Dumping Heavy Firewood & Boiler/Firewood Talk.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Kayla-pg9ld
    @Kayla-pg9ld 5 годин тому

    Totally agree on the quality control of stacking and getting clean dry wood. Do not want dirty wood in the house! Very nice quality as alway. 🔥

    • @Treestofirewood
      @Treestofirewood  Годину тому

      Yeah the end product is what it is all about.

  • @outdoorsinthe608
    @outdoorsinthe608 5 годин тому +1

    I like the short pile the trailer makes when dumped! Quality control is key👍👍

    • @Treestofirewood
      @Treestofirewood  Годину тому +1

      That is the best part with this trailer. I don’t have to pull out very far and it beeps the pile pretty good. Customers love it.

  • @lyleharkness-rv5vf
    @lyleharkness-rv5vf 2 години тому

    That was a huge amount of firewood in the new trailer 👍 It's good to go off on a tangent occasionally 😊 Good video man. I'm glad you got your tractor straightened out with as little work as possible.

    • @Treestofirewood
      @Treestofirewood  Годину тому

      Yeah sometimes I guess I need to vent. I don’t tell anyone what to do. Just give advice. I think I just have high standards and that’s why I’m so critical. But to each their own. And yeah im really glad tractor was an easy fix. It gets used a few hrs a day and I need that baby working.

  • @bullybluecoal1831
    @bullybluecoal1831 3 години тому

    Love the beginning with the Husky stealing a piece of wood. 4 dogs here. A Husky, an Akita, and 2 of their pups....Huskitas. LOL
    They all run the show LOL.
    And yes, jealous of your OWB

    • @Treestofirewood
      @Treestofirewood  Годину тому

      Yukon is a great dog. He’s actually and malamute. Same blood line as my previous one. Love him. It’s nice he’s outside with me all day with this weather. Great companion.

  • @joekrzeminski467
    @joekrzeminski467 4 години тому

    Nice update Matt, keep them coming. Always looking for your video's.

    • @Treestofirewood
      @Treestofirewood  Годину тому

      I say this all the time. But I’m going to try and be more active making videos. I do enjoy doing them.

  • @TheRussellStover
    @TheRussellStover 4 години тому

    That is a beast of a dump trailer. Very nice.

    • @SteveAustin-jp3ev
      @SteveAustin-jp3ev 3 години тому

      It will kill a transmission

    • @Treestofirewood
      @Treestofirewood  Годину тому

      Yes it is. Great purchase so far.

    • @Treestofirewood
      @Treestofirewood  Годину тому

      On a normal truck that may be so. This trailer is nothing compared to my huge trailer that I haul about 15k more with.

  • @LogCabinFirewood
    @LogCabinFirewood 5 годин тому +2

    Massive dump man, stacking that all at once makes my back hurt looking at it😂
    I agree with ya on the gassers, they are very finicky and nobody can run them like you do. It takes a bit to learn what they like and how to stack wood in them. I was just worried about smoking out the neighbors. So far im doing good. Only time it smokes is when I fill it up until it catches and starts gassing again. I'm learning to try and catch it little earlier than mid demand cycle to fill it up, to help new stuff get started. Ive got alot to learn still. It's still awesome our home, garage, and water are super comfortable!!! We'll see how I feel after this season 😂😂
    Stay safe man✌️

    • @Treestofirewood
      @Treestofirewood  Годину тому +1

      Yeah man they can be very frustrating at times. I do think for the average family they are a great choice. With serious demand I don’t think they are a good choice. All I can say is stay up on the maintenance otherwise you will regret your decision. I did that with mine and cleaned it all the time and still had some issues. And let me tell you when you have an issue it will be when it is the nastiest outside. Learn the ins and out and always throw in dry wood. Keep splitting brother!

  • @robertclary1874
    @robertclary1874 4 години тому

    I like your story.

  • @nickthrane4940
    @nickthrane4940 5 годин тому

    Looking good 💪

  • @buckinfirewood
    @buckinfirewood 5 годин тому

    We process directly into a Disc Cleaner and load from the pile with a loader.. seems to work quite well.. thinking next year we will offer cheaper not cleaned wood to people that don't want to pay the extra for a clean product

    • @Treestofirewood
      @Treestofirewood  Годину тому

      Yeah trust me I want a disc cleaner. I almost want two of them. To process right into and another one when the wood is dried to dump back into to get all the rest of the debris out. But right now disc cleaner is not in this years budget. Hoping to have one next summer.

  • @tyharland1906
    @tyharland1906 3 години тому

    Fuel Suppliers generally don't treat anything until oct 15. I think they're required to treat it from oct15-apr15. Not sure about off road fuel tho

    • @Treestofirewood
      @Treestofirewood  Годину тому

      Good to know. I would think off road they would but maybe not.