I hope ONEWE and ONEUS fans can be ONE fandom called "WeUs", because ot11 has experienced a lot together before debut, and always support each other. Fighting ONEWE and ONEUS 💕
aaah i've been binge watching the i shall debut series and this one for a few days now, and now that it's over, i'll miss them together so much 😭😭😭 what i will not miss is the harsh punishment of starving the boys tho, please think of something else! cheering for oneus and patiently waiting for onewe debut. ONEUS ONEWE, FIGHTING! 💞
that blue haired girl tho... she seems super cool. like she's not shy of the cameras and got along well with dongmyeong. i'd like to be friends with her :(
Stan Talent Not Popularity imagine; WeUs, Mamamoo, Vromance, the 365 member and ot7 d1verse in 1 concert... so many female fans and crackheadedness and just pure talent
Oneus and Onewe are so cute together, definitely looking for more collabs like this in the future. As a Xion bias, it was super cool to see his twin, but I think my Onewe bias has to be Kanghyun lol. Looking forward to what these two groups bring in the future, they already seem so professional and are obviously super talented^^
*Seriously listening to Stay and Last Song always make me cry* T O ^ Btw when Ravn and Yonghoon said let's do it again .. Aww I want to see both of the groups do another shows again but their managers don't want it cause it's too chaotic to take care both of the groups HAHAHA those dorkheads
Omg that's exactly the content I needed To see and I even didn't know it ! I love them so much! Just imagine that some people don't know oneus and onewe... how sad can be their lives... (Btw thank you so much for the subtitles )
RBW I wish you will put this sort of effort for the other groups in your company 🙄 On the other hand, congratulations to the boys of Oneus you are all doing an excellent job.
Congrat to oneus and onewe because you all made very excellent when make a food for fans..and thanks to you all because make me smile and laugh when look this vid...laslty congrat to oneus for your debut and i will waiting for onewe debut..by the way oneus or onewe fighthing for your comback...😚😚😚👍👍💕
I'm glad I've found them... They all are such a talented artist and really have great personality... I am officially their fan now.. Thanks for the subs 💕
Thank you for an amazingly fun and exciting series showcasing ONEUS and ONEWE. Pls pls pls provide another series for them now that they have debuted. -Solid ToMoon and WEVE from the Philippines 🇵🇭💙🖤✨
thank god it ended in a tie, I was about to throw hands for onewe's sake... LOL! and to think I started we shall debut as a tomoon months ago, and now I am a total weve.
I hope ONEWE and ONEUS fans can be ONE fandom called "WeUs", because ot11 has experienced a lot together before debut, and always support each other.
Fighting ONEWE and ONEUS 💕
OT11 has a special magic
I will forever be a WeUs
Now RBW know what they are doing. By adding ENG sUB
Please support ONEWE too
I ve fall for them tho .... I cant help they just amazing. What their fandom name anyway?
Dongmyeong and the blue haired fan looked like friends awww
yeees they were so cute right? and there was no awkwardness i loved them
I watched this show because I Stan ONEUS and I ended up falling in love with ONEWE! I'm so glad I Stan both of the grps now ! ♥️
@@user-xk4mg4wi5e same here
Onewe members are so fun and smart though, it's amazing
12:55 RBW exposing their couples before dispatch does
The fan kept looking at Keonhee with so much reverence and I'm like same gurl
Songs rbw are too cowardly to release:
- The Waffle Song (WeUs)
- Stay (WeUs)
- Actor (ONEWE)
- Shut Up Crazy Ho (ONEUS)
- Mirror + Movie (Moonbyul)
I really love the waffle song 😻💜💜
I want that Stay song so much, it was so beautiful!!!
Younghoon Waigu song too
They gonna officially drop SHUT UP CRAZY HO MV tomorrow! 😭 Im blessed.
And now Stay has been released too T_T
Am I the only one who wishes Yoon Woo to be a comedian like Young Hoon suggested?
aaah i've been binge watching the i shall debut series and this one for a few days now, and now that it's over, i'll miss them together so much 😭😭😭 what i will not miss is the harsh punishment of starving the boys tho, please think of something else!
cheering for oneus and patiently waiting for onewe debut. ONEUS ONEWE, FIGHTING! 💞
Is it safe to say they’re the mum dad of the group
that blue haired girl tho... she seems super cool. like she's not shy of the cameras and got along well with dongmyeong. i'd like to be friends with her :(
i thought so too!! i bet she is amazing :-)
Waiting for onewe debut!
Anticipating. 😁
onewe is debut first than oneus
16:51 HWanwoong is so sweet to allow Xion to sing! So sweet!
I'm 3 years late, but seeing both the group together makes me so happyy!! I started stanning Onewe first, but after watching this I love Oneus too!
Everyone's talking about Leedo and Ravn but I'm laughing at Yonghoon's "You're making me jealous" at 12:49
This Hyung line 😂😂
I would love to see them and mamamoo in a reality show
It would be an epic show! I wish they would go for a concert all of the RBW family someday. Hoping soon 😍☺️
Stan Talent Not Popularity imagine; WeUs, Mamamoo, Vromance, the 365 member and ot7 d1verse in 1 concert... so many female fans and crackheadedness and just pure talent
In onewe I only know Dongmyeong but unconditionally fallen to their leader charms (^^,)
Oneus and Onewe are so cute together, definitely looking for more collabs like this in the future. As a Xion bias, it was super cool to see his twin, but I think my Onewe bias has to be Kanghyun lol. Looking forward to what these two groups bring in the future, they already seem so professional and are obviously super talented^^
Omg we have the same bias. Are you my long lost twin?
Same, Xion and Kanghyun tho Cya is Killing me these days
*Seriously listening to Stay and Last Song always make me cry* T O ^
Btw when Ravn and Yonghoon said let's do it again .. Aww I want to see both of the groups do another shows again but their managers don't want it cause it's too chaotic to take care both of the groups HAHAHA those dorkheads
Omg that's exactly the content I needed To see and I even didn't know it ! I love them so much!
Just imagine that some people don't know oneus and onewe... how sad can be their lives...
(Btw thank you so much for the subtitles )
Leedo and Ravn aAaAaAa ❤️❤️
A couple 😍😍
Me watchin every Oneus content that I see. It’s already 1:32 AM and I’m still wide awake lol
me @ both oneus AND onewe. it's 4:26am lmaoooo
it's 3am here and i'm still fully awake...dongmyeong really really cute❤
Leedo and Ravn 😏12:47
What would they call that Shipp?
DoRa 🤣
@@mwahmaii 😂
sooo at first i was watching this show only for oneus but onewe stole my heart, they're so precious ;-; i have now become their stan too
Pensar que ahora "Stay" tiene MV de Oneus y Onewe me hace llorar de felicidad!!!
RBW I wish you will put this sort of effort for the other groups in your company 🙄 On the other hand, congratulations to the boys of Oneus you are all doing an excellent job.
I'm binged watching this during quarantine and came for ONEUS but ended falling for ONEWE too
Onewe and Oneus fighting till the end!!
Oneus and Onewe really help me forget my worries and anxiety ✨
That 10 out of 10 bgm tho. 😍 my ult group
Endings are always sad. I hope to see them having more variety shows together 🙏
I love so much ONEWE 😭😭❤️
Congrat to oneus and onewe because you all made very excellent when make a food for fans..and thanks to you all because make me smile and laugh when look this vid...laslty congrat to oneus for your debut and i will waiting for onewe debut..by the way oneus or onewe fighthing for your comback...😚😚😚👍👍💕
In quarantine and I decided to watch this to start stanning ONEUS but I fell in love with ONEWE too
ONEUS ❤️ fighting
ONEWE ❤️ fighting
Same here
Younghoon really good at mc-ing
Waiting for the Debut of Onewe ❤
XION SO Cute 😚❤❤
6:00 was so cute.
I want to stand in the middle of Xion and Leedo, omg!😍
Aaah i love them so much 😭😭 i hope to see more shows of weus in the future 😭😭
I'm not too late to stan onewe and oneus!
I'm glad I've found them... They all are such a talented artist and really have great personality... I am officially their fan now.. Thanks for the subs 💕
I don't like how most of WeUs songs wasn't release till now T O ^
Thank you for an amazingly fun and exciting series showcasing ONEUS and ONEWE. Pls pls pls provide another series for them now that they have debuted.
-Solid ToMoon and WEVE from the Philippines 🇵🇭💙🖤✨
the comment on ravn x leedo by the editing team is so funny 😂😂
Decided to re-watch it while quarantine
I hope this is not the end :(
I hope RBW make their new show more :)
파란머리 여자분 되게 쿨해 보이고 동명이랑 잘 어울려 보여요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Look at how ravn and the fans make leedo press the lemonede🤣10:07
9:13 and how leedo help keonhee with the blender
Someone kill meehh pls😵😵
Im in love with them 😭
4:54 용훈이 너무 귀여웧ㅎㅎ😂
They're so hardworking ❤
Damn it's the end 😭😭I love you all ❤
came here to learn about oneus but ended up learning about onewe too love them both
I don't know why but I'm sad that I've finished watching this.
Now you're accompanied!!! Hi friend annyeonghaseoyo!!!! Im an oneus stan since PRODUCE IOI!!!
thank god it ended in a tie, I was about to throw hands for onewe's sake... LOL! and to think I started we shall debut as a tomoon months ago, and now I am a total weve.
I rewatched it; it's 4:56 AM And I have no regrets 🤟🏻
Will always rooting for WeUs 💓
뭐지 이걸 지금?👍👍👍
아니 근데 자막 cc로 넣어주셨음 더 좋았을 것 같은데
Oneus and onewe hwaitingg 💜💜
Where can i find 'stay' song :(( i'm falling in love with this song
rbw didnt realize studio version yet :'((
I enjoyed I will debut and this one so much. I'm anticipating a second season~
Woohoo ravn so caring for doyaa😉🤗
RAVN 😍💕💕
AHHHHHH ONEUS Y ONEWE♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
At leedo n ravn moment I somehow wanted to see hwangwoong's reaction😅🔥😍
12:43 love that
Leedo ravn 😍😍
Love 😽❤❤💪
I’m officially a WeUs
♥️♥️♥️ ♥ ♥
I love this so much.... I hope oneus and onewe will have more reality shows together in the future!!
is there a studio version of stay?????
If l was standing between them like that l would be dead on the spot 🤦♀️😂. Specially after seeing leedo's veiny hands 😵
Who's song is stay?
This babies😭
RAVN-looks like Yugyeom (GOT7)and Jungkook (BTS)
Xion- Eunwoo (Astro)
Leedo-Felix (Stray Kids)
Dongmyeong- Renjun and Taeil (NCT)
CyA-Jisung/Han (Stray Kids)
HaRin- Namjoon/RM (BTS)
Kanghyun-Q/Changmin (The Boyz)
Keonhee-Yunho (Ateez)
Yeah I also thought that Ravn looks like Yugyeom. But I think Xion more looks like Kai from TXT😊
ONEUS and ONEWE can't be compared with nobody! They are unique!
@@elka4007 we're not comparing them, we are just looking at their facial similarities.
ravn looks like feeldog
whats the title of the song 16:02 , thanks
Stay by Onewe and Oneus
♥️♥️♥️♥️ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥😭😭😭
Lucky fans ❤
Ok but”stay” it was released on 2021 and the song it was singing in 2019…..??what😀😭
Where ppl?? Wow I’m first
uhmm do you know what song they use for the intro?
aaaaaaww omg
Why there are dislikes for this video MAIGAD?!!! They are so nice how dare you did that to them