Shuma-Gorath is a god of another dimension. Otherwise known as the Lord Of Chaos. He was once a ruler of the earth until banished by Sise-Neg (Genesis backwards). He assumes the form of whatever the humans fear the most, he has immortality and mystical powers. He now has a new challenger whom is guided by the Ancient One, Doctor Strange.
Marvel had a perfect opportunity to bring Gorath back after years of being unused, in the Thanos Imperative event but they blew it. He also could have been a better choice for Chaos War, but they went to use Mikaboshi instead, and the story stunk bad. Been too many hit and misses with them lately.
Shuma-Gorath is a god of another dimension. Otherwise known as the Lord Of Chaos. He was once a ruler of the earth until banished by Sise-Neg (Genesis backwards). He assumes the form of whatever the humans fear the most, he has immortality and mystical powers. He now has a new challenger whom is guided by the Ancient One, Doctor Strange.
Shuma-Goraths theme goes with everything!!!
I assure you, demon hunter. You have never faced my like before!
The power of Hell is of no concern to the Lord of Chaos! -Shuma Gorath-
Que genial música
Ive liked this too much to re-like it.
Marvel had a perfect opportunity to bring Gorath back after years of being unused, in the Thanos Imperative event but they blew it. He also could have been a better choice for Chaos War, but they went to use Mikaboshi instead, and the story stunk bad. Been too many hit and misses with them lately.
Shuma is my waifu 3
This version is better.
Nice job dude, but his name is Shuma-Gorath, not Samura-Gorath.
@UberCharger56 - More like *Monocle*
sounds likge gunstar heroes bgm
You and me both bro.