What's your opinion on this- Everyone on the cast as well as the postcast was really stressed on the fact that Milton was so young and the age difference. Tbh, we have had women the same age in previous seasons and even this season who got married (not 24 but 25, still very similar), and no one ever questioned that. So have we as a society just concluded that it is normal for women to marry early but men have the liberty to take time to build a career marry in their 30s and still be in the norm?
I also wonder if knowing that biologically the male brain develops at a slower rate/is not at its full maturity until age 26 could’ve gone into play when not necessarily calling out the women of the same age! I think (I would need to fact check this too) most women have an emotional maturity by age 25+ that maybe not as many men have!
I was thinking this same thing! Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like an age difference of six years isn't considered a big deal when it's the woman who is younger.
Emphasis on their age gap. 24 is already young to begin with. Yes, Milton is mature and somewhat established for his age, but let's keep in mind most 24 year olds are fresh out of college and still have undeveloped brains (that's just science). Lydia is 6 years older, acts like his mother, and much more established in her career. Can they work? Sure. But it was valid to question the stark differences
It would be really cool to see a few pre-marital counseling sessions to be included in the show to really show couples the serious aspect of the commitment of marriage and ask the questions they potentially weren’t
i believe people have mentioned that cast are given questions to ask by production or something to help them initiate deeper and more serious conversations
“We’re not PBS!” 😂😂 I died. If it makes you feel better, I sleep 9-11 hours too. I can’t function on less. My dr said it’s completely normal for me - Some people just need more sleep than others. I hate that I am one of those bc I want 2-3 more hours/day.
I always felt like Izzy was controlling his image on the show and trying to appear like a good person. Based on how he treated Johnnie and his manifesto after he didn’t get married- I don’t think he really cares about anyone actually.
Y'all filmed your reunion for 5 hours???? You had to put up with Shake for 5 hours???? Your reunion was insane, I could not imagine. Though it was entertaining to watch for sure.
I’m so envious of Natalie’s ability to sleep 9-11 hours! I’ve had insomnia since childhood. My brain just never shuts off. I average about 6 hours/night. I only feel rested when I’m lucky enough to get 8 hrs, maybe once a month😴💤
They definitely didn’t keep Lydia accountable, she was shady boots the whole season and at the end they tried to make her look good (same as izzy and Stacey) because they were the only couples
LOVE your podcast you ladies are both such great role models for young women- Even though love is blind ended we would love to keep hearing you guys talk about literally anything
Yay! Happy 1 year 🎉 I love listening to your podcasts! I loved you both on your LIB season, just real and authentic, and even more now! I feel like I can relate to a lot of the real life stuff you both bring up, from life choices to mental health, to plain girl talk. Love catching up with my ladies! Keep it going! ❤👯♀️
Stacey was a bully and still is. She needs to be called out for her actions and words. She has no remorse or shame for the way he treats other people and it's so shocking to see how she has not at least tried to apologize.
I'm not sure that I agree that you have to be sure about marrying the person to get engaged on the show. I think if they treat the engagement as a way to get to know the person better, it can still work. That was one of the things I loved about the Japan season. 8 couples got engaged, but only a small amount made it to the wedding part because they used the engagement period to make the decision instead of forcing themselves to make it to the altar even when they knew it wasn't going to work.
That was actually one of the main reasons I disliked the Japan season. It didn't feel like most couples were taking it seriously or asking the important questions until way after the fact. Made it super predictable imo
@LoraK31 I agree!!! I hate when they get up to the alter & they put on the wedding attire for them not to get married. It sucks, if I was in that position It would suck for when I actually get married because most ppl just want to do it once uk
@@Kloves818 Really? The women on the Japan series were much more logical and making sure the match served them versus the American show where the women just agree with everything to get picked.
I love that you 2 are "of color." Aside from that, you 2 are so relatable, pleasant, and *decent.* That is a huge compliment in this day and age of nastiness.
@@Scoutbq1lPlease take this comment down… this is on par with saying black people are loud and Asian people are smart. Generalizing based on skin color is the reason racism exists. :/
I really wish you guys would record together in the same room 😢 at least when you’re in the same city, right now it just feels like a zoom meeting between you both. Love ya!
Thank you for your podcast, it's always great to listen to your opinions ! :) (Also I'm on Natalie's side, I sleep btw 8 and 10 hours a night, 7hours of sleep is sleep deprivation, I don't feel rested if I wake up before at least 9 hours of sleep. (I also have a lot of parasomnia, so that may explain it but anyway, I totally get needing a "lot" of sleep, you're not alone 😂)
I always learned 8 hours is the suggestion but I feel like 9 hours is just as common as 6 or 7 hours now 11 hours is like on my off day type thing I love that shit 22:22 WOAH Natalie you snapped 😂
So proud of my favorite LIB duo! It's interesting how people make the mistake of viewing Milton as emotionally stable just because Lydia next to him gives erratic and almost volatile, but the way he's gaslit her and seems allergic to emotional expression is just the other extreme of unhealthy / emotional immaturity.
Definitely don’t feel shame about sleeping 9-11 hours, but you could be feeling extra tired if you have a nutrient deficiency (vitamin D, B vitamins, iron..). I still sleep 12 hours on weekends but I wasn’t eating a healthy diet for a long time so I’m still trying to recover from that. At the end of the day, you need the amount of sleep that you feel you need for your brain to function. EDIT: also if you struggle with seasonal depression, taking a vitamin D3 supplement can help. 😅
Natalie, when I was a baby, my pediatrician told my mom that I would need 9-10 hours of sleep a night. He said different people need different amounts. ❤
It's totally normal to need that much sleep! Different people need different amounts of sleep, with some people being just fine on 6 hours and others feeling sleep deprived, headachey, etc, on less than 11 hours. People who need more than 9 hours on a regular basis are rare, but they're out there. As long as health issues like vitamin deficiencies and auto-immune disorders are ruled out, it's nothing bad or unhealthy at all, you just simply need more sleep than other people do. I so relate to Natalie, I feel very sleep deprived on 7 hours and almost feel like I'm getting sick, with a headache and sore throat. I have fibromyalgia, so I both need a lot of sleep and almost never get enough in a night, so I have to nap on many days or I'm not gonna be okay, lol. It's a struggle, since, as Natalie described when they were filming LIB, it's so hard to keep up with everyone else and the way society is set up. Either I have to feel like shit or miss out on a lot of things, lol.
I feel like Natalie should let Deepti have her opinion I feel like she is trying to overshadow her anyways I like deepti opinion but I can tell she has healed but for Natalie she is sounding angry
Really? I like how Natalie has an opinion and doesn’t mold herself to others, but is still gentle and polite about it. I love Deepti, too; sometimes she seems a bit gullible bc she’s so sweet & kind. I kind of like that they don’t agree on everything 😊
I hate when contestants like Lydia or Mildred (Ultimatum Queer Love) perpetuate the ‘toxic emotional Latina’ narrative. Tiff hit the nail on the head when she told Mildred that respect has no race….Lydia needs the same advice.
Same as Nathalie, I need my full 9 hours of sleep and if I have only 8, I find it difficult to function and communicate effectively. You are not alone 🙂
“For optimum health and function, the average adult should get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. But more than 60% of women regularly fall short of that goal.” -Harvard So it’s all good ♥️😂
The way people view age on this show is so wild to me. Mid-late twenties is not young in terms of marriage or kids. I don't understand the stigma. I wanted to be married and have 2 kids by the time I was 25 😂 when i think of "getting married young" everyone in my area automatically associates that with like 18 or 19 straight out of high school. 24+ is considered established.
I live in the DC area. We call it the DMV (DC, Maryland & Va). Most is high education and jobs are military, government and contractors. There’s also lots of medical jobs as well.
Genetics can play a role in how much sleep you need, all the women in my family can sleep for 12 hours a day if we were allowed to. A lot of us are anemic too and that adds onto it.
Love the podcast! But I feel like Deepti goes way to easy on Izzy. I understand we are all imperfect and hurt people hurt people. But the way Izzy treated Stacy at the end of the wedding episode, the way he lied to her, the way he treated Jonnie all reek of misogyny and entitlement. He hasn’t even cleared the bare minimum for how to treat others and it’s gross to see him get treated with kid gloves while other cast members got raked through the coals for their actions.
Enoch and Erika got engaged and they had like no screen time at all. They could’ve followed their story to have more couples.But no seems like they followed the wrong couples the abusive one
I’m lucky if I sleep more than 6 hours 😩 being a night owl but having to go to work at 7 am while taking 2+ hours to get ready should be considered an extreme sport lmao
I'm curious, what takes you so long when you get ready? I guess you can just be really chill and slow in the morning but when I'm getting up early I would rather sleep more and be faster getting ready lol
It's really hard when it comes to the show and keeping it engaging because even though this is supposed to be an experiment, its controlled and filtered on how authentic the experience is and what they actually show as a result. It's like the actual filming is the mentos in the cola but what they actually show is them crushing a mentos and only putting a controlled amount of the crushed powder in little spickets of exactly measured amounts. What I would prefer is that if couples do not work out if any of them, show that love can be blind for YOURSELF if you say no. It is also hard to rally behind perfect couples because the audience needs something to latch on to an relate. Some couples do indeed get along like two peas in a love is blind pod. But there are so many people who romanticize and fantasize romance in itself not knowing that part of love is commitment and respect, that latch on to this show like a saving grace. Lydia is an exact example of this where it is clear she kept saying she wants someone to love her for herself without taking accountability for what she needs to improve upon in order to get closer to a perfectly imperfect match. There is a compatibility with her and Milton because how the navigate the world does challenge the other to learn how the other deals with life and they can balance each other out. But for a perfect balance means to also come directly head to head with exact opposite sides that don't see each other or understand. He works off logic and she works off raw emotion. He needs to work on empathy and putting himself in another's shoes in select amounts of instances. She needs to temper her emotions. There are perks and flaws to all standpoints. And that's where I feel like this experiment would do better with a longer time frame for this experiment. Theres just not 👏 enough 👏 time 👏 to develop this process. Experiments should evolve when you figure out what wasn't working. Not "see guys they found love you can too the exact same way" when everyone is nuanced and different.
For me, I recognize the fear Izzy has. He is looking to be saved. Izzy didn’t have a job at the time the season started. It was clear he didn’t have funds to invest in dishes and built a reason around it that protects his so called “values”. He wanted a strong woman who had her shit together to latch onto to gain opportunities to get out of his situation. He’s deeply insecure which breaks my heart for him. He would be a catch if he had something he could be responsible for to be grounded and proud of himself.
It felt force bc it was like that, not just from the producer's perspective, but also from Lydia and Uche's sideline story (and what might had actually happened there), They might be in love now for real, but it doesn't mean it necessarily started that way, it was basically pushed down our throats.
9-11 is just right! I'm jealous! Also it varies for every person some people need 7 or 6! I need 8 minimum but have definitely had weekends where I sleep 11 sometimes 12 hours! Life is tiring! If I got 7 hours I would also not be able to function.
Natalie …11-12 hours is literally HALF of the day 😂😂 we only get 24hours girl … Also, with Aaliyah, I hated that the focus was stuck on if Lydia knew Uche was gonna be there …why did they not talk at all about the friendship and closeness Lydia had with Aaliyah and if it was wrong/inappropriate or not?
I would LOVE to sleep 9-11 hours!! I think it’s perfectly fine if you have the time to do it! Maybe I’ll be able to once my kids are a little bit older lol
It is evident that Lydia knew or at least suspected that Uche was being casted. But, in the end, it is a production job to guarantee that they were all unknown to one another. Lydia had no choice rather than say yes and build a love story. She needed to clean her image. I do believe production could have pushed Milton to an yes. But if they hadn't figured out their differences, they wouldn't be together up to know. Stacy is bad character, simple and clear. There is not much more to say about her. I don't blame her for saying no for someone who does not have a healthy relationship with his own finances. Yet, she could had handled it so much better if she had a minimum human decency. Izzy is someone difficult to respect. There is not much content in there. He is shallow. His mother had much more to offer to the show than he himself.
I know what you mean Deepti, I kind of like Izzy too even though I hate the way he was with Johnie.. I think it’s from watching the Viall Files podcast and seeing him talk on there. It just feels like he’s more human maybe.
I can't survive well on just 8 hours on sleep, even though I know it's the "recommended" amount. I'm also in Natalie's camp of 9 to 11 hours of sleep. Sleep is super important for good health, the body and brain do a lot of restorative work while we sleep. :)
Yess 9-10 hours for me makes me actually feel alive! Also, old people sleep way less than you'd think! They only need maybe 4 hours of sleep, and less and less as they get older.
Really proud of you both for pursuing this and all the opps that came your way from your LiB experience. It's especially sweet to see women pf colour getting those desls!Thanks for keeping it real! P.s. damn you're sleeping ypur life away Natalie 😂 I think 7 to 8 hours is the "norm" for 30+ demo.
Brain science says apparently that you need an 8 hours sleep oppotunity minimum. So ut should 8.5 h at least because of time it takes you to fall asleep properly etc. But also you should ideally aim for consistent number of hours, so it should be like 9.5 always rather than 9 to 11. Your body clock needs to be consistent for good sleep
I think Izzy is an alcoholic and no one talks about it. Alcoholism runs on a continuum. He is one. I see the signs. We all got to see the signs. He is also so insecure! It’s sad which makes him a person you can’t trust because he doesn’t know how to be himself because he has a lot of discomfort about who he is. So lies will be a part of his way of being because of his insecurities and his possible alcoholism.
Can you elaborate on why you think that? Honestly curious cuz I never got that vibe from him. (Edit: on the alcoholism. I totally agree that he's very insecure.)
DC LIB would be interesting! I lived there. Yep, career is super important, also geography (inside/outside the beltway, are you DC, MD, or VA, each has different vibe!), and of course, your political beliefs - not for everyone in DC area, but most.
Normal amount of sleep for adults is 7-9 hours & a healthy, happy dog should sleep around 12-14! I looooove sleep, ideally i get about 8.5-9 hours, no shame
i’m definitely on natalie’s side! 😭 i need 10 hours of sleep to function! lol but i do know that women are supposed to get more sleep then men! Like 6 is not enough.
Okay so I’ve studied sleep a lot as someone that is obsessed with her own sleep quality lol and at the end of the day, you should sleep however much your body usually needs! However, I think 11 hours is pretty extreme for most! I’d probably look into it just to make sure all is good. I sleep 7-8 hours though I know I pretty much need as close to 8 as possible. I start to feel gross when I sleep closer to 9+ hours. But I also know people who have that same reaction to anything more than 7 or under 10, so again. Up to you! But I would say the average recommendation is 7-8 hours :)
Sleeping 9-11 hrs sounds *heavenly*. Don't care what's "normal" 😊
I'm on Natalie's side, the more sleep the better.
What's your opinion on this- Everyone on the cast as well as the postcast was really stressed on the fact that Milton was so young and the age difference. Tbh, we have had women the same age in previous seasons and even this season who got married (not 24 but 25, still very similar), and no one ever questioned that. So have we as a society just concluded that it is normal for women to marry early but men have the liberty to take time to build a career marry in their 30s and still be in the norm?
Irina's age was questioned along with her choices, she also blamed her attitude on her age so, Milton is just a rare exception
Taylor was 26, just a little older than Milton, but it was never brought up.
I also wonder if knowing that biologically the male brain develops at a slower rate/is not at its full maturity until age 26 could’ve gone into play when not necessarily calling out the women of the same age! I think (I would need to fact check this too) most women have an emotional maturity by age 25+ that maybe not as many men have!
I was thinking this same thing! Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like an age difference of six years isn't considered a big deal when it's the woman who is younger.
Emphasis on their age gap. 24 is already young to begin with. Yes, Milton is mature and somewhat established for his age, but let's keep in mind most 24 year olds are fresh out of college and still have undeveloped brains (that's just science). Lydia is 6 years older, acts like his mother, and much more established in her career. Can they work? Sure. But it was valid to question the stark differences
It would be really cool to see a few pre-marital counseling sessions to be included in the show to really show couples the serious aspect of the commitment of marriage and ask the questions they potentially weren’t
i believe people have mentioned that cast are given questions to ask by production or something to help them initiate deeper and more serious conversations
it would be cool to see the producers actually approach it like that, instead of pro-drama and chaos
I thought they wont do it just to keep the crappy quality they love so much lol
“We’re not PBS!” 😂😂 I died. If it makes you feel better, I sleep 9-11 hours too. I can’t function on less. My dr said it’s completely normal for me - Some people just need more sleep than others. I hate that I am one of those bc I want 2-3 more hours/day.
I always felt like Izzy was controlling his image on the show and trying to appear like a good person. Based on how he treated Johnnie and his manifesto after he didn’t get married- I don’t think he really cares about anyone actually.
Wait yeah and then he hooked up with Jonnie after all that!😮
Y'all filmed your reunion for 5 hours???? You had to put up with Shake for 5 hours???? Your reunion was insane, I could not imagine. Though it was entertaining to watch for sure.
I’m so envious of Natalie’s ability to sleep 9-11 hours! I’ve had insomnia since childhood. My brain just never shuts off. I average about 6 hours/night. I only feel rested when I’m lucky enough to get 8 hrs, maybe once a month😴💤
They definitely didn’t keep Lydia accountable, she was shady boots the whole season and at the end they tried to make her look good (same as izzy and Stacey) because they were the only couples
LOVE your podcast you ladies are both such great role models for young women- Even though love is blind ended we would love to keep hearing you guys talk about literally anything
The only reason I'll watch the next LIB is because of them talking about it, it's fun hearing them ❤
Yay! Happy 1 year 🎉 I love listening to your podcasts! I loved you both on your LIB season, just real and authentic, and even more now! I feel like I can relate to a lot of the real life stuff you both bring up, from life choices to mental health, to plain girl talk. Love catching up with my ladies! Keep it going!
I’m definitely not a 9-10 hour sleeper. My body hurts if I sleep too long. I’m with Deepti lol
Stacey was a bully and still is. She needs to be called out for her actions and words. She has no remorse or shame for the way he treats other people and it's so shocking to see how she has not at least tried to apologize.
Preeeeach 🙌
please continue to make these! so awesome to see ur opinions with you having personal experience in the show
I love waking up and watching your videos! So happy you upload early!!!
I'm not sure that I agree that you have to be sure about marrying the person to get engaged on the show. I think if they treat the engagement as a way to get to know the person better, it can still work. That was one of the things I loved about the Japan season. 8 couples got engaged, but only a small amount made it to the wedding part because they used the engagement period to make the decision instead of forcing themselves to make it to the altar even when they knew it wasn't going to work.
That was actually one of the main reasons I disliked the Japan season. It didn't feel like most couples were taking it seriously or asking the important questions until way after the fact. Made it super predictable imo
@LoraK31 I agree!!! I hate when they get up to the alter & they put on the wedding attire for them not to get married. It sucks, if I was in that position It would suck for when I actually get married because most ppl just want to do it once uk
@@Kloves818 Really? The women on the Japan series were much more logical and making sure the match served them versus the American show where the women just agree with everything to get picked.
I love that you 2 are "of color." Aside from that, you 2 are so relatable, pleasant, and *decent.* That is a huge compliment in this day and age of nastiness.
i find "generally speaking" the women of colour are the least toxic. Sadly also the least valued.
@@Scoutbq1lPlease take this comment down… this is on par with saying black people are loud and Asian people are smart. Generalizing based on skin color is the reason racism exists. :/
I really wish you guys would record together in the same room 😢 at least when you’re in the same city, right now it just feels like a zoom meeting between you both. Love ya!
Thank you for your podcast, it's always great to listen to your opinions ! :) (Also I'm on Natalie's side, I sleep btw 8 and 10 hours a night, 7hours of sleep is sleep deprivation, I don't feel rested if I wake up before at least 9 hours of sleep. (I also have a lot of parasomnia, so that may explain it but anyway, I totally get needing a "lot" of sleep, you're not alone 😂)
You're not alone Natalie! I get headaches from fatigue if I only get 7 for a couple days XD I think each person is different lol
This podcast is literally a Thursday ritual for me❤
Anyone else?
I always learned 8 hours is the suggestion but I feel like 9 hours is just as common as 6 or 7 hours now 11 hours is like on my off day type thing I love that shit
22:22 WOAH Natalie you snapped 😂
So proud of my favorite LIB duo!
It's interesting how people make the mistake of viewing Milton as emotionally stable just because Lydia next to him gives erratic and almost volatile, but the way he's gaslit her and seems allergic to emotional expression is just the other extreme of unhealthy / emotional immaturity.
Deepti i *love* your hair like that!
Definitely don’t feel shame about sleeping 9-11 hours, but you could be feeling extra tired if you have a nutrient deficiency (vitamin D, B vitamins, iron..). I still sleep 12 hours on weekends but I wasn’t eating a healthy diet for a long time so I’m still trying to recover from that. At the end of the day, you need the amount of sleep that you feel you need for your brain to function.
EDIT: also if you struggle with seasonal depression, taking a vitamin D3 supplement can help. 😅
It doesn’t help that a lot of the cast was invited to apply through social media rather than them applying on their own desire
I'm definitely a 9-10 hours per night kinda girl. I figured out that's what my system seems to naturally need so I just let it get on with it 😄
Natalie, when I was a baby, my pediatrician told my mom that I would need 9-10 hours of sleep a night. He said different people need different amounts. ❤
It's totally normal to need that much sleep! Different people need different amounts of sleep, with some people being just fine on 6 hours and others feeling sleep deprived, headachey, etc, on less than 11 hours. People who need more than 9 hours on a regular basis are rare, but they're out there. As long as health issues like vitamin deficiencies and auto-immune disorders are ruled out, it's nothing bad or unhealthy at all, you just simply need more sleep than other people do. I so relate to Natalie, I feel very sleep deprived on 7 hours and almost feel like I'm getting sick, with a headache and sore throat. I have fibromyalgia, so I both need a lot of sleep and almost never get enough in a night, so I have to nap on many days or I'm not gonna be okay, lol. It's a struggle, since, as Natalie described when they were filming LIB, it's so hard to keep up with everyone else and the way society is set up. Either I have to feel like shit or miss out on a lot of things, lol.
I sleep 7-8 hours a night but I usually take a 1 to 2 hours nap in the afternoon
I feel like Natalie should let Deepti have her opinion I feel like she is trying to overshadow her anyways I like deepti opinion but I can tell she has healed but for Natalie she is sounding angry
Really? I like how Natalie has an opinion and doesn’t mold herself to others, but is still gentle and polite about it. I love Deepti, too; sometimes she seems a bit gullible bc she’s so sweet & kind. I kind of like that they don’t agree on everything 😊
YAYYY just in time for your upload x hi from Australia!!
Fellow Aussie here 👋 in WA
I hate when contestants like Lydia or Mildred (Ultimatum Queer Love) perpetuate the ‘toxic emotional Latina’ narrative. Tiff hit the nail on the head when she told Mildred that respect has no race….Lydia needs the same advice.
Same as Nathalie, I need my full 9 hours of sleep and if I have only 8, I find it difficult to function and communicate effectively. You are not alone 🙂
Welcome back Natalie ❤
I agree with Dipti on Stacy and Izzy- that he seek that validation and she uses him when she needs him (like right before reunion)
Being compared to a dog is an honour, Natalie. 🐶🐕
“For optimum health and function, the average adult should get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. But more than 60% of women regularly fall short of that goal.” -Harvard
So it’s all good ♥️😂
Great podcast, you cats Look FABULOUS!!! Keep shining!!❤
I think that the producers do target people via social media and I think they could do a better job of vetting
Idk what made them pick Carter & JP
I've listened to the sleep doctor, Erik Danielsson, and he regularly says what feels good to you is the most important. 🤷♀
The way people view age on this show is so wild to me. Mid-late twenties is not young in terms of marriage or kids. I don't understand the stigma. I wanted to be married and have 2 kids by the time I was 25 😂 when i think of "getting married young" everyone in my area automatically associates that with like 18 or 19 straight out of high school. 24+ is considered established.
I live in the DC area. We call it the DMV (DC, Maryland & Va). Most is high education and jobs are military, government and contractors. There’s also lots of medical jobs as well.
Great episode as usual. Keep up the good job! Thanks from Sweden
Genetics can play a role in how much sleep you need, all the women in my family can sleep for 12 hours a day if we were allowed to. A lot of us are anemic too and that adds onto it.
Love the podcast! But I feel like Deepti goes way to easy on Izzy. I understand we are all imperfect and hurt people hurt people. But the way Izzy treated Stacy at the end of the wedding episode, the way he lied to her, the way he treated Jonnie all reek of misogyny and entitlement. He hasn’t even cleared the bare minimum for how to treat others and it’s gross to see him get treated with kid gloves while other cast members got raked through the coals for their actions.
9-11 hours of sleep is insane unless you’re sick. 7-8 hours as a adult is plenty of sleep
Enoch and Erika got engaged and they had like no screen time at all. They could’ve followed their story to have more couples.But no seems like they followed the wrong couples the abusive one
You guys should watch and review Married at First Sight!!
Would LOVE to see your guys thoughts on that!
I sleep 8-9 hours. 7 is a lil low. 11 sounds pretty high lol 😂. I think usually 7-9 hours is recommended for adults.
I’m lucky if I sleep more than 6 hours 😩 being a night owl but having to go to work at 7 am while taking 2+ hours to get ready should be considered an extreme sport lmao
I'm curious, what takes you so long when you get ready? I guess you can just be really chill and slow in the morning but when I'm getting up early I would rather sleep more and be faster getting ready lol
It takes me about 2 hours to get ready too 😅
Love you guys!
It's really hard when it comes to the show and keeping it engaging because even though this is supposed to be an experiment, its controlled and filtered on how authentic the experience is and what they actually show as a result.
It's like the actual filming is the mentos in the cola but what they actually show is them crushing a mentos and only putting a controlled amount of the crushed powder in little spickets of exactly measured amounts.
What I would prefer is that if couples do not work out if any of them, show that love can be blind for YOURSELF if you say no.
It is also hard to rally behind perfect couples because the audience needs something to latch on to an relate. Some couples do indeed get along like two peas in a love is blind pod. But there are so many people who romanticize and fantasize romance in itself not knowing that part of love is commitment and respect, that latch on to this show like a saving grace.
Lydia is an exact example of this where it is clear she kept saying she wants someone to love her for herself without taking accountability for what she needs to improve upon in order to get closer to a perfectly imperfect match.
There is a compatibility with her and Milton because how the navigate the world does challenge the other to learn how the other deals with life and they can balance each other out. But for a perfect balance means to also come directly head to head with exact opposite sides that don't see each other or understand. He works off logic and she works off raw emotion. He needs to work on empathy and putting himself in another's shoes in select amounts of instances. She needs to temper her emotions. There are perks and flaws to all standpoints.
And that's where I feel like this experiment would do better with a longer time frame for this experiment. Theres just not 👏 enough 👏 time 👏 to develop this process.
Experiments should evolve when you figure out what wasn't working. Not "see guys they found love you can too the exact same way" when everyone is nuanced and different.
Yeah the show is not well named. It's very clear that love is not blind. Physical attraction does play a role whether people want to admit it or not.
For me, I recognize the fear Izzy has. He is looking to be saved. Izzy didn’t have a job at the time the season started. It was clear he didn’t have funds to invest in dishes and built a reason around it that protects his so called “values”. He wanted a strong woman who had her shit together to latch onto to gain opportunities to get out of his situation. He’s deeply insecure which breaks my heart for him. He would be a catch if he had something he could be responsible for to be grounded and proud of himself.
It felt force bc it was like that, not just from the producer's perspective, but also from Lydia and Uche's sideline story (and what might had actually happened there), They might be in love now for real, but it doesn't mean it necessarily started that way, it was basically pushed down our throats.
I feel best when i get 9 hours of sleep. Unfortunately that is difficult when you try to live a normal life with a normal day job😅
How come you guys aren't discoverable on YT music?
That is so much sleep! How do you work or do things during the day? 7-8 hours is normal
I need my 9 hours of sleep at least. Especially in the winter.
I used to sleep 9-11 hours as well but then kids came along and now it’s like a dream 😂
9-11 is just right! I'm jealous! Also it varies for every person some people need 7 or 6! I need 8 minimum but have definitely had weekends where I sleep 11 sometimes 12 hours! Life is tiring! If I got 7 hours I would also not be able to function.
Natalie …11-12 hours is literally HALF of the day 😂😂 we only get 24hours girl … Also, with Aaliyah, I hated that the focus was stuck on if Lydia knew Uche was gonna be there …why did they not talk at all about the friendship and closeness Lydia had with Aaliyah and if it was wrong/inappropriate or not?
I would LOVE to sleep 9-11 hours!! I think it’s perfectly fine if you have the time to do it! Maybe I’ll be able to once my kids are a little bit older lol
It is evident that Lydia knew or at least suspected that Uche was being casted. But, in the end, it is a production job to guarantee that they were all unknown to one another.
Lydia had no choice rather than say yes and build a love story. She needed to clean her image.
I do believe production could have pushed Milton to an yes. But if they hadn't figured out their differences, they wouldn't be together up to know.
Stacy is bad character, simple and clear. There is not much more to say about her. I don't blame her for saying no for someone who does not have a healthy relationship with his own finances. Yet, she could had handled it so much better if she had a minimum human decency.
Izzy is someone difficult to respect. There is not much content in there. He is shallow. His mother had much more to offer to the show than he himself.
6-7 hours are great for weekdays, 8-9 on weekends 🎉
Nathalie I'm just like you I need my 9 hours. But 11 you're pushing it 😂😂😘
I know what you mean Deepti, I kind of like Izzy too even though I hate the way he was with Johnie.. I think it’s from watching the Viall Files podcast and seeing him talk on there. It just feels like he’s more human maybe.
I wish I could get 9-11 hours of sleep but I'm a mum to an almost 2 year old so that doesn't happen 😂
I’ve never been so happy to be up this early for work 😂
For me 6-7 hours with naps during the day. Generally I can’t sleep past 6ish hours but have pushed it to 7ish.
They haven't shot 6 yet I think I just started the interview process for the show.
I need at least 9 to function, 11 sounds amazing!
I can't survive well on just 8 hours on sleep, even though I know it's the "recommended" amount. I'm also in Natalie's camp of 9 to 11 hours of sleep. Sleep is super important for good health, the body and brain do a lot of restorative work while we sleep. :)
9-11 hours is a crazy amount of time to sleep for 😂😂 8 is a treat for me. I usually sit at 7 hours
Okay next podcast, I want an update on NY man! 😂
Tell us what other cities they are filming! I’m curious 👀
so you were able to sleep for 11 hours when you worked in consulting too? that's nuts so you slept from 9pm to 8am?? dang
Chelsea is in Denver filming Love is blind
Yess 9-10 hours for me makes me actually feel alive! Also, old people sleep way less than you'd think! They only need maybe 4 hours of sleep, and less and less as they get older.
If I get 8 hour of sleep I consider it a miracle. My average is 7 hours
I love sleeping 9 to 10 hours a day, I'm sure I have done 11 some days hahaha "I thought it was normal" Me toooo!!!
Really proud of you both for pursuing this and all the opps that came your way from your LiB experience. It's especially sweet to see women pf colour getting those desls!Thanks for keeping it real!
P.s. damn you're sleeping ypur life away Natalie 😂 I think 7 to 8 hours is the "norm" for 30+ demo.
Brain science says apparently that you need an 8 hours sleep oppotunity minimum. So ut should 8.5 h at least because of time it takes you to fall asleep properly etc. But also you should ideally aim for consistent number of hours, so it should be like 9.5 always rather than 9 to 11. Your body clock needs to be consistent for good sleep
My fav part of this podcast was getting some insight into nat and ny boyyy 😉😉😉 seems like things are going wellll 😏
I think Izzy is an alcoholic and no one talks about it. Alcoholism runs on a continuum. He is one. I see the signs. We all got to see the signs. He is also so insecure! It’s sad which makes him a person you can’t trust because he doesn’t know how to be himself because he has a lot of discomfort about who he is. So lies will be a part of his way of being because of his insecurities and his possible alcoholism.
Can you elaborate on why you think that? Honestly curious cuz I never got that vibe from him. (Edit: on the alcoholism. I totally agree that he's very insecure.)
Lol I usually sleep 9-10 hours a day and more on the weekends🤪
DC LIB would be interesting! I lived there. Yep, career is super important, also geography (inside/outside the beltway, are you DC, MD, or VA, each has different vibe!), and of course, your political beliefs - not for everyone in DC area, but most.
Girl, my child sleeps 11 hours! 7 hours sleep and I’m good 😋 I think 7-8 hours is a normal amount for an adult.
I wish you guys would do LIB Brazil. It was so much better than thr last 2 seasons
The recommended amount of sleep is 7-9 hours. It varies for everyone...but 11 hours seems like a lot. I would probably bring it up to a doctor. :P
Normal amount of sleep for adults is 7-9 hours & a healthy, happy dog should sleep around 12-14!
I looooove sleep, ideally i get about 8.5-9 hours, no shame
i’m definitely on natalie’s side! 😭 i need 10 hours of sleep to function! lol
but i do know that women are supposed to get more sleep then men! Like 6 is not enough.
This is the first season I haven't followed any of the cast on instagram. It's because I don't like anyone from this season. 🤷🏼♀️
for me it's 7-8 hours for sure
I on the average get 6 hrs, if I get 7 or 8, it's amazing! But haven't slept for 9-11 hrs in years unless sick
What about the lawsuits? Crazy 😢
9 to 11 hours is baby/toddler sleep
11 hrs of sleep is insane
I'm also a mom and haven't slept over 6 hrs at a time in over a year 😂
Okay so I’ve studied sleep a lot as someone that is obsessed with her own sleep quality lol and at the end of the day, you should sleep however much your body usually needs! However, I think 11 hours is pretty extreme for most! I’d probably look into it just to make sure all is good. I sleep 7-8 hours though I know I pretty much need as close to 8 as possible. I start to feel gross when I sleep closer to 9+ hours. But I also know people who have that same reaction to anything more than 7 or under 10, so again. Up to you! But I would say the average recommendation is 7-8 hours :)