• @Barbara_OmniaVincitAmor8888
    @Barbara_OmniaVincitAmor8888 2 роки тому +1

    Fantastica spiegazione!!!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Grazie, Lucia! 😊

  • @bunchie1966
    @bunchie1966 2 роки тому +2

    It’s perfectly fine for our health and doesn’t in the slightest increase the risk of heart attack or stroke.

  • @ylcalif3681
    @ylcalif3681 Рік тому +1

    More people that track closely as an LMHR should think about getting 3 tests to have on file for your defense agaist a STATIN prescription. 1) CAC CT scan (calcium plaque score) 2) Advanced Lipid Panel (to get lipid particle size) 3) Treadmill stress test
    Please share your results. I just finished a CAC test and have a score of 11. Advanced Lipid panel will be done in April. Update to follow.

  • @eutectoid1
    @eutectoid1 2 роки тому +6

    Impressive - this needs to be taught to doctors so they can understand what blood their tests mean

  • @robyn3349
    @robyn3349 Рік тому

    Thank you!

  • @ezloop1
    @ezloop1 Рік тому

    greet information, thank you.

    • @LuciaAronica
      @LuciaAronica Рік тому

      I am glad you enjoyed this lecture, Ofer!

  • @ai-baking-f1
    @ai-baking-f1 5 місяців тому

    Absolutely fascinating - I am also an analytical software geek. I love this kind of presentation that looks at the system as a whole.

  • @liviacalvino6775
    @liviacalvino6775 2 роки тому

    Complimenti !

  • @chazwyman8951
    @chazwyman8951 2 роки тому +9

    I'm losing weight. My GP and Cardiologist both berated me for a rise in LDL. But how the hell can you lose weight without the Lipoproteins to transport the fat around the body, and how can you burn fat without that rise in LDL? Where I understand a GP has to know far too much to get the detail I think it is the responsibility of a cardiologist to understand lipid basics, and is a dereliction of duty to fail to do that. He was also pretty horrified to learn that I had lost weight by eating lots of meat and saturated fats! But he shut up when I told him that my Triglycerides and A1C were down, and my HDL was up.

    • @uaebifvideo5472
      @uaebifvideo5472 2 роки тому +2

      The whole system is reversed when it comes to LDL and Cholesterol!!.

  • @MsElke11
    @MsElke11 2 роки тому +4

    I want DAVE's self tests. Where can I find them since my local labs don't provide them!

  • @iss8504
    @iss8504 Рік тому

    Wow, she's the best dressed low carb doc! Always fashionable and knowledgeable!

  • @ruralcoder
    @ruralcoder 2 роки тому +2

    Excellent. I have noticed similar findings when transitioning from glucose fuel into ketone fuel and vise versa. 2 - 3 day inertia for sure.

  • @lucia_cossu_voiceteacher
    @lucia_cossu_voiceteacher Рік тому +1

    Per gli italiani con problemi per la lingua: attivate i sottotitoli; se son in italiano siete già a posto; se non lo sono cliccate sulle impostazioni in alto a destra; selezionate traduzione; cercate l’italiano e selezionatelo.

    • @LuciaAronica
      @LuciaAronica Рік тому

      Grazie Lucia per aiutarmi a comunicare con il pubblico italiano! Ecco una playlist in italiano per chi fosse interessato:

  • @kevinpronk2362
    @kevinpronk2362 10 місяців тому

    At the Boston Heart "Cholesterol balance" slide, when the body is in a hypercaloric phase, the total Cholsterol goes down and the biomarkers for cholesterol synthesis goes up.
    Is it possible that it might have something to do with the higher storage capacity of the adipose tissue due to bodyfat setpoint and the fact that you released a lot of fatty acids when in a hypocaloric state?
    Hence making your body's need to fill (back) up those depleted stores when in this hypocaloric state?
    Or am i missing something here?
    love to get some feedback.
    appreciate the lecture, keep up the good work.
    Kind regards,

  • @hrc6408
    @hrc6408 Рік тому

    I was so happy to take this class although I wish I could have attended live. I would have loved to ask Dave some things. I will ask here in case he reads it..
    My main question is that my ldl (165) went up when I was eating saturated fats. But my apo b went up as well(127). All my other markers are in good range.. tryglycerides are 50, fasting insulin 4, etc..When I lowered my saturated fats, my ldl dropped to 149 and my apo b to 100… although 100, it’s still considered high as I understand. Is this a genetic issue for me ?? Is there more info about the relationship with apo b and ldl ?

    • @davidzip8841
      @davidzip8841 9 місяців тому

      There are numerous scientific studies that demonstrate that a diet that is high in saturated fats increases LDL-C. That is why the dietary recommendation is to lower your intake of saturated fats. Don’t listen to this nonsense that high ApoB it’s not harmful if you are a so-called lean mass hyper responder. You are playing with your life.

  • @scottbaker8530
    @scottbaker8530 10 місяців тому

    All my LDL going up on KETO I/F. and HDL only went from 32 to 39... lost 70lbs in 13 mos. And my Primary Phy is concerned... every other blood marker inproved. HBA1C is 4.6. How concerned shud i be ?

  • @joetart9905
    @joetart9905 2 роки тому +2

    Start here 6:00

    • @ariesworld7
      @ariesworld7 2 роки тому +1

      Thanks a lot 🙏🏻🙂

    • @jobrown8146
      @jobrown8146 11 місяців тому

      Thank you! I get bored with the preamble and lose focus.

  • @heksogen4788
    @heksogen4788 2 роки тому

    Its kinda weird. I'm not even on low carb diet, but medium carb[30-40% calories from carbs], has healthy body fat percentage[18%], bmi[23] feels good, run well but my total cholesterol is quite high[240?], LDL at 160, even though i've lost 1/3 of my body weight. Before i ate high carb diet with[60%] and had similar cholesterol despite huge weight, my triglycerides were MUCH worse and HDL was lower. My GP didn't recommend statins or commented about this in any negative way. I still feel uneasy about my high cholesterol.

    • @bunchie1966
      @bunchie1966 2 роки тому

      Don’t be; people with low cholesterol have a higher mortality rate than those with high cholesterol.

  • @novellapelloni7971
    @novellapelloni7971 Рік тому +1

    Vorrei il video in italiano

    • @LuciaAronica
      @LuciaAronica 9 місяців тому

      Clicca sulla rotella in basso a destra per attivare i sottotitoli in italiano. Lancerò un canale tutto in italiano e lo annuncerò sulla mia news letter puoi scriverti qui scaricare la mia lista dei cibi epigenetici

  • @imadogsass6717
    @imadogsass6717 Рік тому

    I’m seeing a lava lamp in my mind’s eye while he’s explaining this.

  • @Malcolm-Achtman
    @Malcolm-Achtman 2 роки тому +2

    I'm confused because Dave always mentions that lean mass hyper-responders (who often eat high-fat keto diets) observe that their LDL rises significantly. Yet Dave Feldman noticed his LDL went down with increased fat consumption. Speaking for myself, I can tell you that as I increased my fat consumption (going to a more animal-based diet), my LDL went up. It went up a lot. And I mean A LOT.

    • @LuciaAronica
      @LuciaAronica 2 роки тому +2

      Thanks 🙏 for your comment Malcolm. On average, LDL cholesterol rises about 10% on a low-carb high-fat diet. Importantly, this is not been linked to an increase in cardiovascular risk but rather to a 12% decrease is such risk. That’s because there’s a shift toward unless atherogenic LDL profile with the larger particle that are less prone to oxidation. But for some people, about 20% of the population, it goes up a lot more. We still don’t know whether these larger increase is linked to a greater cardiovascular risk. In absence of conclusive evidence, in these cases it is usually recommend it to lower saturated fat and meat consumption while keeping a low carb lifestyle. I hope this helps.

    • @Malcolm-Achtman
      @Malcolm-Achtman 2 роки тому +3

      @@LuciaAronica Thank you for replying to me. I don't plan to lower saturated fat and meat consumption just yet (but I might in the future). I did a SpectraCell Lipoprotein panel in 2020 and 2021. Although my overall LDL particle count was on the high side, my small (dense) LDL particles were normal (2020) or close to normal (2021).

    • @kooisengchng5283
      @kooisengchng5283 2 роки тому

      You can lower LDL with a statin. But I wonder what the overall consequence will be, combining a low carbo diet and using statin together. What is the overall outlook with this kind of combination? Any data on this?

    • @Malcolm-Achtman
      @Malcolm-Achtman 2 роки тому +4

      @@kooisengchng5283 If Dave Feldman's energy model is correct and a lean mass hyper-responder needed (and produced) lots of LDL to help keep things moving, and then he or she took a statin that cut off the production of cholesterol, I don't think that would be a good idea.

    • @markhicks5569
      @markhicks5569 Рік тому +1

      I really think he was trying to correlate to weight versus fat intake. So as you get leaner your ldl goes up etc. correct?

  • @JoJo-gh6ls
    @JoJo-gh6ls 2 місяці тому

    È in lingua inglese

  • @emilatarantino3263
    @emilatarantino3263 2 роки тому

    Sono un'italiana media
    Ho seguito un suo video con la dottoressa Tomasi
    E mi farebbe molto piacere seguirla
    Ho 66 anni e non conosco la lingua inglese
    Come posso fare a sapere tutto quello che pubblica in italiano
    Anch'io come la sua mamma vorrei essere ancora energica e vitale
    Ho cresciuto tre figli donando tutta me stessa
    Adesso mi ritrovo un po' stanca e sfibrata
    Spero in una sua risposta
    Grazie cmq per quello che con semplicità ci ha trasmesso

  • @TheKetoSurvivor
    @TheKetoSurvivor 2 роки тому


  • @twainmom4999
    @twainmom4999 2 роки тому

    Pensavo che questo era in italiano 🙄