i dont understand, that this has no comment yet, and only 111 views? Aug 15 2021, maybe bcoz it's pandemic ? it dont make sense right? Congrats to both of you, I may not know you both but this must be spread to others, what an inspiring story, and maybe both of you dont want the others in around you ,but thabks for making this available and accesible to the public---JrPatatas, im sharing this anyway
i dont understand, that this has no comment yet, and only 111 views? Aug 15 2021, maybe bcoz it's pandemic ? it dont make sense right? Congrats to both of you, I may not know you both but this must be spread to others, what an inspiring story, and maybe both of you dont want the others in around you ,but thabks for making this available and accesible to the public---JrPatatas, im sharing this anyway