That's pretty cool. In looking at that, your offset was lets say, in the X direction. It seems that if you had a compound offset like X and Y (right and back), you could do it twice on both ends. Once for over to the right and one for moving back (or whatever directions you needed to go, front/back, left/right). Nice demonstration.
What about ducts that arent square? My journeyman was trying to teach me that sometimes you put the switch the length and width depending on which direction youre going. I got pulled away to do something else in the middle of the lesson
@@Craptainfalcon100 then it all depends on which directions your offsets are going and how much space you have to spare. If I get another chance, I will demonstrate on rectangular shapes for example
Nice & Easy 🎉🎉 great Job ✌️
That's pretty cool. In looking at that, your offset was lets say, in the X direction. It seems that if you had a compound offset like X and Y (right and back), you could do it twice on both ends. Once for over to the right and one for moving back (or whatever directions you needed to go, front/back, left/right). Nice demonstration.
Heck yeah man good Video Bro
Thanks, man, appreciate it!
Thank you for sharing bro cheers from Cali
So you did a 2 inch lip marked it then marked the 1.08 inch to zero right?then cut the 2 inch lip and notched the 1.08 to over lap it
Good job
Appreciate it!
What about ducts that arent square? My journeyman was trying to teach me that sometimes you put the switch the length and width depending on which direction youre going. I got pulled away to do something else in the middle of the lesson
@@Craptainfalcon100 then it all depends on which directions your offsets are going and how much space you have to spare. If I get another chance, I will demonstrate on rectangular shapes for example
I’m in the sheetmetal workers local 104 San Francisco
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