4-25-16 (1) nuJason Morgan - I Hate You Dad

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @secretreader13
    @secretreader13 8 років тому +8

    Lol if I had told my parents that I hated them, I wouldn't wake up until the next day.

    • @tikeya7952
      @tikeya7952 8 років тому

      +S. Phillips Exactly. What a brat!

    • @secretreader13
      @secretreader13 8 років тому +1

      Rochelle Cast-A-Spell Lol look who the poor kids mom is

  • @mitchg6596
    @mitchg6596 8 років тому +11

    😂 i would've said, "ok, you can hate me. You still can't keep the puppy though." Lol

  • @mikehlebik
    @mikehlebik 8 років тому +3

    This little Jake is a MUCH better actor than the other kid.

    • @murdahmammiez
      @murdahmammiez 5 місяців тому

      The other kid was the original though

  • @PiazzaGurl
    @PiazzaGurl 8 років тому +3

    Franco loves goading Jason and he's gonna make Jason remember every evil tormenting thing he did to Jason and his Family. And second Jake needed a slap I'm sorry. "I want the puppy". You don't run anything so relax!! Children.

    • @tikeya7952
      @tikeya7952 8 років тому +1

      +PiazzaGurl Agreed! What a brat. I knew better than to speak to my parents that way.

    • @PiazzaGurl
      @PiazzaGurl 8 років тому

      +Rochelle Cast-A-Spell Unlike Jason 2.0, Jason 3.0 puts his foot down on kids. He's corrected Jake more than once, I like that. Little children are not the boss, don't get popped Lol. Word I knew better than to be a brat.

  • @foubsy1
    @foubsy1 8 років тому +3

    Monica was gold today! Loved it. And unintentional my ass - Franco was running his mouth to Jason on purpose. He was looking for a fight and he deserves whatever is coming to him. Can't wait for Tuesday's scenes!

  • @courtneysheffield2950
    @courtneysheffield2950 8 років тому

    She will be able to protect you from your enemies that you have Jason.

  • @Meredith.M
    @Meredith.M 8 років тому +8

    Loved Monica today. If Franco doesn't want Jason to kill him he really should stop goading him.

  • @MelaKB
    @MelaKB 8 років тому +1

    I could like Franco if I thought he was really "cured'. But it seems everyone but Liz knows what a sick freak he really is.

  • @alasiacarter9292
    @alasiacarter9292 8 років тому

    The way Jason looked at Franco it's like he's saying see this is all your fault

  • @sbeaflove4891
    @sbeaflove4891 8 років тому +2

    For a minute there...I thought that was Danny....

  • @courtneysheffield2950
    @courtneysheffield2950 8 років тому

    Sweetie will protect Jake, Elizabeth, Cameron, Aiden let Jake have Sweetie he will love her very much.

    • @biynah07
      @biynah07 8 років тому

      Gram's has taken in enough strays! The pooch needs to bounce, and Franco needs to take several seats.

  • @Ruth-21-hey
    @Ruth-21-hey 8 років тому +2

    Monica need's to stop with the face injections. Her face is gonna explode.

  • @gp5637
    @gp5637 8 років тому +2

    Yeah Monica! Franco will never change..why they have him on GH i beyond me. He never owned up to what he did until he wanted score points with Liz. To me he can never be redeemed.

  • @RachelG1979
    @RachelG1979 8 років тому +2

    haven't been keeping up when was Jake replaced? he is a little better than the other kid, but man did his hair grow lol

    • @Meredith.M
      @Meredith.M 8 років тому

      +RachelG1979 I don't think they gave a direct reason, just the old Jake's Mom tweeted on his page that he had been let go and was being recast. Looks like they deaged him a little. To me this one looks a little more like Lucky Spencer.

  • @hawaiianbabe927
    @hawaiianbabe927 8 років тому +2

    why did they switch the actor of Jake to someone younger?

    • @lifechanges557
      @lifechanges557 8 років тому

      +Hawaiianbabe927 He is a better actor then the other one, but ya he is much younger looking.. too bad, because he acts good.. But Jake was born in 07 so if you go by that he should be nine today.. this kid looks 7 or so..

  • @lorehouben4107
    @lorehouben4107 7 років тому +1

    GO MONICA!!!! Finally someone said it. And go away Franco. Who the hell offers a puppy to a child without discussing it with his parents first. A dog is a living, breathing animal with feelings, not a plant. It takes a lot of responsibility and time to take care of a dog, you don't just give them away to anyone.
    On a more shallow note, and that is why you must stay away from the botox and accept aging as a natural part of life. LC can barely move her face and she would've looked a lot prettier if she accepted her age and all that comes with it. Also, RH needs to cut his hair, it is not a good look on him.

  • @MsJacob890
    @MsJacob890 8 років тому

    When did they change Jake?

  • @courtneysheffield2950
    @courtneysheffield2950 8 років тому

    Jason let Danny have the dog Sweetie he will love her very well and great and will be able to protect Sam him and you.

    • @marydemo2811
      @marydemo2811 8 років тому

      +Courtney Sheffield that is not danny he doesnt need therapy

    • @courtneysheffield2950
      @courtneysheffield2950 8 років тому

      I meant Jake I am sorry I made a mistake mistakes happen we are human we make mistakes. I did not know if it was Danny or Jake that Franco gave the dog to. I am human me and everyone make mistakes.

    • @courtneysheffield2950
      @courtneysheffield2950 8 років тому

      Give me a break I made a mistake.

    • @marydemo2811
      @marydemo2811 8 років тому +1

      i am well aware of that fact no need to feel like you got your toes stepped on geez!People so sensative about small shit these days gosh!

  • @theresawalker4468
    @theresawalker4468 8 років тому +1

    Why would they replace the other Jake with one that seems younger. Shouldn't they age him up along with all the other kids like they did Josslyn.

  • @anointed2431
    @anointed2431 8 років тому

    Franco hasn't lost his memory but why is he acting like he has?????? Cause he's acting like Jason won't beat his ass! Does he not remember the numerous times Jason choked him, threw him.....SHOT him???? I mean come on Franco you're antagonizing Jason obviously just triggered a memory and it won't stop there. So go ahead and mess with Jason if you want to. And each time you do the hatred will grow stronger with each and every new memory. #RIPFRANCO you surely will NOT be missed.

  • @precioustrezure1556
    @precioustrezure1556 8 років тому

    Jason will beat the hell out of Franco ; these writers better not change stone cold into a weak ass punk...

  • @darkpurplewave1655
    @darkpurplewave1655 8 років тому +1

    Jake should keep the puppy,he lives with his brothers and mom,it wont be around Jason so he shoukd really stop being so mean to his son.I miss the the Jason with the other face

  • @courtneysheffield2950
    @courtneysheffield2950 8 років тому

    I am sorry but you need to learn how to handle how you say things that is all. Have a very great day.

  • @memi207
    @memi207 8 років тому +2

    I truly don't like this Jason.