• @CapsizeMedia
    @CapsizeMedia 10 місяців тому

    Dude, love this series. Thank you for doing this. These are helping me calm down a lot.

    • @teachingbeats
      @teachingbeats 10 місяців тому +1

      Hey, thank you. I think I'm going to do one more update...for that reason, it all takes a long time...for me now a solid 14-15 months. I went from truly suicidal to somewhere around 95%, just hang in there my friend!

  • @namefamily1462
    @namefamily1462 6 місяців тому

    It is clear that you are a smart person and have a kind soul..
    You were luckier than me, because you had hyperacusis of pain, and almost all sounds cause increased ultra-high-frequency ringing in my ears, and yes, I’m also on the verge of a cliff..
    I would like to ask you personally about my problem, can I find you on Telegram, WhatsApp, or email? Thank you in advance...

    • @teachingbeats
      @teachingbeats 6 місяців тому

      Hi, very sorry to hear about your issues, I also have dissonance in the higher hearing range. Sorry but way to many scammers out there these days, I do not give out my personal contact. There shouldn't be anything you can't ask right here that I couldn't answer as best I can about this subject. Thanks, Todd

    • @namefamily1462
      @namefamily1462 6 місяців тому

      @@teachingbeats Todd, I have had tinnitus and some hearing loss for 12 years, but everything got old for me. After the MRI in the fall of 2023, I felt much worse, my tinnitus became reactive. They react to almost any sounds, I can’t stop them, every day the situation is getting worse.
      That is, due to surrounding sounds, my tinnitus increases in both ears. There are 10-15 of them in each ear and they become increasingly high-frequency.
      Todd, please help me in this situation. Advise me what to do, I understand that you had hyperacusis pain, but it’s probably something similar.... I visited several audiologists but found nothing wrong with my ears other than hearing loss. I feel like I'm on the edge, I probably don't have long left..Sincerely, Denis

    • @teachingbeats
      @teachingbeats 6 місяців тому +1

      Dennis- very sorry to hear about your situation. I have pretty severe tinnitus also and have for many many years. Mine varies from day to day.
      The tinnitus is caused by your brain "filling in the hole" from hearing loss in those particular areas. One thing that has worked for me in particularly bad times is listening to a test tone sweep through the hearing range. You can find them on youtube. You want to be careful about volume as the high ranges can get loud fast. But, when I listen to them a couple of times it helps my tinnitus to calm down.
      There are also hearing aids now that have tinnitus masking white noise, thst could be another option. I am not a doctor and these are just the things that have helped me.
      The last thing that has helped me is meditation to learn how to take my focus away from the tinnitus. I recommend the waking up app, and if you are feeling depressed and like you need help in just dealing with the entire situation seeking out a good therapist is always extremely helpful as well going to an emergency department if you feel you need emergent help to stay safe. I turly wish you the best of luck.

    • @namefamily1462
      @namefamily1462 6 місяців тому

      @@teachingbeats Thanks for the valuable advice, Todd.
      Todd. The thing is that I can hardly listen to anything, as soon as I listen to the murmur of water, I quickly begin to experience a burst of high-pitched tintintus that cuts like sharp knives. All this started for me after I had an MRI in the fall of 2023.
      In our country there is no treatment for my illness; no one here treats it. I called an ambulance several times, they don't know what to do.
      The only way out is to train your ears, give them sounds. But the problem is that I can’t find the right moment to start training them, I don’t even know how to start training them... I tried different things, listened to music at minimum volume, and also listened to the murmur of water in the fountain, but This all made me worse. I don’t understand why and I don’t know what to do... Maybe you can help me somehow? I won’t be in debt, I’ll pay you money.
      Maybe I have just the case when I don’t need to give my ears sounds, but I need to leave them in silence? But it seems to me that this may completely atrophy my ears...

  • @lancebrown6051
    @lancebrown6051 4 місяці тому

    Did u live in a quiet area I live super loud main road with bad windows 🤦🏾

  • @blancacasillas8226
    @blancacasillas8226 9 місяців тому

    Did you have any issues with your Eustachian Tube as far as crackling/popping sounds when you swallow or soap suds popping sounds?🧼 which decongested did you take? Or nasal rinses?
    ENT scoped me and said it’s not my ET but my ears seemed very congested and have that soap subs popping sounds as well as crackling etc, it’s annoying and very discouraging/depressing to be honest.

    • @teachingbeats
      @teachingbeats 9 місяців тому

      Yes, I had very much the same thing, my ears when I pooped them work actually make a squeeling sound.
      I did do netty pot type saline rinses, and any decongestant should be fine like Sudafe or you could also try Flonase...and keep pooping your ears many times a day to keep that whole system moving. Small steps forward. Mine took months to get back to normal, now when I pop my ears they equalize right away just like in the past, but again it took a lot of time and patience while doing things that can move it in the right direction.

  • @blancacasillas8226
    @blancacasillas8226 10 місяців тому

    Did you have any muffled hearing or like congestion ears, if so how long did it take to clear and what did you do?

    • @teachingbeats
      @teachingbeats 10 місяців тому

      Hi- yes. I did and sometimes still do. I believe that too is part of the cycle of inflammation. Can you "pop" your ears and then do they really equalize pressure? If not, even more reason to follow the inflammatory idea. It took mine quite a long time to get back to normal. In the mean time I tried using decongestants as they tend to "dry" out fluids that may be in your inner ear, and you can also test the idea by trying nsaids, in my case Ibuprofen. Always take with food and I usually tried a course of about a week on week off, just to give my system a break. As my overall inflammation went down my feeling of fluid and or muffled sound with my hearing slowly improved. I also got in the habit of popping my ears often through the day to keep that system of equalization moving... As always this is only what I found to be helpful and it is not a recipe for anyone to exactly follow. You have to be your own best judge on what gives you improvement. Lastly have you seen an audiologist. If not please do that right away to rule out any obvious infection, mechanical issues and to get a baseline of where you are at.

  • @bartonfink9307
    @bartonfink9307 9 місяців тому

    Hi, there is some good information in your videos. Would it possible to make a shorter summary of all the important points?

    • @teachingbeats
      @teachingbeats 9 місяців тому

      No, I believe the whole story is important. If you're in the middle of this, more information is better than less. Thanks