I feel clarity and a sense of relief listening to this. Sometimes i curl up and hug my childhood stuffed animal and breakdown with my earbuds in like my world just imploded or i feel at peace and like the fighting is finally over and i feel release. No matter which one happens when i listen to this, i feel safe and like I’m in a protective bubble where no one can get to me or hurt me anymore. It helps me fall asleep most nights and overall is just nice to listen to no matter what emotion it may bring to the surface. Life may be really really hard, so hard i have no words to explain, but it really is worth continuing and living on.
Every time my mom asks “Where did my sweet little girl go” Sometimes I really want to say the truth. But I can’t. The truth is that she’s gone. She died and is buried deep inside of me. You will never see that part of me again. This world crushed and tore her apart. This harsh world never let her rest. She soon lost herself. She doesn’t even know who she is anymore. She soon felt empty and weak. There was nothing she could do anymore.
100 reasons to stay alive: 1. to make your parents proud 2. to conquer your fears 3. to see your family again 4. to see your favourite artist live 5. to listen to music again 6. to experience a new culture 7. to make new friends 8. to inspire 9. to have your own children 10. to adopt your own pet 11. to make yourself proud 12. to meet your idols 13. to laugh until you cry 14. to feel tears of happiness 15. to eat your favourite food 16. to see your siblings grow 17. to pass school 18. to get tattoo 19. to smile until your cheeks hurt 20. to meet your internet friends 21. to find someone who loves you like you deserve 22. to eat ice cream on a hot day 23. to drink hot chocolate on a cold day 24. to see untouched snow in the morning 25. to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire 26. to see stars light up the sky 27. to read a book that changes your life 28. to see the flowers in the spring 29. to see the leaves change from green to brown 30. to travel abroad 31. to learn a new language 32. to learn to draw 33. to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them 34. Puppy kisses. 35. Baby kisses (the open mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek). 36. Swear words and the release you feel when you say them. 37. Trampolines. 38. Ice cream. 39. Stargazing. 40. Cloud watching. 41. Taking a shower and then sleeping in clean sheets. 42. Receiving thoughtful gifts. 43. “I saw this and thought of you." 44. The feeling you get when someone you love says, “I love you." 45. The relief you feel after crying. 46. Sunshine. 47. The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention. 48. Your future wedding. 49. Your favorite candy bar. 50. New clothes. 51. Witty puns. 52. Really good bread. 53. Holding your child in your arms for the first time. 54. Completing a milestone (aka going to college, graduating college, getting married, getting your dream job.) 55. The kind of dreams where you wake up and can’t stop smiling. 56. The smell before and after it rains 57. The sound of rain against a rooftop. 58. The feeling you get when you’re dancing. 59. The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them. 60. Trying out new recipes. 61. The feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio. 62. The rush you get when you step onto a stage. 63. You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable. 64.Breakfast in bed. 65. Getting a middle seat in the movie theater. 66. Breakfast for dinner (because it’s so much better at night than in the morning). 67. Pray (if you are religious) 68. Forgiveness. 69. Water balloon fights. 70. New books by your favorite authors. 71. Fireflies. 72. Birthdays. 73. Realizing that someone loves you. 74. Spending the day with someone you 85. Being wrapped up in a warm bed. 86. Someone’s skin against yours. 87. Holding hands. 88. The kind of hugs when you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. The kind of hug where your breath syncs with the other person’s, and you feel like the only two people in the world. 89. Singing off key with your best friends. 90. Road trips. 91. Spontaneous adventures. 92. The feeling of sand beneath your toes. 93. The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees. 94. Thunderstorms. 95. Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland. 96. The taste of your favorite food. 97. The child-like feeling you get on Christmas morning. 98. The day when everything finally goes your way. 99. Compliments and praise. 100. to look on this moment in 10 years time and realise you did it. Ps : Never forget you are a beatiful person 💕 Life is so beatiful so live, live like no one else exist, live for yourself, don't care of bad people, you are strong, i love you 🫶🏼
This song makes feel: My heart aches, I see no one My fears laugh at me, they were right The soul of mine wants heaven,but my body doesn't dare to help Was I always this miserable?taking my brain to the very brief moments of happiness is an answer My head kills me with thought of unforgettable past, unpleasant present, and unknown future. Life is sea, and I don't know how to swim ,nor do I want to People want money, love ...and all I want is a silent brain
I've read about so many "bad" experiences and the painful/sad memories this piece of music brings back in people. About how people feel like this music is a theme song for their forlorn past. But the reason I listen to this song is to remind me of the good things in life and to evoke a keen sense of sanguinity when times are rough. I hope you all find peace and purpose and are able to live in the present and not suffer in the past.
To anyone reading this, read it to the end. In this huge world full of so many people you are one of them. I know it’s hard and it will be hard, but think of it as a ‚phase‘ Everything will be over I promise. People come and go okay don’t run after people that wouldn’t do the same for you. Sometimes you feel like your head is full of thoughts and you get lost. But sometimes you feel empty like you don’t feel anything at all. And that’s okay, that’s what makes you human. Just stay safe and never. And I mean NEVER forget the fact that no one is more worthful than you are.
يحسسك بأنك واحد فاقد الشغف فل حياه و منتهي لدرجه يخليك تبكي بدون سبب ولا احساس وربي اول ما سمعتها قلبي تقطع مدري ليه كده بس يمكن لان قبل يوم كنت اسمعا بوقتها ابكي بشده و بمكن اغلبكم يحس بانها حظينه لاكن بنسبه لي امان يوم اخلي سماعات و اسوي مثل اطبخ او انضف او انام احس بامان المهم الاغنيه تجننن و مناسبه لوقت فراغكم اذا كنتو تخبون مثل تدرسون و تشغلون اغاني خاصتا انها هاديه و كول لدرجهه عاليهه
People who are listening to this. If your old. Always remember, No one will forget you even if their your friends. People should love you and support you. Don’t listen to the other mean ones. People will have you in their feelings.
A while ago this song came on randomly while I was crying in my bed. The soothing melody had helped me start breathing normally and stop crying. Then I fell asleep. I always play it on nights when I feel like I'm losing myself.
The pain of seeing yourself drowning right in front of your eyes and yk you should do something but your hands are tied and you can't but seeing yourself vanish away
I listen to this and realize how much happier I am compared to my teens. Yet even then there were these little gems us misfits shared... Glad I'm still here, it was all worth it and so much more now. I wish you can feel it too. If not now, give it time and effort and don't lose hope.
I don't know what to do with my life i can't make my parents proud i cant save my future idk what will i do next in my future i just wana left this cruel world 💔
Listen, for everyone that’s depressed listening to this just know that some day you’re gonna be as happy as ever. And if someone left you it’s okay. It’s a sign that you need to move one and find a good person who is always there for you.
@@limon.9575 People have thought the time they have lived through were the end times since the dawn of time, there is nothing to suggest it will be any different for these next few centuries. The challenges that humanity are facing at the moment can be overcome by intelligence and unity. We are living through the most technologically advanced time in the world right now, people are healthier than ever, and science is evolving very fast. If anything, we are in the best time possible to be optimistic. There were, are, and always will be challenges for us to overcome, but of a large sample size, we have survived 100% of the "catastrophes" humanity has experienced.
Sadly for people like us, its hard because parents dont understand were not like them and dont have the same interests and etc. i am forced to bottle my feelings inside because my mom or sister dont ask how i feel and probably dont care.
I’m a man with a tough life, I experienced poverty and hard moments, but I’m working my way to become a programmer (self-study) and make my life better and I want to be able to support my family, don’t give up brothers we are in this sh*t together! If you are alone, that is fine, make the best out of it! Once I get my programming job I’ll comment it under this comment!
تعبت أضحگ على غيري وأغنـے له أنا مرتآح يآ نععمـۃ النسيآن ، يآ رححمـۃ اللہ ! “اللهمّ قوني بك اذا انفلتَ صبري وضاقت نفسِي وسئمَت” لن يقتنعو بأنك تتألم حتي تموت أمام أعينهم إياك وكسر الخواطر .. فإنها ليست عظاماً تجبر بل أرواح تقهر ! لن تكسرك الحياة إذا أتقنت فن الصبر ..! تحسن الظن فتندم .. خير من ان تسيئه فتظلم ! ويبقى السؤال : هلّ نحًن آحًيِآء حًقآ ؟؟ آمٌ نتٍنفُس فُقط ،، وبقينا بننام والدموع ف عنينا محبوسه من كتر الوجع.. ﻧﺤﻦ ﺃﺣﻴﺎﻧﺎً ﻧﺴﺘﺤﻖ ﻛﻞﻣﺎ ﻳﺤﺪﺙ ﻟﻨﺎ ، ﺣﺘّﻰ ﻧﻔﻴﻖ ﻣﻦ ﻏﺒﺎﺋﻨﺎ ﻗﻠﻴﻼً .. لن يهتم الناس بك حتى تهتم أنت بنفسك. اجتنب مصاحبة الكذاب فإن اضطررت إليه فلا تُصَدِّقْهُ. إذا وضعتني بمقارنة مع أحد ، فلا تختارني. الصمت كمان لحن بس من حزنه مش مسموع .. هذه بعض العبارات التي احببتها لذلك عرضتها عليكم وان شاء الله تستفيدو منها....♡❀
I'm a student and i suffer depression some people think its a joke but sadly it's not this is a song which joins my emotions DROWNING .......... do you feel the pain when your parents fight in the bedroom while your just crying in silence......... Thats how i feel tired, sad,overwhelmed and stressed i look at everyone with a smile but no-one knows i am drowning. 😔😔😔😔 Bye everyone see you soon
Hey, If you've came here intentionally because of some problems, then just hear me out. If you have toxic friends or surrounded by them then it's better to take one step and leave them than to stay back and suffer. If you are forced to study or scared of failures, then ease up on yourself and focus on your hobbies success needs a mindset and you need to build one. If you've lost someone you loved, then I know it is extremely hard to move on but trust me when I say time heals, I lost my mom because of suicide yeats ago and I went through hell during the pain but I've moved on, got new friends and focus on things I love to do, you are never alone don't be scared to share your feelings humans are made with emotion and we should share it. If you've been feeling depressed or sometimes feel to end it all, think about everything you have the potential of doing, depression is not a joke but the one of the biggest achievement in life is moving on, you can't be what you want to be if you end your dreams with a single rope, don't feel scared to cry, don't feel scared to talk about your life, if not your parents then your best friends are still there, share your feelings with someone you can trust and achieve your dreams.
Включаешь эту музыку, закрываешь глаза и все проблемы исчезают на многие тысячи километров вокруг тебя. Остаются только ты и эта музыка. В не простое время мы все живем, пусть хотя бы музыка нас радует и расслабляет. Удачи вам и счастья. Всех люблю♥️
Its overwhelming to read all of this comments Young people struggling with depression, anxiety, drugs and loneliness Is this really the point we have come to? Its saddening...
ابكي بسبب خوفي من المستقبل والماضي والحاضر ، ابكي ولاني عارفه ايش اللي دخلي، ابكي وصدري مليان اشياء ما اعرف اوصفها ابدا، ابكي وابكي وابكي، اخاف من كل شي في المستقبل اخاف المستقبل ياخذني لمكان واقدار انا خايفه منها حاليا وهي سبب بكائي كذا في يوم ميلادي .. اكره الافكار اللي في راسي اكرها ما اقدر اتخلص منها اكرها هي اللي تعورني والله هي..
Hey everyone - if you can learn to be an observer of your thoughts and feelings rather than identify with them. It can change your world. Your thoughts shape your future so become in control of them as what you feel is messages the mind sends to your body. Don’t identify with the thoughts or feelings but understand that you are the watcher! Wish you the best ❤️
Hey Champs, i just want to remind you all, you all are fucking champs and a real champ build himself and his mindset. We come alone and will go alone. Work hard and don‘t lose your focus and priorities!
This music makes me reflect on my mistakes or bad decisions that I make in my life.
Same but life is long in short moments make the worst choices to tell people to not make and make good choices to have a mid life. Love to you
That's me until now
And the music sometimes make me accept the mistakes i did and moving on from it
what im doin rn
@@mintchoco1017 fr it does
This is the greatest type of music ever. I wish every person would listen to this like me, repeat !!! 💙
Same lol plz recommend more like this if you can
Yes..this is marvelous.(
This is my therapy.
Yeah same
Stay safe my brother
the rape y
me too🗿
I feel clarity and a sense of relief listening to this. Sometimes i curl up and hug my childhood stuffed animal and breakdown with my earbuds in like my world just imploded or i feel at peace and like the fighting is finally over and i feel release. No matter which one happens when i listen to this, i feel safe and like I’m in a protective bubble where no one can get to me or hurt me anymore. It helps me fall asleep most nights and overall is just nice to listen to no matter what emotion it may bring to the surface. Life may be really really hard, so hard i have no words to explain, but it really is worth continuing and living on.
Send u a hug, life sometimes could be hard, but do the best always, everything is on your mind, peace and love.
This song brings back so much nostalgia of unforgettable, painful and yet beautiful past.....
اكذاب ي😂عيال
Every time my mom asks “Where did my sweet little girl go” Sometimes I really want to say the truth. But I can’t. The truth is that she’s gone. She died and is buried deep inside of me. You will never see that part of me again. This world crushed and tore her apart. This harsh world never let her rest. She soon lost herself. She doesn’t even know who she is anymore. She soon felt empty and weak. There was nothing she could do anymore.
I feel you :(
You just described me :(
This song makes me rest well when I am alone 🇮🇶Greetings and appreciation for your generous presence from Iraq
God bless u my man 😊
100 reasons to stay alive:
1. to make your parents proud
2. to conquer your fears
3. to see your family again
4. to see your favourite artist live
5. to listen to music again
6. to experience a new culture
7. to make new friends
8. to inspire
9. to have your own children
10. to adopt your own pet
11. to make yourself proud
12. to meet your idols
13. to laugh until you cry
14. to feel tears of happiness
15. to eat your favourite food
16. to see your siblings grow
17. to pass school
18. to get tattoo
19. to smile until your cheeks hurt
20. to meet your internet friends
21. to find someone who loves you like you deserve
22. to eat ice cream on a hot day
23. to drink hot chocolate on a cold day
24. to see untouched snow in the morning
25. to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire
26. to see stars light up the sky
27. to read a book that changes your life
28. to see the flowers in the spring
29. to see the leaves change from green to brown
30. to travel abroad
31. to learn a new language
32. to learn to draw
33. to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them
34. Puppy kisses.
35. Baby kisses (the open mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek).
36. Swear words and the release you feel when you say them.
37. Trampolines.
38. Ice cream.
39. Stargazing.
40. Cloud watching.
41. Taking a shower and then sleeping in clean sheets.
42. Receiving thoughtful gifts.
43. “I saw this and thought of you."
44. The feeling you get when someone you love says, “I love you."
45. The relief you feel after crying.
46. Sunshine.
47. The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention.
48. Your future wedding.
49. Your favorite candy bar.
50. New clothes.
51. Witty puns.
52. Really good bread.
53. Holding your child in your arms for the first time.
54. Completing a milestone (aka going to college, graduating college, getting married, getting your dream job.)
55. The kind of dreams where you wake up and can’t stop smiling.
56. The smell before and after it rains
57. The sound of rain against a rooftop.
58. The feeling you get when you’re dancing.
59. The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them.
60. Trying out new recipes.
61. The feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio.
62. The rush you get when you step onto a stage.
63. You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable.
64.Breakfast in bed.
65. Getting a middle seat in the movie theater.
66. Breakfast for dinner (because it’s so much better at night than in the morning).
67. Pray (if you are religious)
68. Forgiveness.
69. Water balloon fights.
70. New books by your favorite authors.
71. Fireflies.
72. Birthdays.
73. Realizing that someone loves you.
74. Spending the day with someone you
85. Being wrapped up in a warm bed.
86. Someone’s skin against yours.
87. Holding hands.
88. The kind of hugs when you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. The kind of hug where your breath syncs with the other person’s, and you feel like the only two people in the world.
89. Singing off key with your best friends.
90. Road trips.
91. Spontaneous adventures.
92. The feeling of sand beneath your toes.
93. The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees.
94. Thunderstorms.
95. Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland.
96. The taste of your favorite food.
97. The child-like feeling you get on Christmas morning.
98. The day when everything finally goes your way.
99. Compliments and praise.
100. to look on this moment in 10 years time and realise you did it.
Ps : Never forget you are a beatiful person 💕 Life is so beatiful so live, live like no one else exist, live for yourself, don't care of bad people, you are strong, i love you 🫶🏼
I can't do non of these the main is to make my parents proud 💔
@@asmrdomathf you’re parents aren’t proud of you. That’s they’re problem! Not yours! As long as you’re proud of yourself, that’s all that matters!
17 just cap i can never do that
@@idka336it’s okay buddy if you can’t but don’t end your life bcs of this .
@@idka336that doesn’t mean your not smart
I'm suffering and this song is the only thing that makes me keep going...
Come on bro, you can do it. I dont know if you want a girl, an ideal body, etc. but i know that you are gonna get it.
Same my brother just died 😢😢😢
@@TherealTNCjah damn, May he rest in peace.
@@TherealTNCjah stay strong bro
@@TherealTNCjahI hope you and pray you are recovering ok. I am so sorry for your loss! I can’t imagine 😢.
This song makes feel:
My heart aches, I see no one
My fears laugh at me, they were right
The soul of mine wants heaven,but my body doesn't dare to help
Was I always this miserable?taking my brain to the very brief moments of happiness is an answer
My head kills me with thought of unforgettable past, unpleasant present, and unknown future.
Life is sea, and I don't know how to swim ,nor do I want to
People want money, love ...and all I want is a silent brain
Everything will be fine... Just keep swimming
It makes me miss her, R. I. P fly high
It hurts so much ..💔
I've read about so many "bad" experiences and the painful/sad memories this piece of music brings back in people. About how people feel like this music is a theme song for their forlorn past. But the reason I listen to this song is to remind me of the good things in life and to evoke a keen sense of sanguinity when times are rough. I hope you all find peace and purpose and are able to live in the present and not suffer in the past.
This song feels like an escape from reality
The original soundtrack to my life.
To anyone reading this, read it to the end.
In this huge world full of so many people you are one of them.
I know it’s hard and it will be hard, but think of it as a ‚phase‘
Everything will be over I promise.
People come and go okay don’t run after people that wouldn’t do the same for you.
Sometimes you feel like your head is full of thoughts and you get lost.
But sometimes you feel empty like you don’t feel anything at all.
And that’s okay, that’s what makes you human.
Just stay safe and never. And I mean NEVER forget the fact that no one is more worthful than you are.
This music is the one thing that still makes me feel something, I appreciate you for the song. It might just save my life...
This has really helped me fall asleep after sustaining a traffic related injury.
this melts my heart
يحسسك بأنك واحد فاقد الشغف فل حياه و منتهي لدرجه يخليك تبكي بدون سبب ولا احساس وربي اول ما سمعتها قلبي تقطع مدري ليه كده بس يمكن لان قبل يوم كنت اسمعا بوقتها ابكي بشده و بمكن اغلبكم يحس بانها حظينه لاكن بنسبه لي امان يوم اخلي سماعات و اسوي مثل اطبخ او انضف او انام احس بامان المهم الاغنيه تجننن و مناسبه لوقت فراغكم اذا كنتو تخبون مثل تدرسون و تشغلون اغاني خاصتا انها هاديه و كول لدرجهه عاليهه
صححح تجننن 😔
Ohh,, entiendo
Not even joking but I was on the brink of ending it all, this song made me feel better and safe ty to the creator, u saved my life
Ikr same
i really enjoy playing this while studying😃
Brothers what style is this? Some melancholic
Lofi, i have a song called drowning too
The pain that you have been feeling can’t be compared to the joy that is coming- Romans 8:18. God bless anyone who reads this✝️💙
thank you
god bless you 😁✝
I’m so tired of everything. I’m starting to believe love doesn’t exist. I hate being ghosted.
Same here brother
Here too 😓😭
Same man
People who are listening to this. If your old. Always remember, No one will forget you even if their your friends. People should love you and support you. Don’t listen to the other mean ones. People will have you in their feelings.
A while ago this song came on randomly while I was crying in my bed. The soothing melody had helped me start breathing normally and stop crying. Then I fell asleep. I always play it on nights when I feel like I'm losing myself.
The pain of losing yourself
its not a pain smtimes u just wanna die yk?
The pain of seeing yourself drowning right in front of your eyes and yk you should do something but your hands are tied and you can't but seeing yourself vanish away
This is the song that make me still belive in my self
Crying mood 💔🙌
I listen to this and realize how much happier I am compared to my teens. Yet even then there were these little gems us misfits shared... Glad I'm still here, it was all worth it and so much more now. I wish you can feel it too. If not now, give it time and effort and don't lose hope.
The only way to rest my brain full of pain, troubles and problems Greetings from Turkey
I don't know what to do with my life i can't make my parents proud i cant save my future idk what will i do next in my future i just wana left this cruel world 💔
This is me💔😭
this song helps me calm down my anxiety
Listen, for everyone that’s depressed listening to this just know that some day you’re gonna be as happy as ever. And if someone left you it’s okay. It’s a sign that you need to move one and find a good person who is always there for you.
I’m not depressed but I’m battling pørn addiction and this song is helping right after I got out the gym
@@TherealTNCjah ??
But how do I find them?
@@TherealTNCjah ?????
I listen to this when I want to cry or when I’m depressed
Sad tiktok kid
Makes me think of the end of the world which we are living in rn
@@limon.9575 People have thought the time they have lived through were the end times since the dawn of time, there is nothing to suggest it will be any different for these next few centuries. The challenges that humanity are facing at the moment can be overcome by intelligence and unity. We are living through the most technologically advanced time in the world right now, people are healthier than ever, and science is evolving very fast. If anything, we are in the best time possible to be optimistic. There were, are, and always will be challenges for us to overcome, but of a large sample size, we have survived 100% of the "catastrophes" humanity has experienced.
Life boring and hard and I listen to this song when I’m alone .
Nostalgia hits so hard dude.
I really need therapy bc this brings back the bad and harsh memories I had..
Soz to hear dat g
I still remember im listening and crying back on the day that i was facinating about love so much even im forgetting my mental and wealth
I listen this during my gym session
This music gives me thousands of reason to cry.
Beautiful. - From São Paulo/Brasil.
Hello from Germamy🇩🇪🇪🇺
this song just touches my soul and send me to place of happyness it very peaceful ☹☹ and wish I was better son to my parents I just want to be happy
Sadly for people like us, its hard because parents dont understand were not like them and dont have the same interests and etc. i am forced to bottle my feelings inside because my mom or sister dont ask how i feel and probably dont care.
We all wish we could go back and change things knowing what we know now. Pursue happiness and don't let anyone take it away from you.
I’m a man with a tough life, I experienced poverty and hard moments, but I’m working my way to become a programmer (self-study) and make my life better and I want to be able to support my family, don’t give up brothers we are in this sh*t together! If you are alone, that is fine, make the best out of it!
Once I get my programming job I’ll comment it under this comment!
Don't give up on that
@@brunobonaparte4738 Thanks for your support man… sometimes I feel hopeless but I should continue stronger!
I believe in you!!
@@The_Leon_Kuwata Thanks a lot brother , it’s very kind of you!
May God bless you in your future endeavours!
Thank you very much❤
so good 😊
This just brings me joy because its so calm
A therapatic sort of melancholic lullaby while reflecting on muffled emptiness is relaxing...
تعبت أضحگ على غيري وأغنـے له أنا مرتآح
يآ نععمـۃ النسيآن ، يآ رححمـۃ اللہ !
“اللهمّ قوني بك اذا انفلتَ صبري وضاقت نفسِي وسئمَت”
لن يقتنعو بأنك تتألم حتي تموت أمام أعينهم
إياك وكسر الخواطر .. فإنها ليست عظاماً تجبر بل أرواح تقهر !
لن تكسرك الحياة إذا أتقنت فن الصبر ..!
تحسن الظن فتندم .. خير من ان تسيئه فتظلم !
ويبقى السؤال : هلّ نحًن آحًيِآء حًقآ ؟؟ آمٌ نتٍنفُس فُقط ،،
وبقينا بننام والدموع ف عنينا محبوسه من كتر الوجع..
ﻧﺤﻦ ﺃﺣﻴﺎﻧﺎً ﻧﺴﺘﺤﻖ ﻛﻞﻣﺎ ﻳﺤﺪﺙ ﻟﻨﺎ ، ﺣﺘّﻰ ﻧﻔﻴﻖ ﻣﻦ ﻏﺒﺎﺋﻨﺎ ﻗﻠﻴﻼً ..
لن يهتم الناس بك حتى تهتم أنت بنفسك.
اجتنب مصاحبة الكذاب فإن اضطررت إليه فلا تُصَدِّقْهُ.
إذا وضعتني بمقارنة مع أحد ، فلا تختارني.
الصمت كمان لحن بس من حزنه مش مسموع ..
هذه بعض العبارات التي احببتها لذلك عرضتها عليكم وان شاء الله تستفيدو منها....♡❀
this song makes me relax...
This music makes me feel better and reminds me a lot of things. Everything happens for a reason
0:28 is just so sad 😢
I listen to this when I write sad parts in my books
"wheres that young full of happiness boy" im sorry mom.hes gone forever
This does something to me i cant explain. I miss her.
The best feeling is listening to this while playing gta and just driving around the map while it’s dark and rainy
try the song for forza ,, much better for me
GTA 6...
Another world🖤
I'm a student and i suffer depression some people think its a joke but sadly it's not this is a song which joins my emotions
DROWNING ..........
do you feel the pain when your parents fight in the bedroom while your just crying in silence.........
Thats how i feel tired, sad,overwhelmed and stressed i look at everyone with a smile but no-one knows i am drowning. 😔😔😔😔
Bye everyone see you soon
I hope your coming days will be better than now, my friend. Be strong
Зүгээр л гайхалтай.Хэлэх аргагүй гайхалтай...
Only peace. No one in life. I love it
amazing that this song gives me a thousands feelings without saying a single word.
This and reading a sad book>>>>
I’m tired of being sad all the time there’s something wrong with me 😂
I am drowning. I am suffocating. And there is nothing I can do.
for some reason this song puts very specific imagery in my head of graveyards at night and an elusive light flickering through the trees
This song and the beat >>>
Hey, If you've came here intentionally because of some problems, then just hear me out.
If you have toxic friends or surrounded by them then it's better to take one step and leave them than to stay back and suffer.
If you are forced to study or scared of failures, then ease up on yourself and focus on your hobbies success needs a mindset and you need to build one.
If you've lost someone you loved, then I know it is extremely hard to move on but trust me when I say time heals, I lost my mom because of suicide yeats ago and I went through hell during the pain but I've moved on, got new friends and focus on things I love to do, you are never alone don't be scared to share your feelings humans are made with emotion and we should share it.
If you've been feeling depressed or sometimes feel to end it all, think about everything you have the potential of doing, depression is not a joke but the one of the biggest achievement in life is moving on, you can't be what you want to be if you end your dreams with a single rope, don't feel scared to cry, don't feel scared to talk about your life, if not your parents then your best friends are still there, share your feelings with someone you can trust and achieve your dreams.
Listening to this every night every late night walks thinking what I did I do to deserve hate sadness and emptyness
Same bro😢
Why did I actually sit there for the full hour?
This music make me believe in myself
makes the best ringtone
Включаешь эту музыку, закрываешь глаза и все проблемы исчезают на многие тысячи километров вокруг тебя. Остаются только ты и эта музыка.
В не простое время мы все живем, пусть хотя бы музыка нас радует и расслабляет. Удачи вам и счастья. Всех люблю♥️
Props to bro for staying in that freezing ahh looking water with a t shirt on and only his face above the surface for 1 hour 💪💪💪🔥🔥🔥🔥💯🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶👑
This and a edible is just completely different, I feel like I’m in a different world🫧
This feels good
Why is this so heart wrenching, why does it hurt so badly, why am I crying, why was I born, why am I still here
welp happy birthday to me finally 13
Its overwhelming to read all of this comments
Young people struggling with depression, anxiety, drugs and loneliness
Is this really the point we have come to?
Its saddening...
I started listening to this while i was in a drug abuse, i'm clean for 6 months right now and i will never do it again
This gives me vibes✨
Sometimes I just like sitting alone in an corner thinking about my life choices you know what I mean?
Me too.
ابكي بسبب خوفي من المستقبل والماضي والحاضر ، ابكي ولاني عارفه ايش اللي دخلي، ابكي وصدري مليان اشياء ما اعرف اوصفها ابدا، ابكي وابكي وابكي، اخاف من كل شي في المستقبل اخاف المستقبل ياخذني لمكان واقدار انا خايفه منها حاليا وهي سبب بكائي كذا في يوم ميلادي ..
اكره الافكار اللي في راسي اكرها ما اقدر اتخلص منها اكرها هي اللي تعورني والله هي..
الله يعين
This song is my medicine
man in 2022 i really used to have this on repeat.. dark times 😭
this is a ''it just be like that sometimes'' song
my from indonesia but i like your songs
Hey everyone - if you can learn to be an observer of your thoughts and feelings rather than identify with them. It can change your world. Your thoughts shape your future so become in control of them as what you feel is messages the mind sends to your body. Don’t identify with the thoughts or feelings but understand that you are the watcher! Wish you the best ❤️
Love it!
Пожалуйста, верните мне моё маленькое солнышко........
его больше не существует
Come out of this phase my man
Всё будет хорошо😢
@@Jatyw8я не хочу в это верить........
Why did this pop up in my recommended, im not even depressed yet
All winners were once losers.... Keep your head high kings and queens
She looks just like a dream... the prettiest girl i ever seen💔
Hey Champs, i just want to remind you all, you all are fucking champs and a real champ build himself and his mindset. We come alone and will go alone. Work hard and don‘t lose your focus and priorities!
when i listen this music my feeling is very different and m silent !
Why is so heavy when I listen this melody. God is with you guys, don't make Him upset
ليس جميلًا بنا اليأس 😩
I have been looking for this song for like a year
This is my relapse song… and sometimes it helps me not relapse