The Anjunadeep Edition 258 with Elif

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @crashmania26
    @crashmania26 9 місяців тому +1

    Greetings from kadıköy Elif 👌🏻what a masterpiece set.

  • @markiancooper3315
    @markiancooper3315 9 місяців тому +1

    Elif you are a Amazing DJ I love your tunes & sets I feel great listening to your sets & take away my stress please keep doing more sets love you Elif ❤🔊🎶🎶🔊🎵🎵🎵😎🙌

  • @gilbertoarroyo-rivera6956
    @gilbertoarroyo-rivera6956 10 місяців тому +1

    I can't get enought of this. Just what I needed and I discovered 3 years latter. Unforgivable.

  • @kevinsoufi2897
    @kevinsoufi2897 3 роки тому +10

    Beautiful set one of the the best from Anjunadeep edition

  • @elzanneleroux9171
    @elzanneleroux9171 4 роки тому +7

    Most versatile music I've found to, chilling, creating, dancing, flying high and love making...daaamn girl...this is epic work!

  • @deejayMarks
    @deejayMarks 4 роки тому +18

    01:10 1. Erdi Irmak ‘Night Side’
    03:00 2. Edem & Govan ‘Lacuna’
    09:10 3. DSF ‘Always There’
    14:20 4. Who Made Who & Reude Hagelstein ‘Violently Happy’
    20:21 5. Mark Tarmonea, Yannek Maunz and Felix Raphael ’Same’
    26:31 6. Hamid feat. Valentina ‘If I’
    33:04 7. Odagled ‘Dreams Of Power’ (VieL Remix)
    38:56 8. RY X ‘Coven (Fake Mood ‘Morning Bless’ Mix)
    45:05 9. Hraach ‘Aurores’
    52:00 10. Rampue ‘Leporidae’ (Mario Aureo Remix)
    59:30 11. Apste ‘200mg of Love’
    1:04:12 12. DSF ‘Arpeggiated Soul’
    1:10:31 13. Daniele Di Martino & Robin Schellenberg ‘Gerudi’
    1:15:23 14. Eli & Fur ‘Parfume’ (Anjunadeep)
    1:18:55 15. M.O.S. & Bona Fide ‘Bengali’ (Anjunadeep)
    1:26:14 16. Elif ‘Random Act Of Kindness (Anjunadeep)

  • @valentinvalentin8916
    @valentinvalentin8916 9 місяців тому +1

    I love your sets!

  • @bamunko867
    @bamunko867 4 роки тому +3

    Love Elif's music always

  • @Techno-qj4tp
    @Techno-qj4tp 11 місяців тому +1

    красивое сердце / güzel kalp

  • @elfismorb
    @elfismorb Рік тому +1

    Best sound set

  • @dionysioszervas2738
    @dionysioszervas2738 5 років тому +7

    genius set + senses be praised !
    thanks Elif!

  • @maxpower20011
    @maxpower20011 8 місяців тому +1

    44:+ is BRILLIANT

  • @thedeeprot
    @thedeeprot Рік тому


  • @botis3104
    @botis3104 4 роки тому +15

    newest discovery recently is Elif, and damn, I am happy to have made the discovery. Very unique, so good!

    • @bfolkens
      @bfolkens 4 роки тому

      Same - queued them all up on the playlist... on repeat...

    • @katybaltzell1597
      @katybaltzell1597 2 роки тому +1

      I agree!

  • @felipemorenoperdomo9823
    @felipemorenoperdomo9823 5 років тому +2

    14:00 Violently Happy. Great version.

  • @donk6906
    @donk6906 5 років тому +3

    Next year Albania once again ❤️❤️❤️

  • @LlenadeMalo
    @LlenadeMalo 2 роки тому +1

    El if always delivers. 🔥

  • @christinaz9537
    @christinaz9537 4 роки тому +2

    @elif you are an amazing DJ 🎹🎛️🎚️🎧 great set list 🔥💯🖤

  • @nathanandrews5248
    @nathanandrews5248 4 роки тому +3

    Why hasnt anyone told me there are more Elif mixes I hadnt heard yet!! Wow Elif, this was a most wonderful find to begin my day!! Beautiful mix! Gorgeously smooth. Lovely!!

  • @dx3275
    @dx3275 5 років тому +1

    The Day can Start- Nice Set and a pretty Elif flawless💣👌 Greetings from Frankfurt

  • @dsaworxcarpentrysolutions9155

    @LVALLEIMAGEN Рік тому

    I love it! ❤

  • @Baheccakonova7
    @Baheccakonova7 Рік тому


  • @circasurvive1111
    @circasurvive1111 5 років тому +3

    This mix is so damn good!!

  • @marcoantoniocrespoespejo2322
    @marcoantoniocrespoespejo2322 5 років тому

    The Anjunadeep Édition.
    Épisode 258
    Electronic music from another level !

  • @graydtx
    @graydtx 5 років тому +1

    Excellent mix :) Bravo

  • @viperactual
    @viperactual 2 роки тому

    Soo good! Thanks for this.

  • @officewonderland
    @officewonderland 5 років тому +3

    What a pleasure. This set is putting our entire office in a good vibe. Great when we are an audio video company with great music to listen to in our showroom.

    • @graydtx
      @graydtx 5 років тому +1

      Super cringey self-promo spam comment

  • @fakename_
    @fakename_ 4 роки тому

    Pure trash

  • @anthonyaxenov
    @anthonyaxenov 5 років тому +1

    1:11:30 goosebumps head to toe

  • @adampi18
    @adampi18 4 роки тому


  • @issygilly
    @issygilly 3 роки тому

    1:04:12 serenely intelligent

  • @aomioomori
    @aomioomori Рік тому +1

  • @jonyaddis2969
    @jonyaddis2969 4 роки тому

    Anyway I'm a little butt scared now again , I have a huge big time love for life n seeing a huge change for the best of nature the planet n I've course future , . So in us we will .never take or for our own enjoyment as it's so pretty to keep take without a to Hought of the outcome of our stupidity , so please in a severe human thing of thought , be nice to world I n it's crisis burre beautyfull state of consciousness xxx

  • @katybaltzell1597
    @katybaltzell1597 2 роки тому +2

    I've heard 3 or 4 spin sessions from her now and haven't been disappointed. Her music is my type in every way. Sexy and cool

  • @jonyaddis2969
    @jonyaddis2969 4 роки тому +2

    Hi you all, I am so I so with a huge massive, love for life, I'm a big huge music fane n try to be a kind individual , 2 any one n do no wtongfullness 2 noting no 10

  • @jonyaddis2969
    @jonyaddis2969 4 роки тому

    Our in wa u desire to take ,

  • @bfolkens
    @bfolkens 4 роки тому

    1:06:23 🤤🤤🤤🤤

  • @ЕвгенийЕвгенич-п9з

    Like IT. And please, downsize this video

  • @carlawhatever7522
    @carlawhatever7522 Рік тому

    Look, Ma, I'm a DJ..! Nah..leaves me cold. Pass it along & bring me a real DJ please..... I'm sure with some work ,this girl will be just fine :D

  • @adampi18
    @adampi18 7 місяців тому