Capital one business credit cards are not good. It impacts on your personal credit report every month. It also does not report your business credit to "Dun And Bradstreet" since March 2022.
Not all of their business cards report to your personal credit! Even the ones that do report to your personal credit can be an asset to your personal credit. If you pay the balance off before the statement date, you won't have to worry about DTI or credit utilization.
Thanks again Mercury!
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👍 👌 👍
Capital one business credit cards are not good. It impacts on your personal credit report every month. It also does not report your business credit to "Dun And Bradstreet" since March 2022.
Not all of their business cards report to your personal credit! Even the ones that do report to your personal credit can be an asset to your personal credit. If you pay the balance off before the statement date, you won't have to worry about DTI or credit utilization.