Piccolo: "Has he really found a way to screw a corkscrewed character?" Krillin: "No way! He must be bluffing. What would that make them? Double screwed? EXDPresso:
@@Tanuki_Style oh did you miss that? Apparently she dropped out of doing VA for part 3 because they gave her an offer which she found insulting. It's bit a he said she said as PG ofcourse has another story. It got loads of attention. She even told fans to boycot the game 🥲
The big boy combo with this tech
Wake up babe double screw combo is back (I just saw this on Twitter lol)
I'm so happy we found a way to bring this back! it's doesn't have the potential it did in season 2, but hitting this in match is REALLY nice 😁
Piccolo: "Has he really found a way to screw a corkscrewed character?"
Krillin: "No way! He must be bluffing. What would that make them? Double screwed?
Bro ain't no way, I have to try this !!!
Yo this is sick I just tried it and I'm gonna practice the shit out of this. Good stuff man !
Nice! How do you get your fov like that? And what is the costume mod?
Hey, made a video containing all mods
You can find them in the description
Tekken overlay
ayo big if true
It's sick! And yes it's a true combo, they can't techroll out of it 😎
Is it guaranteed now, also use a bayonetta skin next video 😉
It's guaranteed yes! Lol I already forgot about it. Think there's a meme in there somewhere with Bayo's VA going off on Twitter 😄
@@EXDPresso going off about what
@@Tanuki_Style oh did you miss that? Apparently she dropped out of doing VA for part 3 because they gave her an offer which she found insulting. It's bit a he said she said as PG ofcourse has another story. It got loads of attention. She even told fans to boycot the game 🥲
@@EXDPresso ya nah I’m not on Twitter like that, kinda crazy no cap, hope bayo 3 is still good though
Why weren't they working earlier and what has changed now?
We didn't find the right route yet since the divekick 3 change in s3. Now we found it 😎