It’s possible! CPP sharing is complicated enough that I didn’t want to loop it into this video but under the right circumstances it could. If the majority of the income is split with pension splitting, the marginal benefit of CPP sharing is likely pretty low (depending on total income levels) but worth looking into anyways. Thanks for watching!
Excellent video!
Could there be more tax savings through CPP sharing (assuming both spouses contributed to CPP)?
It’s possible! CPP sharing is complicated enough that I didn’t want to loop it into this video but under the right circumstances it could. If the majority of the income is split with pension splitting, the marginal benefit of CPP sharing is likely pretty low (depending on total income levels) but worth looking into anyways.
Thanks for watching!
Can you provide examples for single people please? Seems that we are at a tax disadvantage in retirement. Is that a correct perception?
Unfortunately, you're correct. There aren't any tax advantages for single people.