He is right about healing! 12 years ago my mother was in a coma. The doctors in the ICU gave me different outcomes of her situation if she lived. They said brain damage, kidney failure, vegetative state etc. Now I was not saved yet, but my mother believed in Jesus Christ since she was 15. So I was angry at what the ICU doctor said, so I went downstairs and prayed in the Chapel on her behalf and I marched upstairs and commanded her in the name of Jesus Christ open your eyes. She did for a second. The next day, she was fully awake and Glory be to God, she had no organ failure, no brain damage. I thanked him so much and told her what happened while she was in a coma. I was raised a Muslim by my grandparents, but after seeing so many miracles from Jesus, I had to get baptized and confess he is my Lord! Glory in the Highest to Almighty God! Hallelujah! Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, don’t over complicate matters. Remember the Pharisees did this often to the people. What I am saying is if you have read the Bible and believe the scriptures. God does not change Isaiah 55. By His wounds we are healed Isaiah 53:5. Every word that Jesus Christ spoke is 100% true. Believe this and you don’t have to pray in tongues or anything like that. Jesus healed so many people that were not yet baptized. Of course I am not saying don’t get baptized. What I am saying is seek him and he will meet you where your at. He had to take our sins to the cross after drinking the cup of iniquity in the garden and then be crucified to redeem us back to our Holy Father. That’s how much he loves us! Hosanna in the Highest to our Holy King Jesus! Amen!
Everything you said is good except don't put down praying in tongues which is something many if us should do. The Bible encourages that gift. It isnt necessary directly connected to this subject, whether anyone gets healed or not. But its not to be cast aside either.
@@christinam777 Exactly Jesus clearly said about speaking in tongues, it's a wonderful gift to have the only langue the devil does not understand, we speak a mystery to the lord, why did Paul say I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you.For anyone who speaks in a tongue [1] does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with his spirit. [2]
I don't normally ask for help from people but please pray for my healing from a life of chronic pain. I wish to be able to help the collective and I'm so distracted and exhausted with the pain. Thank you,bless you all. May we all be healed
Andrew Wommack definitely has some great healing videos online. He taught a woman who had severe pain & burning feeling to speak to the pain and command it to go. It is like speaking to the mountain. She was 100% healed.
Rosemary, agreeing with you for healing in the mighty name of Jesus! Declaring that you were healed by the stripes of Jesus. Imagining you at the river of life in heaven swimming in the water. May you be free of pain and filled with the joy of the Lord!
Hello Rosemary. How are you doing? Am praying you are blessed and healing and fortified in your faith and walking well with Jesus. I just saw this comment of yours and noticed you requested prayer nine months ago. How are you? Am praying for you in Jesus Mighty Name, amen. 😇🙏✝️🕊️🎶
Jesus healed my son of childhood cancer! He was diagnosed with Wilm’s pediatric cancer December 2021 and had a 17cm tumor on his right kidney. He is 7 now and over a year in remission. I declare complete and permanent healing over him in the name of Jesus Christ our savior! We call upon the name above all other names for his body to be in optimal health all the days of his long life ahead as our Father designed. Thank you Lord!
I have metastatic breast cancer (stage 4). They say it’s incurable but here right now with you and Jesus as my witness, I declare that by my Lords stripes , I am healed here on this earth in Jesus’s name and I shall sing his praises to the masses. Thank you Jesus. I receive, I believe and trust you will and have healed me. Amen
I stand in agreement with you and command every cell in your body to line up with the will of our Almighty Loving Father Yah through the resurrection power of Messiah
One of my aunts had cancer and doctors refused to treat her telling that she could not be healed. So we had no hope only Jesus. We stared praying Lord Jesus for her healing and she was healed due to the precious blood of Jesus. This healing took place about 35 years ago. Thank to Lord Jesus she still lives on.If you trueyl believe Lord Christ Jesus any incurable disease can be cured in the mighty name of Jesus,because He is God.
My dad had a massive stroke, they said he would never walk or have a meaningful conversation again. (I took care of him for six years before his family finally took him in when I got sick last year). He now walks with a cane, and even though he can't get many words out, I have the patience to listen, and I typically understand him. And I can share with him when I am sad and he comforts me. I don't know if he has a relationship with Jesus, but my experience with my father, over my lifetime, is physical proof enough for me that Jesus has been walking with me my entire life, and an angel protecting me.
for 10 years I lived with pain doctors could not diagnose. God told me in prayer to take magnesium and to posture myself upright with the word of God. I did, and change didn't happen over night, but healing happened ( not over night) and wow! THANK YOU JESUS!
'I press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus'--is the Scripture that comes to me now as I read this.Which is exactly what I need to do now too to receive my healing--a new back which the Lord has promised me..Thank You Jesus.
I'm desperately wanting to drink the river of life. For last 15 months, my breast cancer has dragged me down to a terminal illness stage 4, spread to spines, pelvic bones and left neck of femur which disabled my mobility. But I know that this condition didn't come from God but enemy's lies! Previous to breast cancer diagnosis, I was working as a RN at ED wondering why so many people were demon possessed and had no hope. Then quickly, doubts and fear came into my heart, and I lost hope in my life too! Now I know that I really need Jesus who is the true healer! Please pray for me!!! I want Jesus to find me!!!
Paula Black's book "Life, Cancer, and God" details how she was told she'd only live 3-6 months, but was led by the Holy Spirit to go to a holistic doctor. He put her on a special juicing regimen and diet. Within 15 months, she was totally cured , even with refusing chemo/radiation and surgery . This was decades ago and she's still cancer free.
When I was deep in confusion last year in May when I lost my husband one night deep in sleep I felt a voice call me and told me to read Isaiah 54 when I read it all my faith was changed I felt peace no questions I had loans to pay I have paid them and my business is giving twice our God is real I believe every word he says
I am praying for Holy Spirit visitation for everyone who are sick all over the world to encounter Jesus and have supernatural revelation …dreams and Visions…and be born again, in Jesus name, Amen…my prayer everyday fulfillment of Hebrews 8: 10 - 12 Amen
В эти напряженные дни переломных событий на роль Авадона претендуют четыре основных разногласящих военных деятеля со своими бандами: глава ФСБ Патрушев, т.н. «повар Путина» Пригожин, возглавляющий ЧВК Вагнера, Президент Чечни Кадыров и опальный полковник ГРУ Квачков. Все они независимы и друг друга стоят. Но хотя, они считают себя достойными «золотого венца Авадона» и преемства власти, остаются всего лишь независимыми «губителями», ограниченными в пределах власти и времени. Кто из них примет роль мучителя, после лишения ее Путиным, точно сказать трудно. Это увидим после ядерной катастрофы и побега Путина со своей элитой воров. Первое из трех бед закончилось. Пришло второе: «Шестой Ангел вострубил, и я услышал один голос от четырех рогов золотого жертвенника, стоящего пред Богом, говоривший шестому Ангелу, имевшему трубу: освободи четырех Ангелов, связанных при великой реке Евфрате» (Отк.9,13-14). Об этих Ангелах сказано прежде, после «великого землетрясения», означавшего вторую мировую войну, в момент начала холодной войны с 1948 года между увеличившимся большевистским лагерем и свободным Западом. «Горячая война» прекратилась на долгие годы, кроме очаговых войн в виде Вьетнамской и Корейской являющихся остатками второй мировой войны. Начало этого длительного мира означено в Откровении ап. Иоанна, словами: «И после сего видел я четырех Ангелов, стоящих на четырех углах земли, держащих четыре ветра земли, чтобы не дул ветер ни на землю, ни на море, ни на какое дерево. И видел я иного Ангела, восходящего от востока солнца, имеющего печать Бога живаго. И воскликнул он громким голосом к четырем Ангелам, которым дано вредить земле и морю, говоря: не делайте вреда ни земле, ни морю, ни деревам, доколе не положим печати на челах рабов Бога нашего. И я слышал число запечатленных: запечатленных было сто сорок четыре тысячи из всех колен сынов Израилевых» (Отк.7,1-4). Всеми коленами Израилевыми названо (и перечислено) и поименована вся полнота человечества с похожими качествами. Но целью приведенных слов было дать людям знать смотрение Божие, чтоб имели надежду на нее и не страшились даже ядерной войны, ожидая особого извещения от Бога, которое, кстати, уже сделано при первых четырех трубных голосах (Отк.7,4-12). . Теперь начало третьей мировой войны указано в 6 трубе в повелением освободить четырех Ангелов, связанных при реке Евфрате. «Так видел я в видении коней и на них всадников, которые имели на себе брони огненные, гиацинтовые и серные; головы у коней - как головы у львов, и изо рта их выходил огонь, дым и сера (составные части дымного пороха - родоначальника огнестрельного оружия). От этих трех язв, от огня, дыма и серы, выходящих изо рта их, умерла третья часть людей, ибо сила коней заключалась во рту их и в хвостах их; а хвосты их были подобны змеям, и имели головы, и ими они вредили» (Откр.9,16-19). В приведенном здесь описании наших завтрашних дней может привести в удивление число воинов: (200 000 000) и слова о приведенной броне, что по современным знаниям похоже к описанию танков и ракет. Хвостами с вредящими головами показано то, что эти воинские силы победят, и будут жестоко властвовать. Да иначе не может быть, судя по степени осатанения мира. «Прочие же люди, которые не умерли от этих язв, не раскаялись в делах рук своих. И не раскаялись они в убийствах своих, ни в чародействах своих, ни в блудодеянии своем, ни в воровстве своем» (Откр.9,20-21). Получив в наследство от советов военную мощь, антихрист стал открыто держать мир в страхе перед его энергетической, военной и особенно ядерной мощью, и из страха стали ему прощать все беззакония. Теперь он как бы гипнотизирует всех страхом перед своим ядерным потенциалом, при своем сатанинском безумии, волшебством и шаманством. Все не верят, что он имеет внутри себя сатану, и так же пророчествам от Бога о нем. И тому не верят, что на смену ему придет такой же «Авадон», и будет даже наглее издеваться над народом. Они даже готовят такого преемника. А он-то и начнет последнюю войну. И на волне ее воцарится антихрист, который погубит человечество. Он ходит пред ними и готовится к этому. Не верят. А ведь все его деяния обличают его. В добавление о нем говорил 200 лет назад пришедший с того света преподобный Нил Мироточивый, указавший день прихода к власти сатанистов:«Мир будет воображать, что сей антихрист кроток, смирен сердцем. На самом же деле он будет по сердцу лисицей, по душе волком, смущение людей будет его пищей». И теперь прямо призываю всех: «Прокляните пред Богом что мы делаем на чине Православия, путинизм, и только в таком случае помилует, возможно, Господь Русь и Украину и весь мир, как помиловал некогда Ниневию и отменил уничтожение ее. שלום זוהר, הסיפור של שוק הרכב מיד שנייה הוא מעניין, וזו תופעה שאנו רואים בכל העולם המפותח. למעשה זאת נגזרת של משבר השבבים העולמי שליווה את היציאה מתקופת הקורונה - בגלל ששבבים רבים פשוט מיוצרים עבור תעשיית הרכב. המשבר הזה מלווה אותנו מאז סוף שנת . שרשראות האספקה לא הצליחו לעמוד בביקושים העולים, ויצרניות הרכב נתקעו ללא שבבים קריטיים למערכות. חלק מזה, אגב, היה בגלל שבתקופת הקורונה הושבתו קווי ייצור ובוטלו הזמנות לשבבים, וזאת למרות שהביקוש למכוניות חדשות נותר גבוה. אבל כשההזמנות חודשו - ולפעמים גם הוכפלו ושולשו - הם נתקלו בקשיים אדירים באספקה וכתוצאה מכך חלה עלייה במחירי כלי רכב חדשים. המצב הזה יצר המתנה של חצי שנה עד חודשים לרכב חדש, ובאופן טבעי דחף צרכנים רבים לשוק הרכב יד שנייה. הביקוש לרכב יד שנייה עלה לרמות שלא נראו שנים, והמחירים עלו בהתאם. רבות
@@sallyaversa2022, as a born again believer, I don’t understand why Christians today are asking Jesus to heal them. How many times did Jesus heal after His resurrection? Where does 1 Peter 2:24 comes to play? Show me in scriptures cause I can’t find one that He did. What strikes me, Peter commanded the lame beggar to rise up and walk using in the Name of Jesus. Paul healed folks too; and when he was bitten by a poisonous viper Apostle Paul never prayed for Jesus to heal him. He just shook off the snake from his hand and went about his business. I know that the Holy Spirit gives life to our mortal body Romans 8:11. Did Jesus said to speak to the mountain? (Mark 11:23-24) Didn’t Jesus commanded us Christians to heal the sick, etc based on Matthew 10:8. How bout Mark 16:17-18? I’m not putting you on a spotlight. I just don’t understand why we have to pray to God to heal us.
@@moses7101 because without the power of the blood, we aren't exactly effective. Some have the proper anointing but it's not a given. It's a relationship that forms over time. Until a person KNOWS their identity they will pray these things in Jesus name and see him super-intercede on their behalf.
@@Busybeemiss, “…see Him super-intercede on their behalf?” God made it very clear when He said, “My people are destroy for lack of knowledge” Hosea 4:6. God’s Word says in the Book of Hebrews 2:14, “satan can’t destroy or kill you because Jesus paralyzed him that HAD the power of death, that is the devil.” Now for those that have life and death situation, having weak faith…James 5:14-15.
@@moses7101 Jesus' blood speaks for us in the court of heaven better things than the blood of Able. Jesus is praying for us to the Father as He is our parakletos, our LEGAL DEFENCE. He is not up there on His throne doing nothing. He plays an active role in our authority against demonic oppression. It is appropriate to summon his help.
@@Busybeemiss, If you or any Christians wish they have healing in their body, the more they think like that, the more they will drown just like Peter walking in the water. Peter took his eyes off of Jesus. What did Jesus do? He caught him immediately. Jesus said, “Why did you doubt?” Jesus didn’t say the water where you were was too soft. Jesus knew the reason for the man sinking. Peter looked at the waves. FEAR!!! (Matthew 14:25-31) Cancer! She or he are looking at it. They cried out to the Lord to remove it. They will drown if that’s their prayer. Listen, we come from a lineage of miracle workers. God is not working in the miracles today. Don’t deceive yourself! He’s not! Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father. (Mark 16:19; Hebrews 10:12) He’s not working! He’s waiting until His enemies be made His footstool. Understanding the difference between our generic communication in general meeting where sinners and babies are. They say, “God is going to heal you today! God is going to do this! God! God! God!” Is He? That’s a general truth. That’s a lesser truth. God talked about lesser light and greater light. In reality, Jesus isn’t doing any work. He is in His Sabbath. The Bible says all His work were finished. He ascended, He’s in heaven. He was a miracle worker on earth. So, who’s performing the miracles today? We Christians! (Mark 16:15-20; John 14:12-14) Jesus sent us to go in His Name. We have the Holy Spirit. We speak God’s Word, the Holy Ghost perform. We can curse cancer from the root using His Name, and tell it to go. And it will if we believe and doubt not. I watch Pastor Jessie Duplantis sermon. That’s his spiritual son. I’m not against him. If you watch “Healing Testimonies Stories” from Andrew Womack Ministries, you’ll hear how Christians got their healing. God Bless!
Dr Kevin I'm a widow, met David is a widow also were both believer love Jesus very much hes asked me to get married, I said yes pray for us hallelujah 🙏 ❤
Wow That was powerful when I was around 25 I had a bad surgery I was bleed to death and was very weak but I took all the needles out and tube in my nose got dressed and walked out of the hospital I was baby Christian I went to a church the minster layer hands on me I was instantly healed I took the first step Thanks Jesus ❤️Wisconsin
Kathy, begin to say many times a day , by His stripes im healed, say it over out Our, by His stripes im healed. Jesus took the stopes, ring beaten, so that you might healed 1Peter 2:24
I ment say it again and agin, and you’ll begin to believe what you’re saying, it’s truth, do it you and all sick in your household. Look at the scripture I Peter 2: 24. It’s done for you on cal very. Believe it, do it! Don’t forget to thank Jesus daily, no matter what!
I just prayed the healing waters over my daughter Janessa, in Jesus name.🙏🏻🕊 Her throat will be made whole and in perfect condition, in Jesus name. God bless you all!❤️
Father God we come before you in the name of Jesus and we call out Janessa's name heal Janessa and your Mighty holy name thank you Father God thank you for your mercy and thank you for your loving Janessa amen
❤i’m praying that i can be healed from my paralysis due to my severe stroke and brain damage that i may be able recover quickly and live normally again and walk again for i commit to spread my lord’s word for the rest of my existence on this planet 🌏
I am healed in the name of Jesus! Currently in stroke recovery, making great progress, and praising His Holy name that He has touched my body and has given me healing. Thank you, Jesus for always being here for me.🙏🏻✝️🙏🏻💜
My parents both passed away from heart disease. My 3 brothers and sister had heart attacks and stints put in them I'm having trouble now and my heart Dr. Ordered test he thinks I might have blockages too. Jesus in heaven you have my Earthly parents now in heaven with you..Heal my Earthly sister and brothers and myself from All sickness disease viruses and bacteria in Jesus Christ Holy name Amen and Amen 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you 🕊❤❤❤
In Jesus’ name, you and your siblings are healthy! We walk by faith, by what we know as the promises of God, and not by sight, the illusory circumstances of the enemy.
I want to be healed! Please everyone pray for me..I had a biopsy a few days ago and the Dr thinks it's cancerous. Please pray that the results come back benign.
You should never wait to see what a scan or test or report says...thats coming into agreement with the sick ess from the enemy!! Declare a false report, you are NOT in agreement, and you ARE healed by the blood of Jesus! He already took it on the cross! Spiritual warfare is an OUTLOUD weapon ....speak scriptures outlous back to God as to who He says you are and you are whole..no weapon formed against you can prosper. RENOUNCE any spoken word of agreement to the assignment of the enemy, KNOWINGLY OR UNKNOWINGLY... and you will be healed! I Jesus name, Amen
I am 70 about tweve or thirteen years ago after poor hearing I had an acoustic neuroma diagnosed on the nerves of my left ear that has made me deaf and I now have poor balance. Whilst in the waiting room for these results I distinctly heard God tell me I was not to have an operation. When I went into see the consultant this was his first comment to me was about needing an operation. I felt confident to say I wouldnt be having one. I witnessed to having faith in Jesus and needed to be obedient to Him. I confess I dont understand what I have going on and people cant understand me for not having medical intervention. Listening to this video today I believe I too need to dispel the randomness of my healing. God is good and faithful. X.
Same thing happen to my daughter. She was having painful gut issues for a year when God gave one word “asparagus.” Since then my little girl is pain free. God is so good
Decades ago I was sick with a bad cold and decided NOT to ask God to heal me. Two days later I was confronted by God very directly. God dropped the scripture, "By His stripes, you were healed" into my spirit. Then, very loudly within my spirit, the Father said, "You know that scripture don't you?" It froze me in my tracks. I said, "Yes, Lord." Again very loudly the Father said to me, "Don't you ever again make it for nothing that my Son Jesus died on the cross for your healing." I was so terrified at the volume of God's voice and the implications of what He had said. I repented and asked for forgiveness and healing. It remains today the only time in my life where I was INSTANTLY healed.
I call my healing ...from stroke..impaired eyesight..and healing from diabetes. I call forth the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name to bring life into my brain, pancreas & eyes...totally restoration ..in Jesus Name!
Btw, Jesus will certainly heal you but to stay well, get rid of sugar in your diet and eat a low carb (20gms) until you are at a healthy weight then you can add more fats to maintain. A low carb diet cures diabetes among many other things. Dr Eric Westman has a utube and website to help ppl. God bless!
God has brought Roman 8:11 to me this year many times. One step I do is if I start to feel any sickness or pain. That very moment I tell it NO and it leaves. I learned not to give even the tiniest thought of receiving sickness or pain.
Thank you Dr. Zadai for this beautiful message. Singing the song: "I've got a river of life flowing out of me; makes the lame to walk and the blind to see! Opens River Doors sets the captives free! I've got a river of life, flowing out of me. Spring up oh,well in my soul, spring up oh well and make me whole, spring up oh well, and give to me, that Life abundantly." Thank you Jesus
blessings for your new life in this relationship and God give them strength to get through this beginning phase of their lives with each other in Jesus name only to find themselves at home with God in the moments of the day
I prayed for my painful left ankle n it was gone after a few hours. No more limping . Praise the Lord. By His stripes on His back, I'm completely healed of the pain. My testimony which happened just this morning. 3rd April 2022.
Hello Kevin and Kathy , please pray that I'm cancer free also my son Dwayne and Bernard a supernatural healing of heart issues and blood disease for Bernard ,been under a great attacks ,The word says Many are the afflictions of the righteous ,But we bind all these diseases in the mighty name of Jesus! Thank you Lord in advance for our healings and Thank you for Kevin and Kathy teaching us , continue to bless them and this growing ministry! 🙌🙏
I had a horrible ripping low back pain yesterday and I remember that scripture from Romans 8:11 Speaks of the Resurrection Spirit of God that rose Jesus from the dead and the promise within that scripture that it can quicken your mortal body. So I believe that if I say that the same spirit of God that rose Jesus from the dead is healing my mortal body and I am healed in the name of Jesus, Amen 🙏 Whenever I feel pain, I pray that scripture. Last night I woke up to the restroom and was praying that scripture in my mind and also a worshipping song to God had been replaying in my brain and continued all day long till It stopped in the afternoon. I tell my husband how I stopped my pain. Also since we started thanking Jesus for our provisions, our financial situation has changed. Thanks Kevin for that message about Jesus already having provisions for us and All we need to do is to praise and thank him and they materialize. 👍♥️ I’m praying to get my prayer language and have faith that it will come.
Amen. Will say this Scripture more earnestly than before for this excruciating pain in my lower Spine and Hips and weakening my Bladder. God bless his Word and blessing to you. Pray for me too in Jesis name. Amen.
This is so good! The Holy Spirit introduced me to the word “quickening” a few weeks ago 😀 that word wasn’t in my NIV version of my Bible..Fire was set to my Bible after this revelation. I felt led to pray over someone today after he talked about his high blood pressure and diabetes. I could sense his doubt, so after he agreed the first thing I said was “are you willing to be healed.” He said “yes”…. So I prayed, asked for the Lord to put new kidneys in him, touch his renal arteries and pancreas, then asked the Holy Spirit to quicken his body.I also loosed healing from heaven”… this is all new to me. I’m excited to start praying about this revelation that healing comes out of the intended person to be healed 🙌🏻🔥 I’ll keep u posted 🙏 I love you all so much….also, I have a request….you talked in the last video about Sven and Lou writing the manuals for the airplanes…they’ve gotta start doing instruction manuals for kids toys 🤯 my son is 8 and he can understand them, but I don’t. Maybe it’s on the Y-chromosome. We may also have to do zoom calls for math homework when he gets older because he wants to be an astronaut. I’m already stumped on common core math 🤯🤯🤯😆 thank you for your teachings, we’re all so blessed. Praise Jesus for all of you
Hello friend! I just wanted to say that the NIV Bible is missing about 150 key verses that are very important to salvation especially.. I love the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible. I have researched and also found some books that explain why it’s the best translation. All of Jesus’ words are written in red ink in the New Testament and it’s wonderful. It’s important that people know that. Be blessed!
This is such an awesome work of God I love that word. I loved reading the NIV at first because it's really quick and easy to read but they cut so much out of it. John Ramirez told me to try the Passion translation it's incredible how much more in depth it is I recommend it to everyone! God bless you Dena and God bless Warrior notes!
@@JoshuaPabst1776 Thank you for your encouragement! I was so excited about that Word of Knowledge from the Holy Spirit! I felt as if I had been handed a piece of treasure ❤️ I love brother John too! Before the inner circle group, I was afraid of my own shadow! Praise Jesus, now I’m staring down devils and casting them out 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Dena, common core anything needs to be removed from our kids' lives. It is a Godless curriculum, it sets them up for failure in advanced studies. Far too many are going into college unprepared. The most prepared are from home educated, and private school programs. And lastly this one is up to you to research. N. A. S. A. and other 3LETTERgovt0rganizations are corrupt organizations that are compartmentalized to keep their corruption going, which keeps those within from knowing what's truly happening. No accountability, ie where did the money go? It will be very involved research, because there are many deadends. Search out, "a funny thing happened on the way to the moon".. Many things have been blocked are removed, in the last two years. You have to ask, Why? There are well over 200 verses stating the Earth is fixed and immovable. There are declassified university studies, government and military documents stating similar. According to Scriptures, the Firmament means metallic and hammered out.. another verse refers to it being strong like a molten looking glass. Think similar to leaded crystal.. It's referred to as GOD'S footstool and he sees us like grasshoppers. That aeronautical organization has stated that we have never passed through the Van Allen belt, ie never gone to space. They also said, "we've lost all the records and tapes of how to do it ".. Isn't that convenient? Ie, We never went.. There's many more details that say it was really a Hollywood production. They can do a lot with $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$.xx. If you're brave enough, you will find out we've been lied to by the Great Deceiver organizations on just about every subject. Our creation, our history, ancient history, medical/pharma subjects, religious beliefs, agricultural, political.. on and on. It's interesting, we are warned about Pharma in the New Testament. I could go on and on.. I've researched for years. Study to show thyself approved. GOD will lead you. 🙏
Im still struggling over the death of my mother who went to Heaven January 7, 2021. It was the worst day of my life, she was my best friend. I am trying to go through life strong, but, so sad. I am also grieving over a high school classmate who passed July 13, 2020. She was dear to me, even though we werent friends in high school, due to her being popular and me an outcast. Ive come to know that we had a lot in common, but, sadly never got to know each other. But i feel her presence around me. So grateful!
The moment Kevin gave that golden nugget about what he saw in heaven with regards to the flowing river, the scripture, “out of your belly will flow rivers of living water”, resonated within me! Hallelujah!
Let's all pray together so war and fear and anxiety all get thrown out of our lives for love and for jesus, I need help spiritually from this anxiety demon. Pls let's pray over this so I'm not luke warm anymore In Jesus's mighty name Amen 🙏❤
I had anxiety for over 30 years. God showed me the moment that it entered. I cast that demon out of myself. It has now been 20 years of freedom from that one, God has always had me study nutrition so I had usually also taken a B-50 complex and magnesium and many other supplements.I refused to take meds., yet understand why people get desperate.
Kathy and Kevin, Thank you so much for your healing conference in Orlando! Glory be to God! My 4 year old daughter who had pcdh19 epilepsy was healed three days later! That morning I awoke to the Holy Spirit proclaiming, " She's healed! She's healed! She's healed! She's healed! She's healed!" No more epilepsy for Alora or her future children! Your 60 Day Healing Devotional book is such a great soaking read! I am such a blessed mother! My husband and I are also going through a process of deliverance from the demonic and into Jesus!!! Thank you Jesus! I was at the end of my rope and You saved me!
@@karenyeshua5086 What we found out is that deliverance from demons improved our daughter's condition. All of the natural diet and supplements helped her immensely too. But it was not until I totally gave it to Jesus, and started praying healing scriptures over her that she was healed. I'm still so AMAZED at our brand new little girl!
@@karenyeshua5086 No I don't think all seizures can be demonic. But it is worth checking out. Most doctors are not willing to go all the way with you. But God IS. His Word is so powerful as it flows from Spirit filled lips!
I have had so many answers to prayer in my life but the healing of diabetes II has eluded me. I am now 80 years old and have survived Covid 19 with only a mild case over 2 years ago and have not been vaccinated. I am still on this earth for a reason and am grateful to you Kevin for your ministry and will be putting some of the secrets to healing that you have explained into effect to overcome this final battle.
Could u have guillian barre? It is diagnosed by a spinal tap by a neurosurgeon No cure, tho .but jesus will give u a miracle. I had one from it. I say u r totally healed in jesus name!
Hi Kevin I am 16 and I love how your a welling vessel for the lord because of you yielding to the lord and teaching me how to grow everyday through Jesus Christ, there has been a move of God in my life and I just love it so much brother I pray that the lord gives me a chance see you and talk to you if not in this life then definitely the next . Just keep moving to Glory to Glory Amen, I will keep you in my prayers God bless you🙌🙏🙏🙏🤗🔥
Praise God! When I was 16 I was literally cursing Him. I wasted so much of my life hating The One who loves me the most. PLEASE, keep spending time with Him and just loving on Him and letting Him love you. Little sister, may He be your best friend and the light of your heart always.
HE is for you so no thing or no one can come against you. ALL HOLY ALL MAJESTIC GREAT KING JESUS, let her light shine for YOU always. Make her LIFE easy so she can enjoy every moment with YOU even in the rough seas and dark nights. That is when YOUR children shine even bright. Nothing will ever be able to bring you down Brianna. HE is THE LORD your GOD. Your LOVE and trust in HIM Is obvious. Shine child ,shine warrior shine. You look like your FATHER. 😀
I totally understand what you said about substances (health substances for my body). I was healed from Crohn’s Disease after terrible suffering and surgery. I walked away from the Drs when I was about 23yrs old and studied very consistently , what to put in my body, how to exercise my body, how to truly live as a Christian, and I prayed. By the time I reached 30 yrs old, I was no longer sick, but I had to stick to the new way of life I had learned.
Please pray for me and my family, we are in need of bid time healing in every area of our lives. Also, please pray for our brothers and sisters in the Ukraine, let the Holy Spirit protect them, in Jesus name Amen!!!
I am beginning to recognize and receive my healing !!! I know everything works in cycles and I do believe I am healing from everything the drs. Say that is wrong with me … and I just want to thank you for letting me hear Gods words of healing through you !! To God be the glory …
I believe that I am healed! By the stripes of Jesus Christ 🙌 I have been healed 🙏! I declare lt, claimed it, i received it, because God said it in Isaiah 53:5 by faith I believe the promises of God in His Word! He is Immutable God who never changed His Word! Or a man that should lie or change His mind! 👋 hallelujah! Thank you LORD Jesus 🙏 💓 for my healing!
For years I struggled with overwhelming low energy, High BP and malnutrition. I asked for direction from Spirit and was still in the Presence. Then I was given direction throughout the next days and three days later I’ve gained energy. My daughter said pay over your food, we do. In the morning I have my first thoughts to the Lord. I’ve been singing abs praying in tongues and I found videos on potassium and salt balance. Magnesium and B1 plus the rest... this is true. I’m expecting the years the locust stole back. I’m expecting full restoration and plenty to give as the Lord leads. I claim that I Am God’s Witness
Jesus died not just for your sins. He died for your healing. If you’re sick you are throwing it back at Jesus. If you’re sick the devil is trespassing!!!!! You have Jesus inside you !!! Kick out the devil. Command him out.
Just received the Revelation: looking at model that healing was in us from the beginning, we can seek (and reach and take) everything else we need (want) like it is waiting for us.
Now i understand, the more we hardened our heart is the more we delay ourselves, now i understand,help me ABBA FATHER with the issues of life that we are facing daily. Thanks Dr Kevin and Kathy and the whole team of Warrior Notes for your teaching of the GOSPEL OF GOD ♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏
Wow brother in Christ! This is amazing! This is exactly what God is speaking to me in my secret place! This is incredible and confirmation. We have it all inward not outward! We drive out by the finger of God because we are from God. He is really trying to take us back to original design when we were in Genesis a relationship with God knowing nothing but God. Limitless 😭🔥. Bless you brother for your Obedience 🙏. I pray blessings upon you and your family and loved ones 🙏
Thank you Kevin and Kathy for making a pit stop in Carlsbad. Your welcome to come any time. My dad and i were blessed by the word of God. Oh ya thanks to Ryan I was gifted with a free cd.Praise the Lord!!!!!
Clara. - Praise GOD for this teaching!!! Kevin, please pray and stand in Faith for me to be healed of lipedema, lymphedema, and kidney issues. Thank You.
Glory to the almighty. Thank you father for my healing as your word say by his stripes we are healed. I declare healing in my body in Jesus mighty name Amen.
Kevin I was healed in my lungs and heart. I felt a fire come on my right side touched one lung then the other lung , then it went to my heart. Praise God. 😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Woah, crazy confirmation about hearing words I have never heard of. I went to store, purchased and it worked to to help me too! 😯 praise the LORD! 🎉🙌🏻✝️🔥
. I just really need God to come through for me rn. I need alot of healing Emotionally, financially and career wise. I don't want to loose my faith. I love God really. I'm just weary rn...please pray for me. And please let me know you are. Thank you
AMEN!!! Healing is within!!! When we pray or speak healing upon each other; the two connect and we are healed!! When they receive it. I receive my healing God. In Jesus name amen. Jesus, You are absolutely gorgeous !!! LOL!!!
Thankyou Dr Kevin for sharing with us your encounter of healing waters of heaven that can change the way we need to receive healing I receive my healing from within rivers of living water. GOD BLESS. Harusha
I had a refreshing of the Spirit this morning while driving. Now last night after watching Kathy give instructions on receiving the Holy Spirit , the Holy Spirit said it would happen while I was driving today. When I looked back my daughter (Sabrina) was frothing at the corners of her mouth. I took her home and that demonic presence begin to manifest more and more, but it became more aggressive and begin to try to hurt her, I command it not to her hurt, she kept twisting and bending her fingers, and pinching her legs and arms . Please touch and agree with me in the Spirit. It's twisting her body. I called out hurt, abandonment (her mother), hurt spirit, unforgiveness . I really need you guys. The spirit of mental illness is trying to control her. I've seen her do the things shes done today.
Thank you for the Word and for your attention to Jesus with the resulting focus on Him. Listen to Him for He is GOD'S Son. We all need to always be open for the Holy Spirit's voice. Thanks always for the reminder!!!
A healing school would be awesome. I so appreciate all the messages given to us. It has helped me learn and grow for work in God's kingdom. Love this ministry. :)
Amen Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus for have done and having been doing all these things for me and for the rest of the the body of Christ. Your church and I love you King Jesus! Maranatha
I have been under constant attack for 5 solid years, and I need prayer to be able to get to church. Please pray for me. I moved to this new state, and it has been horrendous. Thank you.
He is right about healing! 12 years ago my mother was in a coma. The doctors in the ICU gave me different outcomes of her situation if she lived. They said brain damage, kidney failure, vegetative state etc. Now I was not saved yet, but my mother believed in Jesus Christ since she was 15. So I was angry at what the ICU doctor said, so I went downstairs and prayed in the Chapel on her behalf and I marched upstairs and commanded her in the name of Jesus Christ open your eyes. She did for a second. The next day, she was fully awake and Glory be to God, she had no organ failure, no brain damage. I thanked him so much and told her what happened while she was in a coma. I was raised a Muslim by my grandparents, but after seeing so many miracles from Jesus, I had to get baptized and confess he is my Lord! Glory in the Highest to Almighty God! Hallelujah! Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, don’t over complicate matters. Remember the Pharisees did this often to the people. What I am saying is if you have read the Bible and believe the scriptures. God does not change Isaiah 55. By His wounds we are healed Isaiah 53:5. Every word that Jesus Christ spoke is 100% true. Believe this and you don’t have to pray in tongues or anything like that. Jesus healed so many people that were not yet baptized. Of course I am not saying don’t get baptized. What I am saying is seek him and he will meet you where your at. He had to take our sins to the cross after drinking the cup of iniquity in the garden and then be crucified to redeem us back to our Holy Father. That’s how much he loves us! Hosanna in the Highest to our Holy King Jesus! Amen!
Everything you said is good except don't put down praying in tongues which is something many if us should do. The Bible encourages that gift. It isnt necessary directly connected to this subject, whether anyone gets healed or not. But its not to be cast aside either.
Wow! Praise JESUS !! Thank you so my for sharing this faith building testimony ❤
Glory to God!
@@christinam777 Exactly Jesus clearly said about speaking in tongues, it's a wonderful gift to have the only langue the devil does not understand, we speak a mystery to the lord, why did Paul say I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you.For anyone who speaks in a tongue [1] does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with his spirit. [2]
I don't normally ask for help from people but please pray for my healing from a life of chronic pain. I wish to be able to help the collective and I'm so distracted and exhausted with the pain. Thank you,bless you all. May we all be healed
Keep watching healing teachings and testimonies. Andrew Wommack healing journeys is also a good resource to watch. Speak the healing scriptures
Andrew Wommack definitely has some great healing videos online. He taught a woman who had severe pain & burning feeling to speak to the pain and command it to go. It is like speaking to the mountain. She was 100% healed.
We have authority - Luke 10:19.
Rosemary, agreeing with you for healing in the mighty name of Jesus! Declaring that you were healed by the stripes of Jesus. Imagining you at the river of life in heaven swimming in the water. May you be free of pain and filled with the joy of the Lord!
Hello Rosemary. How are you doing? Am praying you are blessed and healing and fortified in your faith and walking well with Jesus. I just saw this comment of yours and noticed you requested prayer nine months ago. How are you? Am praying for you in Jesus Mighty Name, amen. 😇🙏✝️🕊️🎶
Jesus healed my son of childhood cancer! He was diagnosed with Wilm’s pediatric cancer December 2021 and had a 17cm tumor on his right kidney. He is 7 now and over a year in remission. I declare complete and permanent healing over him in the name of Jesus Christ our savior! We call upon the name above all other names for his body to be in optimal health all the days of his long life ahead as our Father designed. Thank you Lord!
I have metastatic breast cancer (stage 4). They say it’s incurable but here right now with you and Jesus as my witness, I declare that by my Lords stripes , I am healed here on this earth in Jesus’s name and I shall sing his praises to the masses. Thank you Jesus. I receive, I believe and trust you will and have healed me. Amen
Praying now
@@KevinZadai Thank you ! Blessings Kevin. I receive it in Jesus’s name… !
I stand in agreement with you and command every cell in your body to line up with the will of our Almighty Loving Father Yah through the resurrection power of Messiah
Are you healed?
@@yeshuaknoyanot8474 No Sir. I pray dailly
One of my aunts had cancer and doctors refused to treat her telling that she could not be healed. So we had no hope only Jesus. We stared praying Lord Jesus for her healing and she was healed due to the precious blood of Jesus. This healing took place about 35 years ago. Thank to Lord Jesus she still lives on.If you trueyl believe Lord Christ Jesus any incurable disease can be cured in the mighty name of Jesus,because He is God.
Amen! Glory to God.
Amen and Amen 🙏
Amen. I believe 🙏 this, nothing is impossible with our Yeshua.
I am healed. Glory to God!
My dad had a massive stroke, they said he would never walk or have a meaningful conversation again. (I took care of him for six years before his family finally took him in when I got sick last year). He now walks with a cane, and even though he can't get many words out, I have the patience to listen, and I typically understand him. And I can share with him when I am sad and he comforts me.
I don't know if he has a relationship with Jesus, but my experience with my father, over my lifetime, is physical proof enough for me that Jesus has been walking with me my entire life, and an angel protecting me.
for 10 years I lived with pain doctors could not diagnose. God told me in prayer to take magnesium and to posture myself upright with the word of God. I did, and change didn't happen over night, but healing happened ( not over night) and wow! THANK YOU JESUS!
'I press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus'--is the Scripture that comes to me now as I read this.Which is exactly what I need to do now too to receive my healing--a new back which the Lord has promised me..Thank You Jesus.
Which magnesium? Theres several types? And how do you posture yourself upright in the word of God?
Thank You Father
Thank you for sharing your testimony 🙏🙌
I'm desperately wanting to drink the river of life. For last 15 months, my breast cancer has dragged me down to a terminal illness stage 4, spread to spines, pelvic bones and left neck of femur which disabled my mobility. But I know that this condition didn't come from God but enemy's lies! Previous to breast cancer diagnosis, I was working as a RN at ED wondering why so many people were demon possessed and had no hope. Then quickly, doubts and fear came into my heart, and I lost hope in my life too! Now I know that I really need Jesus who is the true healer! Please pray for me!!! I want Jesus to find me!!!
Paula Black's book "Life, Cancer, and God" details how she was told she'd only live 3-6 months, but was led by the Holy Spirit to go to a holistic doctor. He put her on a special juicing regimen and diet. Within 15 months, she was totally cured , even with refusing chemo/radiation and surgery . This was decades ago and she's still cancer free.
Hope you are doing better 2 yrs later. Prayers sent🤍🤍🤍🙏🙏
I've got a river of life, flowing out of me. I am healed in Jesus name
Praise the Lord 🙏🙏🙏
@melanylotter3817 Amen!
When I was deep in confusion last year in May when I lost my husband one night deep in sleep I felt a voice call me and told me to read Isaiah 54 when I read it all my faith was changed I felt peace no questions I had loans to pay I have paid them and my business is giving twice our God is real I believe every word he says
Praise God
I am praying for Holy Spirit visitation for everyone who are sick all over the world to encounter Jesus and have supernatural revelation …dreams and Visions…and be born again, in Jesus name, Amen…my prayer everyday fulfillment of Hebrews 8: 10 - 12 Amen
В эти напряженные дни переломных событий на роль Авадона претендуют четыре основных разногласящих военных деятеля со своими бандами: глава ФСБ Патрушев, т.н. «повар Путина» Пригожин, возглавляющий ЧВК Вагнера, Президент Чечни Кадыров и опальный полковник ГРУ Квачков. Все они независимы и друг друга стоят. Но хотя, они считают себя достойными «золотого венца Авадона» и преемства власти, остаются всего лишь независимыми «губителями», ограниченными в пределах власти и времени. Кто из них примет роль мучителя, после лишения ее Путиным, точно сказать трудно. Это увидим после ядерной катастрофы и побега Путина со своей элитой воров.
Первое из трех бед закончилось. Пришло второе:
«Шестой Ангел вострубил, и я услышал один голос от четырех рогов золотого жертвенника, стоящего пред Богом, говоривший шестому Ангелу, имевшему трубу: освободи четырех Ангелов, связанных при великой реке Евфрате» (Отк.9,13-14).
Об этих Ангелах сказано прежде, после «великого землетрясения», означавшего вторую мировую войну, в момент начала холодной войны с 1948 года между увеличившимся большевистским лагерем и свободным Западом. «Горячая война» прекратилась на долгие годы, кроме очаговых войн в виде Вьетнамской и Корейской являющихся остатками второй мировой войны. Начало этого длительного мира означено в Откровении ап. Иоанна, словами:
«И после сего видел я четырех Ангелов, стоящих на четырех углах земли, держащих четыре ветра земли, чтобы не дул ветер ни на землю, ни на море, ни на какое дерево. И видел я иного Ангела, восходящего от востока солнца, имеющего печать Бога живаго. И воскликнул он громким голосом к четырем Ангелам, которым дано вредить земле и морю, говоря: не делайте вреда ни земле, ни морю, ни деревам, доколе не положим печати на челах рабов Бога нашего. И я слышал число запечатленных: запечатленных было сто сорок четыре тысячи из всех колен сынов Израилевых» (Отк.7,1-4).
Всеми коленами Израилевыми названо (и перечислено) и поименована вся полнота человечества с похожими качествами. Но целью приведенных слов было дать людям знать смотрение Божие, чтоб имели надежду на нее и не страшились даже ядерной войны, ожидая особого извещения от Бога, которое, кстати, уже сделано при первых четырех трубных голосах (Отк.7,4-12). . Теперь начало третьей мировой войны указано в 6 трубе в повелением освободить четырех Ангелов, связанных при реке Евфрате.
«Так видел я в видении коней и на них всадников, которые имели на себе брони огненные, гиацинтовые и серные; головы у коней - как головы у львов, и изо рта их выходил огонь, дым и сера (составные части дымного пороха - родоначальника огнестрельного оружия). От этих трех язв, от огня, дыма и серы, выходящих изо рта их, умерла третья часть людей, ибо сила коней заключалась во рту их и в хвостах их; а хвосты их были подобны змеям, и имели головы, и ими они вредили» (Откр.9,16-19).
В приведенном здесь описании наших завтрашних дней может привести в удивление число воинов: (200 000 000) и слова о приведенной броне, что по современным знаниям похоже к описанию танков и ракет. Хвостами с вредящими головами показано то, что эти воинские силы победят, и будут жестоко властвовать. Да иначе не может быть, судя по степени осатанения мира.
«Прочие же люди, которые не умерли от этих язв, не раскаялись в делах рук своих. И не раскаялись они в убийствах своих, ни в чародействах своих, ни в блудодеянии своем, ни в воровстве своем» (Откр.9,20-21).
Получив в наследство от советов военную мощь, антихрист стал открыто держать мир в страхе перед его энергетической, военной и особенно ядерной мощью, и из страха стали ему прощать все беззакония. Теперь он как бы гипнотизирует всех страхом перед своим ядерным потенциалом, при своем сатанинском безумии, волшебством и шаманством. Все не верят, что он имеет внутри себя сатану, и так же пророчествам от Бога о нем. И тому не верят, что на смену ему придет такой же «Авадон», и будет даже наглее издеваться над народом. Они даже готовят такого преемника. А он-то и начнет последнюю войну. И на волне ее воцарится антихрист, который погубит человечество. Он ходит пред ними и готовится к этому. Не верят. А ведь все его деяния обличают его. В добавление о нем говорил 200 лет назад пришедший с того света преподобный Нил Мироточивый, указавший день прихода к власти сатанистов:«Мир будет воображать, что сей антихрист кроток, смирен сердцем. На самом же деле он будет по сердцу лисицей, по душе волком, смущение людей будет его пищей».
И теперь прямо призываю всех: «Прокляните пред Богом что мы делаем на чине Православия, путинизм, и только в таком случае помилует, возможно, Господь Русь и Украину и весь мир, как помиловал некогда Ниневию и отменил уничтожение ее. שלום זוהר, הסיפור של שוק הרכב מיד שנייה הוא מעניין, וזו תופעה שאנו רואים בכל העולם המפותח. למעשה זאת נגזרת של משבר השבבים העולמי שליווה את היציאה מתקופת הקורונה - בגלל ששבבים רבים פשוט מיוצרים עבור תעשיית הרכב. המשבר הזה מלווה אותנו מאז סוף שנת . שרשראות האספקה לא הצליחו לעמוד בביקושים העולים, ויצרניות הרכב נתקעו ללא שבבים קריטיים למערכות. חלק מזה, אגב, היה בגלל שבתקופת הקורונה הושבתו קווי ייצור ובוטלו הזמנות לשבבים, וזאת למרות שהביקוש למכוניות חדשות נותר גבוה. אבל כשההזמנות חודשו - ולפעמים גם הוכפלו ושולשו - הם נתקלו בקשיים אדירים באספקה וכתוצאה מכך חלה עלייה במחירי כלי רכב חדשים. המצב הזה יצר המתנה של חצי שנה עד חודשים לרכב חדש, ובאופן טבעי דחף צרכנים רבים לשוק הרכב יד שנייה. הביקוש לרכב יד שנייה עלה לרמות שלא נראו שנים, והמחירים עלו בהתאם. רבות
Why some don't receive the healing? Is it they don't know how to pray or what?
I need and claim my healing from cancer! Thank you God for answering my prayers!
@@sallyaversa2022, as a born again believer, I don’t understand why Christians today are asking Jesus to heal them. How many times did Jesus heal after His resurrection? Where does 1 Peter 2:24 comes to play? Show me in scriptures cause I can’t find one that He did. What strikes me, Peter commanded the lame beggar to rise up and walk using in the Name of Jesus. Paul healed folks too; and when he was bitten by a poisonous viper Apostle Paul never prayed for Jesus to heal him. He just shook off the snake from his hand and went about his business. I know that the Holy Spirit gives life to our mortal body Romans 8:11. Did Jesus said to speak to the mountain? (Mark 11:23-24) Didn’t Jesus commanded us Christians to heal the sick, etc based on Matthew 10:8. How bout Mark 16:17-18? I’m not putting you on a spotlight. I just don’t understand why we have to pray to God to heal us.
@@moses7101 because without the power of the blood, we aren't exactly effective. Some have the proper anointing but it's not a given. It's a relationship that forms over time. Until a person KNOWS their identity they will pray these things in Jesus name and see him super-intercede on their behalf.
@@Busybeemiss, “…see Him super-intercede on their behalf?” God made it very clear when He said, “My people are destroy for lack of knowledge” Hosea 4:6. God’s Word says in the Book of Hebrews 2:14, “satan can’t destroy or kill you because Jesus paralyzed him that HAD the power of death, that is the devil.” Now for those that have life and death situation, having weak faith…James 5:14-15.
@@moses7101 Jesus' blood speaks for us in the court of heaven better things than the blood of Able. Jesus is praying for us to the Father as He is our parakletos, our LEGAL DEFENCE. He is not up there on His throne doing nothing. He plays an active role in our authority against demonic oppression. It is appropriate to summon his help.
@@Busybeemiss, If you or any Christians wish they have healing in their body, the more they think like that, the more they will drown just like Peter walking in the water. Peter took his eyes off of Jesus. What did Jesus do? He caught him immediately. Jesus said, “Why did you doubt?” Jesus didn’t say the water where you were was too soft. Jesus knew the reason for the man sinking. Peter looked at the waves. FEAR!!! (Matthew 14:25-31)
Cancer! She or he are looking at it. They cried out to the Lord to remove it. They will drown if that’s their prayer. Listen, we come from a lineage of miracle workers. God is not working in the miracles today. Don’t deceive yourself! He’s not! Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father. (Mark 16:19; Hebrews 10:12) He’s not working! He’s waiting until His enemies be made His footstool. Understanding the difference between our generic communication in general meeting where sinners and babies are. They say, “God is going to heal you today! God is going to do this! God! God! God!” Is He? That’s a general truth. That’s a lesser truth. God talked about lesser light and greater light. In reality, Jesus isn’t doing any work. He is in His Sabbath. The Bible says all His work were finished. He ascended, He’s in heaven. He was a miracle worker on earth. So, who’s performing the miracles today? We Christians! (Mark 16:15-20; John 14:12-14)
Jesus sent us to go in His Name. We have the Holy Spirit. We speak God’s Word, the Holy Ghost perform. We can curse cancer from the root using His Name, and tell it to go. And it will if we believe and doubt not.
I watch Pastor Jessie Duplantis sermon. That’s his spiritual son. I’m not against him. If you watch “Healing Testimonies Stories” from Andrew Womack Ministries, you’ll hear how Christians got their healing. God Bless!
Dr Kevin I'm a widow, met David is a widow also were both believer love Jesus very much hes asked me to get married, I said yes pray for us hallelujah 🙏 ❤
Congratulations!! Your covenant is a tree your fruit will be determined by the word's that you both speak. You will have what you say. Speak life 🙏💕🌸
Congratulations 🎊
Please pray for my healing. I'm in the hospital with colitis. I'm healed by the blood of Jesus. I receive my healing Good Good Father. Amen
Praying for you!!!
Thank you for prayers 🙏🏻. I'm healed in Jesus name. Amen. I go for a follow up colonoscopy on April 6th when I will receive good news! Amen 💗 SoBeIt😇💗
@@KevinZadai Will you please pray for the healing of my intestines as well?🙏🏻
@@shar7508 You are healed now in Jesus name! Believe and be healed.
Be healed 8n Jesus name.ay the Holy Spirit sanctify us. Amen.
Wow That was powerful when I was around 25 I had a bad surgery I was bleed to death and was very weak but I took all the needles out and tube in my nose got dressed and walked out of the hospital I was baby Christian I went to a church the minster layer hands on me I was instantly healed I took the first step Thanks Jesus ❤️Wisconsin
Love this!!!
It's so true, if a person doesn't take action then we remain at random. I love about what Kevin said about that vitamin.
So great
I am praying for divine healing for my husband and myself... he is suffering terribly. Please hear our prayer, Jehovah Rapha!
He has up and down days. We are praying that the Lord Would remove the mass in his lung!
@@yvonneyoumans6464ivamectin Vit C D Zinc 🙏🏽✝️❤️
@@yvonneyoumans6464animal wormer will do it if you can’t get hold of tablts
My whole family and me need healing... PLEASE PRAY FOR US
My God Bless you and your family 😇
You are healed now in Jesus name! Believe and be healed.
Kathy, begin to say many times a day , by His stripes im healed, say it over out
Our, by His stripes im healed. Jesus took the stopes, ring beaten, so that you might healed 1Peter 2:24
I ment say it again and agin, and you’ll begin to believe what you’re saying, it’s truth, do it you and all sick in your household. Look at the scripture I Peter 2: 24. It’s done for you on cal very. Believe it, do it! Don’t forget to thank Jesus daily, no matter what!
I will pray for your family Kathy❤️
I just prayed the healing waters over my daughter Janessa, in Jesus name.🙏🏻🕊 Her throat will be made whole and in perfect condition, in Jesus name. God bless you all!❤️
Father God we come before you in the name of Jesus and we call out Janessa's name heal Janessa and your Mighty holy name thank you Father God thank you for your mercy and thank you for your loving Janessa amen
@@janiceshira91 3:27
❤i’m praying that i can be healed from my paralysis due to my severe stroke and brain damage that i may be able recover quickly and live normally again and walk again for i commit to spread my lord’s word for the rest of my existence on this planet 🌏
I just had a vision of you walking.
Standing with you in prayer 🙏 through the mighty blood of Yahoshua Messiah
Thank you Jesus for Denise. Put to right what has be set wrong. Align her with heaven. by your stripes it was done. Thank you.
@@XtraSparklesPls i’m touched by your post ty
Jesus we love you. Heal Denise lord in your name we pray for her healing. God bless you friend. ❤
Be healed Denise IJCMN AMEN
I am healed in the name of Jesus! Currently in stroke recovery, making great progress, and praising His Holy name that He has touched my body and has given me healing. Thank you, Jesus for always being here for me.🙏🏻✝️🙏🏻💜
@@KevinZadai Thank you so much!!🙏🏻✝️🙏🏻💜
My parents both passed away from heart disease. My 3 brothers and sister had heart attacks and stints put in them I'm having trouble now and my heart Dr. Ordered test he thinks I might have blockages too. Jesus in heaven you have my Earthly parents now in heaven with you..Heal my Earthly sister and brothers and myself from All sickness disease viruses and bacteria in Jesus Christ Holy name Amen and Amen 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you 🕊❤❤❤
Heart disease has also been proven to be reversible by changing diet..look into it
In Jesus’ name, you and your siblings are healthy! We walk by faith, by what we know as the promises of God, and not by sight, the illusory circumstances of the enemy.
I want to be healed! Please everyone pray for me..I had a biopsy a few days ago and the Dr thinks it's cancerous. Please pray that the results come back benign.
I'm in agreement with you for no cancer
How are you now?
You should never wait to see what a scan or test or report says...thats coming into agreement with the sick ess from the enemy!! Declare a false report, you are NOT in agreement, and you ARE healed by the blood of Jesus! He already took it on the cross! Spiritual warfare is an OUTLOUD weapon ....speak scriptures outlous back to God as to who He says you are and you are whole..no weapon formed against you can prosper.
RENOUNCE any spoken word of agreement to the assignment of the enemy, KNOWINGLY OR UNKNOWINGLY... and you will be healed! I Jesus name, Amen
Believe, you are healed in Jesus's name
Jesus Christ healed me of cancer. JESUS CHRIST delivered my husband from Alcoholism & healed his knee that required surgery, no surgery JUST GOD!!
Praise God
I am 70 about tweve or thirteen years ago after poor hearing I had an acoustic neuroma diagnosed on the nerves of my left ear that has made me deaf and I now have poor balance. Whilst in the waiting room for these results I distinctly heard God tell me I was not to have an operation. When I went into see the consultant this was his first comment to me was about needing an operation. I felt confident to say I wouldnt be having one. I witnessed to having faith in Jesus and needed to be obedient to Him. I confess I dont understand what I have going on and people cant understand me for not having medical intervention. Listening to this video today I believe I too need to dispel the randomness of my healing. God is good and faithful. X.
Same thing happen to my daughter. She was having painful gut issues for a year when God gave one word “asparagus.” Since then my little girl is pain free. God is so good
Some days before I heared this, God showed me the healing Water with gemstones from his Throne♥️
And he told me, I shall paint it♥️
Decades ago I was sick with a bad cold and decided NOT to ask God to heal me. Two days later I was confronted by God very directly.
God dropped the scripture, "By His stripes, you were healed" into my spirit. Then, very loudly within my spirit, the Father said, "You know that scripture don't you?"
It froze me in my tracks. I said, "Yes, Lord."
Again very loudly the Father said to me, "Don't you ever again make it for nothing that my Son Jesus died on the cross for your healing."
I was so terrified at the volume of God's voice and the implications of what He had said. I repented and asked for forgiveness and healing. It remains today the only time in my life where I was INSTANTLY healed.
I call my healing ...from stroke..impaired eyesight..and healing from diabetes. I call forth the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name to bring life into my brain, pancreas & eyes...totally restoration ..in Jesus Name!
Btw, Jesus will certainly heal you but to stay well, get rid of sugar in your diet and eat a low carb (20gms) until you are at a healthy weight then you can add more fats to maintain.
A low carb diet cures diabetes among many other things.
Dr Eric Westman has a utube and website to help ppl. God bless!
God has brought Roman 8:11 to me this year many times. One step I do is if I start to feel any sickness or pain. That very moment I tell it NO and it leaves. I learned not to give even the tiniest thought of receiving sickness or pain.
What is said in Roman 8:11?
I can follow english usually w/o any problems but this speech is confusing me the way he speaks.
I receive my healing. Thankyou Lisa for the revealing this message. GOD BLESS. Harusha.
Thank you Dr. Zadai for this beautiful message. Singing the song: "I've got a river of life flowing out of me; makes the lame to walk and the blind to see! Opens River Doors sets the captives free! I've got a river of life, flowing out of me. Spring up oh,well in my soul, spring up oh well and make me whole, spring up oh well, and give to me, that Life abundantly." Thank you Jesus
He sent His word and healed our diseases! Hallelujah!
@@bbim2612 😅😅😮😅😅
Pray God lifts the scales from the lost and lukewarm eyes, opens their ears and soften their hearts 🙏🏻
So be it. Lord Jesus
Amen. Amen
🙏 Amen 🙏
I pray and command a person's healing, that is already within them and they receive healing. I have receive my healing as well, in Jesus name amen!.
blessings for your new life in this relationship and God give them strength to get through this beginning phase of their lives with each other in Jesus name only to find themselves at home with God in the moments of the day
I went to Heaven in 2014 and saw children playing music together. Ever since, I play Heavenly music! Love hearing what Warrior Notes plays!
I prayed for my painful left ankle n it was gone after a few hours. No more limping . Praise the Lord. By His stripes on His back, I'm completely healed of the pain. My testimony which happened just this morning. 3rd April 2022.
Hello Kevin and Kathy , please pray that I'm cancer free also my son Dwayne and Bernard a supernatural healing of heart issues and blood disease for Bernard ,been under a great attacks ,The word says Many are the afflictions of the righteous ,But we bind all these diseases in the mighty name of Jesus! Thank you Lord in advance for our healings and Thank you for Kevin and Kathy teaching us , continue to bless them and this growing ministry! 🙌🙏
I had a horrible ripping low back pain yesterday and I remember that scripture from Romans 8:11 Speaks of the Resurrection Spirit of God that rose Jesus from the dead and the promise within that scripture that it can quicken your mortal body. So I believe that if I say that the same spirit of God that rose Jesus from the dead is healing my mortal body and I am healed in the name of Jesus, Amen 🙏 Whenever I feel pain, I pray that scripture. Last night I woke up to the restroom and was praying that scripture in my mind and also a worshipping song to God had been replaying in my brain and continued all day long till It stopped in the afternoon. I tell my husband how I stopped my pain. Also since we started thanking Jesus for our provisions, our financial situation has changed. Thanks Kevin for that message about Jesus already having provisions for us and All we need to do is to praise and thank him and they materialize. 👍♥️ I’m praying to get my prayer language and have faith that it will come.
I receive this. Thank you for posting. 🙏🏽🔥
Amen. Will say this Scripture more earnestly than before for this excruciating pain in my lower Spine and Hips and weakening my Bladder. God bless his Word and blessing to you. Pray for me too in Jesis name. Amen.
This is so good! The Holy Spirit introduced me to the word “quickening” a few weeks ago 😀 that word wasn’t in my NIV version of my Bible..Fire was set to my Bible after this revelation. I felt led to pray over someone today after he talked about his high blood pressure and diabetes. I could sense his doubt, so after he agreed the first thing I said was “are you willing to be healed.” He said “yes”…. So I prayed, asked for the Lord to put new kidneys in him, touch his renal arteries and pancreas, then asked the Holy Spirit to quicken his body.I also loosed healing from heaven”… this is all new to me. I’m excited to start praying about this revelation that healing comes out of the intended person to be healed 🙌🏻🔥 I’ll keep u posted 🙏 I love you all so much….also, I have a request….you talked in the last video about Sven and Lou writing the manuals for the airplanes…they’ve gotta start doing instruction manuals for kids toys 🤯 my son is 8 and he can understand them, but I don’t. Maybe it’s on the Y-chromosome. We may also have to do zoom calls for math homework when he gets older because he wants to be an astronaut. I’m already stumped on common core math 🤯🤯🤯😆 thank you for your teachings, we’re all so blessed. Praise Jesus for all of you
Hello friend! I just wanted to say that the NIV Bible is missing about 150 key verses that are very important to salvation especially.. I love the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible. I have researched and also found some books that explain why it’s the best translation. All of Jesus’ words are written in red ink in the New Testament and it’s wonderful. It’s important that people know that. Be blessed!
This is such an awesome work of God I love that word. I loved reading the NIV at first because it's really quick and easy to read but they cut so much out of it. John Ramirez told me to try the Passion translation it's incredible how much more in depth it is I recommend it to everyone! God bless you Dena and God bless Warrior notes!
@@JoshuaPabst1776 Thank you for your encouragement! I was so excited about that Word of Knowledge from the Holy Spirit! I felt as if I had been handed a piece of treasure ❤️ I love brother John too! Before the inner circle group, I was afraid of my own shadow! Praise Jesus, now I’m staring down devils and casting them out 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Dena, common core anything needs to be removed from our kids' lives. It is a Godless curriculum, it sets them up for failure in advanced studies. Far too many are going into college unprepared. The most prepared are from home educated, and private school programs.
And lastly this one is up to you to research. N. A. S. A. and other 3LETTERgovt0rganizations are corrupt organizations that are compartmentalized to keep their corruption going, which keeps those within from knowing what's truly happening. No accountability, ie where did the money go?
It will be very involved research, because there are many deadends.
Search out, "a funny thing happened on the way to the moon".. Many things have been blocked are removed, in the last two years. You have to ask, Why?
There are well over 200 verses stating the Earth is fixed and immovable. There are declassified university studies, government and military documents stating similar.
According to Scriptures, the Firmament means metallic and hammered out.. another verse refers to it being strong like a molten looking glass. Think similar to leaded crystal.. It's referred to as GOD'S footstool and he sees us like grasshoppers. That aeronautical organization has stated that we have never passed through the Van Allen belt, ie never gone to space. They also said, "we've lost all the records and tapes of how to do it ".. Isn't that convenient? Ie, We never went..
There's many more details that say it was really a Hollywood production. They can do a lot with
If you're brave enough, you will find out we've been lied to by the Great Deceiver organizations on just about every subject. Our creation, our history, ancient history, medical/pharma subjects, religious beliefs, agricultural, political.. on and on.
It's interesting, we are warned about Pharma in the New Testament.
I could go on and on.. I've researched for years. Study to show thyself approved. GOD will lead you. 🙏
Im still struggling over the death of my mother who went to Heaven January 7, 2021. It was the worst day of my life, she was my best friend. I am trying to go through life strong, but, so sad. I am also grieving over a high school classmate who passed July 13, 2020. She was dear to me, even though we werent friends in high school, due to her being popular and me an outcast. Ive come to know that we had a lot in common, but, sadly never got to know each other. But i feel her presence around me. So grateful!
The moment Kevin gave that golden nugget about what he saw in heaven with regards to the flowing river, the scripture, “out of your belly will flow rivers of living water”, resonated within me! Hallelujah!
Hallelujah lord is great
Let's all pray together so war and fear and anxiety all get thrown out of our lives for love and for jesus, I need help spiritually from this anxiety demon. Pls let's pray over this so I'm not luke warm anymore In Jesus's mighty name Amen 🙏❤
I had anxiety for over 30 years. God showed me the moment that it entered. I cast that demon out of myself. It has now been 20 years of freedom from that one, God has always had me study nutrition so I had usually also taken a B-50 complex and magnesium and many other supplements.I refused to take meds., yet understand why people get desperate.
Kathy and Kevin,
Thank you so much for your healing conference in Orlando! Glory be to God! My 4 year old daughter who had pcdh19 epilepsy was healed three days later! That morning I awoke to the Holy Spirit proclaiming, " She's healed! She's healed! She's healed! She's healed! She's healed!"
No more epilepsy for Alora or her future children! Your 60 Day Healing Devotional book is such a great soaking read! I am such a blessed mother! My husband and I are also going through a process of deliverance from the demonic and into Jesus!!! Thank you Jesus! I was at the end of my rope and You saved me!
God is absolutely perfect! Praise the Lord for everything.
@@karenyeshua5086 What we found out is that deliverance from demons improved our daughter's condition. All of the natural diet and supplements helped her immensely too.
But it was not until I totally gave it to Jesus, and started praying healing scriptures over her that she was healed. I'm still so AMAZED at our brand new little girl!
@@cherylbrown8910 AMEN
@@karenyeshua5086 No I don't think all seizures can be demonic. But it is worth checking out. Most doctors are not willing to go all the way with you. But God IS. His Word is so powerful as it flows from Spirit filled lips!
@@RomansVerses- the Lord wants me to say: when we come to the end of our ropes, we will find out there's an anchor there, named Jesus. 💜
I have had so many answers to prayer in my life but the healing of diabetes II has eluded me. I am now 80 years old and have survived Covid 19 with only a mild case over 2 years ago and have not been vaccinated. I am still on this earth for a reason and am grateful to you Kevin for your ministry and will be putting some of the secrets to healing that you have explained into effect to overcome this final battle.
Praying for you now
And listen to dr Berg
I have a disease similar to polyneuropaty, so I receive a miracle healing right now. Amen. Thank you jesus
Could u have guillian barre? It is diagnosed by a spinal tap by a neurosurgeon
No cure, tho
.but jesus will give u a miracle. I had one from it. I say u r totally healed in jesus name!
@@marykayhoppe9167 no I have no GB IT is easy to diagnose
Hi Kevin I am 16 and I love how your a welling vessel for the lord because of you yielding to the lord and teaching me how to grow everyday through Jesus Christ, there has been a move of God in my life and I just love it so much brother I pray that the lord gives me a chance see you and talk to you if not in this life then definitely the next . Just keep moving to Glory to Glory Amen, I will keep you in my prayers God bless you🙌🙏🙏🙏🤗🔥
Praise God! When I was 16 I was literally cursing Him. I wasted so much of my life hating The One who loves me the most. PLEASE, keep spending time with Him and just loving on Him and letting Him love you. Little sister, may He be your best friend and the light of your heart always.
HE is for you so no thing or no one can come against you. ALL HOLY ALL MAJESTIC GREAT KING JESUS, let her light shine for YOU always. Make her LIFE easy so she can enjoy every moment with YOU even in the rough seas and dark nights. That is when YOUR children shine even bright. Nothing will ever be able to bring you down Brianna. HE is THE LORD your GOD. Your LOVE and trust in HIM Is obvious. Shine child ,shine warrior shine. You look like your FATHER. 😀
@@josephfisher3865 yes yes amen GLORY TO THE LORD🙌🙌🙌
Awwww so precious!!! Be blessed dear one❤️
God bless you much more now💗✌️🙏🙏🙏🐠🌻🏩🕊️⚓🌴
I am healed by the same Spirit and power that resurrected Jesus Christ that dwells in me
I totally understand what you said about substances (health substances for my body). I was healed from Crohn’s Disease after terrible suffering and surgery. I walked away from the Drs when I was about 23yrs old and studied very consistently , what to put in my body, how to exercise my body, how to truly live as a Christian, and I prayed. By the time I reached 30 yrs old, I was no longer sick, but I had to stick to the new way of life I had learned.
Knowledge is hearing, but understanding is doing. 7:11
So amazed that Kevin takes out the time to like every comment!
So appreciate you!
Please pray for me and my family, we are in need of bid time healing in every area of our lives.
Also, please pray for our brothers and sisters in the Ukraine, let the Holy Spirit protect them, in Jesus name Amen!!!
I am beginning to recognize and receive my healing !!! I know everything works in cycles and I do believe I am healing from everything the drs. Say that is wrong with me … and I just want to thank you for letting me hear Gods words of healing through you !! To God be the glory …
The Kingdom of Heaven is within, amen Amen Amen
I believe that I am healed! By the stripes of Jesus Christ 🙌 I have been healed 🙏! I declare lt, claimed it, i received it, because God said it in Isaiah 53:5 by faith I believe the promises of God in His Word! He is Immutable God who never changed His Word! Or a man that should lie or change His mind! 👋 hallelujah! Thank you LORD Jesus 🙏 💓 for my healing!
I am healed in Jesus Name every area of my body operates in perfect order. Praise God!!!
For years I struggled with overwhelming low energy, High BP and malnutrition. I asked for direction from Spirit and was still in the Presence. Then I was given direction throughout the next days and three days later I’ve gained energy.
My daughter said pay over your food, we do. In the morning I have my first thoughts to the Lord. I’ve been singing abs praying in tongues and I found videos on potassium and salt balance. Magnesium and B1 plus the rest... this is true.
I’m expecting the years the locust stole back. I’m expecting full restoration and plenty to give as the Lord leads.
I claim that I Am God’s Witness
Truth sets me free. So important. The devil is a liar. We need more truth.
Dearest God, come into my life, you are my Lord and savior. I and my family are your children for ever Amen!!!
I need healing from anxiety and panic attacks and pray God will help me keep looking to him
B vitamins
This is so packed with revelation. Healing is inside me already. I knew this but never really knew it until now.
Thanks! Shalom.
I love the part of being the observer
Jesus died not just for your sins. He died for your healing. If you’re sick you are throwing it back at Jesus. If you’re sick the devil is trespassing!!!!! You have Jesus inside you !!! Kick out the devil. Command him out.
Thank you! Healing is inside of me. Healing power of God is within me.
Just received the Revelation: looking at model that healing was in us from the beginning, we can seek (and reach and take) everything else we need (want) like it is waiting for us.
The Water 🙌🏾- I completely agree! I’ve encountered the Living Water in Heaven and I 100% agree - so much revelation 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
I received the healing power of God 🙏🙏 in Jesus name. Amen.
I claim and receive my healing. Thank you you father for the quickening 🙏🏻
Now i understand, the more we hardened our heart is the more we delay ourselves, now i understand,help me ABBA FATHER with the issues of life that we are facing daily. Thanks Dr Kevin and Kathy and the whole team of Warrior Notes for your teaching of the GOSPEL OF GOD ♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏
I receive the healing of Heaven in my body once more in the Almighty Name of Jesus \●/
Kevin...You did it 4 me...today I got breathed on by Jesus. Thanyou Kevin and MARY ANN KUSTYN !! PRAY I KEEP YOU.
We already possess our healing praise God! 🙌🏼💕💕💕
people get healed when i lay hands on them. Thank you jesus
Wow brother in Christ! This is amazing! This is exactly what God is speaking to me in my secret place! This is incredible and confirmation. We have it all inward not outward! We drive out by the finger of God because we are from God. He is really trying to take us back to original design when we were in Genesis a relationship with God knowing nothing but God. Limitless 😭🔥. Bless you brother for your Obedience 🙏. I pray blessings upon you and your family and loved ones 🙏
Thank you Kevin and Kathy for making a pit stop in Carlsbad. Your welcome to come any time. My dad and i were blessed by the word of God. Oh ya thanks to Ryan I was gifted with a free cd.Praise the Lord!!!!!
Clara. - Praise GOD for this teaching!!!
Kevin, please pray and stand in Faith for me to be healed of lipedema, lymphedema, and kidney issues. Thank You.
Praying for your healing in Jesus Christ name
I've always been drawn to the gift of healing . I receive it in faith in the name of Jesus!
Thank You God for our healing, joy and love. We glorify Your Name and for Your goodness in our lives 🇿🇦
Thank you Kevin and your entire team for spreading the word of God!
Glory to the almighty. Thank you father for my healing as your word say by his stripes we are healed. I declare healing in my body in Jesus mighty name Amen.
At 6:12: This relates to my finding, "the more I know, the more I know I don't know".
Blessings to you all, I pray for complete healing In my blood and kidneys amen 🙏
I am in agreement with you Maria Scully.
@@HK-uj9qc me to
I am in agreement with you
Kevin I was healed in my lungs and heart. I felt a fire come on my right side touched one lung then the other lung , then it went to my heart. Praise God. 😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Woah, crazy confirmation about hearing words I have never heard of. I went to store, purchased and it worked to to help me too! 😯 praise the LORD! 🎉🙌🏻✝️🔥
Jumping up and down!! Hallelujah
Rivers of Living Waters flowing in and through me 🙌🏻 what an amazing revelation praise Jesus!! Glory!!
Hallelujah I receive healing by fire 🔥 in Jesus Mighty Name 🙏 🙌
Hello how are you??
. I just really need God to come through for me rn. I need alot of healing Emotionally, financially and career wise. I don't want to loose my faith. I love God really. I'm just weary rn...please pray for me. And please let me know you are. Thank you
Thank you Wonderful Jesus, Kevin and Kathi. I receive the river of life flowing out from me in Jesus name! 🙏 🌹🌹🌹
Yes Father God, I am taking my supplements that you told me to take last year for my excellent health. In Jesus name amen!!
I receive m'y healing from all sicknesses in m'y body
Thank you Jesus for salvation , healing and unconditional love
Amen 🙏 Amen
AMEN!!! Healing is within!!! When we pray or speak healing upon each other; the two connect and we are healed!! When they receive it. I receive my healing God. In Jesus name amen. Jesus, You are absolutely gorgeous !!! LOL!!!
Isn't it great ! It is within , the healing in within
Thankyou Dr Kevin for sharing with us your encounter of healing waters of heaven that can change the way we need to receive healing I receive my healing from within rivers of living water. GOD BLESS. Harusha
I had a refreshing of the Spirit this morning while driving. Now last night after watching Kathy give instructions on receiving the Holy Spirit , the Holy Spirit said it would happen while I was driving today.
When I looked back my daughter (Sabrina) was frothing at the corners of her mouth.
I took her home and that demonic presence begin to manifest more and more, but it became more aggressive and begin to try to hurt her, I command it not to her hurt, she kept twisting and bending her fingers, and pinching her legs and arms . Please touch and agree with me in the Spirit.
It's twisting her body. I called out hurt, abandonment (her mother), hurt spirit, unforgiveness . I really need you guys. The spirit of mental illness is trying to control her.
I've seen her do the things shes done today.
GOD block every sickness in my life in Jesus Christ name. Amen.
Thank you for the Word and for your attention to Jesus with the resulting focus on Him. Listen to Him for He is GOD'S Son. We all need to always be open for the Holy Spirit's voice.
Thanks always for the reminder!!!
Please pray for my mental and physical healing. Thanks.
A healing school would be awesome. I so appreciate all the messages given to us. It has helped me learn and grow for work in God's kingdom. Love this ministry. :)
Dr/Cpt Kevin this is so encouraging.Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit for sending you to us ❤️
Perfect timing, the Healing Power of God is within us! Thanks!
Amen Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus for have done and having been doing all these things for me and for the rest of the the body of Christ. Your church and I love you King Jesus! Maranatha
I have been under constant attack for 5 solid years, and I need prayer to be able to get to church. Please pray for me. I moved to this new state, and it has been horrendous. Thank you.
Praying for you
Jesus heal all who are in need of healing of all kinds and in all ways. Thank you Almighty God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name amen.