🐻 Prismo - Stronger (Lyrics Video)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @smoothcriminal3927
    @smoothcriminal3927 5 років тому +333

    This song makes you feel so good about yourself

  • @EtherealMusicYT
    @EtherealMusicYT 7 років тому +239

    Prismo 😍

  • @user-blueeyes.
    @user-blueeyes. 9 місяців тому +13

    This song described me perfectly.. I am a strong person but.. I can't stop helping, forgiving, understanding, to take care or to be careful with my words because I don't want to hurt anyone.. I can't..

  • @StarberryCreetH
    @StarberryCreetH 2 роки тому +48

    I swear this song seriously needs more recognition, its so good.

  • @aryanchhugani5147
    @aryanchhugani5147 5 років тому +353

    You stole my heart of gold after my silver soul oooooo that line💕💕💕💕

  • @BipolarBearMusic
    @BipolarBearMusic  7 років тому +303

    📝 *Prismo - Stronger Lyrics*
    You stole my heart of gold
    After my silver soul
    Can you dig any deeper now?
    I gave you all I owned
    Put you on a golden throne
    But I'm a little stronger now
    You cashed in all my promises
    You know I'm too generous
    Now I've learned to never help you out
    Cause I'm done cleaning up your mess
    Found myself in my regret
    I've become a little stronger now
    A little stronger now
    You cashed in all my promises
    You know I'm too generous
    Now I've learned to never help you out
    Cause I'm done cleaning up your mess
    Found myself in my regret
    I've become a little stronger now
    A little stronger now
    A little stronger now
    A little stronger now
    A little stronger now
    You cashed in all my promises
    You know I'm too generous
    Now I've learned to never help you out
    Cause I'm done cleaning up your mess
    Found myself in my regret
    I've become a little stronger now
    A little stronger now

    • @reginaldmcdaniel1981
      @reginaldmcdaniel1981 6 років тому +5

      BipolarBear I like this song it's cool

    • @thetruebattlehalk9736
      @thetruebattlehalk9736 6 років тому +3

      I thought it was I put you on this golden throne

    • @mzp57
      @mzp57 6 років тому +2

      also sounds like cashed in on my promises, not all my promises

    • @thetruebattlehalk9736
      @thetruebattlehalk9736 6 років тому

      Paula Sutton is that right

    • @Otakuno
      @Otakuno 6 років тому

      It's my favorite song

  • @katie9033
    @katie9033 6 років тому +233

    This is VERY relaxing 😌

  • @blanknessedits
    @blanknessedits 2 роки тому +15

    the beat dropped so hard it shattered into pieces... just like my life

  • @nkl7528
    @nkl7528 3 роки тому +28

    This song makes me wanna travel the world to become a better person better than I am now hopefully after high school to prove I’m worth it and to find who I’m supposed to be in life

  • @harrywinship9288
    @harrywinship9288 2 роки тому +26

    The opening lyrics are my favourite I keep on replaying the song I love it so much its great

  • @jenniferwong1765
    @jenniferwong1765 3 роки тому +35

    I ❤ this song 🎵 it is about letting go of a bad relationship and becoming stronger. A great message to those who have been through shit like this.

    • @marwaneyt682
      @marwaneyt682 Рік тому +1

      not for ppl who lost their girl friend or boy freind :( but it still makefriend me forget everything and become happy

    • @jenniferwong1765
      @jenniferwong1765 Рік тому +1

      To me the song does sound like lyrics for someone who was in a bad relationship and got out of it. Everyone can have their opinions about things.

    • @zacksiilver
      @zacksiilver Рік тому +2

      It's my life summed up

  • @himalayanYT
    @himalayanYT 4 роки тому +28

    You stole my heart of gold After my silver Soul like that amazing writing tho

  • @sunildahiya7415
    @sunildahiya7415 5 років тому +279

    Prismo - Stronger Now
    Look at the video...

  • @chikeneu131
    @chikeneu131 4 роки тому +69

    You've cashed me on my promises you know i'm too generous
    That Line Hits Hard

  • @colleenwilshusen1873
    @colleenwilshusen1873 5 років тому +230

    How I found this song:
    1: found a subscriber count
    2: heard the music
    3: searched *Stronger Now*
    4: new fav song

    • @uwulord2896
      @uwulord2896 5 років тому

      look at the top comment LoL

    • @ghatfan4673
      @ghatfan4673 5 років тому

      Me because iLie official

    • @rohitkrmahto389
      @rohitkrmahto389 5 років тому

      me too

    • @geoff2886
      @geoff2886 5 років тому

      number 2 for me, on a Sylvanas/Jaina tumblr Video

    • @hataketobr
      @hataketobr 5 років тому +2

      I search "after my silver soul" after hear this part in a intro on x videos .com

  • @vijayaragavs7552
    @vijayaragavs7552 4 роки тому +13

    I can't stop hearing this song daily.. 😍🥰

  • @gabrielahodis6218
    @gabrielahodis6218 4 роки тому +13

    Prismo, i love this music man! "you stole my heart of gold" it's amazing dude!!!

  • @jhec2865
    @jhec2865 4 роки тому +2

    I will wacht this every year

  • @mrnooneiguess
    @mrnooneiguess Рік тому +4

    the nostalgia hits hard af

  • @BalmentiMX
    @BalmentiMX 4 роки тому +14

    Thanks for getting me a 100 percent on my math test! listened to it the whole time! relaxation with ZezzY........

  • @bootywholestars6227
    @bootywholestars6227 4 роки тому +5

    I don't know why I love this song so much

  • @izorynx
    @izorynx 4 місяці тому +2

    Legends that back 6 years later hear this masterpiece

  • @haziq_arifin
    @haziq_arifin Рік тому +3

    Someone i know using this track on his working videos about 5yrs ago. And since then he start faded from youtube...what a memories.. miss you sir...

  • @ttvbumpkin1292
    @ttvbumpkin1292 4 роки тому +9

    This kept me from going insane and I felt like I could achieve anything ❤❤❤❤

  • @zuchtheclaude5692
    @zuchtheclaude5692 5 років тому +17

    I love this music 😊😊💜💜

  • @lucasbarros1517
    @lucasbarros1517 6 років тому +84

    Made in Canarias!

  • @VoltrexGaming15
    @VoltrexGaming15 3 роки тому +5

    You stole my heart of gold
    After my silver soul
    Can you dig any deeper now?
    Oooo this line 💕❤💕💕

  • @RateMyOCs
    @RateMyOCs Рік тому +1

    I LOVE THIS SONGGGGGG❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Kyra-cl2pf
    @Kyra-cl2pf Рік тому +4

    Understanding the true meanings of the song is being a gigachad

  • @ayushb001
    @ayushb001 2 роки тому +2

    I am happy that this song is underrated

  • @rachelk.5356
    @rachelk.5356 6 років тому +20

    This is really cool! Good job.

  • @Univxrse_
    @Univxrse_ 3 роки тому +2

    2018: Great Song!
    2021: Brings Back Old Memories

    • @BingQiLing.
      @BingQiLing. 3 роки тому

      Bro ur like 9 probably

    • @Univxrse_
      @Univxrse_ 2 роки тому

      @@BingQiLing. I’m 11 Now:3

  • @Jayvw9wx
    @Jayvw9wx Рік тому +4

    A song to never give up

  • @ggggggggg394
    @ggggggggg394 5 років тому +2

    I don't know how this song is not popular YET

  • @godzillamc2251
    @godzillamc2251 5 років тому +16

    Whole song -
    you stole my heart of gold after my silver soul can you dig any deeper now I have you all I owned put you on a golden throne but I'm a little stronger now you cashed in all my promises you know I'm to generous now I learned to never help you out cause I'm done cleaning up your mess found myself in my regret I've become a little stronger now a little stronger now *loses breath while typing*

  • @pokemon_trainer
    @pokemon_trainer 2 роки тому +2

    Omg that's my friends Izaak favorite song and me tysm for making it

  • @muigoku9298
    @muigoku9298 3 роки тому +3

    Finally I found this song 🤩🤩

  • @brendangziwei921
    @brendangziwei921 3 роки тому +2

    Finally find this song stronger 😊

  • @andreacalvert6038
    @andreacalvert6038 Рік тому +3

    Love this song, have it on my playlist so I can workout with this strong motivational song. Thank you so much for putting a part of yourself into it. It makes me want to live....😢

  • @charlottefoulkes385
    @charlottefoulkes385 3 роки тому +2

    who else just has a playlist full of their fav songs and one is this xD

  • @jackmarshall3255
    @jackmarshall3255 4 роки тому +4

    My dog likes this song and it's funny everytime it plays I see him running so funny.

  • @ultradriplorddk7800
    @ultradriplorddk7800 6 років тому +9

    This is what i like to hear

  • @equxxe
    @equxxe 5 років тому +6

    dang this song is very relatable

  • @juanreis7771
    @juanreis7771 4 роки тому +3

    I love this song he's so generous gave a golden trone wow really generous

  • @susantosupono7145
    @susantosupono7145 4 роки тому +12

    This is my most favorite music ever !!!!! Even when i sing it .. the sound almost like me even i was a kid

  • @wrl_space
    @wrl_space 6 років тому +4

    The words made me want to watch this vid

  • @skyline2948
    @skyline2948 6 років тому +3

    I can't stop listening to it

  • @GrandpaCinder
    @GrandpaCinder 5 років тому +51

    You cashed in all my promises you know I’m too generous

  • @yessrodd
    @yessrodd 4 роки тому +13

    To be honest... I thought he said "so strong tonight" now I know I was a fool!

  • @brianaustincft4317
    @brianaustincft4317 5 років тому +8

    This one of my favorite songs

  • @austinharville52
    @austinharville52 4 роки тому +7

    My son showed me this song, i loved it!

  • @marlyndines7106
    @marlyndines7106 2 роки тому +2

    Love this song and Everything By Diamond Eyes🔥🔥😎

  • @gatinharaivosa5852
    @gatinharaivosa5852 6 років тому +20


    • @mgandeza1
      @mgandeza1 5 років тому

      People always say that in videos and get a lot a likes I don't understand?

    • @leannahintz356
      @leannahintz356 5 років тому

      I'm close to 2020

  • @luiscarlosrocha8209
    @luiscarlosrocha8209 16 днів тому

    This song makes me feel so much better now, it has given me Strenght so many times, cuz this year i felt that i couldn't do Much things, i did so many Mistakes, passed through many Problems, went through so many Fights, both personal and mentally, things envolving School. But now that i'm in Vacation, i will finally have the Oportunity to do Things right, to learn new Things, to Evolve, to strengthen my Mind, become way more Stronger than now. And hopefully when i go back to School next Year, i will be the Person that i want to Be!

  • @melinaebarb1563
    @melinaebarb1563 5 років тому +4

    I love this song♥️🥰

  • @ExoMaaku
    @ExoMaaku 3 роки тому +1


  • @1fmatrix
    @1fmatrix 5 років тому +11


  • @jemimahgracegalera1764
    @jemimahgracegalera1764 5 років тому +2

    Trevor.j.barett brought me here, and im glad. 🧡

  • @bryantoolsee
    @bryantoolsee 3 місяці тому +3

    The beginning of this song is my ex wife. 13 years I spent building her into what she wanted. To be left in the dust, i truly did learn to stop helping her now. Learning to live for myself an i am way mf stronger now 💪 💯 🙏

  • @ManpreetKaur-ox7gn
    @ManpreetKaur-ox7gn 3 роки тому +1

    the music is just so relaxing... Love you prismo and bipolarbear 😍🥰

  • @jatinderkaurazad7278
    @jatinderkaurazad7278 4 роки тому +4

    Love the music, lyrics...wonderful

  • @lorifrank4987
    @lorifrank4987 2 роки тому +2

    My brother love you videos

  • @zombieplays2766
    @zombieplays2766 5 років тому +5

    This my Favorit music

  • @wrcngsite
    @wrcngsite 4 роки тому +2

    this is so good omg

  • @valerieaee
    @valerieaee 2 роки тому +7

    You stole my heart of gold
    After my silver soul
    Can you dig any deeper now?
    I gave you all I owned
    Put you on a golden throne
    But I'm a little stronger now
    You cashed in all my promises
    You know I'm too generous
    Now I've learned to never help you out
    'Cause I'm done cleaning up your mess
    Found myself in my regret
    I've become a little stronger now
    A little stronger now
    You cashed in all my promises
    You know I'm too generous
    Now I've learned to never help you out
    'Cause I'm done cleaning up your mess
    Found myself in my regret
    I've become a little stronger now
    A little stronger now
    A little stronger now
    A little stronger now
    A little stronger now
    You cashed in all my promises
    You know I'm too generous
    Now I've learned to never help you out
    'Cause I'm done cleaning up your mess
    Found myself in my regret
    I've become a little stronger now
    A little stronger now

    • @hrachsevoyan6088
      @hrachsevoyan6088 Рік тому

      Oh yeah, lyrics for a lyrics video.

    • @christineschulte9482
      @christineschulte9482 Рік тому

      We can just see them ourselves

    • @valerieaee
      @valerieaee Рік тому

      Your Mom. I added that because I had it copied want me to add Another song lyric of another song because I will do it

    • @DuxAre_cool
      @DuxAre_cool Рік тому

      its in the video, plus its in the descripton

    • @valerieaee
      @valerieaee Рік тому

      Y’all Instead of hating on a comment why don’t you get a life

  • @bl14ld52
    @bl14ld52 3 роки тому +1

    I got awesome flashback when i listen it :)

  • @captnnice
    @captnnice 5 років тому +29

    The spanish girl with the dry lips brought me here

    • @MegaSevenify
      @MegaSevenify 5 років тому +3

      captnnice madeincanarias? XDDD

    • @captnnice
      @captnnice 5 років тому

      @@MegaSevenify u got me....

    • @dorisclark6649
      @dorisclark6649 5 років тому +1

      No one on UA-cam by that name

  • @iceandfire6421
    @iceandfire6421 3 роки тому

    Thank you for recommending this after 3 years :)

  • @jasonvargas7510
    @jasonvargas7510 6 років тому +7

    Dis my fav song lolz

  • @chloewilmot2692
    @chloewilmot2692 4 роки тому +2

    Cuz im done cleaning up your mess hit right here. 👉🏽. ❤️

  • @akokichisimp4699
    @akokichisimp4699 4 роки тому +36

    ...I... actually have nothing to say

  • @br4infinity648
    @br4infinity648 Рік тому +2


  • @jacobbados1816
    @jacobbados1816 5 років тому +21

    The first time I heard this song I thought it was Khalid

  • @therrmal
    @therrmal 4 роки тому +2

    This brings some trickshotting vibes

  • @cantaloupes5851
    @cantaloupes5851 4 роки тому +18

    This has happend to me already with a girl I really loved

  • @maniyagreen7699
    @maniyagreen7699 3 роки тому

    That line I am done cleaning up yo ur mess oo that hit hard 😌

  • @javiermondigir5216
    @javiermondigir5216 5 років тому +30

    I cant stop hear this song 😂😂😂👂👂👂
    Thank you bipolarbear for this song

  • @dr.gunpointer5596
    @dr.gunpointer5596 3 роки тому

    i feel so sad listening to this but at the same time I really feel good

  • @whatevercometominddiopopop6491
    @whatevercometominddiopopop6491 5 років тому +7

    Hit da replay button share it with everyone even your flipin nan

  • @complicatingmix
    @complicatingmix 4 роки тому

    omg i miss this☹️❤️

  • @lk7gggaming747
    @lk7gggaming747 5 років тому +7

    Heard in the @Athena gaming stream 🤗

  • @usazobawilin7060
    @usazobawilin7060 5 років тому +2

    Fav song

  • @kingz-arc6838
    @kingz-arc6838 6 років тому +10

    This is a good song l like it👍👍😎👍👍😎👍👍

  • @angelmedina4439
    @angelmedina4439 9 місяців тому +1

    this song is sick !!!

  • @armoredguy5930
    @armoredguy5930 4 роки тому +5

    I gave you all I own after my Golden throne but I'm a little stronger now

  • @sweetysh9556
    @sweetysh9556 2 роки тому +2

    This song is my life 🤩

    • @andrenunicorngamingqueen
      @andrenunicorngamingqueen Рік тому


  • @andrewilkes5849
    @andrewilkes5849 4 роки тому +4

    U crashed in all my promises u no I’m to genres now IV learned to never help u out cause I’m done cleaning up your mess IV become a little stronger now(a little stronger now I luv that part bro it’s lit 🔥 no cap dawg

  • @charyherana6424
    @charyherana6424 4 роки тому +2

    this song its making me stronger

  • @ziqqjk2093
    @ziqqjk2093 5 років тому +3


  • @tacosgaming6888
    @tacosgaming6888 3 роки тому +1

    this makes me stronger

  • @Legoat89
    @Legoat89 4 роки тому +3

    Such good music love it

    • @andrenunicorngamingqueen
      @andrenunicorngamingqueen Рік тому


  • @Sinz_is_okie
    @Sinz_is_okie Рік тому +1

    Remember this,
    u have been better all ur life by no one..
    Only God made u better how you're meant to be you're better all ur pofe by God with no one..

  • @Rezi777
    @Rezi777 6 років тому +4

    This is correct thanks I have corrected about 4 today

  • @bigdawg6196
    @bigdawg6196 4 роки тому +2

    Memphis Depay Skills video brought me here!

  • @ramendoggo8759
    @ramendoggo8759 4 роки тому +7

    ;o dis is AMAZING
    (Don’t me meh avatar me evil sister did it :c)

  • @nashondawoods131
    @nashondawoods131 2 роки тому +2

    This song is awesome and good

  • @upscaleva
    @upscaleva 5 років тому +5

    you stole my heart of gold after my silver soul

  • @rgoomby3703
    @rgoomby3703 4 роки тому +2


  • @dejavu2171
    @dejavu2171 6 років тому +3

    Ayyy came from zenpai

  • @amarawilson6485
    @amarawilson6485 4 роки тому +1

    Heard u its been four years but I listened