that lady is a youtuber and not an actual practicing scientist or academia. she is selling her ideas. not exactly doing science. cultivating anti-establishment for the audience it brings in the anti-science trump era. not rocket science her credibility!
@@Charlie-b2i The OP is joking. If negative time runs backwards then the effect happens before it was caused. (Which would violate the law of causation.)
When you use terminology that is exclusively based on Relativity to describe quantum systems, you're going to get people confused. Quantum systems don't operate under GR physics, as you later say. Quantum systems don't break causality. They're part of causality. We simply don't know how because quantum physics is still unsolved.
@@jaredcolon4535 Indeed, but we have to understand the real nature of reality yet, which is no easy task. You've seen these vids of people thinking the new quantum chip from Google proves the multi-universe interpretation of quantum physics? Hint: it doesn't.
If you want to experience time running in reverse, make an appointment at any Dr surgery. You'll be in the waiting room on time, but in reality, time is going backwards...
Yes it goes backwards till it hits the halfway point and then proceeds forward till you are called into the back room. The true problem here is that time doesn’t just flow backwards, but also moves slower than normal reality. I suspect the problem is the waiting room has an excessive gravitational force creating a slowness to time. Oddly you are experiencing the effects of time slowing while conscious of the time outside of the gravitational field. Amazing really!!!
Sorry to burst your bubble guys but Sabine is correct. This literally has nothing to do with the passage of time and everything to do with the phase shift in photons
Nice, I like it. Here something I thought of this one day when I was high, According to me, you are over "there" and I am over "here". But according to you, I am over "there" and you are over "here". ...We are both Here and There at the same time.
The way I see it we are both HERE and THERE at the same time. To an observer, you are "THERE' but to you, you are "Here"... How can u be HERE AND THERE? Oh shit, wait.... Or does it mean We Are Neither Here Nor There , Or It could it be e that over "There" doesn't exist. Because as soon as we go over "there" it becomes over "here" 🤯🤯🤯 WHERE AM I?
@@6ThaPsycho Here and there is the same thing. Just depends on your frame of perspective. Here to me is there to you. It’s relativity at its most basic…
It's not negative time at all, it's just that the bow shock of a photon is ahead of the photon, so the rebound effect of a photon skips ahead of its wake.
@@pinchopaxtonsgreatestminds9591 if the photon isn’t „shot“ through until 12:00, how can you „go back“ to measure at 11:59? Or are you seeing the photon emerge before it was even shot? At which point you could decide to not shoot it.
@@pinchopaxtonsgreatestminds9591 Thank you. I managed to watch this entire video without a clue as to what actual observed/measured phenomenon was taking place! I suspect that calling it “negative time” actually impedes a layman’s understanding - it probably garners more media attention though.
Here in the town where I live there is a tunnel that, from time to time, has worked that way for as long as people can remember. Many times as a child I saw cars, trucks and even cyclists suddenly emerge from the tunnel, only to enter the other side of the tunnel shortly afterwards. But there is one occasion that I remember particularly, it was when a nice red open MG emerged from the tunnel and we kids ran down to look on the opposite side, and the front tyre of the car which was actually the same, but now at a slightly earlier stage in time, suddenly exploded with a loud bang just as we approached, and when we then immediately looked through the tunnel and further down the road for the car, which would normally now be in its later stage on the other side, there was now just a lone tyre rolling along the kerb. I'll never forget that when we ran and caught it and took it to the driver, who was now missing a tire, we were given some money to buy ourselves an ice cream each, oh how happy we were that day, you didn't need much in those times 😃 This time in which we live today, are a more negative time I think🤔
Negative is a bit of an " innovative " way of putting it, to put it subtly. I kinda agree with Sabine. This phenomenon should not be that much of a surprise. Consider Dirac's equations and the wave function. At the same time not forgetting to keep in mind light is both a particle and a wave. Long story short, the approaching photon (wave) causes perturbation in the atom, which then ends up emitting a photon even before the approaching photon has fully reached the atom. I'm sure more study can be made into the quanta of energy involved in this and how much of a time difference there is with different amounts of energy or wavelengths involved.
I have the answer to this. It sounds crazy. What is going on is that TIME DOES NOT ACTUALLY EXIST, not as a plane or dimension ilnir actual construct of the universe. It only exists within the parameters of the perception of a conscious being as a way of observing and separating individual actions into a linear and logical format so as to create causality. IE, we, as living conscious sentient, sapient beings, composed OF ENERGY, at any random point in time, to perceive oneself and ones surroundings, one must stop the waveforms of all energy into a single focused moment and observe. We do this an infinite (unguessable is a better word, but mathematics supports the former) number of times per moment per day, etc... But I posit that our perception of time as a thing that exists is a fragment of hallucination, a way of making sense of things in a manner that is conceivable. To a being that is immortal but had chosen to relegate itself into rules of the game of mortality, it seems to be a linear progression. The truth is is that all things have, will, and are happening now, all at once overlapped. And swirled in a blender into a foam. Everything is now. Claim the now. I lost my focus now. I'll be back. Charles Trumble. My original though. I'm new. Check me out. Thanks n hoping spark a lively thought debate. I will explain further my thoughts to the end of my comprehension and hopefully some of you can continue on past my limitations and break the barriers of comprehension. God Bless You All.
The decay of matter takes time, and while time is subjectively relative, it exists out of necessity, because without time the universe would be nothing but a three-dimensional, rigid, immobile block in the void where nothing happens. If you could attach messages to the photons that travel backwards in time so that you can intercept and read them in the past, that would be an achievement.
If the photon emitted from an excited electron jumping to the lower electron orbit, left the atom prior to the same photon arriving and exciting the same electron to higher energy orbit, that would be an example of a photon experiencing negative time. This is not that. This is proof that there is no quantum gravity because Time is not quantized.
Kinda hard to justify that claim since time is a constant transformation process too suggest quantum gravity doesnt exist would mean that orbit follows a linear path quantum entanglement suggests otherwise since one informs the other briefly before collapsing into a altered state regardless of distance especially across vast distances in a manner of speaking you can have multiple pairs of entanglement across multiple systems on a universal scale meaning more then 2 electrons can behave synchronically even if their not observed directly indicating a fluctuation in the unobserved cases causing this collapse logically speaking anyway
In any case, until we have a model of the universe that is valid and experimentally testable at that regime, we can only speculate. As it is, we don't have such a model. In the current theory of accepted quantum mechanics, time is a continuous parameter. It enters into the equations thus: H | ψ ( t ) ⟩ = i ℏ ∂ ∂ t | ψ ( t ) ⟩ where H is the Hamiltonian, and | ψ ( t ) ⟩ is the state of the system at time t.
@@rezadaneshi My opinion is that time is continues. However I have a different view on time keeping. I believe that time keeping for something like an electron is an internal electric oscillation. Any such oscillation would slow down if the electron moves to the degree that time keeping for this electron will stop it it should reach the speed of light. It would keep going in the speed direction and oscillation there fore stopped. In regards to negative time then I do not believe it to be possible. That a photon leaves an atom before there is another photon coming is not such a big problem. I believe that to more or less be the case with laser cooling. All that has to be the case is that the before and after amount of energy has to be the same. Heat photons are leaving atoms all the time until the atom has the same heat energy as the surrounding atoms.
@@leonhardtkristensen4093 I have a different reason to agree. Only a continuous time can tunnel its way through perfect symmetry stage of space and Big Bang where a quantized time would vanish by equally spreading it's essence across the perfect symmetry stage of any cycle of any universe and that universe won't happen.
If you measure a car going into a tunnel and a different one comes out but you measure that one by mistake it could appear that the original car travelled faster then possible.
We could discover portals, warp-drives, energy based aliens, or even teleportation and I still wouldn’t be impressed. The moment every citizen has a portal-gun, I will be impressed.
I saw an example of this in the masterpiece film, Risk Business. Joel was in the classroom with TONS of things to deal with. The clock hits one minute to three. THEN it clicks backward one minute. He yells out, "Oh come on!!!"
The negative time is nothing but the kaala chakra means dark wheel where the time travels in an anticlockwise direction, it's true that time can be a negative time.
The majority of people do not understand time, the ones who are closest to the right idea are those who view it as an illusion which is right but not entirely correct either. - great piece 👍
I like to watch these as if I understand everything completely and am watching to make sure there's no mistakes, all the while just trying to remember one fact tomorrow.
Superposition: Photons exist in multiple states simultaneously. It's suggested these states include a range of possible interaction times with the atoms, some of which are negative. * Not Time Travel: This doesn't mean the photons are literally traveling backward in time. It's more about the unusual nature of time at the quantum level. * Possible Analogy: Imagine a ball thrown at a wall. Classically, it hits the wall and bounces back. In this quantum scenario, it's as if the ball sometimes bounces back before hitting the wall, due to its superposition of states. Implications: * Challenges Causality: This challenges our usual understanding of cause and effect, where an event must precede its consequence. Great stuff!!
The title of this article may be misleading, as it suggests the researchers proved that time is reversed or that a photon literally spends a negative amount of time. Instead, the study reveals an interesting quantum phenomenon where a photon appears to exit an atom cloud before entering it. This behavior doesn’t indicate actual time reversal but rather reflects the peculiar ways quantum particles interact with probabilities and wave functions, challenging our classical understanding of time and causality.
Time is an ordering of events. Cause and effect is an assumption or rule we use to make sense of events in our world. It is not a law (can not be violated) but an assumption. When we see an effect we often assume cause when we have no way of knowing the cause or even if there is a cause.
This is interesting. If a photon exits the device before it enters it, then at the moment the photon is exiting and before it entered, there would have to be two of the same photon! Or the same photon in two different places. If it is the same photon then it has to be in two places at the same time. I also wonder if they just observed quantum tunneling with time as the barrier the photo jumped through!
Dipole Electron Flood theory on the Net shows that light BOUNCES back and ap[pears as moving both ways. It is called Reverse Electromagnetic Force. I have experiments showing it extremely well on my channel. "Visualizing the Proton and Photon and Nucleus of Atoms using Dipole Electron Flood Model Which Works"
If a quantum partical can be seen leaving an atom before it enters. It most exist in both states at the same time. What was the identifier used to confirm this phenominum?
Negative time quantum Using OI, we calculated the excitation time to be approximately 30 ns under specific conditions. This refined measurement incorporates real-time adjustments and advanced analysis, providing a more accurate understanding of the negative time effect. OI's capabilities allow for the detection and analysis of subtle quantum phenomena that may have been overlooked or misunderstood with traditional approaches. This includes capturing transient behaviors and patterns in the data that are critical to understanding negative group delays and their impact.
My intuitions on 4D vibrations for both positive/ negative in X, Y, Z and Time (spacetime) coordinates tells me this should be more apparent, rather than just positive for Time, but we are used to wavefunctions evolving in positive Time. The Arrow of Time after the wavefunction collapses gives us the classical world we see. Pre-wavefunction collapse, Time has a more significant +/- component than post-wavefunction collapse. And extreme gravitational environments like that of the centre of a Black Hole would also make the +/- component of Time more apparent, such that a singularity being avoided at the centre of a black hole by the negative component of Time; avoiding all 4D coordinates being at a point. Can lead to unifying Quantum and General Relativity theories...
If you place two analogue wrist watches back-to-back they will virtually operationally indicate in reversed time relative to one another because they had been dimensionally rotated by 180 degrees relative to one another. Analogous to a folded paper wormhole demonstration, also electron half spin.
I agree with Sabine. ‘Negative Time’ functions as a sensational headline amplifying attention to research that would not otherwise gain such immediate traction in the larger community. It’s leveraging common dreams…. the discovery of time-travel. I mean , that’s most of us! Who wouldn’t love to know it’s been discovered! The researchers are well aware of how we, the non-scientific community might respond using the limited knowledge we hold, and they still defend using the term. I think it’s cynical, deliberately misleading and therefore irresponsible.
This is possibilities which spread out and connect with other possibilities. When certain possibilities are connected, they can create what is seen. This the action of choosing a desired connection. This is like looking through a book of photos and focusing on one desired image. What you see you believe. Like choosing a thought over others.
@3curiosityunlocked not exactly I’m not a quantum physicist or anything like that. I barely understand this but to me it seems like time is still moving in the same direction but at a different rate so it’s exiting a measurement point before it enters. And it’s most likely an imperceptibly small scale. Nanoseconds. And it’s only photons that it’s observed in. So it’s a very long way off from a person going back to kill the baby hitler or trump before atrocities. It’s still just a particle displaying unexplained behavior
If this is true to a measurable amount, then what happens if the entering foton is purposely deviated or stopped from its path as soon as it exists the medium but BEFORE it enters this medium? Did we create matter, foton?
"This timely study was released, by no small coincidence, immediately before the upcoming presidential transition of power, and may serve to provide an explanation for what is expected by many to be the 'longest four years in living memory,' according to some analysts. 'Further quantum study is required,' continued the researcher, 'to ascertain how negative values can be ascribed to the forthcoming administration's senses of shame, duty, rationality, factualness, and compassion [...] although I personally theorize that they simply approach the value zero so closely we are simply incapable of measuring same at this time,' she concluded wearily."
I'm still quite sure time is a spatial dimension, and there is a fifth spatial dimension on top of that which I've been calling "Time's time" I think we can see such things on photons because they are massless so can be accelerated in the fourth and fifth dimension, while on very large scales we can see large enough warping of space-time for it to affect macro objects. I still think quantum mechanics is deterministic, but our inability to measure in this fifth dimension causes us to miss connections in this "time's time" dimension, like having a flip book with 90% of the pages missing. I'd bet dark energy, dark matter, and quantum foam are all connected to this as well, things just on a slightly different velocity in 5d, but still close enough to interact briefly.
Time can only go backwards if information itself is taken away. Time can be thought of as the net accumulation of information. If I watch a film backwards though the motion is in reverse the sequence of events that look rediculous still happens forward in time. It looks rediculous because we have a memory of the sequence of events ....accumulation of information...and that is progressing forward in time. The only way to truly go back in time would be to take away accumulated information.
Not a new discovery. Between 1983 and 1987, physics lecturers at the Technical High School in Emmendingen once told me that experiments in the KEK particle accelerator in Japan indicated that some of the particles bombarded for observed collisons, travel from the future into the past, as could be clearly seen from the permanent recordings when reading those back, because for example today the particle bombarded was still in a place where it was no longer yesterday and yesterday it finally arrived at another point in its journey backwards through time, around the day before yesterday it arrived at a point ... and so on...
I tuned in to see *how* “negative time” was observed. Instead I saw pretty graphics with someone saying “negative time was observed.” NASA: Never _ _ Answer
How does one identify a particular photon ? i.e how do you know the photon about to enter is the same photon you have already witnessed emerging from the other side ? (Besides, if time is an emergent illusion, maybe all you are seeing is an interaction in the reverse order to that which you'd normally expect.)
Maybe can be used in quantum computing, if this system could be incorporated into QM computer, qbits, the results would be exponential speed increases as the output of the sum from the input would be vastly sped up.
I've experienced one time shifting event. Some subatomic particles coming in from space reach Earth surface before they were created (by collision with the atmosphere).
It seems as if the limitations of the observer’s eyes create illusions portraying a picture of “negative time” and “super” position, but perhaps it is only “super”, because it is super to us?! We presently seem to be locked out of observance. The very light spectrum we use to seemingly “see” affects what we attempt to observe and on top of this that same spectrum is astronomically small compared to the unseen. The seen was made by The Unseen and The Unseen is unfathomably greater than the windows of our souls Hebrews 11:3.
This is easily observed in our everyday life. All you need to do is go and stand in front of a cinema theatre just before show time. You will see people emerging out of the movie hall even before people are let into the movie hall for the next show.🤪🤪🤪
Does time even exist at the quantum level? Is observing the phenomenon like taking a picture of a moving object but an object that moves in all directions at once because time doesnt exsist for it?
I would be suspicious that the photon actually by passed by the atom for the most part. (It does propagate as a wave.) What may have stimulated the atom that gives the instance of extra energy was possible the mix of other waves from other photons and/or stimulating a virtual photon in an energized area of virtual space to pop up and interact with the atom for an instance from the wake of the photons passage that also had the atom similarly "perked up". [Schematic of detector?: Though, someone will have to explain to me how one expects a photon in the diagram with a double slit and then splitter, that directs the potential path of the photon to two different directions to multiple detectors can expect the photon to show up at two or more detectors; as detection effectively would have it captured, and so cease its propagation, in any assured form.]
In the quantum size energy is just fast moving matter. Matter is just slow moving energy. So what is it in that tiny moment when it has to make the switch?
If time were a set of quanta, electromagnetism and more... we could say that WE ARE PERMEATED by the past. We could say that the past and the present are always next to us. If we understand how it is organized, if there are packets of "time" in certain very specific places... difficult questions but also thanks to AI and the right questions we could get ideas that day after day, experiment after experiment, other answers from AI we could really find a way to draw certain of this information, somehow, discerning it from all the information about the past And there is a HUGE amount of data. If we think about the fact that history is made up of many choices, many roads that divide and create different realities... I would say that this alone would create a world where there are ALSO different realities, built from different choices. At this point I wonder... we could live next to an immense number of different choices and in each "space" there is the result of each single choice. Then we must consider that the choices go to influence other people who will then make other choices... I think of the past as bubbles or as bubbles with a flow control where depending on the choice one path or another is determined, Temporal Entanglement, Looking for quantum correlations between particles separated in time rather than space.
What I’m wondering is if this negative time is a different dimension, timeline or Multiverse do the people that live in it, are they conscious and aware and if so, do they not wonder why they’re walking backwards and doing things backwards when it could be easier going forward ? This is my question. I hope someone can answer this.
Here's a fun fact about causality. If something from the future were to get to the past, then that something would show up first. Not only that, but anything anyone does or doesn't do about it will be part of the causal chain that leads to that event. 💀 No matter how many times you rewind the video, you get the same actors doing the same scenes. There's no anything could happen. Things happen be-cause of causality.
wave function witch compute probability of exist in various state in same "time" is base of all bizarreness in quantum realm if we want achieve progress we have to rewrite it without time parameter or replace it with negative time just imagine a photon movement is like clude in time axis then we need not wave function
If time depend on 2nd law of thermodynamics it's not particularly surprising it could go backwards momentarily since entropy is a probabilistic concept.
It’s just a timeline leap between dimensions while still in the entangled state…He didn’t care or believe me. Oh well. Straddling multiple timelines across dimensions is challenging and exhausting. But totally worth it. 3D is a metaphysical cesspool lol
If I hadn't given up on math years ago, I might've been jumping on the string theories to put this into the mix, along with things like the particle that spins 'both' ways. Yeah, I know. At best I'm in the furtherest seat in the stadium, & most scientists would say I'm 1000s of light years away. But God forgive me I love to wonder how things might fit together.
1. Has anyone else repeated this? A single experiment, showing anything at all, means nothing. 2. How, without a time machine, did they know those particular photons which had already collided and had been absorbed by atoms, were the same photons. Photons generated after the fact even by those atoms are not the same photons. Photons entering the experiment prior have no home address. I think they were seeing something else, not negative time.
Reconciling Time with Quantum Mechanics seems to be the issue. How Time is viewed, remains the obstacle. I think of Time as Universal Motion. I do this to reconcile the idea in my own mind, independently. Our method of telling Time helps with this conclusion as a rotational velocity. I feel like Einstein did not go far enough. Time is dynamic and directly affected by motion, temperature. This concept seems vaguely explained at best.
If space and time are intrinsically linked then shouldn't there be 3 temporal dimensions? I mean we do have 3 spatial dimensions so why only 1 temporal dimension? It could look like this: Spatial Temporal 1D line 4D length 2D width 5D breadth 3D height 6D depth Instead of 3D + 1D (4D spacetime) we could try 3D complexified which gives us 3 sets of 3 dimensions. We could have space, time and energy with planets as 3D matter and stars as 3D energy. 7D, 8D, 9D could be continuous, emmision and absorption. Since our subatomic structure has 2/3 heading one direction and 1/3 heading the other direction maybe 3D stars are heading the other direction as space and time?
I believe we can go back in time as it still exists in the past. It wont surprise me if the experiements they are conduction caused slight changes in the past bringing forth the Mandela Effect
Merry Christmas everyone
@@LittleChickUK Merry Christmas 🎄
Merry Christmas ❤🎄
Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 too, 👋 from 🇵🇭 Philippines
Happy Xmas to you too!!!!!
@ thank you!!!
I agree with Sabine. Calling it negative time without it being time travel is misinformation
The only time I've ever agreed with anything she's said.
She is very good 😅
that lady is a youtuber and not an actual practicing scientist or academia. she is selling her ideas. not exactly doing science. cultivating anti-establishment for the audience it brings in the anti-science trump era. not rocket science her credibility!
It’s an AI channel, what do you expect.
@@istrumguitars god i hate these ai channels
Fun fact: at the time of the paper publication, the experiment hadn't yet been performed.
What?! So they are speculating?
@@Charlie-b2i The OP is joking. If negative time runs backwards then the effect happens before it was caused. (Which would violate the law of causation.)
@ lol ahh, thank u. But there is a lot about quantum physics that seems to violate a lot of Newtonian physics
When you use terminology that is exclusively based on Relativity to describe quantum systems, you're going to get people confused. Quantum systems don't operate under GR physics, as you later say. Quantum systems don't break causality. They're part of causality. We simply don't know how because quantum physics is still unsolved.
That as well, thank you. What has the 2nd law of Thermodynamics and how does it apply to quantum interactions? As far as I know, it doesn't.
Our understandings should always be an evolution. I have been right fewer times than wrong :)❤ .
Which does leave the door open for different possibilities that we can't even imagine yet
@@danhove Sounds a bit black and white Mr Hove. A little more nuanced than "right" and "wrong"?
@@jaredcolon4535 Indeed, but we have to understand the real nature of reality yet, which is no easy task. You've seen these vids of people thinking the new quantum chip from Google proves the multi-universe interpretation of quantum physics? Hint: it doesn't.
If you want to experience time running in reverse, make an appointment at any Dr surgery. You'll be in the waiting room on time, but in reality, time is going backwards...
You're British, right? I assume a doctor's "surgery" is a doctor's office? A term not used in Canada (where I am) or in America. I love language :)
Yes. A Dr's waiting room to be precise.
Time slows, stops, and then goes backwards .
It's amazing.
Been there, done that…in the hospital waiting to get in surgery… it seemed like forever.
@@charliepearce8767 It's worse when you're at the dentist.
Yes it goes backwards till it hits the halfway point and then proceeds forward till you are called into the back room. The true problem here is that time doesn’t just flow backwards, but also moves slower than normal reality. I suspect the problem is the waiting room has an excessive gravitational force creating a slowness to time. Oddly you are experiencing the effects of time slowing while conscious of the time outside of the gravitational field. Amazing really!!!
Sorry to burst your bubble guys but Sabine is correct. This literally has nothing to do with the passage of time and everything to do with the phase shift in photons
This video really failed by not mentioning the fact it is a phase shift phenomena. Because of that it is entirely misleading.
This is the passage of time kamala Harris was talking about. 😳
Absolutely. Pure baloney...
Unless, the time is not glued to changes in matter
But they *did* mention it. Sabine H was reported as saying it. Her picture was even there.
This is bad news for people in prison
@@jeffreyluciana8711 some people like prison
I actually would enjoy being released from prison before I entered. It would save a lot of time.
@@deandeann1541 Heh, if only. Anyway prisoners live in a Newtonian Universe, not a quantum one.
No matter where you go, there you are.
Nice, I like it. Here something I thought of this one day when I was high,
According to me, you are over "there" and I am over "here".
But according to you, I am over "there" and you are over "here".
...We are both Here and There at the same time.
The way I see it we are both HERE and THERE at the same time.
To an observer, you are "THERE' but to you, you are "Here"... How can u be HERE AND THERE?
Oh shit, wait.... Or does it mean
We Are Neither Here Nor There ,
Or It could it be e that over "There" doesn't exist. Because as soon as we go over "there" it becomes over "here" 🤯🤯🤯 WHERE AM I?
i disagree.. just.. someone has to do it
@@6ThaPsycho Here and there is the same thing. Just depends on your frame of perspective. Here to me is there to you. It’s relativity at its most basic…
@@6ThaPsycho Here and there to an observer at a single point in time is the difference between how far light has to travel.
It's not negative time at all, it's just that the bow shock of a photon is ahead of the photon, so the rebound effect of a photon skips ahead of its wake.
@@pinchopaxtonsgreatestminds9591 if the photon isn’t „shot“ through until 12:00, how can you „go back“ to measure at 11:59? Or are you seeing the photon emerge before it was even shot? At which point you could decide to not shoot it.
@@thakoharris There's no such thing as time. This is just scientists playing games.
I have no idea if you are right, but I really love this explanation simply because it makes sense to me.
@@pinchopaxtonsgreatestminds9591 Thank you. I managed to watch this entire video without a clue as to what actual observed/measured phenomenon was taking place! I suspect that calling it “negative time” actually impedes a layman’s understanding - it probably garners more media attention though.
And that’s exactly how we are going to get to the stars one day, you guys will figure it out in about 60 years
Negative time is the waste of time I had when I watched this video!
Government policies been going in the wrong direction for a long time too
Yes, less government, more we the people.
Ruck Frudeau
Here in the town where I live there is a tunnel that, from time to time, has worked that way for as long as people can remember.
Many times as a child I saw cars, trucks and even cyclists suddenly emerge from the tunnel, only to enter the other side of the tunnel shortly afterwards.
But there is one occasion that I remember particularly, it was when a nice red open MG emerged from the tunnel and we kids ran down to look on the opposite side, and the front tyre of the car which was actually the same, but now at a slightly earlier stage in time, suddenly exploded with a loud bang just as we approached, and when we then immediately looked through the tunnel and further down the road for the car, which would normally now be in its later stage on the other side, there was now just a lone tyre rolling along the kerb.
I'll never forget that when we ran and caught it and took it to the driver, who was now missing a tire, we were given some money to buy ourselves an ice cream each, oh how happy we were that day, you didn't need much in those times 😃
This time in which we live today, are a more negative time I think🤔
Would it be more logical to think of us moving forward in time, relative to the process, rather than time going backwards?
Negative is a bit of an " innovative " way of putting it, to put it subtly. I kinda agree with Sabine. This phenomenon should not be that much of a surprise. Consider Dirac's equations and the wave function. At the same time not forgetting to keep in mind light is both a particle and a wave. Long story short, the approaching photon (wave) causes perturbation in the atom, which then ends up emitting a photon even before the approaching photon has fully reached the atom. I'm sure more study can be made into the quanta of energy involved in this and how much of a time difference there is with different amounts of energy or wavelengths involved.
It can be shown that the negative time with v
I have the answer to this. It sounds crazy. What is going on is that TIME DOES NOT ACTUALLY EXIST, not as a plane or dimension ilnir actual construct of the universe. It only exists within the parameters of the perception of a conscious being as a way of observing and separating individual actions into a linear and logical format so as to create causality. IE, we, as living conscious sentient, sapient beings, composed OF ENERGY, at any random point in time, to perceive oneself and ones surroundings, one must stop the waveforms of all energy into a single focused moment and observe. We do this an infinite (unguessable is a better word, but mathematics supports the former) number of times per moment per day, etc... But I posit that our perception of time as a thing that exists is a fragment of hallucination, a way of making sense of things in a manner that is conceivable. To a being that is immortal but had chosen to relegate itself into rules of the game of mortality, it seems to be a linear progression. The truth is is that all things have, will, and are happening now, all at once overlapped. And swirled in a blender into a foam. Everything is now. Claim the now. I lost my focus now. I'll be back. Charles Trumble. My original though. I'm new. Check me out. Thanks n hoping spark a lively thought debate. I will explain further my thoughts to the end of my comprehension and hopefully some of you can continue on past my limitations and break the barriers of comprehension. God Bless You All.
@@ShaggyOldDad Bit of a non-dualist then?
The decay of matter takes time, and while time is subjectively relative, it exists out of necessity, because without time the universe would be nothing but a three-dimensional, rigid, immobile block in the void where nothing happens. If you could attach messages to the photons that travel backwards in time so that you can intercept and read them in the past, that would be an achievement.
You had me up until god bless you all
@@ShaggyOldDad Metaphysics. I agree.
@@MadersPie It's Christmas morning. This must be a particularly rough day for you.
If the photon emitted from an excited electron jumping to the lower electron orbit, left the atom prior to the same photon arriving and exciting the same electron to higher energy orbit, that would be an example of a photon experiencing negative time. This is not that. This is proof that there is no quantum gravity because Time is not quantized.
Kinda hard to justify that claim since time is a constant transformation process too suggest quantum gravity doesnt exist would mean that orbit follows a linear path quantum entanglement suggests otherwise since one informs the other briefly before collapsing into a altered state regardless of distance especially across vast distances in a manner of speaking you can have multiple pairs of entanglement across multiple systems on a universal scale meaning more then 2 electrons can behave synchronically even if their not observed directly indicating a fluctuation in the unobserved cases causing this collapse logically speaking anyway
In any case, until we have a model of the universe that is valid and experimentally testable at that regime, we can only speculate. As it is, we don't have such a model. In the current theory of accepted quantum mechanics, time is a continuous parameter. It enters into the equations thus: H | ψ ( t ) ⟩ = i ℏ ∂ ∂ t | ψ ( t ) ⟩ where H is the Hamiltonian, and | ψ ( t ) ⟩ is the state of the system at time t.
@@rezadaneshi My opinion is that time is continues. However I have a different view on time keeping. I believe that time keeping for something like an electron is an internal electric oscillation. Any such oscillation would slow down if the electron moves to the degree that time keeping for this electron will stop it it should reach the speed of light. It would keep going in the speed direction and oscillation there fore stopped.
In regards to negative time then I do not believe it to be possible. That a photon leaves an atom before there is another photon coming is not such a big problem. I believe that to more or less be the case with laser cooling. All that has to be the case is that the before and after amount of energy has to be the same. Heat photons are leaving atoms all the time until the atom has the same heat energy as the surrounding atoms.
@@leonhardtkristensen4093 I have a different reason to agree. Only a continuous time can tunnel its way through perfect symmetry stage of space and Big Bang where a quantized time would vanish by equally spreading it's essence across the perfect symmetry stage of any cycle of any universe and that universe won't happen.
Still waiting for Quantum Mechanics to be reconciled with Relativity.
If you measure a car going into a tunnel and a different one comes out but you measure that one by mistake it could appear that the original car travelled faster then possible.
We could discover portals, warp-drives, energy based aliens, or even teleportation and I still wouldn’t be impressed.
The moment every citizen has a portal-gun, I will be impressed.
Yeah, you're such purist😂
Bro I’m looking out for all of us, trust me!🤣
I saw an example of this in the masterpiece film, Risk Business. Joel was in the classroom with TONS of things to deal with. The clock hits one minute to three. THEN it clicks backward one minute. He yells out, "Oh come on!!!"
The negative time is nothing but the kaala chakra means dark wheel where the time travels in an anticlockwise direction, it's true that time can be a negative time.
The majority of people do not understand time, the ones who are closest to the right idea are those who view it as an illusion which is right but not entirely correct either.
- great piece 👍
If they are observing time going backwards then it's obviously not going backwards is it?
I like to watch these as if I understand everything completely and am watching to make sure there's no mistakes, all the while just trying to remember one fact tomorrow.
Superposition: Photons exist in multiple states simultaneously. It's suggested these states include a range of possible interaction times with the atoms, some of which are negative.
* Not Time Travel: This doesn't mean the photons are literally traveling backward in time. It's more about the unusual nature of time at the quantum level.
* Possible Analogy: Imagine a ball thrown at a wall. Classically, it hits the wall and bounces back. In this quantum scenario, it's as if the ball sometimes bounces back before hitting the wall, due to its superposition of states.
* Challenges Causality: This challenges our usual understanding of cause and effect, where an event must precede its consequence.
Great stuff!!
it's about time they did this ;)
Let's understand this in simple language ur age is forward time nd ur life is reversal time both are part of same clock ...😎😎
The title of this article may be misleading, as it suggests the researchers proved that time is reversed or that a photon literally spends a negative amount of time. Instead, the study reveals an interesting quantum phenomenon where a photon appears to exit an atom cloud before entering it. This behavior doesn’t indicate actual time reversal but rather reflects the peculiar ways quantum particles interact with probabilities and wave functions, challenging our classical understanding of time and causality.
Time is an ordering of events. Cause and effect is an assumption or rule we use to make sense of events in our world. It is not a law (can not be violated) but an assumption. When we see an effect we often assume cause when we have no way of knowing the cause or even if there is a cause.
Theis summary is intriguing. Would love to see the mathematics behind it.
This is interesting. If a photon exits the device before it enters it, then at the moment the photon is exiting and before it entered, there would have to be two of the same photon! Or the same photon in two different places. If it is the same photon then it has to be in two places at the same time. I also wonder if they just observed quantum tunneling with time as the barrier the photo jumped through!
Dipole Electron Flood theory on the Net shows that light BOUNCES back and ap[pears as moving both ways. It is called Reverse Electromagnetic Force. I have experiments showing it extremely well on my channel. "Visualizing the Proton and Photon and Nucleus of Atoms using Dipole Electron Flood Model Which Works"
Time does not exist outside of the human brain. When will people wake up and realize this.
@@os3688 then why do squirrels collect nuts?
I'm negative about "negative time".
The article that discussed this is of an experiment that has not been peer reviewed yet.
And errors will be found.
If a quantum partical can be seen leaving an atom before it enters. It most exist in both states at the same time. What was the identifier used to confirm this phenominum?
Same theory is in black hole at front it moves forward at back its moves negative that's why it can suck up anything nd becomes casuality .....😎😎😎😎😎
Negative time quantum
Using OI, we calculated the excitation time to be approximately 30 ns under specific conditions. This refined measurement incorporates real-time adjustments and advanced analysis, providing a more accurate understanding of the negative time effect.
OI's capabilities allow for the detection and analysis of subtle quantum phenomena that may have been overlooked or misunderstood with traditional approaches. This includes capturing transient behaviors and patterns in the data that are critical to understanding negative group delays and their impact.
My intuitions on 4D vibrations for both positive/ negative in X, Y, Z and Time (spacetime) coordinates tells me this should be more apparent, rather than just positive for Time, but we are used to wavefunctions evolving in positive Time. The Arrow of Time after the wavefunction collapses gives us the classical world we see. Pre-wavefunction collapse, Time has a more significant +/- component than post-wavefunction collapse.
And extreme gravitational environments like that of the centre of a Black Hole would also make the +/- component of Time more apparent, such that a singularity being avoided at the centre of a black hole by the negative component of Time; avoiding all 4D coordinates being at a point. Can lead to unifying Quantum and General Relativity theories...
If you place two analogue wrist watches back-to-back they will virtually operationally indicate in reversed time relative to one another because they had been dimensionally rotated by 180 degrees relative to one another. Analogous to a folded paper wormhole demonstration, also electron half spin.
And yet we’re all older.
I agree with Sabine. ‘Negative Time’ functions as a sensational headline amplifying attention to research that would not otherwise gain such immediate traction in the larger community. It’s leveraging common dreams…. the discovery of time-travel. I mean , that’s most of us! Who wouldn’t love to know it’s been discovered! The researchers are well aware of how we, the non-scientific community might respond using the limited knowledge we hold, and they still defend using the term. I think it’s cynical, deliberately misleading and therefore irresponsible.
Thanks so much. Very interesting and important. Happy Christmas. ❤❤❤
In the universe kaala chakra means dark wheel exists, the negative time exists in the universe in the infinite space.
This is possibilities which spread out and connect with other possibilities. When certain possibilities are connected, they can create what is seen. This the action of choosing a desired connection.
This is like looking through a book of photos and focusing on one desired image.
What you see you believe. Like choosing a thought over others.
I agree with Sabine It's most probably not 'negative time' rather an artefact of the probabilistic wave nature of quantum interactions.
Incredible! If time can go backwards, does that mean we could potentially reverse events?
@3curiosityunlocked not exactly I’m not a quantum physicist or anything like that. I barely understand this but to me it seems like time is still moving in the same direction but at a different rate so it’s exiting a measurement point before it enters. And it’s most likely an imperceptibly small scale. Nanoseconds. And it’s only photons that it’s observed in. So it’s a very long way off from a person going back to kill the baby hitler or trump before atrocities. It’s still just a particle displaying unexplained behavior
If this is true to a measurable amount, then what happens if the entering foton is purposely deviated or stopped from its path as soon as it exists the medium but BEFORE it enters this medium? Did we create matter, foton?
SIDEWAYS TIME = watching this whole video
I'm with Sabine. Maybe negative Relative time would be a better description.
Delay in the information about the inputs in comparison to faster info about the outputs looks more intuitive.
Is this negative time similar to anti-time ?
"This timely study was released, by no small coincidence, immediately before the upcoming presidential transition of power, and may serve to provide an explanation for what is expected by many to be the 'longest four years in living memory,' according to some analysts.
'Further quantum study is required,' continued the researcher, 'to ascertain how negative values can be ascribed to the forthcoming administration's senses of shame, duty, rationality, factualness, and compassion [...] although I personally theorize that they simply approach the value zero so closely we are simply incapable of measuring same at this time,' she concluded wearily."
I'm still quite sure time is a spatial dimension, and there is a fifth spatial dimension on top of that which I've been calling "Time's time"
I think we can see such things on photons because they are massless so can be accelerated in the fourth and fifth dimension, while on very large scales we can see large enough warping of space-time for it to affect macro objects.
I still think quantum mechanics is deterministic, but our inability to measure in this fifth dimension causes us to miss connections in this "time's time" dimension, like having a flip book with 90% of the pages missing.
I'd bet dark energy, dark matter, and quantum foam are all connected to this as well, things just on a slightly different velocity in 5d, but still close enough to interact briefly.
Two truth birth and death birth is forward (positive) time....death is reversal (negative time)
I love reading about time and photons and quantum physics
If that's the case, can you please ask them to let time go back to 1960 😊
Time can only go backwards if information itself is taken away. Time can be thought of as the net accumulation of information. If I watch a film backwards though the motion is in reverse the sequence of events that look rediculous still happens forward in time. It looks rediculous because we have a memory of the sequence of events ....accumulation of information...and that is progressing forward in time. The only way to truly go back in time would be to take away accumulated information.
So, can we go back to 1996 now?
Not a new discovery. Between 1983 and 1987, physics lecturers at the Technical High School in Emmendingen once told me that experiments in the KEK particle accelerator in Japan indicated that some of the particles bombarded for observed collisons, travel from the future into the past, as could be clearly seen from the permanent recordings when reading those back, because for example today the particle bombarded was still in a place where it was no longer yesterday and yesterday it finally arrived at another point in its journey backwards through time, around the day before yesterday it arrived at a point ... and so on...
I tuned in to see *how* “negative time” was observed.
Instead I saw pretty graphics with someone saying “negative time was observed.”
NASA: Never _ _ Answer
How does one identify a particular photon ? i.e how do you know the photon about to enter is the same photon you have already witnessed emerging from the other side ? (Besides, if time is an emergent illusion, maybe all you are seeing is an interaction in the reverse order to that which you'd normally expect.)
Sure sounds like phase shift to me but if time is actually reversing then entropy should as well.
Entropy is a "macroscopic" property
@@vladimirlegrand2917 The weak nuclear force is an example of entropy at the atomic level.
Negative time is intrinsic too quantum tunneling this should be basic understanding
Maybe can be used in quantum computing, if this system could be incorporated into QM computer, qbits, the results would be exponential speed increases as the output of the sum from the input would be vastly sped up.
I've experienced one time shifting event. Some subatomic particles coming in from space reach Earth surface before they were created (by collision with the atmosphere).
What happened in the area where time was 'reversed'? Seems that you would have a scenario similar to matter reacting with antimatter.
If only this were true! I'm with Dr Sabine
It seems as if the limitations of the observer’s eyes create illusions portraying a picture of “negative time” and “super” position, but perhaps it is only “super”, because it is super to us?! We presently seem to be locked out of observance. The very light spectrum we use to seemingly “see” affects what we attempt to observe and on top of this that same spectrum is astronomically small compared to the unseen. The seen was made by The Unseen and The Unseen is unfathomably greater than the windows of our souls Hebrews 11:3.
This is easily observed in our everyday life. All you need to do is go and stand in front of a cinema theatre just before show time. You will see people emerging out of the movie hall even before people are let into the movie hall for the next show.🤪🤪🤪
Does time even exist at the quantum level? Is observing the phenomenon like taking a picture of a moving object but an object that moves in all directions at once because time doesnt exsist for it?
Schrodinger 's cat in every state science is touching. And our body is primarily of quantum effects. Interesting....
Great stuff 💪🏽... Interesting AND thought provoking as well 💯 ... ✌🏽❤️& Blessings to EVERYONE 🙏🏽
Here I thought in the beginning it actually wasn’t clickbait. Wrong I was.
I tried this technique at my bank. I tried to make a withdrawal before I made a deposit... sadly, they just laughed at me
I would be suspicious that the photon actually by passed by the atom for the most part. (It does propagate as a wave.) What may have stimulated the atom that gives the instance of extra energy was possible the mix of other waves from other photons and/or stimulating a virtual photon in an energized area of virtual space to pop up and interact with the atom for an instance from the wake of the photons passage that also had the atom similarly "perked up". [Schematic of detector?: Though, someone will have to explain to me how one expects a photon in the diagram with a double slit and then splitter, that directs the potential path of the photon to two different directions to multiple detectors can expect the photon to show up at two or more detectors; as detection effectively would have it captured, and so cease its propagation, in any assured form.]
Sabine is the same individual pushing an anti- science narrative. Professor dave explains did an amazing video explaining whats im referring to.
In the quantum size energy is just fast moving matter. Matter is just slow moving energy. So what is it in that tiny moment when it has to make the switch?
If I go back , pending correct lot of things 🔥
I understood very few words but what a magnificent idea!!!!
If time were a set of quanta, electromagnetism and more... we could say that WE ARE PERMEATED by the past. We could say that the past and the present are always next to us. If we understand how it is organized, if there are packets of "time" in certain very specific places... difficult questions but also thanks to AI and the right questions we could get ideas that day after day, experiment after experiment, other answers from AI we could really find a way to draw certain of this information, somehow, discerning it from all the information about the past And there is a HUGE amount of data. If we think about the fact that history is made up of many choices, many roads that divide and create different realities... I would say that this alone would create a world where there are ALSO different realities, built from different choices. At this point I wonder... we could live next to an immense number of different choices and in each "space" there is the result of each single choice. Then we must consider that the choices go to influence other people who will then make other choices... I think of the past as bubbles or as bubbles with a flow control where depending on the choice one path or another is determined, Temporal Entanglement, Looking for quantum correlations between particles separated in time rather than space.
What you say is interesting. However, as with Relativity, it must also be proven mathematically.
Whether "phase shift" or "negative time" is it possible that the northern lights are a visual example of this phenomenon?
I think its crazy that particles have a basically enternal lifespan
They don’t. They phase into and out of existence.
What I’m wondering is if this negative time is a different dimension, timeline or Multiverse do the people that live in it, are they conscious and aware and if so, do they not wonder why they’re walking backwards and doing things backwards when it could be easier going forward ? This is my question. I hope someone can answer this.
Of course it can, but in the body of the one, time it still flows one way. That's a no brainer.
Now let's find something worthy of conversation.
Here's a fun fact about causality. If something from the future were to get to the past, then that something would show up first. Not only that, but anything anyone does or doesn't do about it will be part of the causal chain that leads to that event. 💀
No matter how many times you rewind the video, you get the same actors doing the same scenes. There's no anything could happen. Things happen be-cause of causality.
If we are a simulation then the past can go forward without the present going back.
"Negative Time" is possible if higher dimensions/planes exist and which support faster than light photons (Tachyons).
wave function witch compute probability of exist in various state in same "time" is base of all bizarreness in quantum realm if we want achieve progress we have to rewrite it without time parameter or replace it with negative time just imagine a photon movement is like clude in time axis then we need not wave function
If time depend on 2nd law of thermodynamics it's not particularly surprising it could go backwards momentarily since entropy is a probabilistic concept.
It’s just a timeline leap between dimensions while still in the entangled state…He didn’t care or believe me. Oh well. Straddling multiple timelines across dimensions is challenging and exhausting. But totally worth it. 3D is a metaphysical cesspool lol
Do particals create some kind of shield that reflekt fotons as long as it's resonating?
If I hadn't given up on math years ago, I might've been jumping on the string theories to put this into the mix, along with things like the particle that spins 'both' ways.
Yeah, I know. At best I'm in the furtherest seat in the stadium, & most scientists would say I'm 1000s of light years away. But God forgive me I love to wonder how things might fit together.
Let's go back and confirm this.
1. Has anyone else repeated this? A single experiment, showing anything at all, means nothing.
2. How, without a time machine, did they know those particular photons which had already collided and had been absorbed by atoms, were the same photons. Photons generated after the fact even by those atoms are not the same photons. Photons entering the experiment prior have no home address. I think they were seeing something else, not negative time.
Reconciling Time with Quantum Mechanics seems to be the issue. How Time is viewed, remains the obstacle. I think of Time as Universal Motion. I do this to reconcile the idea in my own mind, independently. Our method of telling Time helps with this conclusion as a rotational velocity. I feel like Einstein did not go far enough. Time is dynamic and directly affected by motion, temperature. This concept seems vaguely explained at best.
If space and time are intrinsically linked then shouldn't there be 3 temporal dimensions?
I mean we do have 3 spatial dimensions so why only 1 temporal dimension?
It could look like this:
Spatial Temporal
1D line 4D length
2D width 5D breadth
3D height 6D depth
Instead of 3D + 1D (4D spacetime) we could try 3D complexified which gives us 3 sets of 3 dimensions. We could have space, time and energy with planets as 3D matter and stars as 3D energy.
7D, 8D, 9D could be continuous, emmision and absorption.
Since our subatomic structure has 2/3 heading one direction and 1/3 heading the other direction maybe 3D stars are heading the other direction as space and time?
I believe we can go back in time as it still exists in the past. It wont surprise me if the experiements they are conduction caused slight changes in the past bringing forth the Mandela Effect
Time is such a "weird" thing, it depends on so many parameters and observer.
... hmmm ... i quess it's just a continous present.
Einstein and Minkowski described spacetime (qv).
Sounds similar to Google scientists saying their new quantum computer is tapping into parallel universes.
Nothing happens until is observed. Real and unreal.