The level of consciousness Maharishi talks from is the highest one can have. His listeners are all on different levels. Especially when one is on the first 3 levels (waking, dreaming, sleeping) - they cannot understand what he is talking about. Only when one gets a sturdy experience of the transcendental consciousness the knowledge and understanding starts to trickle in into his waking consciousness. What a genius of human specie he was/is!
5 sences field or reality..perception experiance ....level of life world of sort world unified field eyes inner divine .. light of god ..a loss as you are.. awake as one is. MMYsaid its a different world.. some said it sounds nice.. a different world.. Kimball Barrett
Jai Sri Rama. 'The different world' Maharishi describes is not a language of this world. We know that much he is speaking; but not about What? Perhaps about: He is reading from white paper. Ears hear 'Silence' TM. Transform with Meditation!
see far beyond TM thinking source of thought..unified field.. freedom of consciousness..experience of reality one sees..awake of ,field of reality..TM.vedic level of life aworld trancental field..inner ..a world on its own ..consciousness .. divine light of god..not trained a different world .. as one is..different world .. completly ..Kimball Barrett
see more..finer to unmanifest ..unified field unified state freedom unified fieldexperience,,one seee hear 5 organd awake organds awake fieldsee hear trancendental ..consciousness a very soty unified feild..consciousness a different world the light of God not traind as you are ,dream state a different world.. something tell said so nice what you said..KimballBarrett
siddy program source concept unified field unified state unified field experience.. 5 sences fully awake field of reality ..perception knowledge world of its own asoft world no diveraity..have a consciousness great loss to different you are MMY travel when start thanth we thanth wht they can understand..Kimball Barrett
The most important of all, time and meditation brings the results! Once you have the experience there is no turning back. Well said, Maharshi!
Jai guru dev Jai Maharishi Ji.
It’s beautiful to hear Maharishi again
A wonderful teacher
The level of consciousness Maharishi talks from is the highest one can have. His listeners are all on different levels. Especially when one is on the first 3 levels (waking, dreaming, sleeping) - they cannot understand what he is talking about.
Only when one gets a sturdy experience of the transcendental consciousness the knowledge and understanding starts to trickle in into his waking consciousness.
What a genius of human specie he was/is!
Real talk...very insiteful....thanks...😊
Thank you Maharishi for helping people understand.
Jai guru dev
Very inspiring. Astonishing.
Thankyou Beloved MAHARISHI.......
Love you GuruDev🙏🏻
feet on the earth....head in the sky
without the experience of the unified transcendental field people will be unable to appreciate the diversity of life.
Can you please find that video in one of the press conferences in which Maharishi describes SOFT THINKING? I greatly appreciate it.
"Vedic Engineering is Engineering Structured by Veda"
5 sences field or reality..perception experiance ....level of life world of sort world unified field eyes inner divine .. light of god ..a loss as you are.. awake as one is. MMYsaid its a different world.. some said it sounds nice.. a different world.. Kimball Barrett
Jai Sri Rama. 'The different world' Maharishi describes is not a language of this world. We know that much he is speaking; but not about What? Perhaps about: He is reading from white paper. Ears hear 'Silence' TM. Transform with Meditation!
see far beyond TM thinking source of thought..unified field.. freedom of consciousness..experience of reality one sees..awake of ,field of reality..TM.vedic level of life aworld trancental field..inner ..a world on its own ..consciousness .. divine light of god..not trained a different world .. as one is..different world .. completly ..Kimball Barrett
see more..finer to unmanifest ..unified field unified state freedom unified fieldexperience,,one seee hear 5 organd awake organds awake fieldsee hear trancendental ..consciousness a very soty unified feild..consciousness a different world the light of God not traind as you are ,dream state a different world.. something tell said so nice what you said..KimballBarrett
siddy program source concept unified field unified state unified field experience.. 5 sences fully awake field of reality ..perception knowledge world of its own asoft world no diveraity..have a consciousness great loss to different you are MMY travel when start thanth we thanth wht they can understand..Kimball Barrett