wrist_ang,0)),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)
return image
@@elcorreodesteven Thanks a lot! This is super helpful!
how do you know which second of time the landmarks are being captured? is there a way to tie the landmarks to its captured time?
Ah, yeah, I would output based on relative time. So save the video and just calculate elapsed time then output to a CSV. Probs too long to explain in a comment, want a video on it?
please create multiple angle for Pose landmarks. thanks in advance
again best ever
Thanks so much @Ameer!
RENOTTE Please kill my doubt!!!! How can we do to instead of showing 180 degrees when fingers are straight, show 0 degrees and then grow towards 180 when they bend ?????
Thank you for an amazing tutorial! If I were to calculate both the pitch and the yaw angles from the coordinates, do you maybe know how I could do that? Thank you in advance for helping! :)
Hi, were you able to figure out how to calculate roll,pitch and yaw angles?
I learn html and CSS and JavaScript how I am get start my career in AI please guide me sir
Check this out:
Hi nicholas I tried to build a custom model using hand mediapipe when I try the export the landmarks csv file looks blank
pose = results.multi_hand_landmarks[0].landmark -This is what I tried to give as an input
as well as
pose = results.multi_hand_landmarks - This also I tried
When I remove the try and except
the error that appears is
'NormalizedLandmark' object is not subscriptable
How do I get coordinates exported help me with this trying for hours not able to
Hi Nicholas, please help me with this
Heya @Rupdenra, this is likely because there are no hands detected in the frame. Unfortunately mediapipe doesn't handle this gracefully so you need to check if hands are in the frame before attempting to subscript them.
@@NicholasRenotte Hi the above issue is solved but then its telling me while I fit the model that the values are near to nan
@@rupendrakrishnaraavi4217 Hey did you manage to export the landmarks?
Can you make this program with Unity game engine? We need a video to connect this with Unity. Please.
please do mediapipe detection on GPU
Yah, check this out:
@@NicholasRenotte I tried but was not successful. Please help post a video about it. With thanks and greetings
Dude please do sign language detection with mediapipe . Please 🥺🥺
Yah! Got it planned!
@@NicholasRenotte thank you very much. You are the best.
@@brucewayne9708 anytime! Anything for batman ;)
@@NicholasRenotte haha. This may be helpful
34:57 is screamer. I was in headphones🤪
thanks a tonne
its hard to understand what you did and why you did so when you use jupiter notebook
please either don't copy your code multiple times or use proper ide like pycharm or spyder. it'll be really helpful for us, to understand more easily.
Not really beginner friendly