World of Warships - Throw Hard

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Dumbrarere
    @Dumbrarere 2 роки тому +250

    This is Throw Hard, the Collab Special between Try Hard and A Game of Throws

    • @QemeH
      @QemeH 2 роки тому +27

      You know, I was sceptical of this ambitious cross-over when it was announced, but now that I've seen this masterpiece... the director did a really good job blending the two fandoms :D

    • @MaverickBlue42
      @MaverickBlue42 2 роки тому +9

      Throw Hard: A Game of Tries.....

  • @jojop0tato
    @jojop0tato 2 роки тому +20

    I'm the Shimakaze in division with Ramison, thanks so much for featuring us! This was a joy to watch!

    • @AnnihilateUTM
      @AnnihilateUTM 2 місяці тому +1

      Great job to you and your div mate! Credits to the sub as well.

    • @jojop0tato
      @jojop0tato 2 місяці тому +1

      @@AnnihilateUTM thank you! o7

  • @concordemakesvideos1070
    @concordemakesvideos1070 2 роки тому +123

    just finished my first day at a new job. had a great day indeed. good dinner. and finally I get tucked in to bed and what do I know but a new jingles video has just been released. splendid indeed.

    • @philbevan4156
      @philbevan4156 2 роки тому +16

      Congrats on the new job. May it continue to be good.

    • @wesleyedwards2564
      @wesleyedwards2564 2 роки тому +4


    • @GarageHaruo
      @GarageHaruo 2 роки тому +1

      Nice brother. Here's to many more days like that

  • @maxkennedy8075
    @maxkennedy8075 2 роки тому +7

    3:04 AKCHUALY Jingles the Minotaur came first so the Daring has Minotaur torpedos not the other way around

  • @bkembley
    @bkembley 2 роки тому +4

    14:03 - "The only good thing he's doing..." Stalingrad health bar disappears....=)

    • @NRSGuardian
      @NRSGuardian 2 роки тому +1

      I noticed that too. While the Lepanto's death ride was a fairly foolish move, and he could have done something else to better help his team. He did take a big chunk of health off the Stalingrad which allowed the sub to easily kill it soon after. So while not the best move still wasn't entirely useless.

  • @jacobotha6158
    @jacobotha6158 2 роки тому +66

    "Get 1000 ribbons for reward" - one game in Minotaur - "That ought to do it..."

    • @Matthew10950
      @Matthew10950 2 роки тому +2

      My favorite mission. Run mino, follow it up with a sherman if you like. Mission accomplished

    • @phillipculpepper8765
      @phillipculpepper8765 Рік тому


  • @TheEjh3
    @TheEjh3 2 роки тому +3

    Just wanted to say thank you Jingles. I had a moment last night where my team went from win to win more and as the only destroyer I recognized the atttempt and stayed alive to avoid a throw thanks to your public service vidoes.

  • @Kuolonen
    @Kuolonen 2 роки тому +22

    I got anxiety from watching him shoot Preussen, then fudge around with torps to check moving directions. With Mino reload speed you gimp you damage output by doing that, he lost several salvos worth of damage.

  • @MrPwndrood
    @MrPwndrood 2 роки тому +2

    Yo! I'm the Mino! TY for the feature!!!

  • @geoffreyrichardson8738
    @geoffreyrichardson8738 2 роки тому +112

    They weren’t thinking, they were reacting, an ameba can react. Thinking requires intelligence.

    • @RamdomGuy1337
      @RamdomGuy1337 2 роки тому +10


    • @someguy7629
      @someguy7629 2 роки тому +5

      Before writing on intelligence, check what you write.

    • @geoffreyrichardson8738
      @geoffreyrichardson8738 2 роки тому

      @@RamdomGuy1337 what ever

    • @Taooflu
      @Taooflu 2 роки тому +4

      @@geoffreyrichardson8738 it’s “whatever” 🤣

    • @user-kg4hl2sw8h
      @user-kg4hl2sw8h 2 роки тому

      So does being able to spell "amoeba" correctly. Stop trying to use words (and lifeforms) that are obviously smarter than you are.

  • @treeherder42
    @treeherder42 2 роки тому +19

    Thunderer can actually citadel minotaur with its it's 114mm of HE pen.
    But the 457 AP often just overpens though has much better damage when getting those citadels.

    • @Crappyfocus
      @Crappyfocus 2 роки тому +1

      Can confirm, have citted many minos at point blank range with HE

  • @Bryzgyman
    @Bryzgyman 2 роки тому +9

    Damn you, Jingles. Thanks to you, i played this game when it was in beta, then i took a few years break and now again -thanks to your videos, im hooked on this game again!

    • @windborne8795
      @windborne8795 2 роки тому

      Welcome back cotter! 🤪😂

    • @dextercochran4916
      @dextercochran4916 2 роки тому

      It's one of those "almost great" games. It seems like any day WG will fall over in the right direction and fix a bunch of glaring issues, but they never quite seem to do it.

    • @windborne8795
      @windborne8795 2 роки тому

      @@dextercochran4916 An "almost great game" or any kind of game for that matter has nothing to do with WG. Only the players involved...

  • @Stephen__White
    @Stephen__White 2 роки тому +11

    2:56 The improved pen on Minotaur's/All of the British light Cruisers basically makes them more effective than if they had HE, as they end up dealing far more damage. I've been able to test this first hand by not only going up the British light Cruisers, but also the American Lights to T10. The best way to put this is, Fiji is still effective against T9 ships, Helena can't pen the deck of most T8+ Cruisers.
    Minotaur has some of the best applied damage of any T10 Cruiser in the game, honestly even just one of the best paper DPMs as well, purely because of her AP being so good. When everyone was bitching about Smol, I was always pointing out Minotaur as an actual problem.

    • @em1osmurf
      @em1osmurf 2 роки тому

      yes. that continuous avalanche of pain.

    • @dextercochran4916
      @dextercochran4916 2 роки тому +2

      Thing is, though: Mino has problems of its own. Let's start with that citadel that can be seen from space and the fact that it's made out of explodium...
      Smolensk only has these problems if it's up against a heavy cruiser, and even then it handles well enough and has a smoke screen.

    • @Stephen__White
      @Stephen__White 2 роки тому

      @@dextercochran4916 Difference is Minotaur hurts you, Smolensk just lights you on fire and saturates your superstructure effectively reducing other damage sources.
      My Republique is afraid of Minotaur, it ignores Smolensk.

  • @markstott6689
    @markstott6689 2 роки тому +6

    Thoroughly entertaining as usual. Bonus points for expert use of my favourite ship. Chorizo might be a very good doggy but Minotaur is a very good ship. In the right hands (I.e. not mine) she can be an exceptional ship.

  • @sirtogii5216
    @sirtogii5216 2 роки тому +34

    In the enemy team's defence, not much hiding you can do faced with a Shima and a Sub. But sure, they could have retreated back and just tried to defend B and if they were all in a div together on voice coms that's probably what they would have done.

    • @ZZMonkeysUncleZZ
      @ZZMonkeysUncleZZ 2 роки тому +3

      They could have also not come around a corner one at a time, broadside on to a Minotaur’s guns and torps.

    • @sirtogii5216
      @sirtogii5216 2 роки тому +1

      @@ZZMonkeysUncleZZ Nope they shouldn't have. Once the Stalin died that push was never really on.

  • @tigeriussvarne177
    @tigeriussvarne177 2 роки тому +10

    Morning Jingles and fellow salt miners

  • @EvoraGT430
    @EvoraGT430 2 роки тому +9

    Seems that German hydro is always a total surprise to this Minotaur.

    • @wierdalien1
      @wierdalien1 2 роки тому +1

      Nobody expects the German Hydrophone

  • @jaquigreenlees
    @jaquigreenlees 2 роки тому +3

    There is never enough Dakka-Dakka.
    more Dakka-Dakka vids like this please.

    • @Raycheetah
      @Raycheetah 2 роки тому

      I was trying to imagine what the loaders looked like, keeping up that rate of fire! =@[.]@=

  • @tomvsas
    @tomvsas 2 роки тому +23

    I had a game yesterday in my Harekaze II where I was really trying to carry my team to victory, even against all odds... but my last remaining "teammate" in a Veneto (with a lot of health) was being about as useless as he could be. Instead of helping me, instead he decided to rush into a bunch of enemies, and get himself killed in the process. And here I'm like: "Why do I never succeed in these carries?"
    I ended the game with 6 kills and 1.9k base XP... in a loss... I just don't know what to do anymore.

    • @siriusczech
      @siriusczech 2 роки тому +6

      A 30% of games you lose no mattet what. Another 30% of games you win no matter what. The last 40% defines your WR and show how good of a player you are

    • @angelapolinar5343
      @angelapolinar5343 2 роки тому

      I remember a similar experience where a friendly cruiser rushed headlong at the rest of the enemy team & got himself killed leaving. So I was left facing 4 enemy ships on my own, with no way to win on points.
      But I don't like fair fights.
      What makes it only "similar" was that his idiocy gifted me a Solo Warrior - I killed every single one of them & the replay is somewhere on UA-cam. I'll have to find it later.

  • @Terrados1337
    @Terrados1337 2 роки тому +5

    My Captain Jingles is nearing his 21. Skillpoint on the Minotaur :)

  • @Razorket
    @Razorket 2 роки тому

    I'm surprised jingles didn't say anything about the message in chat. You have to know what a crumpet is to understand cricket. Loved it haha

  • @boomhaueroo8703
    @boomhaueroo8703 2 роки тому

    Mister Jingles sir... with utmost respect, the first "standout" on this ship should always be it's name.

  • @Alyeska23
    @Alyeska23 2 роки тому +1

    Ramison, fantastic match.

  • @kyleuptergrove4040
    @kyleuptergrove4040 2 роки тому

    I love these, I literally come home and hope Jingles uploads another WOWS video.

  • @TheFuzzypuddle
    @TheFuzzypuddle 2 роки тому

    hammering square pegs into every available round hole sounds like a title on a phub video.

  • @sonartech7721
    @sonartech7721 2 роки тому +1

    While I do so love these types of videos from Jingles, at this point even making comments on what mutants like these do is a moot point. It’s like “The Chung Mu was hydroed by a Mino charging towards him and his guns were pointing the wrong way and he didn’t even launch torpedos?? Makes sense.”. The world is so effed.

  • @guerrillaentrepreneur5999
    @guerrillaentrepreneur5999 2 роки тому

    WoWs - Throw Hard
    Rear Admiral Giggles
    Rear Admiral Babbles
    Rear Admiral Contradicts Ones Self
    Good vid.

  • @A.F.M.B.1234
    @A.F.M.B.1234 2 роки тому +4

    I's honestly depressing, considering the community *loves* battlecruisers (between Battleship & cruisers) and they also appreciate light cruisers (between destroyers and cruisers) but instead of doing the Obvious and smart thing in adding official lines&traits for those 'classes', as in for example "light cruisers only take partial citadel damage" and "Battlecruisers have longer fires" they went with "we need Carriers and Submaries."

  • @krakenkill
    @krakenkill 2 роки тому +1

    The sub had an impact with its spotting and the uncounterable threat- pushing the enemy team in the direction of suicide at the end. Subs cause people to have to drive into undesirable situations due to shotgun torps at any given moment

  • @shaneduc
    @shaneduc 2 роки тому +3

    I was in the Chung Mu in the enemy Div. and that was my radar that he got hit by. My div. mate was in the F.D.G.. I love to send in the replay from the other side. And I was looking for the Lepantp and I got hung up on the island. my bad l0l. The other team chat was very spicy...

  • @tomriley5790
    @tomriley5790 2 роки тому +2

    Mino having depthcharges that need dropping off the back is ridiculous... amazing mino game,

  • @MrKawaltd750
    @MrKawaltd750 2 роки тому +6

    You could hire Ramison for your next big stuff moving with that back on him !!!

  • @stevepeterson6070
    @stevepeterson6070 2 роки тому +5

    I've gotten hundreds of citidels in Thunderer firing HE at minotaurs and smolensks. Anything with better armor I'd switch to APs.

  • @pauljohns3938
    @pauljohns3938 2 роки тому +5

    Perhaps a new level.... "Throw Harder!" ?? You know for those special potatoes!

  • @stevenhaffner3299
    @stevenhaffner3299 2 роки тому +1

    My name is Steve and I have a Jingles addiction.

  • @robertdocherty2340
    @robertdocherty2340 2 роки тому +2

    Is it just me or does our Great Mighty Overlord seem very chippa ? Oh well back to salt mines for a triple shift for such insolence.

  • @102728
    @102728 2 роки тому +2

    827 shells.. those barrels probably took a month or 2 to cool down from that

  • @davidlabedz2046
    @davidlabedz2046 2 роки тому

    Another great Minotaur game ! Very well played!

  • @Usmvalor3
    @Usmvalor3 2 роки тому +1

    I saw Flamu's video about ping changes, and holy crap it was disheartening. Also, amazing ship handling and a help from Shima to spot the targets ;p

  • @quintomalley1196
    @quintomalley1196 2 роки тому +3

    I like how WG devs apparently arbitrarily decided that hydrophone sets can't detect submerged subs

      @ELCADAROSA 2 роки тому +2

      Why knot?
      Makes as much sense as radar being able to see through land masses as if they weren't there.

  • @TakManSan
    @TakManSan 2 роки тому

    I like hearing the bit of echo from your recording space. Reminds me you've moved. I'm not sure what you could do to reduce that without potentially destructive post audio processing, or an echo pre-filter sampling from the room to eliminate it being 'captured' by the mic. Like how you can use your smartphone to talk with someone using headphones with a mic, that can reduce/eliminate the background noise. Brilliant commentary as always.

  • @nunyabidness674
    @nunyabidness674 2 роки тому

    Next thing you know, Bruce Willis will be the voice actor for American commanders. Jingles will be on one team in a brit boat, Willis the other with an American one.
    Then Tom Hanks will produce / star in the movie about it
    Edit: CMD John MacLaine, gimmick ability: gain a 75% reload speed for one turret and +75% chance to have propulsion or rudder incapacitated when no allied ships are within detection range.
    You'll get to snap shot first, but you're still doing it barefoot.

  • @howlers8
    @howlers8 2 роки тому

    And in my best jingles voice " oh dear oh dear oh dear"

  • @xel1206
    @xel1206 2 роки тому

    Also at 15:45 Thunderer HE can actually citadell a Mino if I am not mistaken.

  • @lewiswestfall2687
    @lewiswestfall2687 2 роки тому

    Thanks Jingles

  • @t.a.ackerman4098
    @t.a.ackerman4098 2 роки тому

    Good synergy with the team.

  • @justanotherviewer52
    @justanotherviewer52 2 роки тому

    Thanks Jingles.

  • @ricardoalaez6530
    @ricardoalaez6530 2 роки тому

    “Gotta know what a CRUMPET is to understand CRICKET” 😂😂😂 respect to the og live action ninja turtles movie! 1:03 in chat

  • @flatophall
    @flatophall 2 роки тому

    Enjoyed the show Jingles!!

  • @aaotcis
    @aaotcis 2 роки тому +1

    Great review!

  • @clefsan
    @clefsan 2 роки тому

    That Hipper overturning and eating that torp almost made me punch my monitor xD

    • @dextercochran4916
      @dextercochran4916 2 роки тому

      He got a pants-on-head moment by getting crossfired by a gunfighting Shima on his flank.

  • @jonathanbair523
    @jonathanbair523 2 роки тому

    Looks like the Shima was paired up, so ya no wonder why they where working as a team together....Oh Jingles please don't ever change... LOL

  • @HarryWHill-GA
    @HarryWHill-GA 2 роки тому

    Title suggestion: "Try Hardly." It also works as "Try, Hardly."

  • @djolley61
    @djolley61 2 роки тому +3

    Yup, the ships which should be most effective against subs, destroyers, are the least effective. A real convoy mode with like 20 transports, 3 or 4 escorts vs. 4 or 5 subs would be really fun an challenging.

    • @dextercochran4916
      @dextercochran4916 2 роки тому

      It's mostly because of homing torpedoes and the fact that suvs can broadcast the DD's position while he's being chased down. Do something about that, and you have a serviceable sub-killer, especially if you nerf their depth charge cool down or explore more proactive ASW weapons like hedgehogs.

  • @giuseppeluna1975
    @giuseppeluna1975 2 роки тому

    “Hammer every square peg into the round hole”
    Hmm, sounds like jingles needs to see the video on what shape goes in what hole.
    Its always the round hole

  • @MichaelThomas-be7gq
    @MichaelThomas-be7gq 2 роки тому

    Don't mess with a well positioned Mino... brutal fire and great torp angles too.

  • @sasha642
    @sasha642 2 роки тому

    Thank you great video replay

  • @raideurng2508
    @raideurng2508 2 роки тому

    13:59 Lepanto slaps the shit out of the Stalingrad. Might not be smart, but it chunked him down to like 10%.

  • @OLd_One-eyeguy
    @OLd_One-eyeguy 2 роки тому

    This guy worked his rear off!

  • @arivael
    @arivael 2 роки тому +1

    Sorry to tell you Jingles, Thunderer can citadel Minotaur with its HE, the Mino lived because the Thunderers aim was bad and hit behind the rear guns.

  • @scrubsrc4084
    @scrubsrc4084 2 роки тому

    Turtles reference in early game chat for the win lol

  • @AC-cg4be
    @AC-cg4be 2 роки тому

    Gotta be honest. . .I wasn't sure which team was gonna throw this. They were both doing their damnedest to snap defeat from the jaws of victory.

  • @doomboygammer6009
    @doomboygammer6009 2 роки тому

    World war II, ya know, when Battleships were providing anti-aircraft and anti-submarine support for convoys because their AA and anti-sub capabilities were unmatched by any class. What? Destroyers? oh hell no, those things couldn't sink a sub or shoot a plane down to save their life, world of warships taught me that!

  • @Wolfeson28
    @Wolfeson28 2 роки тому

    0:54 Well, maybe Wargaming is just basing submarine mechanics on the encounter between HMS Dreadnought and the U-29. 🤣🤣

  • @donwanna3906
    @donwanna3906 2 роки тому

    Yeah, I think you nailed the title.

  • @ethandunn6498
    @ethandunn6498 2 роки тому

    I always wondered why Wargaming didn't just put 'Hedgehog' anti-sub mortar/explosive type weapons systems on battleships, they were used by the British in WW2 and have a decent range and were quite effective. Instead they have some weird magic squadron thing...

  • @brisancomstock9366
    @brisancomstock9366 2 роки тому +1

    Can I just say, Hipper is a amazing cruiser, even in T10 battles. If you know how to use it it can be devastating.

  • @Pletharoe
    @Pletharoe 2 роки тому

    Ahhh jingles. Aircraft carriers hurt this game so bad. Submarines have utterly killed it….

  • @aclevername9381
    @aclevername9381 2 роки тому

    The battleships have expended their WHAT?!?

  • @CesarinPillinGaming
    @CesarinPillinGaming 2 роки тому

    ACHKSTUALLY Jingles.. If the thunderer had fired AP. It would have overpenned.
    HE can citadel Minotaur and other light cruisers like Austin.

  • @NecroFlex
    @NecroFlex 2 роки тому

    To be fair to the Thunderer, the HE had a higher chance of deleting a broadside Mino than the AP would, because at that range, Thunderers AP would have most likely overpenned, while HE, if aimed correctly, would have citadeled him easily (exposed citadel with 101mm of armor VS 114mm of thunderer HE pen).

  • @TrickiVicBB71
    @TrickiVicBB71 2 роки тому

    A very close game to watch

  • @xel1206
    @xel1206 2 роки тому

    In terms of stealth the Mino is contested by the new Pan Asian light cruiser line. Although Mino is still top of the bunch with the Plymoth being close second.

  • @oldtimer4791
    @oldtimer4791 2 роки тому

    Looking forward to throw hard 2: THROW HARDER

  • @VarenvelDarakus
    @VarenvelDarakus 2 роки тому

    i see these people all the time when i played WoT or WT , where they are at disadvantage , are losing , and think "ill expose myself to risk it for a kill" , i alweys sat there , takes 5-10 seconds for that panic to set in

  • @johnbowen5336
    @johnbowen5336 2 роки тому

    If only the Petropavlosk had torpedoes.

  • @bobbwc7011
    @bobbwc7011 2 роки тому

    Minotaur AP?
    * laughs in Kremlin *

  • @dljohnsonii2610
    @dljohnsonii2610 2 роки тому

    Very nice video.

  • @Persian-Immortal
    @Persian-Immortal 2 роки тому

    Beautiful game

  • @PBSA
    @PBSA 2 роки тому

    I have a title recommendation: Game of throw harder, season 1 episode 1, a jingleflix original.

  • @NonStop9396
    @NonStop9396 2 роки тому +4

    Actually, a Thunderer at that range can cit a mino with HE, and would have overpenned if he used AP. HE was actually the correct ammo type there.

  • @hogandonahue9598
    @hogandonahue9598 2 роки тому

    Very epic!

  • @haju3327
    @haju3327 2 роки тому

    Despite an enemy team throwing harder than humanly possible we've seen some actually pretty good teamwork.
    Damn, who could've guessed that if you actually think and act like a real TEAM you'd be successful in a TEAM-game... *shrugs*

  • @glenf4115
    @glenf4115 2 роки тому

    Audio is pretty much back to normal

  • @berkcangungor7185
    @berkcangungor7185 2 роки тому

    Yet again, another minatour, this ship is pain.

  • @hebrewhammer4086
    @hebrewhammer4086 2 роки тому

    I uninstalled WOWS about 2 weeks ago, it has become more rage inducing than WOT ever could and its just not fun to play anymore, I still get some fun out of WOT, I just cant with WOWS anymore, than being said its still fun to watch a wows video when jingles is commenting!

  • @cookiecola5852
    @cookiecola5852 Рік тому

    I cant belive that even tho they spot the torps basically once the torps got launched til they hit em, they still somehow manage to not avoid em, while i staying hidden for 20 min and lauching torps basically not missing the mark whenever they are ready torps in all sorts of manners cant hit for shit

  • @TheBiggerrich
    @TheBiggerrich 2 роки тому

    EPIC GAME!! GG boys!

  • @WalterReimer
    @WalterReimer 2 роки тому

    A pair of quick questions:
    1. Has the 'Ise' made it out of the test servers, or was it dropped as a bad idea?
    2. Does anyone think that WG is planning on springing the 'Surcouf' on the player base? Big fat submarine with a cruiser's guns . . .

  • @mikestion4629
    @mikestion4629 2 роки тому

    This man needs a back massage.

  • @tonyhancox3657
    @tonyhancox3657 2 роки тому

    No random, no balance and a bias matchmaker.

  • @i4y
    @i4y 2 роки тому +3

    Morning from the Dutch Salt flats.

  • @silverio7
    @silverio7 2 роки тому

    I remeber jingles saying that he doesn't show battleship games because they were boring, i don't desagree, but i rather watch battleships than "smoke" games.

  • @dudehi3317
    @dudehi3317 2 роки тому

    If you play this ship like this in legends your dead already

  • @terrystrates7089
    @terrystrates7089 2 роки тому

    the high explosive on the thunderer can still delete a mino, the belt is 101mm and the pen is like 117mm

  • @Cannabinova
    @Cannabinova 2 роки тому

    World of Throwships

  • @jamespurs
    @jamespurs 2 роки тому

    GJ to that div. I only play solo, no friends play the game. Would love to div up and make friends in the progress

  • @sandbergius
    @sandbergius 2 роки тому

    Yesterday same idiocy over here: my team got 3 of 4 caps after 5 minutes, only 1 ship per team down. All we had to do was back up a little and let enemy make the mistakes. But gues who had to continue pushing into crossfire and die one by one and throw the game? It was a T9-7 match btw...

  • @dnixon8767
    @dnixon8767 2 роки тому

    good video

  • @ImDudePlayinADude
    @ImDudePlayinADude 2 роки тому

    So thunderer may have been hoping to slap shima with the he