TDROTI My Way: My Cast: Toxic Rats: Staci, Scott, Lightning, Dawn, Dakota, Sam, B Muttant Maggots: Mike, Anne Maria, Zoey, Cameron, Brick, Jo 14th Staci 13th Dakota 12th Sam 11th Cameron *Brick changes team* *Dakota returns* 10th B 9th Anne Maria 8th Dakota 7th Brick 6th Dawn 5th Mike 4th Jo 3rd Zoey 1st/2nd Lightning/Scott
My finalists TdI:Owen and Gwen (main winner is Owen) TdA: Ducan and Harold (main winner Ducan) TdWT:Heather and Cody (main winner is Cody) TdROTI: Brick and Jo (main winner is Brick) TdAS:Scott and Tyler (main winner is Scott) TdPI: Max and Shawn ( main winner is Max)
My Way ( All Seasons ) Island 24th Ezekiel 23rd Justin 22nd Noah 21st Gwen 20th Katie 19th Tyler 18th Izzy 17th Heather 16th Cody 15th Sadie 14th Courtney 13th Harold Merge + Heather and Izzy return 12th Eva 11th Geoff 10th Bridgette 9th Beth 8th Dj 7th Izzy 6th Trent 5th Leshawna 4th Duncan 3rd Heather 2nd Lindsay 1st Owen Action 17th/16th Heather and Leshawna 15th Izzy 14th Geoff Eva debuts 13th Bridgette 12th Dj 11th Eva Courtney debuts 10th Gwen 9th Trent Merge 8th Duncan 7th Justin Duncan returns 6th Lindsay 5th Harold 4th/3rd Courtney and Owen 2nd Duncan 1st Beth World Tour 19th/18th Duncan and Ezekiel 17th Dj 16th Bridgette 15th Harold 14th Leshawna 13th/12th Izzy and Lindsay Duncan returns 11th Owen 10th Tyler 9th Gwen Merge + Blaineley Debuts 8th Noah 7th/6th Blaineley and Courtney 5th Duncan 4th Cody 3rd Heather 2nd Alejandro 1st Sierra Revenge of the Island 14th Dawn 13th Dakota 12th Sam 11th Lightning 10th Jo 9th/8th Staci and Anne Maria Jo returns 7th B Merge 6th Jo 5th Mike 4th Scott 3rd Cameron 2nd Zoey 1st Brick All Stars 14th Courtney 13th Sam 12th Lightning 11th Jo 10th Sierra 9th Cameron Merge 8th Duncan 7th Heather 6th Alejandro 5th Mike 4th/3rd Lindsay and Zoey 2nd Scott 1st Gwen Pakhitew Island 14th Leanord 13th Sugar 12th Amy 11th Rodney 10th Max 9th Beardo 8th Topher Merge 7th Dave 6th/5th Scarlett and Ella 4th Jasmine 3rd Sammy 2nd Sky 1st Shawn Ridonculous Race 18th Vegans 17th Larpers 16th Tennis Rivals 15th Rockers 14th Haters/Daters 13th Mother and Daughter 12th Adversity Twins 11th/10th Stepbrothers and Fashion Bloggers 9th Father and Son 8th Geniuses 7th Goths 6th Reality Tv Pros 5th Police Cadets 4th Surfers 3rd Sisters 2nd Ice Dancers 1st Best Friends Reboot Season 1 16th Caleb 15th Ripper 14th Mk 13th Scary Girl 12th Chase 11th Axel Merge 10th/9th Wayne and Raj 8th Nichelle 7th Zee 6th Millie 5th Emma 4th Julia 3rd Damien 2nd Bowie 1st Priya Reboot Season 2 16th Scary Girl 15th Chase 14th Damien 13th Priya 12th Zee Merge 11th Mk 10th/9th Axel and Ripper 8th Bowie 7th Millie 6th Caleb 5th Wayne 4th Nichelle 3rd/2nd Julia and Emma 1st Raj No Hate Pls
Tdwt my way My cast Team chris is really really really hot Dj duncan cody izzy sirara tyler Team victory Courtney leshanna Harold noah Lindsay ezekiel Team Amazon gwen heather Alejandro eva Beth bridgette 15/eva 14/Beth 13/Dj 12/ Courtney 11/tyler *merge* *blaineley joins* 10/Alejandro 9/cody/sirara 8/Harold 7blaineley 6/izzy 5/leshanna 4/ duncan 3/noah 2/lindsay Let's who wins Ezekiel vs beidgette Ezekiel win in USA and bridgette wins in Canada
Can you do Ridonculous Island, but you pick one contestant from each team to create your cast and I get to eliminate them my way?
Sure, I may consider it! Though I am working on Non-Stars first.
4 minutes into this and that'll be enough of that.
cool elimination and who is your favorite contestant from Total Drama
@@connorfour okay and my favorite player is Noah, it's a pity that he dropped out so quickly in season 1
Well i think y'all already knew mine eh?
@@ARM0UR_AC3 okey
17TH ~ Beardo *Confused Bears*
16TH ~ Leonard *Confused Bears*
15TH ~ Max *Floating Salmon*
14TH ~ Amy *Floating Salmon*
13TH ~ Ella *Confused Bears*
*Max Return*
12TH/11TH ~ Max/Scarlett *Floating Salmon*
10TH ~ Dave *Confused Bears*
9TH ~ Rodney *Floating Salmon*
*Dave and Amy Return*
8TH ~ Jasmine *Floating Salmon*
7TH ~ Shawn *Confused Bears*
6TH ~ Sugar *Confused Bears*
5TH ~ Topher *Floating Salmon*
4TH/3RD ~ Amy/Samey *None/Floating Salmon*
2ND ~ Dave
Winner ~ Sky *Confused Bears*
TDI My Way:
My Cast:
Killer Bass: Geoff, Ducan, DJ, Ezekiel, Tyler, Harold, Eva, Izzy, Sadie, Bridgette, Courtney
Screaming Gophers: Trent, Owen, Justin, Noah, Cody, Heather, Leshawna, Beth, Lindsay, Gwen, Katie
*Katie and Izzy change teams*
22nd Ezekiel
21st Sadie
20th Justin
19th Noah
18th Eva
17th Harold
16th Beth
15th Cody
14th Owen
13th Katie
12th Tyler
11th Izzy
10th DJ
9th Courtney
8th Lindsay
7th Geoff
6th Trent
5th Bridgette
4th Duncan
3rd Heather
1st/2nd Leshawna/Gwen
25TH/24TH ~ Tyler/Lindsay
*Teams Are Formed*
Screaming Gaffers: Gwen ; Heather ; Sadie ; Leshawna ; Bridgette ; Duncan ; Ezekiel ; Dj ; Harold ; Cody
Killer Grips: Trent ; Owen ; Justin ; Noah ; Geoff ; Courtney ; Eva ; Beth ; Izzy ; Katie
*Sadie and Izzy Swaped Teams*
23RD ~ Geoff *Killer Grips*
22ND ~ Trent *Killer Grips*
21ST ~ Izzy *Screaming Gaffers*
20TH ~ Ezekiel *Screaming Gaffers*
19TH/18TH ~ Katie/Sadie *Killer Grips*
*Izzy Return -> Killer Grips*
17TH ~ Bridgette *Screaming Gaffers*
16TH ~ Gwen *Screaming Gaffers*
15TH ~ Noah *Killer Grips*
*Linday Return -> Screaming Gaffers*
*Tyler Return -> Killer Grips*
14TH ~ Heather *Screaming Gaffers*
13TH ~ Tyler *Killer Grips*
12TH ~ Cody *Screaming Gaffers*
11TH ~ Izzy *Killer Grips*
10TH ~ Beth *Killer Grips*
9TH ~ Courtney *Killer Grips*
8TH ~ Owen *Killer Grips*
7TH ~ Dj *Screaming Gaffers*
6TH ~ Justin *Killer Grips*
5TH ~ Eva *Killer Grips*
4TH/3RD ~ Leshawna/Harold *Screaming Gaffers*
2ND ~ Duncan *Screaming Gaffers*
WINNER ~ Lindsay *Screaming Gaffers*
TDWT My Way:
My Cast:
Victory: Bridgette, Ezekiel, Harold, Katie, Leshawna, Lindsay, DJ
Chris: Alejandro, Sierra, Owen, Justin, Tyler, Duncan, Noah
Amazon: Cody, Gwen, Courtney, Heather, Izzy, Geoff, Trent
*Sierra and Izzy change teams*
22nd Ezekiel
21st Harold
20th Owen
19th Katie
18th Leshawna
17th Izzy
16th Geoff
15th Sierra
14th Lindsay
13th Justin
12th DJ
11th Gwen
10th Duncan
*Blaineley joins*
9th Bridgette
8th Noah
7th Trent
6th Blaineley
5th Courtney
4th Cody
3rd Tyler
1st/2nd Heather/Alejandro
why the fuck is that the song 😭
Well, I did a poll about if I should use this song, and a little over half said yes. And I went along with it bc I thought it'd be funny.
Why the fudge have bad words tho
24TH ~ Ezekiel *Killer Bass*
23RD ~ Beth *Screaming Gophers*
22ND ~ Sadie *Killer Bass*
21ST ~ Noah *Screaming Gophers*
20TH ~ Cody *Screaming Gophers*
19TH ~ Justin *Screaming Gophers*
18TH ~ Izzy *Killer Bass*
17TH ~ Eva *Killer Bass*
16TH ~ Dj *Killer Bass*
15TH ~ Courtney *Killer Bass*
14TH ~ Owen *Screaming Gophers*
13TH ~ Harold *Killer Bass*
*Izzy and Owen Return*
12TH ~ Katie *Screaming Gophers*
11TH ~ Tyler *Killer Bass*
10TH ~ Lindsay *Screaming Gophers*
9TH ~ Izzy
8TH ~ Leshawna *Screaming Gophers*
7TH ~ Geoff *Killer Bass*
6TH ~ Owen
5TH ~ Gwen *Screaming Gophers*
4TH ~ Duncan *Killer Bass*
3RD ~ Heather *Screaming Gophers*
2ND ~ Trent *Screaming Gophers*
WINNER ~ Bridgette *Killer Bass*
My Cast:
Toxic Rats: Staci, Scott, Lightning, Dawn, Dakota, Sam, B
Muttant Maggots: Mike, Anne Maria, Zoey, Cameron, Brick, Jo
14th Staci
13th Dakota
12th Sam
11th Cameron
*Brick changes team*
*Dakota returns*
10th B
9th Anne Maria
8th Dakota
7th Brick
6th Dawn
5th Mike
4th Jo
3rd Zoey
1st/2nd Lightning/Scott
My finalists
TdI:Owen and Gwen (main winner is Owen)
TdA: Ducan and Harold (main winner Ducan)
TdWT:Heather and Cody (main winner is Cody)
TdROTI: Brick and Jo (main winner is Brick)
TdAS:Scott and Tyler (main winner is Scott)
TdPI: Max and Shawn ( main winner is Max)
TDPI My Way:
My Cast:
Floating Salmon: Max, Scarlett, Amy, Samey, Jasmine, Rodney
Confused Bears: Sky, Beardo, Shawn, Dave, Ella, Leonard, Sugar
15th Beardo
14th Leonard
13th Amy
12th Max
*Amy returns*
11th Sugar
10th Rodney
9th Ella
8th Dave
7th Scarlett
6th Topher
5th Amy
4th Samey
3rd Shawn
1st/2nd Jasmine/Sky
Heroes Hamsters: Courtney ; Lindsay ; Leshawna ; Trent ; Bridgette ; Brick ; Zoey ; B ; Dawn ; Sam ; Mike ; Cameron
Villainous Vultures: Heather ; Gwen ; Alejandro ; Duncan ; Ezekiel ; Eva ; Justin ; Scott ; Dakota ; Jo ; Anne Maria ; Lightning
24TH ~ Ezekiel *Villainous Vultures*
23RD ~ Sam *Heroic Hamsters*
22ND ~ Anne Maria *Villainous Vultures*
21ST ~ Dawn *Heroic Hamsters*
*Gwen and Courtney Swaped Teams*
20TH ~ B *Heroic Hamsters*
19TH/18TH ~ Eva/Jo *Villainous Vultures*
17TH ~ Justin *Villainous Vultures*
*Mike Swaped Teams*
16TH ~ Heather *Villainous Vultures*
15TH ~ Brick *Heroic Hamsters*
14TH ~ Duncan *Villainous Vultures*
13TH ~ Lindsay *Heroic Hamsters*
12TH ~ Bridgette *Heroic Hamsters*
11TH ~ Gwen *Heroic Hamsters*
10TH ~ Trent *Heroic Hamsters*
9TH ~ Cameron *Heroic Hamsters*
8TH ~ Zoey *Heroic Hamsters*
7TH ~ Alejandro *Villainous Vultures*
6TH ~ Mike *Villainous Vultures*
5TH ~ Leshawna *Heroic Hamsters*
4TH/3RD ~ Dakota/Lightning *Villainous Vultures*
2ND ~ Scott *Villainous Vultures*
Winner ~ Courtney *Villainous Vultures*
Tyler being biased:
26TH ~ Duncan *QUIT*
*Teams Are Formed*
Victory: Beth ; Bridgette ; Leshawna ; Lindsay ; Geoff ; Ezekiel ; Harold ; Dj
Amazon: Heather ; Gwen ; Izzy ; Courtney ; Katie ; Sadie ; Trent ; Cody
Chris: Eva ; Sierra ; Alejandro ; Owen ; Tyler ; Noah ; Justin
25TH ~ Dj *Victory*
24TH ~ Harold *Victory*
23RD ~ Justin *Chris*
*Sierra and Izzy Swaped Teams*
22ND ~ Leshawna *Victory*
21ST/20TH ~ Bridgette/Geoff *Victory*
19TH ~ Trent *Amazon*
18TH ~ Ezekiel *Victory*
*Duncan Return* -> Team Chris
17TH ~ Beth *Victory*
16TH ~ Lindsay *Victory*
15TH ~ Izzy *Chris*
14TH ~ Eva *Chris*
13TH ~ Sadie *Amazon*
12TH ~ Gwen *Amazon*
11TH ~ Owen *Chris*
*Blaineley Debut*
10TH ~ Duncan *Chris*
9TH ~ Katie *Amazon*
8TH/7TH ~ Blaineley/Tyler *None/Chris*
6TH ~ Sierra *Amazon*
5TH ~ Noah *Chris*
4TH ~ Courtney *Chris*
3RD ~ Cody *Amazon*
2ND ~ Alejandro *Chris*
Winner ~ Heather *Amazon*
My Way ( All Seasons )
24th Ezekiel
23rd Justin
22nd Noah
21st Gwen
20th Katie
19th Tyler
18th Izzy
17th Heather
16th Cody
15th Sadie
14th Courtney
13th Harold
Merge + Heather and Izzy return
12th Eva
11th Geoff
10th Bridgette
9th Beth
8th Dj
7th Izzy
6th Trent
5th Leshawna
4th Duncan
3rd Heather
2nd Lindsay
1st Owen
17th/16th Heather and Leshawna
15th Izzy
14th Geoff
Eva debuts
13th Bridgette
12th Dj
11th Eva
Courtney debuts
10th Gwen
9th Trent
8th Duncan
7th Justin
Duncan returns
6th Lindsay
5th Harold
4th/3rd Courtney and Owen
2nd Duncan
1st Beth
World Tour
19th/18th Duncan and Ezekiel
17th Dj
16th Bridgette
15th Harold
14th Leshawna
13th/12th Izzy and Lindsay
Duncan returns
11th Owen
10th Tyler
9th Gwen
Merge + Blaineley Debuts
8th Noah
7th/6th Blaineley and Courtney
5th Duncan
4th Cody
3rd Heather
2nd Alejandro
1st Sierra
Revenge of the Island
14th Dawn
13th Dakota
12th Sam
11th Lightning
10th Jo
9th/8th Staci and Anne Maria
Jo returns
7th B
6th Jo
5th Mike
4th Scott
3rd Cameron
2nd Zoey
1st Brick
All Stars
14th Courtney
13th Sam
12th Lightning
11th Jo
10th Sierra
9th Cameron
8th Duncan
7th Heather
6th Alejandro
5th Mike
4th/3rd Lindsay and Zoey
2nd Scott
1st Gwen
Pakhitew Island
14th Leanord
13th Sugar
12th Amy
11th Rodney
10th Max
9th Beardo
8th Topher
7th Dave
6th/5th Scarlett and Ella
4th Jasmine
3rd Sammy
2nd Sky
1st Shawn
Ridonculous Race
18th Vegans
17th Larpers
16th Tennis Rivals
15th Rockers
14th Haters/Daters
13th Mother and Daughter
12th Adversity Twins
11th/10th Stepbrothers and Fashion Bloggers
9th Father and Son
8th Geniuses
7th Goths
6th Reality Tv Pros
5th Police Cadets
4th Surfers
3rd Sisters
2nd Ice Dancers
1st Best Friends
Reboot Season 1
16th Caleb
15th Ripper
14th Mk
13th Scary Girl
12th Chase
11th Axel
10th/9th Wayne and Raj
8th Nichelle
7th Zee
6th Millie
5th Emma
4th Julia
3rd Damien
2nd Bowie
1st Priya
Reboot Season 2
16th Scary Girl
15th Chase
14th Damien
13th Priya
12th Zee
11th Mk
10th/9th Axel and Ripper
8th Bowie
7th Millie
6th Caleb
5th Wayne
4th Nichelle
3rd/2nd Julia and Emma
1st Raj
No Hate Pls
dam ezekiel cant win a single season
He won my own season
@@ohanabolls same in tdwt
Why did heather win season 3 I think most people would want Cody to win
heather had a character development so most people prefer her to win
Only 1 girl winner😭
TDAS My Way:
My Cast:
Heroes Hamsters: DJ, Lindsay, Leshawna, Bridgette, Tyler, Trent, Dawn, Brick, Zoey, Mike
Villainous Vultures: Heather, Alejandro, Gwen, Duncan, Scott, Lightning, Jo, Anne Maria, Justin, Courtney
20th DJ
19th Justin
18th Anne Maria
17th Jo
16th Lightning
15th Tyler
14th Duncan
13th Leshawna
12th Heather
11th Lindsay
10th/9th Alejandro/Bridgette
8th Brick
7th Trent
6th Gwen
5th Mike
4th Dawn
3rd Scott
1st/2nd Courtney/Zoey
TDA My Way:
My Cast:
15th/14th Bridgette/Geoff
Screaming Gaffers: Gwen, Heather, Duncan, Harold, Leshawna, DJ
Killer Grips: Lindsay, Justin, Beth, Trent, Izzy, Owen
13th Owen
12th Beth
11th Gwen
10th Trent
*Courtney joins*
9th Izzy
8th DJ
7th Harold
6th Heather
5th Leshawna
4th Justin
3rd Courtney
1st/2nd Duncan/Lindsay
Tdwt my way
My cast
Team chris is really really really hot
Dj duncan cody izzy sirara tyler
Team victory
Courtney leshanna Harold noah Lindsay ezekiel
Team Amazon
gwen heather Alejandro eva Beth bridgette
12/ Courtney
*blaineley joins*
4/ duncan
Let's who wins
Ezekiel vs beidgette
Ezekiel win in USA and bridgette wins in Canada
TDPI My Way:
My Cast:
Floating Salmon: Max, Scarlett, Amy, Samey, Jasmine, Rodney
Confused Bears: Sky, Beardo, Shawn, Dave, Ella, Leonard, Sugar
15th Beardo
14th Leonard
13th Amy
12th Max
*Amy returns*
11th Sugar
10th Rodney
9th Ella
8th Dave
7th Scarlett
6th Topher
5th Amy
4th Samey
3rd Shawn
1st/2nd Jasmine/Sky