2022 11 07 [Fate Gear]



  • @taihavard549
    @taihavard549 2 місяці тому

    I really like Fate Gear, their song styles can be a bit all over the place, so some of their songs I love, and some are just not for me.
    This is one of the good ones for me, also would recommend;
    - Fight Against Justice (goes hardest)
    - Unbreakable Wings
    - MegaBullets
    - Supersonic Samurai (cover, just really silly and fun)
    - Headless Goddess (new version of the original by Destrose, a band that Mina formed. Mina is a lead guitarist of Fate Gear and form them as well)
    They seem to swap members around a fair bit, some in some videos, not others, some left but still join in again for tours.
    They have a new bassist now, not the one in this video. But I love this bassist in this video and in all the videos she is in. She gets really into it and is just swinging all over the place in a really relatable and fun to watch way. Sometimes she's headbanging to the point I am surprised she's still standing.
    Unfortunately they don't have much in the way of quality lives, they play fine live, but just the recordings are not usually professionally done for their lives so the sounds not great. But this bassist still goes for it as hard live as well :)
    But good to see reactions to a few of their other tracks.
    Also they have quite a few albums so you might find some more you like beyond the ones I do.

  • @taihavard549
    @taihavard549 2 місяці тому

    Added this as a separate comment as it's a separate subject. Looking through the Japanese bands you have found, there are a few you might like you have not run into yet, as far as I can tell.
    These next two have female vocalists, the actual bands are guys, but both are great fun.
    Broken By The Scream - Sayonara Birthday (I enjoy these guys as much as Lovebites, Nemophila and Hanabie)
    Passcode - Taking You Out (also really fun)
    Next one is all female. Not a metal band but they have some metalish songs. However, incredibly fun band, both the metal and non metal stuff.
    Gacharic Spin - I Wish I
    Gacharic Spin - Mindset