Wax: "Better Than Normal"

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Gamel4You
    @Gamel4You 7 років тому +19

    Please never stop making music. You put smiles on people's faces when there's nothing to smile about.

  • @edgemon45
    @edgemon45 7 років тому +55

    i wish i was his neighbor! id just sit outside and listen to the music!

    • @MiguellaGorilla
      @MiguellaGorilla 3 роки тому +1

      They literally don't understand how absurdly lucky they are

    • @mrpseudos
      @mrpseudos 3 роки тому +1


  • @bigdrewd3040
    @bigdrewd3040 7 років тому +2

    The echo of Wax's voice in this just multiplies the vibe to levels that mortal beings were never meant to experience, fucking love it

  • @jakegonzales23
    @jakegonzales23 7 років тому +2

    These acoustic songs prove that you're not just an amazing rapper, but an incredible song writer capable of writing any type of song and still showing your amazing sense of humor and lyricism

  • @jonesyjones5065
    @jonesyjones5065 7 років тому +3

    Hit right in the soul B..

  • @Fango925
    @Fango925 7 років тому +7

    Wax, I feel like you're just such a genuine guy who loves writing and playing music. You just give off the vibe of enjoying what you do. Keep up the great work my man.

  • @TorreyBraman
    @TorreyBraman 7 років тому +5

    This was refreshing.

  • @MrKydaman
    @MrKydaman 7 років тому +4

    Thanks Wax, you never fail to bring a smile to face.

  • @alexstarspeak
    @alexstarspeak 4 роки тому

    This needs to be in a movie.

  • @rajakhalil4628
    @rajakhalil4628 7 років тому +4

    This is beautiful

  • @murdockqotsa
    @murdockqotsa 7 років тому

    Very old school vibe to this. Your songs have such a crazy variety it blows my mind.

  • @LaynoProd
    @LaynoProd 7 років тому +4

    Beautiful song

  • @MrKylePopovich
    @MrKylePopovich 6 років тому

    "When you don't smoke all the time, you enjoy it more when you do" Fucking thank you again. You're helping me, which I know is others as well.

  • @asazinator
    @asazinator 6 років тому +1

    I fucking love this man. Wax, never stop being Wax

  • @thomaswilliams1862
    @thomaswilliams1862 7 років тому +1

    I've listened to this song 25 times smooth. It has a old school rat pack feel with a new age acoustic flavor.

  • @joelstinson7066
    @joelstinson7066 6 років тому

    everything is better than normal when Wax drops a new track!

  • @quadecaX8
    @quadecaX8 7 років тому +8


  • @yogerts
    @yogerts 7 років тому +78

    Are we going to get all these songs on an album once they are over??? Please 🙏🏼

    • @CircleA369
      @CircleA369 7 років тому +5

      I agree! Wax even if it is just a downloadable please put this music out.

    • @marcciccarellajr.5720
      @marcciccarellajr.5720 7 років тому +8

      yogerts yeah he's putting a studio version of most these songs out in an album called B.A.A.A. (Bitch ass acoustic album) he talks about it on his podcast

    • @yogerts
      @yogerts 7 років тому +1

      Marc Ciccarella Jr. that's awesome

    • @edgemon45
      @edgemon45 7 років тому

      Marc Ciccarella Jr. Where can I find his pod cast??

    • @fatamujic
      @fatamujic 7 років тому

      yogerts safet isovic

  • @ImInYoCl0s3t420
    @ImInYoCl0s3t420 7 років тому +1

    words cant describe how amazing this made me feel i love you wax never fucking stop

  • @MrBatmanHero
    @MrBatmanHero 7 років тому

    This is why you are a god wax , an wow thavks for all the acoustic Mondays !!

  • @connorlabbett9786
    @connorlabbett9786 6 років тому

    Wax is the the biggest legend👌🏻

  • @meganspecv
    @meganspecv 7 років тому +8

    This is fucking timeless...big ups bro

  • @jumbojaz
    @jumbojaz 5 років тому

    He is so talented, that musical flexibility is why I'm now a fan!

  • @Chingster22
    @Chingster22 5 років тому

    I know there wasn’t supposed to be more but your acoustic love songs are my favorite

  • @dhill92
    @dhill92 5 років тому +1

    This is such a solid track

  • @danielbrammer8441
    @danielbrammer8441 6 років тому

    Hes still one of the best rappers out there, and such a good comedian. Still so underrated

  • @montyjones6593
    @montyjones6593 4 роки тому

    this guy is so talented love every thing he does

  • @JayCubPerk
    @JayCubPerk 7 років тому +1

    That audio quality is excellent! Your live performance was top notch.

  • @drmotorboatjones
    @drmotorboatjones 5 років тому +2

    Awesome!!! the only thing missing was a primo whistling solo as the bridge...you're welcome.

  • @mbormel
    @mbormel 7 років тому +1

    Great job Wax! This is your best one yet (at least since coffee and handbasket). Hopefully you take this one to the studio... definitely looking forward to it when you do!
    Actually you should do that first thing tomorrow/ASAP!!

  • @Juhh356
    @Juhh356 5 років тому

    I’m loving all the acoustic songs!!

  • @bboync5033
    @bboync5033 7 років тому

    Beautiful songwriting, make it seems so effortless! Can we have this as an album PLEASE

  • @Tailsalmighty
    @Tailsalmighty 7 років тому +1

    Wax is the best

  • @keegan8505
    @keegan8505 5 років тому

    Wax is a genius.

  • @AzianFrog
    @AzianFrog 7 років тому +15

    Thas a good ass song dawg. You're fuckin talented

  • @TheePope.
    @TheePope. 5 років тому

    Pure gold love the swing feel. Keep up the awesome work

  • @wegottagamer
    @wegottagamer 7 років тому

    This is brilliant! I'm off to Amsterdam tomorrow, this song will be played a lot whilst there 👌🏻

  • @NathanHuston757
    @NathanHuston757 5 років тому

    Bruhhhhhh 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @keyshey
    @keyshey 7 років тому

    my favorite so far!

  • @adamwmorrison
    @adamwmorrison 5 років тому

    Put your "best" or most requested Acoustic Monday tracks on a cd. Ill but it now. This needs to be paid for. Lolol.

  • @michaelking1268
    @michaelking1268 7 років тому +3

    new favorite song

  • @cigskill101
    @cigskill101 7 років тому

    Wax is my hero!

  • @callmevern1006
    @callmevern1006 7 років тому +1

    Your songs are awesome

  • @dugieman
    @dugieman 7 років тому +1

    I don't even smoke, but this is my new favorite song! You're the man Wax, come back to CLE soon please.

  • @Pilotkosinus
    @Pilotkosinus 6 років тому

    love this song

  • @jesseyarber5020
    @jesseyarber5020 7 років тому +1

    Love this song

    @SHIFTKICK 7 років тому +5

    Wax, this video didn't come up on my subscription feed (anyone else have this problem?). Just wanted to let you know because these songs should reach as many people as possible :)

  • @mexicandowndastreet4
    @mexicandowndastreet4 4 роки тому

    Ahhhhh I miss this 😊

  • @seamonster4554
    @seamonster4554 7 років тому +3

    i like that one. feels good man

  • @PrezPoet
    @PrezPoet 7 років тому

    Top notch crooning, Wax!

  • @bartgarcet6670
    @bartgarcet6670 7 років тому

    Love this man, NEVER GIVE UP

  • @samslash9
    @samslash9 7 років тому +8

    Best one yet

  • @d.istortionaladdict
    @d.istortionaladdict 7 років тому +1

    I love this song

  • @witchmoon11
    @witchmoon11 4 роки тому

    My friend gave me this link.. im so proud she did!! I think your right... i totally agree!! Lol🙏🤗

  • @rabbitwanter
    @rabbitwanter 7 років тому

    i love thisssss

  • @BigEvoe
    @BigEvoe 7 років тому

    Love that sus chord at the end!

  • @jacobstevens979
    @jacobstevens979 7 років тому +3

    This could be a soundtrack for my life lol

  • @MinerzXD
    @MinerzXD 7 років тому +6

    ayy litty

  • @danielleowens5292
    @danielleowens5292 5 років тому

    Oh I wasn't expecting this! Very nice buddy

  • @robbmars1686
    @robbmars1686 5 років тому

    Great track.

  • @michaeltaschler7368
    @michaeltaschler7368 5 років тому

    Great song 👌👌👌

  • @Greggy747
    @Greggy747 7 років тому

    this is so fantastic :) keep it coming

  • @Billi_crow
    @Billi_crow 6 років тому

    Love u wax 💕

  • @gddub
    @gddub 7 років тому

    Bravo. Very well written track !

  • @HowToDrawwithMrGray
    @HowToDrawwithMrGray 7 років тому

    So talented.

  • @USCx310
    @USCx310 7 років тому +7

    You Ever Doing Chain Reaction Again?

  • @PocariPocari
    @PocariPocari 7 років тому

    waax has got a smaackinn voice

  • @darnit006
    @darnit006 4 роки тому


  • @77zwilson
    @77zwilson 7 років тому

    Nice chord progression!

  • @MissIshX
    @MissIshX 7 років тому

    You have such a good voice! Wow! Beautiful. 🌈✊️🦋

  • @victoriamadison7547
    @victoriamadison7547 7 років тому

    I love it!!

  • @guillermolujan4097
    @guillermolujan4097 7 років тому +4

    Master Piece

  • @willygallagher749
    @willygallagher749 7 років тому

    nice wee tune sir!

  • @VickDOUBLEOo5
    @VickDOUBLEOo5 7 років тому

    Man, lol! This guy is a crazy genius..

  • @TheNobleBard
    @TheNobleBard 7 років тому +1

    Oh Wax. I love you buddy. :)

  • @dbzpark1931
    @dbzpark1931 6 років тому

    Happy 420 everyone

  • @billybrown00
    @billybrown00 3 роки тому

    I don’t know of too many artists consistently better live then they are on recording. Wax is an anomaly.

  • @gddub
    @gddub 5 років тому

    Is this song from the 1950s ? Lol you're an absolute Gem

  • @Burt69CB
    @Burt69CB 7 років тому

    When does the wax ft. herbal t Acoustic Monday come out?

  • @silasgotsch4458
    @silasgotsch4458 5 років тому +5

    2010: Btw. this rapper can sing too
    2018/19: Btw. this singer can rap too

  • @tavogerard9691
    @tavogerard9691 7 років тому +1

    These are gonna be put together as an album when summer's done, right? I'd love to get my hands on these

    • @intouch8789
      @intouch8789 5 років тому

      This song is on his new album lol. I like this version better though.

  • @Azianbrutha
    @Azianbrutha 7 років тому +2

    I love you man

  • @jxnnyace7097
    @jxnnyace7097 7 років тому

    Music is always better when it comes to you!!! I appreciate it more than i usually do!! Haha your a fuckin musical GENIUS!!!!!!!!! #BeautifulPenis

  • @ferllio23
    @ferllio23 7 років тому +1

    Wax, come on bro you said you ain't gonna write no more love songs. (love it btw)

    • @010Movies
      @010Movies 7 років тому

      ferllio23 its about weed i think

  • @nicotinenorth5702
    @nicotinenorth5702 7 років тому +4

    This song is very scientifically sound.

  • @GeraldsButler
    @GeraldsButler 7 місяців тому

    I remember listening to wax playing mw2

  • @mbormel
    @mbormel 7 років тому +48

    Actually, for real... you should lose the preamble, record it in the studio... then sell it to Disney or Pixar or some shit! Forreal... I could totally see this on one of their blockbuster animated feature length films. Tell Brian Washington to get off his ass and make some shit happen for you!! Too much talent for the world not to hear!!

    • @danielbrammer8441
      @danielbrammer8441 6 років тому +2

      mbormel what's crazy is that wax is not a Disney artist, but this song about weed is perfect for disney😂

    • @Iproductions0
      @Iproductions0 6 років тому +5

      Wax has actually said he has wanted to sell verses or even make jingles, so I can totally see this happening

    • @Sam-me5pl
      @Sam-me5pl 6 років тому

      it sounded like those guys speak in kids shows at times

  • @FrostedClarinet
    @FrostedClarinet 7 років тому +4

    kermit the frog sounding ass. i love it lmao these songs make my week

    • @Oats
      @Oats 7 років тому

      Gianluca Tkach sammeee

  • @joshjoshson5999
    @joshjoshson5999 6 років тому +1

    Can I get some tabs or a chord chart for this

  • @seattletyler
    @seattletyler 7 років тому +1


  • @KevAlberta
    @KevAlberta 7 років тому

    Best love song ever imma sing this to a girl

  • @Soopcan42
    @Soopcan42 7 років тому

    A little ode to being high. fucking love it \../

  • @tokethedude1103
    @tokethedude1103 7 років тому +1

    With you is my new way to say smoking bud..
    Coworker: so what'd you do last night night?
    Me: I was with you.

  • @GJO95
    @GJO95 7 років тому +2


    @SHIFTKICK 7 років тому +2

    This has that classic happy vibe with a marijuana twist

  • @cheeseballer_
    @cheeseballer_ 5 років тому

    Wax new crack and this like bruh wot versatility to the fuckin max?

  • @clickingbuttons27
    @clickingbuttons27 Рік тому

    That chord progression is NASTY dog

  • @yessicaisgone
    @yessicaisgone 7 років тому

  • @sidoublen9121
    @sidoublen9121 7 років тому

    This is fuckin awesome

  • @BeardyCatDad
    @BeardyCatDad 7 років тому
