What If Anakin Skywalker Left the Jedi Order for Padmé Amidala



  • @neofulcrum5013
    @neofulcrum5013 Рік тому +276

    Hopefully this can get a follow up with “What If Padme survived her pregnancy and joined the rebellion?”

  • @RyanTheDark
    @RyanTheDark Рік тому +146

    I love how you've fixed up Anidala. The relationship was so toxic and they hardly knew each other. Both are young and can make mistakes, but when they communicate, their relationship can improve.

    • @DLR1997
      @DLR1997 Рік тому +9

      Yeah and it was more so on Anakin's part

    • @marikam2998
      @marikam2998 Рік тому +6

      However, It would be nice to have more stories we had more The stories where Anakin can love. And wanting someone else instead of Padme. I don't like Anakin The stories related to Padme where Anakin can love Padme. Want Padme. Fantasize about Padme. To be married to Padme. And to do something for Padme. And because of Padme. And I don't like Padme because, unfortunately, I have quite a lot of good reasons not to like her. I sincerely wish Anakin happiness. Sympathy. Healthy Love. Healthy Affection. Platonic Love. Romantic Friendship. Falling In Love. Lust. And Passion, but, definitely not with Padme. because, Padme this is really not woman the one who, is really needed. And fit Anakin. He needs a woman who, really suits him, but such a woman could only be found in the Old Jedi Order, not outside The Old Jedi Order. For example, Qui-Gon found Tahl. And Obi-Wan Siri because, Obi-Wan fell in love with Satine. And became attached to Satine just that Siri was no longer alive. This is the whole point. And to be honest, I don't think that their love. And affection should be considered more similar to Love. And Romeo's Affection. And Juliet. Anakin's Affection. And Padme really should be considered more similar to Love. And the Affection of Paris. And Helen than on Love. And Romeo's Affection. And Juliet. Love. And Romeo's Affection. And Juliet hurt only Romeo. And Juliet. While Love. And Anakin's Affection. And Padme hurt everyone around them in the first place.

    • @DLR1997
      @DLR1997 Рік тому +1

      ​@@marikam2998can you elaborate on that

    • @haydenfowle7576
      @haydenfowle7576 Рік тому +5

      ​@@DLR1997Anakin was always off Corascaunt fighting on some outer Rim or Mid Rim planet but Anakin finds time to talk to Padme and has Rex guard the barracks where Anakin talks to Padme

    • @marikam2998
      @marikam2998 Рік тому +2

      @@DLR1997 Everything is very simple from Anakin since the age of 9 was brotherly love. And a brotherly affection for Padme that he mistakenly mistook for love. And affection man for a loved woman. The lack of chemistry this is Lucas's intention to show that Anakin. And Padme don't fit together. And that they shouldn't be together. Their Love. And affection this is destruction. And death because, Palpatine uses it to Destroy the Republic. Destroy The Old Jedi Order. And to Enslave The Galaxy. And love. And affection of Paris. And Helen caused the Fall of Troy. And indirectly caused Hector's Death. Padme was never Decent. Principled. Noble. Wise. And Smart Women Like Satine. Siri. And even Beru. Breha. And Shmi. And she was never innocent. Because, Anakin's First Love Flirtat. And Anakin's First Lustful View In Padme's Apartment after Padme conversation with Ja-Jar provokes Padme's Words. Padme's View. And the tone of her voice. Anakin's Second Love Flirt. And Anakin's Second Lustful View In The Thousand Moons System provokes Padme's Words. Padme's Admiring Glance. And Padme's Smile. A touch on Padme's open back. Anakin's Smirk. Anakin's First Kiss. Anakin's Third Lustful View. And Anakin stroking Padme's open back on Lake Como provokes Padme's View. And a Padme Dress with an open back. And Anakin's Confession of Love to Padme in the fireplace room provokes a Romantic Picnic in the Lake District. Romantic skating on the grass with fun laugh In the Lake District. Romantic Dinner at Varykino. Padme's Overly Exposed Black Corset Dress. And the fact that Padme is sitting too close physically to Anakin on the same sofa next to the fireplace. Padme could have prevented all this by leading have behaved differently with Anakin. And Not dressing in revealing outfits. Because, would Anakin have behaved differently. And would Anakin count on something if Padme would have been behaved differently with him. And Don't wear too revealing outfits In Attack Of The Clones? Padme herself gave Anakin reasons to behave with her, as he behaved with her In Attack Of The Clones. And when everything came to a love confession in Varykino in a room with a fireplace, then Padme considers it profitable to reject him. Padme knows that Anakin is too young. That he still has a whole life ahead of him. That Anakin knows nothing about love relationship man relationship with women, but Padme don't care about that. She decides to use this anyway for selfish purposes on Naboo. And on Geonosis. Play with Anakin's feelings. And with Anakin's wishes on Naboo before her love scene with Anakin on Geonosis. And unfortunately, she doesn't care about Anakin's Feelings. And about Anakin's Wishes. The way she behaves on Geonosis with Anakin proves it.Although, Anakin on Geonosis had already given up on his feelings for Padme. And from his desire to be with Padme only because, Padme herself wanted it from him in the scene by the fireplace. And Padme tells his sister Sola that Anakin is a young guy. And that her and Anakin are just friends, but this is a lie because, Padme's behavior with Anakin on Naboo contradicts this.

  • @brokenbridge6316
    @brokenbridge6316 Рік тому +43

    I like how you made Anakin and Padme's relationship more open and honest. Which is how they all should be. It was also nice to see Anakin involved with Padme's life a lot more. A good video all around.

  • @TheTuneShifter
    @TheTuneShifter Рік тому +21

    I do find it amusing how PPSW uses Padmé and Anakin’s relationship to give real life relationship advice to us UA-cam denizens. Keep it up buddy!

  • @locoarticwolf2181
    @locoarticwolf2181 Рік тому +75

    I mean to be fair, Anakin had a few opportunities to do so but he stayed for the sake of seeing the Clone Wars though and because he knew the galaxy needed him and the other Jedi
    Besides there wasn’t like a serious penalty to leaving. Anakin would’ve be happier actually in the fics where he does leave.

    • @JediMasterZim
      @JediMasterZim Рік тому +9

      Oh yeah, Anakin would have been FAR happier if he had just left the Order, the sooner he left the happier he'd be. Not only did Anakin feel he didn't fit in-not to mention he didn't feel appreciated or trusted, at least sufficiently, by many-but he also really chaffed having to follow a lot of the Order's rules. But most of all, after becoming romantically involved with Padme, Anakin REALLY hated having to live a double-life, especially live a big lie in respect to hiding his marriage, and Padme wasn't especially happy with this situation itself either.
      I do think Anakin still had his issues he needed to work out, and frankly he probably needed therapy given his childhood as a slave and stuff, even before going through the Clone Wars...but this really would have helped immensely. Had Anakin left the Order, it would have removed a lot of stress from having to live that double-life, and just happier that he can live far more freely not only in respect to living opening with his marriage but not having to be restricted by the Jedi Code, put up with certain Jedi including the Jedi High Council as a whole, and so forth. I think Anakin, on at least some level, knew this himself, certainly in Star Wars Legends where-to my best recollection, at least-Anakin was planning on leaving the Jedi Order as soon as the Clone Wars ended, regardless of whether or not Padme got pregnant around that time. Obi-Wan himself certainly was of the conclusion that Anakin was going to do just that, given-again, at least by my best recollection-he asked, practically begged Padme to try to convince Anakin not to leave.
      It isn't impossible that maybe Palpatine could still find a way to turn Anakin to his side as his apprentice, but it sure would have made harder for Palpatine, probably FAR harder. After all, his manipulations weren't all about Padme, in fact until later-during Revenge of the Sith towards the end of the Clone Wars-much of, if not most of Palpatine's manipulations towards Anakin were aimed towards Anakin's resent and misgivings with the Jedi Order and especially the Council and the claim they didn't trust Anakin. If Anakin had left the Jedi Order, then whatever resentment Anakin may have had with his former comrades and the order he had formerly been a member of would be essentially a moot point, and whatever opinions the Jedi High Council have of Anakin and whether or not they trust him would have been rendered irrelevant in Anakin's eyes.
      Again, it certainly is possible that Palpatine could have still found a way to win Anakin over and continue everything as planned, especially if he could somehow convince Anakin that Anakin didn't really, truly leave of his own volition but was compelled or felt compelled to leave, that he was driven out. However, it would have made Palpatine's job harder, and the earlier that Anakin leaves the Jedi Order for Padme the harder it would be for Palpatine.

    • @marikam2998
      @marikam2998 Рік тому +4

      Well, Anakin stayed because, he was always too ambitious. And because, he needed any excuse to stay in the Old Jedi Order. Anakin himself admitted to Padme In The Revenge Of The Sith that he wanted more. A Jedi who, is about to leave The Old Jedi Order will never say such words. If Anakin wanted to leave The Old Jedi Order then he wouldn't be upset for example, that he wasn't given The Rank Of Master. And he would not be affected by any persuasion to stay in The Old Jedi Order. Whoever wants to leave will never be persuaded to stay. This means that, like Dooku, Anakin would be adamant about his desire to leave the Old Jedi Order but, Anakin enjoyed living the lifestyle he led as a Jedi. And he wasn't used to living in to another life which will never associate him closely with The Force. And with The Old Jedi Order. He always terribly hates boredom. Idleness. Aimless. And a meaningless lifestyle because, his lifestyle as a Jedi has never been aimless. And a meaningless lifestyle. And he from the age of 9 always used to living only by Training. Missions. Sparring. And then after Geonosis, also participation in battles. And the fact that he never dared to leave The Old Jedi Order even for the sake of being with Padme also speaks volumes. Even if Anakin leaves The Old Jedi Order, he will immediately begin to feel like a fish thrown onto land. Not to mention that he always treated his piloting as more of a hobby than his job. And that Anakin would definitely never agree even farming with getting water.

    • @syzorst
      @syzorst Рік тому +4

      ​@marikam2998 Anakin has thought about leaving the order on a number of occasions. He mentioned this to Ahsoka after she left the order and also in "Revenge of the Sith" right before Padme told Anakin she was pregnant, Anakin flat out said, "I'm tired of all this deception, I don't care if they know we're married". Anakin really was tired of the double life and was ready to settle down with Padme but Padme wanted to continue their duty. As for living life outside of being a Jedi, that's not a problem for Anakin because he has many talents. A skilled pilot, a master mechanic in building and fixing Droids, he could be a bodyguard for Padme. If he wants to still fight in the war, he could but doesn't have to do it as a Jedi and I doubt the army would say no given Anakin already has enough experience as a General. Unlike most Jedi, Anakin can adapt to almost any lifestyle.

    • @JediMasterZim
      @JediMasterZim Рік тому +2

      @@syzorst I agree with every single one of your points. In regards to him thinking of leaving multiple times before, we can see evidence for this both in the pre-Disney Star Wars Legends material and the newer Disney Canon. Given in one of the Disney comics a roughly twelve to fifteen year-old Anakin (not sure of the exact age) shared these thoughts with Obi-Wan, his own master, Anakin clearly had these thoughts for a long, long time even without Padme or some other romantic interest factoring into things at all.
      That last point of yours is especially interesting: how unlike most other Jedi he is capable of adapting to a life outside the Jedi Order. For most other Jedi, not being in the Order would be unthinkable as that's not just all they know but all they were really trained and educated for. With most Jedi, expulsion or leaving means not only being out of the community-so to speak-that they know, but losing all support, including financial support and a place to stay (the Jedi Temple), as well as losing a key part of their identity. If a Jedi was out of the Order, there's the question of what they would do for themselves, how they would provide for themselves financially, and where they would go. I imagine for plenty of Jedi, being expelled from the Jedi Order would almost be like a sort of "living death" in a manner of speaking.
      By contrast, that's not nearly as much an issue for Anakin. It's not insignificant, it would be a big deal, but not the end of the world for him, he could manage. Sure, he probably doesn't have much in the way of his own funds that he personally owns, but Anakin does has plenty of skills to make a living. I mean, the guy was making droids FAR more advanced than any robots we have today, could fly a Starfighter, and could build and drive a podracer that won a major race by the time he was nine. Moreover, if this is after he has served for some time in the Clone Wars-let alone all of it-he sure would have quite the resume as this big war hero. I mean, he was pretty much the Galactic Republic's poster boy as the "Hero With No Fear" (I forget which Star Wars lore channel said it, but he called Anakin the "Captain America of the Republic", which I think is accurate), so if anything he probably would be spoiled for choice in worlds to move to in the Republic that would have happily accepted him. In fact, given how major a war hero he was, realistically if democracy hadn't died at the end of the Clone Wars he probably could have used his great fame as this major war hero to start a political career of his own if he really, REALLY wanted to.
      On a related note, given his marriage to Padme, these concerns of providing for themselves and having a place to go would be lessened further, especially since they could just go to Padme's homeworld of Naboo and be with her parents, her sister and said sister's family. If you think about it, considering these factors and the fact Anakin was already considering leaving, the threat of expulsion by the Jedi High Council doesn't really have any weight for Anakin. It would be disappointing to Anakin, sure, but hey at least he wouldn't have to live a double-life anymore or live under a restrictive Jedi Code and policies of a Jedi Order he chaffed under. I bet from Anakin's point of view, if he left the Order-or even got expelled-he would, at least after getting over the shock, view himself as free, no doubt the most free he has ever been his entire life, and that for the first time he could finally live his live the way HE wanted to, a way of life that he decided for himself.

    • @marikam2998
      @marikam2998 Рік тому

      @@syzorst Anakin could think of anything. This is his right, but since he was not satisfied with the lifestyle that he led from the age of 9, then why didn’t he leave? He knew he could leave at any time like Ashoka. And even like Dooku Long before his involvement In The Clone Wars. Ahsoka, for example, also participated In The Clone Wars, but when she was framed. And she decided then she to leave athough Ahsoka could have stayed at least for Obi-Wan. And Anakin. These are all Anakin’s Excuses. Yeah, Anakin is tired of deceit connected with his secret life with Padme, but Anakin would definitely not give up what he had as a Jedi if not for the desire to save Padme. And like I said, Anakin wanted nothing more than to be a Jedi. The job of a Pilot would suit the average person, but not the Jedi that Anakin was. Not to mention Anakin could repair Droids. And to pilot In The Old Jedi Order. The Old Jedi Order did not forbid it, otherwise there would be no Jedi Ace who, could pilot. Anakin enjoyed helping others, but also enjoyed being able to be given the Jedi lifestyle he had been living since he was 9-years-old. Anakin this is very ambitious human. And those people will always want something special. And more in their lives. Anakin can't fight in a war without Force Abilities. And without Lightsaber. He is not an ordinary strong warrior who, has been trained in everything that is trained as an ordinary strong warrior. Anakin is a Force Sensitive Jedi who was trained to fight only with Force Abilities. And a Lightsaber. And he can't adjust to a different life because, he's a Force Sensitive Jedi and they live a different life than normal people who, don't have Any Force Sensitive. And Yeah, Anakin, can be taught anything, but he will still go crazy because, he will yearn for because he could do like a Jedi. We are still talking about Anakin and not about an ordinary human. And even The Force thought otherwise. As The Chosen One, she completely trusted Anakin with the Future. And the Destiny of an entire The Galaxy. Future. And The Distiny Of The Entire The Old Jedi Order. The Future. And The Destiny Of The Republic. The Future Assassination Of The Sith Lord Himself. And The Future Restoration Of The Balance Of Force. And as a Jedi, she gave Anakin something special. And a promising future. Special. And a promising destiny. Special. And Promising Potential. Special. And a promising life. And Special. And a promising life, but the only thing The Force really screwed up about was that it didn't let The Old Jedi Order find Anakin from birth so they could succeed. And it's good to train him as a Jedi.

  • @snek619
    @snek619 Рік тому +12

    I love how Anakin is such a trophy husband in this fic lmao

  • @seekingabsolution1907
    @seekingabsolution1907 Рік тому +6

    Your tone in many parts of this video tells me that this is channelling a frustrated rant you've been saving up for a long time. Thanks.

  • @imember7375
    @imember7375 Рік тому +22

    what if the jedi refused to fight in the clone wars

    • @JediMasterZim
      @JediMasterZim Рік тому +6

      That'd be a really cool episode.
      I think realistically Anakin Skywalker, in this scenario, if his personality is the same as in Canon or Legends, would have become the Revan of his time and led his own version of the Revanchists...but I think that only would make the scenario all the more interesting. Maybe Anakin does still fall in this timeline, but perhaps more akin to the original idea for Revan in a sort of "The Road to Hell is Paved in Good Intentions" kind of way (before Star Wars: The Old Republic and the whole Vitiate corruption thing).
      Perhaps with the Jedi Council making the same mistake as their ancient predecessors roughly four thousand years before during a very similar scenario to the Mandalorian Wars, history ultimately repeats itself, so to speak.

    • @DLR1997
      @DLR1997 Рік тому

      But unfortunately Palpatine would make them look like they betrayed The Republic and start order 66 early

  • @josephjohnson5766
    @josephjohnson5766 Рік тому +15

    This is a great story and really highlights a problem within the Jedi order. Anakin had no idea how to open up and talk through his problems. yes emotions can cause problems but suppressing them can be even more dangerous. it was nice seeing Padme was able to rip down the walls the order had built within him.

    • @GamePlays_1230
      @GamePlays_1230 10 місяців тому +2

      Suppressing emotions is more dangerous then having a relationship

  • @wingding0111
    @wingding0111 Рік тому +27

    What if Hondo was force sensitive, a Jedi, or even a Sith? Would he be different or still try to make a profit? Or maybe leave and take over a pirate gang?

    • @Achuidian179
      @Achuidian179 Рік тому +6

      “I smell PROFIT! And that video reaching 100k views!!!!”

    • @megaman37456
      @megaman37456 Рік тому +2

      @@Achuidian179 It's like I always say, speak softly and drive a BIG tank!

    • @Achuidian179
      @Achuidian179 Рік тому +2

      GOOD NEWS @wingding0111 your suggestion is now coming out tomorrow!!

  • @tectonicty
    @tectonicty Рік тому +6

    Anakin Skywalker, the Simp master

  • @bizmasterTheSlav
    @bizmasterTheSlav Рік тому +2

    Bro just casually dropped one of the most wholesome videos in the history of his channel, love it

  • @jacksonconley5117
    @jacksonconley5117 Рік тому +7

    I’m looking forward to this one.

  • @chasetauscher9544
    @chasetauscher9544 Рік тому +16

    What if the Jedi Order joined the CIS?
    What if Count Dooku became the Supreme Chancellor?
    What if Ashoka Tano was Qui Gon Jinn’s apprentice?

    • @Nalothisal
      @Nalothisal Рік тому +1

      Jedi in the CIS please!

    • @chasetauscher9544
      @chasetauscher9544 Рік тому

      @@Nalothisal Imagine if Obi-Wan had activated his Comlink before he was captured.

    • @Voltar_99
      @Voltar_99 6 місяців тому

      You’d have to roll back when Ashoka was born because Ashoka wasn’t even a toddler by the time qui-gon DIED, let alone started training kenobi

    @BIG_MOPPER Рік тому +8

    I think that it's cool that as the chosen one he was to bring balance to the force and he still ended up doing that just by doing nothing and pursuing his happiness .

    • @gengarzilla1685
      @gengarzilla1685 2 місяці тому +1

      Prophesies are funky things, really. Even if you do nothing then they could still become fulfilled regardless, and trying to force their fulfilment can often cause more bad than good.

  • @thejonrezcontent5213
    @thejonrezcontent5213 9 місяців тому +1

    Anakin's free time could be just him doing his childhood hobbies like inventing and tinkering machines in his residence with Padme.

  • @KaweerMonger
    @KaweerMonger 11 місяців тому +2

    Bro is COOKIN wit this relationship! 😊 i love this! 9:48

  • @infrequent036
    @infrequent036 Рік тому +3

    As someone who is very clingy and used to be controlling without me even knowing it you portrayed Anakin perfectly as being nervous while padme was out. I used to just pace the room and eventually she left me bacause I was to clingy

  • @Achuidian179
    @Achuidian179 Рік тому +14

    What if Padme became the Supreme Chancellor during the Clone Wars

    • @TheUncivilizedNation
      @TheUncivilizedNation Рік тому +7

      At that point the entire war depends on Dooku and his willingness to follow the Sith Grand Plan. If he does then both sides will be forced to stop holding back and the war will continue a lot longer. Now if Dooku disregards the Plan then peace can be achieved. Like everything ends in the first month

  • @Socialism_on_Roids
    @Socialism_on_Roids Рік тому +70

    Here's an idea for a story. What if Count Dooku somehow managed to openly break away from Sidious' Grand Plan and pursued an open Separatist military victory over the Republic as soon as he and Sidious had successfully cobbled together the Separatist leadership, thereby forcing Sidious into only controlling one side of the war?

    • @Tyrannus10200
      @Tyrannus10200 Рік тому

      He already did it actually Edit:I meant he already did a video like that

    • @TheUncivilizedNation
      @TheUncivilizedNation Рік тому +2

      The only reason he didn’t was because Sidious could kill him in minutes. Now if Dooku got rid of Sidious and had to fight Chancellor Bail Organa or someone else then we have an interesting situation

    • @logandelaharpe6362
      @logandelaharpe6362 Рік тому

      In a lightsaber duel palpy and dooku were near equal in the force palpy has the massive advantage

    • @Voltar_99
      @Voltar_99 6 місяців тому

      @@logandelaharpe6362palpatine was a master of all 7 forms of lightsaber combat so I think palpy has a fairly big edge over dooku as he can just swap whenever the hell he needs to

    • @logandelaharpe6362
      @logandelaharpe6362 6 місяців тому +1

      Maybe when age and the darkside start to weaken dooku
      It’s explained in the novelization of attack of the clones dooku ability to contend with yoda terrified palpatine to the point he started training to prevent being dethroned

  • @wargamesmaster
    @wargamesmaster Рік тому +8

    I suppose the thumbnail was made via an A.I? Because the eyes of Anakin & Padme freak me out (well, more Anakin than Padme. She look like she has Sith eyes).

  • @FireMinstrel
    @FireMinstrel Рік тому +1

    Gotta admit, I lol’d at the idea of Anakin and Padme doing “In Bed For Peace” like a space-John and space-Yoko. Did Anakin play the space-guitar? :P

  • @wolffang471
    @wolffang471 Рік тому +2

    Palpatine after he realized that his plan had fallen through: " Dang it!"

  • @jenniferbrewer5370
    @jenniferbrewer5370 11 місяців тому +2

    It cracks me up how in the end, the perfect Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi took out General Grievous not with the Force or his lightsaber, but the way a clone trooper would, with a blaster. Uncivilized by Kenobi's standards, perhaps, but it WORKED.

  • @matheusdemello2323
    @matheusdemello2323 Рік тому +12

    What if Anakin Skywalker was born a girl and Padme Amidala a boy?
    How would *Revenge Of The Sith* change in this scenario?

    • @JediMasterZim
      @JediMasterZim Рік тому +5

      Maybe a female Anakin has nightmares (either implanted by Palpatine or not, depending on your interpretation and theory) of a male Padme getting assassinated in the Clone Wars and wants to prevent this, or at least prevent the injuries from being lethal, or perhaps bring her husband back from the dead? Maybe the nightmare showed this male Padme being assassinated in a bombing with female Anakin's infant child/children dying in it, or female Anakin is caught in the blast while pregnant and loses the twins, and as such is desperate to stop the event from happening?
      Alternatively...excluding fear of male Padme dying, perhaps female Anakin-even without dreams-is terrified that the Jedi Order will take "the baby" away from her and male Padme after the birth. Perhaps this fear is just paranoia on female Anakin's part and this is not a rational or accurate one, but it is something that might occur to her and gnaw at her...especially if we're going with Star Wars Legends continuity and we're considering the Baby Ludi Incident to have happened shortly before the Clone Wars during the two-year period of the Separatist Crisis. If so, then that certainly would give female Anakin reason to at least consider this nightmarish possibility, even if the circumstances would be very different from the Baby Ludi Incident, especially as it wasn't that long ago and it was a huge scandal for the Jedi Order. Even if the thought doesn't independently occur to female Anakin, I could very easily see Palpatine planting this particular seed of paranoia and continue to nurture that seed-and if female Anakin already has that fear and is sharing it with Palpatine, I imagine he would naturally take advantage of it. Perhaps part of Palpatine's later manipulation to get female Anakin to join him is the promise to prevent this from happening if female Anakin helps him destroy the Jedi and help protect her soon-to-be-born "child".
      It would, I think, be harder for female Anakin to hide the pregnancy than female senator Padme had, if only because Jedi could and would sense that this female Jedi is pregnant (and likely tell it is twins). Now, sex isn't outlawed for Jedi as long as the Jedi in question doesn't have any romantic feelings with their (short-term) partner it is allowed. It may be frowned upon, certainly by sticks in the mud, most certainly would be discouraged...but one would not have official punishment or whatever in the Order. However, that being said...given the whole "no attachments" rule, if a female Jedi were to get pregnant they would be expected to give up the child. Given that all descendants of force sensitives are themselves just as strong in the force since the force runs strong in bloodlines (at least in the original Star Wars Legends material from before Disney, at least almost it was almost always consistent this way) the expectation would be that the child be handed over ti the Jedi Order, so female Anakin-if she complied and was indeed given the choice-wouldn't even be able to secretly spend time with and bond with her child/children. So while female Anakin wouldn't be in trouble in the Jedi Order for having had sexual relations with someone and gotten pregnant, I could easily see this female Anakin being increasingly anxious, and maybe even paranoid, especially with Palpatine playing on that paranoia in true Palpatine/Sidious style.
      Perhaps, if Anakin's nightmares were indeed planted by Palpatine, Palpatine might give nightmares of the Jedi not only taking her newborn child away but even male Padme somehow dying trying to stop it, thus combining pretty much all of this female Anakin's fears rolled into one.
      I might be totally wrong in everything I said above about how a scenario of Anakin and Padme's genders being reversed plays out here in Revenge of the Sith, of course. I do think, however, that, if the personalities of Anakin (and also Padme) are basically the same-at least more or less-and the rest of the timeline more or less goes the same, this is the most likely way Revenge of the Sith plays out.

  • @benjaminparker671
    @benjaminparker671 Рік тому +11

    What If Obi-Wan and Satine were in a similar relationship like Anakin and Padme

  • @hauntsquad8602
    @hauntsquad8602 Рік тому +1

    “Hello…” ~ the grand inquisitor circa: every ppsw episode 😂

  • @Raiderunbeatable
    @Raiderunbeatable Рік тому +1

    I'm surprised you haven't made this yet. Love your videos!

  • @JohnHall623
    @JohnHall623 7 місяців тому +2

    “They stayed in bed a couple of days to protest the war” made me laugh 🤭 could do a “what if the Beatles were in Star Wars and John Lennon opposed the Clone War?”

  • @locoarticwolf2181
    @locoarticwolf2181 Рік тому +11

    What if Ventress Killed Grevious during their duel on Dathomir?
    What if Ashoka redeemed Vader on Malachor?
    What if Vader won the Darksaber, ruling Mandalore?
    What if Anakin/Vader was a double agent playing the long game?
    What if Thrawn joined the Republic?
    What if Vader survived and lead the Imperial Remnant?
    What if Padme managed to free Anakin’s Mother after EP.1 like she intended?
    What if Hondo actually traded in a Captive Dooku instead of double crossing?
    What if Echos of Oblivion didn’t happen in SWTOR and Vitiate/Valkrion returned during the movies akin to your Darth JarJar fic spanning the saga?
    What if Vader and Thrawn lead a Imperial Rebellion separate from the main one?
    What if Starkiller survived and trained the Skywalker Twins?
    What if Lord Starkiller replaced Vader in the Original Trilogy after TFU1 Darkside Ending (not counting DLC)
    What if Legends New Republic fought the First/Final Order?
    What if the Empire was Good and the Rebels were Evil?

    • @wargamesmaster
      @wargamesmaster Рік тому +2

      For the Echoes of Oblivion what if, I can see Vitiate replacing Sidious as the Sith Lord. He's not that powerful and knew he was weaker than his master, otherwise he wouldn't have killed him in his sleep.

    • @King-iy6xu
      @King-iy6xu Рік тому +1

      What if Ahsoka arrived with Darth Maul some hours before Order 66 on Coruscant? Stop Anakin from becoming Darth Vader, everything changes. Even if Order 66 still happens.

  • @dekoldrick
    @dekoldrick Рік тому +2

    Oh god! Leia chasing Luke with Anakin's lightsaber XD

  • @reckszkingzactivitiesrkat.4134
    @reckszkingzactivitiesrkat.4134 5 місяців тому +1

    Anakin left that retched Jedi order Under Yoda's Leadership to live his own life & enjoy a relationship with his wife? GOOD move🔥

  • @jonahstirbis3408
    @jonahstirbis3408 Рік тому

    This is one of the best star wars what if timelines you have made pentepatrol.

  • @dianesinger9729
    @dianesinger9729 Рік тому +3

    I enjoyed the story of growth in the relationship between Anakin and Padme. How Anakin grew up finally.

    • @t8kabr8km85
      @t8kabr8km85 Рік тому

      he didnt grow up in this he just got gaslit

    • @ebonaparte3853
      @ebonaparte3853 9 місяців тому

      @@t8kabr8km85There was no gaslighting.

    • @gengarzilla1685
      @gengarzilla1685 2 місяці тому

      The only gaslighting here came from Palpatine trying to split them up. It's always him.

  • @darthnexus9570
    @darthnexus9570 Рік тому +1

    That was really good...

  • @benjaminobienu5297
    @benjaminobienu5297 Рік тому +8

    This is a great video, Mr. Pente Patrol. I really like the idea of Anakin leaving the Jedi Order for Padme Anakin leaving the Jedi Order is actually a good thing for Anakin because why would he stay in an order that had codes that don't allow one to be yourself and have monks only think of you different because you have emotions. This is an excellent masterpiece, my friend. Please keep up the fantastic work. And no matter what happens and what anybody says, always stay true to yourself, believe in yourself, never lose sight of who you are, and always be positive, and may the force be with you!
    Also, Mr. Pente Patrol, what do you think of the idea "What if Anakin Skywalker had become Jedi King"? What do you think of that idea, and what thoughts, comments, and opinions you like to share about it?

  • @Kerbal18
    @Kerbal18 Рік тому +1

    Why does this whole story feel like its written from expirence

  • @npittswarof2
    @npittswarof2 Рік тому +10

    Is there an “what if Palpatine saw Dooku as a friend rather than a pawn?”

    • @Socialism_on_Roids
      @Socialism_on_Roids Рік тому

      Given how Palpatine considered Maul's defeat on Naboo a pretty big loss(According to the comics anyway...) I'd say if Sidious were gonna form any sort of bond with his apprentices, it would be with Maul. It would be a twisted relationship, but that's about the only sort of friendship those two could have.

    • @AlexSDU
      @AlexSDU Рік тому +1

      @@Socialism_on_Roids But what if Palpatine later saw Maul as his child?
      Instead of becoming his apprentice, he treated Maul like his own blood.

  • @jazzy931chedder
    @jazzy931chedder Рік тому +1

    Now hear me out on this one
    What if Anakin went club hopping

    • @PentePatrolStarWars
      @PentePatrolStarWars  Рік тому +1

      Idk if it's just Anakin... but Pitbull gonna be in a vid soon 👀👀

  • @onlinegametime
    @onlinegametime Рік тому +10

    What if Mace w. found out about the pregnancy and Anakins marriage. And wanted to take the kids by force to train the chooses one kids for the Jedi order, since Anakin isn't easy to control. 🌌

    • @TheUncivilizedNation
      @TheUncivilizedNation Рік тому +14

      Vader’s guaranteed. “Join me and together we will save your children” is all Sidious would have to say

    • @KaiHung-wv3ul
      @KaiHung-wv3ul Рік тому +8

      Even Mace isn't dumb enough to do that, and the other council members, except for maybe Ki Adi Mundi, would never agree to it.

    • @Socialism_on_Roids
      @Socialism_on_Roids Рік тому +5

      @@KaiHung-wv3ul That and even Mace knows how much Anakin chaffs under his directives. Sidious wouldn't even have to gaslight Anakin into killing Mace. Anakin would kill him on the spot.

    • @JediMasterZim
      @JediMasterZim Рік тому +6

      @@TheUncivilizedNation And the best part (for Palpatine) is that at this point, on this particular matter, he isn't even really lying. In this scenario he's basically just making a deal with Anakin, one which naturally benefits Palpatine the most rather than having to manipulate him all the way there.

    • @JediMasterZim
      @JediMasterZim Рік тому +3

      @@Socialism_on_Roids Yeah, totally. If the Jedi High Council really were stupid enough to do that, especially at such a bad time with the events of Revenge of the Sith, it would be an absolute gift to Palpatine. I can only imagine Palpatine thinking "Oh this is going to be easy" while cackling, because at that point it really would be incredibly easy. At that point, the Jedi Council just checkmated themselves, the Jedi Order, and the galaxy.
      Palpatine would be able to manipulate Anakin with a lot of verified truth on how the Jedi are out to destroy Anakin's family and take his children from him (which is a nightmare for any decent, caring parent). In fact, he could perhaps say "The Jedi separated you from your mother and she died for it, then they costed you your padawan...now they want to take your children from you." From there, it would be so much easier for Palpatine/Sidious to convince Anakin that the Jedi-or at least the Jedi High Council-have it out for him and don't trust him (Perhaps Palpatine could say that the Council don't trust Anakin with even his own children?).
      And finally, as if to put a nice silk bow on that metaphorical present to Palpatine, Anakin would be pressured by the situation itself to act quickly and not stop to think things through. With the risk of having his children taken from him, or wanting to take his children back, Anakin-who isn't really the sort to think long and hard on things anyways-would be heavily incentivized to accept Palpatine's offer and do so very quickly.

  • @Kubinda12345
    @Kubinda12345 Рік тому +4

    I've some ideas for What If:
    - What if Palpatine wasn't elected the chancellor of the Republic in Phantom Menace?
    - What if Anakin's bombing run managed to kill Grievous on Malevolence
    - What if it was Saw and not Steela who died on Onderon?
    - What if Anakin killed Dooku in their duel during the Rako Hardeen arc?
    - What if Tarkin died in the Citadel meaning there would be no Tarkin Doctrine for the Empire?
    - What if Qi'ra joined the Galactic Empire with Han perhaps becoming an ISB agent?
    - What if Han killed Darth Vader during the battle of Yavin?
    - What if the Ashmead's Lock's prisoners succeeded in assassinating Mon Mothma meaning that Leia would become chancellor and the New Republic wouldn't demilitarize?

  • @Kubinda12345
    @Kubinda12345 Рік тому +6

    The premise is nice but I dislike the Anakin bashing. You make it sound like Anakin was some immature child and Padme almost totally perfect.
    Yes, Anakin had his issues but he grew up as a slave and then he spend 10 years in an emotionally repressing Jedi Order which definitely doesn't encourage its members to talk about their feelings. On the other hand Padme while generally more mature than Anakin was also very socially isolated (she definitely didn't have flings either in canon or Legends) and was a workoholic.
    I also don't think that Anakin was that ignorant about how the Republic worked. Yes, he was manipulated by Palpatine towards prefering authoritarianism but objectively speaking the Republic was rotting long before Palpatine got his hands on it. The CIS may have been manifactured by the Sith but the feelings behind it were very real. And Anakin was one of the people who have suffered by Republic's failings since the Republic did nothing to end the slavery in the Outer Rim.

  • @tecxer2075
    @tecxer2075 7 місяців тому +1

    The first time a "what if" theory wasn’t as depressing as the original movies…

  • @noahtylerpritchett2682
    @noahtylerpritchett2682 Рік тому

    I was looking at the end of the video and chuckled thinking of the Yuuzhan Vong.

  • @brokenbridge6316
    @brokenbridge6316 Рік тому +1

    "What if" Padme was a Jedi?

  • @TheGuardianofAzarath
    @TheGuardianofAzarath Рік тому +2

    Interesting take on the idea, there's also the elseworlds novels of AOTC and ROTS where Anakin does leave the order, after his mother's death (Padme goes with him to save shmi, so she's there to stop him mercing the Sand People). Dooku takes a sample of his blood during their duel on Geonosis (he still ends up going) and that clone becomes Vader. They're pretty good books.

    • @OllieRamone
      @OllieRamone Рік тому

      You mean by Scott Ferguson/Scott Calahan right? I’ve read those and he’s updated them over the years to include stuff like the dyad.

    • @TheGuardianofAzarath
      @TheGuardianofAzarath Рік тому +1

      @@OllieRamone yeah, that's the one

    • @OllieRamone
      @OllieRamone Рік тому

      @@TheGuardianofAzarath he’s stalled on updating his third story

  • @mattstorm360
    @mattstorm360 Рік тому +2

    Communication can fix a LOT of things.
    What if Steela Gerrera survived?
    What if Tarkin Destroyed Lothal instead of Alderaan?
    What if Hondo discovered Ezra before the ghost crew? (Pirate Jedi!)
    What if Palpatine lost his connection to the force? (When trying to turn Yoda, the force would push back.)
    What if Ezra joined the empire? (Like the what if Luke joined the empire.)
    What if Palpatine really did love democracy?
    What if Cham Syndulla was made Senator? (Instead of trying to get rid of Cham Syndulla, the empire gets rid of Orn Free Taa and makes Syndulla the senate leader. Using his popularity with his people to control the population and the semi unspoken threat that his daughter could be considered an accomplice to Gobi Glie's vile act if he didn't.)
    What if Sabine Wren stayed with the Empire? (Family abandoned her but the empire didn't)
    What if Haji fired on the escape pod? (First off, Bolvan would have to do some paper work and then be told later it wasn't necessary anymore as the imperial senate was no longer a factor.)
    What if Obi-Wan used force heal on Padme?
    What if Captian Tarkin died at the citadel?
    What if Asajj Ventress and the Nightsisters successfully assassinated Dooku?
    What if Anakin was born a women? Kendall Skywalker.
    What if Anakin died to torture? (I don't know what you mean. -Dooku)

  • @chromxrobinandcorrinxcamil9031

    Why do they look kind of cursed in the thumbnail?

  • @brokenbridge6316
    @brokenbridge6316 Рік тому

    "What if" The Jedi discovered the Dark Taint under their Temple on Coruscant.

  • @WiltSmo-em1ho
    @WiltSmo-em1ho Рік тому +1

    What if Revan was born during the prequel trilogy.

  • @dylanh7600
    @dylanh7600 Рік тому

    I just can't see anakin being happy like this

  • @matthewmann8969
    @matthewmann8969 Рік тому +4

    What if Palpatine had a Twin Sister only a few minutes older then him and they both had upbringings and childhoods of similar linkings and the same midichlorian count and both had similar ideas of what they wanted out of life and stuff?

    • @Socialism_on_Roids
      @Socialism_on_Roids Рік тому +2

      Assuming Plagueis didn't kidnap one of them to use as a back-up, whoever Plagiues converted first would kill the other.

  • @gerardocovarrubias3058
    @gerardocovarrubias3058 Рік тому +2

    Make what if Anakin Skywalker stayed on mortis like the father said

  • @eddiethepothos2648
    @eddiethepothos2648 4 дні тому

    So i think someone should call naboo child protection services on Anakin i mean naboo seems to have weapon control laws and hes just leaving his lightsaber out where his kids can find it fully loaded with its crystal and everything

  • @peterpidrak9501
    @peterpidrak9501 Рік тому

    Hey, can I just make a quick note here.
    You added the entire like the video notifications where someone is popping up in the corner with a light saber sound.
    However, I am a truck driver, and I have to listen to them without watching them.
    So ho, people are having a tense discussion, and I hear light saber ignited.

  • @Maik_Privat
    @Maik_Privat Рік тому +2

    What if Qui Gon and Obi Wan stayed on Mandalore?

  • @Copper6siege
    @Copper6siege Рік тому +2

    Did anakin almost hook up with his ex while he claimed to only want to help the republic? Nope. He had a reason not to trust her. This man is hella simpy.

  • @manofflorida1138
    @manofflorida1138 Рік тому

    What if the Grand Inquisitor never said hello.

  • @MotRekrab1347
    @MotRekrab1347 Рік тому

    When I saw the thumbnail, I thought Padme's eyes were yellow and that she was supposed to be a Sith in this video XD

  • @KaiHung-wv3ul
    @KaiHung-wv3ul Рік тому

    18:45 So I guess they did take control of The Senate. 😅

  • @haututu04RD
    @haututu04RD Рік тому

    A ‘What if Red had the Dark Saber’ would be interesting..

  • @xtruejudgementx5017
    @xtruejudgementx5017 Рік тому +1

    hey i was wondering if you could do a theory or story that's a slightly better reimagining of star wars elite squadron's campaign as it was supposed to have been battlefront 3 at some point also i love your content and the amount of detail and time you put into your theories it really helps with the immersion

  • @Copper6siege
    @Copper6siege Рік тому +2

    What if ppsw didn’t fall for women gaslighting him into believing that having standards is insecure and not trusting suspicions behavior is jealousy

  • @Xvrntr
    @Xvrntr Рік тому

    I get the strange feeling that the author themselves is having some relationship issues with their SO. Especially after the comment of oh what a bit of communication can do for you

  • @whatsgoingon5230
    @whatsgoingon5230 Місяць тому

    What if anakin accidentally called padme “wifey” in front of the whole high council right before the temple bombing.

  • @Starguy34
    @Starguy34 Рік тому +3

    What if savage killed anakin and kenobi
    What if the Tuskegee raiders killed anakin
    What if grevious executed palpatine

  • @wargamesmaster
    @wargamesmaster Рік тому

    What if Anakin was born on Earth? Basically, a new Earth series where Anakin is born on Earth, maybe the son of Spartacus.

  • @shankleythebest
    @shankleythebest Рік тому

    Anakin and Padme turned into John Lennon and Yoko Ono

  • @nobbyfirefly57
    @nobbyfirefly57 6 місяців тому +2

    18:22 what happened to the audio?

  • @HeathLaFlamme
    @HeathLaFlamme Рік тому

    I would love to see your spin on What if the Jedi Order Allowed attachments

  • @bully056
    @bully056 Рік тому

    “What if Anakin accidentally founded a third faction on Tatooine?”

  • @Polyanker1
    @Polyanker1 Рік тому

    This is how I like it!! Excellent!!

  • @EvilXero359
    @EvilXero359 Рік тому

    I'd like to see a what if where Anakin goes John Wick, as in where he uses both lightsabers and blasters

  • @johnnylchalk2370
    @johnnylchalk2370 10 місяців тому +1

    Love Padme Stories ❤❤❤❤

  • @peterpidrak9501
    @peterpidrak9501 Рік тому

    Oh, incidentally, if this comes up again. And you want it to be kind of sidelined. Skywalker get jealous. Aniken asks who she is seeing. She says it is bail organa he’s a friend.
    He is married.
    Sehorn Skywalker goes to organa and ask him for advice on being married.
    Older brother advice for somebody who didn’t have a dad might be a good thing.

  • @thechaoticjedi
    @thechaoticjedi 6 місяців тому

    theres a variant of this called Altered Universe by Scott Ferguson. its this premise but he leaves the order before tatooine

  • @reeceemms1643
    @reeceemms1643 Рік тому +3

    What if the Sith Empire returned during the the High Republic era
    Or what if Jyn Erso survived met and fell in love with Luke Skywalker.
    I would also say a what if Cal and Merrin had a child but after Jedi survivor I feel like that might actually not be a what if for much longer

    • @JediMasterZim
      @JediMasterZim Рік тому +1

      Out of curiosity, if you don't mind me asking, which Sith Empire are you talking about? Do you mean, like, the one from Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG game led by Sith Emperor Vitate? The one Darth Revan led in the so-called "Jedi Civil War" in Knights of the Old Republic I? The short-lived Sith Empire that Exar Kun led? The one Darth Krayt led in those comics about 130 years or so after the Original Triology? Do you mean the Sith Empire that the Brotherhood of Darkness led in the New Sith Wars? Or do you mean the original, ancient one under the likes of Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, and so forth that fought the Republic and Jedi in the Great Hyperspace War, and arguably had the most powerful Sith to ever live? Given the differences between these different Sith Empires, from their political situations to their structures and to their leadership and how their version of the Sith were organized, I think the scenario could play out differently, but all in interesting ways.

    • @reeceemms1643
      @reeceemms1643 Рік тому +2

      @@JediMasterZim I would say the one Darth Bane was part of before he created the rule of 2, so basically the Sith empire from the end of the Jedi-Sith war.

    • @JediMasterZim
      @JediMasterZim Рік тому +1

      @@reeceemms1643 Now that would be particularly fascinating from the perspective of how the Jedi Order and the Republic would react to their return, because this isn't just ANY Sith Empire that has popped up to fight them...this is LITERALLY the old enemy-the exact same one-that they had last fought and thought was not just defeated but completely and utterly destroyed. The very foundation of the era of the "Golden Age of the Republic" (or High Republic in the new Disney canon) and the Rise of the Empire Era, along with its politics and every assumption that society has is-whether people remember it or not-built upon that victory after a thousand-year conflict that brought about a galactic dark age and nearly destroyed the Republic.
      I can only imagine how the Jedi Order even just two or three centuries into this peace (to say nothing of even later) would react to not just the return of the Sith but the return of the exact same version of the Sith they thought they had just destroyed, especially given they had assumed that they had destroyed the Sith-any version thereof-for good this time.
      If the Republic and the general populace remembers, if the history hasn't been more or less forgotten, I can imagine the horror and panic that would ensue at the return of this enemy, of essentially having the New Sith Wars just start all over again. I think, if the Republic and the general populace remembers "the bad old days", even if the public memory are just in the form of scary stories told to frighten naughty children into behaving (you know, like some kind of boogieman in space), this would be their absolute worst nightmare.
      What would also be particularly interesting is this: How does the Rule of Two Sith/Banite Sith/Order of Sith Lords react to this? I mean, for one thing the existence of more Sith would be utterly anathema to the Rule of Two and its very premise. On that note, how would the Sith of the Banite Sith react to the revelation that, clearly, Darth Bane's plan to cause the other Sith to go extinct completely and utterly failed? For another thing...how would they react to not just the fact they have Sith competition, but these other Sith are alerting everyone that Sith are still around when the Banite Sith are relying on secrecy and their enemies growing complacent? How would the Banite Sith react, or rather what would they try to do about these other Sith throwing a gigantic wrench into their own carefully-laid plans, and just the existence of such a wild card?

    • @reeceemms1643
      @reeceemms1643 Рік тому +2

      @@JediMasterZim for the thing with the Banite Sith, I would think they would just go dark and wait it out to see who would win.
      Also if you want an explanation to how I believe these Sith survived I came up with one that says just before the liberation of Coruscant at the end of the Jedi-sith war, a group of Sith went into hiding and slowly rebuilt up their forces and then by the time of the High Republic era they believe themselves ready to attack.
      I would also believe that this would be good to be set after the fall of Starlight beacon and the establishment of the Occlusion zone, that way the Jedi and the Republic would be dealing with the Nihil right as this Sith empire returned.

    • @JediMasterZim
      @JediMasterZim Рік тому

      @@reeceemms1643 I totally agree with your point on the Banite Sith.
      I think your idea makes sense for how these Sith could survive, that seems the most logical way. Maybe they came to that decision because some of these Sith had simply lost faith in the Sith Lord Skere Khan's (or if we're going with the Disney canon, whoever his equivalent was) judgement and leadership (in the Star Wars Legends case, maybe they noticed his steady descent into madness?), or maybe these Sith just recognized where the wind was blowing before or in the early parts of the campaign on the planet Ruusan (or again, if we're using Disney canon, the liberation of Coruscant). That or maybe one or more of these originally surviving Sith and/or their apprentices had a Force Vision that warned them not to go so they avoided the battle in question.
      Assuming we're using the newer Disney canon, I can't help but wonder whether these Sith decide to form an alliance with the Nihil with the logic of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", or if they decide to fight both the Jedi-Republic faction as well as the Nihil at the same time. Maybe in the latter case, the Sith pretend they want to form an alliance with the Nihil and start up fake negotiations so they can lure the leadership of the Nihil together, only to betray the Nihil and wipe out their leadership or at least a portion of it. That certainly seems in line with the Sith-literally any version of the Sith, Disney Canon or pre-Disney Star Wars Legends material-especially in the pre-Disney Star Wars Legends stuff where you have more than one instance of something like this happening. I do feel like in the 'fake negotiations betrayal" scenario, the trickery and its damage might possibly enrage the Nihil just enough that they (very begrudgingly) form a temporary truce with the Jedi and the Republic so they can both focus on the Sith, if only out of revenge (and maybe self-preservation) on the part of the Nihil. Maybe that could be this iteration of the Sith's downfall in this scenario and its timeline. It would be kind of fitting, and matches Star Wars Sith history well enough where their impulses and some of their typical strategies (namely betrayal) cause or at least contribute to their defeat.
      Come to think of it...maybe the Banite Sith arrange a meeting with the Nihil leadership (or at least a portion of it) while pretending to be part of and representing the other Sith (the only Sith that the Nihil and others know about) and then they themselves betray and kill the Nihil leadership so as to frame their Sith rivals and try to engineer their downfall. The best part would be that not only would the Jedi and Republic not be any the wiser that something is odd, but the other Sith might not either. After all, this would be pretty typical Sith behavior, and it wouldn't be a huge leap for these Sith to assume that some sub-faction within their order acted independently and did this. Perhaps this leads to mistrust and even later on some infighting between these Sith, with a lot of finger-pointing between sub-factions...maybe that was part of the Banite Sith's plan, or at least something they hoped for.

  • @G200064
    @G200064 Рік тому

    "You can live with me you're hot senator wife" meme

  • @Justin1021
    @Justin1021 Рік тому

    I think it's more interesting to think what would've happened if Kenobi left the order for Satine

  • @timothyschwartz5518
    @timothyschwartz5518 Рік тому

    What if Count Dooku trained Luke?
    What If the Mortis gods summoned Anakin just after he left Tattoonie?
    What if Nute Gunray never escaped during the clone wars?

  • @langrab_Ivan
    @langrab_Ivan Рік тому +1

    What if Shaak Ti was Ahsoka's mom?

  • @analerma3837
    @analerma3837 Рік тому +1

    What if Anakin had a zygerrian Padawan after ahsoka left the Jedi order

    • @t8kabr8km85
      @t8kabr8km85 Рік тому

      Order 66... he wouldnt be able to learn to trust that padawan in the remaining time between ashoka leaving and order 66...
      so anakin would just murder that padawan in the temple with the rest. Probably would be one of the few kills he would never feel guilty about.

  • @captainmorgan4179
    @captainmorgan4179 Рік тому

    Can you do a story on star trek vs star wars? How they ran into each other and so on.
    I know there others have done that, but I'm sure some of us will like to see your version on it.

  • @patrickd2853
    @patrickd2853 Рік тому +1

    What if the baran do sages found Anakin/ Luke.

  • @sirclonemageda1st
    @sirclonemageda1st Рік тому

    What if Anakin never turned to the dark side but had to rebuild the Jedi order secretly because of the Empire and Sidious. Like if almost every Jedi died or he was too permanently injured to fight Sidious himself

  • @brianhill3561
    @brianhill3561 Рік тому +1

    Could you please do this What if Jedi Master Fay trained Anakin Skywalker,,,, Jedi Master Fay was classed as the purest Jedi Master in the Order,,, she was 300 years old blessed by the Force with agelessness because of her love of life and love of the Force

  • @brokenbridge6316
    @brokenbridge6316 Рік тому

    "What if" Meetra Surik didn't leave after she help defeat the Sith Triumvirate?

  • @ryandyer3466
    @ryandyer3466 Рік тому

    19:08 well appreciated Beatles reference?

  • @edgaracajabon9522
    @edgaracajabon9522 Рік тому

    What if Padme became a Jedi and said I'll never turn to the dark side I'm a Jedi like my son after me. You failed Anakin. I have the high ground

  • @Copper6siege
    @Copper6siege Рік тому +1

    … that isn’t controlling of anakin. It’s having common sense.

    • @t8kabr8km85
      @t8kabr8km85 Рік тому +1

      exactly i cant remember the exact quote from the time Anakin battered that senator but it was something along the lines of "i thought he didnt mean anything to you".
      shit like that is cheating 101. Theres being secure in a relationship then theres being willfully blind. and before anyone brings up their relationship was secret you can say you're in one without saying who.

  • @King-iy6xu
    @King-iy6xu Рік тому

    What if Ahsoka arrived with Darth Maul some hours before Order 66 on Coruscant? Stop Anakin from becoming Darth Vader, everything changes. Even if Order 66 still happens.

  • @danielharman572
    @danielharman572 Рік тому

    What if princess leia and ashoka tano traveled back through time to spend 10 years training with grandmaster yoda on dagobah then returned to their own time with leia a fully trained jedi knight and ashoka tano a jedi master. By the way it's princess leia from just after luke tells her that she's his sister and vader is their father that goes to train on dagobah in the past. Kind regards from Daniel Harman.

  • @bigjoem9808
    @bigjoem9808 Рік тому

    What if the senate rejected the Empires creation.

  • @chrisevans7368
    @chrisevans7368 Рік тому

    Communication station yeah

  • @calebvaldecanas8867
    @calebvaldecanas8867 8 місяців тому

    Some exes could really benefit from hearing about how ani and padme learned how to be in a relationship 😭

  • @sebastianwhite8491
    @sebastianwhite8491 Рік тому

    What if Anakin became a Senator

  • @brothers_of_nod
    @brothers_of_nod Рік тому

    Hurray for healthy relationships!

  • @AlexSDU
    @AlexSDU Рік тому

    What if Asajj Ventress brought to Jedi Temple by Jedi Knight Ky Narec, and accepted as a Padawan?
    What if the Trade Federation managed to capture Queen Amidala before she manage to escape Naboo? How the Prequel trilogy gonna continue?

  • @julienchinarro
    @julienchinarro Рік тому

    yeah incredible video, BTW have you been inspired by John Lennon and Yoko Ono, for the bed protestation of Ani and Padme ?

  • @tainoman7905
    @tainoman7905 Рік тому

    Going Vader comic with this but WHAT IF Vader resurrected Padmé?