INTPs are intriguing..They are like the oddest mbti type who does not feel belong or at home with the other types. They are like a creature visiting from a distant planet and tries to blend in with the other types who have already been inhabitor for thousands of years. INTP are always said to be like chameleons, they are very indicisive until they can make up their mind, any many times, it's impossible to make up their mind. That is why to survive, they try to follow the crowd even though they detest it and want to express the inner alien in them. They are special and precious. They are much more logical and smarter than other types, with an awareness and interest of what exactly is life about, whereas other types just live day by day as it comes. Because of that, INTP have no one to talk about. About the complexities of life, about the meaning of it. You can say, "Hey, why not find other INTPs to talk with?" Well, of course other INTPs will be easier to get along with as we share the same ideals. But, a blind leading the blind will eventually lead to somewhere, but not the destination. Just know that we INTPs are one family and with our curiosity and philosophical minds, we can get by, and we will make a difference, we will make it big. Also, INTPs are the most innocent of all types, even though they are rather open to ideas not governed by emotions. They are like a child trying to figure out the world as other types fast forward past their vision, doing mundane work and fuss about things not even worth a thought to the INTPs. I wish life would treat INTPs better and somehow guide them by the hand, but the absence of it, is what makes every INTPs' journey different and filled with meaning.
+MrOldestPerson That was beautiful.. And more or less how I feel as an INTP. INTJ's are said to be the coldest humans, while INTP's are said to be the warmest machines... It's weird feeling like we aren't apart of humanity, and at the same time it's annoying.
+The Truth Indeed..We are in exterior like a machine because we do not really feel comfortable expressing our feelings to strangers. But deep inside us are not gears, we are powered by feelings too, we just choose to hide it in. As society and social settings are based off appearance at the first glance, we are very much rejected at first sight. When I say rejected, I mean it as a conceptualized form. Such as, it is harder for us to find similarity with others. Of course, like the physics theory, energy is always transformed into another type of energy. Our minds and beliefs will somehow be displayed into physical gestures, which others may not like or agree with. But the moment we find people similar as us, we are going to cherish them soooo much more than any other types cherish people. Anyways, if you want to share about yourself or your struggles, you can hit me up and we can exchange our medias. I am pretty new into this INTP thing, so if you have any forums in which we can visit, please do share it with me and the other INTPS around in this video. Let's all embark in this journey together in separate ships but with a common goal, which is to understand ourselves better. Have a great day everyone! Especially to the INTPs around :)
I have noticed that i am good at bettering things others have created. Sure, original ideas are still there but I hate even trying to better my own ideas. .Spot on noticed.
I just want to know all that I can about this universe. I would love to have a career like Leonardo Davinci. He was a scientist/mathematician/painter/sculptor/botanist/musician/architect/anatomist, you get the picture. But yeah. INTP DREAM JOB, haha
I wish I could just be hired to work in a think tank. People would bring me half finished ideas and I would finish their ideas and improve on them then give it to someone else to do. Then move on the next unfinished idea. Are there any jobs like that?
Toller Brown I've thought about professor but I'm talking about something with virtually no human contact. I receive ideas via email and I make those ideas better and email them to someone who would then do the actual work. I think its just wishful thinking...
A Whether Moments Poet You need a cyber slave!!! Develop a game that grinds ecoin or something.(lots of cyber slaves) I think we develop better ideas when we can talk nonsense to people. I like doing math. Nah I know what you mean, I'm an electrical Engineer and I feel alot of the time that once I give the customer a solution my work is done. but they expect me to get my hands dirty and its not fair.
But what will you do when you've learned all you can about polar bears? Are there actually polar bears in Siberia? Google it..., then trail off into some other obscure stuff that seems interesting
I can be extroverted at times but it really tires me out. I actually like sleeping on the floor! It is comfy and I have more room to do stuff bc it fits neatly in that little space.
I hardly ever post on youtube comments, but watching your videos are great. I've come to realize that the INTP is going to be constantly plagued with a feeling of indecision as a result of the ever probing mind. What I used to see as anxiety I now view as a skill that most people cannot access. 'Be your own hero' Well put friend. On we go!
intp: we have a lot in common, the struggle to figure out what it is that i want to do is un-real right now. especially being in college and the millions of deadlines to have to decide by. Im switching into mechanical engineering because even though its so tedious and not exactly "interesting" to me, its so broad and will allow me to do a lot of different things and still make an impact on the world. When i was really young i thought i just wanted to be an author because i was so imaginative and read so much but then i decided i was really interested in other sciency things and wanted to go and do really amazing cutting edge things. and then i came up with the idea that i was capable of doing something really great and felt i owed it to the world. There are so many problems to be fixed that i should work on. I still feel like i should help save the world. like really truly doing something huge that would have an awesome positive impact. I realize that because i get quickly bored with tedious things i am not necessarily cut out for being an engineer because i prefer the ideas and design behind solutions, not the nitty gritty number crunching. but engineering will allow me to do so much more then other disciplines and leave a greater impact then if i did a standard life science. Also I love learning but i don't think i want to go to grad school bc i just want to get started on doing something. Im able to learn plenty for enjoyment on my own time. i guess ill just push through the difficult classes for now and try to not lose my motivation by reminding myself this is what i need to do to ensure there are open doors even if i decide to change my focus from something like environmental sustainability to computer science or neuro, (just some of the current cluster fuck of majors/topics i love but cant decide on). I want to just major in everything and be able to do anything and feel as i if i owe something to the world. Yet i know most of my ideas will never see the light of day and i will keep stagnating in an endless feedback loop of indecisiveness. As an intp is it even possible to be truly "sure" that this is what you want to do? or do we reassess until the day we die? i can think about this for the rest of my life and never commit to anything
Tess Carella I think each time we reassess we become a little bit more sure. Maybe not a lot but a little and even though it can be maddening, overtime it adds up.
Tess Carella this is me right now. I also read a lot as a child and wanted to be an author as well, but then I started getting interested in biology and other sciences. I also want to save the world, but unsure how to do so. But I think if we just pick something now, we can always take a different path if we don't like it as much.
I'm a teen and I honestly have no clue what I will do with my life. I've accepted that I'm likely to jump between jobs and I'm ready for an adventure. I like science and just want to do something that I'm happy doing which stimulates my brain, keeping me learning. In terms of learning, I've been learning french because why wait when i could do it now? Random fact: INTPs are highest personality with job dissatisfaction. Okay bye.
If you like science, you could get a masters in something and teach it. Not sure if it appeals to you, but at 42, I wish I just would have picked some imperfect path at your age, and gone for i
So many INTP's are computer systems analysts. I've never tried that. Honestly it's not abstract enough for me! I dunno. I love theories and philosophy and the artsssss >technology/science. ;P (Honestly I've noticed INTP's either fit in two categories: computer systems analysts or something with the arts) -> truly externally valid? Probably not I do feel as well that I would be able to succeed more in the world as an ENTP ;P Honestly, I feel like I can't master "anything I set my mind to" - I feel like my values and focus waver way too much to keep any sort of consistency. Honestly I feel like I'll always be in my head. And it's hard to find any job that will be able to blend my mind and external world.
I am into that stuff as well! Which is basically "all of creation" haha. CSA to me is just an excuse to use my problem solving skills and have free time so I can pursue my actual interest which is........ Finding and aligning myself with the truth, wherever it takes me. As technology and humanity progress, new ways to monetize the important skills of the INTP will surface so, you don't have to dream about being an ENTP, lol. All things reveal themselves in time. And when that time comes you will know. Worrying about finding a job to define yourself is a neurotic program of the ego. I let that thought run my life for a while and it was miserable. What makes something externally valid anyway?
After he talks about "your gonna feel there's something missing, your gonna feel empty." He then reaches for the red wine - some gr8 unintentional (or posssibly intentional) timing there!
I jump between ambitions a lot. Right now I want to psychologist but before that I wanted to be an astrophysicist, writer, philosopher, engineer, etc. I'm just hoping that my ambition to become a psychologist stays and I've found what I want to do.
See.... That is why I am reluctant about putting my age out. If I am really young then my advice may not be credible and if I am really old then it may not be applicable.
I think this spot on. Whilst all people are different, I think INTPs need stimulating work, not grudge and monotonous stuff. I would say the best industries for an INTP are any and all, provided it's a role in which we can think outside the box and be creative.
As an INTP I can tell you that at your own risk I recommend illegal substances we learn more from then than any other type. The best thing for INTP's is lsd it breaks the loop of death and you just realize yeah I'm going die but so what and it helps you with your confidence while with other types it might make them a little crazy for INTP's we love being forced to feel and sense life which is what psychedelics do. Another option is get a really nice pet it teaches you to take care of real world things and the pet has to love you back.
I did very well in sciences in highschool and I ended up playing in a band, not going to post secondary school. I actually had zero idea what I really wanted in my 20's. Working under authority for people I actually didn't like and working these jobs that expect you to be extroverted killed me. I am 33 years old and am now working in the Medical field. I am a student now, taking Medical Terminology and set myself up to work from home doing Medical Dictation. We are SO capable! stop telling yourself you will fail or wasting time thinking about doing it. Just DO and try new things that interest you.
"Finding yourself." The thing is that this can be turned into a query, like a Ti query, like a question that makes you want to reduce everything you experience into an idea. As you said, the hardest thing for an INTP to do is be spontaneous. The journey requires a trend of spontaneity. *sigh* >:I
I'm trying to decide what courses in units I'm gonna take and what careers I'm aiming for, but its soooo hard. I know that I could do anything and I'm interested in just about everything. I want to be a doctor, I wanna work in IT, I wanna be an author , I wanna be a teacher, I want to make games and I want to work on big projects. I honestly wish time didn't exist so that I could pursue, learn and master everything and then maybe I would feel content.
same, I just want to study everything but with more depth. I would recommend a book for you 'i could do anything but if I only know what it was by barbara sher'. It's a good book for everyone ,even for a professional jack of all trades. hehe.
INTP here as well. You had me cracking up at your comment of our type being able to master everything, except talking. My worst nightmare. Two questions for you, if you feel like answering. 1. Do you think it’s possible to change Myers-Briggs types, or do you believe we carry the same type from our youth on?
I love photography too! I kind of have this natural ability with capturing the essence or feelings behind things. I don't have a really nice camera but my friend lets me take pics with her's. I think the things you have to find has to be something that you can study almost effortlessly. My biggest problem is not being able to focus on things if I don't find them interesting. Engineering should pull you in keep captivated effortlessly. If it doesn't do that then maybe it's not right for you.
I'm an INTP accountant, and I get people calling me weird because my talking is horrible, I contantly process and analyze things to say, like how important it is for my input, if it's not important, i don't like to spit out nonsense or worthless small talk.... but I'm very good at problem solving, checking where the problem is, learning, i love learning.
Sylvia Lopez as intp i don’t say much, but I say things at the right time, either it be a criticism or a joke. I’ve been told many times, “he doesn’t talk much but when he does it is needed.”
I was thinking about that recently. I think you will always have your original preference but you can strengthen certain functions. I think the only way to permanently alter your type is to change what is going on chemically in your brain.
You are a very charming intp, I think the charm comes with open-mindedness. I'm a feeler and I really enjoy INTPS and any thinkers for that matter, but it takes more time to open up to you guys, as the feeling of lack of understanding comes with Fi/Ti. However, you give out an image of acceptance and respect towards others and their differences.
This was a great video. I've been thinking about what I should do for ages. Thought about changing my major (again) but I think I'll stick with filmmaking. When I was a kid, I always said I was going to be an astronomer - I've always loved science, still do. I'm still thinking. It can get so frustrating though because it feels like I'm going nowhere. But I think this are starting to get clearer, one moment at a time.
You can master anything as anyone as far as MBTI types go. It has to be realistic, but I think what is realistic would surprise a lot of people. INTP's are more unique in their approach to any situation. I believe we hold the most complex systems in our head, and the way these systems work can give us a distinct advantage of certain sorts. INTP's do have generally the most intelligence (along with INTJ's) at least from what I understand, and this certainly aids them in making coordinated approaches to things in a logical fashion. I don't believe the ability to be whatever is so unique to us in particular.
Hey man, gotta say I enjoy watching your videos. However, I wanted to put this out there. I am an INTP too and a gifted one also. I went to an international high school so I only had a final exam at the end which I aced after just 1 week of studying cuz of my INTPness and got a 100,000 USD + scholarship. But when I tell people that my mind works differently they either think that I'm too full of myself or I'm making an excuse for not studying or something. Currently I am completing my bachelors to pursue a career as an actuary. After my bachelors, I would have to self-study for around 5 - 10 years which is great cuz I can choose my own pace and study methods. Right now I am a 3rd year bachelors student and have 1 more year remaining. I have like 2-3 assignments per week and 2 quizzes per week which is killing me cuz it kills me to do work which is boring. I can totally ace a final exam but doing so much work kills me. What I have to tell myself is simply that even though I know that I have a different learning style and i think differently from most people, I still have to go through the current education system to get an opportunity to show people how truly gifted I am. This was not my decision however. I was forced into it by necessity (without the scholarship I did not even have enough money to live, I'm from Pakistan so you can connect the dots). But being forced into it has enabled me to make the correct decision of getting an education imo but im not sure. Do you think its the correcct choice cuz I thinkn very much like you do it seems from the video and constantly studying what I am "supposed to be studying" in school is extremely frustrating and I just want to think critically by myself instead of learning the boring repititive way that other people learn.
mujtaba2020k well good luck . I think u graduated now. And as INTP with your situation its seems to me u r fighting now. I wish all the best 4 u. Join crypto space
I find myself (INTP) normally speaking with monotone. Really being spontaneous is when I am furious or being sarcastic. so the linguistic skill and mind gets very focus and sharpened. But seriously I don't have answer to this (What do I want to do with my life). Making decision is hard, coz INTPs see anything, believe anything can happen, can learn anything, but they only want to do the things they find interests in. + they are they slowed down by the Sloth. at the end, they might do nothing
I think im a cross between INTP and INFP. I think i'm more like INTP but there are too many things that dont apply to me which doesn't make me feel confident in the INTP. The only other personality I can think of that can maybe fill in the holes that INTP isn't filling is INFP. CONFUSION
Hey Chelsea and Caroline, to be more clear regarding the mention of cognitive functions others have mentioned, I strongly recommend Personality Hacker’s car model explanations of both of the types you are thinking you might be (INFP and INTP). If you google “Peronality Hacker INFP car model” and the same for INTP you’ll get a more accessible explanation of the cognitive functions. This is SUPER helpful in comprehending which type you are. Once you really grasp the cognitive functions piece, you’ll never doubt again ❤️
For IT work, considering working towards IT architecture. It is very easy to get stuck in IT Support- meaning IT customer support. The problem with that is that it has a higher risk at becoming monotonous and mentally constricting. For an INTP I think it is better to navigate your career towards being an Architect in IT. This gives you the thinking and creativity aspects we need. We need a job that allows us the freedom to find the best possible solution for a problem. An IT Architect seems like a good match. Possibly there are others too.
Also to be clear, I have found “in house” IT Support to be quite fitting as an entry level position for an INTP - meaning supporting your coworkers directly face to face. In contrast, customer facing IT Support - solely via phone or email - has the risk of becoming monotonous and constricting. Nothing sucks the life out of INTPs more than a list of “tickets”. Although we can do it and are decent at it. We are more suited to reactionary work or constructing the best possible solution for a problem. That’s what I think now anyway.
I'm a junior in high school. This year is a tough year because I'm starting to get ready to apply for college and I don't know what the hell I want to do. How am I supposed to know with the short 16.5 years of life experience that I have? I'm thinking of going to college undeclared even though at the moment I really love cognitive science just because I want to take all kinds of classes I've never had the opportunity to take and I don't want to rule anything good out.
If you can make money and really enjoy it then yeah! I enjoy computers and am intrigued by them. And is something that doesn't take a billion years of school to do really well in. After I can make a living doing that I plan to keep learning and trying to create and be better. Basically what I am searching for is the highest vantage point possible and when I obtain it, I want to gather the truths it shows me and then I will use that knowledge to climb higher.
I'm a 38 year old INTP. I guess you could say to some degree social anxiety inhibited my career development but mostly analysis paralysis. I had/have multipotentiality but then philosophical awareness to question the whole point of anything and the reality of anything. If you question the very notion of self (see advaita or nondual philosophy) then where does that leave you re: agency. So I've ended up in a weird career space where I've just muddled along in a career that is not where my passions lie but who am I anyway, what is my real purpose? Part of me is has a ver strongly urge to be fully creatively expressed but is part of that ego? And by being a creative superstar would that just build me a hardened identity that would be spiritually counterproductive and the spiritual goal is to know yourself not as the wave but as the formless, infinite ocean of pure consciousness. etc.
I want to go to college though, it seems like a lot of fun and there are so many cool classes to take. I know it's not *technically* necessary or useful but let's be honest life is easier if you have a degree. It's something I'm really excited for but it's also very stressful and such. I have the PSAT in 2 days and I haven't studied... classic INTP style. Are you in college?
I think passions are innate and sometimes you need exposure to the right set of circumstances and experiences to bring them out. My problem was trying to know everything before I made a choice about anything which leads to a lot of indecision. I would like to have multiple jobs and I could pick which one I wanted to do when I woke up that day. I love/hate that I am interested in so many things. I read that most INTPs don't fully develop until they are 25-35. I think it's bc we are so complex lol
Everything you're saying makes so much sense, especially the idea of wanting to know everything before you make a choice, which is what I struggle with. Indecision.
What I think would be fun is to be a mechanical or civil engineer for my main job but in my free time make animations/other art and music. Post it on UA-cam. I hope that's still a thing by the time I'm able to do it. I mean UA-cam has been around for almost ten years now so I would think it would be by the time I'm out of college in about five years... But yeah I've always had a pretty diverse set of interests. I've even considered being a police officer or fire fighter but I just don't (and likely never will) have the physical strength and stamina for that kind of job lol.
2. You already know as INTPS we delight to learn, but once we’ve learned enough about the subject we get bored, drop it, and move on. To cut to the chase, do you think the best jobs for INTPs should be analytical, centered around exploration, learning, and problem-solving type work, or it just depends on the person? Just curious.
Jobs-wise... my dream job would be a travel writer :) But I'm not even sure that's a thing. I once had the idea of working for a travel magazine or National Geographic or something. Hey, that's actually not a bad idea. Perhaps journalism or writing is the way to go. As for my skills-- I'm pretty good at analyzing and creating marketing strategies. Just a random talent I've discovered. Pretty creative, but best at nonfiction. Love solving things. Good at understanding others. Likes adventure.
Having the exact same issues. I thought it would help to be sure about my personality type and thought it was because I didn't know if I was actually an INTP or an INFJ (but realized time and time again I'm definitely an INTP). I am in my last year of engineering school to find out I wanted more. Looking into careers- Physics is cool but it's extremely intimidating, so I might "settle" for other sciences.
this is just my problem, since as long as i can remember i see my self achieving anything and having the confidence to do so. but cant decided or put effort on anything
I wish I could find one thing where everything lines up. Something I enjoy doing, have the ability (motivation) to do on a day to day basis and would make me feel satisfied with my life.
For me my dream is to become an engineer and I know that career would give me satisfaction as intelligence is the thing I value most in myself but I don't know if I have it in me to do the study to get there. Then there's photography, which I love but it wouldn't give me long term satisfaction. Then there's music which I enjoy, am good at and have the ability to study for hours, but I feel like there are much bigger things in the world to do than music.
Your life is a journey, may it sound trivial, but I don't think you choose your life /and lifestyle and job etc. when you choose your university/college. And that would be the utter burden as well - I mean which 18 year old knows what will make them happy, 20 years later. I always find myself in new situations, new schools and new fields, because after a while everything becomes boring. Now I'm at my 3'rd uni (hello correspondence courses) but actually I don't think I could ever stop, bec. when I do, my brain will stop working too. Give me unsolvable tasks, challange me, and never the same kind of task, thats what keeps me going. So yeah, good news you don't have to choose what to do with your life. And the bad news, you have constatntly choose what to do with your life - and nobody should help you with it, bec. it is YOUR life.
Can one ever really be completely satisfied? I don't like the term wishing. To me it is a transfer of power and responsibility from the wisher to the unseen force which will grant the wish. All wishing begets is more wishing. And the only way things are going to line up is to line them up yourself. You may not even like having everything lined up that way. But since you already know how to move the pieces you can then line them up and choose any path and if those don't suit you create your own.
Love and hate you. I'm glad I took 4 years before going to university. In that time I discovered what I hate and love, and quickly became a paralegal through random short courses and having attorneys be impressed with my analytical and tech skills. So I decided to be a lawyer. Injustice is my primary frustration. Clients aren't so bad to deal with - they expect me to have a detached problem-solving "I have your back, I will win cause I annihilate arguments" attitude. Yay! Thank you Tom... I don't feel so bad for being late in figuring my life out. GO INTPs. Don't give up ♡
You stopped uploading a long time ago. You’ve moved on I see. My guess is you have slid down a bad path or are doing just fine and still struggling with issues of so sort.
I'm 34 on the pension never filed a tax return and mentally ill thought i was an INTJ my whole life found out i'm an INTP. All the options in the world won't help me now...
M Step Yep and Deciphering People's Sentences in order to understand the way their brain operates...Even tho they themselves can't explain their thoughts. 😂😂
Yeah, we might not interact directly but observe from a side and in most ways we can predict the result of mind structure correctly and say it before person does (because, yeah i got it, faster to an idea). Its just about try-to-over-realizing state of mind, and it's being hard to deal with in such a illogical world we are living.
Is that your bed in the background? if so you should consider an upgrade :/ I want to be a college lecturer ^_^ gonna take a while though... :/ im so cnfused as to what i am, im severely introverted but at the same time i can be incredibly extrovert. I'm a freak, darn gemini
That is just a stereotype and not true in the slightest. The only reason I decided to be a computer systems analyst was because I recently found out I was naturally good with computers. I actually found them terribly boring for the longest time and truthfully they aren't my favorite and most definitely not how I want to define my life. Basically I am doing this until I fully understand the world. Uni is mostly for certification. If you just want knowledge the internet is at you fingertips.
Any INTPs here with established careers in medicine? I am interested in studying medicine however, I don't enjoy working with the general population of people. It can be very frustrating talking to other people about their health when they are not willing to listen or understand.
Interesting perspective. From my own experience, I tend to jump around different interests and ideas frequently. I am not sure if this quality exists among other INTPs. I am considering a career in the biotech industry, with work on recombinant DNA technology and virology. Any insights on what graduate school would be like as a potential endeavor?
I thought psychology for the longest time. I really don't even know how to describe what I am into now. I just kinda follow the truth wherever it takes me. meh
Hey guys, what is your opinion about intps and boarding schools? Is it a great chance to improve the social skills or is it just stressful, annoying and against our nature? Im not sure weather it is a good idea. Maybe someone can help me .
Holy shiet he's retelling everything i told from the same factual perspective! shiet tomacity, shiet. We are protraying the same solutions on two channels.
INTPs are intriguing..They are like the oddest mbti type who does not feel belong or at home with the other types. They are like a creature visiting from a distant planet and tries to blend in with the other types who have already been inhabitor for thousands of years. INTP are always said to be like chameleons, they are very indicisive until they can make up their mind, any many times, it's impossible to make up their mind. That is why to survive, they try to follow the crowd even though they detest it and want to express the inner alien in them. They are special and precious. They are much more logical and smarter than other types, with an awareness and interest of what exactly is life about, whereas other types just live day by day as it comes. Because of that, INTP have no one to talk about. About the complexities of life, about the meaning of it. You can say, "Hey, why not find other INTPs to talk with?" Well, of course other INTPs will be easier to get along with as we share the same ideals. But, a blind leading the blind will eventually lead to somewhere, but not the destination. Just know that we INTPs are one family and with our curiosity and philosophical minds, we can get by, and we will make a difference, we will make it big. Also, INTPs are the most innocent of all types, even though they are rather open to ideas not governed by emotions. They are like a child trying to figure out the world as other types fast forward past their vision, doing mundane work and fuss about things not even worth a thought to the INTPs. I wish life would treat INTPs better and somehow guide them by the hand, but the absence of it, is what makes every INTPs' journey different and filled with meaning.
+MrOldestPerson That was beautiful.. And more or less how I feel as an INTP.
INTJ's are said to be the coldest humans, while INTP's are said to be the warmest machines... It's weird feeling like we aren't apart of humanity, and at the same time it's annoying.
+The Truth Indeed..We are in exterior like a machine because we do not really feel comfortable expressing our feelings to strangers. But deep inside us are not gears, we are powered by feelings too, we just choose to hide it in. As society and social settings are based off appearance at the first glance, we are very much rejected at first sight. When I say rejected, I mean it as a conceptualized form. Such as, it is harder for us to find similarity with others. Of course, like the physics theory, energy is always transformed into another type of energy. Our minds and beliefs will somehow be displayed into physical gestures, which others may not like or agree with. But the moment we find people similar as us, we are going to cherish them soooo much more than any other types cherish people.
Anyways, if you want to share about yourself or your struggles, you can hit me up and we can exchange our medias. I am pretty new into this INTP thing, so if you have any forums in which we can visit, please do share it with me and the other INTPS around in this video.
Let's all embark in this journey together in separate ships but with a common goal, which is to understand ourselves better.
Have a great day everyone! Especially to the INTPs around :)
The Truth. I didn't know that INTP's have warmth. I keep reading about how they focus on logic. I feel better about being INTP now.
That helped me today, thanks
We INTP's are problem solvers, but the one problem I cannot fix is what I will do with my life. :D:D:D
+Sweet Honey Bee
probably because there are too many possibilities to expand.
Ditto. Is a bad decision better than no decision?
I have noticed that i am good at bettering things others have created. Sure, original ideas are still there but I hate even trying to better my own ideas. .Spot on noticed.
Yes!! This has been my problem for so many years 😂 I can solve basically any other problem though... 🤔
I just want to know all that I can about this universe. I would love to have a career like Leonardo Davinci. He was a scientist/mathematician/painter/sculptor/botanist/musician/architect/anatomist, you get the picture. But yeah. INTP DREAM JOB, haha
Changed my major 11 times
Definitely a journey
I wish I could just be hired to work in a think tank. People would bring me half finished ideas and I would finish their ideas and improve on them then give it to someone else to do. Then move on the next unfinished idea. Are there any jobs like that?
Professor of science or religious leader?
Toller Brown I've thought about professor but I'm talking about something with virtually no human contact. I receive ideas via email and I make those ideas better and email them to someone who would then do the actual work.
I think its just wishful thinking...
A Whether Moments Poet You need a cyber slave!!!
Develop a game that grinds ecoin or something.(lots of cyber slaves)
I think we develop better ideas when we can talk nonsense to people. I like doing math.
Nah I know what you mean, I'm an electrical Engineer and I feel alot of the time that once I give the customer a solution my work is done. but they expect me to get my hands dirty and its not fair.
You could start your own company, doing that very thing. It seems to me that it would have a low start up cost.
I waste soo much time on solving others problems when they haven't even asked me to. Ah but later I can say " I told you so!"
Your INTP logical ramble reminds me too much of my own communication style its funny
My life makes no sense and it will never make sense so might as well just move to Siberia and live with the polar bears...
Is that....Hetalia?...
But what will you do when you've learned all you can about polar bears? Are there actually polar bears in Siberia? Google it..., then trail off into some other obscure stuff that seems interesting
Tempting thought, I know. For me, it would be a cabin in the woods of north Maine.
I can be extroverted at times but it really tires me out. I actually like sleeping on the floor! It is comfy and I have more room to do stuff bc it fits neatly in that little space.
I hardly ever post on youtube comments, but watching your videos are great. I've come to realize that the INTP is going to be constantly plagued with a feeling of indecision as a result of the ever probing mind. What I used to see as anxiety I now view as a skill that most people cannot access. 'Be your own hero' Well put friend. On we go!
INTP: Only INTP can understand other INTPs sense of humour. you've made me laugh. cheers :-)
you wanted to save the world and go on adventures me too but im curious to know if that kind of dream is common with intp
I think it is.
mrlk13141 Same here
Iron man
Same here
me too.
intp: we have a lot in common, the struggle to figure out what it is that i want to do is un-real right now. especially being in college and the millions of deadlines to have to decide by. Im switching into mechanical engineering because even though its so tedious and not exactly "interesting" to me, its so broad and will allow me to do a lot of different things and still make an impact on the world. When i was really young i thought i just wanted to be an author because i was so imaginative and read so much but then i decided i was really interested in other sciency things and wanted to go and do really amazing cutting edge things. and then i came up with the idea that i was capable of doing something really great and felt i owed it to the world. There are so many problems to be fixed that i should work on. I still feel like i should help save the world. like really truly doing something huge that would have an awesome positive impact. I realize that because i get quickly bored with tedious things i am not necessarily cut out for being an engineer because i prefer the ideas and design behind solutions, not the nitty gritty number crunching. but engineering will allow me to do so much more then other disciplines and leave a greater impact then if i did a standard life science. Also I love learning but i don't think i want to go to grad school bc i just want to get started on doing something. Im able to learn plenty for enjoyment on my own time. i guess ill just push through the difficult classes for now and try to not lose my motivation by reminding myself this is what i need to do to ensure there are open doors even if i decide to change my focus from something like environmental sustainability to computer science or neuro, (just some of the current cluster fuck of majors/topics i love but cant decide on). I want to just major in everything and be able to do anything and feel as i if i owe something to the world. Yet i know most of my ideas will never see the light of day and i will keep stagnating in an endless feedback loop of indecisiveness. As an intp is it even possible to be truly "sure" that this is what you want to do? or do we reassess until the day we die? i can think about this for the rest of my life and never commit to anything
Tess Carella I think each time we reassess we become a little bit more sure. Maybe not a lot but a little and even though it can be maddening, overtime it adds up.
Yeah, I'm 30 and still trying to figure out what I want to do (right now I work as an electrician, but there are many things I've thought of doing).
Tess Carella Buy a Mises Institute self study course set. Complete it on your own and you are as good as a PhD economist.
Tess Carella this is me right now. I also read a lot as a child and wanted to be an author as well, but then I started getting interested in biology and other sciences. I also want to save the world, but unsure how to do so. But I think if we just pick something now, we can always take a different path if we don't like it as much.
I'm a teen and I honestly have no clue what I will do with my life. I've accepted that I'm likely to jump between jobs and I'm ready for an adventure. I like science and just want to do something that I'm happy doing which stimulates my brain, keeping me learning. In terms of learning, I've been learning french because why wait when i could do it now? Random fact: INTPs are highest personality with job dissatisfaction. Okay bye.
If you like science, you could get a masters in something and teach it. Not sure if it appeals to you, but at 42, I wish I just would have picked some imperfect path at your age, and gone for i
So many INTP's are computer systems analysts. I've never tried that. Honestly it's not abstract enough for me! I dunno. I love theories and philosophy and the artsssss >technology/science. ;P (Honestly I've noticed INTP's either fit in two categories: computer systems analysts or something with the arts) -> truly externally valid? Probably not
I do feel as well that I would be able to succeed more in the world as an ENTP ;P
Honestly, I feel like I can't master "anything I set my mind to" - I feel like my values and focus waver way too much to keep any sort of consistency.
Honestly I feel like I'll always be in my head. And it's hard to find any job that will be able to blend my mind and external world.
I am into that stuff as well! Which is basically "all of creation" haha. CSA to me is just an excuse to use my problem solving skills and have free time so I can pursue my actual interest which is........ Finding and aligning myself with the truth, wherever it takes me. As technology and humanity progress, new ways to monetize the important skills of the INTP will surface so, you don't have to dream about being an ENTP, lol. All things reveal themselves in time. And when that time comes you will know. Worrying about finding a job to define yourself is a neurotic program of the ego. I let that thought run my life for a while and it was miserable. What makes something externally valid anyway?
I relate completely. The careers they recommend for us tend to be technical, but not everyone is technically minded.
Damn im in the same shit i have no idea what jobs suits me... im inside my head since 25 years
You should check out working with AI or Deep learning. Those are very abstract fields once you learn the language.
Richard Gledhill that’s what I want to do;)
After he talks about "your gonna feel there's something missing, your gonna feel empty." He then reaches for the red wine - some gr8 unintentional (or posssibly intentional) timing there!
I jump between ambitions a lot. Right now I want to psychologist but before that I wanted to be an astrophysicist, writer, philosopher, engineer, etc. I'm just hoping that my ambition to become a psychologist stays and I've found what I want to do.
See.... That is why I am reluctant about putting my age out. If I am really young then my advice may not be credible and if I am really old then it may not be applicable.
I think this spot on.
Whilst all people are different, I think INTPs need stimulating work, not grudge and monotonous stuff. I would say the best industries for an INTP are any and all, provided it's a role in which we can think outside the box and be creative.
I first thought of studying
1 Music
4Computer science
5Now thinking about physics
As an INTP I can tell you that at your own risk I recommend illegal substances we learn more from then than any other type. The best thing for INTP's is lsd it breaks the loop of death and you just realize yeah I'm going die but so what and it helps you with your confidence while with other types it might make them a little crazy for INTP's we love being forced to feel and sense life which is what psychedelics do. Another option is get a really nice pet it teaches you to take care of real world things and the pet has to love you back.
revenant loooool what an intp "smooking weed" loool
Where can i get it tho :) this is the problem here
I need to trip now
I did very well in sciences in highschool and I ended up playing in a band, not going to post secondary school. I actually had zero idea what I really wanted in my 20's. Working under authority for people I actually didn't like and working these jobs that expect you to be extroverted killed me. I am 33 years old and am now working in the Medical field. I am a student now, taking Medical Terminology and set myself up to work from home doing Medical Dictation. We are SO capable! stop telling yourself you will fail or wasting time thinking about doing it. Just DO and try new things that interest you.
"Finding yourself." The thing is that this can be turned into a query, like a Ti query, like a question that makes you want to reduce everything you experience into an idea. As you said, the hardest thing for an INTP to do is be spontaneous. The journey requires a trend of spontaneity. *sigh* >:I
Bow hunting skills. Nun-chuck skills. So many skills man. So many skills.
The others we learn in two days, and within week master, by the month redefine, not litteraly but you know what i mean :)
+peaveystrat LOL
I'm trying to decide what courses in units I'm gonna take and what careers I'm aiming for, but its soooo hard. I know that I could do anything and I'm interested in just about everything. I want to be a doctor, I wanna work in IT, I wanna be an author , I wanna be a teacher, I want to make games and I want to work on big projects. I honestly wish time didn't exist so that I could pursue, learn and master everything and then maybe I would feel content.
same, I just want to study everything but with more depth. I would recommend a book for you 'i could do anything but if I only know what it was by barbara sher'. It's a good book for everyone ,even for a professional jack of all trades. hehe.
thanks ill add it to my book list :)
INTP here as well. You had me cracking up at your comment of our type being able to master everything, except talking. My worst nightmare. Two questions for you, if you feel like answering. 1. Do you think it’s possible to change Myers-Briggs types, or do you believe we carry the same type from our youth on?
I love photography too! I kind of have this natural ability with capturing the essence or feelings behind things. I don't have a really nice camera but my friend lets me take pics with her's. I think the things you have to find has to be something that you can study almost effortlessly. My biggest problem is not being able to focus on things if I don't find them interesting. Engineering should pull you in keep captivated effortlessly. If it doesn't do that then maybe it's not right for you.
I'm an INTP accountant, and I get people calling me weird because my talking is horrible, I contantly process and analyze things to say, like how important it is for my input, if it's not important, i don't like to spit out nonsense or worthless small talk.... but I'm very good at problem solving, checking where the problem is, learning, i love learning.
Sylvia Lopez as intp i don’t say much, but I say things at the right time, either it be a criticism or a joke. I’ve been told many times, “he doesn’t talk much but when he does it is needed.”
Me = yes
I was thinking about that recently. I think you will always have your original preference but you can strengthen certain functions. I think the only way to permanently alter your type is to change what is going on chemically in your brain.
I love your videos. Thank you for making these relatable INTP entries.
"What will I do with my life "
same question I've been asking myself for 10yrs😂
You are a very charming intp, I think the charm comes with open-mindedness. I'm a feeler and I really enjoy INTPS and any thinkers for that matter, but it takes more time to open up to you guys, as the feeling of lack of understanding comes with Fi/Ti. However, you give out an image of acceptance and respect towards others and their differences.
Life is distraction, death is a mystery, the journey is a step.
+Thor Mentha lol Deeep s***.
Sweet Honey Bee That's where the shit hides: in the deeps :D
Bruh. Dats suh lit.
This was a great video. I've been thinking about what I should do for ages. Thought about changing my major (again) but I think I'll stick with filmmaking. When I was a kid, I always said I was going to be an astronomer - I've always loved science, still do. I'm still thinking. It can get so frustrating though because it feels like I'm going nowhere. But I think this are starting to get clearer, one moment at a time.
You can master anything as anyone as far as MBTI types go. It has to be realistic, but I think what is realistic would surprise a lot of people. INTP's are more unique in their approach to any situation. I believe we hold the most complex systems in our head, and the way these systems work can give us a distinct advantage of certain sorts. INTP's do have generally the most intelligence (along with INTJ's) at least from what I understand, and this certainly aids them in making coordinated approaches to things in a logical fashion. I don't believe the ability to be whatever is so unique to us in particular.
Hey man, gotta say I enjoy watching your videos. However, I wanted to put this out there. I am an INTP too and a gifted one also. I went to an international high school so I only had a final exam at the end which I aced after just 1 week of studying cuz of my INTPness and got a 100,000 USD + scholarship. But when I tell people that my mind works differently they either think that I'm too full of myself or I'm making an excuse for not studying or something. Currently I am completing my bachelors to pursue a career as an actuary. After my bachelors, I would have to self-study for around 5 - 10 years which is great cuz I can choose my own pace and study methods. Right now I am a 3rd year bachelors student and have 1 more year remaining. I have like 2-3 assignments per week and 2 quizzes per week which is killing me cuz it kills me to do work which is boring. I can totally ace a final exam but doing so much work kills me. What I have to tell myself is simply that even though I know that I have a different learning style and i think differently from most people, I still have to go through the current education system to get an opportunity to show people how truly gifted I am. This was not my decision however. I was forced into it by necessity (without the scholarship I did not even have enough money to live, I'm from Pakistan so you can connect the dots). But being forced into it has enabled me to make the correct decision of getting an education imo but im not sure. Do you think its the correcct choice cuz I thinkn very much like you do it seems from the video and constantly studying what I am "supposed to be studying" in school is extremely frustrating and I just want to think critically by myself instead of learning the boring repititive way that other people learn.
mujtaba2020k well good luck . I think u graduated now. And as INTP with your situation its seems to me u r fighting now. I wish all the best 4 u. Join crypto space
I find myself (INTP) normally speaking with monotone. Really being spontaneous is when I am furious or being sarcastic. so the linguistic skill and mind gets very focus and sharpened.
But seriously I don't have answer to this (What do I want to do with my life). Making decision is hard, coz INTPs see anything, believe anything can happen, can learn anything, but they only want to do the things they find interests in. + they are they slowed down by the Sloth. at the end, they might do nothing
I think im a cross between INTP and INFP. I think i'm more like INTP but there are too many things that dont apply to me which doesn't make me feel confident in the INTP. The only other personality I can think of that can maybe fill in the holes that INTP isn't filling is INFP. CONFUSION
I'm the same... equally t and f :)
Cognitive functions, learn them.
I'm 8% more T then F, so I think I can consider myself to be both.
Cognitive functions, learn them. You cannot be both.
Hey Chelsea and Caroline, to be more clear regarding the mention of cognitive functions others have mentioned, I strongly recommend Personality Hacker’s car model explanations of both of the types you are thinking you might be (INFP and INTP). If you google “Peronality Hacker INFP car model” and the same for INTP you’ll get a more accessible explanation of the cognitive functions. This is SUPER helpful in comprehending which type you are. Once you really grasp the cognitive functions piece, you’ll never doubt again ❤️
For IT work, considering working towards IT architecture.
It is very easy to get stuck in IT Support- meaning IT customer support. The problem with that is that it has a higher risk at becoming monotonous and mentally constricting.
For an INTP I think it is better to navigate your career towards being an Architect in IT.
This gives you the thinking and creativity aspects we need.
We need a job that allows us the freedom to find the best possible solution for a problem.
An IT Architect seems like a good match. Possibly there are others too.
Also to be clear, I have found “in house” IT Support to be quite fitting as an entry level position for an INTP - meaning supporting your coworkers directly face to face.
In contrast, customer facing IT Support - solely via phone or email - has the risk of becoming monotonous and constricting.
Nothing sucks the life out of INTPs more than a list of “tickets”.
Although we can do it and are decent at it. We are more suited to reactionary work or constructing the best possible solution for a problem.
That’s what I think now anyway.
I'm a junior in high school. This year is a tough year because I'm starting to get ready to apply for college and I don't know what the hell I want to do. How am I supposed to know with the short 16.5 years of life experience that I have? I'm thinking of going to college undeclared even though at the moment I really love cognitive science just because I want to take all kinds of classes I've never had the opportunity to take and I don't want to rule anything good out.
If you can make money and really enjoy it then yeah! I enjoy computers and am intrigued by them. And is something that doesn't take a billion years of school to do really well in. After I can make a living doing that I plan to keep learning and trying to create and be better. Basically what I am searching for is the highest vantage point possible and when I obtain it, I want to gather the truths it shows me and then I will use that knowledge to climb higher.
I'm a 38 year old INTP. I guess you could say to some degree social anxiety inhibited my career development but mostly analysis paralysis. I had/have multipotentiality but then philosophical awareness to question the whole point of anything and the reality of anything. If you question the very notion of self (see advaita or nondual philosophy) then where does that leave you re: agency. So I've ended up in a weird career space where I've just muddled along in a career that is not where my passions lie but who am I anyway, what is my real purpose? Part of me is has a ver strongly urge to be fully creatively expressed but is part of that ego? And by being a creative superstar would that just build me a hardened identity that would be spiritually counterproductive and the spiritual goal is to know yourself not as the wave but as the formless, infinite ocean of pure consciousness. etc.
I like your brainstorm
Or stream of consciousness
Goddamn, woah, chill with that’s too much.
I want to go to college though, it seems like a lot of fun and there are so many cool classes to take. I know it's not *technically* necessary or useful but let's be honest life is easier if you have a degree. It's something I'm really excited for but it's also very stressful and such. I have the PSAT in 2 days and I haven't studied... classic INTP style. Are you in college?
I think passions are innate and sometimes you need exposure to the right set of circumstances and experiences to bring them out. My problem was trying to know everything before I made a choice about anything which leads to a lot of indecision. I would like to have multiple jobs and I could pick which one I wanted to do when I woke up that day. I love/hate that I am interested in so many things. I read that most INTPs don't fully develop until they are 25-35. I think it's bc we are so complex lol
Everything you're saying makes so much sense, especially the idea of wanting to know everything before you make a choice, which is what I struggle with. Indecision.
"Make your vocation your vacation"- Mark Twain
What I think would be fun is to be a mechanical or civil engineer for my main job but in my free time make animations/other art and music. Post it on UA-cam. I hope that's still a thing by the time I'm able to do it. I mean UA-cam has been around for almost ten years now so I would think it would be by the time I'm out of college in about five years... But yeah I've always had a pretty diverse set of interests. I've even considered being a police officer or fire fighter but I just don't (and likely never will) have the physical strength and stamina for that kind of job lol.
I believe I could sit around and talk to you for hours
Having a job that requires me to be relatively social, I've noticed many people are exactly as you say - it's sad really
Same with me, I save the world everyday in my own mind and I'm sure I can find the cure for cancer.
2. You already know as INTPS we delight to learn, but once we’ve learned enough about the subject we get bored, drop it, and move on. To cut to the chase, do you think the best jobs for INTPs should be analytical, centered around exploration, learning, and problem-solving type work, or it just depends on the person? Just curious.
Jobs-wise... my dream job would be a travel writer :) But I'm not even sure that's a thing. I once had the idea of working for a travel magazine or National Geographic or something. Hey, that's actually not a bad idea. Perhaps journalism or writing is the way to go.
As for my skills-- I'm pretty good at analyzing and creating marketing strategies. Just a random talent I've discovered. Pretty creative, but best at nonfiction. Love solving things. Good at understanding others. Likes adventure.
Age is not an indicator of intelligence -_-
Omg the...."it's a merlot." INTP female steady researching....
Dropped by to say merlot.
The unicorn made an appearance.
Having the exact same issues. I thought it would help to be sure about my personality type and thought it was because I didn't know if I was actually an INTP or an INFJ (but realized time and time again I'm definitely an INTP). I am in my last year of engineering school to find out I wanted more. Looking into careers- Physics is cool but it's extremely intimidating, so I might "settle" for other sciences.
this is just my problem, since as long as i can remember i see my self achieving anything and having the confidence to do so. but cant decided or put effort on anything
I wish I could find one thing where everything lines up. Something I enjoy doing, have the ability (motivation) to do on a day to day basis and would make me feel satisfied with my life.
lol dude. you are helping in ways you don't know about.
"The journey..."
Nice. Very INTP.
For me my dream is to become an engineer and I know that career would give me satisfaction as intelligence is the thing I value most in myself but I don't know if I have it in me to do the study to get there. Then there's photography, which I love but it wouldn't give me long term satisfaction. Then there's music which I enjoy, am good at and have the ability to study for hours, but I feel like there are much bigger things in the world to do than music.
You just melted my heart ❤️
Your life is a journey, may it sound trivial, but I don't think you choose your life /and lifestyle and job etc. when you choose your university/college. And that would be the utter burden as well - I mean which 18 year old knows what will make them happy, 20 years later. I always find myself in new situations, new schools and new fields, because after a while everything becomes boring. Now I'm at my 3'rd uni (hello correspondence courses) but actually I don't think I could ever stop, bec. when I do, my brain will stop working too. Give me unsolvable
tasks, challange me, and never the same kind of task, thats what keeps me going. So yeah, good news you don't have to choose what to do with your life. And the bad news, you have constatntly choose what to do with your life - and nobody should help you with it, bec. it is YOUR life.
Can one ever really be completely satisfied? I don't like the term wishing. To me it is a transfer of power and responsibility from the wisher to the unseen force which will grant the wish. All wishing begets is more wishing. And the only way things are going to line up is to line them up yourself. You may not even like having everything lined up that way. But since you already know how to move the pieces you can then line them up and choose any path and if those don't suit you create your own.
I wanna be a hero!
I will be a hero. In my own way.
I'm confused now that I'm more confused
Everywhere I have been people have asked me: "Why the others can do this, but, you are struggling?"
INTP Personality: Mind Wiring For Personal Growth
Love and hate you.
I'm glad I took 4 years before going to university. In that time I discovered what I hate and love, and quickly became a paralegal through random short courses and having attorneys be impressed with my analytical and tech skills. So I decided to be a lawyer. Injustice is my primary frustration. Clients aren't so bad to deal with - they expect me to have a detached problem-solving "I have your back, I will win cause I annihilate arguments" attitude. Yay! Thank you Tom... I don't feel so bad for being late in figuring my life out. GO INTPs. Don't give up ♡
You stopped uploading a long time ago. You’ve moved on I see. My guess is you have slid down a bad path or are doing just fine and still struggling with issues of so sort.
That is such a great video! love your content :)
I'm 34 on the pension never filed a tax return and mentally ill thought i was an INTJ my whole life found out i'm an INTP. All the options in the world won't help me now...
Word for word, really good advice/video!
INTPs never make eye contact
What should I do with my life....? I will master my weaknesses and that will take a life Time!
Are other INTPs so good at analysing other's body language that it seems as if you are a mind reader?
M Step Yep and Deciphering People's Sentences in order to understand the way their brain operates...Even tho they themselves can't explain their thoughts. 😂😂
Yeah, we might not interact directly but observe from a side and in most ways we can predict the result of mind structure correctly and say it before person does (because, yeah i got it, faster to an idea). Its just about try-to-over-realizing state of mind, and it's being hard to deal with in such a illogical world we are living.
And handsome looking into male.Relatable so far LOL
Currently, my ambitions are somewhere between architectural engineering and information technology. Mostly the latter, though.
I find a mattress on the floor more comfortable. The only downside is waking up with a bug in your bed.
Is that your bed in the background? if so you should consider an upgrade :/
I want to be a college lecturer ^_^ gonna take a while though... :/
im so cnfused as to what i am, im severely introverted but at the same time i can be incredibly extrovert. I'm a freak, darn gemini
That is just a stereotype and not true in the slightest. The only reason I decided to be a computer systems analyst was because I recently found out I was naturally good with computers. I actually found them terribly boring for the longest time and truthfully they aren't my favorite and most definitely not how I want to define my life. Basically I am doing this until I fully understand the world. Uni is mostly for certification. If you just want knowledge the internet is at you fingertips.
Who says you should even be going to college at this point in your life?
First 20seconds no
I think at the end it does not matter and so I only want to understand the world (physics and so), then my life was good.
Any INTPs here with established careers in medicine? I am interested in studying medicine however, I don't enjoy working with the general population of people. It can be very frustrating talking to other people about their health when they are not willing to listen or understand.
Interesting perspective. From my own experience, I tend to jump around different interests and ideas frequently. I am not sure if this quality exists among other INTPs. I am considering a career in the biotech industry, with work on recombinant DNA technology and virology. Any insights on what graduate school would be like as a potential endeavor?
Thanks for the input.
Do INTP's have emotions? That are highly expressive, based on their heavy thinking
Haha that being spontaneous is really interesting
I thought psychology for the longest time. I really don't even know how to describe what I am into now. I just kinda follow the truth wherever it takes me. meh
Hey guys, what is your opinion about intps and boarding schools? Is it a great chance to improve the social skills or is it just stressful, annoying and against our nature? Im not sure weather it is a good idea. Maybe someone can help me .
YES! If you don't then apathy will set in from your boring job and potentially make work miserable.
I don't like sweet wines very much so I like Merlot. Btw does your name have anything to do with chronotrigger?
That may have been the wine, haha
It's obviously right behind him. He's SUCH an INTP. Lol :p
Distraction count: 3
Still watched to the end.
I think you would be a great college professor. (INFP)
I have considered all of those except geology.
I am not going to lie. I blushed a little.
INTP never give eye contact
What do you mean when you say "find yourself" ?
Holy shiet he's retelling everything i told from the same factual perspective! shiet tomacity, shiet.
We are protraying the same solutions on two channels.
Imma become a polymath then.
I love everything
:O I wanted to save the world, too!! Well, still do :D
Pure awesomeness.
can't be good for your back...
i should know, I'm a retired bed specialist lol
Please take an analyse and start for reading Qur'an. I have felt lost. But the Qur'an has answered all of my weird questions in life.