if i agree with enojun, does that mean I'm one step into being qualified? WAAAAAAH LOLOLOLOL jk ughh even I get headaches when I feed my delusions 🥴🙉HAHAHAHAH (the food situation is kinda real tho xDD if u eat the popcorn with one hand...u have to use ur other hand to get ur drink coz of the powder 🙈😂)
As a 31yo single guy, I can't help to relate to Enojun's argument he sounds bitter towards lovey-dovey stuff lol 😂
Junya......please......I'm worried about your future gf lol
I was lmao this entire vid xD
Now I wanna hold Enojun's hand while watching in theatres just to both annoy him and maybe flutter his heart(ღ˘ω˘ღ)“ψ(`∇´)ψ
‘This guy is hopeless.’ - Akarin 2023 💖💖💖
Practical EnoJun lol.
I recognize that thumbnail LOL
Maybe he’s Aromantic 😂
Chad Enojun !!~
There is no yuu serizawa around to make decision like this.
Dude! If your girl is holding your hand at the movie theatre, you should be HAPPY! What's wrong with this guy? 😛
if i agree with enojun, does that mean I'm one step into being qualified? WAAAAAAH LOLOLOLOL jk ughh even I get headaches when I feed my delusions 🥴🙉HAHAHAHAH (the food situation is kinda real tho xDD if u eat the popcorn with one hand...u have to use ur other hand to get ur drink coz of the powder 🙈😂)
He is right though.