अतुलनीय वक्ता, अद्भूत ज्ञानी, हर एक शब्द को तर्कसंगत प्रस्तुत करना, बहुमुखी प्रतिभा के धनी व्यक्तित्व, माननीय श्री सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी आप ऐसे ही ज्ञान रूपी गंगा को प्रवाहित करते रहे!
इन ब्राह्मणों के चक्कर में मत पड़ो, ये सब एक नम्बर के धूर्त हैं, हिन्दू धर्म के बारे में जानना है तो बाबा साहेब अम्बेडकर को पढ़ो उन्होंने ने इनकी पोल खोल कर रख दी है। ये सब दलितों पिछड़ों को फिर से गुलाम बनाना चाहते हैं, गीता में श्रीकृष्ण दलितों पिछड़ों को नीच घोषित करता है,इस पर ये बाभन कुछ नहीं बोलेंगे।
मेरा विश्वास है,यदि आप पढे लिखे तार्किक है तो आचार्य प्रशांत को सुनें,यदि वास्तविक भक्ति और वेदांत का ज्ञान चाहते हैं तो श्री हित राधा कृपा चैनल में एकान्तिक या प्रवचन सुनें 🙏🙏
जय श्री राम ऐसे ब्रह्मण ज्ञानी वक्ता को मैं प्रणाम करता हूं आने वाले पीढ़ी में ऐसे वक्त पूरे भारत में लाखों में हो ऐसी कामनाएं करता हूं संसद में सबसे विद्वान तर्कसंगत वक्तव्य देने वाले ऐसे वक्त को मस्तक प्रणामकरता हूं
@@madhavpratapsingh8274 कमाल हो भैया , समाज की मुख्य धारा से जोड़ने को देश मे स्कॉलरशिप जैसी व्यवस्था है, उसका लाभ देने की तुलना तुम , कांग्रेस, सपा , आप के कुकर्मो से कर रहे ? वह कांग्रेस जो केरल में होली के गस्तेड हॉलिडे को स्पेशल सत्र बुला आतंकी की FIR वापस ले उसे बचाने का कुत्सित प्रयास करे, बाद में वही आतंकी कोर्ट से फांसी की सज़ा पाया ? वह सपा जिसके अखिलेश ने कचहरी बम ब्लास्ट के आरोपियों के ऊपर से FIR वापस ले ली बाद में कोर्ट से फटकार सुनी और वही आतंकी कोर्ट से फांसी की सज़ा पाए ? केजरीवाल , जिसने खुल कर jnu में भारत विरोधी आंदोलन करने वालो से लेकर शाहीनबाग तक तक मे जिहादियो का खुल कर समर्थन किया , अमानतुल्ला और ताहिर हुसेन जैसे जिहादियो को खुलेआम समर्थन देते हुए अपनी पार्टी में बरकरार रखा, इन कुकृत्य की तुलना , भाजपा के स्कॉलरशिप प्रोग्राम से कर रहे, मतलब दंडवत है आपकी बुद्धि और उसी सोचने समझने की क्षमता को 🙏😂
@@madhavpratapsingh8274 मतलब भाजपा आईएएस बना रही उसकी तुलना कांग्रेस आप के जिहादी बनाने से कर रहे ? हद्द है, और यह योजनाएं एक सम्प्रदाय के लिए ही नही हो रही सबके लिए सुचारू है, इसी सरकार में पहली बार ओबीसी आयोग का गठन हुआ , दलित उद्धार से जुड़ी अनेक योजनाओं का शुभारंम्भ भी हुआ,और एक मिनट को मान भी भाजपा बहुत गलत निर्णय ले रही , तो उसके निर्णय क्या कांग्रेस, आप , सपा के निर्णय से ज्यादा गलत है ? भाजपा का निर्णय ऐसा नही जो जिहादी तत्वों को प्रश्रय देता हो, पूरे देश मे जिहादी तत्वों पर जितनी कठोर कार्यवाही भाजपा कर रही आज तक नही हुआ, कश्मीर से लेकर बाकी देश मे जिन जिहादियो को सरकारी दामाद बना कर रखा गया था, आज जान बचाये घूम रहे
*🙏🕉️🙏 सत्य सनातन वैदिक धर्म की जय🙏🕉️🙏💯%✅ तथ्यात्मक सत्य🙏 🚩जय माँ भारती 🚩👌👌👌* 🙏 जयतु आर्यावर्तम् 🚩 जयतु संस्कृतम् 🕉️ जयतु वेदम्📚 जयतु गुरुकुलम्📖🙏 "वेदों एवं ऋषि संहिताओ की ओर लौटो" 🙏 🇮🇳भारत🚩 माता की जय🙏 🙏आदरणीय सुधांशु जी आपके दूरदर्शिता विलक्षण दृष्टिकोण उत्कृष्ठ विचार साहसी व्यक्तित्व को कोटि कोटि नमन 🙏🙏🙏🕉️🙏
इतना महान है हमारी संस्कृति जिसकी कल्पना भी आज के लोग नहीं कर सकते परन्तु मेरा एक अनुरोध है कि अब तो जानिए इसके बारे में और अपने बच्चों को भी पढ़ाए हमारी धार्मिक किताबे क्यों की ये हमारी जिमेदारी हैं की हमरी संस्कृति की ज्ञान उन्हें विरासात में दे
मुझे याद है मैंने आपको शायद 3 या 4 साल पहले सुनना शुरू किया था । और तब से लेकर आज तक में आपको सुन रहा हूँ । और आज जब आपको सुना तो मुझे यह कहने में कोई शंका नहीं है कि असीमित ज्ञान के भंडार है आप । एक ईश्वरीय गुण है आपमें और आपको में अपना गुरु मानता हूँ । 🙏🙏🙏
Hats off to mananeeya Trivediji.Aapne jo dnyan diye hai wo unparalleled hai.Kash hindutwa Aur hindu kya hota hai wo pappu samazeta to kitna achha hota.Shri Sudhanshuji aap ko bagawan dheergayu de aur hum jaise ko sachi dnyan de yeti bhagwan se bhakti poorvak prarthana hai. janata kitna achha hota
@@till2035 *Bhagvat Gita is the crown jewel of all Upnishads. For rational spiritual knowledge Read Bhagvat Gita 🙏 (700 verses) spoken by God himself. Also Read Bhagvat Mahapuran 🙏 (18000 verses in 12 Cantos) Scripture par excellence.*
देश के इतने ज्ञानी, विद्वान, लोग अंधेरे मे छटपटा रहे थे, लेकिन 2014 के बाद ये सामने आये तब देखकर ह्दय गदगद हो गया, श्रीमान सुधांशु, मनोज मूंतसिर, और पूषपेनद्र कुलश्रेष्ठ ,योगी, विश्व शर्मा, सब को प्रणाम। 🙏🙏🙏
महाज्ञानी,सवॅज्ञानी डॉ सुधाऺ॑नशुजी आपके हर तरह के,हर विषयके ज्ञान के हम कायल हैं ।आपको ओर आपके ज्ञान भंडार को कोटी,कोटी हमारा साष्टांग दंडवत प्रणाम स्विकार किजीऐ।
श्री सुधांशु जी सादर प्रणाम | आपका अभ्यास करणे से आप ज्ञान के भंडार बने हैं। बहुत वर्षोंसे मेरे मन में एक प्रश्न निर्माण हुॅंआ हैं की भगवान शंकर जी और माता पार्वती जी के विवाह के पच्छात श्री गणेश जी का जन्म हुआ हैं। हिंदू धर्म संस्कार के अनुसार भगवान शंकर जी और माता पार्वती जी के विवाह के प्रारंभ में श्री गणेश जी की पूजा तो कि होगी? कृपया इस ज्ञान के तुषार बुंद से मेरी जिज्ञासा रूपी तृष्णा को तृप्त किजिएं। आपके सागररुपी ज्ञान का जिज्ञासू। नमस्कार गुरूवर्य।ॐनम: शिवाय।
Can anyone gives relation between current and God ?? If not then come on I will tell you with the help of God Ganesha his physical form and his name... Let's start!! First we go on his name meaning Ganesh which means ("Gan"= groups, together/ things reside in that area and " Esh"= God) How current produce when electron flow from one atoms to another cause current.. When each atoms groups together to form shape which helps electrons to jump from one atom to another atom. His large stomach provide spaces, universe and area to stay each individual things. The area provide inside the atom ⚛️ (which consists Electrons,Protons,Neutron ) related to large stomach of Ganesha. His trunk( सूँढ ) in normal form comes upto his stomach (and his stomach provide spaces,area inside the atoms which consists e,p,n) trunk provide force and energy to move electron inside the atoms. When electron moves forward direction and his (energy flow backward direction to maintain the flow of electron to the forward direction ) His flow energy direction gives current direction. This energy cause the current . Hence I give you the perfect relation between current and God. Now tells ...
कोई जानता है कि मोदक का आकार नीचे गोल ऊपर नोक कियू है अगर नहीं पता तो आज जानते = नीचे का गोल आकार ब्रह्माण्ड,अंतरिक्ष, चर - चराचार जीव जन्तु, etc... और ऊपर की नोक प्रभु का सिंहासन जहां से वो समस्त संसार, विश्व को चलाते और देखते है।
Hello everyone i am going to write about what his physical form and body parts represent of GOD GANESH (ganuu) ,what I think 🤔 about ganuu. ...Any body knows what bappa(ganuu) represent and his body parts and figure and his name what represent which is exactly prove of science. 1... Relation between big bang theory and God Ganesha.... बिग बैंग सिद्धान्त के अनुसार लगभग १३.७ अरब वर्ष पूर्व(13.7 Billion year ago) ब्रह्मांड सिमटा हुआ था। इसमें हुए एक विस्फोट के कारण इसमें सिमटा हर एक कण फैलता गया जिसके फलस्वरूप ब्रह्मांड की रचना हुई। यह विस्तार आज भी जारी है जिसके चलते ब्रह्मांड आज भी फैल रहा है। इस धमाके में अत्यधिक ऊर्जा का उत्सजर्न हुआ। गणेश भगवान के पेट में space (अंतरिक्ष) है और जो नाभि अंदर की और है वो गोल ब्रह्मांड (universe) था जो एक जगह पर केंद्रित या सिमटा हुआ था, और जो विस्फोट हुआ वो sound Om होगी जो गणेश तत्व का ही एक रूप है. जय गणेश tatva In English ( the big bang theory that the universe began as just a single point, then expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now-and it is still stretching! universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature. Around 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter in the Universe emerged from a single, minute point, or singularity, in a violent burst. This expanded at an astonishingly high rate and temperature, doubling in size every 10-34 seconds, creating space as it rapidly inflated. Now about GANESHA ( ganuu) physical form which same as big bang theory : His large stomach represent the contain endless space 🌌🚀 in which intial there no single point of light in this space there is only darkness and his Navel or hub( नाभी) represent contain whole universe at single point which has high density and high temperature after time passes this single point moved inside towards his stomach means towards space 🌌🚀 and cause explosion and then expand in his endless space and during explosion there was released sound which contain two different sound waves first is OM and second is GAM both are universal sound of universe. Physical form of GANESHA (ganuu) is same as OM and GAM is his own one word Mantra. The Mantra "GAM" is the source of all vibrational energy, frequency,force in the universe.... You feel vibration in your mind when you constantly Chat Gam Mantra with लय जैसे om को constantly करते हैं उसी प्रकार Gam Mantra ko करे आप का mind relax होगा but perfect voice and perfect mind set. When you say OM than on your nose breath feel that your body move upward means your soul moved towards the upper realms,, And when you say GAM than on your nose breath feel that your body move downward means when your soul moved towards the upper realms than your soul come to your body which is according to law of cycle of universe So when you meditate then you have chat first OM than GAM which gives you complete benifits otherwise you will done only half of the way of cycle of law which gives you half benifits not complete. 2. His large EARS represent that God always listen your prayers 🙏 eg when the health of patient is very critical or danger then even Doctor say that now only may God saves you. 3. On his forehead there is a symbol of trishul contain three line which represent past , present, Future which resides on his head means complete control also God creates and destroy it's. 4. His broken tooth represent sacrifices and hard work only hard worker people lives in this world and his one complete tooth represent God is one in this whole universe.. 5. His trunk represent holder of everything and anything in this Universe and also this trunk symbol of variable state of GOD. 6. His large HEAD represent that God contain whole or all types of knowledge.. 7. His four hand represent four directions East West North South and his power expand whole also his ten hand represent ten directions 8. His small eyes represent God see micro to macro. 9. His right eye represent +ve energy ,left eye represent -ve energy and his downward line of trishul on his forehead represent neutral energy. 10. The snake wrap around his large belly represent active form of all energy inside the universe. 11. Ganesh गणेश या गणपति शब्द represent: that he is the God of micro level to macro level. Micro means those things which we are not able to see and macro means which we can see. (Gan+ esh) गण + ईश=( Gan)गण ( means group, together or things reside in that area) and (esh) ईश ( means प्रभु God) Micro level to Macro level: atoms combine form molecules, molecules combine form particles and compound, compound combine form components, components , compound combine form body , solutions ,body combine form bodies , bodies combine form particular shape and planets , planets make solar system,solar system make milky way,milky way make galaxy,a galaxy mak cosmic, cosmic make universe, universe make multiverse and so on. Ganesh is lord of energies,powers, living and non living beings,those things which not exist, gods and goddesses, planets,time, space अंतरिक्ष,five elements,trees, mountains,ocean, universe,multiuniverse etc. जब आप mutiuniverses को बाहर देखे गए तब आप को मुनि मुनि dots together दिखाई देगे ऐसा लगे गा के वो सब group में हो और collapse कर रहे हो । जय गजानन jai gajanan
जब से मैंने आपको सुनना समझना शुरू किया हैं। मुझे ये कहने में कोई शंका नहीं हैं। की आप जैसी समझ शायद ही किसी और के पास होगा। अगर होगा भी तो। शायद आपकी तरह उसको व्यक्त करने में असमर्थ होगा।
कोई जानता है कि मोदक का आकार नीचे गोल ऊपर नोक कियू है अगर नहीं पता तो आज जानते = नीचे का गोल आकार ब्रह्माण्ड,अंतरिक्ष, चर - चराचार जीव जन्तु, etc... और ऊपर की नोक प्रभु का सिंहासन जहां से वो समस्त संसार, विश्व को चलाते और देखते है।
Hello everyone i am going to write about what his physical form and body parts represent of GOD GANESH (ganuu) ,what I think 🤔 about ganuu. ...Any body knows what bappa(ganuu) represent and his body parts and figure and his name what represent which is exactly prove of science. 1... Relation between big bang theory and God Ganesha.... बिग बैंग सिद्धान्त के अनुसार लगभग १३.७ अरब वर्ष पूर्व(13.7 Billion year ago) ब्रह्मांड सिमटा हुआ था। इसमें हुए एक विस्फोट के कारण इसमें सिमटा हर एक कण फैलता गया जिसके फलस्वरूप ब्रह्मांड की रचना हुई। यह विस्तार आज भी जारी है जिसके चलते ब्रह्मांड आज भी फैल रहा है। इस धमाके में अत्यधिक ऊर्जा का उत्सजर्न हुआ। गणेश भगवान के पेट में space (अंतरिक्ष) है और जो नाभि अंदर की और है वो गोल ब्रह्मांड (universe) था जो एक जगह पर केंद्रित या सिमटा हुआ था, और जो विस्फोट हुआ वो sound Om होगी जो गणेश तत्व का ही एक रूप है. जय गणेश tatva In English ( the big bang theory that the universe began as just a single point, then expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now-and it is still stretching! universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature. Around 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter in the Universe emerged from a single, minute point, or singularity, in a violent burst. This expanded at an astonishingly high rate and temperature, doubling in size every 10-34 seconds, creating space as it rapidly inflated. Now about GANESHA ( ganuu) physical form which same as big bang theory : His large stomach represent the contain endless space 🌌🚀 in which intial there no single point of light in this space there is only darkness and his Navel or hub( नाभी) represent contain whole universe at single point which has high density and high temperature after time passes this single point moved inside towards his stomach means towards space 🌌🚀 and cause explosion and then expand in his endless space and during explosion there was released sound which contain two different sound waves first is OM and second is GAM both are universal sound of universe. Physical form of GANESHA (ganuu) is same as OM and GAM is his own one word Mantra. The Mantra "GAM" is the source of all vibrational energy, frequency,force in the universe.... You feel vibration in your mind when you constantly Chat Gam Mantra with लय जैसे om को constantly करते हैं उसी प्रकार Gam Mantra ko करे आप का mind relax होगा but perfect voice and perfect mind set. When you say OM than on your nose breath feel that your body move upward means your soul moved towards the upper realms,, And when you say GAM than on your nose breath feel that your body move downward means when your soul moved towards the upper realms than your soul come to your body which is according to law of cycle of universe So when you meditate then you have chat first OM than GAM which gives you complete benifits otherwise you will done only half of the way of cycle of law which gives you half benifits not complete. 2. His large EARS represent that God always listen your prayers 🙏 eg when the health of patient is very critical or danger then even Doctor say that now only may God saves you. 3. On his forehead there is a symbol of trishul contain three line which represent past , present, Future which resides on his head means complete control also God creates and destroy it's. 4. His broken tooth represent sacrifices and hard work only hard worker people lives in this world and his one complete tooth represent God is one in this whole universe.. 5. His trunk represent holder of everything and anything in this Universe and also this trunk symbol of variable state of GOD. 6. His large HEAD represent that God contain whole or all types of knowledge.. 7. His four hand represent four directions East West North South and his power expand whole also his ten hand represent ten directions 8. His small eyes represent God see micro to macro. 9. His right eye represent +ve energy ,left eye represent -ve energy and his downward line of trishul on his forehead represent neutral energy. 10. The snake wrap around his large belly represent active form of all energy inside the universe. 11. Ganesh गणेश या गणपति शब्द represent: that he is the God of micro level to macro level. Micro means those things which we are not able to see and macro means which we can see. (Gan+ esh) गण + ईश=( Gan)गण ( means group, together or things reside in that area) and (esh) ईश ( means प्रभु God) Micro level to Macro level: atoms combine form molecules, molecules combine form particles and compound, compound combine form components, components , compound combine form body , solutions ,body combine form bodies , bodies combine form particular shape and planets , planets make solar system,solar system make milky way,milky way make galaxy,a galaxy mak cosmic, cosmic make universe, universe make multiverse and so on. Ganesh is lord of energies,powers, living and non living beings,those things which not exist, gods and goddesses, planets,time, space अंतरिक्ष,five elements,trees, mountains,ocean, universe,multiuniverse etc. जब आप mutiuniverses को बाहर देखे गए तब आप को मुनि मुनि dots together दिखाई देगे ऐसा लगे गा के वो सब group में हो और collapse कर रहे हो । जय गजानन jai gajanan
Can anyone gives relation between current and God ?? If not then come on I will tell you with the help of God Ganesha his physical form and his name... Let's start!! First we go on his name meaning Ganesh which means ("Gan"= groups, together/ things reside in that area and " Esh"= God) How current produce when electron flow from one atoms to another cause current.. When each atoms groups together to form shape which helps electrons to jump from one atom to another atom. His large stomach provide spaces, universe and area to stay each individual things. The area provide inside the atom ⚛️ (which consists Electrons,Protons,Neutron ) related to large stomach of Ganesha. His trunk( सूँढ ) in normal form comes upto his stomach (and his stomach provide spaces,area inside the atoms which consists e,p,n) trunk provide force and energy to move electron inside the atoms. When electron moves forward direction and his (energy flow backward direction to maintain the flow of electron to the forward direction ) His flow energy direction gives current direction. This energy cause the current . Hence I give you the perfect relation between current and God. Now tells ...
जरूर इंडिया टीवी को सनातन धर्म 🚩🕉️ पर वेप सीरीज कि सुरुवात करना चाहिए और देश भर के दुनियां के महान 🚩🧠🕉️सनातनी ज्ञानियों को महात्माओं को ब्रम्ह ज्ञान रखने वालों को स्टेडिओ मे बुलाना jana चाहिए और 🕉️सनातन को बताना चाहिए
आदरणीय सधांसुजी नमस्ते। आपका ज्ञान पराकाष्ठा पर हैं,आप प्रत्येक विषय पर शास्त्रार्थ करने के लिए सामर्थ्य रखते हैं।आप सभी देश भक्तों और सभी ॠषियों के प्रति एंव प्रत्येक ग्रन्थों की पूर्ण जानकारी रखते हैं।मैं आपके विचारों से सहमत रहता हूं। मोटे शब्दों में आपको बहुत पसन्द करता हूं। आप महर्षि दयानन्द सरसवती के बारे में भी कुछ ज्ञान वर्धन कराएं। हमने देखा कि महर्षि दयानन्द ने स्वराज,राष्ट्र एवं वेदों की नारी उत्थान और दलितोद्धार का कार्य किया।
Human killing human recommended and followed by followers of based on one book followers muslim snd christian . No one born to stop or criticize them .
मान्यवर मैं आपको अपना गुरु मानता हूं क्योंकि जब भी मैं आप का कोई भी video देखता हूं तो मुझे कुछ नया सिखने को मिलता है चाहे वो मेरे देश के बारे में हो या फिर हिन्दू धर्म के बारे में और मैं इस सब ज्ञान की बातें बताने और हम लोगों को जागरूक करने के लिए आप को धन्यवाद कहता हूं और आप को प्रणाम करता हूं।
दरअसल तुम भी तो वो ही हो जिसने उसको जिस रूप में देखा वो उसी धर्म का प्रचार कर गए । जिसे आप या हम मानते आरहे है भगवान बुद्ध ने बौद्ध धर्म का प्रचार किया आदरणीया मोहम्मद जी उन्हें जिस रूप में देखा उन्होंने वैसा ही प्रचार किया आप अपनी आत्मा को किस रूप में देखना चाहते हो अगर आपने अपने ही रूप को देख लिया तो आप भी वैसा ही प्रचार करेंगे वो एक ही है
Sudhanshu Ji is a best example of the great leader who is having vast knowledge in every aspect of life. In future we want to see him as PM of our country.
कोई जानता है कि मोदक का आकार नीचे गोल ऊपर नोक कियू है अगर नहीं पता तो आज जानते = नीचे का गोल आकार ब्रह्माण्ड,अंतरिक्ष, चर - चराचार जीव जन्तु, etc... और ऊपर की नोक प्रभु का सिंहासन जहां से वो समस्त संसार, विश्व को चलाते और देखते है।
Hello everyone i am going to write about what his physical form and body parts represent of GOD GANESH (ganuu) ,what I think 🤔 about ganuu. ...Any body knows what bappa(ganuu) represent and his body parts and figure and his name what represent which is exactly prove of science. 1... Relation between big bang theory and God Ganesha.... बिग बैंग सिद्धान्त के अनुसार लगभग १३.७ अरब वर्ष पूर्व(13.7 Billion year ago) ब्रह्मांड सिमटा हुआ था। इसमें हुए एक विस्फोट के कारण इसमें सिमटा हर एक कण फैलता गया जिसके फलस्वरूप ब्रह्मांड की रचना हुई। यह विस्तार आज भी जारी है जिसके चलते ब्रह्मांड आज भी फैल रहा है। इस धमाके में अत्यधिक ऊर्जा का उत्सजर्न हुआ। गणेश भगवान के पेट में space (अंतरिक्ष) है और जो नाभि अंदर की और है वो गोल ब्रह्मांड (universe) था जो एक जगह पर केंद्रित या सिमटा हुआ था, और जो विस्फोट हुआ वो sound Om होगी जो गणेश तत्व का ही एक रूप है. जय गणेश tatva In English ( the big bang theory that the universe began as just a single point, then expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now-and it is still stretching! universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature. Around 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter in the Universe emerged from a single, minute point, or singularity, in a violent burst. This expanded at an astonishingly high rate and temperature, doubling in size every 10-34 seconds, creating space as it rapidly inflated. Now about GANESHA ( ganuu) physical form which same as big bang theory : His large stomach represent the contain endless space 🌌🚀 in which intial there no single point of light in this space there is only darkness and his Navel or hub( नाभी) represent contain whole universe at single point which has high density and high temperature after time passes this single point moved inside towards his stomach means towards space 🌌🚀 and cause explosion and then expand in his endless space and during explosion there was released sound which contain two different sound waves first is OM and second is GAM both are universal sound of universe. Physical form of GANESHA (ganuu) is same as OM and GAM is his own one word Mantra. The Mantra "GAM" is the source of all vibrational energy, frequency,force in the universe.... You feel vibration in your mind when you constantly Chat Gam Mantra with लय जैसे om को constantly करते हैं उसी प्रकार Gam Mantra ko करे आप का mind relax होगा but perfect voice and perfect mind set. When you say OM than on your nose breath feel that your body move upward means your soul moved towards the upper realms,, And when you say GAM than on your nose breath feel that your body move downward means when your soul moved towards the upper realms than your soul come to your body which is according to law of cycle of universe So when you meditate then you have chat first OM than GAM which gives you complete benifits otherwise you will done only half of the way of cycle of law which gives you half benifits not complete. 2. His large EARS represent that God always listen your prayers 🙏 eg when the health of patient is very critical or danger then even Doctor say that now only may God saves you. 3. On his forehead there is a symbol of trishul contain three line which represent past , present, Future which resides on his head means complete control also God creates and destroy it's. 4. His broken tooth represent sacrifices and hard work only hard worker people lives in this world and his one complete tooth represent God is one in this whole universe.. 5. His trunk represent holder of everything and anything in this Universe and also this trunk symbol of variable state of GOD. 6. His large HEAD represent that God contain whole or all types of knowledge.. 7. His four hand represent four directions East West North South and his power expand whole also his ten hand represent ten directions 8. His small eyes represent God see micro to macro. 9. His right eye represent +ve energy ,left eye represent -ve energy and his downward line of trishul on his forehead represent neutral energy. 10. The snake wrap around his large belly represent active form of all energy inside the universe. 11. Ganesh गणेश या गणपति शब्द represent: that he is the God of micro level to macro level. Micro means those things which we are not able to see and macro means which we can see. (Gan+ esh) गण + ईश=( Gan)गण ( means group, together or things reside in that area) and (esh) ईश ( means प्रभु God) Micro level to Macro level: atoms combine form molecules, molecules combine form particles and compound, compound combine form components, components , compound combine form body , solutions ,body combine form bodies , bodies combine form particular shape and planets , planets make solar system,solar system make milky way,milky way make galaxy,a galaxy mak cosmic, cosmic make universe, universe make multiverse and so on. Ganesh is lord of energies,powers, living and non living beings,those things which not exist, gods and goddesses, planets,time, space अंतरिक्ष,five elements,trees, mountains,ocean, universe,multiuniverse etc. जब आप mutiuniverses को बाहर देखे गए तब आप को मुनि मुनि dots together दिखाई देगे ऐसा लगे गा के वो सब group में हो और collapse कर रहे हो । जय गजानन jai gajanan
Can anyone gives relation between current and God ?? If not then come on I will tell you with the help of God Ganesha his physical form and his name... Let's start!! First we go on his name meaning Ganesh which means ("Gan"= groups, together/ things reside in that area and " Esh"= God) How current produce when electron flow from one atoms to another cause current.. When each atoms groups together to form shape which helps electrons to jump from one atom to another atom. His large stomach provide spaces, universe and area to stay each individual things. The area provide inside the atom ⚛️ (which consists Electrons,Protons,Neutron ) related to large stomach of Ganesha. His trunk( सूँढ ) in normal form comes upto his stomach (and his stomach provide spaces,area inside the atoms which consists e,p,n) trunk provide force and energy to move electron inside the atoms. When electron moves forward direction and his (energy flow backward direction to maintain the flow of electron to the forward direction ) His flow energy direction gives current direction. This energy cause the current . Hence I give you the perfect relation between current and God. Now tells ...
आपके बातो से स्पष्ट होता है...संतुष्टी के साथ जीने के लिए सनातन धर्म आवश्यक है..आपने जो धर्म का ज्ञान दिया उसके लिए.. सुधांशुजी आपका हृदयसे धन्यवाद...शतशत प्रणाम🙏🏻
माननीय श्री सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी को साक्षात दंडवत प्रणाम श्री सुधांशु जी कृपालुजी महाराज के बाद दूसरे व्यक्ति है जो अपने मस्तिष्क में बिना पढ़े इतना सारा ज्ञान एकत्रित किए हुए हैं आपको कोटि-कोटि प्रणाम
Sir you should do 30 minutes videos daily so that coming generations will understand what sanatan dharma is. I don’t see any who can match with you in knowledge. Thanks sir 🙏 amazing speech. Really loved
Hello everyone i am going to write about what his physical form and body parts represent of GOD GANESH (ganuu) ,what I think 🤔 about ganuu. ...Any body knows what bappa(ganuu) represent and his body parts and figure and his name what represent which is exactly prove of science. 1... Relation between big bang theory and God Ganesha.... बिग बैंग सिद्धान्त के अनुसार लगभग १३.७ अरब वर्ष पूर्व(13.7 Billion year ago) ब्रह्मांड सिमटा हुआ था। इसमें हुए एक विस्फोट के कारण इसमें सिमटा हर एक कण फैलता गया जिसके फलस्वरूप ब्रह्मांड की रचना हुई। यह विस्तार आज भी जारी है जिसके चलते ब्रह्मांड आज भी फैल रहा है। इस धमाके में अत्यधिक ऊर्जा का उत्सजर्न हुआ। गणेश भगवान के पेट में space (अंतरिक्ष) है और जो नाभि अंदर की और है वो गोल ब्रह्मांड (universe) था जो एक जगह पर केंद्रित या सिमटा हुआ था, और जो विस्फोट हुआ वो sound Om होगी जो गणेश तत्व का ही एक रूप है. जय गणेश tatva In English ( the big bang theory that the universe began as just a single point, then expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now-and it is still stretching! universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature. Around 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter in the Universe emerged from a single, minute point, or singularity, in a violent burst. This expanded at an astonishingly high rate and temperature, doubling in size every 10-34 seconds, creating space as it rapidly inflated. Now about GANESHA ( ganuu) physical form which same as big bang theory : His large stomach represent the contain endless space 🌌🚀 in which intial there no single point of light in this space there is only darkness and his Navel or hub( नाभी) represent contain whole universe at single point which has high density and high temperature after time passes this single point moved inside towards his stomach means towards space 🌌🚀 and cause explosion and then expand in his endless space and during explosion there was released sound which contain two different sound waves first is OM and second is GAM both are universal sound of universe. Physical form of GANESHA (ganuu) is same as OM and GAM is his own one word Mantra. The Mantra "GAM" is the source of all vibrational energy, frequency,force in the universe.... You feel vibration in your mind when you constantly Chat Gam Mantra with लय जैसे om को constantly करते हैं उसी प्रकार Gam Mantra ko करे आप का mind relax होगा but perfect voice and perfect mind set. When you say OM than on your nose breath feel that your body move upward means your soul moved towards the upper realms,, And when you say GAM than on your nose breath feel that your body move downward means when your soul moved towards the upper realms than your soul come to your body which is according to law of cycle of universe So when you meditate then you have chat first OM than GAM which gives you complete benifits otherwise you will done only half of the way of cycle of law which gives you half benifits not complete. 2. His large EARS represent that God always listen your prayers 🙏 eg when the health of patient is very critical or danger then even Doctor say that now only may God saves you. 3. On his forehead there is a symbol of trishul contain three line which represent past , present, Future which resides on his head means complete control also God creates and destroy it's. 4. His broken tooth represent sacrifices and hard work only hard worker people lives in this world and his one complete tooth represent God is one in this whole universe.. 5. His trunk represent holder of everything and anything in this Universe and also this trunk symbol of variable state of GOD. 6. His large HEAD represent that God contain whole or all types of knowledge.. 7. His four hand represent four directions East West North South and his power expand whole also his ten hand represent ten directions 8. His small eyes represent God see micro to macro. 9. His right eye represent +ve energy ,left eye represent -ve energy and his downward line of trishul on his forehead represent neutral energy. 10. The snake wrap around his large belly represent active form of all energy inside the universe. 11. Ganesh गणेश या गणपति शब्द represent: that he is the God of micro level to macro level. Micro means those things which we are not able to see and macro means which we can see. (Gan+ esh) गण + ईश=( Gan)गण ( means group, together or things reside in that area) and (esh) ईश ( means प्रभु God) Micro level to Macro level: atoms combine form molecules, molecules combine form particles and compound, compound combine form components, components , compound combine form body , solutions ,body combine form bodies , bodies combine form particular shape and planets , planets make solar system,solar system make milky way,milky way make galaxy,a galaxy mak cosmic, cosmic make universe, universe make multiverse and so on. Ganesh is lord of energies,powers, living and non living beings,those things which not exist, gods and goddesses, planets,time, space अंतरिक्ष,five elements,trees, mountains,ocean, universe,multiuniverse etc. जब आप mutiuniverses को बाहर देखे गए तब आप को मुनि मुनि dots together दिखाई देगे ऐसा लगे गा के वो सब group में हो और collapse कर रहे हो । जय गजानन jai gajanan
Can anyone gives relation between current and God ?? If not then come on I will tell you with the help of God Ganesha his physical form and his name... Let's start!! First we go on his name meaning Ganesh which means ("Gan"= groups, together/ things reside in that area and " Esh"= God) How current produce when electron flow from one atoms to another cause current.. When each atoms groups together to form shape which helps electrons to jump from one atom to another atom. His large stomach provide spaces, universe and area to stay each individual things. The area provide inside the atom ⚛️ (which consists Electrons,Protons,Neutron ) related to large stomach of Ganesha. His trunk( सूँढ ) in normal form comes upto his stomach (and his stomach provide spaces,area inside the atoms which consists e,p,n) trunk provide force and energy to move electron inside the atoms. When electron moves forward direction and his (energy flow backward direction to maintain the flow of electron to the forward direction ) His flow energy direction gives current direction. This energy cause the current . Hence I give you the perfect relation between current and God. Now tells ...
कोई जानता है कि मोदक का आकार नीचे गोल ऊपर नोक कियू है अगर नहीं पता तो आज जानते = नीचे का गोल आकार ब्रह्माण्ड,अंतरिक्ष, चर - चराचार जीव जन्तु, etc... और ऊपर की नोक प्रभु का सिंहासन जहां से वो समस्त संसार, विश्व को चलाते और देखते है।
हमें गर्व है की हमारे देश की राजनीति में आप जैसे विद्वान व्यक्तित्व हैं....आपको सुनकर अंतर्मन प्रफुल्लित हो जाता है.... ईश्वर की महान कृपा आप पर सदैव बनी रहे 🙏🙏🙂❤️💐
सुधांशू सर, जन्म जन्मो,की प्यास बुझ जाती है आपकी वाणी सूनते सुनते, धन्यवाद आपके माता और पिताश्री को,कही लिखा है भगवान का नाम मुउखमे आने के लिये सात जन्म का पुन्य लगता है, जय जय राम कृष्ण हरी 🚩🚩🚩🙏🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
मै धन्यवाद करता हु इस ईश्वर का हम वो पिढी मे जन्मे है ऐसे महानग्यांनी सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी जैसे धर्मग्यांनी अध्यात्मक ग्यानी पाये हे. आज की पिढी टेक्नॉलॉजी और निकम्मे पण से गुजर रही है ऐसे परिस्थिती मे अगर इस विषय पर धार्मिक विषय पर ध्यान देतो बहुत बदलाव आ सकते है 🙏🙏
अद्भुत ज्ञान के सागर है आप... ऐसे ज्ञान के सागर जिस पार्टी में है । उसे वोट देने में जरा भी किंतु परंतु मन में नहीं होता क्योंकी ऐसे विचारोवाली पार्टी यदी इस देश को चलाए तो हम अपने खोए हुए संस्कृती आैर अतुलनिय धर्म को दोबारा पुण:स्थापित कर सकते है । सुधांशु जी धन्य है वह माता पिता जिन्होंने आप पर यह संस्कार देकर देश के लिए एक नायाब हिरा दिया... सारे युवा ज्यादा से ज्यादा आप को सुनते है । जो एकबार आप को सुन ले वह फिर से बारंबार आप को सुनने कि कोशिश करता है । आप को बार बार प्रणाम.... जय हिंद ...
Sir aap akele hain. Really, aap jaisa koi nahi. Aap insan nhi aap institution hain. Aap galaxy hain. Sir agar mere kismat me ye tha ki mai aapko sun raha hu to Mai bhagwan ko bolta hu, bahat bahat dhanyawad, Mera jeevan safal ho gaya. Hindu tan man , Hindu jeevan. Thank you so much sir for giving all of us an opportunity to study the real meaning of life. This life is worthy because of you sir. A big salute to you sir. Aapko koti koti pranam🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Sudhanshu Ji,aur acharya Prashant ji,aap tho Gyan ke bhandar ho . M tho apko Puri jindgi sunna chahunga. Apke baato se hi m kalyug m rehkar satyug dekh paata hu . dhanyavaad guru ji🙏🙏🙏
Damm sir you are so good educated hindutva philosopher...after this session I realised no body understands Hindutva better than you....we need more people like you.
धन्य हो, जय हो ! वह भई वाह! अदभुत ज्ञान, अपरिमित व्याख्या.. कुछ सिद्ध महापुरुष ही इस तरह का ज्ञान रखते हैं .... अनेकों धन्यवाद सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी ! 🙏🙏🙏
अद्भुत!!🙌🏻🙌🏻 सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी जिस सरलता से बातों को समझाते हैं, वह बिल्कुल मन और दिमाग में अच्छे से बैठ जाता है। यह कार्यक्रम बहुत ही अच्छा, ज्ञान से भरपूर था!🙌🏻❤️ बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी, आप इसी प्रकार हम सब का मार्गदर्शन सदा करते रहिए!😇🙏🏻❤️🇮🇳🕉️🚩
अद्भुत, अप्रतिम श्रीमान सुधांशु जी, नमन है आपको और आपके माता पिता को जिन्होंने आप जैसे अनमोल रत्न को जन्म दिया। में हृदय से आभार व्यक्त करता हूं, आप स्वस्थ, रहे, मस्त रहे और आप ऐसे ही निरंतर हमारी संस्कृति, धर्म की सटीक व शुद्ध शिक्षा देकर मार्गदर्शन करे ।
Jindgi m pahli bar aankhe apne liye khuli h or apne itihas ki jankari ki or lotne ka mn kiya h is devrupi insan ko nmn karne ka mn karta h tq sudhanshu trivedi ji❤❤❤❤
शत शत प्रणाम ।आपके आधात्म कथा कोसुनाने से हीं बहुत कुछ प्राप्त हो जाता है ।मुझ जैसे मूढ़ एवम ज्ञानहीन के लिए आप के शब्द अमृत बूंद हैं ।कृपया u tube ke के मध्यम से ऐसे हीं कृपा करते रहें ।
One of the finest and refined Indian who is not just proud of our traditions but also knows how to present it very logically and scientifially. This education is much needed in every Indian home and schools ! Thank you so much Sir for helping all of us appreciate our culture and heritage logically as well. Looking forward for many such videos !
🙏 it's so difficult for the new generation to know all this from the elders because no one has this depth and knowledge about Hinduism. But listening to Sudhanshu Trivedi ji clears so many doubts and questions 🙏 thank you so much for this knowledge
कोई जानता है कि मोदक का आकार नीचे गोल ऊपर नोक कियू है अगर नहीं पता तो आज जानते = नीचे का गोल आकार ब्रह्माण्ड,अंतरिक्ष, चर - चराचार जीव जन्तु, etc... और ऊपर की नोक प्रभु का सिंहासन जहां से वो समस्त संसार, विश्व को चलाते और देखते है।
Can anyone gives relation between current and God ?? If not then come on I will tell you with the help of God Ganesha his physical form and his name... Let's start!! First we go on his name meaning Ganesh which means ("Gan"= groups, together/ things reside in that area and " Esh"= God) How current produce when electron flow from one atoms to another cause current.. When each atoms groups together to form shape which helps electrons to jump from one atom to another atom. His large stomach provide spaces, universe and area to stay each individual things. The area provide inside the atom ⚛️ (which consists Electrons,Protons,Neutron ) related to large stomach of Ganesha. His trunk( सूँढ ) in normal form comes upto his stomach (and his stomach provide spaces,area inside the atoms which consists e,p,n) trunk provide force and energy to move electron inside the atoms. When electron moves forward direction and his (energy flow backward direction to maintain the flow of electron to the forward direction ) His flow energy direction gives current direction. This energy cause the current . Hence I give you the perfect relation between current and God. Now tells ...
Hello everyone i am going to write about what his physical form and body parts represent of GOD GANESH (ganuu) ,what I think 🤔 about ganuu. ...Any body knows what bappa(ganuu) represent and his body parts and figure and his name what represent which is exactly prove of science. 1... Relation between big bang theory and God Ganesha.... बिग बैंग सिद्धान्त के अनुसार लगभग १३.७ अरब वर्ष पूर्व(13.7 Billion year ago) ब्रह्मांड सिमटा हुआ था। इसमें हुए एक विस्फोट के कारण इसमें सिमटा हर एक कण फैलता गया जिसके फलस्वरूप ब्रह्मांड की रचना हुई। यह विस्तार आज भी जारी है जिसके चलते ब्रह्मांड आज भी फैल रहा है। इस धमाके में अत्यधिक ऊर्जा का उत्सजर्न हुआ। गणेश भगवान के पेट में space (अंतरिक्ष) है और जो नाभि अंदर की और है वो गोल ब्रह्मांड (universe) था जो एक जगह पर केंद्रित या सिमटा हुआ था, और जो विस्फोट हुआ वो sound Om होगी जो गणेश तत्व का ही एक रूप है. जय गणेश tatva In English ( the big bang theory that the universe began as just a single point, then expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now-and it is still stretching! universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature. Around 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter in the Universe emerged from a single, minute point, or singularity, in a violent burst. This expanded at an astonishingly high rate and temperature, doubling in size every 10-34 seconds, creating space as it rapidly inflated. Now about GANESHA ( ganuu) physical form which same as big bang theory : His large stomach represent the contain endless space 🌌🚀 in which intial there no single point of light in this space there is only darkness and his Navel or hub( नाभी) represent contain whole universe at single point which has high density and high temperature after time passes this single point moved inside towards his stomach means towards space 🌌🚀 and cause explosion and then expand in his endless space and during explosion there was released sound which contain two different sound waves first is OM and second is GAM both are universal sound of universe. Physical form of GANESHA (ganuu) is same as OM and GAM is his own one word Mantra. The Mantra "GAM" is the source of all vibrational energy, frequency,force in the universe.... You feel vibration in your mind when you constantly Chat Gam Mantra with लय जैसे om को constantly करते हैं उसी प्रकार Gam Mantra ko करे आप का mind relax होगा but perfect voice and perfect mind set. When you say OM than on your nose breath feel that your body move upward means your soul moved towards the upper realms,, And when you say GAM than on your nose breath feel that your body move downward means when your soul moved towards the upper realms than your soul come to your body which is according to law of cycle of universe So when you meditate then you have chat first OM than GAM which gives you complete benifits otherwise you will done only half of the way of cycle of law which gives you half benifits not complete. 2. His large EARS represent that God always listen your prayers 🙏 eg when the health of patient is very critical or danger then even Doctor say that now only may God saves you. 3. On his forehead there is a symbol of trishul contain three line which represent past , present, Future which resides on his head means complete control also God creates and destroy it's. 4. His broken tooth represent sacrifices and hard work only hard worker people lives in this world and his one complete tooth represent God is one in this whole universe.. 5. His trunk represent holder of everything and anything in this Universe and also this trunk symbol of variable state of GOD. 6. His large HEAD represent that God contain whole or all types of knowledge.. 7. His four hand represent four directions East West North South and his power expand whole also his ten hand represent ten directions 8. His small eyes represent God see micro to macro. 9. His right eye represent +ve energy ,left eye represent -ve energy and his downward line of trishul on his forehead represent neutral energy. 10. The snake wrap around his large belly represent active form of all energy inside the universe. 11. Ganesh गणेश या गणपति शब्द represent: that he is the God of micro level to macro level. Micro means those things which we are not able to see and macro means which we can see. (Gan+ esh) गण + ईश=( Gan)गण ( means group, together or things reside in that area) and (esh) ईश ( means प्रभु God) Micro level to Macro level: atoms combine form molecules, molecules combine form particles and compound, compound combine form components, components , compound combine form body , solutions ,body combine form bodies , bodies combine form particular shape and planets , planets make solar system,solar system make milky way,milky way make galaxy,a galaxy mak cosmic, cosmic make universe, universe make multiverse and so on. Ganesh is lord of energies,powers, living and non living beings,those things which not exist, gods and goddesses, planets,time, space अंतरिक्ष,five elements,trees, mountains,ocean, universe,multiuniverse etc. जब आप mutiuniverses को बाहर देखे गए तब आप को मुनि मुनि dots together दिखाई देगे ऐसा लगे गा के वो सब group में हो और collapse कर रहे हो । जय गजानन jai gajanan
बहुत सुंदर और सरलता से इतनी गहरी विषय पर आलोक पात किया श्री सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी ने कि बहुत अच्छा लगा । ऐसे व्यक्ति को सामने आकर हमारे सनातन संस्कृति को बचाने में कार्य करने चाहिए । मैं श्री सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी को बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद देता हूं । जय श्री राम !
Sudhanshu trivedi is a diamond of BJP...he deserves more respectable post in bjp in the field of media,mass communication,it cell department of BJP....his great deep authentic refferal knowledge attract me more to listen him without boring a single second...💗🙏
अतुलनीय वक्ता, अद्भूत ज्ञानी, हर एक शब्द को तर्कसंगत प्रस्तुत करना, बहुमुखी प्रतिभा के धनी व्यक्तित्व, माननीय श्री सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी आप ऐसे ही ज्ञान रूपी गंगा को प्रवाहित करते रहे!
Jai shree ram!!
Woh sab toh thik hai lekin pehle yeh btao ki itni achi hindi kaha se sikhi hai aapne??
Jai hind!!
Jai Bharat Jai Bharat Sarkar
@@AagazDaily शब्दकोश होना चाहिए लिखना बड़ी बात नहीं है!
@@AagazDaily 😂😂😂arey bhai.. 🙏
@@AagazDaily drivedi ji se🤣😝😝
हम तो बचपन से स्वामी विवेकानंद जी को सुनते आए हैं लेकीन कभी साक्षात दर्शन नहीं हुए आपको सुनकर ये मनसा भी पूर्ण हुई
इन ब्राह्मणों के चक्कर में मत पड़ो, ये सब एक नम्बर के धूर्त हैं, हिन्दू धर्म के बारे में जानना है तो बाबा साहेब अम्बेडकर को पढ़ो उन्होंने ने इनकी पोल खोल कर रख दी है। ये सब दलितों पिछड़ों को फिर से गुलाम बनाना चाहते हैं, गीता में श्रीकृष्ण दलितों पिछड़ों को नीच घोषित करता है,इस पर ये बाभन कुछ नहीं बोलेंगे।
shi kha bhai.
Rahen de bhai... Kisi ko bhi kisi se compare mat kar
@@iamanindian5728 vo sahi bol Raha he
मेरा विश्वास है,यदि आप पढे लिखे तार्किक है तो आचार्य प्रशांत को सुनें,यदि वास्तविक भक्ति और वेदांत का ज्ञान चाहते हैं तो श्री हित राधा कृपा चैनल में एकान्तिक या प्रवचन सुनें 🙏🙏
जय श्री राम ऐसे ब्रह्मण ज्ञानी वक्ता को मैं प्रणाम करता हूं आने वाले पीढ़ी में ऐसे वक्त पूरे भारत में लाखों में हो ऐसी कामनाएं करता हूं संसद में सबसे विद्वान तर्कसंगत वक्तव्य देने वाले ऐसे वक्त को मस्तक प्रणामकरता हूं
शत शत नमन ऐसे माता पिता को जिनका पुत्र सुधांशु जैसा हो।
*For rational spiritual knowledge Read Bhagvat Gita 🙏 (700 verses) spoken by God himself. Also Read Bhagvat Mahapuran 🙏 (18000 verses in 12 Cantos) Scripture par excellence.*
@@अल्लाह72हूरोंकादल्ला-न8ण ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
@@अल्लाह72हूरोंकादल्ला-न8ण❤❤एक केए❤ए ए❤❤❤
वर्तमान राजनीति में सुधांशु जी जैसा विद्वान कोई नही 🙏
@@madhavpratapsingh8274 तो कांग्रेस, आप , सपा जैसे भ्रष्ट, हिन्दू विरोधी , जिहाद परस्त पार्टी जॉइन करते क्या भैया ? 🤔😂
@@madhavpratapsingh8274 कमाल हो भैया , समाज की मुख्य धारा से जोड़ने को देश मे स्कॉलरशिप जैसी व्यवस्था है, उसका लाभ देने की तुलना तुम , कांग्रेस, सपा , आप के कुकर्मो से कर रहे ? वह कांग्रेस जो केरल में होली के गस्तेड हॉलिडे को स्पेशल सत्र बुला आतंकी की FIR वापस ले उसे बचाने का कुत्सित प्रयास करे, बाद में वही आतंकी कोर्ट से फांसी की सज़ा पाया ? वह सपा जिसके अखिलेश ने कचहरी बम ब्लास्ट के आरोपियों के ऊपर से FIR वापस ले ली बाद में कोर्ट से फटकार सुनी और वही आतंकी कोर्ट से फांसी की सज़ा पाए ? केजरीवाल , जिसने खुल कर jnu में भारत विरोधी आंदोलन करने वालो से लेकर शाहीनबाग तक तक मे जिहादियो का खुल कर समर्थन किया , अमानतुल्ला और ताहिर हुसेन जैसे जिहादियो को खुलेआम समर्थन देते हुए अपनी पार्टी में बरकरार रखा, इन कुकृत्य की तुलना , भाजपा के स्कॉलरशिप प्रोग्राम से कर रहे, मतलब दंडवत है आपकी बुद्धि और उसी सोचने समझने की क्षमता को 🙏😂
@@madhavpratapsingh8274 मतलब भाजपा आईएएस बना रही उसकी तुलना कांग्रेस आप के जिहादी बनाने से कर रहे ? हद्द है, और यह योजनाएं एक सम्प्रदाय के लिए ही नही हो रही सबके लिए सुचारू है, इसी सरकार में पहली बार ओबीसी आयोग का गठन हुआ , दलित उद्धार से जुड़ी अनेक योजनाओं का शुभारंम्भ भी हुआ,और एक मिनट को मान भी भाजपा बहुत गलत निर्णय ले रही , तो उसके निर्णय क्या कांग्रेस, आप , सपा के निर्णय से ज्यादा गलत है ? भाजपा का निर्णय ऐसा नही जो जिहादी तत्वों को प्रश्रय देता हो, पूरे देश मे जिहादी तत्वों पर जितनी कठोर कार्यवाही भाजपा कर रही आज तक नही हुआ, कश्मीर से लेकर बाकी देश मे जिन जिहादियो को सरकारी दामाद बना कर रखा गया था, आज जान बचाये घूम रहे
@@madhavpratapsingh8274 to kya congress chunte
जाने. दो ना.. यार.. ये
पप्पू का. आदमी है..?.😢
*🙏🕉️🙏 सत्य सनातन वैदिक धर्म की जय🙏🕉️🙏💯%✅ तथ्यात्मक सत्य🙏 🚩जय माँ भारती 🚩👌👌👌*
🙏 जयतु आर्यावर्तम् 🚩 जयतु संस्कृतम् 🕉️ जयतु वेदम्📚 जयतु गुरुकुलम्📖🙏
"वेदों एवं ऋषि संहिताओ की ओर लौटो" 🙏
🇮🇳भारत🚩 माता की जय🙏
🙏आदरणीय सुधांशु जी आपके दूरदर्शिता विलक्षण दृष्टिकोण उत्कृष्ठ विचार साहसी व्यक्तित्व को कोटि कोटि नमन 🙏🙏🙏🕉️🙏
प्रखर राष्ट्रवादी वक्ता , विद्वान और शालीनता से भरपूर सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी को दंडवत प्रणाम 🙏🙏
अधुरा ज्ञानी
@@madhukardhage592 tumhare pas utna b nhi h😂😂
@@madhukardhage592 tu dhage nahi dogla hai .
मैं माननीय सुधांशु जी के वीडियो अपने बच्चों से शेयर करती हूं . मुझे खुशी है कि वो आपसे प्रभावित है आपका ज्ञान अद्भुत है 🙏
Bhagvan apko khush rakhe pranam karta hu
इतना महान है हमारी संस्कृति जिसकी कल्पना भी आज के लोग नहीं कर सकते परन्तु मेरा एक अनुरोध है कि अब तो जानिए इसके बारे में और अपने बच्चों को भी पढ़ाए हमारी धार्मिक किताबे क्यों की ये हमारी जिमेदारी हैं की हमरी संस्कृति की ज्ञान उन्हें विरासात में दे
मुझे याद है मैंने आपको शायद 3 या 4 साल पहले सुनना शुरू किया था । और तब से लेकर आज तक में आपको सुन रहा हूँ । और आज जब आपको सुना तो मुझे यह कहने में कोई शंका नहीं है कि असीमित ज्ञान के भंडार है आप । एक ईश्वरीय गुण है आपमें और आपको में अपना गुरु मानता हूँ । 🙏🙏🙏
प्रोफेसर साब का दिल से आभार आपके ज्ञान का प्रसार अपने अगली पीढ़ी के साथ कर्ता रहता हूं साधुवाद👏👏🎉🎉
Hats off to mananeeya Trivediji.Aapne jo dnyan diye hai wo unparalleled hai.Kash hindutwa Aur hindu kya hota hai wo pappu samazeta to kitna achha hota.Shri Sudhanshuji aap ko bagawan dheergayu de aur hum jaise ko sachi dnyan de yeti bhagwan se bhakti poorvak prarthana hai.
janata kitna achha hota
Hame ese hi logo ki jarurat h
आज के युग के विवेकानंद है आपके चरणो में कोटि-कोटि नमन
*For rational spiritual knowledge Read Bhagvat Gita 🙏 (700 verses) spoken by God himself. Also Read Bhagvat Mahapuran 🙏 (18000 verses in 12 Cantos) Scripture par excellence.*
Jai Shree Ram 🚩 BJP Sarkar 🚩
❤ Modi Modi ❤️
बिलकुल सही बोला भैया ❤❤
साधे पोशाखमे ज्ञानयोगी कर्मयोगी 🙏🙏🙏
भरती माँ का सपुत 🙏🙏🙏
इस ज्ञान ने तो मेरी नींद ही उड़ा दी है l रौंगटे खड़े कर देने वाला ज्ञान है भारत का l
Manoj kaisa h bhai
उपनिषद् पढ़ोगे आँख फटी रह जायेंगी,सिर घूमने लगेगा,जमीन खिसक जायेगी,ब्रेन हेमरेज होते होते बचेगा पढ़ो तो सही
@@till2035 *Bhagvat Gita is the crown jewel of all Upnishads. For rational spiritual knowledge Read Bhagvat Gita 🙏 (700 verses) spoken by God himself. Also Read Bhagvat Mahapuran 🙏 (18000 verses in 12 Cantos) Scripture par excellence.*
*For rational spiritual knowledge Read Bhagvat Gita 🙏 (700 verses) spoken by God himself. Also Read Bhagvat Mahapuran 🙏 (18000 verses in 12 Cantos) Scripture par excellence.*
jai shree ram , jai satya sanatan sankruti ki
शुंधान्सुजी का ज्ञान भंडार तो अदभुत हे ये तो पुरा सनातन अपने ज्ञान का खदानें मे रखे हे गुरुदेव हे प्रणाम
Jai Shree Ram 🚩🙏🇮🇳🚩
इतना ज्ञान, ऐसा कोई क्षेत्र नही जिसमें आपको ज्ञान ना हो ऐसे ज्ञानी गुरु मेरा सत् सत् नमन 🙏
अद्भुत ज्ञान कोष के स्वामी। धन्यवाद श्रीमान्।
सिर्फ नमस्कार करने योग्य है शुधांशू जी 🙏🌹
Trivedi ji ko bharat ko bhut jada jarurat hai,
हिंदुओ को सबसे बड़ी धरोहर है आदरणीय सुंधासु जी
देश के इतने ज्ञानी, विद्वान, लोग
अंधेरे मे छटपटा रहे थे, लेकिन 2014 के बाद ये सामने आये तब
देखकर ह्दय गदगद हो गया, श्रीमान सुधांशु, मनोज मूंतसिर,
और पूषपेनद्र कुलश्रेष्ठ ,योगी,
विश्व शर्मा, सब को प्रणाम।
sabit patra
महाज्ञानी,सर्वज्ञानी डा.सुधासु जी आपके शैक्षिक, बैज्ञानिक,वैदिक,राजनीतिक,भाषाई तर्किक यैतिहासिक ज्ञान को कोटि-कोटि नमन।
महाज्ञानी,सवॅज्ञानी डॉ सुधाऺ॑नशुजी आपके हर तरह के,हर विषयके ज्ञान के हम कायल हैं ।आपको ओर आपके ज्ञान भंडार को कोटी,कोटी हमारा साष्टांग दंडवत प्रणाम स्विकार किजीऐ।
धन्य हे आपकी जननी को.... शत शत नमन
श्री सुधांशु जी सादर प्रणाम | आपका अभ्यास करणे से आप ज्ञान के भंडार बने हैं। बहुत वर्षोंसे मेरे मन में एक प्रश्न निर्माण हुॅंआ हैं की भगवान शंकर जी और माता पार्वती जी के विवाह के पच्छात श्री गणेश जी का जन्म हुआ हैं। हिंदू धर्म संस्कार के अनुसार भगवान शंकर जी और माता पार्वती जी के विवाह के प्रारंभ में श्री गणेश जी की पूजा तो कि होगी? कृपया इस ज्ञान के तुषार बुंद से मेरी जिज्ञासा रूपी तृष्णा को तृप्त किजिएं। आपके सागररुपी ज्ञान का जिज्ञासू। नमस्कार गुरूवर्य।ॐनम: शिवाय।
भारत माता का राष्ट्रवीर पुत्र सुधांशु त्रिवेदी को नमन। जय हो
21 वी शताब्दी के आचार्य चाणक्य को मेरा शत-शत नमन 🙏🏻
Can anyone gives relation between current and God ??
If not then come on I will tell you with the help of God Ganesha his
physical form and his name...
Let's start!!
First we go on his name meaning Ganesh which means ("Gan"= groups, together/ things reside in that area and " Esh"= God)
How current produce when electron flow from one atoms to another cause current..
When each atoms groups together to form shape which helps electrons to jump from one atom to another atom.
His large stomach provide spaces, universe and area to stay each individual things.
The area provide inside the atom ⚛️ (which consists Electrons,Protons,Neutron ) related to large stomach of Ganesha.
His trunk( सूँढ ) in normal form comes upto his stomach (and his stomach provide spaces,area inside the atoms which consists e,p,n) trunk provide force and energy to move electron inside the atoms.
When electron moves forward direction and his (energy flow backward direction to maintain the flow of electron to the forward direction )
His flow energy direction gives current direction.
This energy cause the current .
Hence I give you the perfect relation between current and God.
Now tells ...
कोई जानता है कि मोदक का आकार नीचे गोल ऊपर नोक कियू है अगर नहीं पता तो आज जानते = नीचे का गोल आकार ब्रह्माण्ड,अंतरिक्ष, चर - चराचार जीव जन्तु, etc... और ऊपर की नोक प्रभु का सिंहासन जहां से वो समस्त संसार, विश्व को चलाते और देखते है।
Hello everyone i am going to write about what his physical form and body parts represent of GOD GANESH (ganuu) ,what I think 🤔 about ganuu.
...Any body knows what bappa(ganuu) represent and his body parts and figure and his name what represent which is exactly prove of science.
1... Relation between big bang theory and God Ganesha.... बिग बैंग सिद्धान्त के अनुसार लगभग १३.७ अरब वर्ष पूर्व(13.7 Billion year ago) ब्रह्मांड सिमटा हुआ था। इसमें हुए एक विस्फोट के कारण इसमें सिमटा हर एक कण फैलता गया जिसके फलस्वरूप ब्रह्मांड की रचना हुई। यह विस्तार आज भी जारी है जिसके चलते ब्रह्मांड आज भी फैल रहा है। इस धमाके में अत्यधिक ऊर्जा का उत्सजर्न हुआ।
गणेश भगवान के पेट में space (अंतरिक्ष) है और जो नाभि अंदर की और है वो गोल ब्रह्मांड (universe) था जो एक जगह पर केंद्रित या सिमटा हुआ था, और जो विस्फोट हुआ वो sound Om होगी जो गणेश तत्व का ही एक रूप है.
जय गणेश tatva
In English ( the big bang theory that the universe began as just a single point, then expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now-and it is still stretching! universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature. Around 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter in the Universe emerged from a single, minute point, or singularity, in a violent burst. This expanded at an astonishingly high rate and temperature, doubling in size every 10-34 seconds, creating space as it rapidly inflated.
Now about GANESHA ( ganuu) physical form which same as big bang theory :
His large stomach represent the contain endless space 🌌🚀 in which intial there no single point of light in this space there is only darkness and his Navel or hub( नाभी) represent contain whole universe at single point which has high density and high temperature after time passes this single point moved inside towards his stomach means towards space 🌌🚀 and cause explosion and then expand in his endless space and during explosion there was released sound which contain two different sound waves first is OM and second is GAM both are universal sound of universe.
Physical form of GANESHA (ganuu) is same as OM and GAM is his own one word Mantra.
The Mantra "GAM" is the source of all vibrational energy, frequency,force in the universe....
You feel vibration in your mind when you constantly Chat Gam Mantra with लय जैसे om को constantly करते हैं उसी प्रकार Gam Mantra ko करे आप का mind relax होगा but perfect voice and perfect mind set.
When you say OM than on your nose breath feel that your body move upward means your soul moved towards the upper realms,,
And when you say GAM than on your nose breath feel that your body move downward means when your soul moved towards the upper realms than your soul come to your body which is according to law of cycle of universe
So when you meditate then you have chat first OM than GAM which gives you complete benifits otherwise you will done only half of the way of cycle of law which gives you half benifits not complete.
2. His large EARS represent that God always listen your prayers 🙏 eg when the health of patient is very critical or danger then even Doctor say that now only may God saves you.
3. On his forehead there is a symbol of trishul contain three line which represent past , present, Future which resides on his head means complete control also God creates and destroy it's.
4. His broken tooth represent sacrifices and hard work only hard worker people lives in this world
and his one complete tooth represent God is one in this whole universe..
5. His trunk represent holder of everything and anything in this Universe and also this trunk symbol of variable state of GOD.
6. His large HEAD represent that God contain whole or all types of knowledge..
7. His four hand represent four directions East West North South and his power expand whole also his ten hand represent ten directions
8. His small eyes represent God see micro to macro.
9. His right eye represent +ve energy ,left eye represent -ve energy and his downward line of trishul on his forehead represent neutral energy.
10. The snake wrap around his large belly represent active form of all energy inside the universe.
11. Ganesh गणेश या गणपति शब्द represent: that he is the God of micro level to macro level.
Micro means those things which we are not able to see and macro means which we can see.
(Gan+ esh) गण + ईश=( Gan)गण ( means group, together or things reside in that area) and (esh) ईश ( means प्रभु God)
Micro level to Macro level: atoms combine form molecules, molecules combine form particles and compound, compound combine form components, components , compound combine form body , solutions ,body combine form bodies , bodies combine form particular shape and planets , planets make solar system,solar system make milky way,milky way make galaxy,a galaxy mak cosmic, cosmic make universe, universe make multiverse and so on.
Ganesh is lord of energies,powers, living and non living beings,those things which not exist, gods and goddesses, planets,time, space अंतरिक्ष,five elements,trees, mountains,ocean, universe,multiuniverse etc.
जब आप mutiuniverses को बाहर देखे गए तब आप को मुनि मुनि dots together दिखाई देगे ऐसा लगे गा के वो सब group में हो और collapse कर रहे हो ।
जय गजानन jai gajanan
जब से मैंने आपको सुनना समझना शुरू किया हैं। मुझे ये कहने में कोई शंका नहीं हैं। की आप जैसी समझ शायद ही किसी और के पास होगा। अगर होगा भी तो। शायद आपकी तरह उसको व्यक्त करने में असमर्थ होगा।
Gyandan aapka dharm bangaya hai. Prabhu aap ko dirghjibi karen
कोई जानता है कि मोदक का आकार नीचे गोल ऊपर नोक कियू है अगर नहीं पता तो आज जानते = नीचे का गोल आकार ब्रह्माण्ड,अंतरिक्ष, चर - चराचार जीव जन्तु, etc... और ऊपर की नोक प्रभु का सिंहासन जहां से वो समस्त संसार, विश्व को चलाते और देखते है।
Hello everyone i am going to write about what his physical form and body parts represent of GOD GANESH (ganuu) ,what I think 🤔 about ganuu.
...Any body knows what bappa(ganuu) represent and his body parts and figure and his name what represent which is exactly prove of science.
1... Relation between big bang theory and God Ganesha.... बिग बैंग सिद्धान्त के अनुसार लगभग १३.७ अरब वर्ष पूर्व(13.7 Billion year ago) ब्रह्मांड सिमटा हुआ था। इसमें हुए एक विस्फोट के कारण इसमें सिमटा हर एक कण फैलता गया जिसके फलस्वरूप ब्रह्मांड की रचना हुई। यह विस्तार आज भी जारी है जिसके चलते ब्रह्मांड आज भी फैल रहा है। इस धमाके में अत्यधिक ऊर्जा का उत्सजर्न हुआ।
गणेश भगवान के पेट में space (अंतरिक्ष) है और जो नाभि अंदर की और है वो गोल ब्रह्मांड (universe) था जो एक जगह पर केंद्रित या सिमटा हुआ था, और जो विस्फोट हुआ वो sound Om होगी जो गणेश तत्व का ही एक रूप है.
जय गणेश tatva
In English ( the big bang theory that the universe began as just a single point, then expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now-and it is still stretching! universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature. Around 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter in the Universe emerged from a single, minute point, or singularity, in a violent burst. This expanded at an astonishingly high rate and temperature, doubling in size every 10-34 seconds, creating space as it rapidly inflated.
Now about GANESHA ( ganuu) physical form which same as big bang theory :
His large stomach represent the contain endless space 🌌🚀 in which intial there no single point of light in this space there is only darkness and his Navel or hub( नाभी) represent contain whole universe at single point which has high density and high temperature after time passes this single point moved inside towards his stomach means towards space 🌌🚀 and cause explosion and then expand in his endless space and during explosion there was released sound which contain two different sound waves first is OM and second is GAM both are universal sound of universe.
Physical form of GANESHA (ganuu) is same as OM and GAM is his own one word Mantra.
The Mantra "GAM" is the source of all vibrational energy, frequency,force in the universe....
You feel vibration in your mind when you constantly Chat Gam Mantra with लय जैसे om को constantly करते हैं उसी प्रकार Gam Mantra ko करे आप का mind relax होगा but perfect voice and perfect mind set.
When you say OM than on your nose breath feel that your body move upward means your soul moved towards the upper realms,,
And when you say GAM than on your nose breath feel that your body move downward means when your soul moved towards the upper realms than your soul come to your body which is according to law of cycle of universe
So when you meditate then you have chat first OM than GAM which gives you complete benifits otherwise you will done only half of the way of cycle of law which gives you half benifits not complete.
2. His large EARS represent that God always listen your prayers 🙏 eg when the health of patient is very critical or danger then even Doctor say that now only may God saves you.
3. On his forehead there is a symbol of trishul contain three line which represent past , present, Future which resides on his head means complete control also God creates and destroy it's.
4. His broken tooth represent sacrifices and hard work only hard worker people lives in this world
and his one complete tooth represent God is one in this whole universe..
5. His trunk represent holder of everything and anything in this Universe and also this trunk symbol of variable state of GOD.
6. His large HEAD represent that God contain whole or all types of knowledge..
7. His four hand represent four directions East West North South and his power expand whole also his ten hand represent ten directions
8. His small eyes represent God see micro to macro.
9. His right eye represent +ve energy ,left eye represent -ve energy and his downward line of trishul on his forehead represent neutral energy.
10. The snake wrap around his large belly represent active form of all energy inside the universe.
11. Ganesh गणेश या गणपति शब्द represent: that he is the God of micro level to macro level.
Micro means those things which we are not able to see and macro means which we can see.
(Gan+ esh) गण + ईश=( Gan)गण ( means group, together or things reside in that area) and (esh) ईश ( means प्रभु God)
Micro level to Macro level: atoms combine form molecules, molecules combine form particles and compound, compound combine form components, components , compound combine form body , solutions ,body combine form bodies , bodies combine form particular shape and planets , planets make solar system,solar system make milky way,milky way make galaxy,a galaxy mak cosmic, cosmic make universe, universe make multiverse and so on.
Ganesh is lord of energies,powers, living and non living beings,those things which not exist, gods and goddesses, planets,time, space अंतरिक्ष,five elements,trees, mountains,ocean, universe,multiuniverse etc.
जब आप mutiuniverses को बाहर देखे गए तब आप को मुनि मुनि dots together दिखाई देगे ऐसा लगे गा के वो सब group में हो और collapse कर रहे हो ।
जय गजानन jai gajanan
Can anyone gives relation between current and God ??
If not then come on I will tell you with the help of God Ganesha his
physical form and his name...
Let's start!!
First we go on his name meaning Ganesh which means ("Gan"= groups, together/ things reside in that area and " Esh"= God)
How current produce when electron flow from one atoms to another cause current..
When each atoms groups together to form shape which helps electrons to jump from one atom to another atom.
His large stomach provide spaces, universe and area to stay each individual things.
The area provide inside the atom ⚛️ (which consists Electrons,Protons,Neutron ) related to large stomach of Ganesha.
His trunk( सूँढ ) in normal form comes upto his stomach (and his stomach provide spaces,area inside the atoms which consists e,p,n) trunk provide force and energy to move electron inside the atoms.
When electron moves forward direction and his (energy flow backward direction to maintain the flow of electron to the forward direction )
His flow energy direction gives current direction.
This energy cause the current .
Hence I give you the perfect relation between current and God.
Now tells ...
Sudhanshu sir aap jaisa koi nahin. Dhanya hain vo ma baap jinhe aap jaisi santan mily. Aap ki prashansa ke liye mere pass shabd nahin hain.
श्रीमान जी अगर हो सके तो शनिवार रविवार अन्य सीरीज की तरह अगर सनातन संकृत्ति के बारे में एपिसोड बनाकर युवा पीढी को जागरूक
कर सके तो महान कृपा होगी 🙏🙏🙏
जरूर इंडिया टीवी को सनातन धर्म 🚩🕉️ पर वेप सीरीज कि सुरुवात करना चाहिए और देश भर के दुनियां के महान 🚩🧠🕉️सनातनी ज्ञानियों को महात्माओं को ब्रम्ह ज्ञान रखने वालों को स्टेडिओ मे बुलाना jana चाहिए और 🕉️सनातन को बताना चाहिए
आदरणीय सधांसुजी नमस्ते। आपका ज्ञान पराकाष्ठा पर हैं,आप प्रत्येक विषय पर शास्त्रार्थ करने के लिए सामर्थ्य रखते हैं।आप सभी देश भक्तों और सभी ॠषियों के प्रति एंव प्रत्येक ग्रन्थों की पूर्ण जानकारी रखते हैं।मैं आपके विचारों से सहमत रहता हूं। मोटे शब्दों में आपको बहुत पसन्द करता हूं।
आप महर्षि दयानन्द सरसवती के बारे में भी कुछ ज्ञान वर्धन कराएं। हमने देखा कि महर्षि दयानन्द ने स्वराज,राष्ट्र एवं वेदों की नारी उत्थान और दलितोद्धार का कार्य किया।
@@Realdesiblog qqaaaa
आपका सुझाव सर्वोत्तम है इनके फालोवर्स से अनुरोध है इस हेतु सभी सुधांशु जी से विनय करें ताकि भारत का भविष्य उज्जवल हो सके।
Human killing human recommended and followed by followers of based on one book followers muslim snd christian . No one born to stop or criticize them .
मान्यवर मैं आपको अपना गुरु मानता हूं क्योंकि जब भी मैं आप का कोई भी video देखता हूं तो मुझे कुछ नया सिखने को मिलता है चाहे वो मेरे देश के बारे में हो या फिर हिन्दू धर्म के बारे में और मैं इस सब ज्ञान की बातें बताने और हम लोगों को जागरूक करने के लिए आप को धन्यवाद कहता हूं और आप को प्रणाम करता हूं।
जय हो सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी की जय हो इनके ज्ञान की
ज्ञानी धर्म पुरुष आपके मुखारविंद से धार्मिक ज्ञान सुनने से कही युवा बच्चे जरूर अमल करेंगे सुधांशु जी के पास ज्ञान का अटूट भंडार है🙏🙏🙏
सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी को प्रणाम , अद्भुत जितनी तारीफ करूं कम है ।🙏🕉️🚩🇮🇳 भारत माता की जय 🚩 जय श्री राम 🚩🕉️
पूरे हिंदुओं को देश में मिलिटेंसी लानी पड़ेगी तभी देश की रक्षा की जा सकेगी - बालासाहेब ठाकरे !!!🕉️🚩
🔱,, हर हर महादेव।
सचमुच सुधांशु त्रिवेदी को सुनना अपने आप में बेहद सुखद है हर विषय पर इनकी जानकारी अतुलनीय हैं 🙏🏻😊
नतमस्तक हुए सुधांशु सर जी आप धन्य हो आप जैसे धर्म गुरु की जय हो
शानदार! त्रिवेदी साहब आप १०,००० वर्ष तक रहें। देश समाज को देने के लिये बहुत कुछ है आपके पास.../
Being a muslim, I adore you sir... I like the way you interpret your thoughts.. JAI HIND🇮🇳
Appreciated ❣️❣️
दरअसल तुम भी तो वो ही हो
जिसने उसको जिस रूप में देखा वो उसी धर्म का प्रचार कर गए ।
जिसे आप या हम मानते आरहे है भगवान बुद्ध ने बौद्ध धर्म का प्रचार किया
आदरणीया मोहम्मद जी उन्हें जिस रूप में देखा उन्होंने वैसा ही प्रचार किया
आप अपनी आत्मा को किस रूप में देखना चाहते हो
अगर आपने अपने ही रूप को देख लिया तो आप भी
वैसा ही प्रचार करेंगे
वो एक ही है
Thanks bhai
Thanks bhai
Jai Hind to sahi par islam Muradabad bol
Muhammad randibaaz tha ki nahi
Jai sri ram bol
Allah nballah chhod
अद्भुत व्यक्तित्व के धनी मां सरस्वती का आशीर्वाद है इनके पास
यह मनुष्य नहीं एक अवतार है परमात्मा का अवतार है माननीय महोदय मैं आपको दिल से हार्दिक-हार्दिक अभिनंदन करता आपको
Sudhanshu Ji is a best example of the great leader who is having vast knowledge in every aspect of life.
In future we want to see him as PM of our country.
इतना ज्ञान, ऐसे ज्ञानी गुरु जी को मेरा सत् सत् नमन।। जय श्री राम।।
असीमित ज्ञान के भंडार त्रिवेदी जी को मेरा प्रणाम🙏🙏🙏
कोई जानता है कि मोदक का आकार नीचे गोल ऊपर नोक कियू है अगर नहीं पता तो आज जानते = नीचे का गोल आकार ब्रह्माण्ड,अंतरिक्ष, चर - चराचार जीव जन्तु, etc... और ऊपर की नोक प्रभु का सिंहासन जहां से वो समस्त संसार, विश्व को चलाते और देखते है।
Hello everyone i am going to write about what his physical form and body parts represent of GOD GANESH (ganuu) ,what I think 🤔 about ganuu.
...Any body knows what bappa(ganuu) represent and his body parts and figure and his name what represent which is exactly prove of science.
1... Relation between big bang theory and God Ganesha.... बिग बैंग सिद्धान्त के अनुसार लगभग १३.७ अरब वर्ष पूर्व(13.7 Billion year ago) ब्रह्मांड सिमटा हुआ था। इसमें हुए एक विस्फोट के कारण इसमें सिमटा हर एक कण फैलता गया जिसके फलस्वरूप ब्रह्मांड की रचना हुई। यह विस्तार आज भी जारी है जिसके चलते ब्रह्मांड आज भी फैल रहा है। इस धमाके में अत्यधिक ऊर्जा का उत्सजर्न हुआ।
गणेश भगवान के पेट में space (अंतरिक्ष) है और जो नाभि अंदर की और है वो गोल ब्रह्मांड (universe) था जो एक जगह पर केंद्रित या सिमटा हुआ था, और जो विस्फोट हुआ वो sound Om होगी जो गणेश तत्व का ही एक रूप है.
जय गणेश tatva
In English ( the big bang theory that the universe began as just a single point, then expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now-and it is still stretching! universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature. Around 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter in the Universe emerged from a single, minute point, or singularity, in a violent burst. This expanded at an astonishingly high rate and temperature, doubling in size every 10-34 seconds, creating space as it rapidly inflated.
Now about GANESHA ( ganuu) physical form which same as big bang theory :
His large stomach represent the contain endless space 🌌🚀 in which intial there no single point of light in this space there is only darkness and his Navel or hub( नाभी) represent contain whole universe at single point which has high density and high temperature after time passes this single point moved inside towards his stomach means towards space 🌌🚀 and cause explosion and then expand in his endless space and during explosion there was released sound which contain two different sound waves first is OM and second is GAM both are universal sound of universe.
Physical form of GANESHA (ganuu) is same as OM and GAM is his own one word Mantra.
The Mantra "GAM" is the source of all vibrational energy, frequency,force in the universe....
You feel vibration in your mind when you constantly Chat Gam Mantra with लय जैसे om को constantly करते हैं उसी प्रकार Gam Mantra ko करे आप का mind relax होगा but perfect voice and perfect mind set.
When you say OM than on your nose breath feel that your body move upward means your soul moved towards the upper realms,,
And when you say GAM than on your nose breath feel that your body move downward means when your soul moved towards the upper realms than your soul come to your body which is according to law of cycle of universe
So when you meditate then you have chat first OM than GAM which gives you complete benifits otherwise you will done only half of the way of cycle of law which gives you half benifits not complete.
2. His large EARS represent that God always listen your prayers 🙏 eg when the health of patient is very critical or danger then even Doctor say that now only may God saves you.
3. On his forehead there is a symbol of trishul contain three line which represent past , present, Future which resides on his head means complete control also God creates and destroy it's.
4. His broken tooth represent sacrifices and hard work only hard worker people lives in this world
and his one complete tooth represent God is one in this whole universe..
5. His trunk represent holder of everything and anything in this Universe and also this trunk symbol of variable state of GOD.
6. His large HEAD represent that God contain whole or all types of knowledge..
7. His four hand represent four directions East West North South and his power expand whole also his ten hand represent ten directions
8. His small eyes represent God see micro to macro.
9. His right eye represent +ve energy ,left eye represent -ve energy and his downward line of trishul on his forehead represent neutral energy.
10. The snake wrap around his large belly represent active form of all energy inside the universe.
11. Ganesh गणेश या गणपति शब्द represent: that he is the God of micro level to macro level.
Micro means those things which we are not able to see and macro means which we can see.
(Gan+ esh) गण + ईश=( Gan)गण ( means group, together or things reside in that area) and (esh) ईश ( means प्रभु God)
Micro level to Macro level: atoms combine form molecules, molecules combine form particles and compound, compound combine form components, components , compound combine form body , solutions ,body combine form bodies , bodies combine form particular shape and planets , planets make solar system,solar system make milky way,milky way make galaxy,a galaxy mak cosmic, cosmic make universe, universe make multiverse and so on.
Ganesh is lord of energies,powers, living and non living beings,those things which not exist, gods and goddesses, planets,time, space अंतरिक्ष,five elements,trees, mountains,ocean, universe,multiuniverse etc.
जब आप mutiuniverses को बाहर देखे गए तब आप को मुनि मुनि dots together दिखाई देगे ऐसा लगे गा के वो सब group में हो और collapse कर रहे हो ।
जय गजानन jai gajanan
Can anyone gives relation between current and God ??
If not then come on I will tell you with the help of God Ganesha his
physical form and his name...
Let's start!!
First we go on his name meaning Ganesh which means ("Gan"= groups, together/ things reside in that area and " Esh"= God)
How current produce when electron flow from one atoms to another cause current..
When each atoms groups together to form shape which helps electrons to jump from one atom to another atom.
His large stomach provide spaces, universe and area to stay each individual things.
The area provide inside the atom ⚛️ (which consists Electrons,Protons,Neutron ) related to large stomach of Ganesha.
His trunk( सूँढ ) in normal form comes upto his stomach (and his stomach provide spaces,area inside the atoms which consists e,p,n) trunk provide force and energy to move electron inside the atoms.
When electron moves forward direction and his (energy flow backward direction to maintain the flow of electron to the forward direction )
His flow energy direction gives current direction.
This energy cause the current .
Hence I give you the perfect relation between current and God.
Now tells ...
यह भारतीय संस्कृति का,, सर्वश्रेष्ठ चलचित्रो में से एक,,
बहुत अच्छा डांस और डांसर है
Very Boutiful song 👍👍👍👍💎
आप हमेशा अपने ज्ञान से सराबोर कर देते है, बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद.
Jai Shree Ram 🚩🙏🇮🇳🚩
सुधांशु जी ने जो ज्ञान हिन्दू तत्व के बारे में जो ज्ञान दिया। सदाबहार रहेगा।
जयश्री राम।
आपके बातो से स्पष्ट होता है...संतुष्टी के साथ जीने के लिए सनातन धर्म आवश्यक है..आपने जो धर्म का ज्ञान दिया उसके लिए.. सुधांशुजी आपका हृदयसे धन्यवाद...शतशत प्रणाम🙏🏻
माननीय श्री सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी को साक्षात दंडवत प्रणाम श्री सुधांशु जी कृपालुजी महाराज के बाद दूसरे व्यक्ति है जो अपने मस्तिष्क में बिना पढ़े इतना सारा ज्ञान एकत्रित किए हुए हैं आपको कोटि-कोटि प्रणाम
Bahut sundar Sudhanshu ji ❤️
Aap mahan hai 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
बहुत दुख: होता है हमे कि हमे अपने धर्म का कोई ज्ञान ही नहीं 😩😭
Bilkul sahi kah rahe ho bhai
Gangubai dekhne valo ko gyan kaha se hoga
@@jaishreekrishna5378 gangubai kaun hai ?
@@kaurb6660 jaroor 🚩
Sahi bol rahe Ho
आप जैसी प्रतिभाओंके और विभूतिओंके कारण ही ये धरती संतुलित है... आप को शत् शत् नमन 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Jai Shree Ram 🚩🙏🇮🇳🚩
प्रभुजी ऐसे ज्ञानी व्यक्ति को सभी सुख शांति प्रदान करें और सरस्वती जी की कृपा बनी रहे।
Sir you should do 30 minutes videos daily so that coming generations will understand what sanatan dharma is. I don’t see any who can match with you in knowledge. Thanks sir 🙏 amazing speech. Really loved
Hello everyone i am going to write about what his physical form and body parts represent of GOD GANESH (ganuu) ,what I think 🤔 about ganuu.
...Any body knows what bappa(ganuu) represent and his body parts and figure and his name what represent which is exactly prove of science.
1... Relation between big bang theory and God Ganesha.... बिग बैंग सिद्धान्त के अनुसार लगभग १३.७ अरब वर्ष पूर्व(13.7 Billion year ago) ब्रह्मांड सिमटा हुआ था। इसमें हुए एक विस्फोट के कारण इसमें सिमटा हर एक कण फैलता गया जिसके फलस्वरूप ब्रह्मांड की रचना हुई। यह विस्तार आज भी जारी है जिसके चलते ब्रह्मांड आज भी फैल रहा है। इस धमाके में अत्यधिक ऊर्जा का उत्सजर्न हुआ।
गणेश भगवान के पेट में space (अंतरिक्ष) है और जो नाभि अंदर की और है वो गोल ब्रह्मांड (universe) था जो एक जगह पर केंद्रित या सिमटा हुआ था, और जो विस्फोट हुआ वो sound Om होगी जो गणेश तत्व का ही एक रूप है.
जय गणेश tatva
In English ( the big bang theory that the universe began as just a single point, then expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now-and it is still stretching! universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature. Around 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter in the Universe emerged from a single, minute point, or singularity, in a violent burst. This expanded at an astonishingly high rate and temperature, doubling in size every 10-34 seconds, creating space as it rapidly inflated.
Now about GANESHA ( ganuu) physical form which same as big bang theory :
His large stomach represent the contain endless space 🌌🚀 in which intial there no single point of light in this space there is only darkness and his Navel or hub( नाभी) represent contain whole universe at single point which has high density and high temperature after time passes this single point moved inside towards his stomach means towards space 🌌🚀 and cause explosion and then expand in his endless space and during explosion there was released sound which contain two different sound waves first is OM and second is GAM both are universal sound of universe.
Physical form of GANESHA (ganuu) is same as OM and GAM is his own one word Mantra.
The Mantra "GAM" is the source of all vibrational energy, frequency,force in the universe....
You feel vibration in your mind when you constantly Chat Gam Mantra with लय जैसे om को constantly करते हैं उसी प्रकार Gam Mantra ko करे आप का mind relax होगा but perfect voice and perfect mind set.
When you say OM than on your nose breath feel that your body move upward means your soul moved towards the upper realms,,
And when you say GAM than on your nose breath feel that your body move downward means when your soul moved towards the upper realms than your soul come to your body which is according to law of cycle of universe
So when you meditate then you have chat first OM than GAM which gives you complete benifits otherwise you will done only half of the way of cycle of law which gives you half benifits not complete.
2. His large EARS represent that God always listen your prayers 🙏 eg when the health of patient is very critical or danger then even Doctor say that now only may God saves you.
3. On his forehead there is a symbol of trishul contain three line which represent past , present, Future which resides on his head means complete control also God creates and destroy it's.
4. His broken tooth represent sacrifices and hard work only hard worker people lives in this world
and his one complete tooth represent God is one in this whole universe..
5. His trunk represent holder of everything and anything in this Universe and also this trunk symbol of variable state of GOD.
6. His large HEAD represent that God contain whole or all types of knowledge..
7. His four hand represent four directions East West North South and his power expand whole also his ten hand represent ten directions
8. His small eyes represent God see micro to macro.
9. His right eye represent +ve energy ,left eye represent -ve energy and his downward line of trishul on his forehead represent neutral energy.
10. The snake wrap around his large belly represent active form of all energy inside the universe.
11. Ganesh गणेश या गणपति शब्द represent: that he is the God of micro level to macro level.
Micro means those things which we are not able to see and macro means which we can see.
(Gan+ esh) गण + ईश=( Gan)गण ( means group, together or things reside in that area) and (esh) ईश ( means प्रभु God)
Micro level to Macro level: atoms combine form molecules, molecules combine form particles and compound, compound combine form components, components , compound combine form body , solutions ,body combine form bodies , bodies combine form particular shape and planets , planets make solar system,solar system make milky way,milky way make galaxy,a galaxy mak cosmic, cosmic make universe, universe make multiverse and so on.
Ganesh is lord of energies,powers, living and non living beings,those things which not exist, gods and goddesses, planets,time, space अंतरिक्ष,five elements,trees, mountains,ocean, universe,multiuniverse etc.
जब आप mutiuniverses को बाहर देखे गए तब आप को मुनि मुनि dots together दिखाई देगे ऐसा लगे गा के वो सब group में हो और collapse कर रहे हो ।
जय गजानन jai gajanan
Can anyone gives relation between current and God ??
If not then come on I will tell you with the help of God Ganesha his
physical form and his name...
Let's start!!
First we go on his name meaning Ganesh which means ("Gan"= groups, together/ things reside in that area and " Esh"= God)
How current produce when electron flow from one atoms to another cause current..
When each atoms groups together to form shape which helps electrons to jump from one atom to another atom.
His large stomach provide spaces, universe and area to stay each individual things.
The area provide inside the atom ⚛️ (which consists Electrons,Protons,Neutron ) related to large stomach of Ganesha.
His trunk( सूँढ ) in normal form comes upto his stomach (and his stomach provide spaces,area inside the atoms which consists e,p,n) trunk provide force and energy to move electron inside the atoms.
When electron moves forward direction and his (energy flow backward direction to maintain the flow of electron to the forward direction )
His flow energy direction gives current direction.
This energy cause the current .
Hence I give you the perfect relation between current and God.
Now tells ...
कोई जानता है कि मोदक का आकार नीचे गोल ऊपर नोक कियू है अगर नहीं पता तो आज जानते = नीचे का गोल आकार ब्रह्माण्ड,अंतरिक्ष, चर - चराचार जीव जन्तु, etc... और ऊपर की नोक प्रभु का सिंहासन जहां से वो समस्त संसार, विश्व को चलाते और देखते है।
मां जगदम्बा आपको दीर्घायु करे हिंदुओं को जाग्रत करने हेतु आपके अनंत ज्ञान को मेरा नमन🙏🚩
Very beuteyfull Very best vord
Sudhansu sir aap dhanya hai. I salute u.
Satya Sanatan Dharm ki Jay Ho.
में 2006 से आपको सुन रहा हूँ! मेरे लिए आप ईश्वर स्वरूप हो .आपको कोट कोटि वंदन!
सर आप मे अद्भुत ज्ञान के भंडार है आपकी हर वाक्य मे वाणी है आप को कोटि कोटि नमन है
Aap ke charno me koti-koti pranam...
हमें गर्व है की हमारे देश की राजनीति में आप जैसे विद्वान व्यक्तित्व हैं....आपको सुनकर अंतर्मन प्रफुल्लित हो जाता है.... ईश्वर की महान कृपा आप पर सदैव बनी रहे 🙏🙏🙂❤️💐
शब्द नहीं हैं सुधांशू भाई की तारीफ के लिए, जय हिन्द जय भारत 🙏
Jai Shree Ram 🚩 BJP Sarkar 🚩
Itna gyaan syd hi kisi ek me hoga ...ajtak wahh sir salute hai apko jai hind🥰
Aap jaise Gyani vakta Hume or humare desh ko jagane ka kaam kar sakte hai aapko sunna bohot achha lagta hai . Gyaan ka Sagar hai aap
सुधांशू सर, जन्म जन्मो,की प्यास बुझ जाती है आपकी वाणी सूनते सुनते, धन्यवाद आपके माता और पिताश्री को,कही लिखा है भगवान का नाम मुउखमे आने के लिये सात जन्म का पुन्य लगता है, जय जय राम कृष्ण हरी 🚩🚩🚩🙏🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
मै धन्यवाद करता हु इस ईश्वर का हम वो पिढी मे जन्मे है ऐसे महानग्यांनी सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी जैसे धर्मग्यांनी अध्यात्मक ग्यानी पाये हे. आज की पिढी टेक्नॉलॉजी और निकम्मे पण से गुजर रही है ऐसे परिस्थिती मे अगर इस विषय पर धार्मिक विषय पर ध्यान देतो बहुत बदलाव आ सकते है 🙏🙏
Hajaron baar Hanuman chalisa padhi
Asli arth aaj PTA chala
Me khud shoks hun
शुधांशु त्रिवेदी सर आपका लॉजिक सुनने के बाद मैं आपका मुरीद बन गया हूं आप जैसे लोग बहुत कम होते है इसे बरकरार रखिए
जय श्री राम
आपके जैसा महान व्यक्ति भारत का उज्ज्वल भविष्य है।
आपका मेरा सत सत नामा❤❤😊
अद्भुत ज्ञान के सागर है आप... ऐसे ज्ञान के सागर जिस पार्टी में है । उसे वोट देने में जरा भी किंतु परंतु मन में नहीं होता क्योंकी ऐसे विचारोवाली पार्टी यदी इस देश को चलाए तो हम अपने खोए हुए संस्कृती आैर अतुलनिय धर्म को दोबारा पुण:स्थापित कर सकते है ।
सुधांशु जी धन्य है वह माता पिता जिन्होंने आप पर यह संस्कार देकर देश के लिए एक नायाब हिरा दिया... सारे युवा ज्यादा से ज्यादा आप को सुनते है । जो एकबार आप को सुन ले वह फिर से बारंबार आप को सुनने कि कोशिश करता है ।
आप को बार बार प्रणाम....
जय हिंद ...
This man is having unparalleled wisdom and knowledge.
जय श्री राम
Sir aap akele hain. Really, aap jaisa koi nahi. Aap insan nhi aap institution hain. Aap galaxy hain. Sir agar mere kismat me ye tha ki mai aapko sun raha hu to Mai bhagwan ko bolta hu, bahat bahat dhanyawad, Mera jeevan safal ho gaya. Hindu tan man , Hindu jeevan. Thank you so much sir for giving all of us an opportunity to study the real meaning of life. This life is worthy because of you sir. A big salute to you sir. Aapko koti koti pranam🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
अदभुत ज्ञान 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Jai Shree Ram 🚩🙏🇮🇳🚩
सुधांशु जी महाराज ज्ञान का कितना भंडार हैं
Sudhanshu Ji,aur acharya Prashant ji,aap tho Gyan ke bhandar ho . M tho apko Puri jindgi sunna chahunga. Apke baato se hi m kalyug m rehkar satyug dekh paata hu . dhanyavaad guru ji🙏🙏🙏
Damm sir you are so good educated hindutva philosopher...after this session I realised no body understands Hindutva better than you....we need more people like you.
धन्य हो, जय हो ! वह भई वाह! अदभुत ज्ञान, अपरिमित व्याख्या.. कुछ सिद्ध महापुरुष ही इस तरह का ज्ञान रखते हैं .... अनेकों धन्यवाद सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी ! 🙏🙏🙏
गुरुदेव आपके ज्ञान की कोई सीमा नहीं
जितना आपको सुनते हैं और ज्यादा सुनते रहने की इच्छा होती है!
आपके अलौकिक ज्ञान को सादर प्रणाम 🙏
अद्भुत!!🙌🏻🙌🏻 सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी जिस सरलता से बातों को समझाते हैं, वह बिल्कुल मन और दिमाग में अच्छे से बैठ जाता है। यह कार्यक्रम बहुत ही अच्छा, ज्ञान से भरपूर था!🙌🏻❤️
बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी, आप इसी प्रकार हम सब का मार्गदर्शन सदा करते रहिए!😇🙏🏻❤️🇮🇳🕉️🚩
अद्भुत, अप्रतिम श्रीमान सुधांशु जी,
नमन है आपको और आपके माता पिता को जिन्होंने आप जैसे अनमोल रत्न को जन्म दिया।
में हृदय से आभार व्यक्त करता हूं, आप स्वस्थ, रहे, मस्त रहे और आप ऐसे ही निरंतर हमारी संस्कृति, धर्म की सटीक व शुद्ध शिक्षा देकर मार्गदर्शन करे ।
वर्तमान हिंदुस्तान में सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी जैसा कोई भी विद्वान नहीं है।
The most intelligent person in India...
Jindgi m pahli bar aankhe apne liye khuli h or apne itihas ki jankari ki or lotne ka mn kiya h is devrupi insan ko nmn karne ka mn karta h tq sudhanshu trivedi ji❤❤❤❤
सत्यम शिवम सुंदरम सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जय हो 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
One of the most knowledgeable person who knows the dharma very well. Sudhanshu Trivedi ji is just awesome.
अदभुत ,अतुलनीय हर प्रश्न की तार्किक जवाव ,इस कारण मैं इनको बहुत ही सम्मान से आदर करता हूँ । सरस्वती स्वरूप।,👍👌👍😊💐
सत्य सनातन हिंदू धर्म प्रकाश डालने, अध्ययन करने , व्यक्त करने, शंकाओं का समाधान करने और भटके हुए को राह दिखाने के लिए सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी को सादर नमन
भारत वीर का राष्ट्र वीर पुत्र सुधांशु जी को बार Naman
भारत में सुधांशु जी जैसे विद्वान बहुत कम है,,आपको प्रणाम
Bahut Jaya bidvan hai
Camera main nhee aate
We feel proud to have you sir. BJP is so lucky to have a speaker like you. Salute. 🙏
शत शत प्रणाम ।आपके आधात्म कथा कोसुनाने से हीं बहुत कुछ प्राप्त हो जाता है ।मुझ जैसे मूढ़ एवम ज्ञानहीन के लिए आप के शब्द अमृत बूंद हैं ।कृपया u tube ke के मध्यम से ऐसे हीं कृपा करते रहें ।
शब्दहीन 👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏🙏 आप सरस्वती के दूत है 🙏
ज्ञान का भण्डार है श्रीमान सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी 😮😮😮
अतीव सुन्दरं अस्ति 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🔥🙋🏻♂️🚩🚩👏🏻🔥🙋🏻♂️🚩🚩❤❤❤❤
सर आप भारत राष्ट्र के सच्चे प्रवक्ता हैं। हमें आप पर गर्व है।
One of the finest and refined Indian who is not just proud of our traditions but also knows how to present it very logically and scientifially. This education is much needed in every Indian home and schools ! Thank you so much Sir for helping all of us appreciate our culture and heritage logically as well.
Looking forward for many such videos !
Sir no hindu has been guided in such a easy.manner till now
No help had been given to hindu as sanatan in congress govt wether there was no hindu sanatni in congress
हेलो नमस्कार सर मैं सर आपका बहुत बड़ा फैन हूँ और आप जैसे ज्ञान किसी को नहीं हो सकता है पुरे भारत में
Sudhansu ji great pleasure to hear you. Thank you.
आपके पास तो भुतकाल और वर्तमान का अपार ज्ञान है आपको कोटि-कोटि नमन
धन्य हैं वो माता पिता जिन्होंने सुधांशू जी को बेटे के रूप में पाया ऐसे माता पिता को मेरा शत् - शत् नमन स्वीकार हो
🙏 it's so difficult for the new generation to know all this from the elders because no one has this depth and knowledge about Hinduism. But listening to Sudhanshu Trivedi ji clears so many doubts and questions 🙏 thank you so much for this knowledge
कोई जानता है कि मोदक का आकार नीचे गोल ऊपर नोक कियू है अगर नहीं पता तो आज जानते = नीचे का गोल आकार ब्रह्माण्ड,अंतरिक्ष, चर - चराचार जीव जन्तु, etc... और ऊपर की नोक प्रभु का सिंहासन जहां से वो समस्त संसार, विश्व को चलाते और देखते है।
Can anyone gives relation between current and God ??
If not then come on I will tell you with the help of God Ganesha his
physical form and his name...
Let's start!!
First we go on his name meaning Ganesh which means ("Gan"= groups, together/ things reside in that area and " Esh"= God)
How current produce when electron flow from one atoms to another cause current..
When each atoms groups together to form shape which helps electrons to jump from one atom to another atom.
His large stomach provide spaces, universe and area to stay each individual things.
The area provide inside the atom ⚛️ (which consists Electrons,Protons,Neutron ) related to large stomach of Ganesha.
His trunk( सूँढ ) in normal form comes upto his stomach (and his stomach provide spaces,area inside the atoms which consists e,p,n) trunk provide force and energy to move electron inside the atoms.
When electron moves forward direction and his (energy flow backward direction to maintain the flow of electron to the forward direction )
His flow energy direction gives current direction.
This energy cause the current .
Hence I give you the perfect relation between current and God.
Now tells ...
Hello everyone i am going to write about what his physical form and body parts represent of GOD GANESH (ganuu) ,what I think 🤔 about ganuu.
...Any body knows what bappa(ganuu) represent and his body parts and figure and his name what represent which is exactly prove of science.
1... Relation between big bang theory and God Ganesha.... बिग बैंग सिद्धान्त के अनुसार लगभग १३.७ अरब वर्ष पूर्व(13.7 Billion year ago) ब्रह्मांड सिमटा हुआ था। इसमें हुए एक विस्फोट के कारण इसमें सिमटा हर एक कण फैलता गया जिसके फलस्वरूप ब्रह्मांड की रचना हुई। यह विस्तार आज भी जारी है जिसके चलते ब्रह्मांड आज भी फैल रहा है। इस धमाके में अत्यधिक ऊर्जा का उत्सजर्न हुआ।
गणेश भगवान के पेट में space (अंतरिक्ष) है और जो नाभि अंदर की और है वो गोल ब्रह्मांड (universe) था जो एक जगह पर केंद्रित या सिमटा हुआ था, और जो विस्फोट हुआ वो sound Om होगी जो गणेश तत्व का ही एक रूप है.
जय गणेश tatva
In English ( the big bang theory that the universe began as just a single point, then expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now-and it is still stretching! universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature. Around 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter in the Universe emerged from a single, minute point, or singularity, in a violent burst. This expanded at an astonishingly high rate and temperature, doubling in size every 10-34 seconds, creating space as it rapidly inflated.
Now about GANESHA ( ganuu) physical form which same as big bang theory :
His large stomach represent the contain endless space 🌌🚀 in which intial there no single point of light in this space there is only darkness and his Navel or hub( नाभी) represent contain whole universe at single point which has high density and high temperature after time passes this single point moved inside towards his stomach means towards space 🌌🚀 and cause explosion and then expand in his endless space and during explosion there was released sound which contain two different sound waves first is OM and second is GAM both are universal sound of universe.
Physical form of GANESHA (ganuu) is same as OM and GAM is his own one word Mantra.
The Mantra "GAM" is the source of all vibrational energy, frequency,force in the universe....
You feel vibration in your mind when you constantly Chat Gam Mantra with लय जैसे om को constantly करते हैं उसी प्रकार Gam Mantra ko करे आप का mind relax होगा but perfect voice and perfect mind set.
When you say OM than on your nose breath feel that your body move upward means your soul moved towards the upper realms,,
And when you say GAM than on your nose breath feel that your body move downward means when your soul moved towards the upper realms than your soul come to your body which is according to law of cycle of universe
So when you meditate then you have chat first OM than GAM which gives you complete benifits otherwise you will done only half of the way of cycle of law which gives you half benifits not complete.
2. His large EARS represent that God always listen your prayers 🙏 eg when the health of patient is very critical or danger then even Doctor say that now only may God saves you.
3. On his forehead there is a symbol of trishul contain three line which represent past , present, Future which resides on his head means complete control also God creates and destroy it's.
4. His broken tooth represent sacrifices and hard work only hard worker people lives in this world
and his one complete tooth represent God is one in this whole universe..
5. His trunk represent holder of everything and anything in this Universe and also this trunk symbol of variable state of GOD.
6. His large HEAD represent that God contain whole or all types of knowledge..
7. His four hand represent four directions East West North South and his power expand whole also his ten hand represent ten directions
8. His small eyes represent God see micro to macro.
9. His right eye represent +ve energy ,left eye represent -ve energy and his downward line of trishul on his forehead represent neutral energy.
10. The snake wrap around his large belly represent active form of all energy inside the universe.
11. Ganesh गणेश या गणपति शब्द represent: that he is the God of micro level to macro level.
Micro means those things which we are not able to see and macro means which we can see.
(Gan+ esh) गण + ईश=( Gan)गण ( means group, together or things reside in that area) and (esh) ईश ( means प्रभु God)
Micro level to Macro level: atoms combine form molecules, molecules combine form particles and compound, compound combine form components, components , compound combine form body , solutions ,body combine form bodies , bodies combine form particular shape and planets , planets make solar system,solar system make milky way,milky way make galaxy,a galaxy mak cosmic, cosmic make universe, universe make multiverse and so on.
Ganesh is lord of energies,powers, living and non living beings,those things which not exist, gods and goddesses, planets,time, space अंतरिक्ष,five elements,trees, mountains,ocean, universe,multiuniverse etc.
जब आप mutiuniverses को बाहर देखे गए तब आप को मुनि मुनि dots together दिखाई देगे ऐसा लगे गा के वो सब group में हो और collapse कर रहे हो ।
जय गजानन jai gajanan
Bro also read this may be this will also helpful for people
The most knowledgeable person we all should respect him 🙏
Jiske muh me Saraswati hoti hai usak example kud Sudanshu hai. I salute 🙏
वर्तमान में आप जैसा ज्ञानी इस पृथ्वी लोक पर नहीं है आपको कोटि कोटि नमन🙏सुधांशु सर
ri8 he is likev5ravan jaicy woh gyani tha
Whatever we say in praise of Shri Sudhansu Trivedi , is not enough . It is such a pleasure to listen to him always. I am proud to have him among us.
बहुत सुंदर और सरलता से इतनी गहरी विषय पर आलोक पात किया श्री सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी ने कि बहुत अच्छा लगा । ऐसे व्यक्ति को सामने आकर हमारे सनातन संस्कृति को बचाने में कार्य करने चाहिए । मैं श्री सुधांशु त्रिवेदी जी को बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद देता हूं । जय श्री राम !
Sudhanshu trivedi is a diamond of BJP...he deserves more respectable post in bjp in the field of media,mass communication,it cell department of BJP....his great deep authentic refferal knowledge attract me more to listen him without boring a single second...💗🙏