I can't stand women like your 1st wife. Women who only love her side of the family and don't care about the husband's side of the family. A lot of nyabs now a day are like this, unfortunately.
It seems that the husband and his first wife are well-suited for each other. He appears to lack the strength to protect his second wife. If you can't close one door, you shouldn't open another.
Kuv yog poj niam tabsis kuv tsi nyiam cov poj niam es yus hlub yus niam yus txiv xwb yus yeej tsi nco txog luag niam luag txiv li muaj kev sib pauv zog ho lawv ua li ntawd mob li nawb...Kuv yeej ntseeg vim yeej muaj cov niag tib neeg phem li niag poj niam no kawg nkaus li nawb lawv.
Poj hmoob dab tsi cas yuav mus phem2 tag baum no. Kuv yeej nkag siab txoj dab neeg no vim kuv los taug tib txoj kev li no los dua. Kuv yeej ntseeg tias tus pog laus no yeej lim hiam kawg..cov neeg phem no yuav npam xwb yog yus g tseg yus txoj kev phem no na.!😮
Wowo tus txiv coj li no Los yeej tsi yog zoo zoo os, yus lub neej tsi depends on kwv tij thiab neej tsa. Yog ho Cia li muab lub neej rhuav li no Los yeej tsi qhuas thiab os.
Best give up your kids to your crazy stalker wife and ignore them to have a better life until the crazy give up on your kids and you take them. Move out of state quietly to live your life freely. Your kids will grow old and they don’t need you Mr.
seems like you like playing the victim. Your second wife made the correct choice. Those kids don't deserve your love and protection at this time. You said they are old enough. Then they should not better. Unless you're not telling the full story. Everything that happened, happened b/c you let it happen.
Thaub koj xav tau pojniam ces muab koj cov menyuam ko lawb kiag nrog koj niag niam dev mus ces koj tau tsawg tus ces lawv yuav khiav menyuam xwb yuav dua pojniam tshiab mam yug dua tsis lig mog
Women that don’t like your family probably went through some rough patches with them. 2 sides to a story. Didn’t sound like you cared too much about your wife, because you didn’t care to compromise or work things out. Must of been a bad marriage.
I think this man is not stable. He can't make up his mind If that was me I put her in jail in the first time she destroy the cabin already I think he didn't tell his side of the story He blame the ex wife for everything but somethings smell fishy about him that's why the second wife left In the end. I think he is the problem
Peb txiv neej ces yog tus pojniam phem npaum ko ces yeej kawg nrauj kav tsij muab nrauj thaum ntxov txhob tos twb muaj me nyuam coob li koj yog koj tos muaj me nyuam coob li koj no lawm ces tim nws 80% yeej tim koj 20% thiab ov. Koj tus pojniam ko phem tiag tiag cuag li tus pojdab phim nyuam vais los tseem tshaj tabsis li cas los yog me nyaum loj tag lawm ces kav tsij khiav tawm lub zos ko es mus nrhiav dua ib tug pojniam es lub caij ntuj no yus thiaj tau puag pw sov os nawb. Tamsim no, ces qhov kawg seb puas mus xab teeb meem ntxiv es muab nws xa mus hlob kav hlau ib zaug ces nws yuav zeem xwb xwb li mas. Tsis li ces khiav tawm zos es nkaum mam tham yuav ib tug xwb os nawb.
Should have gone and divorced her at her parents' house and have both of u cone together and tell both sides your problems n one dont like it u guys can get divorced or try to at change for each other. If chances are given and at the end, it didn't change, then file for divorced both end. If the wife is like this, then, girl, if u can't love your n laws, why married the son. U expect ur hubby to love your side but not his....no no no...its not a one-sided, it's both sided love. You can't blame ur hubby for divorcing u too. Just go live your life. Both your kids are miserable cause the parents act like kids. You both need some real face to face action with both sides there to witness. Hope both of you make some good decisions and move on with your life, so ur kids can be happy and not stress about their parents' problems.
Vuag yog muaj tiag tiag li koj hais no no Koj tus niam loj ko siab phem dhau. Yog koj poj niam Khuvxim koj npaum li es Cas koj niag niam loj ho tsis yoog hlub koj niam koj txiv hlub kwv hlub tij naws. Koj niam loj ko dangers tiag tiag aws
Tus txiv neej ruam no ces kawg tuag rau nws tus Ex-wife xwb. Ua twb tsis tau txiv li es tseem swb pojniam xwb es leejtwg thiaj yuav nws nas. Thaum yus tsis yuav nws lawm mas txiav kom tus mus. Yog menyuam tsis pom txog yus ces tso menyuam xaiv thiab tso menyuam mus ntag ho. Nrog menyuam tham thiab qhia lawv what’s going on kom lawv paub es yog lawv tseem tuaj2 lawv niam tog ces let them go. Yus yuav tsum tau saib thiab saib cov menyuam ua puas yog thiab ho. Koj yeej paub tias koj tus Ex yeej yuav siv cov kids no los tsim txom koj mus li xwb. Yog koj ua tsis tau txiv ces txhob yuav pojniam li law es mus tuag rau koj tus Ex xwb mas. Yuav tsawg tus los koj yeej tiv thaiv tsis tau ces yeej yuav khiav mus xwb. Ruam tshaj koj tus Ex lawm thiab ces nyob twj ywm. Muaj smart phone thiab camera es twb txhom thiab kaw tsis tau nws tej lus li cas ces tuag rau nws xwb.
THis guy is liar. If wife does not love this family, in the Hmong culture he would bring her to his family to talk to her, which he never did. When his wife khiav mus rau her family, she complained that he is not good or this and that, but he too never mentioned anything to her family that she did not like his family. According to this story, he also never told his new wife of this either, until he brought his new wife in and the ex wife came, then he explained why he divorced her. This guy never said anything to anyone about his ex wife not liking his family. What a fool this guy to now tell a one sided story making himself god and his ex wife the evil.
To be honest, when u are with someone who truly dont like ur family and u feel she favors her side…eventually…u wont complaint anymore but to let go because some people dont want to change or improve when u approach nicely. There is no point of complaining…because a problem like this can become a big issue to the individual. Best to walk away when u can. The more u stay with someone like this and u feel its unfair, the more u suffer and there will always be arguments.
Ib tug pojniam yog twb tsis nyiam kwv tij ces tsis tas coj mus hais vim nws lub siab twm zeej ib yam li koj lub thiab ne ces yeej hais tsis tau coj mus los nws yeej tsis kam mus tham ib yam li koj ne hahahha...
Dude, why don't you treat her side of the family as she treats your family? You allowed her to get away with her attitude. Your parents paid too much money to pay for her ass. She isn't the woman for you. You should've divorced her.
You divorced for something so ridiculous! You should have went to get your wife and get your family back together. You both could have worked this out. You’re not a good person either.
Lam khaws poj nrauj yawg nrauj los ua neej ces yeej kawg lwj siab li no ntag nawb...
I can't stand women like your 1st wife. Women who only love her side of the family and don't care about the husband's side of the family. A lot of nyabs now a day are like this, unfortunately.
Totally 100 agreed
Yes, now days, it’s about 95% all sons are living under their wives shoes and their wives are the ones that are running the show only!
Yog mine was the same so it was bye-bye
It seems that the husband and his first wife are well-suited for each other. He appears to lack the strength to protect his second wife. If you can't close one door, you shouldn't open another.
Kuv yog poj niam tabsis kuv tsi nyiam cov poj niam es yus hlub yus niam yus txiv xwb yus yeej tsi nco txog luag niam luag txiv li muaj kev sib pauv zog ho lawv ua li ntawd mob li nawb...Kuv yeej ntseeg vim yeej muaj cov niag tib neeg phem li niag poj niam no kawg nkaus li nawb lawv.
Me too
You are one good man, most men would begged even they are not wrong
Yus twb nyiam yus tus txiv tag npaum no cas ho g ua ib tug zoo niam tsev mas crazy kawg
Poj hmoob dab tsi cas yuav mus phem2 tag baum no. Kuv yeej nkag siab txoj dab neeg no vim kuv los taug tib txoj kev li no los dua. Kuv yeej ntseeg tias tus pog laus no yeej lim hiam kawg..cov neeg phem no yuav npam xwb yog yus g tseg yus txoj kev phem no na.!😮
peb cov txiv neej thiab cov poj niam peb muaj niam pog txiv yawg muaj niam tais yawm txiv, yog hlub ces hlub ob leeg ob tog sib luag sib npaug ov mog, nco nroov hais tias niam tais yawm txiv ces yog yus ua poj nrauj poj tso ces thaum yuav tuag lawv muab koj nqa rau nraum zoov ov mog, thiab thaum tuag lawv tsis pam koj tsis kkkkk koj es yuav tau nco nroo li no mog hmoob,
Zoo kiag li kuv tus txiv ua rau kuv thiab
Wowo tus txiv coj li no Los yeej tsi yog zoo zoo os, yus lub neej tsi depends on kwv tij thiab neej tsa. Yog ho Cia li muab lub neej rhuav li no Los yeej tsi qhuas thiab os.
Best give up your kids to your crazy stalker wife and ignore them to have a better life until the crazy give up on your kids and you take them. Move out of state quietly to live your life freely. Your kids will grow old and they don’t need you Mr.
I agree with you 100%
You married and paid for her, NOT the other way around! A couple should love both side of parents/relatives equally.
Thov qhuas koj muaj khoom zoo heev. Congratulations 😁😁😁
Uacas koj tsis muaj tes taw li nev. Yog phem npaum li koj hais ces nws ua nyuj tuaj los yus koj ua nees tos thiab xwb.
Sounds like my story too.😅
Some people just need to understand we are not social people. We just like our bubble 🫧 .
seems like you like playing the victim. Your second wife made the correct choice. Those kids don't deserve your love and protection at this time. You said they are old enough. Then they should not better. Unless you're not telling the full story. Everything that happened, happened b/c you let it happen.
Thaub koj xav tau pojniam ces muab koj cov menyuam ko lawb kiag nrog koj niag niam dev mus ces koj tau tsawg tus ces lawv yuav khiav menyuam xwb yuav dua pojniam tshiab mam yug dua tsis lig mog
Women that don’t like your family probably went through some rough patches with them. 2 sides to a story. Didn’t sound like you cared too much about your wife, because you didn’t care to compromise or work things out. Must of been a bad marriage.
Good for you
I think this man is not stable. He can't make up his mind
If that was me I put her in jail in the first time she destroy the cabin already
I think he didn't tell his side of the story
He blame the ex wife for everything but somethings smell fishy about him that's why the second wife left
In the end. I think he is the problem
Idky you're so scared of her. Just call the cops if she crosses any boundaries. Or move out of town. But it seems u still want to be near her.
Peb txiv neej ces yog tus pojniam phem npaum ko ces yeej kawg nrauj kav tsij muab nrauj thaum ntxov txhob tos twb muaj me nyuam coob li koj yog koj tos muaj me nyuam coob li koj no lawm ces tim nws 80% yeej tim koj 20% thiab ov. Koj tus pojniam ko phem tiag tiag cuag li tus pojdab phim nyuam vais los tseem tshaj tabsis li cas los yog me nyaum loj tag lawm ces kav tsij khiav tawm lub zos ko es mus nrhiav dua ib tug pojniam es lub caij ntuj no yus thiaj tau puag pw sov os nawb. Tamsim no, ces qhov kawg seb puas mus xab teeb meem ntxiv es muab nws xa mus hlob kav hlau ib zaug ces nws yuav zeem xwb xwb li mas. Tsis li ces khiav tawm zos es nkaum mam tham yuav ib tug xwb os nawb.
Should have gone and divorced her at her parents' house and have both of u cone together and tell both sides your problems n one dont like it u guys can get divorced or try to at change for each other. If chances are given and at the end, it didn't change, then file for divorced both end.
If the wife is like this, then, girl, if u can't love your n laws, why married the son. U expect ur hubby to love your side but not his....no no no...its not a one-sided, it's both sided love. You can't blame ur hubby for divorcing u too. Just go live your life. Both your kids are miserable cause the parents act like kids.
You both need some real face to face action with both sides there to witness.
Hope both of you make some good decisions and move on with your life, so ur kids can be happy and not stress about their parents' problems.
Khiav tawm ntawm thaj chaw ko mus, kuv xav mas koj tus qub pom niam nws tsis hlub koj, nws tsis xav yuav koj tab sis ntshe nws xav ua kom koj txhob muaj neej ua xwb os.
Cov pojniam lim hiam li no mas koj yeej yuav ua neej nyuj heev unless koj yuav tau ib tug heev tshaj nws mas thiaj ua rog yeej xwb os..
Yus hlub yus tus txiv lawm ces yus yuav tau hlub nws niam nwd txiv kwv tij nkaum muam sawv daws os
Koj tsis yog txiv neej yawg xwb. Yog txiv neej yawg tiag kev tawm yeej muaj tsis nyuaj li os.
I don't blame your 2nd wife. Psycho 1st wife and loyal kids is a NO No!!
Vuag yog muaj tiag tiag li koj hais no no Koj tus niam loj ko siab phem dhau. Yog koj poj niam Khuvxim koj npaum li es Cas koj niag niam loj ho tsis yoog hlub koj niam koj txiv hlub kwv hlub tij naws. Koj niam loj ko dangers tiag tiag aws
Yes I have met evil women as well. Siab mas txawj phem tshaj plaws li nawb. Lawb cov pojniam zoo li no.
Tus txiv neej ruam no ces kawg tuag rau nws tus Ex-wife xwb. Ua twb tsis tau txiv li es tseem swb pojniam xwb es leejtwg thiaj yuav nws nas. Thaum yus tsis yuav nws lawm mas txiav kom tus mus. Yog menyuam tsis pom txog yus ces tso menyuam xaiv thiab tso menyuam mus ntag ho. Nrog menyuam tham thiab qhia lawv what’s going on kom lawv paub es yog lawv tseem tuaj2 lawv niam tog ces let them go. Yus yuav tsum tau saib thiab saib cov menyuam ua puas yog thiab ho. Koj yeej paub tias koj tus Ex yeej yuav siv cov kids no los tsim txom koj mus li xwb. Yog koj ua tsis tau txiv ces txhob yuav pojniam li law es mus tuag rau koj tus Ex xwb mas. Yuav tsawg tus los koj yeej tiv thaiv tsis tau ces yeej yuav khiav mus xwb. Ruam tshaj koj tus Ex lawm thiab ces nyob twj ywm. Muaj smart phone thiab camera es twb txhom thiab kaw tsis tau nws tej lus li cas ces tuag rau nws xwb.
Yog kawg! Kuv los xav ib yam nkaus thiab!
Hom niag niam txiv es sib nrauj tag pheej ua txhua tsav txhua yam li ko yeej tsis nuaj leej twg kam los yuav koj os.
He need to get new wife from laos
Kuv los muaj tsev muaj av zoo li ko thiab. Tab kuv tau tsev thiab av huv si. Kuv them nyiaj muas nws tawm xwb.
THis guy is liar. If wife does not love this family, in the Hmong culture he would bring her to his family to talk to her, which he never did. When his wife khiav mus rau her family, she complained that he is not good or this and that, but he too never mentioned anything to her family that she did not like his family. According to this story, he also never told his new wife of this either, until he brought his new wife in and the ex wife came, then he explained why he divorced her. This guy never said anything to anyone about his ex wife not liking his family. What a fool this guy to now tell a one sided story making himself god and his ex wife the evil.
To be honest, when u are with someone who truly dont like ur family and u feel she favors her side…eventually…u wont complaint anymore but to let go because some people dont want to change or improve when u approach nicely. There is no point of complaining…because a problem like this can become a big issue to the individual. Best to walk away when u can. The more u stay with someone like this and u feel its unfair, the more u suffer and there will always be arguments.
You sound like you're the ex-wife in this story 😂
Ib tug pojniam yog twb tsis nyiam kwv tij ces tsis tas coj mus hais vim nws lub siab twm zeej ib yam li koj lub thiab ne ces yeej hais tsis tau coj mus los nws yeej tsis kam mus tham ib yam li koj ne hahahha...
@@TusNxthaisHmoob I'm a guy, I assumed you are the ex wife thou lol
Kuv tus poj niam coj li ko rau kuv tiag. Wb sib yuav 28 xyoo nws mus txog kuv kwv tij tsis txog 3 zaug. Hos nws neej tsa muaj ua noj mas nws sawv ntxov heev los npaj ris tsho thiab khau npaj rau kuv lawm. Tias kom Tsuag2 mus tsam lawv ua hauj lwm tag lawm no. Qhov kawg wb thiaj li sib nrsuj lawm.
What an evil ex wife.. she’s no good to be near.. drama queen
There's two side to the story
Please have the wife come tell her story, and stop having these guys tell such a funny and cry baby story version.
You deserve that crazy 🐱cus u cant seem to distance yourself from ur ex. Yall deserve each other!😂😂😂
I don’t believe this guy is telling the whole story
Ruam ruam ces pos taubhau rau nws ntaus xwb los mas.😅😂
Koj tus maum aub no siab dab tas2
Koj ces kawg tuag rau nws tes.
Rov mus tuag saum nws plab xwb mas kj na…twb ua tsis taus mus tsis tau ne 😂
What a psycho ex-wife.... Glad you got rid of her.
Dude, why don't you treat her side of the family as she treats your family? You allowed her to get away with her attitude. Your parents paid too much money to pay for her ass. She isn't the woman for you. You should've divorced her.
Thaub koj ruam ua luaj....
Thiab koj niag poj niam tshiab neb npwb tib yam
Lmfao fake story
You divorced for something so ridiculous! You should have went to get your wife and get your family back together. You both could have worked this out. You’re not a good person either.
She was an evil, selfish and bad nyab.
Everyone has their bottom line/non-negotiable & breaking point. Should’ve had these conversations before marriage.
Hearing his story, his ex wife sounds like u too by ur writing
You look like you’ve been divorced a few times 😂
@MallPeaMallCow haven't been married girl, and looking but not ur type lol "headache"