The Effect List: 1. Normal 2. Mari Group 3. Diamond Major 4. G Major 19 5. G Major 7 6. G Major 134 7. G Major 16 8. G Major 6 9. LTKC Map 10. GOO GOO GAA GAA 11. The Real G Major 4 12. Reverse 13. CoNfUsIoN 14. CoNfUsIoN Reverse 15. V Major 16. Pika Major 17. Angry X 18. Not Scary 19. G Major 47 20. RGB to BGR 21. RGB to BGR Reverse 22. RGB to BGR Confusion Reverse 23. Black and White CoNfUsIoN 24. Conga Busher 25. Mystery Effect 26. G Major 9 By RJ Kumar 27. I KILLED 28. Wanda Rabbit Major 29. Boul123 Major 30. Low Voice 31. G Major 8 32. Luig Group 33. Leaf Fall Down Major 34. Slow Voice
Қоюшы режиссер
Б. Баймұратов
Қоюшы оператор
Б. Қаламұлы
The Effect List:
1. Normal
2. Mari Group
3. Diamond Major
4. G Major 19
5. G Major 7
6. G Major 134
7. G Major 16
8. G Major 6
9. LTKC Map
11. The Real G Major 4
12. Reverse
13. CoNfUsIoN
14. CoNfUsIoN Reverse
15. V Major
16. Pika Major
17. Angry X
18. Not Scary
19. G Major 47
20. RGB to BGR
21. RGB to BGR Reverse
22. RGB to BGR Confusion Reverse
23. Black and White CoNfUsIoN
24. Conga Busher
25. Mystery Effect
26. G Major 9 By RJ Kumar
28. Wanda Rabbit Major
29. Boul123 Major
30. Low Voice
31. G Major 8
32. Luig Group
33. Leaf Fall Down Major
34. Slow Voice