So these colors come from the paint reject section of the hardware store, meaning I can't say exactly what colors I'm using because I don't know. The best I can do is say it was a black base coat, followed by a dark brown, a tan, and then a grey highlight.
Love this idea!
Thank you!
I love making something from nothing at near-zero cost. Nice work! Seen in the dark for only 2-4 seconds - this is perfect!
put your video to the test, and they look great, thanks for sharing
Glad it worked out for you!
Thank you, good job, I love it.
Thanks for sharing that’s amazing
Nice work~
Thank you. Very well done.
What colors are you using for reference?
So these colors come from the paint reject section of the hardware store, meaning I can't say exactly what colors I'm using because I don't know. The best I can do is say it was a black base coat, followed by a dark brown, a tan, and then a grey highlight.
Are you using FOAM CORE?
Basically yes, just the dollar store variety of foam board that they had available.