This poem has moved me since I first came across it in college back in the 80's. Thanks for giving it well-deserved attention. Great analysis! "an ecstasy of fumbling," "[a devil] sick of sin," and [pacing behind the wagon that they] ""flung him in" are among the finest evocative poetic expressions I know of. The fact that Owen died just a week before the war ended is almost too much. I wonder if soldiers on both sides are reading translations of this in Ukraine?...
This poem has moved me since I first came across it in college back in the 80's. Thanks for giving it well-deserved attention. Great analysis! "an ecstasy of fumbling," "[a devil] sick of sin," and [pacing behind the wagon that they] ""flung him in" are among the finest evocative poetic expressions I know of. The fact that Owen died just a week before the war ended is almost too much. I wonder if soldiers on both sides are reading translations of this in Ukraine?...
Guttering choking drowning
Line 13 sea full of danger
Lack of repreive of the soldiers
Alters the rhthmical lines
Thing curdlse trudge onometopiia consonance
Sacks coughing
Devil sick of din