Use of Make with Modal l Important use of make with modal l English Learning Platform BD.

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Use of Make with Modal l Important use of make with modal l English Learning Platform BD.I made a few phone calls.
    I think you're making a serious mistake.
    Science and technology have made major changes to the way we live.
    She had made us an offer too good to refuse.
    Apparently he made a mess of his audition.
    Are you really going to make a better job of it this time?
    Mary made as if to protest, then hesitated.
    He made to chase Davey, who ran back laughing.
    He made 1,972 runs for the county.
    Grit from the highway made him cough.
    The white tips of his shirt collar made him look like a choirboy.
    I was made to feel guilty and irresponsible.
    Mama made him clean up the plate.
    You can't make me do anything.
    They were made to pay $8.8 million in taxes.
    He returned to Chicago, and made it his base for the rest of his life.
    She made life very difficult for me.
    She's made it obvious that she's appalled by me.
    Rationing has made it easier to find some products like eggs, butter and meat.
    Does your film make a hero of Jim Garrison?
    It can be argued that having such a good team to captain would make anyone appear a good leader.
    Since he came to live with me, we have been subject to a campaign of spite and revenge which makes Lady Sarah appear angelic by comparison.
    Aron couldn't speak Polish. I made myself understood with difficulty.
    He almost had to shout to make himself heard above the music.
    Mr Blair made him transport minister.
    We made it into a beautiful home.
    Her bestseller is soon to be made into a television mini-series.
    This makes the total cost of the bulb and energy £27.
    David scored from 20 yards and then Pete made it 4-0.
    Lorenzo was a natural leader who made friends easily.
    He was unruly in class and made an enemy of most of his teachers.
    She made her own bread.
    They now make cars at two plants in Europe.
    Having curtains made professionally can be costly.
    They make compost out of all kinds of waste.