AYAT OF TRANQUILITY - SAKINAH أيات السكينة لدفع الهموم
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
- Ayat of Tranquility SAKINAH آيات السكينة لدفع الهموم
Effective for sadness, melancholy, anxiety, fear...
Surah 2: Verse 248
Their prophet said to them, ‘The sign of his authority will be that the Ark [of the Covenant] will come to you. In it there will be [the gift of] tranquillity from your Lord and relics of the followers of Moses and Aaron, carried by the angels. There is a sign in this for you if you believe.’
Surah 9 : Verse 26
Then God sent His calm down to His Messenger and the believers, and He sent down invisible forces. He punished the disbelievers- this is what the disbelievers deserve-
Surah 9: Verse 40
Even if you do not help the Prophet, God helped him when the disbelievers drove him out: when the two of them were in the cave, he [Muhammad] said to his companion, ‘Do not worry, God is with us,’ and God sent His calm down to him, aided him with forces invisible to you, and brought down the disbelievers’ plan. God’s plan is higher: God is almighty and wise.
Surah 48: Verse 4
It was He who made His tranquillity descend into the hearts of the believers, to add faith to their faith--the forces of the heavens and earth belong to God; He is all knowing and all wise--
Surah 48: Verse 18
God was pleased with the believers when they swore allegiance to you [Prophet] under the tree: He knew what was in their hearts and so He sent tranquillity down to them and rewarded them with a speedy triumph
Surah 48: Verse 26
While the disbelievers had fury in their hearts- the fury of ignorance- God sent His tranquillity down on to His Messenger and the believers and made binding on them [their] promise to obey God, for that was more appropriate and fitting for them. God has full knowledge of all things.
Translation by M.A.S Abdel Haleem
الأولى: قوله تعالى: {وَقَالَ لَهُمْ نَبِيُّهُمْ إِنَّ آيَةَ مُلْكِهِ أَنْ يَأْتِيَكُمُ التَّابُوتُ فِيهِ سَكِينَةٌ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ} [البقرة:248].
الثاني: قوله تعالى: {ثُمَّ أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ سَكِينَتَهُ عَلَى رَسُولِهِ وَعَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ} [التوبة:26].
الثالث: قوله تعالى: {إِذْ يَقُولُ لِصَاحِبِهِ لَا تَحْزَنْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَنَا فَأَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ سَكِينَتَهُ عَلَيْهِ وَأَيَّدَهُ بِجُنُودٍ لَمْ تَرَوْهَا} [التوبة:40].
الرابع: قوله تعالى: {هُوَ الَّذِي أَنْزَلَ السَّكِينَةَ فِي قُلُوبِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ لِيَزْدَادُوا إِيمَانًا مَعَ إِيمَانِهِمْ} [الفتح:4].
الخامس: قوله تعالى: {لَقَدْ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ إِذْ يُبَايِعُونَكَ تَحْتَ الشَّجَرَةِ فَعَلِمَ مَا فِي قُلُوبِهِمْ فَأَنْزَلَ السَّكِينَةَ عَلَيْهِمْ وَأَثَابَهُمْ فَتْحًا قَرِيبًا} [الفتح:18].
السادس: قوله تعالى: {إِذْ جَعَلَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا فِي قُلُوبِهِمُ الْحَمِيَّةَ حَمِيَّةَ الْجَاهِلِيَّةِ فَأَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ سَكِينَتَهُ عَلَى رَسُولِهِ وَعَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ} [الفتح:26].
#omarhishamquran #qurankarim #peace
I decided Islam was the straight path when I heard this and took my shahada soon after. Jazaakhallaahu khayrun.
Helen Alford Subhanallah! Such a beautiful comment. May Allah bless you!
As-salaamu alaykum.
Alhamdulillah. May Allah bless you sister.
Mashallah! May Allah bless you and give us all peace and tranquility in our hearts ❤️❤️❤️
Subhanalah !! Allah guides whoever hé wants! 🙏🕋
والله مهما حاولت البحث عن السعاده لن تجدها الابطاعه الله عز وجل
لانه بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب ،اللهم من وقعت عينيه علي هذا التعليق أن تفرج عليه وتزيح كربه
اسأل من الله الهداية
Beautiful recitation
I love Quran
اميين يارب 🙏
Thank you brother
I'm not even a Muslim, but I find myself being drawn to this beautiful recitation every now and then. I love it and I can't really explain it. It just makes me feel very much at peace.
I am so happy for you
Allah bless you brother 💪
Alleh akbar
Insha Allah you become a muslim ameen.it is the only true religion.you will see and feel the difference
Hope this was helpful
Your a lucky one to feel comfortable and peace in the recitation of quran.may Allah guide you on the right path.
Every year have 12 month
One month is special
For us
It's call Ramadan ❤❤❤
May Allah send down His Sakinah upon the Palestinians who are in endless oppression.. Ameen.
Amīn 🤲🏽💖
The Ruh.
🇸🇩❤🇾🇪🇾🇪 4:11 🇾🇪
Ya Allah bestow your Sakinah and sabr on the people of Palestine🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Allahouma Ameen 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻
I just found out that my Dad has Lung Cancer i am a revert to Islam and my dad is non muslim please make Dua for my Dad and Mom to become muslim i would love for them to become muslim May Allah grant them Jannatul Firdous.
May Allah show them the light of islam insha'Allah
qu'Allah vous aide à traverser cette épreuve , nous sommes que de passage , comme des invités sur terre . J'espère que tout s'arrangera , Inchallah.
May Allah enlighten them and show them the way of Islam
may Allah fulfill your all good wishes ameen
I wish everyone who is reading this comment experiences a peaceful sleep, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy to embrace the new day. May your actions and intentions contribute positively to the world, no matter how small they may seem. Each step you take towards making a difference can have a ripple effect that touches countless lives. InshaAllah
Please pray let Allah save me from sins.
خداوندا عمر طولاکی به صاحب این صدا مرحمت فرما
thanks ❤❤❤
even if i spend my whole life in prostration, I can't thank you my Allah (s.w.t).. for the gift of Islam, that you have enlightened me with...
Beautiful words. Make Allah pe pleased with you.
@@trevorslate9346 very Beautiful
What a beautiful comment! May ALLAH be satisfied with you
I honestly feel the same way❤️
This is so beautiful, thank you for this. I am Jewish but I respect all Muslims and Islam. G-d bless you all and peace be upon you.
Thanks bro we muslims have nothing against jews, we just don’t like what’s happening in Israel.
Madara Uchiha sorry brother but I don’t think there was a need to mention anything about particular countries. #spreadlove
Thank you brother in humanity, we're all united.
God bless you too brother, may god guide us all ❤️
The important words: la tahzan inna 'Llahu mana.... do not grieve, verily Allah is with us...we should never forget that!
Spoken Words
Irina V.
Allah is with us inshallah 👍👌
So true.... Allah says do not grieve, Verily Allah is with us..... if we keep reminding ourselves that God is with us wherever we are and in whatever situation we are we will definitely get stronger in faith...
shahid Ali
Alhamdullilah, Allah is closer to us than our Jugular vein. Allah Asawajal listens to the prayer of the fasting person, at night, parents dua for children and whilst travelling amongst others. Alhamdullilah
I Agree with you 100% Sister in Islam. May Allah SWT keep us steady Islam. And, and that Word was real.
اللہ قسم دل کو سکون ملتا ہے
My life changed forever once this Ayat came into my life. Been listening for 1 year now every day. Was an unemployed father long term sick. Always broke. Addiction issues. Once this ayat hit home 1 year on I am healthy wealthy respected. Everything ibhad ever done every sin has been erased by the grace of Allah.
Masha Allah
Macha allah
Insha Allah
Allahumma Barik bro
I see every body here is going through some thing in life ..its gives me relief that i m not alone ...We all have problems and indeed in the rememberence of Allah do hearts find peace...
It's TRUE wallahi
But in the name of Allah s.w.t it will end
Indeed peace in the hearts..ALA BEZIKR ALLAH TATMAINAL QUALOOB With zikr avoided heart surgery many years ago Alhamdulillah now I am 9 2
yes. life in this world is full of trials.may Allah protects us forever till jannah.Aamiin.
This world is not promised its a tests some u realose as tests and some u dont ..one day at a time ...
Here after losing my mother last week. Everything is darkness now. Nothing brings peace to my heart other than the words of Allah.
Edit: it is going to be a year next month when I had lost my most precious person. It still feels like yesterday. The pain never really goes away but Allah gives courage alhumdulillah. I am deeply touched and humbled by all the messages that were replied to this post. Jazakhallah khair to all and please keep my mother and my family in your duaas.
My Thoughts -JaZakhAllah khair
@Sarah Segers wa alaikum assalam. praying that Allah gives you sabr sister. This is a difficult phase but it’s a test from Allah. Use this pain to get closer to Allah swt and that will give you some ease. Also build some source of sadaqah al Jariah for him. Like you and your dad, my mother was my best friend my whole world but now I have no one to share my problems with. This pain will remain in for the time we are alive but in sha Allah we can meet them in akhirah in sha Allah. May Allah bless our parents with Jannatul Ferdous.
I know your pain, but thank Allah your mummy was Muslim, in shaa Allah you will be reunited in jannah. For many of us our mums died on kufr, it is Allah's decree Al hamdulilaah in all situations, the heart feels sorrow for a dream that died... That we would be in jannah together
@@ummsaeed5464 you and your mother will be enemies on judgement day, when all ties of kinship will be cut. So dont feel sad my sister.
@nassib dahab jazakAllah Khair for this beautiful message. I am still grieving but the mercy of Allah has been utmost on me alhumdulillah. Ramadan Kareem.
May anyone reads this get a relief of all their burdens problems and anxieties all over their shoulders and body.My Allah bless you with a peaceful heart and beautiful life full of with heart warming memories
Your recitations are blessed, they are absolutely beautiful. I became Muslim after hearing this one
Masha'Allah Tabarak'Allah Alhamdulilah Allahu Akbar ❤
Allahu Akbar
Subran Allah
Allah u Akbar❤❤
Du bonheur . Chrétienne qui aime le Coran et les récitations
J'y trouve un havre de paix et de réconfort
Cela m'apaise énormément
pas l'habitude de voir un commentaire de ce genre ...le prophète a dit vrai, Allah akbar☝
@@syllalexpauvre3223 Salam arlikoum pouvez vous être plus précis sur ce qu a dit le prophète s'il vous plaît
@@jnyjny4352 Interrogé sur sa personne, le Prophète ﷺ dit : « Je suis l’accomplissement du vœu formulé par mon père Abraham et l’heureuse annonce faite par Jésus. Et ma mère a vu, quand elle me porta, jaillir d’elle une Lumière par laquelle lui étaient illuminés les palais de Châm. » Il ajouta que le Coran est une «Lumière» qui dissipe les ténèbres qui voilent le coeur, et illumine ses sentiments. C’est une Lumière qui dissipe les noirceurs accumulées autour de l’intellect et libère ainsi ses idées. C’est une Lumière qui chasse les obscurités enveloppant l’âme et ravive ainsi ses désirs. C’est une lumière qui dissipe les ténèbres qui planent sur la vie, nous permettant de découvrir ainsi la voie de notre mouvement:
[Rapporté par al-Bayhaqi]
Merci de m'avoir répondu qu Allah vous protège amin
@@jnyjny4352 aminn qu'il nous fasse miséricorde ;comme ALLAH le dit dans le coran, Muhammad(sws) est une misericorde pour toute l'humanité mais la plupart des gens ne savent pas, qu'Allah touche leurs coeurs parce qu'ils ne savent pas malheureusement ... Aminn !!
This is beautiful.
I'm not Muslim but can still see and hear the beauty in this
May Allah guide you to the path to eternal peace
The more I listen your recitations,the
more impressed I am.
Да это так!
Его чтение очаровывает!
I discovered this when my mother died 5 months ago. My heart was so unsettled and my spirit was broken. The next morning this came as my suggest videos. Since the first moment I heard this my heart started to feel the unrest calming. The chaos settling in my head. I would slowly experience the coming of peace in my body.
This voice and the recitation came as a blessing. May Allah reward you bother
innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiu'n.
Me too ❤️
Sobhanho el hay elladi layamot, all Omat Mohamed pbuh Insha'Allah in heaven hereafter.
😭 Allah yarhama to your mother
may god give you patient insha allah
May Allah bring peace to our brothers, sisters and children in Gaza. Ameen.
Allahuma Aamiiin yaa Rabbi 🤲
please make dua for me so I can strengthen my Imaan! please make dua even you whoever is reading this comment. 🥺🙏
The best dua is yours, even if all the prayers do duas for or against you, only Allah can decide. Pray for you, asked to Allah azawajel to help you brother. Jazzak Allahu kheiran Barrak Allahu feek
It's alsoy important to try act upon one's way towards right direction. May Allah accept from you and bless the straight path an make it easy ameen.
As salaam alaykum. Believe in Allah until your last breath. Know what is going on in your life your not alone. Honey trust call out! and remember him only. Be critical of yourself, how much dud you contribute to this misery. Use it as lesson and release it. When you give all to Allah, he'll pull you out of your misery. 💘
Allah bless you ameen
I want to listen to this in my grave forever! I am addicted… Ya Rabb! Grant us complete shifa and tranquility in our homes. And reward us with the highest rank of Jannah amin
Aameen ya rabbulalameen 🤲
I’ve literally memorized the whole Surah by just listening to him everyday in my car going to and from work etc!! Alhamdulilah May Allah bless you and may Allah grant you the highest of the highest Jannah.
Ma shaa Allah thanks for your encouriging comment on how to be devoted and hopeful to learn to recite the Holy Qu'ran! I did tjis too...as you! I love Omar Al Hisham's voice it is so blessed and peqaceful, ma shaa Allah! Barak Allah fek huy! Al hamdu lillah! Allah karim!! Yes may Allah bless Omar Al Hisham Al Arae and his entire family and grant him a place palace in jannathul ferdaous close to Allah SWT so he ca see The Almighty's face every morning and eening for all eternity, And I wish you too and pray for you to get the same reward, amin thumma amin! Jazaak Allah khair for ll the muslim ummah ya rab amin! Allah yehdi kul alajma3ein to the right path of islamic monotheism, amin ya Rab l'aelahmin! Barak allah fik wa fekum in your family! Amin!
@@monicalaham5580 ouhiuu8jaqjkooojhhhhhhhhamm
@@monicalaham5580 air ed se⁹
@@heartyfood3621 zdf
I struggle with conscetration and this recitation came up while I was reading! It helped me soo much! I Even got my exam passed! SubhanAllah. ALL cure lays in Quran
ALHAMDULILAHI robil alamin
@@sherryabolade3995also it helps alot with anxiety
I have ADHD I feel you alhamdulillah helps me less distracted too mashallah ❤
Allahu Akbar, may the Almighty heal us and guide us in the right direction, in Sha Allah ❤
@@zulHussein SAY THIS IN TOILET 5 TIMES A DAY.🤩🤩🤩🤩
My most favorite recitation can’t stop listing Alhumdullah !! ❤❤
I pray to meet you all in Jannah. In Sha Allah. Please make dua for me to help me in my struggle. May Allah send his peace and blessings on our Rasool and on you reading this. Let our Ummah succeed.
may allah give you the best 🤲🏼🤲🏼
@@Raja-oz1uf And to you my family 🤲🏽
Ameen !definitely keep you in my duas 🤲
Likewise and same applies to you and your family jazak Allah khairoon for all your kind duas.
In sha Allah my Allah will give you best
My beloved father died in 2014. I am devastated & disoriented to this day. When i was small he would take me places. When i grew up, i would take him places. Listening to this recitation & i am crying like a child. Does any other man of 60 plus feel that way? May all gone fathers rest in peace. Amin!
May Allah have mercy. Don’t be devastated. You can do even better. Make dua for him. Give sadaqa on his behalf. Give water or even better build a well. And also do umrah and hajj on his behalf. Help him. You being sad is not going to benefit it. And also accept qadar Allah .
@@wm9669 jazak Allah!👍
Warda Moha but people can’t help being sad. So there’s nothing wrong with being sad.
Muhammad Sultan yes you are right. But long term sadness can effect your health. We encouraged to have hope. When prophet saw lost his wife and his uncle ,he become very sad but then Allah says inallah maasabirin. I am just saying this man lost his dad 5years ago but he is still sad. Remember it will affect his family too. We are human and we get sad but we need to to seek help when sadness stays for longer period of time.
Je vient de découvrir cette magnifique récitation de Quran j'adore mashallah ces tellement beau , apaisant qu'Allah le tout , le très miséricordieux protège toute les personne qui lisent mon commentaire je vous souhaite à tous le paradis inchallah 🙏 (et très bon ramadan à tous les musulman(e) du monde ) .
Un grand MERCI pour ton jolie commentaire !!! BISOU😘🌹🌾❤ d'une oranaise qui a perdu son fils Rachid Allah yarhmèh wi wese3 a3lih Fèl jènna ÈMINE ya RABBI èl3alèmines ✋🌹🍀🌹🍀✋😢😢😢:D
Magnifiquement Récité j'aime énormément 🌹❤🌹...
@Janna lalgérienne
As salam aleykoum ma sœur 😊
Que Dieu te récompense pour ton touchant commentaire ma sha Allah
C'est vrai que la récitation est très belle et apaisante ma sha Allah
Qu'Allah préserve et protège le récitateur
Qu'Allah nous préserve, nous protège, nous garde en bonne santé, raffermisse nos pas sur Son droit chemin et nous accorde le meilleur ici-bas et dans l'au-delà 🤲🏾
Petit rappel: On utilise le verbe "adorer" QUE pour parler d'Allah le Très-Haut
Pour tout autre chose ou personne on dit "aimer..."
Je sais que c'est une expression courante mais je pense qu'il vaut mieux l'éviter.
Excuse-moi d'avance si mon commentaire te blesse car ce n'est pas le but.
Qu'Allah te préserve et protège ma sœur 🤲🏾
Prends soin de toi et de ta foi ❤
As salam aleykoum ma sœur 😊
Allah y Rahmou 🤲🏾
Qu'Allah apaise votre douleur et la remplace par quelque chose de meilleur. Qu'Allah vous facilite cette épreuve et fasse de celle-ci un moyen de vous rapprocher de Lui 🤲🏾
Faîtes beaucoup d'invocations, de sadaqas
Courage à vous et rappelez vous Qu'Allah est avec les patients ☝🏾
@@zahrabenguebbour23 merci 👌🏻 Baraka Allahou fiki 🤗 🇩🇿🇲🇦
Barak Allah ou fik mais tu ne dois pas adorer que notre Dieu Allah swt ? 🤲😉
My mother she's has Alzheimer and your way to read the Quran make her to relax thank you
Inshallah ❤❤❤
Who is watching in Ramdan . Ramdan Mubarak to everyone
Mohommed Ameen Ahmed I am listening in Ramadan 2020
me 😊
Ramadan 2020
Thank u bro and u
Merci à toi aussi !
- سبحان الله 🌸
- الحمدالله 🌸
- الاله الا الله 🌸
- الله اكبر 🌸
-استغفرالله 🌸
لا إله إلا الله **
Alhamdulilah, feeling very blessed to be a Muslim. our religion is truly so beautiful and peaceful, SubhanAllāh.
Allah is the greatest
"Is that the better entertainment or the Tree of Zaqqum? For We have truly made it (as) a trial for the wrong-doers. It is a tree that springs out of the bottom of Hell-Fire. The shoots of its fruit-stalks are like the heads of devils. Truly they will eat thereof and fill their bellies therewith. Then on top of that they will be given a mixture made of boiling water. Then shall their return be to the (Blazing) Fire" (37:62-68).
"Verily, the tree of deadly fruit will be the food of the sinful. Like molten lead will it boil in the belly, like the boiling of burning despair" (44:43-46).
اللهم اشفي كل مريض وداوي كل موجوع بالقران الكريم المهم يا اخوان التدبر في آيات الله والاستماع أو القراءه بنية الهداية والشفاء وصدقوني القران علاج وشفاء ودواء لكل مرض أو داء لكن صفو نيتكم وسامحو كل الخلق واي سؤال انا حاضر باذن الله
اخيرا احد عربي زي 😭
Two days ago (July 12th) marks 4 years since I reverted to Islam. I've been coming back to this audio bc it brings me so much joy and peace Alhamdulillah.
May Allah grant Mercy, Forgiveness and immense to br. Omar Hisham and his family and loved ones. Ameen.🤲🏽❤
الحمد الله انكي تمسكتي بطوقي النجات قبل فوات الأوان
Masha Allah
Allah Bless you !
@@mryamasma Thank God you caught the lifeboat before it was too late
Congratulations 🎉🎉 MashaAllah
During the last 3 months of COVID-19 i was never satisfied as i am now after listening to these Ayat. May Allah ease the current situation and save us from all diseases.
Allaahumma Ameen brother
*There is no Beauty like the beauty of the Glorious Qur'an!* 💜
I know, right?
My mom's name is Sakinah...Subhanallah
Subhannalah ❤
When Im listening this I'm crying and I can't control my soul
Ya Allah please forgive us😭😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😓
Food for the soul♡
muniir cadilqalinle Aameen summa Aameen
@@erendiraolsen4843 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌💟💟💟👍💟👍👍👍👍💘🐩🐩🐩🐩🌈🍂🌀🍁🌈🌈❄❄🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🚙🚘🚘🚟🚐
MashaAllah thuma MashaAllah
Yes, this is very powerful recital.
اللهم اني اسألك برحمتك التي وسعت كل شيء وبحق هذه الايات ان ترزقني بفرحه نجاح بنتي بمعدل عالي طالبه سادس ونجاح ابني ثالث متوسط ياالله هوالله هوالله هوالله هوالله هوالله هوالله هوالله هوالله هوالله هوالله بنيه نجاح ابني ومعدل عالي لابنتي🤲🏻
I suffered from depression time to time but this voice makes things easier for me calm me down
I have 'I
I'm sorry to hear about you sufering but for sure the words of Allah swt are so healing and I definitely know they will help you xx I hope you feel better soon xxx
same is the case with me when ever I'm feeling depressed I listen to this dua ...and even it helps in having deep skeep 😇
I had to stop driving to wipe my tears and write this comment. Alhamdulilah for voice given to you to recite this magnificent verse
Kendi dilinizde dinlemek bambaska olmalı, şanslısınız
I have experienced the same today. Alhamdoulliah
Mashallah power of Allah the one and only ❤❤
Mashallah such beautiful voice. I am going through so much at the moment. My husband is about to leave us. I keep asking Allah swt to ease my pain, sorrow and grant me something better in this calamity. My heart doesn't feel ease I keep crying all the time. My mum recommended this to me. Listening to it make me cry. It s very soothing voice. May Allah swt bless him.
mounette T
May Allah Asawajal make everything easy for you
Asc wr wb Mounette T😍😍
I hope by this time that everything sorted out for you for the best and Allah the almighty soothed your pain and sorrow.
Sending louds of love to you ❤️❤️❤️
May ALLAH ease everything for you and all Muslims and grant you sakina in this world and always after, Firdaws in shaa ALLAH.
May Allah reward you for your hardship in the hereafter. Ameen inshallah. Stay steadfast sister 🙂
Please have faith although you cannot understand why things are happening this way, Allah has your back. As time goes by you will see new things unfold. Hang in there. You shall be alright.
So beautiful im a christian but i feel peace listening to this 💓🙏🤲God bless you all ...
God bless you too!!!
These are the words of the creator of the heavens & the earth & all that exists that we see & know & that which we don't know & can't see out of his mercy & wisdom
quran is not only for Islamic people is all the national brothers and sisters.... Asslamu alikum brother
The words of God touches every person ref4ardless of their religion .
God blesa you too.
Assalamu aleikum god bless you to
Mashallah. These beautiful ayat describe SERIOUS events that our prophets went through. The stress level and fear and pressure reached such a high level with them and the sahabah but Allah swt was so pleased with them he sent down his tranquility on them. Please don’t just listen to the voice. The tranquility is in the words and the story Allah is telling us.
Salamu 3aleekum
Fadi Kawach
و عليكم السلام
True brother
Masha Allah. quite soothing words of Almighty Allah
True, don’t forget the actual words
Indeed it has tranqility in these ajats. It relaxes me this voice.. Kuran is a miracle...
صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم 🌹🌹
I am addicted to listening to this it's been playing in my house since fajir and I cant stop...I am obsessed over this Mashallah Subhanaalah thank you brother may Allah reward you greatly I am at peace at last.
AlhamduliAllah you are in peace akhi
Mansha'Allah Alhamdulilaah you are so Lucky to be addicted to the most Beautiful Words of Allah SWT Almathy make Duaa for me.
@@basraabdulle3526 Thank you Allah has reminded me of my addiction through you I needed this right now
May Allah grant you health protection from evil around us
From misguidance are children Allah bring them to the deen
May Allah help us all in are hour of need He is the only helper and he is are only mother. Ya Allah help us helpless human are loved ones for this epidemic grant us your mercy as we only trust in you ALLAH AMEEN. THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM FINDING ME THIS AS I NEEDED TO HEAR THIS AGAIN IT WILL BE FLOWING IN MY HOME TODAY ALLAH HAS A TEST A TIME AND A PLACE FOR EVERYONE. THANK YOU BROTHER IN DEEN.
Ma Sha Allah....same here brother
may Allah restore you and bring great blessings to your household
The "Words of Our Creator" are beautiful, peaceful and unique.
Those who have reverted to Islam, you couldn't have made a better choice. Welcome to the biggest family on Earth. Welcome indeed❤️.
Welcomen, ahlan wa sahlan wa marhabban , welcome 🙏🏽
Why am I crying when listening this, isn’t it the power of the kalamul-Lah. O Allah bestow your mercy on us. Our prophets struggled to spread the words of Allah but Allah was there for them. Ya Allah have mercy upon us and those who come before us.
Qur’ān is powerful and so sweet.
Of course,
That is what the hearts can't handle the Words from Allah SWT Almithy his love and Mercy.
Our hearts soften to the reciting of The Qur’an
I come here when troubled: there's something about this verses that brings instant relief to the body. Who else does this?
Same here
@@mariamkamanyire6955 May Allah ease for you Amin.
There is no peace in this world except in reciting the holy Quran- it is the light in the darkness.
there is so much darkness in the world. Muslims are suppressed under cruel dictatorships. We all need to make dua that Allah will free them from the oppressors, just like He freed the Jews from firaun, InshAllah!
“La tahzan inna laha ma’ana” Do not grieve for Allah is with you. This warms my heart😭❤️💘
May God bless you. The translation is "Do not grieve. Certainly, God is with us (not you)."
I thought it only struck me…la tahzan innallaha maana. Allahu akbar
@@abdur-rahmansyed2407 JJ i
@@nextwaynextway4342 JJ i
BILLIONS of Hasanat (good deeds)
اللهم اغفر للمسلمين والمسلمات, والمؤمنين والمؤمنات, الأحياء منهم والأموات
O Allah, forgive the Muslim men and Muslim women, the believing men and the believing women, the alive from them and the dead
Ameen...y’a Allah,
ربي يرحمهم برحمته الواسعه ويسكنه فسيح جناته يارب العالمين امي وابي يارب 🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭😭😭🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
لا حول و لا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم
Ya Allah met la tranquillité dans ma famille dans mon travail dans mes affaires dans ma vie . Ya Allah aide moi a trouvé des solutions a tous mes problèmes je souffres des dettes a payer ya Allah tu connais mes problèmes mieux que moi pardonne et accorde moi ce qu'il y a des mieux pour moi Amina yarabi
9/10/21 a day we lost a islamic school teacher to covid she was well known in the local community for her charity work aswel. She was listening to this whilst she was in hospital, May Allah grant her the highest of highest ranks in janaat ameen.
Ameen sum Ameen
Please keep my beloved father who left us to go to his permanent home in your duas. 🤲🏻
May Allah bless you and your family and may Allah grant you, your father, and everyone else Jannah
May Allah grant your father jannat ul firdaus.
اللهم أسكنه فسيح جناته ونجيه من عذاب جهنم واغفر له ماتقدم و ماتاخر من ذنوبه يارب
MAY ALLAH swt grants him aljanat firdaous aamiin
😭😭 so has my father who passed away been 1 year and miss him everyday.
تاج الذكر :
"لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير".
الصلاه الابراهيبمة:
"اللهم صلي على محمد وعلى ال محمد كما صليت على ابراهيم وعلى ال ابراهيم انك حميد مجيد و بارك على محمد وعلى ال محمد كما باركت على ابراهيم و على ال ابراهيم انك حميد مجيد"
I was so sad at work, a few seconds after listening to this makes me so calm and relax. I felt like crying at the same time. Words of Allah S.W.T, the most beautiful thing in this world. Now, I have a solution whenever I am moody and I would recommend this to any. Jazakallahu Khair.
may Allah fill your heart with immense love for him
Что может быть прекраснее слов Всевышнего... Какое счастье, что Аллах избрал меня среди миллиардов людей и даровал мне Ислам! СубханАЛлах! 🥰
Lucky to be born into this world and even luckier to be a Muslim servant of God in it too mashallah❤ ALHAMDULILLAH ❤
May Allah bless you ease your pain give you happiness and peace and protect you from evil of this world and if you are ill or sick cure you and keep you steadfast on the deen of Allah Azzawajal ameen 😊
Whenever I hear this recitation I want to cry: I think about my family, I think about those who past away, I think about the past, I think about my own passing, I think about the future of humanity, I think about people under oppression, I think about people living in poverty, I think about people who struggle with illness, I think about orphans, I think about you, I think about God and I hope God bless them all. Ameen
Masha Allah...May Allah subhanatallah bless you ...your imaan is strong,..and Hart is pure
Amin ya Rabi Al halamine
Thank you ya Allah for Islam ❤
I play this as soon as I wake and go to sleep with it playing I wish it was 8hrs long so I can play it all day and night
Reality 👍
God bless you and take you to the way of truth my brother
i advise you not to always play it, because there will be moments when itll be playing and you won't be paying attention to it, and we both know or at least are conscious of its values, so listen to it when your mind is ready to focus on it. it's just an advice.
@@manelrahmouni1216 as a mind science student that while sleeping our mind drops down different electric frequency from beta to alpha n then theta where he gets access to his subconcious mind where - if these verses plays without ads then its becomes new programming of his brain - if this continues then it becomes his pattern n become his personality - as subconscious doesn't judge it takes any information i give - so to say for general knowledge our brother is doing great programming of his mind as we all live our life out of our mind
Peace an blessing brother as u were also right if this video play advertisement during his sleep cycle then that would also be taken by his subconscious
Sorry for long explanation - its fascinating 😊
The beauty of "The Quran" is that you can not change its message, but it's the message that can change you. Sometimes all it takes is just 'One Prayer' to change everything.
I struggle with postpartum depression and insomnia I haven't had the easiest recovery and this helps me relax alhamdulilah. I pray that everyone struggling with something their matters become resolved and that
The sick become cured.I ask Allah swt to keep ummah Muhammad obuh on the straight path and keep us firm and patient in this world of trials. Allahuma ameen
ياربي موسولمانان بپاريزيت لة شةيتانة مرؤڨة كان
My beloved father passed away 1st rajab 02.02.2022..may Allah forgive his trespasses and grant him Jannatul Firdouz IA ameen. This ayat soothing for my broken heart algamdoelilah
I am born muslim, but my heart is excited for Allah like a revert...i cry secretly because i miss my LORD
What !!!!😮
We all miss Allah
How calm my heart gets when I listen to this over and over- who needs music when the Quran is recited this beautiful ✊🏾I’ll be going to sleep and waking up to this ayah for the rest of my fasting days♥️
In sha Allaah
Alhamdullilah ameen
SubhanAllah truly the most beautiful recitation.. Such a peaceful atmosphere is created immediately after listening to these ayahs and our heart will also be filled with tranquility Alhamdulillah. Whenever anyone has any disturbance in heart, a must listen to feel the peace Alhamdulillah ❤
mashallah je n'est pas d'autre mots pour definir cette voix magnifique paix a tous ce qui lise mon commentaire inchallah tous au paradis
i feel a miracle coming my way
In Islam miracles belong only to the prophets and the final messenger is Muhammad(pbuh)...
Ameen I’m 7 I listen to this when I go to sleep May Allah SWT Bless you Ameen
Extraordinaire apaisant incroyablement sincères et invocations dépasse tout les passion de ce bas monde cette récitation et fabuleuse de liberté rafraîchissante a la salat du fajr juste après à la sortie de la mosquée je vois l’aube le soleil ce lever avec sa dans les oreilles fabuleux
Notre religion et d’une façon très profonde de paix espérons qui admet de voir un jour la vérité touchée leurs cœurs et qui comprennent ce que est vraiment la vie d’ici bas de ce monde à leurs yeux voilés de passion qui a une fin car tout être humain laisse tout derrière lui il emporte rien et de n’importe quel croyance qui soit.
En tout cas cette voix qu’Allah t’a donné j’ai juste à dire c’est un cadeau pour l’humanité.
Très apaisant et surtout avec sa voix...
RACHID RACHID 💚☝🏽☝🏾🇲🇦🥰✈️🧠
L'Enfant Mystique comment il va l’enfant Mystique ?
Moi c’est La fée clochette ☝🏽🤣💚🧠☝🏾☝🏼☝🏿
L'Enfant Mystique 🧕
@@saadiag2350 aaaaaahhh La fée clochette ? Alhamdoulillah je vais bien Fée Clochette. Et toi ?
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك عليك يا رسول الإسلام ☪️ يا ارحم الرحمين اللهم اجعل قبره روضه من رياض الجنه 😢😢😢😢
Inchallah qu'Allah le protège de tout malheur et qu'il aille au paradis avec sa voix machallah
Nassim Bennassar amine
Amine .
Ameen,vraiment juste qu'a l'ecouter j'ai la chair de poule et les larmes aux yeux
Please pray for my father, he's been tested positive for covid and is currently admitted, things aren't going well i request everyone to pray please 😭
May Allah grant him health ❤️
May Allah give him shifa.
May Allah grant him a quick recovery
May Allah SWT grant shifa to your father ameen❤️
How are things now? I hope all is well
I’m 10 years old my sister Sakinah died when she was born a year After I was born I love listening to this recitation
You would have the best older brother, insha'Allah you will be reunited in Jannah.
May Allah grant your sister, you, and your family Jannah. Ameen
May Allah give you healthy long life ameen, you will in sha Allah meet your sister in jannah
الله اكبر لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد لاحول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
Première fois masha Allah qu’un récitateur touche autant mon âme et me fait méditer avec aisance et concentration les paroles parfaites de Dieu. Qu’Allah lui réserve une belle part ici-bas et une belle part dans l’au-delà ♥️🙏🏼
ÈMINE ya RABBI èl3alèmines ✋🌹🍀🌹✋❤
I'm covered in Tears, l can't stop listening His calming Voice, May this Voice be sent to my Late Beloved Parents. Mash'Allah may Allah increase all of Us Iman...
Ameen Ya Rabbul Aalameen
i always come to this when i need some peace.. you have created such a beautiful escape for me .. thanks OH.
Definitely, Alhamdullilah 👍
Defo, 😌☺️😇this is our own virtual cave Hira to escape to at the tips of our very own fingers; especially if you are in a silent room with it on speaker, with headphones🎧 or both earphones in and eyes closed laying down🛌🏻.its a spiritual yoga😂.
me tooo omg it helps so much
Marhaba Zazakallahu Khairan Dosto for good trying eternity Quran implementation ayat reading system all classes human beings right estd dev prog device.
احلى شيئ ما تطلب من العالم دعوة في ضهر الغيب بي شفاء كل شوي يجيك اشعار انو واحد دعالك بي شفاء وا الهداية
This dua calms me down EVERY SINGLE TIME.
I have exams soon and i was getting paranoid and stressed as i didnt study the way i should have and there is little time ....and all my frnds studied a lot.
But after listening to this i feel calm and peaceful and am able to study...
Same situation right now
Recite surah rehman and surah yaseen before every exam.
@@bekind913 I am gonna use this! Does it works for you?
I m crying right now while listening to his voice. Makes one very close to Allah. May Allah bless him and make him enter paradise. Ameen.
And may you too inshallah❤ allahu akbar
Ya Allah, accord la patience et la tranquillité ouvre moi ta porte de bienveillance chance et la paix du cœur.
Ya Allah, guide moi vers que, ce qui est bien pour moi 🥺❤️❤️❤️
I lost my babies last Ramadan this year, but Alhamdulillah Allah has ease and im at peace......may Allah grant them with jannatul firdaous.....❤
Listening to this never fail to bring tranquility to my heart :)
Une mélodie de versets coraniques très profond.Dieu est Dieu
L'islam est un peu en retard pour vous faire part de ma parti 2
J' aime trop vos dua et vos paysages vous reciter trop bien sa fait une semaine que je fait ma salate je me sent bien j'ai 8 ans , avec ma maman on écoute les jours vos dua il sont trop 20❤😍❤❤❤ bien.
“O Lord Allah swt Bless us with the Gift of “SAKINA” Ameen summa Ameen.
Alhamdulillah amazing believed in almighty allah 🙏 ❤️ 💖 ♥️ 💕 🙌 🙏 ❤️ 💖 ♥️ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤and offer prayers and served him being a good 👍 😀 😊 😄 😘 💖 👍 😀 😊 😄 😘 💖 👍 😀 😊 😄 😘 person and allah will guides you .
May Allah Grant us his sakina and sabr
Il a une voix magnifique, c’est un cadeau de Dieu, dès que je l’écoute c’est comme si j’étais dans un état second , j’adore tout simplement ❤️
Moi aussi !!
On adore qu'Allah mon frère ou ma sœur :)
C'est tellement beau que j'en pleure c' est paradisiaque je n'ai jamais rien entendu d'aussi beau ,j'ai l'impression d'être transportée dans un endroit divin machallah
@@laldjakhiter3854 Salam o Aleykoum, un endroit ne peut etre divin, astarghfilluLLah oukhty qu'Allah te fasse miséricorde.
Moi aussi 😭😭
What we need is tranquility. People think they need happiness, but happiness is the generator of sorrow in the deepest sense in this temporary world. I wonder there is not a name of the 99 names of Allah means happiness. The wise will forsake the happiness but take the tranquility which is long lasting in the heart, no up and down, that is peace, that is tranquility. Demons like happiness but not tranquility. With tranquility, we become divine.
Happiness to have Allah (swt)in our hearts,which brings us tranquility♡
@@erendiraolsen4843 , True, only this happiness is real. All the joy and sorrow of this world is unreal, which all with dream-like quality and comes from ignorance (darkness). Prophet Muhammad (saw) says people are awake when they die.
@@nirguna4826 ameen Allah
Wow never though of that in that way thanksss
Prophet Muhammad SAW also used to smile and show his happiness to his family and followers so it might be your personal interpretation but it's not accurate. The reason why Allah does not attribute happiness with Him is because He is the ultimate source of all things pure and good. Even the peace and tranquility you and I feel are not what Allah associates with Himself through His names. It's something humans have no understanding of. The Quran does state that Momineen please Allah when they follow His path. That can be a form of happiness though it's not happiness in the purely human way just as other attributes of Allah are not humanely conceivable.
Récitation qui tranquilise l'âme de celui qui comprend et médite,qu DIEU récompense le lecteur et celui qui a mis en ligne cette belle récitation.
Mashaallahu la quwwata illa bilaahi
Allahumma barik alaihi
God, I trust You!
اللهم أمين 💕❣️💞💕
I listen to him endlessly. First thing in the morning. During the day. The voice just keep calling me. I drown myself in tears. I can read Quran Algamdolilah. I am blessed.
But this voice of Omar just wants me to keep listening. Imagine how quick we can memorize a Surah by listening to it over and over. It’s the voice the words and the beautiful manner he brings it to us.
Ya Allah imagine what the voice and the reading of our Beloved Prophet was like. We can only cry.
el hamdolilah wa lilahi el7amd
Yes it's true ,so effective voice .
to all the dislikes ... either your deaf physically or spiritually... this is most amazing soul soothing recitation I've heard.. I listen to this everyday...
thankyou and may ALLAH reward you OMAR HISHAM ...Mashallah
It could be kids. Sometimes kids play with their parents phone
Marshallh to
This always puts my son to sleep even when he is awake it is truly beautiful may Allah grant those who listen to this prosperity and happiness
Pls make this get 101