And while the change overall is hard, at any moment, you only ever have to do more step, one more rep, or one more moment of doing something that scares you (e.g. socialising). Each such moment tends to make the subsequent moments easier.
@@Myndirthat's cmplete bs. You can't have everything you want, a lot of things are impossible for a lot of people. Period. Accepting the truth instead of joining a wild goose chase based on cliché motivational crap is much better. Since I was born too hideous to date a girl, I accepted the truth, started to escortmaxx and couldn't be happier. Trying to attract a girl based on stupid motivation advice only brought me misery.
There's no such thing as a femcel (with the possible exception of lesbians). She could get plenty of guys by simply putting on lipstick & a dress. Even though doing that she could easily get frequently laid.
Jesus Christ loves you, repent of your sins and turn to him. Romans 6:23 23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Jesus Christ loves you, repent of your sins and turn to him. Romans 6:23 23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Yeah it originally referred to lesbian women as dating as a lesbian has historically been a lot harder than dating for straight women and gay men, as there's less lesbians than gay men and a lot of fake "bi" women who are just straight.
Apparently she's a lesbian, so it's even worse, Stacy didn't even notice her. Tbh she's probably genuinely out of luck since even lesbian women have absurdly high standards.
i thought she was a guy but ironically a girl can look like a guy and have 6 guys typically on her tail almost no matter what kind of girl it is. I don't know why society lives in such an animalistic states just because peoples biological imperatives are simply threatened by isolation.
I thought being an incel or femcel meant that you're lonely AND blame it on everyone else as a result. Rather than someone who's doesn't have many if any friends and is just a normal person
In= involuntarily , cel = celibate It's not that complicated.It means people who want to get laid and cant.Anything beyond that goes deeper than being an incel lol
If this chick accepted 5'9 dudes that also play videogames she'd never be alone... it's that simple... Male gamers are waiting their entire life for a woman like this.
No entiendo la obsesión tan ridícula con la altura. Hay muchos hombres altos especialmente feos, poco atractivos o ni siquiera masculinos. Y al revés, hombres bajos muy atractivos.
@@malal6891 I'm pretty sure it's just a psychological thing for women, the taller he is, the more capable he is at protecting you. Of course that isn't necessarily true whatsoever but it's a byproduct of our evolutionary past. Just like how men tend to prefer younger curvy women, it's like a psychological hint that they're a good mate. Again, not necessarily true at all but hey, what can ya do.
That's not generally the issue, I'd say the main issue is that if you don't interact much with others you're less likely to find a partner. It's cool that male gamers are waiting their whole life for a woman like this, but if that's all they're doing (sitting on their ass, waiting for her to magically materialise in their rooms), it's still never going to happen. I mean I get it, I'm pretty antisocial myself and I don't necessarily enjoy most of the activities where you'd meet women, but if you don't meet any you'll never find any. And it's not really the same online. You don't really know if you match with a person if you don't see them physically, both because of the way physical/chemical attraction works and because small little mannerisms you subconsciously pick up on just tell you quite a lot about a person.
@@thezappingseagull My point was that if this woman went out to date, she would not look at someone in her position as dateable... The gamers that live exactly like her would never be on her radar. Fact is, this woman can get laid any day she wants, she could get a solid long term relationship whenever she wants, she just doesn't consider men on her level good enough.
Thats exactly what i was thinking the time she was speaking. She either have some mental illness which absolutely ignores the accountability which push people away or she couldnt find someone to manipulate so go online to find some.
@@FijxnnMen on comparison with most women have less choices by nature. Most men will chase after a woman. Not all women swoon over a guy unless he has put the work in and knows how to work with them. Especially harder in the West than going overseas. Mainly because women here have grown masculine with their “feminism” and women in other countries are genuinely still feminine and ladylike. Therefore they mesh with you rather than conflict with you….As long as you’re a traditional and masculine man. Which is what all women want regardless of what they say.
@@RobertTaylor-gz2fu You don't need an alot of wealth, you don't need to look like a ten, you don't need to be 6'5, you don't need high status, you don't need to be a all Tim's star athlete, and you don't need to be a comedian. People like you expect far too much or just jaded. I was once overweight over 300lbs and worked out, took care of my body and face, strong athletic from basic labor of yard work, charming cause my mom taught me how, and came from a lower middle class ranching household in Montana. Men have chances, If they choose to be doomers and always sorry for themselves they yea you don't have a chance. Grow up.
That isn't quite correct. She could only get Chad for a handful of casual hookups at most, not to commit to her. So she chooses to stay single. That is a femcel.
@@GoriaasShe's a femcel becauss Chad won't commot to her? Yep. An incel is an incel because he's a bottom 80 percenter and he ain't gonna do what he needs to in order to get some. Not that I can't blame him, becoming a Chad or Tyrone means you'll probably end up like Tupac.
Update almost 3 years after my first introduction to red-pill/self-improvement: my life is still trash, lifting weights and trying to do useless businesses that never ever work didn't do shit and months after months I am more and more isolated, and even sadder because all that self-improvement content I absorbed convinced me that if I'm a failure it's just because I don't do enough. At this point it's unbearable and I don't want to do gigantic efforts for no results anymore. My life is even worse because I can't approach people (especially women) without the lenses of self-improvement and red-pill reminding me that they'll see me as a garbage individual because I'm not accomplished and have nothing to bring to their lives.
Dude, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope some day you’ll get out of it and your life improve. If there are any clubs or gatherings that share similar interests or hobbies, go for it and take a chance. Maybe find a new hobby and find a community of those people. Online or irl, all that matters is that you got a buddy or mutual to share with. Just be careful about some people who want to put you down. Take care, bud.
The more content you consume that tells you that you need to be this and that for women to develope deep emotions for you, the more depressive you may get. It is selective information feeding that distorts your worldview to a point where you are backed in a corner with no way out. Because none of these videos define factors that you embody or value to be attractive for women. They only tell you that everything you are not is what women want. These videos will turn you into an incel someday because basically they tell you that women are all emotionless, transactional machines that can only develope emotions to you if you have characteristics X, Y, Z. What you actually need is someone who can develope feelings for YOU, regardless of certain imperfections.
To be fair, I wanna be her friend with what she said. Only thing I didn't like was her recording herself to put on the internet, but I guess its fair to do that once when you don't know any better and feel your lowest.
@@PaulKrawitz94Women are impossible to make happy. They're never satisfied with their hair, nails, or any part of their faces and resort to fakery to make themselves enjoyable for them to look at in a mirror. A woman trying to make a woman happy is a nightmare Besides, woman-woman has a higher domestic abuse rate than man-woman and man-man
@@PaulKrawitz94 Wrong. Her deciding to go for women instead of men is the primary reason why she can’t find a mate. The poor girl has been tricked into shrinking her pool of potential partners significantly, as *most people are straight.* Sexual preference is of much concern here, however that does not negate the overall point you originally made-rather, it reinforces it.
@@red4tab The simple reason she decide to go for females is enough reason to know she chose to stab herself in the foot and then use the victim card which doesnt apply to women when they deal with other women. Its like blackhole cry because she cant swallow another black hole.
I feel sorry for this girl. She's getting so much hate in the comments and all she had to do was exist. The lot of you are as spiteful as the grandparents that ruined the economy before you.
The issue is that many many many men have had poor experiences with modern women being very picky, and so when they see a women saying that she has never had a relationship, they just assume she was picky too. Sadly, they are often right, lmao.
@sheeplord4976 don't they realise every woman is a different person? Like yes, you're going to run in to bad people but those bad people may not be this person here. Men have the same thing going on as women do; when they say "the opposite gender sucks" yet get all butthurt about it because they don't think the sucky behaviour women talk about applies to them. Why would you be so hypocritical and assume the worst of someone just because of their gender but get all huffy when someone does it to you? And aside from this, would you date someone you're not attracted to? Of course not! So why would you expect someone else to do what you're not willing to do, or value their standards differently to your own? And to top it all off, you and they and everyone else are entirely within their right to be picky. Nobody owes you anything and you don't owe them anything either. Just because you want someone does not mean they want you as well, and if you don't respect that then you don't respect the person sqying it. Who the heck wants to date someone that has no respect for them? Certainly not the men hating on this girl, that's for sure, and I'd say women are in the same boat about this. Here's the crazy part. Men and women agree on these things. They don't like being lumped in with the worst, they want to date people they're attracted to, and they want someone to respect them. So why is there a conflict?
@@classydays43 No they're not, they're mostly the same, same underlying biological mechanisms drive them the same ways. The situation is not even close. Only lesbian women can understand a fragment of men's reality. The conflict is there because men live on Earth and women live on Mars. Men's standards are very minimal on average, while men need to have so many things before they get any attention. You're so far off point it's crazy. Sure, she can be picky, but then don't come complaining to me, don't wanna hear it. We're tired of listening to women's whining about other men.
I had a homeboy who looked exactly like her, he got an upside down cross sunburned on his back. He still owes me $200 from blackjack back in like 3rd grade
To people just like her, find someone you can be alone with. There are more people like you than not. Go to book stores and just, don't be too shy. Say hi, you notice them in your isle you ask if they've read the one book you would recommend to everyone. Same with grocery stores, we are social animals. Say hi, be friendly.
imma be honest, love the genuine enthusiasm and idea behind your comment... but the advice you give, imo not great for finding a partner, maybe making small talk, but not finding a partner. I talk to people ALL the time at grocery store, gym, bar, even my job is very social, and yet never ONCE has the conversation moved past small talk or anybody expressed interest in me like that. You have to be assertive and go out and actively seek relationships nowadays, you can't just naturally stumble into them... either that or i might be just really ugly i guess lol.
@@thekamotodragon Small talk is for cowards who don't know how to engage with other people. Asking people interesting and non-conventional questions is way better, and that's how real interest begins.
@Pedro_Ferrandi Women can get laid easy. All they need to do is just ask a guy and 9 out of 10, the guy will say yes. That's not hard for a woman. What she's complaining about is not having a guy stick around for emotional and financial support.
@Junoo9311 lol, I've been married twice, had two gfs, and a decent amount of hookups. I've seen how women behave when they get laid not not enough relationships. It's obvious when you interact with them. They split their sexual and emotional/financial needs because society encourages it, and they're miserable for it. It's a dime a dozen why marriages and relationships end because they think they can do better or wait, and it rarely happens. Then they're all angry.
It’s a great first step to admit you are stagnant in your life. Now it’s time to start rowing the boat again. If you are disappointed with your current condition it’s because you once knew something better. Remember that feeling and devote yourself to getting it back.
I can 100% guarantee that she's threatened to call the cops on dozens of guys who tried to approach her because they weren't Chads, Tyrone, or Pookie & RayRay.
I feel like the only person who hasn't benefited from working out. I've been "grinding" for over 4 years now and have gained very little, I see teenagers at the gym lifting a lot more than me and I have to force myself to work out. I really do try, but I never see any improvement.
Working out can give different results depending how you treat it. If you just lift weight sometimes it may not just be unproductive you can in fact grow weaker. I had this phase at one point in life. After i understood the problem and grew out of it i got results i was honestly blown away by.
@@animaniac2618 To be fair she doesn't seem to be using makeup/filters which a lot of women tend to use on social media, so she's attractive enough, her problem is where people have stated is she's lesbian and lesbians have a very limited pool of options to choose from, trust me if she was straight she wouldn't have any troubles.
the point of relationship is to help each other not to be lonely and take care of themselves, the problem I think because society only care about consuming other ppl hard work like sex, big booba, big butt, but not really care to make their ugly girlfriend look like one, or fear being rejected or just edgy as fuck and selfish.
HAHAHAAHA. Typical, try to portray it as if it's men with their big boob wants that keep women single. Delusional. Look at all these men who would be more than happy to date this below average looking girl and realise you're a nut.
Once I get done with working out, I sit down, hop on call with the boys and play games only as a little reward and not as a time consuming thing. Video games and media is only good if you're not doing it as your only thing to do
"Never get up, keep grinding a d hustling; shoot for your dreams... Anything is possible, you just need to take that first step, the hard step, and actually do something. Now, guys, it all mental brous, conditioned loneliness through experiences of consistent rejection are meaningless and product of todays world that puts too much enphasis on the avoidance of suffering; stay hard; your looks or neurology aren't setbacks, but your mindset, which presumedly came out of nowhere, is." Ahhh channel
That was literally me when I was in high school, geeky as hell, watch anime, read comic/manga, play video games, thought I better change myself so went and joined military, got into marine recon, first class reunion after almost a decade of no contact, people were shocked to see me because how much I changed, they wouldn’t even recognise me on the street. Everyone expected me to be working as an accountant or a lecturer, though that is my civi job now but I have so many dad stories during those 10 years I wouldn’t give it up for anything else
@dislikebutton4981 it's alright man. Tbh, I'm a hopeless romantic as well, so I get like that at times. I just don't understand how a small minority of people are okay with being open about hating women... Not all women are bad, just like how not all men are bad.
Just because you dont deal with issues doesn't mean they dont exist. Thats like saying because you dont see the things schizophrenic people see you say schizophrenia is real
If you're a guy, a woman who sleeps with your will probably be open to a monogamous relationship with you. If you're a girl, plenty of men want to sleep with you, but few are open to a monogamous relationship. Different people, different challenges. And the more time we spend sniping about someone else's race, the less time we spend (a) running our own races and (b) encouraging people to run hard, whatever their race.
If she's going through pain I feel for her but there's no such thing as a "Femcel" they come into men spaces for attention 💯 Femcel = Chad/Tyrone ignored me
Translation: I have rejected hundreds of guys who were interested in me and still can't find a partner who looks like Chris Hemsworth and makes money like Bill Gates. Where are all the good men?😭
I find it funny how the channel is called Balkan Gains like if the gigachad isn’t actually Slavic. The Balkan Rage meme is about how batshit insane most of them get when things don’t go their way, that’s why you never marry into one: especially not as your wife. But the dudes spend their time to figure out how they can game the system, wonder if you’re trying to tie into the Matrix allegory with that one
I need to comment on something controversial here... I believe that women putting themselves through the same stress as men when they go to work is doing harm to society.
This wouldn't work because female incels don't really exist (litterally all of them just have ridiculous dating standards), and most male incels are too socially akward to even interact with girls and nearly all of them hate women with a burning passion. Not exactly the best combo to create a dating platform with if you ask me....
na, problem is incels generally don't want to date other incels, so it'll never work. Incels generally think to highly of themselves and have ridiculous standards. I recall at some point in my life where I would even have classified myself as a incel, but after working on myself and improving various aspect of my life I just attract women now much easier. Incels also tend to follow more the blackpill as well, as I said I was all about that at one point in my life.
The difference between her and a real incel is that she has the societal acceptance to live the kind of life that she wants to live. All she has to do is use online dating apps. A bunch of simps will message her. Even ones that are good-looking.
Wouldn't worry.This video alone shows that your a genuine, well spoken ,respectful, good looking person.The fact that you didn't project the blame on others sets you apart from a ton of people these days
The comments here are the reason yall getting no women on your life lmao, imagine someone telling you their struggles and you come up crying about how worse you actually have it, have some empathy cause right now with that attitude no women will ever want you
To folks that are generally unnattractive, I would just say, attractiveness doesn’t really factor in creating good choices for yourself. Just because you don’t have a partner doesn’t mean you are happy, really happiness stems more from the things you do in life. There is no harm in dipping your toe into the maelstroms of chaos, as it will ultimately make you stronger than you were before
It's hard to change your life, but it's even harder to live a life you hate for the rest of your life.
who i am🦍:
And while the change overall is hard, at any moment, you only ever have to do more step, one more rep, or one more moment of doing something that scares you (e.g. socialising). Each such moment tends to make the subsequent moments easier.
@@Myndirthat's cmplete bs. You can't have everything you want, a lot of things are impossible for a lot of people. Period.
Accepting the truth instead of joining a wild goose chase based on cliché motivational crap is much better.
Since I was born too hideous to date a girl, I accepted the truth, started to escortmaxx and couldn't be happier. Trying to attract a girl based on stupid motivation advice only brought me misery.
This quote gave me so much strength
Thank you
FEMCELS do not exist bro...
There's no such thing as a femcel (with the possible exception of lesbians). She could get plenty of guys by simply putting on lipstick & a dress. Even though doing that she could easily get frequently laid.
A Japanese guy once said:
Jesus Christ loves you, repent of your sins and turn to him.
Romans 6:23
23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
@@getready6323 go pray in your house or in church.
@@getready6323 who cares? Stop spamming shit!
Yakuza moment
I watch the original video, important point : she is lesbian hence why she has difficulty to find and date. Just Leaving this SMALL detail.
She's doomed then
So she mentally challenged too
big detail
Hopefully she grows out of it then, because it’s tragic when people are alone due to their degenerate choices.
Never give up. Always try. Great message
Jesus Christ loves you, repent of your sins and turn to him.
Romans 6:23
23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Already did
absolute cope
Try not, do... or do not
@@SPACEDOUT19sometimes there's no way
Fun fact: the term incel was coined by a woman to describe herself
So? It's still only applicabke to men considering femcels don't exist
Technically it was "inVcel'...
I would be so proud to be a woman right now
An incel woman
Yeah it originally referred to lesbian women as dating as a lesbian has historically been a lot harder than dating for straight women and gay men, as there's less lesbians than gay men and a lot of fake "bi" women who are just straight.
Chad didn't notice her
Apparently she's a lesbian, so it's even worse, Stacy didn't even notice her. Tbh she's probably genuinely out of luck since even lesbian women have absurdly high standards.
Chadette; she's a lesbian.
She is a lesbian
based. incel = cant get anyone. femcel = cant get chad/stacy if lesbian
Incel is Involuntarily Celibate. It is not a gendered word. It does not need a female gendered variety.
Women cannot exist without co-opting or ruining anything Men create
Exactly man I was trying to say this but people tell me I'm wrong
Females can't be incel though
Just another example of women forcing themselves into something they dont belong.
The first person to come up with the word incel to describe themselves was a woman.
lets be real, shes the dream women for 90% of men
Others have said this in other comments, she's lesbian so that doesn't help either.
@ytcmbt2505 If this is someone’s dream woman I don’t even wanna know about their nightmares
No 😂
@@freddo9682 or she thinks she is.
She's not a femcel, she's just waiting for a Chad, I'm pretty sure, some guy's would like to try to date her, these guys ended up in the friendzone.
Apparently she's gay
i thought she was a guy but ironically a girl can look like a guy and have 6 guys typically on her tail almost no matter what kind of girl it is. I don't know why society lives in such an animalistic states just because peoples biological imperatives are simply threatened by isolation.
Dude, u don't know her and her life, don't be so certain about the others lives.
@@Nasrist just when you thought russians were realistic people
@@NasristFemcels literally cannot exist 🤦🏾♂️
I thought being an incel or femcel meant that you're lonely AND blame it on everyone else as a result. Rather than someone who's doesn't have many if any friends and is just a normal person
It just means you are celibate and would rather smash. Got a Negative connotation by people who use it to put others down.
It just means you can't get sex. Everything else is just man hating feminists using it as an insult and a put down.
It just means you don’t want to be single, have always been single, and can’t seem to help it
I thought it meant you hate the other gender a lot
In= involuntarily , cel = celibate
It's not that complicated.It means people who want to get laid and cant.Anything beyond that goes deeper than being an incel lol
I'm sure she's had multiple guys interested in her, but she turned them all down.
well she is lesbian so…
(at least that’s what other commenters are saying)
@@notadvertiserfriendly6084 Technically doesn't invalidate the comment lol
@@JKBDTSmakes it irrelevant. Why would she say yes when she’s not attracted to men in the first place
Were you one of em? Lol
Only lesbian know the struggle men go through lmao what a world
If she's a lesbian, she could easily get action in her community.
@@RobertTaylor-gz2fu Lesbian or not dude...
Could be on apps and will have a partner.
@@RobertTaylor-gz2fu She is though
@@JKBDTS She is what?
@@RobertTaylor-gz2fu Lesbian
If this chick accepted 5'9 dudes that also play videogames she'd never be alone... it's that simple...
Male gamers are waiting their entire life for a woman like this.
No entiendo la obsesión tan ridícula con la altura. Hay muchos hombres altos especialmente feos, poco atractivos o ni siquiera masculinos. Y al revés, hombres bajos muy atractivos.
She’s a lesbian.
I'm pretty sure it's just a psychological thing for women, the taller he is, the more capable he is at protecting you.
Of course that isn't necessarily true whatsoever but it's a byproduct of our evolutionary past.
Just like how men tend to prefer younger curvy women, it's like a psychological hint that they're a good mate.
Again, not necessarily true at all but hey, what can ya do.
That's not generally the issue, I'd say the main issue is that if you don't interact much with others you're less likely to find a partner. It's cool that male gamers are waiting their whole life for a woman like this, but if that's all they're doing (sitting on their ass, waiting for her to magically materialise in their rooms), it's still never going to happen.
I mean I get it, I'm pretty antisocial myself and I don't necessarily enjoy most of the activities where you'd meet women, but if you don't meet any you'll never find any. And it's not really the same online. You don't really know if you match with a person if you don't see them physically, both because of the way physical/chemical attraction works and because small little mannerisms you subconsciously pick up on just tell you quite a lot about a person.
@@thezappingseagull My point was that if this woman went out to date, she would not look at someone in her position as dateable... The gamers that live exactly like her would never be on her radar.
Fact is, this woman can get laid any day she wants, she could get a solid long term relationship whenever she wants, she just doesn't consider men on her level good enough.
the supreme gentlewoman
The term incel was created by a woman. You don’t just get to steal shit and say it only applies to you
True talk, tell em brother
gatekeeping being an incel is wild
Who coined the term again? 😂
the first incel was a woman but real
Cant get the 666 package guy now wants compliments by the 4/10 guys
Thats exactly what i was thinking the time she was speaking. She either have some mental illness which absolutely ignores the accountability which push people away or she couldnt find someone to manipulate so go online to find some.
Femcel = can’t get chad
You know they don't go for Chad cause they find them annoying, right?
But if that was a dude you'd be praising him.
Stop your assumptions. Instead let's start helping each other
@@maffieduran They would if they could lol
@@maffieduran What kind of low iq comment is this
@@maffieduranaverage women basically wants a Chad genes in a man. You are on a massive copium.
Its her choice. A man would have none.
Speak for yourself. If you don't have charisma, work ethic, and not such a downer then you have no choices. Men have choices.
@@FijxnnMen on comparison with most women have less choices by nature. Most men will chase after a woman. Not all women swoon over a guy unless he has put the work in and knows how to work with them. Especially harder in the West than going overseas. Mainly because women here have grown masculine with their “feminism” and women in other countries are genuinely still feminine and ladylike. Therefore they mesh with you rather than conflict with you….As long as you’re a traditional and masculine man. Which is what all women want regardless of what they say.
@@Fijxnn A man without wealth, looks, height, status, athleticism or charisma has no chance.
@@RobertTaylor-gz2fu You don't need an alot of wealth, you don't need to look like a ten, you don't need to be 6'5, you don't need high status, you don't need to be a all Tim's star athlete, and you don't need to be a comedian.
People like you expect far too much or just jaded. I was once overweight over 300lbs and worked out, took care of my body and face, strong athletic from basic labor of yard work, charming cause my mom taught me how, and came from a lower middle class ranching household in Montana.
Men have chances, If they choose to be doomers and always sorry for themselves they yea you don't have a chance. Grow up.
@@Fijxnn Charm is a major component of charisma. How tall are you? Lower middle class means you weren't broke.
She can't get Chad - "Female Incel"
She's a lesbian
That isn't quite correct. She could only get Chad for a handful of casual hookups at most, not to commit to her. So she chooses to stay single. That is a femcel.
@@Goriaas she's a lesbian
Shes a lesbian btw and can't find a a female partner thats good enough for her btw. That kinda doesn't count either.
@@GoriaasShe's a femcel becauss Chad won't commot to her? Yep. An incel is an incel because he's a bottom 80 percenter and he ain't gonna do what he needs to in order to get some. Not that I can't blame him, becoming a Chad or Tyrone means you'll probably end up like Tupac.
Update almost 3 years after my first introduction to red-pill/self-improvement: my life is still trash, lifting weights and trying to do useless businesses that never ever work didn't do shit and months after months I am more and more isolated, and even sadder because all that self-improvement content I absorbed convinced me that if I'm a failure it's just because I don't do enough. At this point it's unbearable and I don't want to do gigantic efforts for no results anymore. My life is even worse because I can't approach people (especially women) without the lenses of self-improvement and red-pill reminding me that they'll see me as a garbage individual because I'm not accomplished and have nothing to bring to their lives.
Dude, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope some day you’ll get out of it and your life improve. If there are any clubs or gatherings that share similar interests or hobbies, go for it and take a chance. Maybe find a new hobby and find a community of those people. Online or irl, all that matters is that you got a buddy or mutual to share with. Just be careful about some people who want to put you down. Take care, bud.
The more content you consume that tells you that you need to be this and that for women to develope deep emotions for you, the more depressive you may get.
It is selective information feeding that distorts your worldview to a point where you are backed in a corner with no way out.
Because none of these videos define factors that you embody or value to be attractive for women. They only tell you that everything you are not is what women want.
These videos will turn you into an incel someday because basically they tell you that women are all emotionless, transactional machines that can only develope emotions to you if you have characteristics X, Y, Z.
What you actually need is someone who can develope feelings for YOU, regardless of certain imperfections.
To be fair, I wanna be her friend with what she said. Only thing I didn't like was her recording herself to put on the internet, but I guess its fair to do that once when you don't know any better and feel your lowest.
Shes a lesbian btw. Felt 1% of incel pain and is already weeping.
Weeping? She’s just talking
Tbh I talk to this lesbian girl from Brasil, lesbos are pretty much the only women that can be somewhat relatable
She looks decent enough... if she didn't find a mate yet then that is entirely her problem.
she is lesbian :) now think
Eh, same thing... the sex is of no concern here; the rule still applies.
@@PaulKrawitz94Women are impossible to make happy. They're never satisfied with their hair, nails, or any part of their faces and resort to fakery to make themselves enjoyable for them to look at in a mirror. A woman trying to make a woman happy is a nightmare
Besides, woman-woman has a higher domestic abuse rate than man-woman and man-man
@@PaulKrawitz94 Wrong. Her deciding to go for women instead of men is the primary reason why she can’t find a mate. The poor girl has been tricked into shrinking her pool of potential partners significantly, as *most people are straight.*
Sexual preference is of much concern here, however that does not negate the overall point you originally made-rather, it reinforces it.
@@red4tab The simple reason she decide to go for females is enough reason to know she chose to stab herself in the foot and then use the victim card which doesnt apply to women when they deal with other women. Its like blackhole cry because she cant swallow another black hole.
Never give up
Never get up keep grinding keep hustling
@@apostate6849 Never get up? what kind of motivation is that?
@@silencedmaxim5889 The Jeremy Meeks kind.
@@silencedmaxim5889the Meeks shall inherit the earth
The more you say "I'm a this, I'm a that" the more you believe it and the more you're trapped in your actual self.
I feel sorry for this girl. She's getting so much hate in the comments and all she had to do was exist. The lot of you are as spiteful as the grandparents that ruined the economy before you.
Thanks, this comments are full of incels who like to play victim all the time
The issue is that many many many men have had poor experiences with modern women being very picky, and so when they see a women saying that she has never had a relationship, they just assume she was picky too.
Sadly, they are often right, lmao.
@sheeplord4976 don't they realise every woman is a different person? Like yes, you're going to run in to bad people but those bad people may not be this person here. Men have the same thing going on as women do; when they say "the opposite gender sucks" yet get all butthurt about it because they don't think the sucky behaviour women talk about applies to them. Why would you be so hypocritical and assume the worst of someone just because of their gender but get all huffy when someone does it to you?
And aside from this, would you date someone you're not attracted to? Of course not! So why would you expect someone else to do what you're not willing to do, or value their standards differently to your own?
And to top it all off, you and they and everyone else are entirely within their right to be picky. Nobody owes you anything and you don't owe them anything either. Just because you want someone does not mean they want you as well, and if you don't respect that then you don't respect the person sqying it. Who the heck wants to date someone that has no respect for them? Certainly not the men hating on this girl, that's for sure, and I'd say women are in the same boat about this.
Here's the crazy part. Men and women agree on these things. They don't like being lumped in with the worst, they want to date people they're attracted to, and they want someone to respect them. So why is there a conflict?
@@classydays43 No they're not, they're mostly the same, same underlying biological mechanisms drive them the same ways.
The situation is not even close. Only lesbian women can understand a fragment of men's reality.
The conflict is there because men live on Earth and women live on Mars. Men's standards are very minimal on average, while men need to have so many things before they get any attention.
You're so far off point it's crazy. Sure, she can be picky, but then don't come complaining to me, don't wanna hear it. We're tired of listening to women's whining about other men.
I had a homeboy who looked exactly like her, he got an upside down cross sunburned on his back. He still owes me $200 from blackjack back in like 3rd grade
"I could get chad"
When ur to unnatractive for chad 😂
To people just like her, find someone you can be alone with. There are more people like you than not. Go to book stores and just, don't be too shy. Say hi, you notice them in your isle you ask if they've read the one book you would recommend to everyone. Same with grocery stores, we are social animals. Say hi, be friendly.
imma be honest, love the genuine enthusiasm and idea behind your comment... but the advice you give, imo not great for finding a partner, maybe making small talk, but not finding a partner. I talk to people ALL the time at grocery store, gym, bar, even my job is very social, and yet never ONCE has the conversation moved past small talk or anybody expressed interest in me like that. You have to be assertive and go out and actively seek relationships nowadays, you can't just naturally stumble into them... either that or i might be just really ugly i guess lol.
You are lying larper
@@thekamotodragon Small talk is for cowards who don't know how to engage with other people. Asking people interesting and non-conventional questions is way better, and that's how real interest begins.
That’s how the journey starts. Realization.
Bs. That girl has gotten laid.
@@Pedro_Ferrandi shes lesbian
Actual Incel here
@Pedro_Ferrandi Women can get laid easy. All they need to do is just ask a guy and 9 out of 10, the guy will say yes. That's not hard for a woman. What she's complaining about is not having a guy stick around for emotional and financial support.
@Junoo9311 lol, I've been married twice, had two gfs, and a decent amount of hookups. I've seen how women behave when they get laid not not enough relationships. It's obvious when you interact with them. They split their sexual and emotional/financial needs because society encourages it, and they're miserable for it. It's a dime a dozen why marriages and relationships end because they think they can do better or wait, and it rarely happens. Then they're all angry.
It’s a great first step to admit you are stagnant in your life. Now it’s time to start rowing the boat again. If you are disappointed with your current condition it’s because you once knew something better. Remember that feeling and devote yourself to getting it back.
for girllls it's easy
just go out
have hobby
go to school/collage & everything will be fine coz they attract not chase
Well, it isn't. At least if you're ill. People will avoid you like transmitting disease.
they absolutely chase if you are a chad...looks like you aint one since you think they dont chase
@@SPACEDOUT19 girllls don't have good game skills
Bro, If I make mistake in english, don't Correct me, I have zero respect for this language
You can choose the pain of staying where you are, or the pain of making a change.
I can 100% guarantee that she's threatened to call the cops on dozens of guys who tried to approach her because they weren't Chads, Tyrone, or Pookie & RayRay.
What? Take a look at her. She would legit pay any human with a dick to approach her.
What have you been through, what have you seen? What makes you think girls would be so mean?
Yea I need to unsubscribe from these channels bc I feel like people don’t go outside and believe every person is the same
oh my god yall need to touch grass 😭the reason girls dont date you is because you say shit like this. also shes a lesbian
@@colin985 Good idea. Be better than the homophobic incels lurking and spreading toxicity in the comment section.
I feel like the only person who hasn't benefited from working out. I've been "grinding" for over 4 years now and have gained very little, I see teenagers at the gym lifting a lot more than me and I have to force myself to work out. I really do try, but I never see any improvement.
Working out can give different results depending how you treat it. If you just lift weight sometimes it may not just be unproductive you can in fact grow weaker. I had this phase at one point in life. After i understood the problem and grew out of it i got results i was honestly blown away by.
She's one of those:
50% looks 1000% personality
Kinda girls 🥰
And that’s bad?
@@animebrat76 why is this bad?😐
@@JohnAndy-r2i I don’t know I’m asking you?
@@animebrat76 I see nothing wrong here, she seems like someone I would have loved to play origins or Alcatraz with, while day breaking it 🙂
Personality?... because she is desperate and lonely? No wonder the bar is so low... You simps are hopeless
again women can avoid singlehood its matter of making their standards realistic to their level
Why does she look more attractive than most of the "popular" women though that regularly shame incel life?
stop it shes not, but to be fair she will have a easier time than a man would of similar station
Shes a lesbian. Watch the original video
@@animaniac2618 To be fair she doesn't seem to be using makeup/filters which a lot of women tend to use on social media, so she's attractive enough, her problem is where people have stated is she's lesbian and lesbians have a very limited pool of options to choose from, trust me if she was straight she wouldn't have any troubles.
IMHO because she doesn't look exactly like all those american instagram clones of clones of clones.
Balkan rage
don't chase, attract
Man that hit harder than my dad leaving me.
She acts like a man…. No wonder she’s alone.
As a woman you have to try to be alone
Back like he never left🦾🗿
She’s kinda cute honestly
Ik dude i would totally date her
'kindred spirit'
Well the First step is to not call yourself a “femcell” or any weird ass term.. 😭💀, now you’re one step further to what you want lol
Yeah, wherever you are, the thing to say is not "I am X / Y / Z", but "Up from here!"
Poor girl, she needs some friends. As in actual friends that share her interests, and a goal.
She's kinda cute though
the point of relationship is to help each other not to be lonely and take care of themselves, the problem I think because society only care about consuming other ppl hard work like sex, big booba, big butt, but not really care to make their ugly girlfriend look like one, or fear being rejected or just edgy as fuck and selfish.
HAHAHAAHA. Typical, try to portray it as if it's men with their big boob wants that keep women single. Delusional. Look at all these men who would be more than happy to date this below average looking girl and realise you're a nut.
My type
Once I get done with working out, I sit down, hop on call with the boys and play games only as a little reward and not as a time consuming thing. Video games and media is only good if you're not doing it as your only thing to do
Well, what do you want to do?
I mean at least she's self-aware. First step to bettering oneself.
Female incel? Wtf are these terms lmao
Female = the biological sex that provides eggs in reproduction.
Incel = a self-downing term by people who don't realise their amazing potential.
Involuntary celibate
@@oliyes406not about women
All she has to do is make a device that will send her to the chainsaw man universe and get with Denji
Woman Todd Howard ☕️
"Never get up, keep grinding a d hustling; shoot for your dreams... Anything is possible, you just need to take that first step, the hard step, and actually do something. Now, guys, it all mental brous, conditioned loneliness through experiences of consistent rejection are meaningless and product of todays world that puts too much enphasis on the avoidance of suffering; stay hard; your looks or neurology aren't setbacks, but your mindset, which presumedly came out of nowhere, is." Ahhh channel
That was literally me when I was in high school, geeky as hell, watch anime, read comic/manga, play video games, thought I better change myself so went and joined military, got into marine recon, first class reunion after almost a decade of no contact, people were shocked to see me because how much I changed, they wouldn’t even recognise me on the street.
Everyone expected me to be working as an accountant or a lecturer, though that is my civi job now but I have so many dad stories during those 10 years I wouldn’t give it up for anything else
Peaceful and happy life. I live like this and i am fine with it.
I did not expect this comment section to be FLOODED with so many sexist assholes... holy shit.
I didn't expect all the bluepilled simps in the comments, you included!
@dislikebutton4981 I'm not defending her, I'm confused on why so many people are being sexist.
@josephthomas367 Sorry for coming at you, bro. I think most guys are just fed up tbh... so they lash out like that.
@dislikebutton4981 it's alright man. Tbh, I'm a hopeless romantic as well, so I get like that at times. I just don't understand how a small minority of people are okay with being open about hating women...
Not all women are bad, just like how not all men are bad.
@josephthomas367 That's a fair take bro 👊
She just needs to run 2 miles a day, get a haircut, and eat healthier.
Women can't be incels. Women by default are born on easy mode, next is super easy, and next is Rookie mode with Cheat Codes All Fullly Unlocked.
Just because you dont deal with issues doesn't mean they dont exist. Thats like saying because you dont see the things schizophrenic people see you say schizophrenia is real
Lmaoo not the incel rage baiting
She just needs to discover make-up and then put herself out there. She isn't hideous. She has pretty big blue eyes and good skin
That was the most incel shit I've read in a while. Congratulations!
If you're a guy, a woman who sleeps with your will probably be open to a monogamous relationship with you.
If you're a girl, plenty of men want to sleep with you, but few are open to a monogamous relationship.
Different people, different challenges. And the more time we spend sniping about someone else's race, the less time we spend (a) running our own races and (b) encouraging people to run hard, whatever their race.
lol lightwork
one of us!
one of us!
one of us!
If she's going through pain I feel for her but there's no such thing as a "Femcel" they come into men spaces for attention 💯 Femcel = Chad/Tyrone ignored me
не ожидал Хабиба увидеть тут
I love her
You don't even know her
@@silencedmaxim5889 The heart wants what the heart wants mf
@@frostynips9411 That's a great philosophy to completely ruin your life and way of living.
And this prpves femcels don't exist
All you know is what she looks like and one of her weaknesses.
Ive been alone a long time, I been training for 4 years, I feel kinda sad still but my health surely improved
Amateur. I've been along for over a decade now.
No such thing
lesbian btw
@@QWERTY-gp8fdlesbian femcel = cant get stacy gf
@@muslimayupov do you even know anything about lesbian dating.
i adore while hardbass kickinn
no such thing as a "femcel". just grab any random female pic, make a dating profile on any app and see for yourself.
This is true
Why are you giving her wrong advice 😢😢😢😢😟😟😟😟😟
Charcter ia: 🦸♂️
There is a mission to everyone, but we need to find it.
How do you find that mission?
@@1tubaxyou consult the turtle priest behind the waterfall. He will show you the way.
Takes a lot of courage to learn to NOT lie to yourself, but it is the very first step to improvement.
Translation: I have rejected hundreds of guys who were interested in me and still can't find a partner who looks like Chris Hemsworth and makes money like Bill Gates. Where are all the good men?😭
Remember, you don't need to change your entire life in one day. Start with one thing, then work from there
Femcel isn't a real thing, there's plenty of desperate dudes who will get with her. The truth is she's 'lonely' because chad won't look her way.
She's a lesbian, desperate dudes are irrelevant because she doesn't like men in general
I find it funny how the channel is called Balkan Gains like if the gigachad isn’t actually Slavic. The Balkan Rage meme is about how batshit insane most of them get when things don’t go their way, that’s why you never marry into one: especially not as your wife. But the dudes spend their time to figure out how they can game the system, wonder if you’re trying to tie into the Matrix allegory with that one
I need to comment on something controversial here... I believe that women putting themselves through the same stress as men when they go to work is doing harm to society.
Based and facts
It's all relative. Women working in factories during WW2 did not seem to harm society then.
@@Dankseid-o1u yeah. WW2. Nuff said.
@@Dankseid-o1u Obviously I'm referring to today.
@@Kamal_AL-Hinai WW2 is like yesterday compared to how far back human societies go.
I tried a new diet, ketovore diet. No vegetables and fruits. Im now constipated like never before. On my third suppository 💀
Femcel does not exist, there will always be a man wanting you, just look for the stacys, they are always ahead.
There is also always a women too lol
Full circle at last
we need incel dating platforms
This wouldn't work because female incels don't really exist (litterally all of them just have ridiculous dating standards), and most male incels are too socially akward to even interact with girls and nearly all of them hate women with a burning passion. Not exactly the best combo to create a dating platform with if you ask me....
na, problem is incels generally don't want to date other incels, so it'll never work. Incels generally think to highly of themselves and have ridiculous standards. I recall at some point in my life where I would even have classified myself as a incel, but after working on myself and improving various aspect of my life I just attract women now much easier. Incels also tend to follow more the blackpill as well, as I said I was all about that at one point in my life.
Unironicly inspiring as fuck
"Don't accept a life you hate"
Spot-the-fuck-on. 💯
If you think girls can’t be incels then one of you date me now
you have a 75% chance of success (according to my calculations🤔) if you approach a guy
worth a try, no ?
@ k are u a guy? date me
@@rainbowstagbeetles ok why not, but just to tell you i'm not from america
@@Di0_zz geographic pill 😭
@ Everyone hates Americans:c
I’m surprised that yt made this video notification important to me..
There is nothing male or masculine about the word "incel"
It only means involuntarily celibate. So not a "femcel". Just incel
The difference between her and a real incel is that she has the societal acceptance to live the kind of life that she wants to live. All she has to do is use online dating apps. A bunch of simps will message her. Even ones that are good-looking.
Wouldn't worry.This video alone shows that your a genuine, well spoken ,respectful, good looking person.The fact that you didn't project the blame on others sets you apart from a ton of people these days
Never give you, good self awareness. Time to take action
Funny word but she got a life ahead of her
It has never started for you
The comments here are the reason yall getting no women on your life lmao, imagine someone telling you their struggles and you come up crying about how worse you actually have it, have some empathy cause right now with that attitude no women will ever want you
Lmfao this kinda cracked me up because this time is a female that needs to grind xd
"Omg shes me"
To folks that are generally unnattractive, I would just say, attractiveness doesn’t really factor in creating good choices for yourself. Just because you don’t have a partner doesn’t mean you are happy, really happiness stems more from the things you do in life. There is no harm in dipping your toe into the maelstroms of chaos, as it will ultimately make you stronger than you were before
I need someone like that in my life