Amazing. These girls are orphans literally picked up from the streets at birth. Adruta has transformed them into respectable and talented human beings of great potential. The man behind this remarkable initiative is Prof Aditya Mohanty, a renowned professor of Philosophy, a prolific author of philosophical and spiritual books, and an ardent spiritual aspirant. He runs 13 children's homes in Orrisa, India.
Amazing. These girls are orphans literally picked up from the streets at birth. Adruta has transformed them into respectable and talented human beings of great potential. The man behind this remarkable initiative is Prof Aditya Mohanty, a renowned professor of Philosophy, a prolific author of philosophical and spiritual books, and an ardent spiritual aspirant. He runs 13 children's homes in Orrisa, India.
Hare Krishna
Who is the singer for this bhajan ??
Jai jagdisuor