The reality is anyone under 40 in Canada now will be worse off than previous generations. It is mostly because of housing costs, and utilities cost. The rest can be managed if you live within your means but the very basic has become out of reach for a middle class Canadian. It is shocking that a couple making 100K together can’t even make ends meet in the country. How are they going to plan for future or god forbid enjoy life a little?!
As a Millenial making six figures, I lose more than half of my income to taxes every year. Rental and mortgage costs are too high, and the taxes I'm paying keep going to programs for anyone else but me. No wonder Canadians are upset and looking to the Conservatives for relief from the Trudeau disaster.
Stats Canada is miscalculating inflation. They have shelter costs at 28.34% of household spending, which doesn't pass the smell test for me or anyone I talk to. A Habitat for Humanity survey has shelter costs over half the spending for 49% of households, and that was a year ago. When you recalculate inflation with shelter at 50% rather than 28.34% then we've been in a recession for a while.
Habitat for Humanity would look more at rent payers while Stats Canada looks at property owners as well. So those numbers make sense when you consider how low property tax is in big Canadian cities compared to low income Canadians forced to rent in the past few years.
@@prophetofgreedThere's a generational gap. Boomers with paid off homes have low fees, everyone else has high costs. There's a reason why the happiness index shows people over 60 in Canada are too 5 or 6 happiness in the world, but those under 40 in Canada are 50th or worse in the world.
I got exactly 4:16 into this and have to turn this nonsense off. If in the last 18 months wages outpaced inflation A) there wouldn’t be an affordability crisis and B) the LNDP wouldn’t have to cut $250 cheques on the national debt to bribe people making under 150k. Numbers can do anything you want them to if you’re a crooked bookkeeper. If the tent cities and food bank lineups don’t show you a huge crisis you need professional help.
They are acting as though we all get a raise from our employers on new years eve. Many of us have not seen an appreciable increase in our pay in the last 2 years. Am I to find a new job every year to reset my pay level?
It's public sector unions getting the double digit increases and driving up the average. People in the real (non government sector) economy sure as fuck haven't been getting increases.@@michaelfurlanic3505
I couldn’t take it and stopped listening after 5 1/2 minutes. I normally quite enjoy this show. Whose wages have gone up enough to compensate for the vastly higher costs of so many things? Are we living in different universes? People I know who make good incomes are financially stressed. Give me a break… Get a grip. How can people be so detached from reality? And I’m progressive just for the record, in case that matters.
It seems that Herle picked the two most out of touch economists to discuss "affordability". (Yes, you can interchange affordability with cost of living). Both were more worried about finding numbers that match their political world view, and don't ask big questions about society itself. The best example of this is Armine's rant at the end turning into a stereotypical hateful rant against young men. So much so it borders on pure misandry.
There's a reason Jim doesn’t cite actual inflation numbers or housing costs or costs goods and the shrinkflation of products. No numbers cited. Jim just says it's higher or lower. Cite the data, Jim. Give us a number
Sorry, how are working peeple today not worse off than EVERY OTHER generation that has come before? It takes 15 years to save for a DOWNPAYMENT for a house when it only took 3 years for generations prior. University tuition is the cost of that downpayment when it used to be a summer day job salary. Income taxes are MAXED-OUT at a level that any exonomist will tell you cannot go higher without losing competitiveness with other countries when attracting skilled workers. Its a total gong show
In 2006 I bought a small three bedroom single detached house in downtown Guelph, Ontario for my two daughters and myself for $236,000. I would still be living in that sweet little cottage-style home in a family-friendly neighbourhood were it not for my dependence on a psychopathic ex-husband who hated my independence. So, in 2010 I downsized to a two-bedroom row-house for my two children and I which I purchased for (if memory serves me) $180,000. I couldn't possibly do this now. What was different in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010? Oh, right, a wealthy ex-partner determined to destroy his children and me. Fast-forward to 2024. My row-house sold for just under $1,000.000. during the Pandemic. I had sold it for a meagre $267,000 to the woman who made a killing on this. Are you saying that the government had nothing to do with this? I am now a low-income renter in Montreal who will be dependent on government support until I die.
Inflation rise was 30% when accounting for housing costs and goods. Wages have not risen 30%. The largest unions in Canada secured 12-14% wage increases. Note how neither of your guests cite ANY inflation numbers or wage increase numbers. What are they scared of? Stand by your claims by citing a number, Jim.
Armine points out that young women 'cannot find men' so work hard, do more school, push to get further in careers etc, which is correct. What she does not point out is that education is now heavily feminized and caters to women and the interest of young women in particular. Great for women, it simply isn't what young men will primarily want to do. What is the point of taking on huge debt, to work harder than any generation before, in order to not be able to have kids because instead of partnering up with women you are competing with women. This all leads to why we also have such low birth rates, by the time women have settled into a career (assuming they do) and they are ready to have kids and feel stable they will be mid 30s and by then their ability to reproduce has decreased 40-50% from peak. All in all a terrible way to setup a society. An interesting stat: The percentage today of women in North America having 5 or more kids is about the same as women in the 1960s at about 6%. The amount of women polled at age 21 who say they never want to have kids is roughly the same, around 10%. Most women feel they want to have 1 to 3 kids at some point even now but a lot never get to it or do not feel stable enough and abort. Jim is just out to lunch, straw-manning all over the place.
@@Jasmine-k9m2b you should check out Richard Reeves books Of Boys and Men, it goes over all of this stuff like how women are more likely to go to university and to graduate from it. Most of the hard sciences are still good, and there is a lot of need for men in those majority female professions. Hopefully we will change direction a it in the future and do something about that
The profound level of disdain for young men is disgusting. "They aren't working hard enough" ... hard to imagine any demographic that would get the same kind of treatment if they were suffering. Woke garbage
I love how the "toxic masculinity" mantra of bootstraps and stoicism is garbage until our friends hear that men are doing poorly... and prescribe bootstraps and stoicism.
Armine seems to mix up having the government subsidize a person's basic living as the same as making things more affordable and people prospering. The liberal's daycare, student food program, dental and pharmacare programs have not made life more affordable. They are very costly (to society as a whole) and ineffective treatments of the symptoms resulting from the disease of inflation - which was a result of the liberal's monetary policy, or rather lack of one. Every person, man, woman, child, senior, in Canada has seen their income decline 10 to 20% due to inflation relative to life's basic expenses. Canadian's GDP has decreased versus American's steadily since JT has been PM. These programs were not required a mere 10 years ago because most Canadians could afford these things on their own.
Once again for people in the back.....govt spending does not create inflation. Get it into your heads. With the whole internet at your disposal there's no excuse for not knowing this anymore.
You think David Herle, the life long Liberal partisan, is a socialist? The man who staffed Paul Martin, who was largely responsible for gutting social services in Canada through the 90's? And you think this man is a socialist?
Why? Conservatives are all over the media, every podcast, every talking head show, every roundtable on every broadcast network, and every newspaper. This one episode doesn't happen to have the obligatory ubiquitous conservative, and you get triggered?
@ conservatives are all over every podcast media. What media in podcast are you watching? Please name me three conservatives on the payroll of CBC, CTV global or the globe and mail or Toronto star? As for podcast, even Joe Rogan was a Bernie supporter as of last year.
@ so having somebody with a different opinion on a podcast might make the podcast more interesting and more informative to people. you need to have different points of view and different ideas to help solve problems and or economic issues. having one opinion leads to no solutions to these problems. Unless one is so absorbed in the idea there is only one path to solve problems.
@@chrislarsen1033 First, why is it you're asking David Herle to have a conservative on every episode in the name of opinion diversity? Have you ever complained about Rebel Media not having a progressive on their channel in the name of opinion diversity? Second, I thought conservatives hated diversity? Or do you only want a diversity of conservative opinions? Third, what does Joe Rogan have to do with Canadian media? Fourth, why do you want examples of conservatives being on the payroll of media? Jim Stanford and Armine Yalnizyan are not on the payroll of David Hurley. So not sure what your point or comparison you're trying to make is. The examples you asked for are easy: CBC: Andrew Coyne National Post Columnist, Dennis Mitchell Starlight Capital Investments, Rubina Ahmed-Haq, Personal Finance, everyone on CBC show the Dragon's Den CTV: Korey Teneycke former VP Sun News, Don Martin, reporter and opinion columnist, Mercedes Stephensen former Sun News reporter Globe and Mail: Gary Mason columnist, Lawrence Martin columnist, Larry MacDonald columnist, business journalist Toronto Star,: Andrew Phillips former Editor of several newspapers, Jamie Watt conservative strategist, Michael Coren ordained Minister and columnist I could name a lot more, but these are the conservatives I know off the top of my head.
If you want to talk about the political differences between men and women and the data behind it, it would be a good idea to talk to someone like Richard Reeves. There is some data for why men are or feel like they are doing worse (etc) than women.
@@squatch545, thanks for your feedback. FYI, I ran for the Liberals, worked with David and Scott and worked for Rt. Hon Jean Chrétien. I'm centre right and have been listening to these 2 for 30 years. Their positions have been the same since then. Cheers
@squatch545 Frankly I'm hoping the Liberals take their advice and run their next platform on "you are all doing so awesome, the economy is in amazing shape."
This was so #socialist,no #commumist, presentation by the left labour economist Stanford and the we need to give everything to everyone #NDP Yalnizyan. No balance in your panel David. I watched it but it was a sad podcast about economic disinformation. Sorry but that was the way you set it up.
"People who know more about this I do said things that challenge my narrative. 0/5 stars." You don't need to balance thoughtful nuanced perspective with nonsense just because it upsets you to hear.
Avid listener and often recommend anything from air quotes media to my friends. I had to stop at 27min mark at the mention of the “toddler in is”. Unbelievable guests.
I am now attempting to listen to the rest and find it rich that they keep talking about “government money” which is actually tax payer money. They are supposed to be stewards of.
This assumes that feelings are born out of nothing instead of real life experience and frustrations. Considering the housing crisis getting worse year by year, it's not born out of nothing, so it reads like a boomer out of touch with how much younger people are struggling.
@prophetofgreed the facts over feelings people are all about feelings apparently. Lots of affordable places outside of certain key areas. People having to move to advance economically is not new. Only new to certain coddled demographics. They can be angry all theh want. They can vote to cut off their noses. Won't make them correct about anything.
@@eap3943I guess we get to just watch young people move out of Canada. This seems like a poor plan but here we are. If you'd like to post the "affordable areas" of Canada I'm sure we can pass those on to young people as places to reallocate to.
So, if the government doesn't set housing prices, the government has permitted someone else to do this and to benefit from increased housing prices. There is word confusion happening here. Words mean different things to different people. Trudeau speaks in words that suggest one thing and are received by Canadians in a different way. I am not informed by this discussion, and I believe that many people are as confused as I am. So, is language the problem? Are you suggesting that Canada should become a communist country? Would that solve our problems? Is mass immigration the problem? Let's blame the people with too much money if they are making the final decisions..
people with full time jobs at food banks are there so they can still dont have to make lifestyle adjustment with respect to things like clothes, cars, home, and holidays.its not an affordability crisis, its an entitlement crisis
Wow they told me I'm a toddler and am actually making making more rather than less. Never mind I make 6 dollars an hour less than I did 10 years ago and costs have doubled.
@@tannertempleton3404 Frankly I hope their attitude is the one Liberals bring to the next election. "You are all doing so great, you just don't realize how great you are doing!". (Speaking to people in a food bank line about to have their homes repo'd)
The massively mocked 'shesession' FTFY Edit: First 5 minutes is the purest of bullshit would love to see the analytic cliff after that intro but imma nope out now
Jim strikes me as the kind of expert who helped the Democrats understand Americans.
Ya...a smart person trying to understand morons is always difficult
You strike me as the kind of troll who helped truckers understand Canadians.
The reality is anyone under 40 in Canada now will be worse off than previous generations. It is mostly because of housing costs, and utilities cost. The rest can be managed if you live within your means but the very basic has become out of reach for a middle class Canadian. It is shocking that a couple making 100K together can’t even make ends meet in the country. How are they going to plan for future or god forbid enjoy life a little?!
This issue can be found across the board in most western countries.
As a Millenial making six figures, I lose more than half of my income to taxes every year. Rental and mortgage costs are too high, and the taxes I'm paying keep going to programs for anyone else but me. No wonder Canadians are upset and looking to the Conservatives for relief from the Trudeau disaster.
Most taxes go to boomers, fyi.
Jim insinuating everyone is doing great, wages are way up is totally insane. Doesn't live in the real world. Typical boomer.
Well said. He sounds typical of that generation. Sheltered and coddled.
@@girthbrooks6567No - he just sounds like an out of touch an academic & a UNIFOR apologist!
@@rometimed1382 don't lump him in with me
Stats Canada is miscalculating inflation. They have shelter costs at 28.34% of household spending, which doesn't pass the smell test for me or anyone I talk to. A Habitat for Humanity survey has shelter costs over half the spending for 49% of households, and that was a year ago.
When you recalculate inflation with shelter at 50% rather than 28.34% then we've been in a recession for a while.
Habitat for Humanity would look more at rent payers while Stats Canada looks at property owners as well. So those numbers make sense when you consider how low property tax is in big Canadian cities compared to low income Canadians forced to rent in the past few years.
@@prophetofgreedThere's a generational gap. Boomers with paid off homes have low fees, everyone else has high costs. There's a reason why the happiness index shows people over 60 in Canada are too 5 or 6 happiness in the world, but those under 40 in Canada are 50th or worse in the world.
I got exactly 4:16 into this and have to turn this nonsense off. If in the last 18 months wages outpaced inflation A) there wouldn’t be an affordability crisis and B) the LNDP wouldn’t have to cut $250 cheques on the national debt to bribe people making under 150k. Numbers can do anything you want them to if you’re a crooked bookkeeper. If the tent cities and food bank lineups don’t show you a huge crisis you need professional help.
They are acting as though we all get a raise from our employers on new years eve. Many of us have not seen an appreciable increase in our pay in the last 2 years. Am I to find a new job every year to reset my pay level?
It's public sector unions getting the double digit increases and driving up the average. People in the real (non government sector) economy sure as fuck haven't been getting increases.@@michaelfurlanic3505
I found the tone from these economists very condescending. People understand that GDP per capita has barely moved in the past decade.
GDP per capita is decreassing. One of the consequences of our immigration policy. A center right panelist was needed here.
What this proves is that the average person is emotional rather than rational
Economists ? Give me a break. I’m a loyal listener of the HB and Curse but this was the first time I had to turn it off.
I couldn’t take it and stopped listening after 5 1/2 minutes. I normally quite enjoy this show.
Whose wages have gone up enough to compensate for the vastly higher costs of so many things? Are we living in different universes? People I know who make good incomes are financially stressed. Give me a break… Get a grip. How can people be so detached from reality?
And I’m progressive just for the record, in case that matters.
Great episode.
It seems that Herle picked the two most out of touch economists to discuss "affordability". (Yes, you can interchange affordability with cost of living).
Both were more worried about finding numbers that match their political world view, and don't ask big questions about society itself.
The best example of this is Armine's rant at the end turning into a stereotypical hateful rant against young men. So much so it borders on pure misandry.
Yet another reminder that Thomas Sowell had the right opinion on self important intellectual know it all's.
Yes, since he is one.
Stop telling us the economics are fine, their not. A loaf of bread has double, we are at the cusp of a Depression
There's a reason Jim doesn’t cite actual inflation numbers or housing costs or costs goods and the shrinkflation of products. No numbers cited. Jim just says it's higher or lower. Cite the data, Jim. Give us a number
Canada's inflation rate is 2.4% Google is your friend.
Thanks for this. Really great discussion. Now, how to distill all those salient points into messaging is the only remaining question. ;)
Sorry, how are working peeple today not worse off than EVERY OTHER generation that has come before? It takes 15 years to save for a DOWNPAYMENT for a house when it only took 3 years for generations prior. University tuition is the cost of that downpayment when it used to be a summer day job salary. Income taxes are MAXED-OUT at a level that any exonomist will tell you cannot go higher without losing competitiveness with other countries when attracting skilled workers. Its a total gong show
Our productivity is Shit
In 2006 I bought a small three bedroom single detached house in downtown Guelph, Ontario for my two daughters and myself for $236,000. I would still be living in that sweet little cottage-style home in a family-friendly neighbourhood were it not for my dependence on a psychopathic ex-husband who hated my independence. So, in 2010 I downsized to a two-bedroom row-house for my two children and I which I purchased for (if memory serves me) $180,000. I couldn't possibly do this now. What was different in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010? Oh, right, a wealthy ex-partner determined to destroy his children and me. Fast-forward to 2024. My row-house sold for just under $1,000.000. during the Pandemic. I had sold it for a meagre $267,000 to the woman who made a killing on this. Are you saying that the government had nothing to do with this? I am now a low-income renter in Montreal who will be dependent on government support until I die.
Inflation rise was 30% when accounting for housing costs and goods. Wages have not risen 30%. The largest unions in Canada secured 12-14% wage increases.
Note how neither of your guests cite ANY inflation numbers or wage increase numbers. What are they scared of? Stand by your claims by citing a number, Jim.
Canada's inflation rate is 2.4%. Google is your friend.
Armine points out that young women 'cannot find men' so work hard, do more school, push to get further in careers etc, which is correct.
What she does not point out is that education is now heavily feminized and caters to women and the interest of young women in particular.
Great for women, it simply isn't what young men will primarily want to do. What is the point of taking on huge debt, to work harder than any generation before, in order to not be able to have kids because instead of partnering up with women you are competing with women.
This all leads to why we also have such low birth rates, by the time women have settled into a career (assuming they do) and they are ready to have kids and feel stable they will be mid 30s and by then their ability to reproduce has decreased 40-50% from peak. All in all a terrible way to setup a society.
An interesting stat: The percentage today of women in North America having 5 or more kids is about the same as women in the 1960s at about 6%. The amount of women polled at age 21 who say they never want to have kids is roughly the same, around 10%. Most women feel they want to have 1 to 3 kids at some point even now but a lot never get to it or do not feel stable enough and abort.
Jim is just out to lunch, straw-manning all over the place.
@@Jasmine-k9m2b you should check out Richard Reeves books Of Boys and Men, it goes over all of this stuff like how women are more likely to go to university and to graduate from it.
Most of the hard sciences are still good, and there is a lot of need for men in those majority female professions. Hopefully we will change direction a it in the future and do something about that
Thanks David for bringing common sense economists on the Hurly Burly. 👍.
The profound level of disdain for young men is disgusting. "They aren't working hard enough" ... hard to imagine any demographic that would get the same kind of treatment if they were suffering. Woke garbage
I love how the "toxic masculinity" mantra of bootstraps and stoicism is garbage until our friends hear that men are doing poorly... and prescribe bootstraps and stoicism.
This is one of the best conversations I've seen i love it your guests here are very smart and informative
Armine seems to mix up having the government subsidize a person's basic living as the same as making things more affordable and people prospering. The liberal's daycare, student food program, dental and pharmacare programs have not made life more affordable. They are very costly (to society as a whole) and ineffective treatments of the symptoms resulting from the disease of inflation - which was a result of the liberal's monetary policy, or rather lack of one. Every person, man, woman, child, senior, in Canada has seen their income decline 10 to 20% due to inflation relative to life's basic expenses. Canadian's GDP has decreased versus American's steadily since JT has been PM. These programs were not required a mere 10 years ago because most Canadians could afford these things on their own.
Once again for people in the back.....govt spending does not create inflation. Get it into your heads. With the whole internet at your disposal there's no excuse for not knowing this anymore.
Why can’t you look outside your bubble David? Surely Toronto has a few “best economic minds” that don’t have a narrow, socialist perspective?
You think David Herle, the life long Liberal partisan, is a socialist? The man who staffed Paul Martin, who was largely responsible for gutting social services in Canada through the 90's? And you think this man is a socialist?
Other than Cory do you know any conservatives? It might be good to have different opinions than yours.
Why? Conservatives are all over the media, every podcast, every talking head show, every roundtable on every broadcast network, and every newspaper. This one episode doesn't happen to have the obligatory ubiquitous conservative, and you get triggered?
@ conservatives are all over every podcast media. What media in podcast are you watching? Please name me three conservatives on the payroll of CBC, CTV global or the globe and mail or Toronto star? As for podcast, even Joe Rogan was a Bernie supporter as of last year.
@ so having somebody with a different opinion on a podcast might make the podcast more interesting and more informative to people. you need to have different points of view and different ideas to help solve problems and or economic issues. having one opinion leads to no solutions to these problems. Unless one is so absorbed in the idea there is only one path to solve problems.
@@chrislarsen1033 First, why is it you're asking David Herle to have a conservative on every episode in the name of opinion diversity? Have you ever complained about Rebel Media not having a progressive on their channel in the name of opinion diversity? Second, I thought conservatives hated diversity? Or do you only want a diversity of conservative opinions?
Third, what does Joe Rogan have to do with Canadian media?
Fourth, why do you want examples of conservatives being on the payroll of media? Jim Stanford and Armine Yalnizyan are not on the payroll of David Hurley. So not sure what your point or comparison you're trying to make is.
The examples you asked for are easy:
CBC: Andrew Coyne National Post Columnist, Dennis Mitchell Starlight Capital Investments, Rubina Ahmed-Haq, Personal Finance, everyone on CBC show the Dragon's Den
CTV: Korey Teneycke former VP Sun News, Don Martin, reporter and opinion columnist, Mercedes Stephensen former Sun News reporter
Globe and Mail: Gary Mason columnist, Lawrence Martin columnist, Larry MacDonald columnist, business journalist
Toronto Star,: Andrew Phillips former Editor of several newspapers, Jamie Watt conservative strategist, Michael Coren ordained Minister and columnist
I could name a lot more, but these are the conservatives I know off the top of my head.
@@chrislarsen1033uh... you do know that the globe and mail is a center right media organization right?
If you want to talk about the political differences between men and women and the data behind it, it would be a good idea to talk to someone like Richard Reeves. There is some data for why men are or feel like they are doing worse (etc) than women.
Sorry David, I tried to listen, but hard pass on these two .
Triggered by different opinions. We get it. Typical tolerant conservative.
@@squatch545, thanks for your feedback. FYI, I ran for the Liberals, worked with David and Scott and worked for Rt. Hon Jean Chrétien. I'm centre right and have been listening to these 2 for 30 years. Their positions have been the same since then. Cheers
@squatch545 Frankly I'm hoping the Liberals take their advice and run their next platform on "you are all doing so awesome, the economy is in amazing shape."
This was so #socialist,no #commumist, presentation by the left labour economist Stanford and the we need to give everything to everyone #NDP Yalnizyan.
No balance in your panel David. I watched it but it was a sad podcast about economic disinformation. Sorry but that was the way you set it up.
"People who know more about this I do said things that challenge my narrative. 0/5 stars."
You don't need to balance thoughtful nuanced perspective with nonsense just because it upsets you to hear.
Avid listener and often recommend anything from air quotes media to my friends. I had to stop at 27min mark at the mention of the “toddler in is”.
Unbelievable guests.
I am now attempting to listen to the rest and find it rich that they keep talking about “government money” which is actually tax payer money. They are supposed to be stewards of.
Why does Jim get more questions directed to him and to him first?
I sometimes wonder if David hates his audience. (us)
You are suggesting we heat homes with wood??!
The comments are hilarious and proves his point. Economic metrics are one thing. Peoples feeling are quite another.
This assumes that feelings are born out of nothing instead of real life experience and frustrations. Considering the housing crisis getting worse year by year, it's not born out of nothing, so it reads like a boomer out of touch with how much younger people are struggling.
@prophetofgreed the facts over feelings people are all about feelings apparently.
Lots of affordable places outside of certain key areas. People having to move to advance economically is not new. Only new to certain coddled demographics.
They can be angry all theh want. They can vote to cut off their noses.
Won't make them correct about anything.
@@eap3943I guess we get to just watch young people move out of Canada. This seems like a poor plan but here we are. If you'd like to post the "affordable areas" of Canada I'm sure we can pass those on to young people as places to reallocate to.
So, if the government doesn't set housing prices, the government has permitted someone else to do this and to benefit from increased housing prices. There is word confusion happening here. Words mean different things to different people. Trudeau speaks in words that suggest one thing and are received by Canadians in a different way. I am not informed by this discussion, and I believe that many people are as confused as I am. So, is language the problem? Are you suggesting that Canada should become a communist country? Would that solve our problems? Is mass immigration the problem? Let's blame the people with too much money if they are making the final decisions..
TDS Economists! Angry and frustrated, mostly. But an interesting discussion, so thank you!
Two socialist economists paid by left leaning organizations. Get some balanced opinions.
Where is the non-working Canadians rebate? Don't we need this more than the employed?
Informative interview. I always appreciate Armine's explanation. A woman's perspective really matters.
people with full time jobs at food banks are there so they can still dont have to make lifestyle adjustment with respect to things like clothes, cars, home, and holidays.its not an affordability crisis, its an entitlement crisis
Pure rubbish this is.
A reminder to not look at the comments....
Pure dumbassery in here.
This is the best real economic view. No "propaganda puppeteer Pollieve" Bs 🐍🍎 refreshing
Wow they told me I'm a toddler and am actually making making more rather than less. Never mind I make 6 dollars an hour less than I did 10 years ago and costs have doubled.
@@tannertempleton3404 Frankly I hope their attitude is the one Liberals bring to the next election. "You are all doing so great, you just don't realize how great you are doing!". (Speaking to people in a food bank line about to have their homes repo'd)
@@tannertempleton3404 What career did you switch into, or what was it that is causing you to earn less now than what you were earning 10 years ago?
Hahah I love how David calls out all the salty sods in the comments at the end preemptively. You folks are so predictable.
So are the commenters
The massively mocked 'shesession' FTFY
Edit: First 5 minutes is the purest of bullshit would love to see the analytic cliff after that intro but imma nope out now